wealth of the churches . . . laodicea or babylon.doc

Wealth of Churches today: Laodicea or Babylon? Revelation 3:13-19 13 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. 14 And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God; 15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. 16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. 17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: 18 I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see. 19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.

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Wealth of Churches today:  Laodicea or Babylon?

Revelation 3:13-19

13 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.

14 And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God;

15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.

16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.

17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:

18 I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.

19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.

Note: When someone invests in the right to run an established business, and continues to pay for that privilege, it's called franchising.  Do Church members realize their Churches could be considered part of a franchised religion?

Ask people in the community who owns the local church building and property, and they'll usually tell you that it belongs to the local Church members. It is the community and local Church members who put in the hours of physical labor, hard earned income, and prayer time, to build the church. It is local Church members who clean and maintain the property. It is local Church members who scrimp, save and give faithfully by the Preaching of Pastor requiring a Tithe, a tenth of one's earnings to the church. It is the faithful congregation who pays the mortgage, the insurance and related bills.  However, if associated with a Denomination, this simply may not be the case.

Many Pastors today make an above average wage compared to their congregation.  They

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believe they have a "right" to that pay.  They receive not only an above average wage, but many receive a parsonage, retirement, and a motor vehicle paid for by the "church," on top of their salary.  On top of that, when they and their spouse take a "vacation," often times a separate "love offering" is provided for them to enjoy their well earned "vacation".

http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,880420,00.htmlIn its 1923 financial statement, Trinity Church Corporation, with a main edifice at the head of Wall St., Manhattan, "wealthiest church in America," published its 1923 financial statement. Some items:

Gross income ..............................$ 1,248,681.00

Assets ...........................................$13,329,053.00


Clergy's salaries .................. $87,704.17

Music (Trinity Church and Chapels) $50,965.00

New organs .......................... $46,734.71

Alterations in Park Ave. Rectory, purchased for the Rev. Dr. Caleb R. Stetson .......

Church Building Valuations, 1926, in the United States

Baptist ................ $469,835,000Congregational … 164,212,000Methodist ............ 654,736,000Presbyterian ........ 443,572,000Episcopal ............ 314,596,000

Let's look at some salaries today:http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-religion/1869498/posts

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Mormon church earns $7 billion a year from tithing, analysis indicateshttp://openchannel.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/08/13/13262285-mormon-church-earns-7-billion-a-year-from-tithing-analysis-indicates?lite

Note: The early church started undeniably poor, meeting in homes, with but a few wealthy converts. There is no hint that salaries were paid nor Tithes raised from the converts. Initially, Christianity was an illegal religion.  This early Christian Church had no right, nor opportunity, nor even a desire to own buildings or to meet in a permanent place. However, over time, Christianity became more socially acceptable. The overall wealth of the members increased. The socially marginal no longer comprised the majority of congregations. By the 3rd century, with their increased wealth and new social acceptance, Churches started to own buildings and then land. Salaries started to be paid to the Ministers. Cyprian of Carthage and other writers point out how there developed a dichotomy between the Ministers of poor rural areas, who lived on very little, and those salaried Church workers of the urban areas, who became very wealthy. They began to spend their wealth on lavish clothing and Church buildings, and to flaunt these things, justifying them in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ’s service.

There also developed in Syria and Asia Minor especially almost a dogma that one must leave their wealth and property to the Church instead of to family members.  Let's see what the Holy Bible says about not providing for your family members:

1 Timothy 5:88 But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.

Thus, the Churches grew wealthy. Extremely wealthy.  With it came politics, division, Doctrinal and moral Apostasy, and endless concerns about Church funding issues even though the Church had never been richer, and a loss of focus on the first love of a True Church:  the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Who though He was rich in Heaven, unspeakably rich, He became poor.  Poor in the Greek below in 2 Corinthians 8:9 meaning:  to be destitute (destitute:  lacking possessions and resources; especially : suffering extreme poverty,) a pauper, for our sakes.

2 Corinthians 8:99 For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich.

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The Western Christian world  cannot deny that all this hits close to home. Those in the poorer world must also beware of where things could develop for them too, if the Lord delays His return. Protestants, are following after the error of Balaam, as has the Roman Catholic "church". 

Jude 1:1111 Woe unto them! for they have gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and perished in the gainsaying of Core.Note:  Woe means cursed.  Cursed of God.  Calamity, a Divine penalty threatens me.  (Uttered in grief or denunciation.)

See:  www.Alemattec.com/Prosperity 'gospel,' judge not . . . , stealing from by making merchandise, i.e. -- selling or hawking something false . . . , be content.doc

Let's look at how the early Church lived, the Apostles had nothing. Far cry from the beloved “pastors” today: women, gays, effeminate males 1 Corinthians 6:9-11:

1 Corinthians 4:8-13

8 Now ye are full, now ye are rich, ye have reigned as kings without us: and I would to God ye did reign, that we also might reign with you.

9 For I think that God hath set forth us the apostles last, as it were appointed to death: for we are made a spectacle unto the world, and to angels, and to men.

10 We are fools for Christ's sake, but ye are wise in Christ; we are weak, but ye are

strong; ye are honourable, but we are despised.

11 Even unto this present hour we both hunger, and thirst, and are naked, and are buffeted, and have no certain dwellingplace;

12 And labour, working with our own hands: being reviled, we bless; being persecuted, we suffer it:

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13 Being defamed, we intreat: we are made as the filth of the world, and are the offscouring of all things unto this day.

Note: This error of the Church seeking wealth must be understood in that the Truth of the Gospel has not usually been lost purely and solely by false teachers or wholesale Doctrinal Apostasy alone, but rather by the inroads of materialism leading to these things, particularly by those falling after the error of Baalam, like Franklin Graham:Jude 1:3-4, 11-13; 1 Peter 5:1-4; 1 Timothy 6:10

How Much Is Too Much To Pay A Pastor?Franklin Graham’s salary raises eyebrows among Christian nonprofits.Religion News Service

By Christine Wicker

Posted: 08/19/2015 03:45 PM EDT


Against Celsus, in the Greek Kata Kelsou, in Latin Contra Celsum, is the title of a major work by one of the early Church leader Origen of Alexandria, countering the writings of Celsus the Platonist. It was written in 248 AD.  In Contra Celsum, we read Origen justifying the Christian Church against Celsus’ criticisms, that it is a Church of

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poor, simple people. That the majority of Christians would be poor and simple was indeed the expectation of both the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth as well as the Apostle Paul. Today, many seeks to justify the Christian Church as middle class, or above middle class, and respectable, with many respected intellectuals amongst its membership. It was and is this desire to be seen as worldly and ‘normal’ which is the death-knoll for any revival of True Christianity. It is precisely this that robs True Christianity of its radical nature and appeal today. Perhaps in these last days this lesson needs to be relearned as never before. The Lord Jesus Christ's picture of the world of the last days is of a household eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, absorbed with being normal (Matthew 24:38; Luke 17:27). The Lord Jesus Christ's point is that this very ‘normal’ behavior is what He finds so wrong, as the normal is not even thinking of God, nor Him, the I AM HE, the I AM, the Mighty God, the Lord of Hosts, the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

The early Christian Church was not the Protestants of Max Weber believing that wealth was a sign of Godliness. Rather for these men, wealth was a signifier of sin, a signifier that one's soul was in danger, and that to take the Lord Jesus Christ's words against it that it would be harder for a man of wealth to pass through the eye of a needle than to enter Heaven would be perilous to one's Eternal Spirit.  As Augustine had written otherwise in that he said the powerful and wealthy risked becoming part of the city of the World and thus eternally damned, and God had not Chosen many of these to enter the Kingdom of God, Heaven.

1 Corinthians 1:25-29

25 Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men.

26 For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called:

27 But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;

28 And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are:

29 That no flesh should glory in his presence.

Note:  Understanding this means understanding the very different world in which the

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Christians of the late antique world lived. To these early Christians, there was no state, no King, but one . . . the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Although Christianity became the state religion of the Roman Empire in 380 under the false Christian convert, Constatine, who was in league with the Roman Catholics of his day, persecution of Christians did not come to a complete halt.  Instead, it switched to those deemed to be heretics by the state, including the True Worshipers, the Elect of God.

Christians who lived under the Roman Empire were normally the middle class, or lower middle class sort.  These Christians might be able to escape through a bad winter or a bad year, but more likely than not would be flung back into the realm of poverty and starvation.  Through good years they survived well, but had no real physical wealth. Such men and women were continually haunted by disasters.  A woman's great fear was the death of her husband.  No accident, then, that the True Christian Church made a particular effort to care for widows. All the vicissitudes (vicissitudes:  a difficulty or hardship attendant on a way of life, a career, or a course of action and usually beyond one's control) of fortune were incomprehensible and terrifying.  The Church now created over this a structure of Divine Justice and Divine care for the poor Brethren.  As their fortunes increased, so the Church expanded their sense of the poor to be cared for outside of the Church.  However, early documents from the third century and before refer to only the Christian poor. 

Matthew 25:4040 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

Affluent pastors use wealth differently: Some give back; others buy yachtshttp://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-religion/1869498/posts

'Gospel of wealth' facing scrutinyhttp://usatoday30.usatoday.com/news/nation/2007-12-27-64745293_x.htm

In the United States of America, big businesses continue to live on, even though no longer profitable and poorly managed, because we're afraid of letting them fail. There is truly an American business that's too big to send swirling down the economy's drain, and it is organized religion.  Christianity uses as its mission statement the anti-materialist words of a poor carpenter, but then turns around and rakes in the hundreds of billions.

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Think about it. In real estate alone, the organized religion controls gazillions of dollars.  Believe me, it's not just property ownership that has economically entrenched itself in America "churches".  It's all the jobs attached to that property. Not to mention all the auxiliary economic activities generated by what goes on in organized religions owned buildings.  With all the training facilities for the people who run these activities, and all the people employed by these hierarchical institutions, we see how big this business truly is.

In Virginia 2009, Thomas Road Baptist Church, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Road_Baptist_Church (church, private school, and private universities) was Lynchburg's second-largest private employer, topped only by Centra Health.

It's called 'Falwell Country'http://www.roanoke.com/news/roanoke/wb/64043

Talk about marketing! Organized religion has sold its message brilliantly, concentrating on such talking points as fear of death, answers to the unanswerable, and a message of love and wealth delivered in God's name. Organized religion owns the voice that keeps the public God conversation going on in America.

Organized religion seems chiefly concerned with maintaining itself and its employees (often quite lavishly) by pedaling itself as essential to having a relationship with God. The focus of organized religion is not God.  The focus is on marketing, having you consume "the thinks they are selling" about God. People starve for the Truth of Holy Scripture, the Holy Bible, while Joel Osteen makes millions.

Religious Bodies of the World with at Least 1 Million Adherentshttp://www.adherents.com/adh_rb.html

1. In 2000, American evangelicals collectively made $2.66 trillion in income.  2. Total Christian [including nominal] income in the United States is $5.2 trillion annually, nearly half of the world’s total Christian income.

NOW WHO ENJOYS THE SPLENDOR OF HER WEALTH AND PRIDE -  In 2000, nearly 97 percent of the entire income of all Christian organizations was spent on, and primarily benefited, other Christians at home or abroad:

$261 billion spent on ministering to Christians, $7.8 billion on already-evangelized non-Christians, and $0.81 billion on unevangelized non-Christians.  Of all the money it has taken in, it spends less than a

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billion on true outreach to the lost and despairing of this world who have never heard the Gospel!

Megachurch: large Protestant church with an average weekly attendance of 2,000 or more; relatively uncommon until after 1970.The Assembly of God 'church' that believes that you are not saved unless you speak in tongues, an absurd false teaching, has over 100 megachuches.


In the United States, where most megachurches are located, there were more than 1,300 by the late 2000s. They can also be found in a number of other countries, e.g., South Korea, Brazil, and several African nations. More than 60 percent of the American megachurches are located in the Sun Belt, especially in suburban areas of California, Texas, Georgia, and Florida. The average congregation ranges from about 2,000 to 3,000 in size, up to close to 50,000. There are 1361 megachuches in the United States of America.

Whether belonging to an established denomination or nondenominational, practically all American megachurches share a conservative, evangelical theology and aim at attracting members from many religious backgrounds. Most megachuches have pastors who possess a markedly charismatic preaching style and often make use of print, television, and radio in their ministry. (Run as much like businesses as religious institutions, megachurches usually serve social as well as theological functions). Typically open from morning until night, seven days a week, they very often host conferences, hold classes, operate cafés or food courts, maintain gyms and other sports facilities, offer child care and youth programs, and have many other auxiliary operations, including a variety of outreach programs. Other features of some of todays megachurches include the operation of a variety of business ventures such as residential developments, shopping centers, investment partnerships, a sports arena, publishing house, limousine service, graphic design studio, recording studio and record label, and specialized WEB sites to receive among other things tithes and offerings.

One of the earliest, best known, and probably the most architecturally distinguished of the megachurches is the Crystal Cathedral (1980), Garden Grove, California, home church of televangelist Robert Schuller; the building was designed by Philip Johnson and John Burgee. By the mid-2000s, the nation's largest such church was the nondenominational Lakewood Church, Houston, Tex., pastored by Joel Osteen and holding services for a congregation of more than 40,000 in a former sports arena.

American evangelicals- a misnomer of a name - as they are the one's benefiting and being evangelized with the money. They will gladly tell you of the money they give to missions, which is though, only a small fraction of their annual budgets.

1. In 2000, American evangelicals collectively made $2.66 trillion in income.2. Total Christian [including nominal] income in the United States was in 2000 $5.2 trillion annually, more than half of the world's total Christian income!

NOW WHO ENJOYS THE SPLENDOR OF HER WEALTH AND PRIDE --In 2000, nearly 97 percent of the entire income of all Christian organizations wasspent on, and primarily benefited, other Christians at home or abroad: $261billion spent on 'ministering to Christians,' $7.8 billion on already-evangelizednon-Christians, and $0.81 billion on unevangelized non-Christians. Of all themoney it has taken in, it spends less than a billion on true outreach to the lostand despairing of this world who have never heard the Gospel!

