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Human Impact on the Environment Educators’ Names (with Titles): James Emley( computer science- technology), Anna Thackeray (language art), Alicia Reyes (science),Joel Brener(Science), Anna Konopliv ( math), Kathryn Manheimer( fine art), Stacy Erenberg(PE), Ian Prinn( Social Studies), William Barrett (Music) Lesson Overview Skill Level (Grade Range) 8th Grade STEAM Magnet Central Theme Exploration and Colonization Topic Concept of Theme Human Impact on Natural Resources Summary of Essential Concepts Concept: Eighth grade students will research the European exploration of North America and analyze the impact they have on natural resources. Students will contribute digital and physical artifacts that reflect their understanding of European exploration of North America and the impact they have on natural resources to be exhibited in a technologically enhanced gallery walk. Essential Concepts: SUMMARY: In science, students will research to construct a written and oral argument supported by your evidence of how the European exploration of North America(SS) increased the human population (S) and per-capita consumption of natural resources and how this impacted Earth’s systems(S) in North America. Students will create infographics (M) analyzing the data on environmental effects (M) from human impact during America (SS). Students will create visual

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Page 1: · Web viewLesson Overview. Skill Level (Grade Range) 8th Grade STEAM Magnet . Central Theme. Exploration and Colonization. Topic Concept of Theme. Human Impact on Natural

Human Impact on the EnvironmentEducators’ Names (with Titles): James Emley( computer science- technology), Anna Thackeray (language art), Alicia Reyes (science),Joel Brener(Science), Anna Konopliv ( math), Kathryn Manheimer( fine art), Stacy Erenberg(PE), Ian Prinn( Social Studies), William Barrett (Music)

Lesson Overview

Skill Level

(Grade Range)

8th Grade STEAM Magnet

Central Theme Exploration and Colonization

Topic Concept of Theme

Human Impact on Natural Resources

Summary of Essential Concepts Concept:

Eighth grade students will research the European exploration of North America and analyze the impact they have on natural resources. Students will contribute digital and physical artifacts that reflect their understanding of European exploration of North America and the impact they have on natural resources to be exhibited in a technologically enhanced gallery walk.

Essential Concepts:


In science, students will research to construct a written and oral argument supported by your evidence of how the European exploration of North America(SS) increased the human population (S) and per-capita consumption of natural resources and how this impacted Earth’s systems(S) in North America. Students will create infographics (M) analyzing the data on environmental effects (M) from human impact during America (SS). Students will create visual displays of their research using craftsmanship and elements of art (FA). Students will also compose musical soundtracks (MU) to accompany the kiosk gallery walk. Students will create narratives from the perspective of an individual impacted by colonization and utilize multimedia to present their narratives in a gallery walk (LA). Students will explore the human energy output and model the physical labor (PE) and structures in society during colonization. For the final gallery walk and display students will develop their coding skills and create QR codes to link students’ ipads to their digital or auditory presentations (T&E).

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*S = Science; T&E = Technology and Engineering; SS = Social Studies; M = Math; PE = Physical Education; LA = Language Arts, FA = Fine Arts, Mu = Music


(reality-based learning)

Lesson Plan Overview

Integrated Basic Plan

The main focus point of this project is the integration between identifying the sociological and technological impact of American colonization while expressing their knowledge via an innovative technological tool of modern technology. Basically, the students are using modern technology to bring a piece about historical technology to life. Through the combination of physical art, musical art, and digital art, and factual information, the students are guiding the audience through the gallery art walk with a highly dynamic and entertaining narration, which can be accessed through their personal iPad. This adds to the personalized interaction with each audience member.

The engagement aspect of the project can be found in the QR-Code access print-out, which allows the audience to control the speed of his or her own progress through the gallery walk. Furthermore, the presentation program can be individualized in that each user with the iPad may use headphones. This will increase focus on the program, while reducing extraneous noise within the gallery room. The project integrates all the subjects in a variety of ways. In science, students will research to construct a written and oral argument supported by your evidence of how the European exploration of North America(SS) increased the human population (S) and per-capita consumption of natural resources and how this impacted Earth’s systems(S) in North America. Students will create infographics (M) analyzing the data on environmental effects (M) from human impact during America (SS). Students will create visual displays of their research using craftsmanship and elements of art (FA). Students will also compose musical soundtracks (MU) to accompany the kiosk gallery walk. Students will write narratives and write argumentative pieces (LA) to explore the output of their information. Students will explore the human energy output and model the physical labor (PE) and structures in society during colonization. For the final gallery walk and display students will develop their coding skills and create QR codes to link students ipads to their digital or auditory presentations (T&E). The end product will be an engaging, guided exhibition that showcases the artistic expression and understanding of artifacts generated during the American colonization period. The technological interactivity allows any person to receive a very personalized and guided tour.

This plan should address 21st Century Skills including:

● Collaboration: students work in teams to create kiosks, students give each other feedback

● Communication – gather, interpret & report data, ask questions: students collect

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research and present their findings creatively.● Critical Thinking/Problem Solving – students decide on and pose questions:

students analyze data and make inferences about the meaning of their data analysis. students create their own questions for students to compare and make predictions about natural resources consumptions.

● Creativity/Innovation – develop and/or evaluate solutions based on evidence: students make predictions for the future, students also develop presentations with evidence to back their findings and conclusions



Evidence Based

The final assessment for our STEAM unit is a Google form that will be developed collaboratively by all teacher to showcase and analyze what the students have learned and taken away from this unit. Students will use their notes they took while interacting with the gallery walk, in addition to a handout that will host all of the QR codes that were used during the gallery walk to use as a resource to reflect on what they learned.

All teachers will collaboratively analyze students’ responses and determine which kiosk (QR code) had the greatest impact on engagement and connections to the curriculum.

Student Team Selection

(if applicable)

How are the students being assigned to meaningful teams that will enhance their access to information in multiple ways and methodologies?

What components are done as a group, on teams or individually?

Math, English,and Science students will be grouped in threes and will remain together.

Technology Elective students will be grouped in 5-7.

Music will be grouped 4.

PE will be grouped 7-10 students to play their game.

