· web viewat the end of your prayer writing, say “i need your help with all...

Lesson 6: Relaxing the body so you can prepare to receive the blessings from 2020! Welcome to Lesson 6 Beautiful Sisters! We have 1 day left before we enter a new decade! Woohooo!! I hope your holiday season has been great so far. New year, new journey, new vibration, endless possibilities! You are on the edge of your next level. It’s here. And I am SO excited for you! Similar to last weeks lesson #5, because we are in the middle of the holidays, this lesson is going to also be short and sweet, as I know you are all busy, relaxing with family and/or traveling. I want to get you started into your new year in the energy of relaxation and letting go of anything you are holding on to as you continue to turn things over to God. We are preparing to receive. And holding steady in what you have decided for no matter what is happening around you or what time of the year it is. It’s especially important to be STILL even more at this time of the year because of all the swirly energy and all the

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Post on 19-Jul-2020




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Page 1:  · Web viewAt the end of your prayer writing, say “I need your help with all of this. I cannot do this alone. I put it in your hands and I am open to receive

Lesson 6: Relaxing the body so you can prepare to receive the blessings from 2020!

Welcome to Lesson 6 Beautiful Sisters! 

We have 1 day left before we enter a new decade! Woohooo!! I hope your holiday season has been great so far.

New year, new journey, new vibration, endless possibilities!

You are on the edge of your next level. It’s here. 

And I am SO excited for you! 

Similar to last weeks lesson #5, because we are in the middle of the holidays, this lesson is going to also be short and sweet, as I know you are all busy, relaxing with family and/or traveling. 

I want to get you started into your new year in the energy of relaxation and letting go of anything you are holding on to as you continue to turn things over to God. 

We are preparing to receive. And holding steady in what you have decided for no matter what is happening around you or what time of the year it is. 

It’s especially important to be STILL even more at this time of the year because of all the swirly energy and all the emotions that the holidays and family can bring up, as you set intentions for the New Year. 

Soooo.... let’s dive in! 

What’s needed for this week’s journey: 


Page 2:  · Web viewAt the end of your prayer writing, say “I need your help with all of this. I cannot do this alone. I put it in your hands and I am open to receive

Actions for the week:  

1) If you haven’t already, please get on FB for 5 minutes and do a FB live and share what you are fasting from, your wins and where the challenges have been for you. Also come ready to share your declarations on what you are declaring and decreeing for 2020. After call #4, I invited you to create 4-5 declarations and then create a FB live for the whole group.  If you haven’t done this, take the time to share, be of service by posting and to keep yourself accountable. You have to motivate yourself to your next level. You must be your biggest cheerleader. And it’s starts by following through and staying consistent. If you need support creating your declarations, watch call #4 for guidance or post on the FB page and tag Jess for support. 

2) Continue to read your declarations out loud 3 times each daily from today to 2020. Don’t skip this step. Practice speaking with conviction. Do them in-front of the mirror if you feel inspired to. Practice coming to believe that you can have this. Truly. Feel it. Invest in it.  That this can be your reality. Speak life into what you want to see in 2020. Say them like you mean it.

2) PRAYER: Vulnerability Part 2

On lesson #5 we discussed starting to ask for support by practicing your vulnerability in prayer. We are going to go deeper into that practice with prayer writing and answering some questions to allow you to go deeper into where you are needing support that you might not be aware of. Finding the places where we need to shine the light. This practice is especially helpful when feeling anxious, in fear and in your head. 

Allow 10 minutes to do your Written Vulnerability Prayer Practice daily until lesson #7 is sent to your inbox. You will need your magical pen and journal for this practice. Commit to this as you transition from 2019 to 2020. Start the year recognizing that you are not in control. That you can’t do this alone and letting God support you in a new way than you have before. Let him lift you into your next level. 

This practice will also allow you to get clear and access solutions you didn’t even know were available to you because you never recognized that you were blocked in the first place. You can take off any mask and bring yourself as you are to your Prayer Practice. God can’t bless who we pretend to be yet we can be elevated just as we are when we come in full honesty and vulnerability. 

