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Year Six: WB 29.06.20 “Anyone can achieve great things in their lives if they are willing to work hard, make sacrifices, and dedicate themselves to the dream they have.” Sir Chris Hoy (Olympic Track Cyclist) Activity 1: Reading Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body- Joseph Addison Check out the reading comprehensions added this week about amazing sea creatures including: the incredibly intelligent octopus, the endangered humpback whale and the social dolphin. Follow the link and have a look at the BBC Bitesize Book Club lessons. Choose a Year 5/6 book that takes your interest and complete the accompanying activities- texts to consider include The London Eye Mystery, Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief, or The Wolves of Willoughby Chase. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/ zf8djhv You can listen to the ever-so talented and witty David Walliams reading Awful Auntie (another of his awesome books) at the moment, here: https://www.worldofdavidwalliams.com/elevense s/ Whether hard-copy or on-line, read every day either with an adult or to a sibling, old or young! Activity 2: Children’s Art Weeks 2020 Week 1- The Natural World Children’s Art Week is set to take place across the next three weeks, with each week having a theme. Try some of the following activities linking art and the natural world. Activity 1: Nature Photo Frames Go on a nature treasure hunt around your garden, or if you’re out on a family walk in the woods. Collect four large sticks, or twigs to make a frame. You will also need to find a selection of stones, flower heads, petals, or stems, grass, a collection of leaves of different shapes, sizes, shades and textures (ask first before taking flowers and plants from your garden!). Using your

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Year Six: WB 29.06.20

“Anyone can achieve great things in their lives if they are willing to work hard, make sacrifices, and dedicate themselves to the dream they have.”

Sir Chris Hoy (Olympic Track Cyclist)

Activity 1: Reading Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body- Joseph Addison

Check out the reading comprehensions added this week about amazing sea creatures including: the incredibly intelligent octopus, the endangered humpback whale and the social dolphin.

Follow the link and have a look at the BBC Bitesize Book Club lessons. Choose a Year 5/6 book that takes your interest and complete the accompanying activities- texts to consider include The London Eye Mystery, Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief, or The Wolves of Willoughby Chase. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zf8djhv

You can listen to the ever-so talented and witty David Walliams reading Awful Auntie (another of his awesome books) at the moment, here: https://www.worldofdavidwalliams.com/elevenses/

Whether hard-copy or on-line, read every day either with an adult or to a sibling, old or young!

Activity 2: Children’s Art Weeks 2020

Week 1- The Natural WorldChildren’s Art Week is set to take place across the next three weeks, with each week having a theme. Try some of the following activities linking art and the natural world.

Activity 1: Nature Photo FramesGo on a nature treasure hunt around your garden, or if you’re out on a family walk in the woods. Collect four large sticks, or twigs to make a frame. You will also need to find a selection of stones, flower heads, petals, or stems, grass, a collection of leaves of different shapes, sizes, shades and textures (ask first before taking flowers and plants from your garden!). Using your collected items, create a picture inside your photo frame. It could be a picture of something that makes you happy- such as the sun, an animal, or simply a beautiful pattern.

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Activity 2: Beach ArtIf you have a trip to the beach with your family, try your hand at creating a sculpture/art work out of rocks while you’re on the beach. Leave them for other passers-by to enjoy and put a smile on the face of a stranger. Here’s some inspiration:

Activity 3: Natural paintbrushes Create your own set of paintbrushes using nature. Go on a nature hunt and gather flowers, leaves and twigs. Try painting with them to see what effects they create.

Activity 4: Rock paintingGather some smooth rocks and use paints (acrylic paint is best) or felt tip pens (sharpies work well) to decorate them. If you have clear varnish (nail varnish works too) this will protect your design from the weather! Make them as bright and as colourful as you can. Adding a kind and uplifting message onto the back of it would be a wonderful idea. You can then use the rocks to create a beautiful rock garden, or hide them to bring joy to a stranger.

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Activity 3: Maths Ratio and scale factors White Rose Maths – Each day there is a virtual

lesson for you to watch via a video on the White Rose website https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-6/. Some of the lessons will be new learning: areas of Maths that you haven’t covered in school. Some of the lessons you may have covered in school already, but the extra practise will be great for keeping those skills at your fingertips!The supporting activity sheets are now saved on ‘Home Learning’ ‘Year 6’ page. You can either print off and complete or view them online and record your calculations and answer on paper or a book you have at home.

Times Tables Rockstars – log on and spend 10 mins a day practising your multiplication facts. How fast can you answer the questions? Look at your answer grid, those in amber and red are the facts you need to focus on. Challenge a friend … go to multi-player, click Rockslam, select year group from the drop down box, now find the person you are looking for and highlight their name, now scroll down and click on the Challenge button. You can play straight away then they will play when they are next on-line!

Fancy something different to TTRockstars? Try Hit the Button game at: www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button (You can also practise your square numbers, doubling and halving and number bonds here too!)

