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  • 8/14/2019 Web Log 12 (276-300)


    Volume 12

    Posts 276-300

    Friday, July 4, 2008 to

    Monday, July 28, 2008

  • 8/14/2019 Web Log 12 (276-300)


    F R I D AY, J U LY 4 , 2 0 0 8

    Just For Fun #12

    Happy July 4t h

    From all of us at Metal XOR Studio

    Posted by - Mune Mud - at 9:00 AM 0 commentsLabels: Just for Fun

  • 8/14/2019 Web Log 12 (276-300)


    SAT U R D AY , J U LY 5 , 2 0 0 8

    Studio News: Equinox Dulcet

    Metal XOR Studio is proud t o int roduce

    This is the newest music project at the Studio. It is a solo project from Jason thatuses nothing but instruments and sounds from wi thin the computer. The songs arenew age flavored and each one sounds like it has its origin in a different culture.This project is the basis of the new weekly Sunday feature called Ethical Travels .

    This Sunday will be an introduction to the new feature a nd details how EquinoxDulcet music will be presented.

    This is an exciting new project that has been in the works for nearly two years.Now is the time to share it with the world. Come back Sunday for the unveiling ofthis new endeavor.Posted by - Mune Mud - at 5:30 AM 0 commentsLabels: Studio News

  • 8/14/2019 Web Log 12 (276-300)


    SU N D AY , J U LY 6 , 2 0 0 8

    This Day in Studio History

    It was on this day in 1998 that the Studio first used the audio editing software CoolEdit. With this program the songs c ould now be mixed down from the 4 -trackmaster into the computer and be edited with effects, cleaned up, or re -arranged.Once the songs were finished in Cool Edit they were put in a play list and thecassette copies of an album were made from that list.

    Prior to this software, once a song was recorded on the 4 -track master it wasfinished, it just needed mixed down. But now songs, or parts of the songs, couldbe changed after they were recorded. This new process was first used for theIsthmus album Parabolic Dish Festival Volume 1 which was released in July of1998.

    Posted by - Mune Mud - at 5:30 AM 0 commentsLabels: This Day in History

  • 8/14/2019 Web Log 12 (276-300)


    SU N D AY , J U LY 6 , 2 0 0 8

    Ethical Travels #0: Introduction

    When I took two weeks off from work in September of 2006 for the birth of our son, I used my spare time (when he was sleeping) to record some new music. Itwas different than anything I had recorded before. But once the two weeks wereover and I got back to real life, I lost the free time I needed to complete a newalbum.

    The song s have been in the computer for almost two years. I don't want to waituntil I eventually have time to finish the album, so I have decided to release oneof the seven completed songs each Sunday for the next seven weeks in the form ofa Sunday blog feature called Ethical Travels . The new music project is calledEquinox Dulcet. After all seven songs have been released they will be compiled ona CD and it will be the first Equinox Dulcet EP, titled Ethical Travels . Hopefully inthe future I can complete the p roject and release the full -length album in itsentirety, titled Ethical Travels on a Green Planet .

    I have set up a new site to document Ethical Travels and Equinox Dulcet. Clickhere to visit the site. Each Sunday this blog will have a link t o a new song and storyat the other site.

    Posted by - Mune Mud - at 9:00 AM 0 commentsLabels: Ethical Travels

  • 8/14/2019 Web Log 12 (276-300)


    M O N D AY, J U LY 7 , 2 0 0 8

    This Day in Studio History

    On Wednesday, July 6, 1994, I found out we had a wireless micro phone beltpack atwork that was ordered by mistake and could not be used. I asked about it and wastold I could buy it.

    The next day, which was fourteen years ago today, I bought the unit for $25. Ibrought it home and attached it to the back of my electr ic guitar and used it as awireless unit for my guitar. In theory it worked great, but since I was doing most ofmy guitar playing sitting down in the Studio, I took the unit off and put it instorage for future use.Posted by - Mune Mud - at 5:30 AM 0 commentsLabels: This Day in History

  • 8/14/2019 Web Log 12 (276-300)


    M O N D AY, J U LY 7 , 2 0 0 8

    Single #10: Reflection

    Song name: "Reflection" Album name: Sleep State F Release date: November 18, 1997

    Tracks 1. Reflection (album version)

    2. One Second 3. Reflection (instrumental)

    Song History This was the second single from the 1997 Mune Mud album Sleep State F .

    Jason had just watched a documentary on TV about prophecies and predictionsabout the end of the world. After the show finished he got up, turned the TV off,and recorded this song. The bridge in the middle of the song was taken fro m an

    unused NueroMud song from 1995 called "Midnight at ____ Bridge".