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Eighty percent of the world's evangelical wealth is in North America and The wealth of the Church elevates it to an unsurpassed prestige. The contributions of the congregations of the top twenty-five denominations in the United States for evenback in 1928 was $402,682,961.82. Not even the greatest of our financial corporations can boast either the financial, social or political prestige of either the Roman Catholic church, Methodist, Presbyterians, or Episcopal churches here. The gifts from the living, as well as income on permanent funds and legacies controlled by the top twenty-five church denominations in America, totaled back in 1928 $532,368,714.80. The Methodist Episcopals alone, one little subsidiary of this great group, received in 1928,$98,758,030. The Presbyterians $75,054,538. The Methodist Episcopals in the South, a separate group, collected $42,837,679; the Protestant Episcopals $46,088,274, and the Baptists, in the South, $40,038,259. Obviously this is why the Church (speaking of all denominations collectively) is able to organize tremendous political lobbies.

A Southern Baptist Church made $885,000 from a film they produced, they spent the largest part for themselves in paying off their own debts, buildings and other associated cost, and about $200,000 is to be used to build a sports arena. Self gratifying always!

The Wealth of The Church- Laodicea or Babylon?So, why has the Church fallen . . .The church has great wealth and it is found to be lacking in true outreach to thelost and those in real spiritual and physical needs, as commanded by the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth. It prefers to feed itself and its own kind. Now,to a limit that is fine and what we are to do, but not to the excess that it actually does.The organization which calls itself the church today operates in the opposite of what God`s "Ekklesia" which is an assembly of Christians gathered for worship in a religious meeting, meaning specifically, the Called out ones, those Called by name, should be, if led and inspired by and administered by the Holy Spirit. If the organizational megachurch really is the Ekklesia, then it is a very poor example of the love that Christ described that calls us to lay down ourselves for others. It seeks its own good, not that of those outside of it -- overall. Let us look at the proof:

As an example, let's look at some statistics that have been gathered over the yearson church wealth. According to a national study of how religious affiliation affects the amount of wealth Americans accumulate, Jews amass the most wealth ($150,890 average net worth); "mainline Protestants" and Catholics are about average with the rest of the population ($48,200 average net worth); and "conservative Protestants" accumulate the least ($26,200 average net worth).

Total Christian income in the United States is estimated at $5.2 trillion annually, nearly half of the world's total Christian income.

In 2000, American evangelicals (pop. 98.6 million) collectively made $2.66 trillionin personal income. There is an estimated $850 billion per year of disposable income among evangelicals in the United States.

This total represents way more than enough to fund the fulfillment of the GreatCommission.

Matthew 28:18-20

18And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven

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and in earth.

19Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

20Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

Note: The 'church' today she enjoys her delicacies does she not? While men go unclothed and unfed across the world and in our streets, she feeds herself,and clothes herself and relishes in her riches. Men die every day, the basic necessities of life are withheld, little children are starving, people needwater. Thousands across the world have yet to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ, or be discipled in Christ, yet the organizational church, just keeps buildingtowers to heaven. Yes, the churches today keeps paying its builders, its program directors, its corporate CEO`s . . .

Now you tell me who the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth was addressing in Revelation if not the “churches” of today and tell me who is Babylon in the Book of Revelation if not the organized Church, led there by the Roman Catholic system of error? She, this Great Whore of Babylon, is the Mother of Harlots. What is a Harlot? A woman prostitute. What does a prostitute do? Sells herself for MONEY! That is her desire, not the Truth of God, although she claims that. What church “mothered” or brought forth other churches from her? The Roman Catholic church/state, system of error. These 'churches' she brings forth, who once proudly spoke against “Mommy,” as being a Whore, and proudly called themselves Protestant – ones who 'protested' the Whoredom and 'preachings' of the Roman Catholic system of error, now find they closely identify with “Mommy.” The Protestant Churches that in the 1500-1800 and into the 1900s spoke directly against this system of error, now have followed “Mommy.” They, too, have become Harlots.

The Great Whore sits on many waters (peoples,) and is very rich as you can see from the color (purple being the color of the robe of a king,) and decked with cold, precious stones, pearls, etc . . . Those who stood against this system of error of the Roman Catholic church/state had their lives destroyed, and were often killed for standing fast on the Word of God Alone, on the Holy Bible Alone, and on Jesus Christ Alone! The Great Inquisition had many put to death who would not 'convert' to Roman Catholicism and would not Worship according to the dictates of the pope or the errors of that system.

The Apostle Peter, who was the Elder or Bishop of Rome, writing from Rome, by the Holy Spirit, to give us a clue as to who this Babylon, a mystery (mystery in Holy Scripture means a hidden Truth until reveled) who this mother of harlots is . . . Peter writes, “The church that is at Babylon . . . i.e.: Rome.”Elected together with you. We just Elected a President of the United States. We chose a President. Elect means to choose. One who Elects

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does the choosing. Did President Obama choose the people as Americans and Elect them, or did the people choose (Elect) him as President? Obama was Elected by the people. Whoever does the Electing does the choosing! The people of God are Elected (chosen by God,) not the people choosing God!

1 Peter 5:13-14

13The church that is at Babylon, elected together with you, saluteth you; and so doth Marcus my son.

14Greet ye one another with a kiss of charity. Peace be with you all that are in Christ Jesus. Amen.

Revelation 17:1-6

1And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters:

2With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.

3So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.

4And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:


6And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.

There is a great need for the restoration of the True Worshipers as the Lord Jesus Christ calls the Elect in John 4, the Chosen, those Called -- the Called out ones . . . "Ekklesia" of the living Christ, the true body assembled where money is not involved to build buildings and the great cost to support itself by so doing, or by paying 'pastors' great sums, or 'professional' church workers, but as originally intended to only care for the poor and the downtrodden, the captive, and the lost. This means the complete dismantling of a system satan began to build over 2000 years ago, to draw men away from true community in Christ Jesus and the Call to go ye forth - Preaching the Gospel to all the world. Not another Gospel or 'soft Gospel' where man is sovereign as one who chooses God, but the Gospel of Jesus Christ that God has Chosen, Elected, Called (by name) those who will be saved, and He did this all before He created the foundation of the earth.

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2 Corinthians 11:2-4

2For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ.

3But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.

4For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.

Ephesians 1:1-23

1Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, to the saints which are at Ephesus, and to the faithful in Christ Jesus:

2Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.

3Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:

4According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:

5Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,

6To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved.

7In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;

8Wherein he hath abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence;

9Having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself:

10That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him:

11In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will:

12That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ.

13In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,

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14Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory.

15Wherefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus, and love unto all the saints,

16Cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers;

17That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him:

18The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints,

19And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power,

20Which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places,

21Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come:

22And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church,

23Which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all.

God gives us the desires of our heart to follow Him!

Psalm 37:4-5

4Delight thyself also in the LORD: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.

5Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.

1 Timothy 3:1-9

1This is a true saying, if a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work.

2A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach;

3Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous;

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Note: (filthy lucre: in the Greek means: eager for base gain, one who is greedy for money) Oh, you say, not my pastor! However, you say, we have to pay for his schooling, after all he's a PhD! We have to pay him equivalent to what a secular person would be paid with a PhD, plus maybe a patronage, parsonage, retirement, insurance, actually really a rather good living! Many in excess of $100,000.00 annually. Not bad work for any profession!)

4One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity;

5(For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?)

6Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil.

7Moreover he must have a good report of them which are without; lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.

8Likewise must the deacons be grave, not doubletongued, not given to much wine, not greedy of filthy lucre;

9Holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience.

The organized churches and their power and wealth, will have to be dismantled. Full time paid clergy and building the buildings and cathedrals to itself will have to cease, if the world is to ever really know the True Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth. The wealth of those who go by the name of Christ, will have to be expended on someone other then themselves, to reach a lost and dying world.The marketplace tables will have to be overturned and their money scattered tothe four winds if the real Church of Jesus Christ is to ever reach the dying, thehungry, the thirsty and the lost. It is a sad state of falsehood that Christians have been blinded by for far too long.

I pray that we may recall the Words of the Lord Jesus Christ in speaking through the Apostle John . . .

Revelation 3:14-22

14And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God;

15I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.

16So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.

(Jesus says here in verse 16, because you art lukewarm, you make me throw up! I will purge you out of my Body!) Why? See verses 17 and following!

17Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:

18I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich;

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and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.

19As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.

20Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

21To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.

22He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.God's Truth is Truth and we must examine ourselves before Almighty God and then repent. Why? Because the church, those who call themselves Christians have followed after “Mommy,” and have peddled the Word of God for profit unto themselves. They lavish in riches, but are broke, they dress themselves, but are naked.

Here is a list of megachurches in the United States, 1,361 of them sorted by size: Lakewood Church Joel Osteen Houston TX 47000 NONDENOMWillow Creek Community Church Bill Hybels South Barrington IL 23500 NONDENOMSecond Baptist Church Edwin Young Houston TX 23198 SBCSaddleback Valley Community Church Rick Warren Lake Forest CA 22000 SBCLifeChurch Craig Groeschel Edmond OK 19907 ECSoutheast Christian Church Dave Stone Louisville KY 18013 CHRISTIANFirst Baptist Church Jack Schaap Hammond IN 18000 BAPTNorth Point Community Church Andy Stanley Alpharetta GA 17700 NONDENOMThomas Road Baptist Church Jonathan Falwell Lynchburg VA 17445 BAPTCalvary Chapel Robert Coy Fort Lauderdale FL 17000 CALThe Potter's House T.D. Jakes Dallas TX 17000 NONDENOMPhoenix First Assembly of God Tommy Barnett Phoenix AZ 16000 AGFellowship of the Woodlands Kerry Shook The Woodlands TX 15600 NONDENOMChurch of the Harvest Clarence Mcclendon Los Angeles CA 15000 NONDENOMWest Angeles Church of God in Christ Charles Blake Los Angeles CA 15000 COGICWorld Changers Ministries Creflo Dollar College Park GA 15000 NONDENOMNew Birth Missionary Baptist Eddie Long Lithonia GA 15000 BAPTPrestonwood Baptist Church Jack Graham Plano TX 14000 SBC

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New Life Church Brady Boyd Colorado Springs CO 14000 NONDENOMNorthridge Church Brad Powell Plymouth MI 13865 NONDENOMFirst Baptist Church, Woodstock Johnny Hunt Woodstock GA 13000 SBCChristian Life Centre - Christian Cultural Center A.R. Bernard Brooklyn NY 13000 NONDENOMFellowship Church Ed Young, Jr. Grapevine TX 13000 SBCNew Light Christian Center I.V. Hillard Houston TX 12500 NONDENOMCalvary Chapel Skip Heitzig Albuquerque NM 12500 CALCentral Christian Church Jud Wilhite Henderson NV 12000 CHRISTIANFaith Community Church James Reeve West Covina CA 12000 NONDENOMJames River A/G John Lindell Ozark MO 12000 AGNorthland, A Church Distributed Joel Hunter Longwood FL 12000 NONDENOMChrist's Church of the Valley Donald Wilson Peoria AZ 11500 CHRISTIANCalvary Community Church J. Mark Martin Phoenix AZ 11433 CALChrist Fellowship Tom Mullins Palm Beach Gardens FL 11300 NONDENOMWord of Faith International Christian Center Keith Butler Southfield MI 11000 NONDENOMChurch On The Move Willie George Tulsa OK 11000 NONDENOMBrentwood Baptist Joe Ratliff Houston TX 11000 SBCMclean Bible Church Lon Solomon Vienna VA 10500 NONDENOMValley Bible Fellowship Ron Vietti Bakersfield CA 10500 NONDENOMFirst Baptist Church Ronnie Floyd Springdale AR 10382 SBCCalvary Chapel South Bay Steve Mays Gardena CA 10100 CALTemple of Deliverance G.E. Patterson Memphis TN 10000 COGICKensington Community Church Steve Andrews Troy MI 10000 NONDENOMFirst African Methodist Episcopal Church John Hunter Los Angeles CA 10000 AMECalvary Chapel of Philadelphia Joe Focht Philadelphia PA 10000 CALFree Chapel Worship Center Jentezen Franklin Gainesville GA 10000 NONDENOMCity of Refuge Church Noel Jones Gardena CA 10000 PAWMars Hill Bible Church Rob Bell Grandville MI 10000 NONDENOMGreater Saint Stephen Full Gospel Baptist Paul Morton New Orleans LA 10000 BAPTCornerstone Church

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John Hagee San Antonio TX 10000 NONDENOMEbenezer Ame Grainger Browning Ft. Washington MD 10000 AMEJubilee Christian Center Dick Bernal San Jose CA 10000 NONDENOMChurch On The Way Jim Tolle Van Nuys CA 10000 4SQSeacoast Christian Community Church Greg Surratt Mt. Pleasant SC 10000 NONDENOMLake Pointe Baptist Steve Stroope Rockwall TX 9805 SBCSalem Baptist Church James Meeks Chicago IL 9800 BAPTCommunity Bible Church Robert Emmitt San Antonio TX 9678 NONDENOMCalvary Chapel of Costa Mesa Chuck Smith, Sr Santa Ana CA 9500 CALBen Hill United Methodist Mcallister Hollins Atlanta GA 9414 UMCVictory Christian Center Billy Daugherty Tulsa OK 9255 NONDENOMBethel Baptist Instnl Chr Rudolph W Mc Kissick Sr Jacksonville FL 9250 BAPTBayside Covenant Church Ray Johnston Roseville CA 9250 ECNew York City Church of Christ Englewood Cliffs NJ 9213 COCNew Hope Christian Fellowship Wayne Cordeiro Honolulu HI 9200 4SQGlide Memorial United Methodist Cecil Williams San Francisco CA 9016 UMCDetroit World Outreach Center Jack Wallace Redford MI 9000 AGNew Birth Baptist Church Miami FL 9000 BAPTMount Zion Baptist Church Joseph Walker Whites Creek TN 9000 BAPTFamily Christian Center Steve Munsey Munster IN 9000 NONDENOMCovenant Church Mike Hayes Carrollton TX 8926 NONDENOMMariners Church Kenton Beshore Irvine CA 8500 NONDENOMSa-Rang Community Church Jung-Hyun Oh Anaheim CA 8500 Calvary Chapel David Rosales Chino CA 8500 CALRedemption World Outreach Center Ron Carpenter Greenville SC 8500 IPHCGateway Church Robert Morris Southlake TX 8138 NONDENOMThe Chapel Knute Larson Akron OH 8000 NONDENOMCalvary Chapel Robert Furrow Tucson AZ 8000 CALCalvary Chapel of Melbourne Mark Balmer Melbourne FL 8000 CALTimes Square Church Carter Conlon New York City NY 8000 NONDENOMCrossroads Community Church Brian Tome Cincinnati OH 8000 NONDENOM