Time Frame of Lesson

The final product will be completed after 4 weeks; the pacing for the subjects is as follows:

Social Studies, Fine Arts, Musical Arts:

4 weeks

20 days

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once per day (50 min periods)


1 week (2nd week of 4 weeks)

5 days

once per day (50 min periods)

Physical Education:

1 week (last week of 4 weeks)

5 days

once per day (50 min periods)

Engineering & Technology:

2-3 weeks (after musical component)

15 days

once per day (50 min periods)


4 weeks (develop linear understanding first 2 weeks, second 2 weeks create infographics and generate questions)

20 days

once per day (50 min periods)

Language Arts:

4 weeks (2 weeks exploring narrative writing & 2 weeks writing and editing narratives about North America)

20 days

once per day (50 min per day)

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Basic Supplies

(divided by subject)

Science: ipad, paper, pen, projector, teacher laptop, internet, Apple TV, poster to host question board, post-its.

Technology: iPad, Internet access, Logic Pro DAW, Hitfilm Express, Green Screen, Condenser Microphone, Diffuser Lights, Printer.

Mathematics: composition notebook, graph paper, pencils, colored pencils, ipads, projectors, posters, markers

Fine Art: 100 paper 5 x7 postcard, watercolor, brushes, crayon, marker

Music: musical instruments, recording equipment, synthesizers, computers, speakers

Social Studies: textbooks, paper, ipads, computers, printer, glue sticks,scissors

Physical Education: field, basketball courts, balls, cones, tag, capture the flag

Language Arts: textbooks, paper, notebooks, peer reviews, powerpoints, ipads

IT and Additional Resources

Within the research of individual subjects, Internet access will be required to conduct the research of environmental impact, sociological impact, technological development of instruments and transportation, and artistic examples to guide the students. Furthermore, the work and research information may be retained on the iPads, which may also be imported to each student’s portfolio. Within each individualized kiosk presentation station, a QR-Code printout will be

placed in front of the visual artifacts. The CS students will be assigned to create the A/V narrative aspect of the presentation, and the only equipment that the recipient of the presentation would need would be an iPad w/ optional headphones. Based on the information received from the Social Studies, Science, Math, and English classes, the CS class would generate an automated Google Slide presentation (containing video narratives, graphical data slides, pictorial references, and bullet-point text) through the following website:

The slide presentation would be narrated utilizing the recording technology within the Music Recording Lab using the Logic Pro DAW program, and the visual aspects of the presentation may be edited and Chroma-keyed on the Hitfilm Express program within the CS Lab. Once the visual presentations are completed for each kiosk, each Google Slide website will have its own QR-Code generated on the following website:

Technology and Western Colonialism Resource:

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Career Cluster

People or organizations that could be used as resources. The Los Angeles Natural History Museum and the California Science Center may be great resources to understand the relationship between historical exploration and the impact of technology. Relevant artifacts most likely exist at multiple points within each of the academic centers, and the presentation style may also give the students ideas.

The students will understand the the importance of doing accurate historical research, citing important and relevant facts which may be impressionable to the audience, and exhibit this information in a highly engaging and novel format. This work is reflective of careers based in museum and art exhibits, technology engineers, computer design specialists, and data scientists.


All interested classes will be permitted for a tour of the gallery walk within the S.T.E.A.M. center at allotted time slots and/or at the student’s convenience during lunch, nutrition, or after school hours. Furthermore, a more detailed list of potential audience participants can be found below.

o Studento Educatoro Other students in classo Other students in grade levelo Students throughout school

o Other educatorso Parents/guardianso Community memberso Local professionalso Printed/On-line Publications

Miscellaneous (Extensions and


General or specific to a subject area.

o Students are encouraged to use high levels of creativity in generating the physical and performance artifacts. Anything from diasporas, fine art paintings, or period-specific music will be encouraged during the research period. Furthermore, role playing exercises will also be incorporated into the Google Slide presentation to enhance the ‘believability’ of the students empathy towards colonial life in early America.

o Extending the length of time to complete the individual subject. Teachers will also modify the rubrics based on students’ needs, and each student is given the freedom of authentic choice to generate any type of artifact relevant to the time period. The teacher will provide the time frame of completion while supporting the student with guidance of historical perspective.

o The teacher will support the students by providing examples of colonial artifacts and help students increase the empathy towards American colonial life by studying the technology, listening to colonial music, and understanding the types of transportation dominant of the period. This type of role playing will help the students understand their role of creating a guided journey within the gallery walk.

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o An extension of this project may be created with a field trip to the local American HIstory Museum to understand other types of museum dioramas, music of the time period, and other relevant facts that will help a student gain an understanding of early American colonial life.


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1. Science

Essential Concept(s) Human impact on Earth’s systems.


● Use the internet to research and find evidence of how the European exploration of North America increased the human population and per-capita consumption of natural resources and thus impacted Earth’s systems in North America.

● Use your research to create a cause and effect list of how the European Exploration impacted North America’s natural resources.

● Use your research to construct a written and oral argument supported by your evidence of how the European exploration of North America increased the human population and per-capita consumption of natural resources and how this impacted Earth’s systems in North America.


National Science Teachers Association (NSTA): NSTA Standards

NSTA Standard 2: Content Pedagogy

Effective teachers of science understand how students learn and develop scientific knowledge.

Next Generation Science Standards:

MS-ESS3-4 (Human Impact)

Construct an argument supported by evidence of how the increased of human population and per-capita consumption impact Earth’s systems.

English National Curriculum Lower Stage1

using straightforward scientific evidence to answer questions or to support their findings.

VocabularyNatural resources, Per capita, human impact, earth systems,

Career(s) Tie-In According to,”Human production and consumption rely on our environment's natural resources and ecosystems. Professionals in environmental sustainability work to ensure our activities contribute to – or at least don’t detract from – those ecosystems’ ability to endure. A rapidly growing world population places ever-greater demands on these resources and if left unchecked, leads to climate change. Sustainability leaders look for solutions to both economic and environmental demands to ensure that future generations have the natural resources they need

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to meet their needs.”

The careers that can apply with this project focuses on research of biodiversity and species conservation. For example, a conservation office implement schemes for the creation and protection of habitat. In addition, the environmental consultant works on client contracts on environmental audit impact assessment, pollution, waste management and environmental policy.

This project will tie into these careers because students will be examining how Europeans colonization changed the environment.

