· web view5. zacharias doubted about the angel’s words-----6. luke’s precision in writing his...

+ In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit One God Amen Please hand over no later than July 30,2017 The Gospel According to St. Luke (Part 1) Name: -------------------- Phone: ------------------- Chapter 1 Provide the reference: 1. Our church is a traditional church------------------------ 2. Zacharias’ prophecy that Jesus Christ went down to the hell to save those who died before the redemption, from captivity----------------------------- 3. John the Baptist’s message---------------------------- 4. The angel explained to Virgin Mary how she will have a holy pregnancy----

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In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit One God Amen

Please hand over no later than July 30,2017

The Gospel According to St. Luke

(Part 1)

Name: --------------------

Phone: -------------------

Chapter 1

Provide the reference:

1. Our church is a traditional church------------------------

2. Zacharias’ prophecy that Jesus Christ went down to the hell to save those who died before the redemption, from captivity-----------------------------

3. John the Baptist’s message----------------------------

4. The angel explained to Virgin Mary how she will have a holy pregnancy----

5. Zacharias doubted about the angel’s words-----------------

6. Luke’s precision in writing his gospel-------------

7. God Hears our prayers and will answer it in the right time---------

8. The modesty and obedience of St. Mary-----------------

9. Zacharias’ vision of God’s plan to the salvation-------------------

10. St. Mary needs the salvation as all other people------------

Please answer the following:

1. Explain some of God’s characters as it shows in verses “49-50”?

2. Why did God punish Zacharias by making him mute?


3. The angel gave Virgin Mary evidence of the sincerity of his words, what is it?


4. What is the similarity between the personality of Elijah and that of John the Baptist?


5. Was the fear, a cause for the anxiety of Virgin Mary from the angel? And what was the cause?


6. The visit of the Virgin to Elizabeth had a special character, what is it?


7. When was John filled of the Holy Spirit?


8. What did the angel mean by saying to Zacharias “many will rejoice at his birth”?


Who am I?

1. They said about me: a horn of salvation ------------------------------------------------

2. This chapter is read in me in on four Sundays-------------------------------------

3. I conceived a son in my old age--------------------------------------------------

4. I pondered in everything from the beginning with scrutiny--------------------------

5. I am Holy and Was born-----------------------------------

6. A priest from a division of Abijah ---------------------------------------

7. I was named The Mighty ----------------------------------------------

8. The Virgin said to me “Behold the maidservant of the Lord!”----------

9. The Virgin went to her after the angel’s announcement --------------------

10. I was the first one who knew about the Virgin’s pregnancy -----------------


Chapter 2

Answer the following:

1. In this chapter, there are some verses that are read on the Agpeya prayers, Mention where are those with the reference


2. What is meant by “ A light to bring revelation to the Gentiles”


3. Who are those that were meant by the words of Simon “blessed them”


4. There is a number of similar verses in this chapter, provide the reference for a couple of them?


Match column (A) to column(B):



1. Micha the prophet prophesized

they are the shepherds offering

Sacrifices throughout the year

In the temple ( )

2. Jesus was born in a manger is the great pain that afflicted

The Virgin Mary ( )

3. Shepherds living out in the the birth of Christ in


Bethlehem ( )

4. The sword

to resemble the poor ( )

Provide the reference:

1. Christ’s submission to the law----------------------------------------------

2. The silence of the Virgin Mary---------------------------------------

3. The nature of Christ is perfect---------------------------------------------

4. The praise of the heavenly angels being joyful for the birth of the Savior---------

5. The love and anxiety of parents for their children-------------------------

6. The poverty of Joseph and Virgin Mary ---------------------------------------

7. The hankering of the children of God to go to heaven ------------------------

8. The peaching of Anna, the daughter of Phanuel, about Christ---------------

9. Those who meet with Christ, return praising and joyfully----------------

10. The virtue of obedience-------------------------------------------


Chapter 3

Answer the following:

1. St. Luke the apostle, wrote his gospel precisely, explain that? With reference


2. John the Baptist, used to preach every class of people with what was appropriate for them, explain that? With reference


3. Why did the people think that John the Baptist was the Messiah?


4. What is the difference between the listings of Jesus’ attributions in the Gospel of Mathew and the Gospel of Luke?


5. From which tribe came Jesus Christ?


6. When was the first time that the Father witness to Christ?


Provide the reference:

1. John began his ministry by considering baptism as a sign of repentance------------

2. John’s humility------------------------------------------------------------

3. John’s prophecy about God’s justice in his judgment-----------------------


Chapter 4

Provide the reference:

1. Satan does not stop his wars against us---------------------------------------

2. The multitude were attached to Jesus------------------------------------------

3. The strength of the Christ’s words------------------------------------------------

4. The immediate recovery of the mother-in-law of Simon--------------

5. People were dazzled from the teachings of Christ-----------------------------

6. The authority of Christ over demons-----------------------------------------

Match column(A) to column(B)