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High Desert Church Tom Mercer Victorville CA 8000 BAPTSaint Stephens Baptist Church Kevin Cosby Louisville KY 8000 BAPTEagle Brook Church Bob Merritt White Bear Lake MN 8000 BGCShoreline Christian Center Rob Koke Austin TX 8000 NONDENOMBrooklyn Tabernacle Jim Cymbala Brooklyn NY 8000 NONDENOMBethany World Prayer Center Larry Stockstill Baker LA 8000 NONDENOMBeacon Light Baptist Cathedral New Orleans LA 8000 BAPTFriendship West Baptist Church Frederick Haynes Dallas TX 8000 BAPTLiving Word Christian Center Mac Hammond Brooklyn Park MN 8000 NONDENOMCentral Church of God Loran Livingston Charlotte NC 8000 COGMt. Paran Church of God David Cooper Atlanta GA 7850 COGVictory Christian Center Mark Crow Oklahoma City OK 7800 NONDENOMReal Life Ministries Jim Putman Post Falls ID 7800 NONDENOMFirst United Methodist Church -- Marietta Joe Peabody Marietta GA 7776 UMCSouthland Christian Church Jon Weece Lexington KY 7772 CHRISTIANPalm Beach Gdns Christ Fellowship Palm Bch Gdns FL 7700 NONDENOMNew Spring Community Church Perry Noble Anderson SC 7600 SBCBellevue Baptist Church Steve Gaines Cordova TN 7554 SBCAbundant Living Faith Center Charles Neiman El Paso TX 7500 NONDENOMCalvary Chapel Golden Springs Raul Ries Diamond Bar CA 7500 CALGrace Community Church John Macarthur Sun Valley CA 7500 NONDENOMChurch of the Good Shepherd Fernando Ramirez San Diego CA 7500 NONDENOMChurch of the Resurrection Adam Hamilton Leawood KS 7500 UMCThe Fountain of Praise Remus Wright Houston TX 7500 BAPTFlamingo Road Baptist Church Troy Gramling Cooper City FL 7500 SBCFirst Baptist Church Jacksonville FL 7500 SBCResurrection Life Church Dwayne Klok Grandville MI 7500 NONDENOMInspiring Body of Christ Church Rickie Rush Dallas TX 7500 NONDENOMAllen A.M.E. Church Floyd Flake Jamaica NY 7500 AMETrinity United Church of Christ Jeremiah Wright Chicago IL 7500 Jericho City of Praise Betty Peebles Landover MD 7500 BAPT

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Faithful Central Missionary Baptist Church Kenneth Ulmer Inglewood CA 7250 BAPTEastern Star Baptist Church Jeffrey Johnson Indianapolis IN 7200 BAPTRock Church Miles Mc Pherson San Diego CA 7100 NONDENOMLos Angeles International Church / Angelus Temple Matthew Barnett Los Angeles CA 7000 4SQFirst Baptist Church of Orlando David Uth Orlando FL 7000 SBCHarvest Christian Fellowship Greg Laurie Riverside CA 7000 CALFellowship Bible Church Chip Jackson Lowell AR 7000 NONDENOMCalvary Revival Church Courtney Mcbath Norfolk VA 7000 NONDENOMThe Rock And World Outreach Center Jim and Deborah Cobrae San Bernardino CA 7000 NONDENOMWindsor Village United Methodist Church Kirbyjon Caldwell Houston TX 7000 UMCCalvary Chapel Jeff Johnson Downey CA 7000 CALHeartland Community Church Mike Breaux Rockford IL 7000 Granger Community Church Mark Beeson Granger IN 7000 UMCCascade United Methodist Church Atlanta GA 7000 UMCFirst Baptist Church of Glenarden John Jenkins Landover MD 7000 BAPTChurch of the Highlands Chris Hodges Birmingham AL 7000 NONDENOMVineyard Church of Columbus Rich Nathan Westerville OH 7000 VINEBible Way Church of Atlas Road Darrell Jackson Columbia SC 7000 NONDENOMLancaster County Bible Church David Ashcraft Manheim PA 6945 NONDENOMChrist United Methodist Church Bill Bouknight Memphis TN 6909 UMCHarvest Bible Chapel James Macdonald Rolling Meadows IL 6687 NONDENOMShepherd of the Hills Dudley Rutherford Porter Ranch CA 6600 CHRISTIANMaranatha Chapel Ray Bentley San Diego CA 6500 CALSaint John Baptist Church Denny Davis Grand Prairie TX 6500 BAPTLife Center Ministries J. Wiley New Orleans LA 6500 NONDENOMApostolic Church of God Arthur Brazier Chicago IL 6500 PAWChampions Centre Kevin And Sheila Gerald Tacoma WA 6500 NONDENOMLegacy Church Steve Smothermon Albuquerque NM 6500 NONDENOMTrinity Chapel Church of God Jim Bolin Powder Springs GA 6500 COGCathedral of Faith Kenny Foreman San Jose CA 6500 NONDENOM

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Emmanuel Faith Community Church Dennis Keating Escondido CA 6500 NONDENOMCelebration Church Stovall Weems Jacksonville FL 6500 NONDENOMElizabeth Baptist Church Craig Oliver Atlanta GA 6500 BAPTSaint Paul's Baptist Church Lance Watson Richmond VA 6488 BAPTCuster Road UMC Paul Goodrich Plano TX 6411 UMCChurch of the Servant Norman Neeves Oklahoma City OK 6372 UMCLincoln Berean Church Bryan Clark Lincoln NE 6200 NONDENOMNorth Coast Church Larry Osborne Vista CA 6200 EFRevival Christian Fellowship Gary Galbraith Menifee CA 6100 CALNorth Coast Calvary Chapel Nora Wright Carlsbad CA 6020 CALMetropolitan Baptist H. Beecher Hicks Washington DC 6000 PNBThe Church Without Walls (Brookhollow Baptist Church) Ralph Douglass West Houston TX 6000 BAPTLiving Hope Church John Bishop Vancouver WA 6000 NONDENOMSet Free Christian Fellowship Phil Aguilar Buena Park CA 6000 NONDENOMNorth Heights Lutheran Church Patricia Ose Roseville MN 6000 LUTHActs Full Gospel Church Bob Jackson Oakland CA 6000 COGICCrossroads Community Church Bill Ritchie Vancouver WA 6000 CALFirst Baptist Church Charles Stanley Atlanta GA 6000 SBCNew Life Church Rick Bezet Conway AR 6000 NONDENOMHope Presbyterian Church Craig Strickland Cordova TN 6000 EPCUniversity Park Baptist Church Claude Alexander, Jr. Charlotte NC 6000 BGCWord of Faith Family Worship Center Dale Bronner East Point GA 6000 NONDENOMCedarcreek Community Church Lee Powell Perrysburg OH 6000 NONDENOMCentre Street Church Henry Schorr Calgary AB 6000 NONDENOMBeaverton Foursquare Church Ron Mehl Beaverton OR 6000 4SQScottsdale Bible Church Jamie Rasmussen Scottsdale AZ 6000 NONDENOMYoung Nak Presbyterian Church Hyon Chung Rim Los Angeles CA 6000 KPCAFirst Baptist Church of Lincoln Gardens Deforest Soaries Somerset NJ 6000 SBCSaint Louis Family Church Jeff Perry Chesterfield MO 6000 NONDENOMFirst Evangelical Free Church

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Dale Burke Fullerton CA 6000 EFWorld Outreach Church G. Allen Jackson Murfreesboro TN 6000 NONDENOMCentral Christian Church Cal Jernigan Mesa AZ 6000 CHRISTIANElmbrook Church Lawrenz Mel Brookfield WI 6000 NONDENOMGrace Community Church Dave Rodriguez Noblesville IN 6000 EFMt Olivet Lutheran Church Paul Youngdahl Minneapolis MN 5900 ELCAChurch of the Redeemer Dale O’Shields Gaithersburg MD 5800 NONDENOMNew Venture Christian Fellowship Shawn Mitchell Oceanside CA 5550 NONDENOMGrace Church Daniel Henderson Eden Prairie MN 5500 NONDENOMCrossroads Community Church Tim Armstrong Mansfield OH 5500 NONDENOMHebron Baptist Church Larry Wynn Dacula GA 5500 SBCMars Hill Fellowship Mark Driscoll Seattle WA 5500 NONDENOMWoodmen Valley Chapel Matt Heard Colorado Springs CO 5500 NONDENOMCoral Ridge Presbyterian Church Fort Lauderdale FL 5500 PCAFaith Bible Chapel George Morrison Arvada CO 5500 NONDENOMCampus Church Jim Schettler Pensacola FL 5500 Mt Ephraim Baptist Church R. White Atlanta GA 5400 NBCBay Area Fellowship Bil Cornelius Corpus Christi TX 5400 SBCThe City Church Wendell Smith Kirkland WA 5400 Fellowship Bible Church Brad Herndon Little Rock AR 5300 NONDENOMLiving Hope Church John Bishop Vancouver WA 5300 NONDENOMCrossroads Christian Church Barry Mcmurtrie Corona CA 5280 CHRISTIANCrossroads Cathedral Daniel Schaeffer Oklahoma City OK 5200 AGVineyard Community Church Dave Workman Cincinnati OH 5170 VINEMount Pisgah Church Allen Hunt Alpharetta GA 5100 UMCHope Community Church Mike Lee Raleigh NC 5100 NONDENOMTimberline Church Dary Northrop Fort Collins CO 5050 AGLutheran Church of Hope Mike Housholder West Des Moines IA 5012 ELCAHorizon Christian Fellowship Mike Macintosh San Diego CA 5000 CALCrenshaw Christian Center Fred Price Los Angeles CA 5000 NONDENOMPark Cities Presbyterian Church

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Skip Ryan Dallas TX 5000 PRESBChristian Faith Center Casey Treat Seattle WA 5000 NONDENOMWithout Walls International Place Randy White Tampa FL 5000 NONDENOMThe Word Church R. A. Vernon Warrensville Heights OH 5000 NONDENOMFrom The Heart Church Ministries John Cherry Temple Hills MD 5000 NONDENOMGermantown Baptist Sam Shaw Germantown TN 5000 SBCFaith World Clint Brown Orlando FL 5000 NONDENOMSaint Philip A.M.E. Church George Moore Atlanta GA 5000 AMEThe Living Word Bible Church Thomas Anderson Mesa AZ 5000 NONDENOMBenny Hinn Ministries Benny Hinn Irving TX 5000 NONDENOMFirst Baptist Church Houston Gregg Matte Houston TX 5000 SBCHickory Grove Baptist Joe Brown Charlotte NC 5000 SBCFirst Assembly of God, Ft. Myers Dan Betzer Fort Myers FL 5000 AGWorld Harvest Church Rod Parsley Columbus OH 5000 NONDENOMGreater St. Paul Baptist Church Joseph Simmons Oakland CA 5000 BAPTWard African Methodist Episcopal Church C. Dennis Williams Los Angeles CA 5000 AMEGreater Mt. Calvary Holy Church Alfred Owens Washington DC 5000 PENTEast Hill Church Ted Roberts Gresham OR 5000 4SQLife Center Dean Curry Tacoma WA 5000 AGMount Zion Loren Covarrubias Clarkston MI 5000 NONDENOMChristian Life Center Nathaniel Haney Stockton CA 5000 UPCIFellowship Bible Church North Jeff Jones Plano TX 5000 NONDENOMCornerstone Christian Fellowship Linn Winters Chandler AZ 5000 BGCRock Church Anne Gimenez Virginia Beach VA 5000 NONDENOMHartford Memorial Bapt. Church Charles Adams Detroit MI 5000 NBCDenton Bible Church Tom Nelson Denton TX 5000 NONDENOMChampion Forest Baptist Damon Shook Houston TX 5000 SBCHealing Place Church - Trinity Chrisitian Center Dino Rizzo Baton Rouge LA 5000 NONDENOMChristian Faith Center Mack Timberlake Creedmoor NC 5000 NONDENOMWord of Life Christian Center Honolulu HI 5000 PENTHeritage Christian Center

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Dennis Leonard Denver CO 5000 NONDENOMCalvary Christian Center Phillip Goudeaux Sacramento CA 5000 NONDENOMFrazer Memorial United Methodist Church John Mathison Montgomery AL 4930 UMCWooddale Church Leith Anderson Eden Prairie MN 4915 BGCBrookwood Community Church Perry Duggar Simpsonville SC 4840 SBCInternational Church of Las Vegas Paul Goulet Las Vegas NV 4800 AGNorthwest Baptist Church Miami FL 4800 Sheffield Family Life Center George Westlake Kansas City MO 4800 AGMt. Ararat Baptist Church William Curtis Pittsburgh PA 4800 BAPTGreen Acres Baptist Church David Dykes Tyler TX 4718 SBCEvangel World Prayer Center Bob Rogers Louisville KY 4706 AGHillside Christian Church Tommy Politz Amarillo TX 4700 NONDENOMCalvary Church Randal Ross Naperville IL 4700 AGNorthside Christian Church George Ross New Albany IN 4607 CHRISTIANSaint Luke "Community" United Methodist Church Tyrone Gordon Dallas TX 4607 UMCCalvary Baptist Church Al Gilbert Winston Salem NC 4600 SBCSagemont Baptist Church John Morgan Houston TX 4556 SBCWoodside Bible Church Doug Schmidt Troy MI 4500 NONDENOMEast Valley Bible Church Tom Shrader Gilbert AZ 4500 Calvary Chapel of Old Bridge Lloyd Pulley Old Bridge NJ 4500 CALFaith Baptist Church of Waterford Jim Combs Waterford MI 4500 NONDENOMKorean Central Presbyterian Harold Kim Vienna VA 4500 KPCAColorado Community Church Robert Gelinas Englewood CO 4500 NONDENOMBraeswood Assembly of God Stephen Banning Houston TX 4500 AGTrinity Fellowship Jimmy Evans Amarillo TX 4500 NONDENOMWillingdon Church Carlin Weinhauer Burnaby BC 4500 Mckinney Memorial Bible Church Ken Horton Fort Worth TX 4500 NONDENOMMount Pleasant Church And Ministries Clifford Johnson Baltimore MD 4500 NONDENOMGreater Grace Temple Charles Ellis Detroit MI 4500 PAWCalvary Church Jim Samra Grand Rapids MI 4500 NONDENOMIdlewild Baptist Church