    Track Breakdown The first track is the version that appeared on the album.

    Jason stayed a t some relatives' house for a week while they were on vacation. He

  • 8/14/2019 Web Log 12 (276-300)


    took his 4 -track recorder, his guitar, his delay pedal, and a microphone andrecorded four songs that week. They were basic and recorded quickly. Two ofthem, "Contact" and "Overfed", appea red on Sleep State F. "One Second" was oneof the two unused tracks, the other being "Sepia". This was the first place this song

    was made available.

    The third track is the instrumental version of the album track.Posted by - Mune Mud - at 1:00 PM 0 commentsLabels: Singles

  • 8/14/2019 Web Log 12 (276-300)


    T U E SD AY, J U LY 8 , 2 0 0 8

    Studio News: New Host Found

    I reported last month that I was having problems with the s ite that hosted all myaudio and document files. I'm glad to announce that the problem has been solved.I have found a new site to host my files. I had to try a few different sites to findone that met my requirements, but it has been found.

    Over the last week I uploaded all the files to the new site and fixed all the linksthat had become broken when the last host closed. So all links are back andworking properly.

    And in all the new linking I found a new MP3 "jukebox" for this site. It can be foundin t he sidebar on the right side of the page. You can play every song that has beenfeatured on this site in the Listen Online feature. The player is too wide for thebar so it cuts some of the song titles off, but I will address that some time in thefuture.Posted by - Mune Mud - at 5:30 AM 0 commentsLabels: Studio News

  • 8/14/2019 Web Log 12 (276-300)


    W E D N E SD AY, J U LY 9 , 2 0 0 8

    This Day in Studio History

    It was on this day in 1996 that the first Isthmus album, Electric Field Donut , wasrelease.

    Happy 12th Anniversary Posted by - Mune Mud - at 5:30 AM 0 commentsLabels: This Day in History

  • 8/14/2019 Web Log 12 (276-300)


    W E D N E SD AY, J U LY 9 , 2 0 0 8

    Equipment File #19: Josef Bremen violin

    Josef Bremen violin

    This violin was purchased for $50 in the mid 1990's by the Studio. It was to

    eventually replace the string sounds used from the keyboards but ne ver quiteachieved that much use. In fact, it was only used in one recording, "IntercostalCommunication", from the 1999 O RC album Purging the Great Abyss .

    It still rests in Metal XOR Storage in case the Studio needs a real violin sound again.Posted by - Mune Mud - at 1:00 PM 0 commentsLabels: Equipment File

  • 8/14/2019 Web Log 12 (276-300)


    T H U R SD AY, J U LY 1 0 , 2 0 0 8

    Article: Album of the Week Summary

    The weekly Album of the Week feature that has appeared every Sunday since thebeginning of the blog has come to an end with Album of the Week #45. As newa lbums are released you can expect a new Album of the Week post to be made.Below is a complete list of the albums in the order they were featured.

    #1. Mune Mud Mune Mud (debut album) #2. Mune Mud Olympus

    #3. NueroMud ...Libra 971 #4. NueroMud Nine Days Wo nder #5. NueroMorgue Devis Tortura #6. NueroMorgue E. Phantasmata #7. Binary Pipedream Binary Pipedream #8. ORC Purging the Great Abyss #9. Harry and Jason The Vintage Years Volume 1 #10. Isthmus Electric Field Donut #11. Isthmus Lambskin Temple #12. Isthm us New Mexico Igloo

    #13. Isthmus Ideas #14. X -Selsior One Way

    #15. Isthmus Parabolic Dish Festival Volume 1

    #16. Isthmus Parabolic Dish Festival Volume 2

    #17. Nikki and Jason Love Songs

    #18. Mune Mud Underwater Problem Factory #19. Mune Mud Pryme Material #20. Mune Mud Devaulted #21. Mune Mud Monograph

    #22. Mune Mud Equation of Time #23. Mune Mud Sleep State F

    #24. Mune Mud The Search for Metropolis #25. Mune Mud Hobson's Choice

    #26. Mune Mud Hobson's Second Choice

    #27. Mune Mud Singles Collection

  • 8/14/2019 Web Log 12 (276-300)


    #28. The Two -Tones Heimlich Maneuver #29. Paige Watson My First Album #30. Mune Mud Mune Mud (re -release) #31. --- Merry Christmas to Me

    #32. --- The Deuce #33. --- Diversity au Troi #34. --- Quardaphonic #35. --- Songs to Enjoy #36. --- Best of Harry and Jason #37 . --- Best of Harry and Jason II #38. --- Best of Darrin and Jason #39. Mune Mud Olympus 10th Anniversary

    #40. Mune Mud Underwater Problem Factory 10th Anniversary #41. Mune Mud Pryme Material 10th Anniversary #42. Mune Mud Equation of Time 10th Anniversar y #43. Mune Mud Sleep State F 10th Anniversary #44. Isthmus Parabolic Dish Festival 10th Anniversary #45. Mune Mud Precursory 33

    Posted by - Mune Mud - at 5:30 AM 0 commentsLabels: Article

  • 8/14/2019 Web Log 12 (276-300)


    F R I D AY, J U LY 1 1 , 2 0 0 8

    Web Log #7: Posts 151 - 175

    This seventh entry contains posts #151 -175.

