web services @ work. agenda –everything about web services –soap –wsdl –uddi –questions...

Web services @ work

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Page 1: Web services @ work. Agenda –Everything about web services –SOAP –WSDL –UDDI –Questions –Case Study

Web services @ work

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– Everything about web services– SOAP– WSDL– UDDI– Questions– Case Study

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What are Web Services ?

• Services offered over the network.

Stock Quote Service Inventory Information

Weather Service

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Who should create web services?

– Existing Computing Services– Existing Data storage Services– Existing Search Services– Existing Informational Services– And…..– Everybody who want to leverage existing

functionality and offer the same to whole world.

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Typical web services architecture

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Legacy System



SMTP Server

Application Server (Axis)

Engine (Axis)

Service Wrapper New Service Implementation

Enabling existing services

HTTP Server (Apache, Tomcat, IIS)

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Who consumes web services ?

– Integrators– Support utilities– CRM Software

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How to create web service

• Be Guided by following standards• XML• SOAP• UDDI• HTTP (or any standard protocol)

You can turn any existing functionality into web service, by adhering to above standards

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Web services related Standards

– SOAP 1.2– UDDI 1.3– WSDL 1.2– HTTP 1.1

• These are set by standards body like W3C,OASIS.

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Major development platforms

– Microsoft’s .NET – Sun’s Web Services API– IBM’s Websphere

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When not to use web services

– Performance requirements– Security and reliability– No reuse requirements– Lack of Web services support– Organizational or technical alignment

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Simple Object Access Protocol1.2

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• Access objects and services on remote servers in platform independent manner

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– What is SOAP– What is NOT SOAP– Why SOAP– SOAP Message Details

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Points to description

Points to service DescribesService


Communicates withXML Messages

Web Services Technologies


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What is SOAP

– Simple Object Access Protocol– Lightweight protocol for exchanging structural

information– Uses XML Technologies– Independent of any platform/technology– Simple and Extensible

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What is NOT SOAP

• A full-fledged distributed object system with support for

• Objects-by-reference• Activation• Message batching• Distributed garbage collection• Naming and directory services

• SOAP sacrifices these features for platform-neutrality and extensibility

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Typical SOAP message• <soap:Envelope

xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" >• <soap:Header>• <!-- header element(s) here -->• </soap:Header>• <soap:Body>• <!-- body element(s) here -->• </soap:Body>• </soap:Envelope>

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Example SOAP Message• <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>• <SOAP-ENV:Envelope


xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"• xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">• <SOAP-ENV:Body>• <ns1:echoString xmlns:ns1="http://soapinterop.org/">• <testParam xsi:type="xsd:string">Hello!</testParam>• </ns1:echoString>• </SOAP-ENV:Body>• </SOAP-ENV:Envelope>

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SOAP Messaging Model



Communication protocol

SOAP Message





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SOAP Client Server internals

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Typical soap request over HTTPPOST /StockQuote HTTP/1.1Host: www.stockquoteserver.comContent-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"Content-Length: nnnnSOAPAction: "Some-URI"

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"> <SOAP-ENV:Body> <m:GetLastTradePrice xmlns:m="Some-URI"> <symbol>DIS</symbol> </m:GetLastTradePrice> </SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>

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Typical soap response over HTTP

HTTP/1.1 200 OKContent-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"Content-Length: nnnn

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"/> <SOAP-ENV:Body> <m:GetLastTradePriceResponse xmlns:m="Some-URI"> <Price>34.5</Price> </m:GetLastTradePriceResponse> </SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>

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SOAP Message Structure

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SOAP Players

Initial SOAP


Ultimate SOAP



Intermediary SOAP


SOAP Message Path


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RPC and Document Styles

• Procedure Call • Synchronous• Marshalling and

Unmarshalling parameters between Java Objects and XML

• For simple point to point sync call


Document-drivenAsynchronous and synchronousUsed when data is large and fluid


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RPC Style SOAP Message

• <soapenv:Envelopexmlns:soapenv="soap_ns"xmlns:xsd="xml_schema_ns"xmlns:xsi="type_ns"><soapenv:Body>

<ns1:getStockPrice xmlns:ns1="app_ns"soapenv:encodingStyle="encoding_ns"><stockSymbol xsi:type="xsd:string">

• AAPL• </stockSymbol>


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Document Style SOAP Message

• <soapenv:Envelopexmlns:soapenv="soap_ns"xmlns:xsd="xml_schema_ns"xmlns:xsi="type_ns"><soapenv:Body><ns1:customerOrdersoapenv:encodingStyle="encoding_ns"xmlns:ns1="app_ns"><order>