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Ken Whitten Tampa FL 4500 SBCThe Peoples Church George Johnson Fresno CA 4500 AGPerfecting Church Marvin Winans Detroit MI 4500 Seacoast Grace Church Doyle Surratt Cypress CA 4500 NONDENOMLenexa Christian Center Mike Purkey Lenexa KS 4500 AGLake Providence Missionary Baptist Church H. Maxwell Nashville TN 4500 BAPTCrossroads Church of Denver Tom Stipe Wheat Ridge CO 4500 CALLiving Word Christian Center William Winston Forest Park IL 4500 Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship Church Anthony Evans Dallas TX 4500 NONDENOMSunrise Church Jay Pankratz Rialto CA 4500 NONDENOMMorning Star Christian Chapel Jack Abeelen Whittier CA 4400 CALThe Woodlands United Methodist Church Ed Robb The Woodlands TX 4400 UMCBiltmore Baptist Church James Walker Arden NC 4400 SBCTurner Chapel Ame Church Kenneth Marcus Marietta GA 4400 AMETemplo Calvario Assembly of God Daniel Leon Santa Ana CA 4400 AGWord of Grace Gary Kinnaman Mesa AZ 4400 Perimeter Church Randy Pope Duluth GA 4400 PCAFirst Baptist Concord Doug Sager Knoxville TN 4300 SBCBethel Korean Church Peter Sohn Irvine CA 4300 CMAFirst Baptist Church of Oviedo Dwayne Mercer Oviedo FL 4300 SBCCanyon Ridge Christian - Apex Kevin Odor Las Vegas NV 4300 CHRISTIANBent Tree Bible Fellowship Church Pete Briscoe Carrollton TX 4250 Crystal Evangelical Free Church Stephen Goold MN 4200 EFWoodland Hills Church Greg Boyd Maplewood MN 4200 BAPTXenos Christian Fellowship Delashmutt/Mccallum Columbus OH 4200 NONDENOMGrace Outreach Church Gerald Brooks Plano TX 4200 NONDENOMBoston Church of Christ Randy Mckean North Billerica MA 4200 ICCHill Country Bible Church Northwest Tim Hawks Austin TX 4200 NONDENOMMount Hope Church David Williams Lansing MI 4186 AGChrist United Methodist Church Jeff Spiller Mobile AL 4108 UMC

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Vineyard Christian Fellowship of North Phoenix Brian Anderson Glendale AZ 4100 VINECrossings Community Church Martin Grubbs Oklahoma City OK 4100 NONDENOMCornerstone Fellowship Steve Madsen Livermore CA 4100 NONDENOMEnon Tabernacle Baptist Church Alyn Waller Philadelphia PA 4100 BAPTRedeemer Presbyterian Church Tim Keller New York NY 4017 PCAElevation Church Steven Furtick Indian Trail NC 4000 NONDENOMAllen Temple Baptist Church J. Alfred Smith Oakland CA 4000 PNBCommunity Christian Church Dave Ferguson Naperville IL 4000 CHRISTIANMetro Christian Fellowship Michael Sullivan Kansas City MO 4000 Lake Ridge United Methodist Church Lubbock TX 4000 UMCEastlake Community Church Mike Meeks Chula Vista CA 4000 NONDENOMWater of Life Dan Carroll Fontana CA 4000 NONDENOMCapital Christian Center Ken Wilde Meridian ID 4000 NONDENOMSpanish River Church David Nicholas Boca Raton FL 4000 PCABayside Baptist Church Harrison TN 4000 SBCOak Hills Church Max Lucado San Antonio TX 4000 NONDENOMPrince of Peace Lutheran Michael Foss Burnsville MN 4000 ELCAThe People's Community Baptist Church Haywood Robinson III Silver Spring MD 4000 BAPTThe Temple of Praise Glen Staples Washington DC 4000 NONDENOMPleasant Grove Miss Baptist Charles Jackson Houston TX 4000 UNKHillvue Heights Church Steve Ayers Bowling Green KY 4000 NONDENOMBethel's Family Walter August Houston TX 4000 BAPTChrist Universal Temple Johnnie Coleman Chicago IL 4000 NONDENOMCalvary Chapel of Modesto Damian Kyle Modesto CA 4000 CALFlatirons Community Church Jim Burgen Lafayette CO 4000 NONDENOMKingwood United Methodist Church Humble TX 4000 UMCCottonwood Christian Center Bayless Conley Los Alamitos CA 4000 Church At Brook Hills Rick Ousley Birmingham AL 4000 NONDENOMStraight Gate International Church Andrew Merritt Detroit MI 4000 NONDENOMNew Heights Church Keith Krell Vancouver WA 4000 Man's Authentic Nature Eric Pederson Loveland OH 4000 NONDENOM

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First Baptist Church of Central Florida Clayton Cloer Orlando FL 4000 SBCCastle Hills First Baptist George Harris San Antonio TX 4000 SBCValley Cathedral Church Dan Scott Phoenix AZ 4000 NONDENOMSevier Heights Baptist Church Hollie Miller Knoxville TN 4000 SBCStonebriar Community Church Chuck Swindoll Frisco TX 4000 NONDENOMChurch of the Presentation Dennis Corcoran Upper Saddle River NJ 4000 Saint Peters United Methodist Church Katy TX 4000 UMCChrist Church L.H. Hardwick Nashville TN 4000 NONDENOMFranklin Avenue Baptist Church Fred Luter New Orleans LA 4000 BAPTHosanna Lutheran Church Bill Bohline Lakeville MN 4000 ELCARiverbend Church Gerald Mann Austin TX 4000 SBCJesus Fellowship Rick Patterson Miami FL 4000 NONDENOMArk Family Church Alan Clayton Conroe TX 4000 NONDENOMFamily Worship Center Don Swaggart Baton Rouge LA 4000 NONDENOMMt. Sharon Baptist Church Philadelphia PA 4000 BAPTFirst Church of God Timothy Clarke Columbus OH 4000 COGAFirst Baptist Church North Augusta SC 4000 SBCCornerstone Church Michael S Pitts Toledo OH 4000 Second Baptist Church John Marshall Springfield MO 4000 SBCFirst Baptist -- Snellville Snellville GA 4000 SBCJubilee Christian Church Gilbert Thompson Boston MA 4000 NONDENOMWherehouse Christian Ministries Louis Neely Sacramento CA 4000 NONDENOMHarvest Time Tabernacle Church Fort Smith AR 4000 NONDENOMCherry Hills Community Church Jim Dixon Highlands Ranch CO 4000 EPCDeliverance Evangelistic Church Benjamin Smith Philadelphia PA 4000 UNKGinghamsburg Church Michael Slaughter Tipp City OH 4000 UMCEast 91St. Street Christian Church Derek Duncan Indianapolis IN 4000 CHRISTIANAbyssinian Baptist Church Calvin Butts Harlem NY 4000 NBCSaint Peters World Outreach Center Winston Salem NC 4000 NONDENOMAntioch Missionary Baptist Church of Carol City Arthur Jackson Carol City FL 4000 BAPTFirst Family Church Jerry Johnston Overland Park KS 4000 NONDENOMThe Guiding Light Church Jim Lowe Birmingham AL 4000 Trinity Baptist Church Richmond VA 4000 BAPT

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Calvary Community Church Brad Johnson Westlake Village CA 4000 Richland Hills Church of Christ Rick Atchley Fort Worth TX 3911 NONDENOMPinelake Baptist Church Chip Henderson Brandon MS 3895 SBC12Stone Church Kevin Myers Lawrenceville GA 3800 WESRock Harbor Church Keith Page Costa Mesa CA 3800 NONDENOMSunshine Community Church Brian Bosscher Grand Rapids MI 3800 CRCFirst Baptist Church Steve Gaines Gardendale AL 3800 SBCChrist's Church of the Valley Chuck Booher San Dimas CA 3800 CHRISTIANBriarwood Presbyterian Church Harry Reeder Birmingham AL 3700 PCACalvary Chapel of Boston Randy Cahill Rockland MA 3700 CALVino-Nuevo de El Paso Chris Richards El Paso TX 3700 NONDENOMWhite's Chapel Methodist Church John Mckellar Southlake TX 3700 UMCHigher Dimension Church Terrance H. Johnson Houston TX 3700 NONDENOMChange Point Dan Jarrell Anchorage AK 3700 NONDENOMPeople's Church Scott Erickson Salem OR 3678 AGMandarin Christian Church Dennis Bratton Jacksonville FL 3612 Community Bible Church Beau Adams Stockbridge GA 3600 NONDENOMWestside Family Church Dave Cox Shawnee KS 3600 SBCGrove Baptist Church Portsmouth VA 3600 BAPTChurch of the Open Door David Johnson Maple Grove MN 3600 Bethel Church Dave Bechtel Richland WA 3600 Savannah Christian Church Cam Huxford Savannah GA 3600 CHRISTIANLove International Ministries Juan Ramos Phoenix AZ 3600 NONDENOMDesert Vineyard David Parker Lancaster CA 3600 VINEPleasant Valley Baptist Church Vernon Armitage Liberty MO 3585 SBCCapital Christian Center Rick Cole Sacramento CA 3542 AGRadiant Church Lee Mcfarland Surprise AZ 3524 AGCountryside Christian Center John Lloyd Clearwater FL 3500 Cathedral of the Cross Mark Correll Birmingham AL 3500 AGCommunity Christian Church Tim Bakker Romeoville IL 3500

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Park Cities Baptist Church James Denison Dallas TX 3500 SBCCelebration Covenant Church Keith Craft Frisco TX 3500 NONDENOMYorba Linda Friends Church Matthew Cork Yorba Linda CA 3500 QUAKERRock City Church Bart Pierce Baltimore MD 3500 NONDENOMWord of Life Church Brian Zahnd St. Joseph MO 3500 NONDENOMSan Diego Church of Christ Guillermo Adams San Diego CA 3500 ICCSouthwest Community Church Bob Thune Indian Wells CA 3500 EFLincoln Heights Missionary Baptist Church Elliott Cuff Cincinnati OH 3500 BAPTWestover Church Don Miller Greensboro NC 3500 NONDENOMCross Timbers Community Church Toby Slough Argyle TX 3500 Bible Way Temple James Silver Washington DC 3500 Good Shepherd Community Church Stuart Weber Boring OR 3500 NONDENOMShiloh Metropolitan Baptist Darrell Gilyard Jacksonville FL 3500 BAPTOrchard Road Christian Ctr Wallace Hickey Denver CO 3500 NONDENOMNorthwoods Community Church Calvin Rychener Peoria IL 3500 NONDENOMThe Village Church Matt Chandler Highland Village TX 3500 NONDENOMChrist Community Church James Nicodem Saint Charles IL 3500 Christ The King Community Church Grant Fishbook Bellingham WA 3500 NONDENOMHunter Street Baptist Church Buddy Gray Hoover AL 3500 SBCOverlake Christian Church Rick Kingham Redmond WA 3500 CHRISTIANLiberty Church Walter Henderson Pensacola FL 3500 Family Worship Center Reggie Scarborough Lakeland FL 3500 NONDENOMBethel Ame Church Frank Reid Baltimore MD 3500 AMEFirst Assembly of God Wayde Goodall Winston Salem NC 3500 AGWest Ridge Church Brian Bloye Dallas GA 3500 SBCFirst Baptist Church Curt Dodd Merritt Island FL 3500 SBCLiberty Temple Full Gospel Clifford Turner Chicago IL 3500 Christian House of Prayer Nathaniel Holcomb Copperas Cove TX 3500 The Village Church Matt Chandler Highland Village TX 3500 SBCShadow Hills Baptist

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Michael Rochelle Las Vegas NV 3500 BAPTSan Francisco Church of Christ Russ Ewell Burlingame CA 3500 ICCFirst Baptist Church/Church At The Mall James Jeffcoat Lakeland FL 3500 SBCFirst Baptist Church Mac Brunson Dallas TX 3500 SBCCoast Hills Community Church Ken Baugh Aliso Viejo CA 3500 NONDENOMCottage Hill Baptist Church Keith Thompson Mobile AL 3500 SBCFirst Baptist Church John Meador Euless TX 3500 SBCThe Austin Stone Community Church Matt Carter Austin TX 3500 SBCGlory Church of Jesus Christ Los Angeles CA 3500 NONDENOMChrist Church David Ireland Montclair NJ 3500 NONDENOMWestwood Community Church Joel Johnson Excelsior MN 3500 BGCLake Avenue Church Greg Waybright Pasadena CA 3500 CCCCMount Olive Baptist Church Mack Carter Fort Lauderdale FL 3500 BAPTFirst Baptist Spartanburg Don Wilton Spartanburg SC 3500 SBCRock of Ages Baptist Church Marvin E Wiley Maywood IL 3500 BAPTHealing Word Neville Mcdonald Tustin CA 3500 NONDENOMGrove City Church of the Nazarene Don Bowman Grove City OH 3437 NAZGrace Brethren Church Rick Nuzum Powell OH 3400 COCFirst Baptist Church David Uth West Monroe LA 3400 SBCCentral Baptist Church Ron Phillips Hixson TN 3400 SBCBrentwood Baptist Church Mike Glenn Brentwood TN 3400 SBCLoma Linda University Church Rady Roberts Loma Linda CA 3400 Shadow Mountain Community Church David Jeremiah El Cajon CA 3376 BGCCrossroads Christian Church Bill Peroni Evansville IN 3350 CHRISTIANGrace Family Church Craig Altman Lutz FL 3350 Adventure Christian Church Rick Stedman Roseville CA 3317 CHRISTIANEastview Christian Church Gary York Normal IL 3309 CHRISTIANHales Cornes Lutheran Church Mike Ernst Hales Corners WI 3300 LCMSNorthview Christian Life Steve Poe Carmel IN 3300 NONDENOMShandon Baptist Church Mark Fisher Columbia SC 3300 SBCAsbury United Methodist Church