1. The importance of fasting

from Heaven to heal the

Broken hearts ( )

2. The Triumph of Christ over Satan Caper for rest ( )

3. The Christ came as a physician was an our account ( )

4. Capernaum

it helps us to defeat Satan ( )

Please answer the following:

1. There is a part in this chapter, that is reads in Agpeya prayers, where is it?

With reference


2. Did Jesus Christ read the book of Isaiah by chance? Why?


3. Why did the people of Nazareth get angry from this sentence: “Elijah went to stay with a foreign woman”?


Choose the correct answer:

1. Jesus was raised in (Jerusalem—Nazareth—Jericho)

2. The Lord started his service in Nazareth by teaching in the (temple— house— synagogue)

3. In Simon’s house, Jesus rebuked (the demons—the fever—all of the above)


Chapter 5

Answer the following:

1. What is Christ’s purpose for choosing some of the disciples as fishermen?

2. Provide examples from the Old and the New Testaments of people who left

everything for the sake of following Jesus Christ?


3. The Christ healed the paralyzed man spiritually and physically, indicate that? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


4. Which is the most difficult, forgiveness of sins or physical healing? Why? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Provide the reference:

1. The prayer and the faith of the Leper----------------------------------------------

2. Jesus Christ’s respect for the Law---------------------------------------------


Chapter 6

1. Jesus Christ taught us what we have to do before starting any work, indicate that?


2. What is meant by the Rock in verse “48”?


Connect the name and its meaning:

1. Simon the strong ( ) 6. Philip the twins ( )

2. Peter the follower ( ) 7. Bartholomew the thankful ( )

3. Andrew God is tender ( ) 8. Matthew the mouth of lamp ( )

4. James the listener ( ) 9. Thomas a gift ( )

5. John the rock ( ) 10. Judas son of the Talmai ( )

Provide the reference:

1. Faith must be accompanied by action---------------------------------

2. The Christian does good things and does not wait for the earthly reward----------

3. Your language shows you----------------------------------------------------

4. The love of enemies is a written commandment----------------------------


Chapter 7

Who am I or we?

1. The Lord of Glory healed me from my death-leading sickness------------

2. Jesus praised me because of my strong repentance

3. The multitude thought that I am a great prophet-----------------------------------

4. The centurion sent me first to Jesus--------------------------------------------------

5. Jesus Christ raised me from death---------------------------------------------------

6. Jesus Christ Declared that I am better than a prophet---------------------------

Provide the reference:

1. Let the stranger praise you, not your mouth------------

2. The authority of Jesus Christ on death---------------------------

3. The works of Jesus Christ spoke about His personality------------------------------

4. The strong faith of the centurion---------------------------------------------------

Answer the following:

1. Methods of serving differ from one person to another, but all have one goal which is leading everybody to Heaven. Explain that through your study to this chapter-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------



2. What is meant by the verse: ‘Blessed is he who is not offended because of Me” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


3. In this chapter, there is a miracle that was mentioned only in the Gospel of Luke, what is it? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------


4. What is the effect of raising the son of the widow of Nain from death, on the people? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------


5. What is meant by debts during the speech of Jesus with the Farisse? -------


6. There is a part of this chapter that is read in Agpeya prayers, in which part? Mention the reference -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Who said:

1. Who is this who forgives sins?.....................................................................

2. You have rightly judged…………………………………………………………………………..

3. He loves our nation and has built for us a Synagogue……………………………………

4. “Lord, do not trouble Yourself” ……………………………………………………………………

5. I did not think myself worthy to come to You ……………………………………………

6. Are you the Coming One, do we look for another?.......................................

7. Your faith has saved you, go in peace………………………………………………………..

8. I suppose the one whom he forgave more……………………………………………….


Chapter 8

Provide the reference:

1. The closest people to God are those who do His will--------------------------------

2. Jesus lived as a poor person----------------------

3. Satan knew that he is under the control and authority of Jesus -----------------

4. Eagerness of disciples to know the meaning of the parable of the sower-----

5. The confession of the bleeding woman about her health issue and the grace she got-----------------------------------------------

6. Satan does his best to hinder our faith-------------------------

7. The Christian person should be a light for the world-----------------------------

8. The good heart keeps the teachings and the commandments -------------------

9. The bleeding woman sought Jesus secretly----------

10. The violence of Satan when he controls man--------------------------------------

Who am I or we?

