web analytics 101 - chicagocounts

Web Analytics 101 Presented by: The Web Farm

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Presentation for ChicagoCOUNTS unconference


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Web Analytics 101Presented by: The Web Farm

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Web Analytics in a nutshell

• Web analytics software tracks metrics – or, measurements – of web traffic

• Web analytics can help you get into the heads of your visitors

• Analytics can give you info that can make your website’s design and content better and more relevant to your audience

• HUMANS do web analytics, not software

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What Web Analytics won’t do:

• Act as a replacement for CRM

• Drive traffic to your website

• Perform magic

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How your organization can use web analytics

• Find out what campaigns (e-mail, social media, paid search - even print!) bring in traffic/activity

• Identify what websites hold the key to your core supporters

• Monitor what website content is popular & most effective

• in site errors (broken links, etc.)

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Web Analytics Key Terms

• Visitor: An individual user of your site

• Visit/Session: Time from when a visitor enters and leaves your website

• Pageviews: Every time a visitor views a web page on a site

• Site Referrer: External web page that brought visitor to you

• Conversion: When a visitor completes an action (buys a product, subscribes to newsletter)

• Bounce Rate: Percentage of visitors that exit after only viewing one page of a website (or 10 seconds)

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Planning a Web Analytics Strategy• What is the purpose of your organization’s site? (ex. sell

products, gather donations or content?)

• What visitor actions on the site will help achieve your goals? (ex. signing up, buying something?)

• What do visitors want to do when they come to your site?

• What information will decision-makers want to know?

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Metrics and your site

You don’t have to pay attention to every metric!

Identify key metrics!

• Blog: time on site, pages/visit

• Non-profit website: Visitor to donor ratio, referring sites/bounce rate

What metrics you follow depend on the goals of your site.

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SMART Goals!






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Web Analytics Troubleshooting

Are you:

• Measuring goal conversion?

• Filtering your data?

• Segmenting your data?

• Reporting your data to all who could use it?

• Acting on your data?

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Going Further: Testing and Tagging

• A/B Testing (testing test samples against a baseline)

• Multivariate Testing (testing multiple page elements)

• Heat Maps

• Campaign tagging and measurement (PPC, email, social media)

• Surveys and focus groups

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Going Further: Books/Blogs


• Google Analytics 2.0 – Mary E. Tyler

• Web Analytics an Hour a Day — Avinash Kaushik

• Web Analytics 2.0 — Avinash Kaushik

Blogs/Websites (Google ‘em!)

• Conversion University

• Web Analytics World

• Web Analytics Demystified

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[email protected]