Project Element


Educator / Student Feedback

(student application of standard/benchmark/goa


RBL Component &


This NGSS science lesson utilizes the RBL approach to allow students research and document evidence of how humans impact natural resources during European colonization of North American. The students will construct a final written argument supported by their evidence of how the European exploration of North America increased the human population and per-capita consumption of natural resources and how this impacted Earth’s systems in North America.The second component to this RBL is to have each student construct an oral argument supported by their evidence of how the European exploration of North America increased the human population and per-capita consumption of natural resources and how this impacted Earth’s systems in North America that students present in a “share-out” on the last day of the lesson.

This RBL helps students make connections with increased population and decreased natural resources.

Students will use the following 2 tables to document their research using their ipads:

Students will use this cause and effect chart to analyze their research and identify how much of an impact they had on North America natural resources.

Students will use this document to construct an argument one paragraph long supported by evidence of how the increased of human population and per-capita consumption impact Earth’s systems.

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Student checkpoints will be the following day but walking around the classroom to check progress, content, and answer any questions. There will be a classroom question board that students can post questions and answer other students’ questions. At the beginning of each class students will share one evidence to share out. This will be an opportunity discuss any misconceptions. The final science assessment will be their argument paragraph and oral statement.

The final project will be a gallery walk of all the class culminating work.


Evidence Based

End Product + Interview

Student’s final work in science will be evaluated by using a rubric to identify each component of their written argument is present and by using a rubric to identify each component of their oral argument is present.

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(Enrichment, modification, extension, alternate methodology)

Modification/Enrichment: Students will be given sentence frames to help connect evidence with their claim.

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2. Technology & 3. Engineering

Essential Concept(s)

T = The students are incorporating the informational products from the other subject classes and generating an interactive, technology-based presentation format bringing the past to live through an audio narrative, visual resources, utilization of graphical data in a statistical kiosk, and interactive assessments that measure levels of student engagement.

E = The narrative presentation will include visual and audio design incorporating Google technology (Slides and Forms), and the QR-Code generator introduces the innovative interactivity of a student’s iPad which guides him or her through the gallery walk. Examining the design of the tables will allow the students to decide how much can effectively be placed on each kiosk table. As well as the layout of how and where to place each item.


Our goal is to Integrate computer interactivity and design into the audio/visual presentational aspects of the gallery walk. The use of the school Recording Lab, Visual Media Lab, and resource websites (Google Slides, QR-Code Generator), will be utilized to create an engaging and cohesive series of presentations that will guide the audience through an automated multi-media experience. To come up with a layout plan to host each kiosk table (E) by using defining the problem, challenges, and then coming up with a purposeful layout plan.

Standard(s) International Technology and Engineers in Education Association (ITEEA):

Standards for Technological Literacy ITEEA Standards (See Appendix B, p. 210):

2.App.B, Abilities for a Tech World (11, 12, & 13): Students will develop the abilities to apply the design process. Students will develop the abilities to use and maintain technological products and their systems. Students will develop the ability to assess the impacts of products and systems.English National Curriculum Design and Technology Standards:

Key Stage 1: Students use technology purposefully to create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve digital content. Students will use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private; identify where to go for help and support when they have concerns about content or contact on the internet or other online technologies.

Key Stage 3: Students undertake creative projects that involve selecting, using, and combining multiple applications, preferably across a range of devices, to achieve challenging goals, including collecting and analysing data and meeting the needs of known users.

Key Stage 4: Students develop their capability, creativity and knowledge in computer science, digital media and information technology.

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International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE): ISTE Standards :

Standard 5, Computational Thinkers:

6a. Students choose the appropriate platforms and tools for meeting the desired objectives of their creation or communication.

6b. Students create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital resources into new creations.

6d. Students publish or present content that customizes the message and medium for their intended audiences.

American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE): ASEE K-12 STEM Standards


All Americans will:

Apply their knowledge of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics to define, analyze, and solve problems

VocabularyAutomation, digital objects, digital products, models, data visualizations, simulations, complex object communication, multimedia mixing, algorithmic sequence, design, qr-code generator, Google slide, user-guided tour.

Career(s) Tie-In

Students will understand how museum curators combine technology, information, visual resources, music, and narratives bring history to life. In addition, they will also understand how music and multimedia professionals utilize the editing and mixing programs to create an engaging and original method of transmitting information that will be remembered by the audience. The engineering careers ties are the furniture design pieces used to hold the kiosk information(E).

Project Element


Educator / Student Feedback

(student application of standard/benchmark/goal


RBL Component &

T = using tools, E = designing a new element E= analyzing table space to determine the layout of the kiosk table.

Evidence indicating the first component of the RBL approach can be found within the protocols defined by the NGSS and Computer Science standards. The template given to the students before the gallery walk during science class will allow them to organize their presentation in a cohesive and engaging manner:

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The students will create digital artifacts to be presented as an interactive gallery walk of student work. As stated early they will create QR codes that link into artifacts.

The teacher will host a class a discussion to examine the surface area, and strength of the tables being used to house each kiosk. Small groups discussion will take place to share ideas. Teacher will then ask each group to determine the layout of artifacts for each kiosk. Students must come up with a group consensus of their artifact layout.

After the gallery walk, the completed Google form will allow the teachers to analyze the informational retainment for each student based on each reflection. This built-in accountability feature will allow for convenient way to assess students for gallery walk completion. An automated spreadsheet will also allow the students to assess their own level of workmanship, room for future improvements as a goal, and allow the students to evaluate their own weaknesses and strengths.


Evidence Based

End Product + Interview

During the digital logging and creating digital artifacts the teacher will walk around the room to check for understanding. Their final products will be evaluated using a rubric. The teacher will assess the drawing from each group representing each kiosk layout to ensure all items are present.

Students’ work will be evaluated by a set of criteria within the rubric below.

At the end of the gallery walk, a QR-Code will be present and link the student to a final assessment through a Google Form. The assessment data can then be analyzed statistically and quantified to understand which kiosk had the greatest level of impact and engagement from the student body. The data may also be transformed into an easy-to-read graph which may be evaluated as an end product to gauge student engagement. The data from these graphs may be utilized within future Math assignments, and the data may also be used as a reflective tool in planning the effectiveness of future gallery walks.