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Tom Harrison Tulsa OK 3300 UMCBellevue Community Church David Foster Nashville TN 3300 First Baptist Church Glenn Weekley Hendersonville TN 3300 SBCCalvary Chapel Ed Rea Redlands CA 3300 CALCalvary Community Church Ray Armstrong Sumner WA 3300 Rolling Hills Community Church Dale Ebel Tualatin OR 3300 NONDENOMThe Chapel Scott Chapman Grayslake IL 3300 Arlington Christian Church Barry Cameron Arlington TX 3300 NONDENOMThe River of Life Church Lee Pace Phoenix AZ 3250 Central Christian Church David Welsh Wichita KS 3246 CHRISTIANCovenant Life Church Joshua Harris Gaithersburg MD 3200 NONDENOMBayside Christian Fellowship Arni Jacobson Green Bay WI 3200 NONDENOMBrownsburg Christian Church Steven Reeves Brownsburg IN 3200 CHRISTIANChurch On The Rock David Blunt Saint Peters MO 3200 New Christian Valley Church H. Wilson South Holland IL 3200 University Presbyterian Church Earl Palmer Seattle WA 3200 PCUSAFirst Redeemer Church Richard Lee Cumming GA 3200 SBCFielder Road Baptist Church Gary Smith Arlington TX 3200 SBCBell Shoals Baptist Church Forrest Pollock Brandon FL 3200 SBCTrinity Church Brad Mitchell Lansing MI 3200 NONDENOMDestiny Metropolitan Worship Church Bryan Crute Atlanta GA 3200 NONDENOMMenlo Park Presbyterian Church John Ortberg Menlo Park CA 3200 PCUSAFirst Baptist Church Ty Daughtry Sunnyvale TX 3200 SBCLife Center Joe Wittwer Spokane WA 3200 4SQRehoboth Baptist Church Richard Lee Tucker GA 3200 SBCChrist The King Community Church - Anacortes Community Church Adam Grant Mount Vernon WA 3190 First Baptist of Pasadena Charles Redmond Pasadena TX 3150 SBCNew Salem Missionary Baptist Frank E Ray Sr Memphis TN 3150 MISSBAPTRolling Hills Covenant Church Byron Macdonald Rolling Hills Estates CA 3146 ECMetropolitan Baptist Salvatore Sberna Houston TX 3128 SBC

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Providence Baptist Church David Horner Raleigh NC 3100 SBCThe Grove Community Church Thomas Lance Riverside CA 3100 NONDENOMFaith Assembly of God Carl Stephens Orlando FL 3094 AGFirst Assembly of God Randy Valimont Griffin GA 3006 AGSaint Lukes United Methodist Kent Millard Indianapolis IN 3000 UMCHoffmantown Church Wayne Barber Albuquerque NM 3000 SBCEvangelical Free Church of Hershey David Martin Hershey PA 3000 EFHighland Park United Methodist Mark Craig Dallas TX 3000 UMCApplegate Christian Fellowship Jon Courson Jacksonville OR 3000 CALNew Salem Baptist Church Keith Troy Columbus OH 3000 BAPTHampton Park Baptist Church Drew Conley Greenville SC 3000 BAPTSan Jose Church Kirby Garner Austin TX 3000 Longview Baptist Temple Bob Gray Longview TX 3000 NONDENOMGrace Fellowship Church Danny O’Brien Timonium MD 3000 NONDENOMBethlehem Baptist Church John Piper Minneapolis MN 3000 BAPTGloucester County Community Church J. Sofia Sewell NJ 3000 The Chapel Rick Hawks Fort Wayne IN 3000 NONDENOMEastside Foursquare Church Jim Hayford Bothell WA 3000 4SQTurkey Creek First Baptist Chr David Jones Plant City FL 3000 BAPTFirst Baptist Church Dean Haun Jonesboro GA 3000 SBCGreenforest Community Baptist Church George Mccalep Decatur GA 3000 SBCCalvary Chapel of Vista Rob Salvato Vista CA 3000 CALAmarillo South Church Brad Small Amarillo TX 3000 NONDENOMMaryland Community Church Vince Macfarland Terre Haute IN 3000 Upper Arlington Lutheran Church at Mill Run David Mann Hilliard OH 3000 LUTHHillside Chapel and Truth Center Barbara King Atlanta GA 3000 NONDENOMMount Bethel United Methodist Church Randall Mickler Marietta GA 3000 UMCRevival Center Randy Keyes Modesto CA 3000 UPCSecond Ebenezer Baptist Church Detroit MI 3000 BAPTGrace Korean Church David Kim Fullerton CA 3000

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Journey Church Clark Mitchell Norman OK 3000 ECVictory World Church Dennis Rouse Norcross GA 3000 NONDENOMGrace Church Jorge Acevedo Cape Coral FL 3000 UMCBroadmoor Baptist Church Chuck Pourciau Shreveport LA 3000 SBCSaint Paul Baptist Church Gregory Moss Charlotte NC 3000 BAPTCasas Adobes Baptist Church Roger Barrier Tucson AZ 3000 SBCNew Beginnings Christian Center Larry Huch Dallas TX 3000 NONDENOMCanaan Baptist Church of Christ Wyatt Walker New York City NY 3000 COCChristian Life Ctr Don Wilton Spartanburg SC 3000 Calvary Temple Paul Mooney Indianapolis IN 3000 UPCMidwest Christian Center - Family Harvest Church Doug Boettcher Tinley Park IL 3000 Emmanuel Christian Center Mark Denyes Minneapolis MN 3000 AGAtlanta Church of Christ Don Burrows Atlanta GA 3000 ICCSaint Mark Baptist Church Steven Arnold Little Rock AR 3000 BAPTFaith Tabernacle Alan Smith Chicago IL 3000 NONDENOMNorthview Community Church Abbotsford BC 3000 Christian Life Center Max Yeary Fort Lauderdale FL 3000 AGCalvary Lutheran Church John Hensrud Golden Valley MN 3000 LUTHAbundant Life Christian Centre Rick Thomas Margate FL 3000 NONDENOMWarsaw Community Church Warsaw IN 3000 NONDENOMFirst Baptist Church Indian Rocks Charlie Martin Largo FL 3000 SBCIntegrity Church International Jean Thompson Landover MD 3000 NONDENOMMeadowbrook Church Tim Gilligan Ocala FL 3000 NONDENOMNorth Park Community Church Terry Sanderson London ON 3000 Skyline Wesleyan Church James Garlow La Mesa CA 3000 WESChrist The Rock Community Church Bon Barr Copper City FL 3000 Potter's House Christian Fellowship Vaughn McLaughlin Jacksonville FL 3000 NONDENOMLifebridge Christian Church Rick Rusaw Longmont CO 3000 CHRISTIANNew Birth Baptist Church George W Pryor Dallas TX 3000 BAPTCalvary Chapel-Spring Valley Las Vegas NV 3000 CALCascade Hills Baptist Church Bill Purvis Columbus GA 3000 SBC

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Crossroads Church Ken Adams Newnan GA 3000 SBCMorning Star Community Church Scott Nelson Salem OR 3000 CALFellowship Bible Church Arthur Vanderveen Roswell GA 3000 Golden Gate Baptist Church C.B.T. Smith Dallas TX 3000 NBCBethel World Outreach Center Rice Broocks Brentwood TN 3000 NONDENOMThe Oriental Mission Church Steve Lee Los Angeles CA 3000 Johnson Ferry Baptist Church Bryant Wright Marietta GA 3000 SBCSpirit of Faith Christian Center Mike Freeman Temple Hills MD 3000 NONDENOMEastern Hills Wesleyan Church Karl Eastlack Williamsville NY 3000 WESSouthbrook Christian Church Charlie Mcmahan Centerville OH 3000 CHRISTIANWhite Rock Baptist Church William Shaw Philadelphia PA 3000 BAPTJersey Baptist Church John Hays Pataskala OH 3000 BAPTCommunity Christian Church James Corbett Greenville NC 3000 Hopewell Missionary Baptist William Sheals Norcross GA 3000 BAPTNorthwest Church Naida Dostal Fresno CA 3000 First Baptist Church/The Peoples Church Rick White Franklin TN 3000 SBCFaith Assembly of God Ervin Steiding Lothian MD 3000 AGWave Church Steve Kelly Virginia Beach VA 3000 NONDENOMGrace Chapel Bryan Wilkerson Lexington MA 3000 NONDENOMMile Hi Church Roger Teel Lakewood CO 3000 RELSCICollege Park Church Mark Vroegop Indianapolis IN 3000 NONDENOMFirst Church of God of Los Angeles Gregory Dixon Inglewood CA 3000 COGAUniversity Church of Sda Randy Roberts Loma Linda CA 3000 SDAMemorial Baptist Church Joe Rich Killeen TX 3000 SBCDivine Faith International Donald Battle Jonesboro GA 3000 NONDENOMAntioch Baptist Church Atlanta GA 3000 NBCFellowship Bible Church Jeff Schulte Brentwood TN 3000 NONDENOMSolid Rock Church Laurence/Darlene Bishop Monroe OH 3000 NONDENOMImmanuel Baptist Church Wayne Reynolds Highland CA 3000 SBCMountain Springs Church Steve Holt Colorado Springs CO 3000 NONDENOM

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Eugene Faith Center Steve Overman Eugene OR 3000 4SQLife Tabernacle James Kilgore Houston TX 3000 UPCNew Direction Christian Church Stacy Spencer Memphis TN 3000 DOCWard Evangelical Presbyterian Church Michael Gatliff Northville MI 3000 EPCFourth Presbyterian Church Robert Norris Bethesda MD 3000 PCASaint Andrews United Methodist Church Billy Echols-Richter Plano TX 3000 UMCFirst Baptist Church, Elk Grove Don Loomer Elk Grove CA 3000 ABCGrace Fellowship Church Buddy Hoffman Snellville GA 3000 NONDENOMCrosstown Community Church Tampa FL 3000 SBCLife Changers International Church Gregory Dickow Hoffman Estates IL 3000 Abundant Life Christian Center Walter Hallam La Marque TX 3000 NONDENOMSpeak The Word Church International Randy Morrison Golden Valley MN 3000 NONDENOMColonial Baptist Church Stephen Davey Cary NC 3000 BAPTFull Faith Church of Love Ernie Gruen Shawnee Mission KS 3000 NONDENOMCrystal Cathedral Robert Schuller Garden Grove CA 3000 RCAKorean Presbyterian Church Queens Choon Chang Young Flushing NY 3000 KPCMount Zion Baptist Church George Brooks Greensboro NC 3000 BAPTFoothills Bible Church Don Mcreveay Littleton CO 3000 NONDENOMResurection Fellowship Martha Matula Loveland CO 3000 Southwest Community Gregg Patrick Houston TX 2970 SBCThe Chapel Jerry Gillis Buffalo NY 2950 NONDENOMSoutheast Christian Church Todd Hudson Parker CO 2900 CHRISTIANHenderson Hills Baptist Church Dennis Newkirk Edmond OK 2900 SBCGrace Brethren Church of Columbus Dave Plaster Worthington OH 2900 BRETHRENCity Bible Church/ Bible Temple Frank Damazio Portland OR 2900 NONDENOMGreater St Matthew Gusta Booker Houston TX 2900 SBCRidgecrest Baptist Church Springfield MO 2900 SBCTrinity Church International Tom Peters Lake Worth FL 2900 AGChapelwood United Methodist Church Jim Jackson Houston TX 2900 UMCChrist The Rock Community Church Dave Vande Hey Menasha WI 2900 NONDENOMVictory Assembly of God

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M. Wayne Blackburn Lakeland FL 2900 AGCalvary Bible Church Kalamazoo MI 2859 NONDENOMHebron Community Church Daniel Jung Prospect Heights IL 2850 PRESBFamily Community Church Bill Buchholz San Jose CA 2850 AGSummit Christian Center Rick Godwin San Antonio TX 2834 COCHarvester Christian Church Ben Merold Saint Charles MO 2822 CHRISTIANCalvary Church Debbie Hendricks Saint Peters MO 2800 NONDENOMSanta Cruz Bible Church Dave Gschwend Santa Cruz CA 2800 NONDENOMNorth Valley Baptist Church Jack Trieber Santa Clara CA 2800 BAPTCedar Springs Presbyterian Church John Wood Knoxville TN 2800 PCAFirst Presbyterian Church Pil Lee Torrance CA 2800 PCUSAKing of Kings Lutheran Church Mark Zehnder Omaha NE 2800 LCMSAllegheny Center Alliance Church Rockwell Dillaman Pittsburgh PA 2800 CMAChrist Community Church Robert Thune Omaha NE 2800 CMACollegedale Sda Church Ed Wright Collegedale TN 2800 SDAFirst Mt Zion Baptist Church Dumfries VA 2800 BAPTGrace Church Saint Louis Ron Tucker Maryland Heights MO 2800 NONDENOMBrookland Baptist Church Charles Jackson West Columbia SC 2800 BAPTFaith Fellowship Ministries David Demola Sayreville NJ 2800 NONDENOMFirst Cathedral Leroy Bailey Bloomfield CT 2800 NBC-ABCGolden Hills Community Church Larry Adams Brentwood CA 2800 BGCNorth Phoenix Baptist Church Dan Yeary Phoenix AZ 2800 SBCMemorial Road Church of Christ Edmond OK 2800 COCIndian Creek Christian Church Gary Johnson Indianapolis IN 2800 CHRISTIANThe Pentecostals of Alexandria Anthony Mangun Alexandria LA 2800 UPCCrossroads Church John Smith Loveland CO 2789 ECChandler Christian Church Roger Storms Chandler AZ 2764 CHRISTIANStonegate Fellowship Midland TX 2750 SBCBethany Baptist Church Bishop David Evans Lindenwold NJ 2750 NONDENOMDestiny Church Eastman Curtis Broken Arrow OK 2750 NONDENOMOlive Baptist Church Ted Traylor Pensacola FL 2750 SBCGospel Light Baptist Church Bobby Roberson Walkertown NC 2750 BAPT

