web components

© Copyright SELA Software & Education Labs, Ltd. | 14-18 Baruch Hirsch St., Bnei Brak, 51202 Israel | www.selagroup.com SELA DEVELOPER PRACTICE December 28 th – January 1st, 2014 Noam Kfir Web Components

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© Copyright SELA Software & Education Labs, Ltd. | 14-18 Baruch Hirsch St., Bnei Brak, 51202 Israel | www.selagroup.com

SELA DEVELOPER PRACTICEDecember 28th – January 1st, 2014

Noam Kfir

Web Components


Web Components

Custom Elements

HTML Templates

Shadow DOM

HTML Imports

Web Components

Modern Web Development

Static Dynamic Libraries Frameworks

Pseudo-semantic HTML

Very poor separation of concerns

A script language expected to behave like a “real” language

Inconsistent browser implementations

A huge variety of target devices and platforms

Modern Web Development

It’s a total freakin’ MESS!

Web Components to the Rescue

A set of standards designed to componentize the web

Some general goals:

code reuse,encapsulation,


UI composition,


more expressive,semantic

Part of the Ecosystem

Shares some features with existing frameworks and librariesMustache, Handlebars, Angular, Knockout, and many others

But universal:HTML5




And growing fast!

The Web Components Standards

•roll your own elementsCustom Elements

•reusable DOM fragmentsHTML Templates

•DOM encapsulationShadow DOM

•load HTML declarativelyHTML Imports

The State of Web Components

W3C Working Drafts

Mixed browser support:http://caniuse.com/#search=web%20components


Polymer X-Tag Bosonic

Getting Started

Browsers have only partial support, unpredictable

So we use the webcomponents.js polyfill

> bower install --save webcomponentsjs


Reference the webcomponents.js script in the <head> tag

Make sure it’s the first script


<script src="bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents.js"></script>



HTML Imports

HTML Imports Overview

Include HTML documents in other HTML documents

Can be used to import any HTML

Especially useful with Custom Elements

Replaces old kludges:


HTML script element <script type="text/html"></script>

Ajax $(target).load("source.html selector");

HTML Imports Lifecycle

The outer HTML is loaded and parsed

After DOMContentLoaded, the polyfill loads the imports

After imports are loaded, HTMLImportsLoaded is fired

After the data is parsed, WebComponentsReady is fired

Polyfill lifecycle is a a bit different from native lifecycle

DOMContentLoaded HTMLImportsLoaded WebComponentsReady

Reference the polyfill first

Use the <link rel="import" /> tag to declare an import

Process the import in the HTMLImportsLoaded event handler


<script src="bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents.js"></script>

<link rel="import" href="imported.html" id="content" />


document.addEventListener('HTMLImportsLoaded', function(e) {

var contentDocument = document.getElementById('content').import;

var content = contentDocument.querySelector('.content');

var cloned = content.cloneNode(true);



HTML Imports Overview

Additional Notes

Scripts running inside the import can reference the containing document by calling document.currentScript.ownerDocument

In a polyfilled environment: document._currentScript.ownerDocument

CORS constraints apply to documents imported from other domains

Don’t forget to clone the nodes you want to import

Custom Elements

Roll Your Own

Custom Elements make a truly semantic web possible

You can create elements named (almost) any way you want:

Same naming rules as other tags

There must be a dash (“-”) in the name to future-proof the name against the HTML standard and avoid naming collisions

Custom Elements can also be used to “upgrade” existing elements and add additional behavior

Register the element:

document.registerElement('sela-course', {});

Create a Custom Element

And use it:


Create a Custom Element

Register the element with prototype and extend

document.registerElement('sela-syllabus', {

prototype: Object.create(HTMLUListElement.prototype),

extends: 'ul'


Extend an Existing Element

And then associate it with the extended element

<ul is="sela-syllabus"></ul>

Extend an Existing Element

Custom Element Callbacks

createdCallbackcalled when an instance is created

attachedCallbackcalled when an instance is added to DOM subtree

detachedCallbackcalled when an instance is removed from a DOM subtree

attributeChangedCallbackcalled after an attribute value changes

HTML Templates

Separation of Concerns

Separate the view (HTML/CSS) from its logic (JS)

Represented with the <template> tag

Templates are loaded in an “inert” stateready to be cloned

scripts don’t run

resources aren’t loaded

Templates can be placed almost anywhere, including imports

Put the templated content inside the template element

The template will usually be just part of a custom element

<template id="template">





<h1>Web Components</h1>

<img src="http://webcomponents.org/img/logo.svg">



Using the <template> tag

The template’s container has to import the template.contentnode, which does a deep clone

The new element is then added to the DOM and activated


var template = document.querySelector('#template');

var clone = document.importNode(template.content, true);

var host = document.querySelector('#host');



<div id="host"></div>

Cloning the template

Data Binding

Templates do not support data binding

Polymer, X-Tag and other polyfills provide data binding support

Shadow DOM

Understanding the Shadow DOM

Separates a logical tree from a visual tree

(it’s actually more complex, but that’s the general idea)

Provides encapsulation

The Custom Element can hide its own logic internally and expose an API

Makes the element more portable

Elements can be nested inside and outside the shadow DOM

Other Topics


Custom Elements embed multiple resources

Browsers use threads to download resources, but they only have a few available threads

Using custom elements can severely degrade page download performance

Vulcanize can flatten the Web Components to produce fewer requests

Can be added to a grunt/gulp build

Web Components can be heavy!




Nested elements

Media files

Web Components represent the baseline for the new web

Provide encapsulation, SoC, UI composition, portability and extensibility, and lots of other features

Not yet finalized – still Working Draft

A moving target, but there are some production examples

There are actually multiple standards that can be used independently of each other



Noam Kfir | @NoamKfir | [email protected]