Technology Rubric CheckList

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Description Content Present

Yes = 1 No = 0

End ProductProgress = 5 Final = 3

create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve digital content from science, english,math class

Students choose the appropriate platforms (slides, video, music)and tools (KIOSK) for meeting the desired objectives of their creation or communication.

original work or responsibly repurposed or remix digital resources into new creations.

publish or present content that customizes the message and medium for their intended audiences.

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Engineering Kiosk Table Assignment Checklist Rubric

Description Content Present

Yes = 1 No = 0

End ProductProgress = 5 Final = 3

Apply their knowledge of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics to define the problem How to To come up with a layout plan to host each kiosk table (E).

Apply their knowledge of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics to analyze the problems Kiosk table challenges and limits

Apply their knowledge of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics to solve the problem purposeful layout plan of a kiosk table (E).

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(Enrichment, modification, extension, alternate


A modification of the gallery walk may occur real-time as the beginning responses begin to populate the Google Form. If very little engagement is occurring within a specific kiosk, the students may modify their Google Slide for immediate change throughout the course of the Gallery walk. In addition, an extended mathematical analysis of the data collected from student engagement may be used in a multitude of ways, including statistical methodology, enhanced research lessons based on human impact of western colonization, and the impact of science / technology on the western colonies.

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4. Mathematics

Essential Concept(s)

Students will be able to use functions to model relationships between human impact (population increase, colonization, technology inventions) and environmental resources (water, trees, air quality etc…) Students will be able to apply their knowledge of modeling relationships between quantities through problem solving human impact on the environment.


-The overall goal is for students to understand a function as a relationship between two quantities. Students will be able to graph independent and dependent variables and then analyze their graphs

-Students will understand how to use their knowledge of functions to approximate quantitatively how much resources were lost due to human impact (i.e.: how many trees were lost and how much oxygen in the air was lost etc…)

-Students are capable of applying their function knowledge to study the effects of human impact both in past and present.

-The purpose of functions is for students to understand how scientific data can be analyzed to form linear or nonlinear function relationships. Students use the function relationship to predict the depletion of natural resources. Students will also quantify natural resources (i.e.: oxygen, carbon dioxide, trees, pollution etc…) and then analyze their quantity in the environment based on human colonization.

-Students are addressing human impact on the environment

Standard(s) National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM): NCTM Standards

English National Curriculum: Math Standards:

Number - multiplication and division

solve one-step problems involving multiplication and division, by calculating the answer using concrete objects, pictorial representations and arrays with the support of the teacher

Common Core: Math Standards Common Core

Define, evaluate, and compare functions.


Compare properties of two functions each represented in a different way

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(algebraically, graphically, numerically in tables, or by verbal descriptions). For example, given a linear function represented by a table of values and a linear function represented by an algebraic expression, determine which function has the greater rate of change.

Use functions to model relationships between quantities.CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.8.F.B.4

Construct a function to model a linear relationship between two quantities. Determine the rate of change and initial value of the function from a description of a relationship or from two (x, y) values, including reading these from a table or from a graph. Interpret the rate of change and initial value of a linear function in terms of the situation it models, and in terms of its graph or a table of values.


Describe qualitatively the functional relationship between two quantities by analyzing a graph (e.g., where the function is increasing or decreasing, linear or nonlinear). Sketch a graph that exhibits the qualitative features of a function that has been described verbally.


proportional relationship

independent variable

dependent variable

linear relationship

nonlinear relationship



rate of change

x axis

y axis


Career(s) Tie-In Students are like the “data analysts” for this project. Students quantify the effects of European Exploration of North American natural resources.

When students present their findings about human impact on the environment they will have to present quantifiable data to justify the impacts of human settlement. Students learn to understand how data analysts contribute important evidence and data for companies making

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Project Element


Educator / Student Feedback

(student application of standard/benchmark/goal)

RBL Component &



During this RBL lesson students will explore possible correlations between European colonization of North America and North American natural resources. first students will learn to identify independent and dependent variables. They will also describe qualitatively the functional relationship between two quantities by analyzing a graph. Second they will learn how to identify what a linear and nonlinear graph looks like. During the class time we will use kinesthetic movement with our arms to model linear, origin, x and y axis. Then students will use historical data graphs from Colonial America by the Numbers about population in the middle colonies to practice identifying independent, dependent, x-axis, y-axis, origin, linear, and nonlinear. Next students will use the data from population of middle colonies data table to create one data table of one state. During class time students will walk around the each graph and determine which function has the greater rate of change. In addition students will verbally explain their function they modeled in a linear relationship between two quantities. During class discussions, we will create a chart of possible impacts these increased populations have on the environment. From that list students will create mock data tables in order to create a linear graph by using the formula y = mx + b. As a “we do” activity, students work with 2-3 in a group to plot the data and use the formula to create a linear graph. We repeat this 5 times to make sure students understand the process. Students will be given independent practice to ensure they know how to build and identity linear and nonlinear graphs. As a final project, students will create infographics and then present them in a “math kiosk” during our final gallery walk. Students will also create their own interactive questions for their peers to answer during the gallery walk. Ultimately students will be able to create linear and nonlinear graphs, interpret and predict according to functions on the graph. Students will have checkpoints throughout the unit. Students will have quizzes and tests and assessments throughout the unit. Also during the gallery walk students answer interactive questions (i.e. predict the amount of oxygen in the air after 10 years). The students and teachers will give each other feedback- (grows and glows) during the gallery walk.

During the final project students will work together collaboratively to understand the impact humans have on natural resources by create an infographic that includes linear

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and nonlinear graphs and the research they collected about human impact. They will use math knowledge to analyze their findings: identify identify independent and dependent variables, identify what a linear and nonlinear graph,x-axis, y-axis, origin, describe qualitatively the functional relationship, include 2-3 images representing colonization human impact on American environment. In addition students will create 2 questions that ask 2 of the 3 topics: Comparing properties of two functions each represented in a different way, a function to model a linear relationship between two quantities., Describe qualitatively the functional relationship between two quantities by analyzing a graph.