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Metro International Church Rick Fountain Brooklyn NY 2750 NONDENOMCentral Baptist Church Monty Hunt Bryan TX 2750 SBCNappanee Missionary Church Dave Engbrecht Nappanee IN 2746 First Baptist Church Eric Thomas Norfolk VA 2735 SBCOrchard Hill Church Kurt Bjorklund Wexford PA 2711 EFCollege Church of Christ Barbie Smith Searcy AR 2700 COCFirst United Methodist Church/Westchase Peggy Gilson Houston TX 2700 UMCFirst Assembly of God James Marocco Kahului HI 2700 AGMcgregor Baptist Church Richard Tatro Fort Myers FL 2700 SBCGrace Baptist Church Tom Givens Santa Clarita CA 2700 BGCFaith Christian Center Keith Butler II Smyrna GA 2700 NONDENOMVictory Life Church Durant OK 2700 NONDENOMGrace Community Church Tim Ferrell Columbia MD 2700 NONDENOMLiving Word Community Church Steve Almquist Red Lion PA 2700 EVANHarvest Church of God Jerry Irwin Anniston AL 2700 COGImmanuel Baptist Church Charles Boswell Wichita KS 2700 SBCCornwall Church Audrey Swanson Bellingham WA 2700 COGARiverland Hills Baptist Church Ed Carney Columbia SC 2700 BAPTVictory Assembly of God Church Lowellville OH 2700 AGPantego Bible Church Brad Cecil Fort Worth TX 2700 NONDENOMNewPointe Community Church Dwight Mason Dover OH 2700 NONDENOMRiver Tree Christian Church Greg Nettle Massillon OH 2700 CHRISTIANFriendship Miss. Bapt. Church Clifford Jones Charlotte NC 2700 NBC-ABCBethesda Christian Church James Beall Sterling Heights MI 2700 NONDENOMSaint Andrews Lutheran Church Roger Eigenfeld Mahtomedi MN 2700 ELCABel Air Presbyterian Church Mark Brewer Los Angeles CA 2663 PCUSAFirst Presbyterian Church J. Ligon Duncan Jackson MS 2650 PCAFirst Baptist Church Bill Sears Jackson MS 2650 SBCSherwood Oaks Christian Church Tom Ellsworth Bloomington IN 2633 CHRISTIANNew Hope Church Timothy Liston Pearland TX 2627 CHRISTIANChristian Faith Fellowship Family Church

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Joe Mckelvey Middletown NY 2600 NONDENOMCalvary Church of Santa Ana David Mitchell Santa Ana CA 2600 CALAtlantic Shores Baptist Church Virginia Beach VA 2600 SBCEvergreen Community Church Mark Darling Burnsville MN 2600 NONDENOMCathedral of Praise Mike Lewis Charleston SC 2600 NONDENOMOak Creek Assembly of God Church Oak Creek WI 2600 AGSecond Baptist Church Warner Robins GA 2600 SBCThe Heights Baptist Church Gary Singleton Richardson TX 2600 SBCDiscovery Church David Loveless Orlando FL 2600 NONDENOMNorthside Christian Church David Rutherford Clovis CA 2600 CHRISTIANCalvary Church Glenn Wagner Charlotte NC 2600 NONDENOMMountain Christian Church Ben Cachiaras Joppa MD 2600 CHRISTIANFirst Baptist Church Richard Johnson Columbia SC 2600 SBCSixth Avenue Baptist Church Al Sutton Birmingham AL 2600 BAPTChristian Fellowship Church David Niednagel Evansville IN 2600 NONDENOMSalem Alliance Church John Stumbo Salem OR 2585 CMAEastside Christian Church Graydon Jessup Fullerton CA 2584 CHRISTIANSugar Creek Baptist Church Mark Hartman Sugar Land TX 2574 SBCValley Baptist Church Richard Paradis Bakersfield CA 2555 SBCOak Pointe Church Bob Shirock Novi MI 2550 NONDENOMHeritage Wesleyan Church John Bray Rock Island IL 2512 WESChristian Worship Center Steve Perea Manteca CA 2510 AGCalvary Temple Glen Berteau Modesto CA 2510 AGBon Air Baptist Church Travis Collins Richmond VA 2500 SBCAkron Baptist Temple Charles Billington Akron OH 2500 NONDENOMBrentwood United Methodist Church Howard Olds Brentwood TN 2500 UMCRancho Community Church Scott Treadway Temecula CA 2500 NONDENOMWildwood Baptist Church Acworth GA 2500 SBCNew Dimensions Christian Center Greg Burns Pensacola FL 2500 NONDENOMNaperville Bible Church Naperville IL 2500 NONDENOMHope Chapel Kapolei John Honold Ewa Beach HI 2500 4SQPacific Coast Church Patrick Knauf San Clemente CA 2500 Calvary Chapel Boise

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Bob Caldwell Boise ID 2500 CALGreater Salem Baptist Church Anthony Ginwright Charlotte NC 2500 BAPTMaranatha Seventh Day Adventist Church Opa Locka FL 2500 SDABeaverton Christian Church Clark Tanner Beaverton OR 2500 CHRISTIANNorth Metro First Baptist Church Frank Cox Lawrenceville GA 2500 SBCGraceland Baptist Church Steve Marcum New Albany IN 2500 SBCFriendship Baptist Church James Carrington Yorba Linda CA 2500 BAPTCalvary Chapel of Saint Petersburg Danny Hodges Pinellas Park FL 2500 CALFirst Baptist Church Roger Freeman Clarksville TN 2500 SBCNew Song Community Church Dave Gibbons Irvine CA 2500 ECTrinity Church Interdenominational Les Beauchamp Omaha NE 2500 NONDENOMCalvary Church Kerry Jones Irving TX 2500 CALCalvary Chapel of Grass Valley Grass Valley CA 2500 CALCalvary Chapel Santa Barbara CA 2500 CALGrace Community Church Scott Jones Tempe AZ 2500 NONDENOMAbundant Life Church George Powell Happy Valley OR 2500 CHRISTIANGrace Fellowship Church Cissy Jones Johnson City TN 2500 Cedar Creek Church Phillip Lee Aiken SC 2500 NONDENOMBellevue Christian Gary Hoyt Bellevue NE 2500 CHRISTIANBroadview Baptist Church Clarence Hopson Chicago IL 2500 BAPTOrange Hill Baptist Church Jeff Davis Austell GA 2500 BAPTValley Kingdom Ministries Intl H Daniel Wilson Oak Forest IL 2500 APOSTOLICFirst United Methodist James Buskirk Tulsa OK 2500 UMCImmanuel Baptist Church Little Rock AR 2500 SBCWestminster Chapel Gary Gulbranson Bellevue WA 2500 NONDENOMEvangel Cathedral Don Mears Mitchellville MD 2500 NONDENOMAgape International Center For Truth Michael Beckwith Culver City CA 2500 RELSCIVineyard Church of Urbana Happy Leman Urbana IL 2500 VINEFirst Baptist Church Brian Coffey Geneva IL 2500 BGCHope Lutheran Church Charles Olmstead Fargo ND 2500 ELCACommunity of Faith James Dixon Houston TX 2500 NONDENOMIglesia Puerta Del Cielo Marco Aguirre El Paso TX 2500

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Hunter Hills Baptist Church Jamestown NC 2500 SBCBeulah Alliance Church Keith Taylor Edmonton AB 2500 CMACathedral Second Baptist Church Deneice Reid Perth Amboy NJ 2500 SBCChrist Tabernacle Michael Durso Glendale NY 2500 NONDENOMMorningstar Fellowship Rick Joyner Ft. Mill SC 2500 NONDENOMTruth Tabernacle Vaughan Morton Fresno CA 2500 UPCCornerstone Community Church Ron Armstrong Wildomar CA 2500 Dawson Memorial Baptist Church Gary Fenton Birmingham AL 2500 SBCLifechurch Silicon Valley Doug Buron San Jose CA 2500 4SQGrace Community Church Steve Riggle Houston TX 2500 NONDENOMPresbyterian Church of Toms River David Joynt Toms River NJ 2500 CRCCarmel Baptist Church Wayne Poplin Matthews NC 2500 SBCShiloh Baptist Church Dayton OH 2500 BAPTMt. Zion Baptist Church Sam Mckinney Seattle WA 2500 BAPTNorthwest Bible Church Dianne Miller Dallas TX 2500 Christ Gospel Church Bernice R. Hicks Jeffersonville IN 2500 NONDENOMForest Hill Presbyterian David Chadwick Charlotte NC 2500 EPCUniversity Park Church Jeff Wickwire Fort Worth TX 2500 Calvary Chapel Allen Rigg Austin TX 2500 CALTrinity Church Jim Hennesy Cedar Hill TX 2500 AGLangston Baptist Church Randal Jones Conway SC 2500 SBCMetropolitan Baptist Church David Jefferson Newark NJ 2500 BAPTFirst Baptist Church Kenneth Qualls Florence SC 2500 SBCThe Next Level Church Stefan Kerr Englewood CO 2500 NONDENOMCentral Baptist Church Susan Quiring College Station TX 2500 SBCForest Lake Seventh Day Adventist Church Apopka FL 2500 SDAFlorence Avenue Foursquare Church Terry Risser Santa Fe Springs CA 2500 4SQThe Crossing Brett Detken Costa Mesa CA 2500 NONDENOMCommunity Baptist Church - Journey of Faith Glen Martin Manhattan Beach CA 2500 BAPTGrace Fellowship Church Rex Keener Latham NY 2500 NONDENOMNew Beginnings Christian Center Brad Makowski Portland OR 2500 NONDENOM

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Trinity Evangelical Free Church Gary Inrig Redlands CA 2500 EFLife Christian Center Saint Louis MO 2500 NONDENOMInland Hills Church Chino CA 2500 EVANSweet Holy Spirit Full Gospel Baptist Church Larry Trotter Chicago IL 2500 BAPTParkview Christian Church Tim Harlow Orland Park IL 2500 CHRISTIANFirst Mount Olive Freewill Baptist Church Oscar Brown Baltimore MD 2500 BAPTVictory Church Kenneth Samuel Stone Mountain GA 2500 UCC/BAPTThird Baptist Church San Francisco CA 2500 BAPTEagle's Landing First Baptist Church Tim Dowdy Mc Donough GA 2500 SBCAgincourt Pentecostal Church Keith Smith Toronto ON 2500 PACRevealing Truth Ministries Greg Powe Tampa FL 2500 NONDENOMWoodlawn Pentecostal Church James Carney Columbia MS 2500 UPCDestiny Christian Center Lee Stokes Greensboro NC 2500 NONDENOMUpper Arlington Lutheran Church Jim Wessel Columbus OH 2500 ELCAUniversity Family Fellowship Vineya Sparks NV 2500 VINECathedral of Hope Michael/Jo Piazza/Hudson Dallas TX 2500 MCC/UCCBethel Missionary Baptist Church R. Holmes Tallahassee FL 2500 MISSBAPTNew Faith Church T.R. Williams Houston TX 2500 Englewood Baptist Church Jackson TN 2500 SBCHighland Church of Christ Mike Cope Abilene TX 2500 COCChurch In The Now Jimmy Earl Swilley Conyers GA 2500 NONDENOMSaint Paul Community Baptist Church Johnny Ray Youngblood Brooklyn NY 2500 NONDENOMFirst Assembly of God Rick Ross Concord NC 2500 AGCalvary Temple Church Springfield IL 2500 AGEast Brent Baptist Church Pensacola FL 2500 SBCFaith Family Church Victoria TX 2500 NONDENOMPulaski Heights United Methodist Church Victor Nixon Little Rock AR 2500 UMCFlatt Creek Baptist Church Fayetteville GA 2500 SBCSouthwest Baptist Church Oklahoma City OK 2500 BBFSaint Agnes Baptist Church Gene Moore Houston TX 2500 SBCNational Church of God Stephen Lowery Ft. Washington MD 2500 COGMount Olive Baptist Church N.L. Robinson Arlington TX 2500 ABCPilgrim Rest Baptist Church Alexis Thomas Phoenix AZ 2500 BAPTBay Leaf Baptist Church Raleigh NC 2500 SBCSaint Martin's Episcopal Church Houston TX 2500 EPISShades Mountain Baptist Church