<customer><name>Plastic Pens, Inc.</name><address><street>123 Yukon Drive</street><city>Phoenix</city><state>AZ</state><zip>85021</zip></address></customer><orderInfo><item><partNumber>563</partNumber><description>Red stappler</description><quantity>30</quantity><item></orderInfo>


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Processing SOAP Message

– SOAP HEADER Block and Node• Supports Multiple Message Exchange Patterns

– One Way– Request/Response– Peer to Peer

• Each Message is independently Processed• Roles for Node

– next– none– ultimatereceiver

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What happens when message arrives

1.Node determines set of roles in which it needs to act on message

2.Identify all the header blocks targeted for the Node

3.If header block is not understood, generate fault and no further processing is done.

4.Process mandatory SOAP HEADER block

5.Process BODY if Node is ultimate receiver

6.Relay message if Node is playing intermediary role.

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SOAP Extensibility

– SOAP Processing Model– SOAP Binding Framework

• Formal set of rules for carrying soap message over underlying protocol.

• HTTP Binding

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SOAP EncodingStyle– http://www.w3.org/2001/12/soap-encoding– To define data types used in the document

<?xml version="1.0"?><soap:Envelopexmlns:soap="http://www.w3.org/2001/12/soap-envelope"soap:encodingStyle="http://www.w3.org/2001/12/soap-encoding">...Message information goes here...</soap:Envelope>

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SOAP RPC Representation

– Method Invocation modeled as single struct– Struct is name identical to method– Parameter has the same name and order– Method Response is also modeled as struct

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Data Types

• Supported• String• int/Integer• decimal• float/Float• double/Double• date• boolean/Boolean• Long/Long• Short/Short• Byte/Byte• hex

• Not Supported• BigDecimal• Other ?

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Where can FAULT Occur

• Client

• Server

• Protocol

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Example FAULT Message in HTTP

• HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error• Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"• Content-Length: nnnn

• <SOAP-ENV:Envelope• xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">• <SOAP-ENV:Body>• <SOAP-ENV:Fault>• <faultcode>SOAP-ENV:Server</faultcode>• <faultstring>Server Error</faultstring>• <detail>• <e:myfaultdetails xmlns:e="Some-URI">• <message>• My application didn't work• </message>• <errorcode>• 1001• </errorcode>• </e:myfaultdetails>• </detail>• </SOAP-ENV:Fault>• </SOAP-ENV:Body>• </SOAP-ENV:Envelope>

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Do I have to write all that xml?

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Basic Web Services use SOAP







Buy 500 shares MSFT



Debit $20000


Bought 500 shares MSFT



Debit $20000

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SOAP-less web service?

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Apache SOAP Architecture

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SOAP : Performance

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SOAP - Namespaces

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• Following things must happen• The ability for the server to parse the client's SOAP

envelope. • The ability for the server to deserialize the encoded

parameter contained within the envelope • The ability for the client to parse the SOAP envelope

sent by the server in response • The ability for the client to deserialize the encoded

parameter sent back from the server.

• Main concerns• SOAP Specification follow up• Data type• Precision support for float/decimal, date time, Arrays

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Food for thought

– Scenario where soap intermediary is needed– How much payload of minimal SOAP Packet.– Do you really need SOAP for web services?– SOAP Over JMS?– SOAP and Performance?– SOAP slower than XML-RPC by almost 8

times !!

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• http://www.w3.org/TR/SOAP/

• http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/

• http://www.soapuser.com

• http://xml.apache.org/soap/

• http://www.xmethods.com

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What Next

– WS-Security– WS-Policy– WS-Trust– WS-Federation

• …….

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Web Services Description Language

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– What is WSDL– Why WSDL– WSDL Structure– Usage– Consumers of WSDL– Questions

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Your business for others…

– You need grammar to describe what your business do. Grammar should address ..

• What services are offered by you• How can others invoke a service• What information your service needs• How user will provide information• What information you can provide• What format you expect

WSDL is the answer

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Points to description

Points to service DescribesService


Communicates withXML Messages

Web Services Technologies

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• It is a specification to describe networked XML-based services

• WSDL is IDL of Web Services

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What is WSDL

• Web Services Description Language

• It is XML Document

• It is used to describe web service• Specifies location of web service• Specifies operation(s) service has to offer

• It is also used to locate web service

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WSDL Structure<definitions> - Root Element<definitions> - Root Element

