web hosting

How to choose reliable web host? Presented by “ WHUK

Upload: harry-thomas

Post on 13-Aug-2015




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How to choose reliable web host?

Presented by “ WHUK “


◇ There are thousands of web hosting companies which are available to host your domain on the internet.

◇ So how does an entrepreneur choose the right web host for his business?

In which geographical site will your website be hosted?

◇ If the web host is located in the Australia, then your website will take much time to load for your UK visitors. On the other hand search engine also counts geographical location of web host for particular website.

◇ Always try to choose web host from UK if you are located in UK and your targeted audience is in UK. This will count a lot; can be helpful in Search engine optimization.

How and when can you contact technical support?

◇ Most of web host will offer only email support.

◇ It is some time good until you have a problem with the email. Try to choose web host which offers both email support as well as phone support, because at the time of emergency the issue should be resolved in a quick time.

 What backup approaches are in place?

◇ The back strategy is plan by monitoring how much you are paying for the service depending on this the plan are executed for your backup.

◇ If you keep your website data on the regular basis then it is well and good. And try to ensure what backup strategy is your web hosting provider is applying to make your account secure

◇ There are some questions that you should ask to your web host while dealing the plans 

Questions that you should ask to your web host while dealing the plans.  

◇ If the server on which my website is landed goes down and cannot be recovered, is there any backup that would help to recover my account

◇ If the whole datacenter is damaged, is there a backup of my account anywhere else?

◇ If a cruel person breaks the server's security and deletes my account, could they also delete the backups?

There is no technical edge to how many websites a web host can crush on to a single server.  But the most of time, the slower the server becomes, affecting the load speed of all websites hosted on it.

Therefore, this becomes a cost driver for the web host, and they must make an energetic decision about how much they are ready to seal up each of their servers with respect to performance..

How fast do the websites load?


You might have to do a bit of reading to get to the bottom of this one. What kind of machines does your hosting company use? Are they top-of-the-line, out-of-the-box new machines, or are they cobbled together from what might be spare parts

and chicken wire?

Even if you’re the least tech-savvy person in the world, there are some things – installing WordPress, setting up email, setting up FTP accounts – you should be able to do without calling your hosting company’s support line. Does your provider use cPanel or plesk to make updates and modifications easier, or do they use some clunky interface that no one can figure out? You’ll most likely be the one working with it, so if you can’t figure it out, then that’s going to be a problem.

Control Panel / User Interface

Thanks!Any questions?You can find me at:

◇ @iharrythomas