During this lesson student/teacher will use:

o Links : environment/

o o Supplies: ipads, PPT, A/V techo Equipment: ipads, QR codes, websites, videographyo Documents

▪ Educators: Math curriculum▪ Students: research sites

● RBL Component – students will create infographics and then present them in a “math kiosk” that helps society interacts with historical population impacts on America. This allows people to reflect on how we can negatively impact environment.

- As stated above, goal of this project is that students will develop a deeper understanding of human impacts on the environment. Students will make predictions and understand human impacts on society and in the community both in the past and make predictions for the future.

● What is the final product of the project?● students will create infographics and then present them in a “math

kiosk”-Groups of students will create presentations and then present their quantifiable data findings in a gallery walk using QR codes (digital piece).


Evidence Based

End Product + Interview

Remember to put a focus on the process as well as the result.

Recommended: place 40% value on the process, 20% on the product, 40% on the report after the process.

● 40%: how well students work in groups; I look for team

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members contributing equal amounts of work, team members making good use of class time, and team members completing work on time.

● 20% : quality and visual presentations; includes all elements and subjects in the presentation

● 40%: students graded on how the quality of feedback given; 3 constructive criticism, and 3 encouraging glows.

How are each of the standards and the overall goals assessed from entries in a portfolio, the end product, and the report?

● students are able to understand that a function is a rule that has one output for every input; students specifically relate the input and output to human resources

● students analyze and represent data in different ways● students recognize linear and nonlinear relationships● students identify the slope and y-intercept● students interpret the slope and y-intercept

The below rubrics are used to track student progress as they create linear and nonlinear graphs about population impact on the environment. As

students progress the teacher will give progress points so students understand how they are progressing for each category.

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Infographic of Human Impact Data Graphs Rubric Checklist

DescriptionDoes the infographic Include:

Content Present

Yes = 1 No = 0

End ProductProgress = 5 Final = 3

Comparing properties of two functions each represented in a different way (algebraically, graphically, numerically in tables, or by verbal descriptions)

a function to model a linear relationship between two quantities.

Describe qualitatively the functional relationship between two quantities by analyzing a graph (e.g., where the function is increasing or decreasing, linear or nonlinear).

Is there 2-3 images representing colonization human impact on American environment?


Student Generated Questions Rubric Checklist

DescriptionDo the questions Include:

Content Present

Yes = 1 No = 0

End ProductProgress = 5 Final = 3

Comparing properties of two functions each represented in a different way (algebraically, graphically, numerically in tables, or by verbal descriptions)

a function to model a linear relationship between two

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Describe qualitatively the functional relationship between two quantities by analyzing a graph (e.g., where the function is increasing or decreasing, linear or nonlinear).

Is there 2-3 images representing colonization human impact on American environment?


What tangible evidence is used to determine the results?

● Students presentations during the gallery walk● Students ability to generate questions interpreting

graphs● includes accurate graph● includes 3 student generated math questions asking the

viewers to practice their math skills.● includes visual presentation (auditory is optional)

● What specifically will be assessed to align with the benchmarks? How will you group these into rubric categories?● students ability to recognize and interpret linear and

nonlinear graphs

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● Did students accurately:o interpret graphso predict dependent variables on graphs


(Enrichment, modification, extension, alternate


Students will understand linear functions through repetition, direct instruction, group collaboration and problem solving, reciprocal teaching and student generated questions.

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5. Language Arts

Essential Concept(s)

-creating a historical narrative

-editing written pieces to include multiple narrative techniques

-utilizing presentation techniques to record their historical narratives


Students will compose a narrative with real or imagined experiences (influenced by the human impact on natural resources due to European colonization of the Americas) while utilizing effective narrative techniques, descriptive details, and a clear event sequence.


National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE): Language Arts Standards

NCTE Standard 5: Students employ a wide range of strategies as they write and use different writing process elements appropriately to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes.

Common Core: English Language Arts Standards

CCSS ELA-LITERACY.W.8.3:Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, relevant descriptive details, and well-structured event sequences.

English National Curriculum: English Standards

ENC: Draft and write narratives by describing settings, characters and atmosphere and integrating dialogue to convey character and advance the action

Vocabulary ● narrative● protagonist● antagonist● dialogue● setting● plot● perspective/P.O.V.● sequence● foreshadowing● metaphor● simile● personification

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● hyperbole

Career(s) Tie-In






Project Element


Educator / Student Feedback

(student application of standard/benchmark/goal


RBL Component &


Students will create a historical narrative based on the research that they will conduct in their science class. Students will develop their understanding of narrative techniques and how such techniques advance the plot of the narrative. The narratives will be told from the perspective of a person affected by the colonization of America. Students will record their narratives, breaking them up into segments to be shared at each station of the gallery walk. The pre-recorded segments of the narrative will be accessed by visitors of the gallery walk via a set of QR codes.

The RBL applies to societal issues because it allows students to be place the other person’s experience. By writing a narrative students’ can imagine how these environmental changes impact their life.


Evidence Based

End Product + Interview

Rubric elements for written narrative:

● Ideas (historical elements present and well developed),● Organization (sequence flows naturally, enticing introduction,

thought-provoking conclusion, cohesion throughout),● Word Choice (ideas are expressed creatively, eliminating

redundancy and monotony),● Voice (the writer’s voice has a strong presence; it is clear that

the writer has taken ownership of the product),● Sentence Fluency (varying sentence types and beginnings),● Conventions (spelling, punctuation, etc.).

Rubric elements for recorded narrative (speaking and listening standard):

● Voice (clarity and volume)● Confidence (little to no fillers; it is clear that the speaker has

practiced)● Organization (Follows the sequence of the narrative)

Additionally, students will submit a written reflection that analyzes their overall experience in the project as a whole.

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(Enrichment, modification, extension, alternate


Modification: Students may collaborate to create a group narrative rather than an individual narrative.

Extension: Create a historical narrative poem to be recorded as a spoken word piece rather than a traditional narrative essay.

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6. Social Studies

Essential Concept(s) The Impact of European Exploration and Settlement on North America


❖ To gain knowledge about early explorers to North America and to gain perspective on how a given explorer’s time of arrival to this continent compares with that of other explorers.

❖ To research and analyze where Europeans settled in North America and the impact they have on the environment.

❖ To compare the environmental impact settlers had on their environment.


