web view06.02.2017 · read the comic strip of your lesson ‘ the monkey and the...

Download Web view06.02.2017 · Read the Comic Strip of your lesson ‘ The Monkey and the Crocodile ... singers forming a choir group and choreographers adding movement on the

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Subject: English


Class VI

Lesson 1. A tale of two birds

Lesson 6. The Monkey and the Crocodile

Skills Focused

Target Learning Outcomes

Suggested Strategies




Reading Comics, designing comic strips.

Telling stories - Increase children's willingness to communicate thoughts and feelings

Encourage active participation

Increase verbal proficiency

Encourage use of imagination and creativity

Encourage cooperation between students

Enhance listening skills

Writing stories based on the lessons learnt

Individual work

Pair Work

Group Work


TLO: Students will be able to make a Visual Representation of the stories from the book.

1. Read the Comic Strip of your lesson The Monkey and the Crocodile . Conduct a Musical or a role play based on the Comic. Divide the class into tree groups-Actors, singers forming a choir group and choreographers adding movement on the stage.

2. Discuss in groups the lesson that you learn from it.

3. Can you make a similar story based on friendship and betrayal ?

4. Make a comic Strip on A tale of two birds.

Comic : A Tale of two Birds

Example :

Subject: English


Class VI

Lesson 2. The friendly Mongoose.

Lesson 9. What happened to the Reptiles

Skills Focused

Target Learning Outcomes

Suggested Strategies




Reading Comic story, staging a play

Listening and expressing points of view.

Group Work

Whole Class Work


TLO: Students will be able to stage a drama showcasing Inclusive Education

Here is a school founded by the King of the forest. Expand on the Comic Story and stage a play including the roles given in the Comic. You may add your own. What lesson do we learn from here? Here is a quote from the great scientist Albert Einstein Everybody is a genius. But if you judge afishby its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.


TLO: Students will be able to conduct a role play based on the lesson The Friendly Mongoose

The Friendly Mongoose showed how small misunderstanding between animal and man can kill. Sometimes one mistake costs us dearly. Loved ones can destroy lives and bring untold suffering to people , animals who are loyal to us. Organise yourself in groups and enact short role plays showing this sad reality. Show the class how we can correct the mistakes and learn Lifes lessons from them.

Subject: English


Class VI

Lesson 7. The Wonder called Sleep.

Lesson 8. A Pact with the Sun

Skills Focused

Target Learning Outcomes

Suggested Strategies





Reading Charts, health and Nutrition facts from newspapers and General Science text book.

Speaking on related topics in a clear and concise manner.

Listening and expressing points of view.

Making Charts & Placards for Display Board to outline Lifestyle related Health Benefits

Group Work

Pair Whole

Class Work


TLO: Students will be able to collect and disseminate information across the Curriculum.

1. Make a detailed list of the above mentioned topics in a Chart and Conduct a special programme in the Assembly titled Healthy Living to a better You.


TLO: Students will be able to collect information, and record the findings by making Health Charts.

Read the passage below. Answer the questions :

Once it's 9:30 p.m., all is quiet at Mayas house . Maya and her brother Kishan are sleeping soundly. "My husband and I sleep-trained them at an early age, and our routine will not change" says Deepali, who works as a teacher. "They have a bath, brush their teeth, say a prayer, and get a story. Then it's lights-out. I'm convinced that's why they have fewer health problems. They also don't get as many colds as other kids in their class."

Parents have always felt that sleep directly affects a child's mood, and most would agree it's got a big impact on learning and behavior. But pediatric researchers' latest findings suggest that sleep is also essential to good health. When kids get the sleep they need, they may have a lower risk of becoming overweight and developing diabetes as well as fewer learning problems and attention issues. Sleep is as important as nutrition and exercise. It's when the body repackages neurotransmitters, chemicals that enable brain cells to communicate. And experts have recently been able to demonstrate that sleep allows brain cells to "take out the trash" each night, flushing out disease-causing toxins.

(a) When does Maya and her brother go to sleep? Why ?

(b) What does her mother believe?

(c) Make a of list of at least five benefits of a good nights sleep.

A good Nights Sleep

1. Promotes Growth- It helps children to grow well. "Growth hormone is specially secreted during deep sleep," says a doctor and aParentsadvisor.

2. Sleep helps the heart- __________________________________________

3. Sleep helps beat germs _________________________________________________________

4. Sleep promotes learning __________________________________________________________

5. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Subject: English


Class VI

Lesson 3. The Shepherds Treasure.

Lesson 10. A Strange Wrestling Match.

Skills Focused

Target Learning Outcomes

Suggested Strategies





Speaking skill through Story Telling technique : use story skeletons to help remember the key events

thinking of the plot as a film or a series of connected images

telling the story in own words

creating your own version of the story (adapt and improvise)

Language learning as a intuitive process through dramatization.

Learning delivery of language as a first language, i.e thought, understanding and expression are in the same language.


Pair Work

Group Work


TLO: Students will be able to imbibe speaking skill through Story Telling technique using multi-sensory, non-linear approach to make the child a confident user of English.

Have you visited the world of Karadi, the storyteller bear from India, who takes you on an exciting and magical journey with his stories? If not, you must visit online his forest, and he will enthrall you with wonderful stories of man and beasts, their homes, their fights, and their exciting lives in the forest, villages and just about everywhere.

Read any Karadi Tales or stories from the Panchatantra. In groups or pair prepare for a story telling session in the class. You can use Props, small items or dresses to make your story interesting. Adding music or song will make your story come alive. Practise voice change, modulation, swinging your hands and legs. You are now ready to be the Story teller of your class. You will find that It is more than exchanging information and extending ideas, it is the means of reaching out and connecting with other people.


TLO: Students will be able to imbibe speaking skill through Story Telling technique using multi-sensory, non-linear approachto make the child a confident user of English.

This story is an invitation to all children to read along with your friends. Each narrator begins by asking, Will you read with me?, and takes the others on a journey into the world of the story. This reading will transport you into another world that is filled with wondrous possibility.

This story will fire your imagination and set it free. You can start thinking of writing your own ghost story.

Ghosts in the Verandah

Ruskin Bond

Bibiji, my neighbour, a warm, attractive woman in her early thirties, is fond of odd, scary stories, most of which have their setting in her village near Mathura.

The other night Bibiji launched into an account of various types of ghosts she had known - the ghosts of wicked women -churels-who appeared with their feet facing backwards; ghosts with long front teeth who sucked human blood and ghosts who take the form of snakes and animals.

One species that I found particularly fascinating was themunjia(supposedly the disembodied spirit of a Brahmin youth who died before his marriage) which is said to take up its abode in the branches of a lonely peepul tree. When the spirit is annoyed, it rushes out from the tree and upsetstongas, bullock carts and bicycles; even a bus is known to have been overturned by amunjia. According to Bibiji, should anyone be passing beneath a peepul tree at night, he must be careful not to yawn without covering his mouth or snapping his fingers in front of it. If he doesn't remember to do this, themunjiawill dash down his throat and completely ruin his digestive system.

Among other things, Bibiji told us of the night she had seen the ghost of her husband's first wife. The ghost had lifted Bibiji's baby, then a few months old, out of its cradle, rocked it in her arms for a little while, and announced she was glad the child was a good boy- a sentiment which is not shared by those who know him, for Bibiji's son, now ten, is th