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  • 7/25/2019 Weapon Table


    i n v e s t i g a t o r 's h a n d b o o k

    Weapons Table
  • 7/25/2019 Weapon Table


    c h a p t e r 10 : r e f e r e n c e

  • 7/25/2019 Weapon Table


    i n v e s t i g a t o r 's h a n d b o o k

  • 7/25/2019 Weapon Table


    c h a p t e r 10 : r e f e r e n c e

  • 7/25/2019 Weapon Table


    i n v e s t i g a t o r 's h a n d b o o k



    G (HG):Handgun

    G (R/S):Rifle/Shotgun

    G (SMG):Submachine Gun

    G (MG):Machine Gun

    Skill:Skill required to use the weapon.

    Damage: Roll the dice indicated to determine weaponsdamage. When an Extreme success is achieved with an attackroll the damage is increased. For the purpose of determin-ing increased damage weapons are divided into two groups:impaling and non-impaling. Non-impaling weapons delivermaximum damage (plus maximum damage bonus if ap-plicable). It is important to note that only those initiatingan attack deal greater damage with an Extreme success; any

    successful attacks made as a result of fighting back do notdeal increased damage, even on an Extreme success.

    (i)- Indicates a weapon category or specific weapon whichcan impale. On an Extreme level of success an impale hasbeen inflicted: maximum damage (plus maximum damagebonus for melee weapons) and add a damage roll for theweapon. Impales are not applied as a result of fighting back.At very long range, when only an Extreme success will hit the

    target, an impale only occurs with a cri tical hit (a roll of 01).

    Base Range:Standard distance of weapons attack.

    Uses per Round:Number of attacks that can be initiated percombat round (does not affect number of times a charactermay fight back with a melee weapon). Most firearms may fireone bullet without penalty; more bullets up to the maximum(shown by the number in brackets) may be fired, but each shotis taken with a penalty die. Some weapons have burst or fullauto capabili ty, when using this, use the automatic fire rules.

    Bullets in Gun (Magazine):There may be multiple optionsdepending on the size of magazine or drum used.

  • 7/25/2019 Weapon Table


    c h a p t e r 10 : r e f e r e n c e

    Cost:Split by 1920s / modern era (modern-day prices reflectcollectors market, 1920s prices do not). N/A denotes eitherunavailable commercially or an essentially mili tary application.

    Common in Era:Denotes availability by era.

    Malfunction (Mal):If die roll result equal to or higher thanthe firing weapons malfunction number, the shooter doesnot merely missthe weapon does not fire.

    Rare:Perhaps obsolete; a fine specimen for collectors orperhaps illegal.

    +DB:Plus damage bonus, which varies by individual.

    Stun:Target may not act for 1D6 rounds (or as the Keeperindicates).

    Burn:Target must roll Luck to avoid catching on fire. Takeminimum damage on following round. Double this eachround unti l extinguished (providing target is flammable).

    Burst/Full Auto:Some automatic weapons can be switchedto fire burst or ful l auto; such firearms are usually unavailableto civilians; prices reflect black-market.

    1B, 2B:1 barrel, 2 barrels.

    1/2, 1/3:Can be accurately fired every second or third round.

    1 or 2:One or two barrels fireable in same round.

    N/A: Generally not commercially available (in auto-fireconfiguration or at all).

    2 yards, 3 yards, etc.:Damage radius of explosion in yards; atup to double the range, the damage is halved. At up to triple therange, the damage is quartered. Beyond that damage is ignored.


    Assault Rifle:Use Rifle/Shotgun skil l when firing single shot;use Submachine skill when firing burst or full auto.

    Chainsaw: Very awkward to use as a weapon; double theusers chance of a fumble. Chainsaw fumbles are horrible andcause 2D8 harm to the user as the chainsaw is likely to buck uptowards to users head or shoulder, or cut down towards theirlegs or feet. Alternatively the chain can break and connect withthe users body (2D8 damage). A malfunction causes the en-gine to stall or the chain to jam or become displaced. A majorwound from a chainsaw severs a random limb.

    Claymore Mine:The weapon has a cone of fire; allow nom-inal 120-degree effect.

    Col. Morans Air Rifle:Uses compressed air rather than ex-plosive propellant, achieving relatively silent operation.

    Dynamite stick and Hand grenade: Each delivers 4D10damage to those within 3 yards, 2D10 to those within 6 yardsand 1D10 to those within 9 yards.

    Garrote:Requires the victim to make a Fighting Maneuverto escape or suffer 1D6 damage per round. Effective onlyagain human (or similar) opponents.

    GE Mini-Gun: Gatling style heavy machine gun, oftenmounted in helicopters. Hand-firing such a weapon withouta mount takes minimum Build 2.

    Handguns:If firing more than one shot per round all rollsare made with one penalty die. Number in brackets denotesmaximum number of shots that may be fired in one round.

    LAW:Light Antitank Weapon, disposable.

    Mace spray:Do not use the point-blank range rule for thisweapon. The target should rol l one-fi fth or less of their DEXon 1D100 to avoid being temporarily blinded. Effective only

    against human (or similar) opponents.

    Rifles:Most rifles except .45 Martini-Henry Rifle and Col.Morans Air Rifle fire 1 shot per round. Reloading is whattakes the time, not chambering the round. Assault rifles havea fire selector allowing for single shots or 3-round burst orful l automatic fire.

    Shotguns:Do three levels of damage depending on theirrange, written as short range/medium range/long range.Rifles and handguns can impale, however shotguns, whichfire a mass of smaller shot, cannot impale (although a shot-gun loaded with slugs instead of pellets could impale). Thisis not so say that shotguns are not deadly; an extreme level of

    success with a shotgun blast at close range will do 24 damage!

    Shotgun solid slugs:10-gauge 1D10+7, 12-gauge 1D10+6,16-gauge 1D10+5, 20-gauge 1D10+4; base ranges 50 yards.May impale.

    Taser (Contact or Dart):Affects only targets up to Build2, stunned targets are incapacitated for 1D6 rounds (or asdetermined by the Keeper).