National Council for Social Studies (NCSS): Social Studies Standards

People, Places, Environments

The study of people, places, and environments enables us to understand the relationship between human populations and the physical world.

Common Core: ELA = History/Social Studies Standards


Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources.

Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity:


By the end of grade 8, read and comprehend history/social studies texts in the grades 6-8 text complexity band independently and proficiently.

English National Curriculum: Geography Standards History Standards Citizenship Standards ( NA)

Vocabularyexploration, Europeans, merchant, traders,New World, slavery,conquistadors,missionaries, trappers,cash crops,Puritans, democratic,assembly

Career(s) Tie-In

The careers that tie into this subject is Location Analyst. Location analysts may include site research, marketing, market intelligence, property planning and research, retail, facilities, operations, planning and acquisitions. This lesson ties into this career because the students are researching which settlers colonized in various locations and the impact they had on that environment.

Project Element


Social Studies is often the driver of the central theme for the project.

2.1 Exploration and Settlement (Content Statements 2, 3, 15)

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Educator / Student Feedback

(student application of standard/benchmark/goal


RBL Component &


This RBL social studies lesson will allow students to examine who, why, and where Europeans settled in North America as well as how they impacted North America. Student will be introduced to current day environmental impacts as a hook by a 2 minute video presented at the beginning of class.

Next students will begin their subject matter lesson. They will watch the Flocabulary video to introduce Early Exploration about who came to America and why by using their textbook. Graphic organizers will be given to help students make connection where people came from, where they colonized, and the environmental impact. During class time teacher will conduct think/pair/share about the topic of the day to check for understanding. The final project will be a student selected brochure, poster, picture book, or essay. This artifact will demonstrate their understanding of the social, political, economic and geographic impact colonization had on the environment . During class time teacher will walk around the room to check for understanding and use think/pair/shares at the end of class. In addition,throughout the lesson the teacher will conduct formative assessments while he walks around the classroom. The student content in the handouts will allow the teacher to have unschedule table check-ins to check for understanding and answer questions.

This RBL lesson that connects to society because students learn how human impact natural resources. This RBL allows students to examine why people left their country and the impact it had on the new country. By researching, students are able to make RBL connections to history. Often times students don’t feel history is important but if they learn to examine how humans change environments they may have a different perspective on learning history.

The following is how the teacher will facilitate the lessons.

Use Flocabulary video introduction about Early Exploration to get a preview of what we will learn.

Teacher will introduce the project options at the beginning of the lesson so

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students can begin to brainstorming what they want to create. The project packet will not be handed out until students have complete their research packets. The project packet will be posted on classroom wall so students know the expected timeline. At the beginning of each class the teacher will have a 5-7 lesson about settlers coming to North America, at this time students can ask questions about their packet at this time to get other student feedback.

Research Packet:

Students will use their textbook to research who came to North America and Why? They will use this digital handout that they will access on on their ipad to fill this out.

Students will use their textbook to research who colonized to North American and what they brought and how it impacted the environment.They will use this digital handout that they will access on on their ipad to fill this out.

Students will use this packet to research using their textbook and internet how the Native Americans were impacted by European settlers.

Continued Research Packet Handouts:

Final SS Project to be contributed to Gallery Walk

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Evidence Based

End Product + Interview

Students present their findings in the form of a self selected: brochure, poster, picture book, or essay. This artifact will demonstrate their understanding of the social, political, economic and geographic impact colonization had on the environment .

The following rubrics assess the completeness and quality of each project option.

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(Enrichment, modification, extension, alternate



Students can read this article and create a fly the slogan “ Try Try Again”.

Article: 10 European colonies in America that failed before Jamestown

7. Fine Arts

Essential Concept(s)Students will be able to create an original artworks reflecting a North American location impacted by European Colonization

Goal/ObjectivesStudent will be able to design a work of public art appropriate to and reflecting a location in North America impacted by European Colonization


We often cross-correlate to standards for other subjects in these areas: science (materials), technology (processes), research (LA, history, SS) engineering (creation) and math (structure).

National Art Educators Association (NAEA): NAEA Fine Arts Standards

❖ Anchor Standard #6. Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work.

English National Curriculum: Art and Design Standards

Key Stage 1

❖ to use a range of materials creatively to design and make products


Visual and Performing Arts: Visual Arts Content Standards.

❖ 2.7 Design a work of public art appropriate to and reflecting a location.

Vocabulary mediums, lines, color , form , shape, space, texture, value

Career(s) Tie-In The career that applies to this lesson is an artist. During this lesson students are exposed to combining collaborative concepts to generate innovative ideas to creating art that represents real life.

Another possible career is an art historian. Students are immersing themselves in history and expressing their findings and opinions in an artistic manner. Students develop their artistic ability and also analyze the

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various paintings and photographs of the colonial people and landscapes to reference the changes over time and also build art history skills.

Project Element


Educator / Student Feedback

(student application of standard/benchmark/goal)

RBL Component &


Students will be designing kiosks displaying their research on European Impact on the natural resources in North America in specific locations in the form of paintings, drawings, diagrama, sculpture, etc.

During this lesson the students will brainstorm to determine which impact and location they want to portray. Next they were use their ipads to research images of how that location has changed. The next phase of their project is to plan their design. Students will be given a 5x7 inches limitation of their artwork.Over the next 2 weeks students will be given time to design, construct and create their artifact. At the completion of the artifact all students must write 3-5 sentences explaining what their artifact represents: location, who settled in this location, and how they impact that location.Students must come up with a title.

This project is an example of a RBL because to allows students to artistically represent issues that occur in everyday life. This RBL allows students to use history to examine the impact humans have on natural resources.

Students design PowerPoints or 3D posters or 3D displays using the elements of art, students also explore the history of art during colonization to make inferences about history. Students explore the elements of art: color, form, line, shape, space, texture, and value. Students must integrate at least 4 out of 6 elements in their presentation.

The presentation gallery walk is for the students, teacher,staff, parents, and community. Different sponsors, such as, Staples and Blick and artists for the community, such as, Maryrose Sosa, will also come give feedback.


