web page development identify elements of a web page start notepad describe the notepad window enter...

Web Page Development • Identify elements of a Web Page • Start Notepad • Describe the Notepad window • Enter the <HTML>, <HEAD>, <TITLE>, and <BODY> tags • Enter a paragraph of text, a bulleted list, and HTML tags • Save an HTML file

Post on 21-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Web Page Development Identify elements of a Web Page Start Notepad Describe the Notepad window Enter the,,, and tags Enter a paragraph of text, a bulleted

Web Page Development• Identify elements of a Web Page

• Start Notepad

• Describe the Notepad window

• Enter the <HTML>, <HEAD>, <TITLE>, and <BODY> tags

• Enter a paragraph of text, a bulleted list, and HTML tags

• Save an HTML file

Page 2: Web Page Development Identify elements of a Web Page Start Notepad Describe the Notepad window Enter the,,, and tags Enter a paragraph of text, a bulleted

Web Page Elements

• Title• Bookmarks• Body• Background• Normal text• Paragraph• Bulleted list

• Headings• Images• Horizontal Rules• Image map• Hotspot• Animated images• Hyperlinks

Page 3: Web Page Development Identify elements of a Web Page Start Notepad Describe the Notepad window Enter the,,, and tags Enter a paragraph of text, a bulleted

Web Page Elementstitle





horizontal rule


animated image

bulleted list

Page 4: Web Page Development Identify elements of a Web Page Start Notepad Describe the Notepad window Enter the,,, and tags Enter a paragraph of text, a bulleted

Entering HTML Tags and Text

• Four tags define the overall structure of standard Web pages:

– <HTML> and </HTML>• Indicates file is an HTML document

– <HEAD> and </HEAD>• Introduction to the rest of the file

• Indicates the area where the title will be placed

– <TITLE> and </TITLE>• Indicates the title that will display in the title bar

– <BODY> and </BODY>• Indicates the boundaries of the Web page

Page 5: Web Page Development Identify elements of a Web Page Start Notepad Describe the Notepad window Enter the,,, and tags Enter a paragraph of text, a bulleted

Basic HTMl tags


<Title>MY PAGE</Title>





Page 6: Web Page Development Identify elements of a Web Page Start Notepad Describe the Notepad window Enter the,,, and tags Enter a paragraph of text, a bulleted

Entering Initial HTML Tags

initial tags

insertion point

It is good form to be consistentwhen you type tags, adhering

to a standard practice

Page 7: Web Page Development Identify elements of a Web Page Start Notepad Describe the Notepad window Enter the,,, and tags Enter a paragraph of text, a bulleted

Entering Initial HTML Tags

ending BODY and HTML tags

all Web page content will be placed here

If you notice an error in the text, use the BACKSPACE key to

erase all the characters back to and including the one that is


Page 8: Web Page Development Identify elements of a Web Page Start Notepad Describe the Notepad window Enter the,,, and tags Enter a paragraph of text, a bulleted

Saving the HTML File

Click the Save button

Page 9: Web Page Development Identify elements of a Web Page Start Notepad Describe the Notepad window Enter the,,, and tags Enter a paragraph of text, a bulleted

Using a Browser to View a Web Page

• After you save your HTML file, you may view your Web page in a browser

• The HTML file displays in your browser just as it would on the Web

• Windows allows you to view the page in your browser while keeping Notepad open

Page 10: Web Page Development Identify elements of a Web Page Start Notepad Describe the Notepad window Enter the,,, and tags Enter a paragraph of text, a bulleted

Color Codes

In order to change text colors, you will need two things:

1. A command to change the text.2. A color code (A hex code).The color codes, as I said above, are technically called Hex Codes.. The codes are not too user friendly, and you'll need a chart to tell you what code makes what color.

See color code examples

Page 11: Web Page Development Identify elements of a Web Page Start Notepad Describe the Notepad window Enter the,,, and tags Enter a paragraph of text, a bulleted

Background Colors

Page 12: Web Page Development Identify elements of a Web Page Start Notepad Describe the Notepad window Enter the,,, and tags Enter a paragraph of text, a bulleted

Adding Background Color

Locate the6-character codeof the color you

wish to use

Page 13: Web Page Development Identify elements of a Web Page Start Notepad Describe the Notepad window Enter the,,, and tags Enter a paragraph of text, a bulleted
Page 14: Web Page Development Identify elements of a Web Page Start Notepad Describe the Notepad window Enter the,,, and tags Enter a paragraph of text, a bulleted

•You have the ability to change full page text colors over four levels:

•<TEXT="######"> - This denotes the full page text color.•<LINK="######"> - This denotes the color of the links on your page.•<ALINK="######"> - This denotes the color the link will flash when clicked upon.•<VLINK="######"> - This denotes the colors of the links after they have been visited.•These commands come right below the <TITLE> commands. Again, in that position they affect everything on the page. Also... place them all together inside the same command along with any background commands. Something like this:

•< BODY BGCOLOR="######" TEXT="######" LINK="######" VLINK="######">

Page 15: Web Page Development Identify elements of a Web Page Start Notepad Describe the Notepad window Enter the,,, and tags Enter a paragraph of text, a bulleted

You can also use an image as a background, e.g.