Corbett 5-a-day Maths Questions – These are like our daily Number Talk questions. You have 5 different questions to complete each day. Choose your level, but don’t peek at the answers first! https://corbettmathsprimary.com/5-a-day/

Activity 4: Writing Animal non-chronological reportAfter reading the animal comprehension sheets uploaded this week, now it’s your turn to create a non-chronological report about an animal that you can create (it doesn’t have to be a sea creature).

Day 1

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Firstly, spend some time designing your animal. Will it have an elephant’s head, a zebra’s body and ostrich legs?! It’s your creation! Draw and colour your animal. Then consider where it lives in the world, what its diet comprises of and how it is adapted to life in its habitat (Science link here!) A spider diagram might be a useful planning tool here.

Day 2Now let’s get started writing. Here’s a success criteria to help you. Success Criteria

• Introduction• Subheadings- these could be: appearance,

habitat, diet and how is the animal adapted to survive? (these are just suggestions).

• Conclusion- this could include if the animal is endangered, or threatened by humans, such as poachers.

• Does your report need a glossary of technical terms?

• Fronted adverbials• A variety of conjunctions • Present tense• Parenthesis () - - , , • Formal tone • Colon to introduce a list• Semi-colon in a detailed list• Colon for a de:de sentence

Today, start by writing a brief introduction to your animal. Include adjectives to describe the animal- use an online thesaurus to find more adventurous vocabulary.Then complete the first main paragraph using appearance as a subheading. Describe exactly what your animal looks like, including colour and texture. A detailed list with semi-colons would be useful here.

Day 3 Now write the paragraph about where in the world your animal lives (watch the videos in the Geography section to help here). Include information about the climate and whether it lives in the trees, does it wander from place to place, or does it live in caves? Does it live in a family group, is it a solitary animal, or does it only have a mate?

Day 4Today, write the paragraphs about its diet (including how it finds its food- is it a forager, or does it hunt for its food?) and how it is adapted to survive (think about what you have been learning from our science topic in recent weeks about adaptation- how does its colour help it to survive? Does it have a long neck so it can reach leaves from the tall trees?

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Day 5 Finally, write your conclusion, considering if your animal is threatened in the wild? Is its habitat being destroyed? Or is it a target for poachers? Consider if your report needs a glossary to define technical terms used. Now re-read your report, editing punctuation and use an online thesaurus to find more adventurous vocabulary.

Email your final non-chronological report to your English teacher to impress them!

Activity 5: SPAG Be a spelling bee! Practise Spellings using Sirlinkalot! You can download the app for free at the moment at: https://www.sirlinkalot.org/

Continue working through an orange booklet each day (they get progressively harder).

Look through the spellings in each booklet. Watch the videos for the tricky ones to help you learn

the spelling. Next, have a go at the test to check you know them

all, before moving onto the next booklet the next day.

Any that you don’t know, re-watch the video to help you learn it.

Activity 6: Transition Thinking about Secondary SchoolWhen you start secondary school everything will seem new- new subjects, new teachers and new classmates. Click on the link below as student’s from CBBC’s Our School talk about the exciting new lessons they experienced in their first year and offer advice on how to avoid detention! https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zbd2cqt

Have you heard lots of stories about what it’s like at secondary school? Watch this video to bust some myths that exist about secondary school. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/znkqgwx

Finally, check out this question and answer session about the realities of starting secondary school, covering homework, bullying and more. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zd3jrj6

Still have more questions, or concerns? This is only natural. We will continue to look at your transition to secondary in the coming weeks. If you are worried at all, talk to your parents, friends (if you can through messaging, or a phone call- you are likely to find everyone is feeling the same), or chat with an older sibling, or relative. A worry shared is a worry halved. Your teachers are here for you too. Pop us an email if you would like to chat about any of your concerns.

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We are here to help.

Activity 7: Geography Explore the weather with Sir David Attenborough Learn what the Earth can tell us about the weather with Sir David Attenborough as he takes us on a virtual trip across the globe.

Find out more about weather patterns; ocean currents and how they affect the weather; and what latitude can tell us about habitats and the animals that reside in an area.

Watching these videos will also help you with your writing activity this week as it will give you ideas about the weather conditions in different regions and different habitats that may be suited to your animal. Check out the clips here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zw7vtrd

Activity 8: Computing ScratchThis week can you make objects pop up in random places? Good luck.

Activity 9: Engineering Virtual Bring It On 2020Any aspiring engineers out there? The videos available on this website (designed for 9-14 year olds) aim to educate, inspire and inform young people across the North East about engineering opportunities available to them in the future.

Each episode showcases a different North East engineering company where real life engineers are interviewed about how they got into engineering and what a day is like in their job.

Check out the videos and see if you could picture your future self working in one of these companies!


If you have any questions about this work, please email Mrs Ward at [email protected]

If you would like to share your work with any of your teachers, we would love to hear from you.

[email protected] (Mrs Spence and Mrs Wilmot)

[email protected] (Mr Staples)

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[email protected] (Mrs Ward and Mrs Beaumont)