Evidence Based

End Product + Interview

The final art product will be assessed based on craftsmanship, creativity, work habits, attitude, assignment fulfillment. The Art Rubric below will be used to evaluate the process of students completing their work as well as their creativity. This rubric will be given daily to show progression of work completed.The students will be given 3 days to complete their artifact. The final artifact will be evaluated using the same Art Rubric. In addition, students will be evaluated daily as the teacher walks around the classroom to support students as needed.

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(Enrichment, modification, extension, alternate


Enrichment: students use art display that specifically ties into the colonization period

Modification: students have choice to choose their type of visual display

Extension: students explore impact of art on the environment

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8. Physical Arts

Essential Concept(s)Students will explore colonial games and build community and model the European Colonization.


Students will have opportunities to build their character and develop values of fairness and respect. Students health and fitness is supported while deepening their understanding of European Colonization in North America. Students will learn colonial games to simulate games European Colonial children might have played.


Shape America: National PE Standards

Standard 2 - The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.

Standard 3 - The physically literate individual demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.

Standard 4 - The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.

English National Curriculum: PE Standards

Pupils should tackle complex and demanding physical activities. They should get involved in a range of activities that develops personal fitness and promotes an active, healthy lifestyle.

Pupils should be taught to:

● use and develop a variety of tactics and strategies to overcome opponents in team and individual games


Capture the Flag (“colonial tag”)

Three-legged Race (“footrace”)

Dance Contest

Hide and Seek

Career(s) Tie-In The careers that can be associated with this lesson are Dance Instructor and Physical Trainer because students are learning to work in team to complete a specific task during their games. By examining historical games the early settlers players helps students connect with the past and find

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Project Element


Educator / Student Feedback

(student application of standard/benchmark/goal


RBL Component &


Students play colonial games to re-enact the experience of European Colonists. Students also explore American Indian games. Students play the following colonial games: capture the flag (tag), footrace (three-legged race), dance contest, hide and seek, and track races. Students also explore the physical health implications of pollution and human impact on the environment and vice versa. PE serves as another entry point for students to put themselves in the shoes of the settlers and the Natives of the land and experience the effects of population growth. This RBL allows students to examine and artistic represent the societal issue of human impact on the environment.


Evidence Based

End Product + Interview

Students will be assessed by teacher observation and peer evaluation on their teamwork skills using the following components:

Each component is necessary for building teamwork and sportsmanship skills.

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(Enrichment, modification, extension, alternate


Modification: Students can work at their own pace, based on student ability students play positions they are physically capable of.

Extension: Students develop their own rules and make connections between modern day sports and colonial games.

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9. Musical Arts

Essential Concept(s)

Students will explore the music of Colonial-Era America and compose and record arrangements of songs from the era. Their recordings will serve as cues or underscores to be played in the background of the student narrative presentations in the gallery walk.


1. Students will listen to and analyze three songs from Colonial era America (“Yankee Doodle”, “Springfield Mountain” and “Boston Harbour”)

2. Students will create an arrangement of one of these songs for an ensemble of at least two instruments.

3. Students will utilize the technology in our recording studio to record, mix and master their arrangements.

4. Students will use Logic Pro to create recordings of their arrangements and the student narrations that will be cued by the QR generator in the gallery walk.

Standard(s) National Music Standards Music theory and technology

ANALYZE/MU:Pr4.2.8a :Enduring Understanding: Analyzing creators’ context and how they manipulate elements of music provides insight into their Essential Question: How does understanding the structure and context of musical works intent and informs performance.

English National Curriculum: MUSIC TECHNOLOGY:GCE: Objective 1:Interpret musical ideas with technical and expressive control and a sense of style and awareness of occasion and/or ensemble

California State Standards, Music, 8th Grade

1.5 Analyze and compare the use of musical elements representing various genres, styles, and cultures, with an emphasis on chords and harmonic progressions.

2.3 Perform on an instrument a repertoire of instrumental literature representing various genres, styles, and cultures with expression, technical accuracy, tone quality, and articulation, by oneself and in ensembles

2.5 Arrange simple pieces for voices or instruments other than those for which the pieces were written, using traditional and nontraditional sound sources, including digital/ electronic media.

3.2 Identify and explain the influences of various cultures on music in early United States history

3.5 Perform music from diverse genres, cultures, and time periods

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4.3 Explain how and why people use and respond to specific music from different musical cultures found in the United States

5.2 Describe how music is composed and adapted for use in film, video, radio, and television

5.3 Describe the skills necessary for composing and adapting music for use in film, video, radio, and television

Vocabularyunderscore, cue, arrangement, time signature, key signature, DAW, condenser mic, dynamic mic, mix, master, dynamics, piano, forte, mezzo-piano, mezzo-forte

Career(s) Tie-InComposer, arranger, music historian, music engineer, music teacher, musician

Project Element


Educator / Student Feedback

(student application of standard/benchmark/goal


RBL Component &


Students will use audio recordings and sheet music to discover three songs (“Yankee Doodle”, “Springfield Mountain” and “Boston Harbour”) from Colonial era America. We will explore these songs in a whole-class setting, first by listening to a recording and writing a short reflection, followed by a class discussion. We will then look at a copy of the sheet music for the song and analyze the melodic and harmonic structure. Finally, we will listen to a different recording of the song and use a “double bubble” map to compare and contrast the two recordings. This process will be repeated for each of the three songs.

Once we have explored and analyzed the songs, students will be placed in small groups of four or five to complete the arrangement and recording project. Each group is free to select any of the three songs. They will begin their composition by determining the instrumentation that they will use (each arrangement must use at least two instruments) and the key that their arrangement will be in.

Using the free “Finale SongBook” software on their ipads, they will notate their arrangements. The app includes software instruments that they can play back their compositions with to hear what it sounds like. Each arrangement must be eight to sixteen measures long, use a repeat sign, and must incorporate at least two dynamic markings.

Once the arrangements are finished and students have practiced their parts on their instruments we will begin recording them (using Logic Pro). I will

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demonstrate uses and placements for dynamic and condenser mics. Each student group will need to use a dynamic mic and a condenser mic on their recording ,so they will need to determine which microphones they will use for each instrument. During the recording process two students will be playing their instruments, two students will act as audio engineers and one student will be responsible for setting up and breaking down the equipment.