<Title>MY PAGE</Title>

<Body background=“blue_pap.gif”>

<Title>MY PAGE</Title>




Page 16: Web Page Development Identify elements of a Web Page Start Notepad Describe the Notepad window Enter the,,, and tags Enter a paragraph of text, a bulleted


• Used to separate text and introduce new topics

• Vary in size, from <H1> through <H6>

• Use the same sized heading for the same level of topic

Page 17: Web Page Development Identify elements of a Web Page Start Notepad Describe the Notepad window Enter the,,, and tags Enter a paragraph of text, a bulleted
Page 18: Web Page Development Identify elements of a Web Page Start Notepad Describe the Notepad window Enter the,,, and tags Enter a paragraph of text, a bulleted


• Most text on Web pages is in paragraph format

• The <P> tag has an optional ending tag• When a browser finds a <P> tag, it starts a

new line and adds a paragraph break• Try not to type large sections of text

without having paragraph breaks

Page 19: Web Page Development Identify elements of a Web Page Start Notepad Describe the Notepad window Enter the,,, and tags Enter a paragraph of text, a bulleted

<P>Hello there</P><P>Hello there</P>Hello there<BR>Hello there

paragraph tag and text

The <BR> (break) tag breaks aline of text and starts a new

line, but does not add verticalspacing like a <P> tag

Page 20: Web Page Development Identify elements of a Web Page Start Notepad Describe the Notepad window Enter the,,, and tags Enter a paragraph of text, a bulleted
Page 21: Web Page Development Identify elements of a Web Page Start Notepad Describe the Notepad window Enter the,,, and tags Enter a paragraph of text, a bulleted

Creating a List

• Lists structure your text in outline format– Unordered (bulleted) lists

• <UL> and </UL> marks the beginning and end of unordered lists

– Ordered (numbered) lists• <OL> and </OL> marks the beginning and end of ordered lists

• The <LI> and </LI> tags define list items

• The TYPE attribute defines the default bullet or number type

Page 22: Web Page Development Identify elements of a Web Page Start Notepad Describe the Notepad window Enter the,,, and tags Enter a paragraph of text, a bulleted

Unordered Lists

<H3>Unordered Lists</H3><UL TYPE=“disc”><LI>First item – type disc</LI><LI>Second item – type disc</LI></UL>

<UL TYPE=“square”><LI>First item – type square</LI><LI>Second item – type square</LI><UL>

<UL TYPE=“circle”><LI>First item – type circle</LI><LI>Second item – type circle</LI></UL>

Page 23: Web Page Development Identify elements of a Web Page Start Notepad Describe the Notepad window Enter the,,, and tags Enter a paragraph of text, a bulleted

Ordered Lists <H3>Ordered Lists</H3> <OL TYPE=“1”> <LI>First item – type 1</LI> <LI>Second item – type 1</LI> </OL>

<OL TYPE=“A”> <LI>First item – type A</LI> <LI>Second item – type A</LI> </OL>

<OL TYPE=“a”> <LI>First item – type a</LI> <LI>Second item – type a</LI> </OL>

<OL TYPE=“I”> <LI>First item – type I</LI> <LI>Second item – type I</LI> </OL>

<OL TYPE=“i”> <LI>First item – type i</LI> <LI>Second item – type i</LI> </OL>

Page 24: Web Page Development Identify elements of a Web Page Start Notepad Describe the Notepad window Enter the,,, and tags Enter a paragraph of text, a bulleted

Creating a Bulleted List

bulleted listtags and text

Page 25: Web Page Development Identify elements of a Web Page Start Notepad Describe the Notepad window Enter the,,, and tags Enter a paragraph of text, a bulleted
Page 26: Web Page Development Identify elements of a Web Page Start Notepad Describe the Notepad window Enter the,,, and tags Enter a paragraph of text, a bulleted

Go to<A href="page..htm>My page</A>

Go to My page

Page 27: Web Page Development Identify elements of a Web Page Start Notepad Describe the Notepad window Enter the,,, and tags Enter a paragraph of text, a bulleted

Your Web Pagetitle

body ofWeb page

main heading

H2 heading

bulleted list


Page 28: Web Page Development Identify elements of a Web Page Start Notepad Describe the Notepad window Enter the,,, and tags Enter a paragraph of text, a bulleted
Page 29: Web Page Development Identify elements of a Web Page Start Notepad Describe the Notepad window Enter the,,, and tags Enter a paragraph of text, a bulleted

<Table border=2><TR><TD>1<TD><TR><TD>2<TD><TR><TD>3<TD><Table>

<Table border=2><TR><TD>1<TD><TD>1A<TD><TD>1B<TD><TR><TD>2<TD><TD>2A<TD><TD>2B<TD><TR><TD>3<TD><TD>3A<TD><TD>3B<TD><Table>

Page 30: Web Page Development Identify elements of a Web Page Start Notepad Describe the Notepad window Enter the,,, and tags Enter a paragraph of text, a bulleted
Page 31: Web Page Development Identify elements of a Web Page Start Notepad Describe the Notepad window Enter the,,, and tags Enter a paragraph of text, a bulleted

Forms (things to fill in)


A One-Line Text Box<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="name" SIZE="30">

A Bigger Text Box<TEXTAREA NAME="comment" ROWS=6 COLS=40>

Input Buttons<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="heading of button" VALUE="button name">
