web demo questions

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Post on 03-Jun-2018




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  • 8/11/2019 Web Demo Questions


    Oil and Gas

    The basics data format :

    1. LAS

    2. LIS

    3. DLIS

    Always we use LAS files. These LAS files has some log formats these are

    LLD--Latino log deep(ohms/m)

    LLS--Latino log shallow(ohms/m)

    MSFL--(Micro spherically focused log(very shallow)(depth of investigation) SPSpontaneous potential (or) self potential (mv)

    GRNatural Gamma ray(API)

    RHOBDensity log (g/cc)

    NPHI(Neutron porosity (pu)

    DELT(Internal transit(m sec/H)

    DRHODensity correction

    The out put :

    Vclayvolume of clay


    PHITTotal porosity

    Vsandvolume of sand

    Swwater saturation

    Sxoflushed zone curves

    Rhomamatrix density

    Sand stone2.6 gms/cc

    Lime stone2.71


  • 8/11/2019 Web Demo Questions



    RhoclRhoclaydensity of clay

    Phinclnuetron porasity of clay

    Grclgamma ray against clay

    The basic log analysis:

    Load the data(plot control file)

    Data ploting

    Depth shifting

    Match curves if required

    Depth scale

    Shading patterns


    Zone selection

    Different parameters

  • 8/11/2019 Web Demo Questions


    Files and its units


    Units :IN

    Curve type Caliper

    Max value:15.2

    Min value:2.8

    Mean value:7.5402


    Units: GM/CC

    Curve type: Drho

    Max value:0.4

    Min value:-0.42

    Description: Density correction


    Units: API

    Curve type: Gamma ray

    Max value:109.2

    Min value:0

    Description: Gamma ray

    PHIN: (porosity)

    Units: V/v

    Curve type: Phi

    Max value:287.6

    Min value:0

  • 8/11/2019 Web Demo Questions


    Equations and formulas


    SXo= RXo+ RMF

    SW= RW(4), Vcaly(4), porosity(4)




    RW methods:

    1. SSP=-K LOG*(RCALY/RW)

    2. Auto method









  • 8/11/2019 Web Demo Questions



    We know the basics about petrophisics.so we have been practicing the IP

    software from 28 days.

    We know only how to select the LAS files with my own values and plottedthe graph with default values.

    So we have many doubts about IP features behind in it.so could you tell me

    that what is our main target..? means what we have to find out finally..?

    1. How to select to select the LAS files?

    2. How to plot the graph with given values?

    3. How to process and give final report for LAS files

    4. What is LOGPLOT POROSITY? How many methodsare available to find out

    the logplot porosity? which one is the best for it.?

    5. How to select logplot porosity from IP?

    6. How many methods are available for RW?

    7. How to select RW from IP?

    8. What is cross plot porosity? What is the role of it in IP?

    9. How can we selectand computecross plot porosity?

    10.What is hydrocarbon corrections? Can we apply hydrocarbon corrections?11.What is vclay porosity? What is the use of it in IP?

    12.How many methodsare available to compute the vclay porosity? which one

    is the best for us?

    13.How to select and compute final vclay porosity and RW parameter for sw

    from different method?

    14.How to select and compute SW=RW+RT for final report?

    15.How can we processing and calculating on the well log file?

    16.How can we see the resulted logplot ?can you explain with example?17.What is the use of Depth Shifting in IP?

    18.How to perform Depth Shifting from different method? which is the best

    for us?

    19.Can you explain shading pattern?

  • 8/11/2019 Web Demo Questions


    The main questions:

    we know how to create a basic 3 track log plot by simply selecting some input

    curves like gama ray,resistivity etc...but we don't know how to perform

    calculations , processing and how can I see the resulted log plot .Can you

    explain me with simple example

    1. How to select the logplot porasity from different methods.2. Rw from different methods?

    3. How to compute cross plot porosity?

    4. can we apply hydrocarbon corrections?

    5. how to select final Vclay porosity and Rw parameters for Sw

    computation from different methods?

    6. How to perform calculations to get final report means Sw=Rw+Rt

    and explain clearly?