<datatypes> - Transmitted Data Types<datatypes> - Transmitted Data Types

<messages> - Transmitted Messages

<messages> - Transmitted Messages

<portType> - Operations Supported

<portType> - Operations Supported

<binding> - Wire Protocol details<binding> - Wire Protocol details

<service> - Location of service<service> - Location of service

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File organization

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Typical WSDL File• <wsdl:definitions xmlns:wsdl="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl"• targetNamespace="your namespace here"• xmlns:tns="your namespace here"• xmlns:soapbind="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap">• <wsdl:types>• <xs:schema targetNamespace="your namespace here (could be another) "• xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"• <!-- Define types and possibly elements here -->• </schema>• </wsdl:types>• <wsdl:message name="some operation input">• <!-- part(s) here -->• </wsdl:message>• <wsdl:message name="some operation output">• <!-- part(s) here -->• </wsdl:message>• <wsdl:portType name="your type name">• <!-- define operations here in terms of their messages -->• </wsdl:portType>• <wsdl:binding name="your binding name" type="tns:port type name above">• <!-- define style and transport in general and use per operation -->• </wsdl:binding>• <wsdl:service>• <!-- define a port using the above binding and a URL -->• </wsdl:service>• </wsdl:definitions>

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Simple WSDL File• <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>• <wsdl:definitions targetNamespace="http://localhost:5000/axis/jws/QuoteOfDay.jws" xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/"

xmlns:apachesoap="http://xml.apache.org/xml-soap" xmlns:impl="http://localhost:5000/axis/jws/QuoteOfDay.jws" xmlns:intf="http://localhost:5000/axis/jws/QuoteOfDay.jws" xmlns:soapenc="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:wsdl="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/" xmlns:wsdlsoap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">

• <wsdl:message name="getResponse">• <wsdl:part name="getReturn" type="xsd:string"/>• </wsdl:message>• <wsdl:message name="getRequest">• </wsdl:message>• <wsdl:portType name="QuoteOfDay">• <wsdl:operation name="get">• <wsdl:input message="impl:getRequest" name="getRequest"/>• <wsdl:output message="impl:getResponse" name="getResponse"/>• </wsdl:operation>• </wsdl:portType>• <wsdl:binding name="QuoteOfDaySoapBinding" type="impl:QuoteOfDay">• <wsdlsoap:binding style="rpc" transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http"/>• <wsdl:operation name="get">• <wsdlsoap:operation soapAction=""/>• <wsdl:input name="getRequest">• <wsdlsoap:body encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" namespace="http://DefaultNamespace" use="encoded"/>• </wsdl:input>• <wsdl:output name="getResponse">• <wsdlsoap:body encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" namespace="http://localhost:5000/axis/jws/QuoteOfDay.jws"

use="encoded"/>• </wsdl:output>• </wsdl:operation>• </wsdl:binding>• <wsdl:service name="QuoteOfDayService">• <wsdl:port binding="impl:QuoteOfDaySoapBinding" name="QuoteOfDay">• <wsdlsoap:address location="http://localhost:5000/axis/jws/QuoteOfDay.jws"/>• </wsdl:port>• </wsdl:service>• </wsdl:definitions>

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Process ProcessMessage

Message = part1 + part2 + part3

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Data Types – XML SchemaSimple type Example(s) string Web Services

Boolean true, false, 1, 0

float -INF, -1E4, -0, 0, 12.78E-2, 12, INF, NaN

double -INF, -1E4, -0, 0, 12.78E-2, 12, INF, NaN

decimal -1.23, 0, 123.4, 1000.00

binary 100010

integer -126789, -1, 0, 1, 126789

nonPositiveInteger -126789, -1, 0

negativeInteger -126789, -1

long -1, 12678967543233

int -1, 126789675

short -1, 12678

byte -1, 126

nonNegativeInteger 0, 1, 126789

unsignedLong 0, 12678967543233

unsignedInt 0, 1267896754

unsignedShort 0, 12678

unsignedByte 0, 126

positiveInteger 1, 126789

date 1999-05-31

time 13:20:00.000, 13:20:00.000-05:00

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Schema Type Hierarchy

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WSDL Ports

• Describe interfaces exposed by web service• Operation Types

• One – way• Request – Response• Solicit-Response• Notification

<message name="newTermValues"> <part name="term" type="xs:string"/> <part name="value" type="xs:string"/></message><portType name="glossaryTerms"> <operation name="setTerm"> <input name="newTerm" message="newTermValues"/> </operation></portType >

<message name="getTermRequest"> <part name="term" type="xs:string"/></message><message name="getTermResponse"> <part name="value" type="xs:string"/></message><portType name="glossaryTerms">