Action for the week:  

Page 3:  · Web viewAt the end of your prayer writing, say “I need your help with all of this. I cannot do this alone. I put it in your hands and I am open to receive

1) Continue to ASK for help (practice from lesson #5) as you go through your day. Do this anytime, anywhere in the flow of your day. I suggest you put your hand on your heart, and deeply and honestly connect to your request for help.

2) Continue to connect with your prayer sisters on your WhatsApp thread and use this as a lifeline!! Especially during the holidays. Stay committed. Consistent. And pray both morning and night for 2-3mins each time!! YOU ARE TOO

VALUABLE along with your mission and purpose to not stay prayed up!!!   

3) Written Vulnerability Prayer Practice: As you do this practice, allow your stream of consciousness to respond to the questions below in your journal with all your wants and desires. 

A) I’m scared about__________B) I Need_____________________C) I want _____________________D) I don’t know how to ________

At the end of your prayer writing, say “I need your help with all of this. I cannot do this alone. I put it in your hands and I am open to receive the guidance on the next steps with all of this. I trust that I am so divinely guided and that all is taken care of. I know the answers will come. My job is now to relax and take it easy. It’s all in your hands now”. And then let it go and stay open to the guidance, signs and messages as you go through your day. 

You will start to feel shifts and a sense of calmness as you do this. Stay connected to how your feel as you do this Prayer Practice.  

3) Finish Strong on your Fast: 

One last day!!!! Congrats on all your efforts towards your personal fast. You have no idea how much energy this moved. I am beyond proud of you! Even if you fasted for 2 days and fell off, you did something different!! You set the intention. You changed the course. Be so proud of yourself on this! 


This week I want to introduce you to activating the relax response in your body via the Vagus Nerve which is basically the QUEEN of the parasympathetic nervous system. The “rest and digest” or the “chill out” Nerve. The more we do to activate this Nerve, the more we banish the effects of sympathetic nervous system which is the “fight or flight” or “stress response” system. 

Page 4:  · Web viewAt the end of your prayer writing, say “I need your help with all of this. I cannot do this alone. I put it in your hands and I am open to receive

In order to fly high like an eagle and flow, and change your vibration, your body must move out of stress response (DO IT mode) and into rest and digest mode as you go through your day. It is possible to be productive and not have your body be in constant adrenaline and cortisol release mode. This blocks your blessings and abundance!! It blocks money flow. And it sends messages to the universe that you are not available to receive more. 

Ain’t nobody got time for that! Ha! 

This is a fundamental piece to living a life of miracles and raising your frequency. So the way we start is slowly and we keep building on this over the next few lessons as we use different practices to improve your “Vagal tone”. 

For now, we will start by learning more about the Vagus nerve and start with one daily practice to activate it. 

Action for the week:  

1) Read this article titled: “I Now Suspect the Vagus Nerve is the Is the Key to Wellbeing”

2) Every morning after your “Written Vulnerability Prayer Practice” set a timer for 3 minutes to practice the “Vagus Nerve Activation Breath Practice” as described in the article. The most calming way to breathe is six times a minute. Five seconds in and five seconds out. You can do this before bedtime as well to switch into Relaxation Response. More to come on this next few lessons. 

3) If you feel inspired to read more about Vagus Nerve Stimulation, this is a great book by Peter Dickens:

Although not needed for our work together, if you are curious, it is definitely a game-changer. 

Okay.....excited to hear what shifts for you! That’s all for Lesson 6! 

Your next lesson will be delivered to your inbox January 13th. Do not let yourself fall behind. We are practicing the skills of consistency and discipline through out the 4 months together. If you can be trusted with little, you can be trusted with more.  Your next call will be Wednesday January 8th at 1pm est. 

Page 5:  · Web viewAt the end of your prayer writing, say “I need your help with all of this. I cannot do this alone. I put it in your hands and I am open to receive

Keep focusing on the power of your spoken word, your thoughts and declare and decree what you want create and manifest as we approach 2020. Stay in conviction and come to believe that you are so powerful. And so it is! 

Let’s do this beautiful souls! 

Wishing you a blessed week full of miracles, happy happy holidays and so many blessings your way! 

Much love

B  x