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Keith Habermas Birmingham AL 2500 SBCFull Gospel New York Church Nam Soo Kim Flushing NY 2496 AGBandera Road Community Church David Saathoff San Antonio TX 2491 NONDENOMMount Pleasant Christian Church Chris Philbeck Greenwood IN 2486 CHRISTIANManna Church Fayetteville NC 2485 NONDENOMFirst Assembly of God Ray Gemme Victorville CA 2480 AGReynoldsburg United Methodist Church Reynoldsburg OH 2464 UMCBethel Temple - Iglesia Cristiana Tesalonica A/G Ron Johnson Hampton VA 2462 AGKentwood Community Church Wayne Schmidt Kentwood MI 2450 WESCalvary Assembly of God Church Ormond Beach FL 2447 AGChristian Life Assembly Paul Wislocky Camp Hill PA 2427 AGCollege Church David Graves Olathe KS 2419 NAZPeachtree Presbyterian Victor Pentz Atlanta GA 2417 PCUSABig Valley Grace Community Ron Blanc Modesto CA 2409 NONDENOMFirst Baptist Church Gayleen Terry Modesto CA 2409 SBCUniversity UMC Michael Lowry San Antonio TX 2405 UMCChurch of Living Water Olympia WA 2400 EVANSherwood Park Alliance Church Dave Lewis Sherwood Park AB 2400 CMAWheaton Bible Church Rob Bugh Wheaton IL 2400 Mount Zion Baptist Church of Oakwood Village Larry Macon Oakwood Village OH 2400 BAPTC3 Church (Cleveland Community Church) Matt Fry Clayton NC 2400 NONDENOMFirst Baptist Church Dennis Wiles Arlington TX 2400 SBCSunrise Community Church Rich Sherman Fair Oaks CA 2400 Victory Love Fellowship Robert Carman Albuquerque NM 2400 Emmanuel Baptist Church Anthony Trufant Brooklyn NY 2400 NONDENOMFoothills Community Church Greg Orham Seneca SC 2400 SBCCalvary Church Meredith Wheeler Souderton PA 2400 CALSonrise Community Baptist Church Tony Foglio Santee CA 2400 BAPTFirst Baptist Church of Naples Hayes Wicker Naples FL 2400 SBCValley View Baptist Church Louisville KY 2387 SBCMt Bethel Lutheran Church Mount Bethel PA 2378 LUTHFirst Church - Fort Worth Tim Bruster Fort Worth TX 2375 UMCFirst Church of Christ Ld Campbell Burlington KY 2369 CHRISTIAN

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First Baptist Church Mike Whitson Indian Trail NC 2355 SBCTwin Lakes Baptist Church Lee Jilka Aptos CA 2350 BAPTWestside Baptist Church Omaha NE 2350 SBCVisalia First Assembly of God Mike Robertson Visalia CA 2313 AGCornerstone Church Madison TN 2301 AGFirst Covenant Church Ted Smith Sacramento CA 2301 ECTree of Life Ministries Mike Dodson Lynchburg VA 2300 IPHCKnott Avenue Christian Church Shane Womack Anaheim CA 2300 CHRISTIANLiberty Baptist Church Emir Caner Hampton VA 2300 SBCAda Bible Church Jeff Manion Ada MI 2300 NONDENOMNorth Point Church Tommy Sparger Springfield MO 2300 NONDENOMChristian Stronghold Baptist Church Willie Richardson Philadelphia PA 2300 BAPTFriendship Church Chad Murphy Prior Lake MN 2300 BAPTCornerstone Community Church Francis Chan Simi Valley CA 2300 Trinity Missionary Baptist Chr Drew Marshall Pontiac MI 2300 BAPTFirst Baptist Church Kenny Qualls Arnold MO 2300 SBCVineyard Christian Fellowship Richard Olmstead Fort Collins CO 2300 VINEWhittier Area Community Church William Ankerberg Whittier CA 2300 BGCRedeeming Love Christian Center Clinton Utterbach Nanuet NY 2300 NONDENOMFull Gospel Tabernacle Tommy Reid Orchard Park NY 2300 AGWord Alive International Outreach Kent Mattox Oxford AL 2300 Christian Fellowship Church Kent Williams Ashburn VA 2300 NONDENOMBlackhawk Church Chris Dolson Madison WI 2300 EFChurch At Sugar Creek Mark Hartman Sugar Land TX 2300 Temple Bible Church Gary DeSalvo Temple TX 2300 NONDENOMVelda Rose United Methodist Church Bob Diets Mesa AZ 2300 UMCThe Church At South Las Vegas Benny Perez Henderson NV 2300 NONDENOMFirst Baptist Church Nick Garland Broken Arrow OK 2300 SBCFirst Baptist -- Raytown Paul Brooks Kansas City MO 2300 SBCFellowship Alliance Chapel Martin Berglund Medford NJ 2300 CMAReston Bible Church

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Mike Minter Reston VA 2300 NONDENOMRocky Mountain Christian Church Alan Ahlgrim Niwot CO 2300 CHRISTIANNew Way Fellowship Baptist Billy Baskin Miami FL 2300 BAPTFirst Presbyterian Jim Singleton Colorado Springs CO 2300 PCUSAMgt Family Church Mary Hagen Missisauga ON 2300 Calvary Assembly of God Church George Cope Winter Park FL 2292 AGCalvary Lutheran Church of Golden Valley Steve Dornbusch Golden Valley MN 2287 ELCAParkcrest Christian Church Roger Beard Long Beach CA 2287 CHRISTIANGulf Breeze United Methodist Church June Nixon Gulf Breeze FL 2285 UMCBoca First Assembly of God Mark Boykin Boca Raton FL 2281 AGOwensboro Christian Church Owensboro KY 2275 CHRISTIANNew Life Community Church Hayden IN 2270 AGThe Worship Center Sam Smucker Lancaster PA 2260 NONDENOMThe Church At Rocky Peak David Miller Chatsworth CA 2251 NONDENOMPark Street Church Gordon Hugenberger Boston MA 2250 CCCCSouth Biscayne Baptist Church North Port FL 2250 SBCConcord Missionary Baptist Church E.K. Bailey Dallas TX 2250 PNBChrist United Methodist Church Cliff Wright Jackson MS 2250 UMCFirst Baptist Church Randy Davis Sevierville TN 2241 SBCQuest Community Church Pete Hise Lexington KY 2240 CMASaint John Lutheran Church Steve Hower Ellisville MO 2238 LCMSLakeside Church Brad Franklin Folsom CA 2227 NONDENOMNew Hope First Baptist Church Cedar Park TX 2200 SBCChristian Life Center Stan Tharp Dayton OH 2200 AGWheeler Avenue Baptist Church William Lawson Houston TX 2200 BAPTRichmond Hill Chinese Community Church Walter Chu Richmond Hill ON 2200 Hawthorne Gospel Church James Richmond Hawthorne NJ 2200 Faith Christian Center George Davidson Jacksonville FL 2200 NONDENOMLong Hollow Southern Baptist Church Hendersonville TN 2200 SBCFirst Baptist Church Fort Smith AR 2200 SBCGrace Presbyterian Church Ben Johnston Peoria IL 2200 PCACalvary Church David Allen Lancaster PA 2200 NONDENOMKempsville Presbyterian Church Nate Atwood Virginia Beach VA 2200

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New Hope Baptist Church Jackson MS 2200 BAPTNew Covenant Baptist Church Orlando FL 2200 BAPTOlathe Bible Church Dan Smith Olathe KS 2200 Vineville United Methodist Church Macon GA 2200 UMCCottonwood Creek Baptist Church John Mark Caton Allen TX 2200 SBCCouncil Road Baptist Church Blake Lander Bethany OK 2200 SBCPorter Memorial Baptist Church William Henard Lexington KY 2200 BAPTAgape Family Worship Center Lawrence Powell Rahway NJ 2200 NONDENOMFirst Evangelical Free Church Richard Evans Manchester MO 2200 EFPark Ave United Methodist Church Valdosta GA 2200 UMCColumbus Avenue Baptist Church Brian Dunks Waco TX 2200 SBCGrace Covenant Foursquare Church Cornelius NC 2200 4SQApostolic Church of Auburn Hills Steve Warman Auburn Hills MI 2200 UPCIMaranatha Fellowship Church James R. Wright, Jr St. Albans WV 2200 NONDENOMBoston Avenue United Methodist Church Mouzon Biggs Tulsa OK 2200 UMCChurch of the Sacred Heart Mary Jane Farley Robbinsdale MN 2200 CATHFirst Baptist Church Brian Harbour Richardson TX 2200 SBCTwin Rivers Worship Center Bryan Cutshall St. Louis MO 2200 COGWoodcrest Chapel Pieter Van Waarde Columbia MO 2200 NONDENOMMarathon Community Church Greenville SC 2200 BAPTFirst Southern Baptist Church Tom Eliff Del City OK 2200 SBCChrist Church Charles Kyker Hickory NC 2200 UMCEvergreen Christian Center Marc Shaw Hillsboro OR 2200 4SQNorthshore Baptist Church Krista Kreizenbeck Bothell WA 2200 BAPTW Conroe Baptist Church Conroe TX 2200 SBCHillside Community Church Rancho Cucamonga CA 2200 ABCClear Creek Community Church Bruce Wesley League City TX 2200 NONDENOMAntioch Community Church Jimmy Seibert Waco TX 2200 NONDENOMCokesbury United Methodist Church G. Steven Fallee Knoxville TN 2200 UMCNew Life Christian Fellowship Bobby Hill Chesapeake VA 2200 NONDENOMRock Springs Baptist Church David Gallamore Easley SC 2200 SBCFirst United Methodist Church Lufkin TX 2200 UMCChicago Church of Christ Ron Drabot Elmhurst IL 2200 ICCFirst Assembly of God Church Dan Remus and Kevin Taylor Kenosha WI 2200 AG

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Belmont Church Steven Fry Nashville TN 2200 NONDENOMNew Hope Community Church Ray Cotton Portland OR 2200 NONDENOMShepherd of the Valley Paul Harrington Apple Valley MN 2200 ELCAFirst Assembly of God Church Gary Brothers Cape Girardeau MO 2200 AGChrist Memorial Church Mike Pitsenberger Holland MI 2200 RCAThird New Hope Baptist Church Detroit MI 2200 BAPTChurch At The Springs Ron Sylvia Ocala FL 2200 Saint Paul Baptist Church Lamont Harris Sacramento CA 2200 BAPTPeachtree City United Methodist Church William Suit Peachtree City GA 2200 UMCElevation Baptist Church T.L . Carmichael, Sr. Raleigh NC 2200 MISSBAPT -NBCFirst Christian Church Bob Ewing Huntington Beach CA 2200 CHRISTIANFirst Wesleyan Church Battle Creek MI 2200 WESCalvary Chapel Worship Center New Port Richey FL 2200 CALHope Chapel Zac Nazarian Hermosa Beach CA 2200 4SQLiving Hope Baptist Church Jason Pettus Bowling Green KY 2200 SBCGrace Fellowship Church Jim Leggett Katy TX 2200 UMCKingsland Baptist Church Katy TX 2200 SBCBlackshear Place Baptist Church Jeff Crook Flowery Branch GA 2200 BAPTThe Meeting Place Jan Woltmann Winnipeg MB 2200 Trinity Church David Eppler Lubbock TX 2200 NONDENOMGrace C&Ma Church Jonathan Schaeffer Middleburg Heights OH 2200 CMAWord of Life Cc Las Vegas NV 2200 NONDENOMSunset Presbyterian Church Ron Kincaid Portland OR 2175 PCUSACalvary Temple Don George Irving TX 2153 AGFellowship Missionary Church Dave DeSelm Fort Wayne IN 2135 Fairfield Church of Christ Russell Johnson Lancaster OH 2132 CHRISTIANKingsway Christian Church John Caldwell Avon IN 2126 CHRISTIANWestlink Christian Church Gene Carlson Wichita KS 2124 CHRISTIANAsbury United Methodist Church Alan B Weatherly Madison AL 2108 UMCFirst Assembly of God Scott Hagan Grand Rapids MI 2101 AGTable Rock Fellowship Church Central Point OR 2100 NONDENOMCentral Community Church of God John Henry Wichita KS 2100 COGASaint Paul Christian Methodist Episcopal (Cme)

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Henry Delaney Savannah GA 2100 CMEFirst Baptist Church Stephen Briggs Hendersonville NC 2100 SBCMount Vernon Baptist Church James Netters Memphis TN 2100 BAPTSaint Paul Missionary Baptist Church Jacksonville FL 2100 MISSBAPTCalvary Temple Church Jerry Mccamey Indianapolis IN 2100 NONDENOMFaith Evangelical Free Church Don Mcreavy Fort Collins CO 2100 EFBerean Baptist Church Roger Thompson Burnsville MN 2100 GBCSaint Timothy United Methodist Church Mandeville LA 2100 UMCWhitesburg Baptist Church Jimmy Jackson Huntsville AL 2100 SBCWilliamsburg Community Chapel Bill Warrick Williamsburg VA 2100 NONDENOMBroadway Church Karen Reed Vancouver BC 2100 Anona United Methodist Church Jack Stephenson Largo FL 2100 UMCThe Life Church Mission Viejo CA 2100 NONDENOMCalvary Chapel La Habra La Habra CA 2100 CALBethel Evangelical Free Church Fargo ND 2100 EFBranch Community Church S. Craig Bishop Harleysville PA 2100 NONDENOMInternational Gospel Center Southfield MI 2100 PENTNorthwood Church For The Communties Bob Roberts Keller TX 2100 SBCSouthside Vineyard Crch Greenwood IN 2100 VINEFaith Lutheran Church Joe Casiglia Troy MI 2100 LCMSKingdom Life Christian Church Jay Ramirez Milford CT 2100 NONDENOMAbundant Life Christian Fellowship Paul Sheppard Menlo Park CA 2100 Morning Star Baptist Church John Borders Mattapan MA 2100 BAPTCalvary Temple Fred Franks Concord CA 2100 AGSteele Creek Church Kelvin Smith Charlotte NC 2100 NONDENOMSaint Johns Downtown United Methodist Church Rudy Rasmus Houston TX 2100 UMCCentral Church Ernie Frey Collierville TN 2100 NONDENOMManassas Assembly of God Church Scott Leib Bristow VA 2088 AGGrace Community of Tyler Gary Brandenburg Tyler TX 2086 NONDENOMHyde Park Baptist Church Kie Bowman Austin TX 2083 SBCSaint Luke's UMC William Barnes Orlando FL 2075 UMCChrist Church, Plano David Roseberry Plano TX 2072 EPISFirst Christian Church John Hampton Canton OH 2052 CHRISTIANGrove Community Church