<operation name="getTerm"> <input

message="getTermRequest"/> <output

message="getTermResponse"/> </operation>


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WSDL Binding• <message name="getTermRequest">• <part name="term" type="xs:string"/>• </message>

• <message name="getTermResponse">• <part name="value" type="xs:string"/>• </message>• <portType name="glossaryTerms"> • <operation name="getTerm"> • <input message="getTermRequest"/> • <output message="getTermResponse"/> • </operation>• </portType>• <binding type="glossaryTerms" name="b1">• <soap:binding style="document"• transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http" />• <operation>• <soap:operation soapAction="http://example.com/getTerm"/>• <input>• <soap:body use="literal"/>• </input>• <output>• <soap:body use="literal"/>• </output>• </operation>• </binding>

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WSDL Service

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Multiple endpoints

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Multiple services

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Food for Thought

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Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration

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• To Understand UDDI Framework and its usage in the webservices space.

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• UDDI – Why,What,Where• Challenges and solutions• UDDI in action• UDDI Concepts• Deploying Private UDDI Registry• Case Study • Reference UDDI Implementation• Questions

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• Web Services

• WSDL Documents

• E-Commerce Concepts

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Points to description

Points to service DescribesService


Communicates withXML Messages

Web Services Technologies

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Imagine ….

– Telephone without a phone directory

– Internet without search Engines

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• The UDDI is to Web services what a

• search engine is to Internet data

• and Phone Directory to people.

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What is UDDI ?

A project to encourage interoperability and adoption of web services






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Challenges and SolutionsA mid-sized manufacturer needs to create 400 online relationships with customers, each with their own set of standard and protocols


A flower shop in Australia wants to be “plugged in” to every marketplace in the world, but doesn’t know how


A B2B marketplace cannot get catalog data for relevant suppliers in its industry, along with connections to shippers, insurers, etc.

Easier Aggregation

Describe Services

Discover Services


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UDDI In Action

UDDI Business Registry

3. UBR assigns a programmatically unique identifier to each service and business registration

Marketplaces, search engines, and business apps query the registry to discover services at other companies


Segrvice TypeReistrations

SW companies, standards bodies, and programmers populate the registry withdescriptions of different types of services



populate the registry withdescriptions of the services they support


Business uses this data to facilitate easier integration with each other over the Web


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UDDI ConceptsBasics: UDDI– Global registry hosted by UDDI Operators

– UDDI Operators (IBM, Microsoft)– Defined process for managing information– Business publish their information for free– “Registered once, Published everywhere principle”– Information is replicated = Service Cloud

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Business Benefits• UDDI project is not industry-specific, hence any

industry offering services can benefit.• Quickly discover the right business from millions

currently online• Reaching new customers • Expanding offerings • Extending market reach • Describing their services and business

processes programmatically in a single, open, and secure environment

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Information categorization in Registry

White Pages

Yellow Pages

Green Pages

Service Types

Entered by business

Entered by Standards Body

Business name, description, identifier, etc.

Business category as per std taxonomy

Technical Information about services

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UDDI Stack

XML Based Messaging


Service Description

Service Publication

Service Discovery










http, ftp, MQ,

IIOP, etc.


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I know what you speak• Standard set of API’s available for interaction

• Inquiry API– Find things

• find_business• find_service• find_binding• find_tModel

– Get Details about things• get_businessDetail• get_serviceDetail• get_bindingDetail• get_tModelDetail

• Publishers API– Save things

• save_business• save_service• save_binding• save_tModel

– Delete things• delete_business• delete_service• delete_binding• delete_tModel

– security…• get_authToken• discard_authToken

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UDDI Business Registry

– What is it?– Who runs Registry?– Node Operator– Who is UDDI Registrar?– What information goes in registry?– How to search businesses in registry?– Is it free?– What kind of services can be registered?– Master Operator?

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UDDI Registry Interaction

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Example businessEntityTB993… Harbour Metalswww.harbourmetals.co.au“Serving Inner Sydney Harbour for …contactsbusinessServicesidentifierBagcategoryBag

872-68914281 King’s Blvd, Sydney, [email protected]

Peter Smythe



23T701e54683nf…Online catalog“Website where you can …BindingTemplates










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UDDI & Other service/business

directories– UDDI is generic.– Stores reference to service interfaces.

• FYI, other public registries….» ebXml » Biztalk.org» OASIS xml.org

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UDDI - Entity Relationships

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• Acronym for technical Model

• tModel provide the ability to describe compliance with a specification, a concept, or a shared design.