    Web Log 07 (151 -175) - Upload a Document to Scribd

    Posted by - Mune Mud - at 5:30 AM 0 commentsLabels: Web Log

  • 8/14/2019 Web Log 12 (276-300)


    SAT U R D AY , J U LY 1 2 , 2 0 0 8

    Collector's Corner #26

    This is the advertis ement that was emailed to promote the 2002 Mune MudUnderwater Problem Factory 10th Anniversary Edition CD Extra.

    Collector's Corner 26 - Upload a Document to Scribd

    It was also included on the CD as part of the bonus content.

    There was never a paper version printed so this ad will live forever in the digitaldomain.Posted by - Mune Mud - at 5:30 AM 0 commentsLabels: Collector's Corner

  • 8/14/2019 Web Log 12 (276-300)


    SU N D AY, J U LY 1 3 , 2 0 0 8

    Ethical Travels #1: Moon Spell

    Ethical Travels begins with "Moon Spell"

    Click here to enter. . . Posted by - Mune Mud - at 5:30 AM 0 commentsLabels: Ethical Travels

  • 8/14/2019 Web Log 12 (276-300)


    M O N D AY, J U LY 1 4 , 2 0 0 8

    Single #11: From Cousin B

    Song name: "From Cousin B" Album name: The Search for Metropolis Release date: December 4, 2001

    Tracks 1. From Cousin B (album version)

    2. Camilla 3. From Cousin B (instrumental)

    Song History This was the first single fro m the 2001 Mune Mud album The Search for Metropolis .

    This song is a very strange mix of themes, all pulled together to tell a very strangestory. The first sour ce was from Jason's job. Doug Fleenor is a brand of lightingequipment they use where he works. The second source was from the 1953 movie

    The Long, Long Trailer starring Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz. This has always beenone of Jason's favorite movies, so there are lines and sound clips taken from themovie for this song. And the third source came from a Beatrix Potter story called"The Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher". In fact, the title of the song comes from the wayBeatrix Potter dedicated the book.

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    Track Br eakdown The first track is the version that appeared on the album.

    Jason, his sister, and his cousin used to hunt for ghosts in their house when theywere really young. His sister once had a nightmare about white mannequin peoplehaunting their upstairs, so after some investigating they came to the conclusionthat one of the ghost's name was Camilla. This song was written about Camilla andtheir ghost hunts. It was recorded during the Metropolis recording sessions but notused on the album.

    The third trac k is the instrumental version of the album track.Posted by - Mune Mud - at 5:30 AM 0 commentsLabels: Singles

  • 8/14/2019 Web Log 12 (276-300)


    W E D N E SD AY, J U LY 1 6 , 2 0 0 8

    Equipment File #20: Vega wireless system

    Vega wireless system

    The story of this wireless unit can be read in a recent post here . To summarize, in1994 this wireless unit was accidentally purchased where I work and they had nouse for it. So I bought it from them for $25. I attached the belt back to the back ofmy electric guitar to make the guitar wireless, but since I have always done mostof my playing sitting down in the studio I soon removed the unit and continuedusing a cord.

    This unit is in Studio storage in case it is ever needed again.Posted by - Mune Mud - at 5:30 AM 0 commentsLabels: Equipment File

  • 8/14/2019 Web Log 12 (276-300)


    W E D N E SD AY, J U LY 1 6 , 2 0 0 8

    This Day in Studio History

    It was on this day in 1996 that the Mune Mud album Monograph was released.

    Happy 12th Anniversary!!! Posted by - Mune Mud - at 1:00 PM 0 commentsLabels: This Day in History

  • 8/14/2019 Web Log 12 (276-300)


    F R I D AY, J U LY 1 8 , 2 0 0 8

    Web Log #8: Posts 176 - 200

    This eighth entry contains posts #176 -200.