Once the tracks have been recorded each group will go through the mixing process. I will demonstrate this for the class and provide step by step instructions. The mixing process includes setting track levels, panning, EQ’ing each track, adding reverb and adding compression (optional). All of these things can be done using the Logic Pro software.

Finally, each group will create a track in which they blend their musical arrangement with the voice narration (recorded previously). This track will be converted to an mp3 file and then electronically sent to the computer teacher so that students in that class can attach the files to QR codes and present them as part of the gallery walk.


Evidence Based

End Product + Interview

Students will be assessed on their arrangements and the recordings of their arrangements. The teacher will give formative assessments several times during the class period as he listens to students performances.

The rubric used to assess their projects will account for:

1) the technical (theoretical), creative and aesthetic elements of their arrangement

2) the quality of the recording3) the effective / appropriate use of at least two different microphones4) the effective / appropriate use of the recording software5) the use of post-production techniques (specifically mixing, EQ’ing and

implementation of reverb and compression effects)

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(Enrichment, modification, extension, alternate


Students can explore the various ways that European and African musical influences (specifically harmonic structure and instrumentation) influenced the development of uniquely American music styles during and after the Colonial era.


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Subject Templates & Instructions

Essential Concept(s)

This should give an idea of the big picture concept that you want the students to understand from the lesson.

This should relate to the theme.

(E.g., Water Quality, Robotics, Wearables).


When all of the benchmarks for the lesson are considered, what is the overall goal and objectives for students by mastering those standards? What capabilities and understandings will they have that go beyond the individual content and structure of each standard?

What is the purpose of what the students are studying? What concept or issue of reality are they addressing? (E.g., Water Quality, Robotics, Wearables). When completing the goals and objectives for each subject area, use verbs that tie to each subject’s targeted skills.


What benchmarks are you aligning with? Please list: international, national, state, code and full text of each aligning standard. These should come from published education standards. (If you completed the Curriculum Mapping Chart and/or the Brainstorming Sheet, the standards should already be listed there.)

Please include the written-out version of the standards or goals in order to verify alignment.

VocabularyAre there particular vocabulary words that should be targeted and assessed for this lesson?

Career(s) Tie-In These careers must relate to the direct activities and research of the project. If you are ‘stumped’, refer to the divisions of S-T-E-A-M for broad career topics. For specific fields, Google search ‘scientist + topic.’

In what way will the project element show the tie-in to the career(s)? What component makes it valid?

How are students more deeply understanding by connecting to people

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working in these ways?

Project Element


Educator / Student Feedback

(student application of standard/benchmark/goal


RBL Component &


Create a descriptive paragraph to explain to other educators what students will do. How will students apply their knowledge of the content standards? What feedback and checkpoints will students receive?

What element of this project helps society solve a problem or interacts with real people/community members? (RBL)

Begin with: “Students will…”. If there is an on-line DIY video of someone doing the process, include the link.

o Links o Supplies o Equipment o Documents

▪ Educators▪ Students

● RBL – Component - What element of this project helps society solve a problem or interacts with real people/community members?

● What is the final product of the project?


Evidence Based

End Product + Interview

Include how students’ work will be evaluated, typically by a set of criteria within a rubric.

It is expected that every assessment be rubric-based. Rubrics with a clear set of criteria for students’ work that includes descriptions of levels of performance quality on the criteria. Use the educational standards associated with each subject to develop criteria.

Be sure to align the educational standards within each subject to the outcomes of performance, project and reporting that prove conceptual understanding.

Remember to put a focus on the process as well as the result.

Recommended: place 40% value on the process, 20% on the

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product, 40% on the report after the process.

How are each of the standards and the overall goals assessed from entries in a portfolio, the end product, and the report?

What tangible evidence is used to determine the results?

PLEASE do not say ‘use a rubric’ without saying what categories and basic parameters will be on it. It is expected that every assessment be rubric-based.

● Please provide the categories and basic parameters that will be included in these rubrics.

● What specifically will be assessed to align with the benchmarks? How will you group these into rubric categories?

● Be sure there are categories and components added in here that are appropriate for including in a scoring rubric.

*understand – need evidence for things like ‘understand, self-evaluation, peer-evaluation, observing, discussion, interviewing, etc. *Saying, telling and stating should be accompanied by some tangible evidence that indicates the student's understanding such as storyboards or chronicling images instead of writing.

● Did students accurately:o verb ....


o Enrichmento Modificationso Variations to appeal to learning strengths/preferences adaptation or

alternate methodologyo Extensions for deeper learning using

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STEAM Education© Theme Planning and Lesson Brief Instructions

1. Submit your work as a Word document (i.e., .doc/.docx)

2. Spell-check and grammar check your lesson plan before submitting it

3. Name this document to a unique working file name in the following format:

o STEAM lesson Brief TEMPLATE topic Grade Level #SurnamesTrainingSiteSubmitDate

o E.g., STEAMlessonBriefBargeShippingK12YakmanVTiSTEMed01Jan06

Content Development

1. Your goal is to create integrated lesson plans, not independent of one another, but that bring each of

the nine subjects together to create a cohesive plan where all of the lessons tie to a central theme. This

is intended to be a living document that evolves as you learn from teaching it.

2. Use this template and type over the instructions.

3. Begin working on the lesson plan as a team to put in preliminary notes/ideas into the sections on the

first page called Lesson Overview. Your team will come back to this page after working on the

individual subject areas to finalize this. The goal at this point it to make sure everyone understands the

central theme.

4. Frame your thematic plan with a creative title that will engage students

5. Individual work Subject Area Sections – After deciding on a central theme, each member then develops

the lesson plan for their respective subjects and fills out the subject area pages. If your team created a

Curriculum Mapping or Brainstorming Sheet, use them as starting points to then fill in EACH subject’s

areas in detail. If you haven’t filled out these documents and you are unsure of the process, you may

wish to fill them out before proceeding. On the second page, under “all 8/9 subject instructions” you

will find step-by-step instructions for filling in the sections for all of the subject areas. If there are

instructions specific to a subject area, they will be found on that subject’s page.

6. Once all the individual subjects are filled in, return to the first page to complete the Lesson Overview of

the lesson brief. You may not omit any subject.

*If you are unsure how a subject area may fit in that is not in your field of expertise, please attempt a guess and put in a

note that you need help in this area.