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What is tModel

• tModel represents context (namespace)

1. 904-555-1212 - Phone2. 904-555-1213 - Fax3. 1-56592-391-x – ISBN

• Telephone number in UDDI

• company name: mycompany • Service name: helpline • tModel: key=11 (representing telephone line), name=telephone, • description=telephone stuff, • url: some at&t url • binding: • accesspoint: 1-800-my-helpline • tModelInstanceInfo: 11

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Identifier Bag• Company name: mycompany• Identifiers:• US tax number: 111111• Mexico tax number: 2223344• Some other number: 333333

• ...Other xml stuff• <identifierBag>• <keyedReference tModelKey="US-tax-code" • keyName="taxnumber" keyValue="1111111">• <keyedReference tModelKey="Mexico-tax-code" • keyName="taxnumber" keyValue="2223344">• <keyedReference tModelKey="other-stuff" • keyName="taxnumber" keyValue="333333">• </identifierBag>• ... Other xml

Example Identifiers…


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Category Bag• Used for Taxonomy purposes

• Company name: mycompany• Applicable Categories:• Type of business classification: restaurant• city classification: Jacksonville

• <categoryBag>• <keyedReference tModelKey="BusinessTypeClassification"• keyName=“Sport" keyValue=“34343">• <keyedReference tModelKey=“RegionClasification" • keyName=“country" keyValue=“CHN">• </categoryBag>


• Location• Industry• TimeZone

With categorization it is possible to convey that

I am a sports company operating in China, India and USA

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– Provide Technical description of a web service

– Describes an instance of web service offered at a particular network address.

– Contains following data» description» accessPoint» categoryBag» tModelInstanceDetails

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UDDI - Categorization

– Being able to distinguish and differentiate data is as important as being able to find data.

– Adorn UDDI Entities with property bags– Multiple classification system– Powerful search qualifiers– Metadata attributed using keyedReference


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UDDI Usage Scenarios

– Runtime Binding• Reconnect after failure with current web service

– Optimized Access Point Discovery• Connect to nearest point based on meta-data

– Data Aggregation • Pooling from identical service providers to render

collective data

– Dynamic Application configuration– Developer Reuse

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UDDI – Run time BindingDiscover Web Service in UDDI ManuallyDiscover Web Service in UDDI Manually

Consume Binding Template information Consume Binding Template information

Cache the bindingKeyCache the bindingKey

Use cached data when application is invokedUse cached data when application is invoked

Compare new information and reuseCompare new information and reuse

If invocation fails, use bindingkey to fetch new information

If invocation fails, use bindingkey to fetch new information

Dynamic binding worksDynamic binding works

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Deploying Private UDDI Registry

– Documenting Organizational UDDI Policy

– Decide on categorization– Standardizing Publications in UDDI

Services– Assigning Roles– Single/Multiple Deployment– Authentication/Authorization


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Dynamic application configuration

UDDI Services provides UDDI Services provides optimal service locationoptimal service location

2.2. Provide software to all IFAs who need to Provide software to all IFAs who need to use these Web servicesuse these Web services

Web servicesWeb services

4.4. IFA client caches binding information and IFA client caches binding information and invokes services from this cacheinvokes services from this cache

3.3. At session startup, IFA client calls UDDI At session startup, IFA client calls UDDI Services for “best” services to bind toServices for “best” services to bind to

5.5. In failure scenarios, client requests new In failure scenarios, client requests new binding information from UDDI Servicesbinding information from UDDI Services

1.1. Register Independent Financial Advisor Register Independent Financial Advisor Web services in UDDI ServicesWeb services in UDDI Services

UDDI UDDI ServicesServices

Independent FinancialIndependent FinancialAdvisor client software (IFA)Advisor client software (IFA)

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Food For thought

• When UDDI really needed

• Do all services registered with UDDI need to be SOAP Services

• Why tModel is called that way?

• Can tModel be categorized as well?

• Try registering your business in IBM Business Registry ( http://uddi.ibm.com)

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UDDI Software

– Juddi– Windows 2003 server– Systinet– IBM UDDI Server

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Demo Registration

• Click here to view demo registration process.

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Case Study

• Develop Simple SOAP Services using AXIS Server

• Examine WSDL Generated• Access UDDI Server to create your services• publish your service on UDDI Server and try to

access other service which follows the agreed tmodel.

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Case Study …

• Find all categories supported by your UDDI Registry

• Find all identifier schemes supported by your UDDI Registry

• Find categorization groups

• How will you represent following …• Business sells medical equipment only in Germany and France and

pharmaceutical products only in the United States.

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More to come …..

– BPEL4WS– Federation Identity Management– WS-Security, WS-Policy, WS-Trust

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