1. Jesus casted 7 Demons from me-----------------------------------------------

2. The ruler of the Synagogue whom Jesus raised his daughter from death------

3. We went with Jesus when He raised Jairus’s daughter from death-------------

4. Chuza’s wife, Herod’s steward------------------------------------------------------------

Answer the following:

1. In this chapter, there is a verse that summarizes the parable of the talents, what is it (Reference only) --------------------------------------------------------------

2. What is Jesus goal from verse 39?



Chapter 9

Provide the reference:

1. The virtue of self-denial is a written commandment--------------------------------

2. Cast your burden on the lord and He will sustain you--------------------

3. Peter’s announcement of his faith-------------------------------------------------------

4. The zeal of the disciples for their teacher----------------------------------------------

5. The harms that Satan causes to his followers---------------------------------------

6. There is time to speak and time to keep silent-----------

Answer the following:

1. In which hour of the Agpeya prayers, the miracle of feeding the multitudes is mentioned? Why?



2. Jesus Christ took 3 of His disciples with him in some of the important events. What are those events? Who are the disciples? And why?




3. What was Jesus talking about with Moses and Elijah during the event of transfiguration?


4. Jesus rebuked some of His disciples twice, who are they? What are the 2 events? Mention the reference for each of them




Chapter 10

Provide the reference:

1. God declares Himself to simple people--------------------------------

2. God Warns us from worrying about worldly matters--------------------------------

3. Those who don’t accept God’s servants, refuse God Himself---------------------

4. Satan and his kingdom are defeated by the preaching of the Gospel-----------

5. Those who serve God, should be ready for Satan’s wars-----------

6. God’s heart is filled with joy by the spread of the Gospel--------------------------

Answer the following:

1. What was Jesus’ goal by sending His apostles to the places where He was supposed to visit?




2. What is the difference between Jesus’ joy and the apostles’ joy by the success of the service? What is the nature of this joy?



3. In which part of the Liturgy, verses “# 23 and 24” are mentioned?



4. What was Jesus’ intention by asking His apostles: “ don’t greet anybody along the road”



5. Mention examples from the Holy Bible for people who made their houses as churches for serving --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

6. What is meant by “It will be more in that Day for Sodom than for that city”?-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

7. What did Jesus specify some cities by name for woes?-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Who am I or we?

1. The good Samaritan gave us to the innkeeper---------------------------------------------

2. I accepted Jesus in my house………………………………………………………………………….

3. Jesus Christ sent us two by two for service………………………………………………………

4. My sister blamed me but Jesus praised me…………………………………………………………

5. Two virtues Jesus mentioned to the lawyer, to obtain………………………………

6. Mariam chose me……………………………………………………………

7. We passed by the wounded person by but didn’t save him……………………………….I 8. My intention was to test Jesus…………………………………………………………………………

9. A virtue by which we inherit the Kingdom of Heaven………………………………………...

10. Jesus Saw me falling from Heaven……………………………………………………………


Chapter 11

Answer the following:

1. Mention some of the reasons for which Jesus rebuked the Pharisse. Mention the reference




2. St. Paul, our teacher, mentioned in his Gospel many times when Jesus prayed, mention the reference for 4 of them



3. What did the Queen of the South want from Solomon? What was her reward?



Choose the correct answer:

1. One of the (disciples—scribes—rich people) asked Jesus to teach him how to pray

2. Jesus warned us that every group divides against itself shall be (louted-- desolated— hit)

3. If your eye is simple, your whole body is (pure—successful—bright)


Chapter 12

Answer the following:

1. Of whom did Jesus warn his disciples in this chapter? Why?




2. How many times was the word: “don’t be afraid” mentioned in the bible? What is the goal behind that?


3. Who is the faithful steward? What are his responsibilities?


4. Why did Jesus warn his disciples of hypocrisy? Mention the reference


5. “God Is the same yesterday, today and forever” and verse 29 actually happened in the Old Testament: when? Where? And with whom?


6. “God Wants our hearts to be with Him always”. When does the priest ask the people “Where are your hearts”? What is the answer?


7. What is the reward of the good servant?


Choose the correct answer:

1. Don’t be afraid of those who kill the (wicked—righteous—body)

2. Take heed and beware of (greed—fads—envy)

3. Jesus named the man who saves for himself and not for God (prophet—fool—wise)

4. Of what did Jesus Say “Neither sow nor reap” the (Lilies—ravens—wild animals)

Mention the reference:

1. When we confess with our Christ, He Confesses with us---------------------

2. We should not simulate the worldly people---------------------------------------

3. The Godly care includes all creatures----------------------------------------------

4. God is enough for us-----------------------------------------------------------------

5. We should be always ready-----------------------------------------------------

6. The real security is in God and not in money---------------------------------

7. The more the money, the more are the worries------------------------------

8. The Kingdom of heaven is granted according to the Father’s will-------------


See you in the second part of the Gospel According to St. Luke

Remember us in your prayers

The working Team