    Web Log 08 (176 -200) - Upload a Document to Scribd

    Posted by - Mune Mud - at 5:30 AM 0 commentsLabels: Web Log

  • 8/14/2019 Web Log 12 (276-300)


    SU N D AY, J U LY 2 0 , 2 0 0 8

    Ethical Travels #2: Caravan of the Wilds

    Ethical Travels continues with "Caravan of the Wilds"

    Click here to enter. . . Po sted by - Mune Mud - at 5:30 AM 0 comment sLabels: Ethical Travels

  • 8/14/2019 Web Log 12 (276-300)


    M O N D AY, J U LY 2 1 , 2 0 0 8

    Single #12: Ocean Body

    Song name: "Ocean Body" Album name: The Search for Metropolis Release date: January 1, 2002

    Tracks 1. Ocean Body (album version)

    2. Ocean Body (demo) 3. Ocean Body (instrumental)

    Song History This was the second single from the 2001 Mune Mud album The Search for Metropolis .

    The original version of the song, now referred to as the demo, was recorded inAugust of 1995. It was recorded during the NueroMud Nine Days Wonder sessions,

    but ended up being a Mune Mud song when re -recorded in July of 2000. The newerrecording is what was used for the album. The album version was longer than theoriginal, there was an extra verse after the solo and the end was longer. The songwas recorded about a friend who had taken a vacation to California.

    Track Breakdo wn

  • 8/14/2019 Web Log 12 (276-300)


    The first track is the version that appeared on the album.

    The demo version of the song was actually the first version recorded five yearsprior to recording the album version. The ending on the demo was cut short

    because the 4 -track master tape ran ou t. It was never used on an album because itdidn't seem finished, but it was good enough to be the b -side to the newercomplete version of the song.

    The third track is the instrumental version of the album track.Posted by - Mune Mud - at 5:30 AM 0 commentsLabels: Singles

  • 8/14/2019 Web Log 12 (276-300)


    M O N D AY, J U LY 2 1 , 2 0 0 8

    This Day in Studio History

    It was on this day in 1998 that Isthmus released Parabolic Dish Festival Volume 1 .

    It's been a fast ten years! Posted by - Mune Mud - at 1:00 PM 0 commentsLabels: This Day in History

  • 8/14/2019 Web Log 12 (276-300)


    W E D N E SD AY, J U LY 2 3 , 2 0 0 8

    Equipment File #21: Shure SM - 57 mic

    Shure SM -57 microphone

    This is the microphone the Studio used starting back in 1990 with the Mune Mud

    debut album. It was mainly used for vocals, but occasionally it was used to mic theguitar amp for a fuller sound. It was used until the late 90's when the Studio finallygot a Shure SM -58 microphone.

    This mic is still in storage and ready to be used again.Posted by - Mune Mud - at 5:30 AM 0 commentsLabels: Equipment File

  • 8/14/2019 Web Log 12 (276-300)


    F R I D AY, J U LY 2 5 , 2 0 0 8

    Web Log #9: Posts 201 - 225

    This ninth entry contain s posts #201 -225.

    Web Log 09 (201 -225) - Upload a Document to Scribd

    Posted by - Mune Mud - at 5:30 AM 0 commentsLabels: Web Log

  • 8/14/2019 Web Log 12 (276-300)


    SU N D AY, J U LY 2 7 , 2 0 0 8

    This Day in Studio History

    It was on this date in 1996 that Metal XOR -B Studio was taken down. After ninemonths of use it was time to move the Studio once again. It was moved back to aprior location, the same place where Circle IX Studio had existed a couple of yearsearlier.

    For more information on Metal XOR -B, click here to read the Studio Chapter feature that gives a detailed account of that Studio.Posted by - Mune Mud - at 5:30 AM 0 commentsLabels: This Day in History

  • 8/14/2019 Web Log 12 (276-300)


    SU N D AY, J U LY 2 7 , 2 0 0 8

    Ethical Travels #3: Antikythera Mechanism

    Ethical Travels continues with "Aerikythera Mechanism"

    Click here to enter. . . Posted by - Mune Mud - at 6:30 AM 0 commentsLabels: Ethical Travels

  • 8/14/2019 Web Log 12 (276-300)


    M O N D AY, J U LY 2 8 , 2 0 0 8

    Blog News: 300th Post

    This is post #300!!!

    It is rapidly approaching the one -year anniversary of this blog. Not bad fororiginally hoping to keep it going for at least 2 -3 weeks. And when I first started, Iexpected to post 2 -3 times a week. In doing the math, I have ended up averagingmore than twice that many! So I can certainly say that this blog has been a successin my mind.

    As for future content... there's more to be had. And I have no doubts that I will

    soon be typing up #350. See you there.Posted by - Mune Mud - at 5:30 AM 0 commentsLabels: Blog News

    Copyright 2008 Metal XOR Studio