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Thomas Lance Riverside CA 2050 CMAFirst Pentecostal Church Chris Craft Jackson MS 2050 UPCIGreat Hills Baptist Church Harold O'Chester Austin TX 2050 SBCNew Life Community Church Mike Berry Chicago IL 2050 The Pentecostals Tom Foster West Monroe LA 2050 UPCIFirst Assembly of God Larry Sohn Cedar Rapids IA 2050 AGMountain Grove Baptist H. Black Granite Falls NC 2050 BAPTNew Life Tabernacle Mike Mitchell Brooklyn NY 2050 UPCIFourth Presbyterian Church John Buchanan Chicago IL 2050 PCUSAFirst Evangelical Free Church John Crocker Rockford IL 2050 EFTemple Baptist Church Jimmy Stewart Hattiesburg MS 2050 SBCWestside Church Ken Johnson Bend OR 2040 4SQWhite River Christian Church Timothy Brock Noblesville IN 2040 CHRISTIANFirst Church of the Nazarene Pasadena Pasadena CA 2035 NAZCentral Christian Church David Prather Lancaster CA 2017 CHRISTIANPalmcroft Baptist Church Dan Gavaza Phoenix AZ 2017 BAPTSaint Philip The Deacon David Hoffman Plymouth MN 2016 ELCABethany First Church of the Nazarene Mel Mccullough Bethany OK 2013 NAZNew Life Comm Church of the Nazarene Ron Salsbury Pismo Beach CA 2010 NAZBridgeway Community Church David Anderson Columbia MD 2000 NONDENOMSoul Factory - Church of the Lord's Disciples Deron Cloud Forestville MD 2000 NONDENOMWord of Life Christian Center Tim Bagwell Lone Tree CO 2000 NONDENOMFirst Baptist Church Don Hull Norman OK 2000 SBCHolman Street Baptist Church Houston TX 2000 BAPTCanton Christian Fellowship Michael Cameneti Canton OH 2000 Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church Robert Manaway Seattle WA 2000 BAPTGreat Commission Baptist Church Douglas Brown Ft. Worth TX 2000 BAPTGospel Tabernacle Church David Martin Dallas TX 2000 First Baptist Church Gary Dyer Midland TX 2000 SBCNew Prospect Missionary Baptist Church Wilma Johnson Detroit MI 2000 BAPTCalvary Chapel Gary Kusunoki Rancho Santa Margarita CA 2000 CAL

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Shady Grove Church Gary Benjamin Grand Prairie TX 2000 NONDENOMTrietsch Memorial United Methodist Ch Flower Mound TX 2000 UMCImmanuel Bible Church Michael Easley Springfield VA 2000 NONDENOMChurch of the Redeemed of the Lord Jerome Stokes Baltimore MD 2000 NONDENOMWieuca Road Baptist Church James King Atlanta GA 2000 CBFChurch On The Move Allentown PA 2000 NONDENOMFirst Assembly of God David Beroth Des Moines IA 2000 AGCalvary Chapel Ken Ortize Spokane WA 2000 CALNorth Way Christian Community Arlene Rink Wexford PA 2000 Eagle Christian Church Steven Crane Eagle ID 2000 NONDENOMCollege View Seventh Day Adventist Churc Cari Prouty Lincoln NE 2000 SDAThe Father's House Pierre du Plessis Rochester NY 2000 NONDENOMApostolic Faith Church Horace Smith Chicago IL 2000 PAWMt. Corinth Missionary Baptist Church A. Louis Patterson Houston TX 2000 MISSBAPTGreater Centenial Ame Zion Church George Battle Mount Vernon NY 2000 AMEZChrist Fellowship Church Rick Blackwood Palmetto Bay FL 2000 SBCRiverside Baptist Church James Shaddix Denver CO 2000 SBCVineyard Christian Fellowship Lance Pittlack Anaheim CA 2000 VINEPort City Community Church Mike Ashecraft Wilmington NC 2000 NONDENOMTaylors First Baptist Church John Alexander Taylors SC 2000 BAPTNew Life Christian Fellowship David Wheeler Jacksonville FL 2000 NONDENOMGood Street Baptist Church Caesar Clark Dallas TX 2000 NBCWestmoore Church Paul Cunningham Oklahoma City OK 2000 ECHighland Church Subash Cherian Jamaica NY 2000 NONDENOMChristian Family Lutheran Church Jane Wullschleger Omaha NE 2000 LUTHCalvary Church Murrieta Brain Bell Murrieta CA 2000 CALFar Hills Baptist Church Dayton OH 2000 SBCChrist Presbyterian Church Ray Ortlund, Nashville TN 2000 PCAChurch On The Rock, North - The North Church Lawrence Kennedy Carrolton TX 2000 NONDENOMFoothills Christian Fellowship Dave Hoffman El Cajon CA 2000 The Pentecostals Mark Hattebaugh Cooper City FL 2000 UPCI

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Emmanuel Baptist Church James Devney Greenwood IN 2000 BAPTFirst Baptist Church Larry Thompson Fort Lauderdale FL 2000 SBCGethsemane Missionary Baptist Dennis Jones Houston TX 2000 BAPTGreenwood Community Church Shan Rutherford Greenwood Village CO 2000 CHRISTIANHighland Park Baptist Church Craig Mayes Southfield MI 2000 BAPTHarvest Fellowship Community Church Peter Spencer San Antonio TX 2000 Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church David Peterson Houston TX 2000 PCUSARevival Tabernacle/The Anchor James Larson San Diego CA 2000 UPCCampus Hill Church Hyveth Williams Loma Linda CA 2000 SDACalvary Chapel of Prescott Al James Prescott AZ 2000 CALBrightmoor Tabernacle Tim Gambino Southfield MI 2000 First Assembly of God Rodney Duron Shreveport LA 2000 AGFirst Baptist Church Sue Wheeler Cleveland TN 2000 SBCCarpenter's Home Church Karl Strader Lakeland FL 2000 AGEmpowerment Temple Ame Church Jamal-Harrison Bryant Baltimore MD 2000 AMEVictory Christian Center Robyn Gool Charlotte NC 2000 Thessalonia Baptist Church Shellie Sampson Bronx NY 2000 SBCGrace Vineyard of Lenexa Kansas City MO 2000 VINECalvary Chapel Houston Ron Hindt Friendswood CA 2000 CALFirst Baptist Church Bryan TX 2000 SBCJourney Community Church Durwin Keck La Mirada CA 2000 NONDENOMHighview Baptist Church Kevin Ezell Louisville KY 2000 SBCHudson Community Chapel James Colledge Hudson OH 2000 NONDENOMOrange Hills Assembly of God Ed Rutherford Orange Hills CA 2000 AGNew Life Christian Fellowship Robert Cassara Darien CT 2000 NONDENOMNorthwest Church Steve Schell Federal Way WA 2000 4SQFirst Baptist Church Charles Ward Roanoke VA 2000 SBCChurch of the Apostles Michael Amerhom Youssef Atlanta GA 2000 ANGLICANCalvary Chapel Bakersfield CA 2000 CALOlivet Institutional Baptist Church Otis Moss Cleveland OH 2000 BAPTCalvary Fellowship Church Steve Wilson Downingtown PA 2000

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New Psalmist Baptist Church Walter Thomas Baltimore MD 2000 SBCChrist Community Church David Hess Camp Hill PA 2000 NONDENOMNortheast Christian Church Bob Cherry Louisville KY 2000 CHRISTIANKansas City Baptist Temple Jeff Adams Kansas City MO 2000 NONDENOMOasis Christian Center Philip and Holly Wagner Los Angeles CA 2000 NONDENOMHomewood Full Gospel Church Earl Ellis Homewood IL 2000 NONDENOMCascade Community Church Monroe WA 2000 NONDENOMMontgomery Community Baptist Church Cincinnati OH 2000 ABCFirst Baptist Church Bobby Welch Daytona Beach FL 2000 SBCSherwood Baptist Church Albany GA 2000 SBCThird Reformed Church Don Orange Pella IA 2000 RCAGrace Baptist Church Ronald Stewart Knoxville TN 2000 SBCNorth Cleveland Church of God Mitch Maloney Cleveland TN 2000 COGRocky Mountain Calvary Chapel Brian Michaels Colorado Springs CO 2000 CALHarvest Church Vern Streeter Billings MT 2000 NONDENOMNYC Church of Christ Brooklyn NY 2000 ICCLife Church of God In Christ Ron Gibson Riverside CA 2000 COGICClavary Chapel Atlanta - Stone Mountain Sandy Adams Lilburn GA 2000 CALParkside Church Alistair Begg Chagrin Falls OH 2000 NONDENOMCalvary Chapel Chino Hills Chino Hills CA 2000 CALOcean Hills Community Church Jamie Cadwell San Juan Capistrano CA 2000 Voices of Faith Ministries Gary Hawkins, Stone Mountain GA 2000 SBCTallowood Baptist Church Duane Brooks Houston TX 2000 SBCSaint Matthews Baptist Church Philadelphia PA 2000 BAPTCollege Church Kent Hughes Wheaton IL 2000 NONDENOMEast Valley Pentecostal Church John Nelson San Jose CA 2000 UPCArk of Safety Christian Church Anthony Muse Upper Marlboro MD 2000 NONDENOMTrinity Baptist Church Ralph Sexton Asheville NC 2000 BAPTNorthside Baptist Church Charlotte NC 2000 SBCRoswell United Methodist Malone Dodson Roswell GA 2000 UMCOrchard Hills Baptist Church Jay Dennis Garland TX 2000 SBCFaithbridge Church Ken Werlein Spring TX 2000 UMCNew Shiloh Baptist Church Harold Carter Baltimore MD 2000 BAPT

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Oakwood Baptist Church Shawn Corzine New Braunfels TX 2000 BAPTColumbus Christian Center David Forbes Columbus OH 2000 Dauphin Way Baptist Church Clint Pressley Mobile AL 2000 SBCRoswell Street Baptist Church Ernest Easley Marietta GA 2000 SBCPark Avenue Baptist Church Peter Lord Titusville FL 2000 BAPTCalvary Chapel Wayne Taylor Seattle WA 2000 CALSunridge Community Church Greg Sidders Temecula CA 2000 NONDENOMOpen Door Presbyterian Church Paul Kim Herndon VA 2000 KPCABethel Church Bill Johnson Redding CA 2000 NONDENOMThe Love of Jesus Family Church Jason Alvarez Orange NJ 2000 Grace Community Church Ben Cross Auburn WA 2000 NONDENOMCanaan Missionary Baptist Church Walter Malone Louisville KY 2000 NBCLos Angeles Church of Christ Kip Mckean Los Angeles CA 2000 ICCHigh Point Church Gary Simons Arlington TX 2000 Willow Creek Community Church Jolene Frazier Crystal Lake IL 2000 NONDENOMVictory Fellowship Frank Bailey Metarie LA 2000 AGMississippi Blvd. Christian Church Frank Thomas Memphis TN 2000 Fairfield Baptist Church Michael Benton Redan GA 2000 BAPTWatermark Community Church Todd Wagner Dallas TX 2000 NONDENOMUnion Chapel Missionary Bapt O Wendell Davis Huntsville AL 2000 MISSBAPTHarvest Life Changers Church Lyle Dukes Woodbridge VA 2000 NONDENOMIsrael Baptist Church William Smith Atlanta GA 2000 MISSBAPTFaith Chapel Stan Simmons Billings MT 2000 4SQGlad Tidings Assembly of God Omaha NE 2000 AGBlythefield Hills Baptist Church Rockford MI 2000 BAPTVineyard Christian Fellowship Boise ID 2000 VINESouth Hills Community Church Justin Dennison San Jose CA 2000 SBCFirst Baptist Church Tulsa OK 2000 SBCDesert Chapel Palm Springs CA 2000 4SQThe Temple of Glory Matthew Odum Savannah GA 2000 Christ Church United Methodist Dick Wills Fort Lauderdale FL 2000 UMCFirst Baptist Church Craig Conner Panama City FL 2000 SBC

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Little Country Church Bryan Blank Redding CA 2000 CALBrookins Community Ame Church Frederick Murph Los Angeles CA 2000 AMESaint Stephen Baptist Church James Adams Memphis TN 2000 NBCBlackhawk Baptist Church Russell Moir Fort Wayne IN 2000 GBAWest Park Baptist Church Sam Polson Knoxville TN 2000 BAPTFaith Chapel Gary Jones Spring Valley CA 2000 AGNorthstar Church Mike Linch Kennesaw GA 2000 NONDENOMFirst United Methodist Church Waco TX 2000 UMCIntegrity Church-Harvest Church International Jean/James Thompson Washington DC 2000 NONDENOMThe House of the Lord Akron OH 2000 NONDENOMWest Side Christian Church Eddie Lowen Springfield IL 2000 CHRISTIANIrving Bible Church Steve Roese Irving TX 2000 Woodstream Church Robert Wingfield Mitchellville MD 2000 BAPTFirst Presbyterian Church William Vanderbloemen Houston TX 2000 PCUSACentral Wesleyan Church Paul Hontz Holland MI 2000 WESChrist Community Church Scotty Smith Franklin TN 2000 PCACrossgates Baptist Church Barry Clingan Brandon MS 2000 SBCCathedral of Praise Gene And Sue Lingerfelt Arlington TX 2000 NONDENOMSligo Adventist Church Ron Halvorsen Takoma Park MD 2000 SDADove Christian Fellowship Larry Kreider Ephrata PA 2000 UNKChurch of the Open Door Jim Mindling Elyria OH 2000 NONDENOMFamily Praise Ctr Rick Hawkins San Antonio TX 2000 NONDENOMFirst Baptist Church North Spartanburg Mike Hamlet Spartanburg SC 2000 SBCCovenant Love Family Church Al Brice Fayetteville NC 2000 First Church of God Michael Beaver Vero Beach FL 2000 COGATrinity Baptist Church Tom Messer Jacksonville FL 2000 NONDENOMCalvary Bible Fellowship Gary Nelson Temecula CA 2000 CALLancaster Baptist Church Paul Chappell Lancaster CA 2000 BAPTFirst Assembly of God Robert Ona Fargo ND 2000 AGCornerstone Christian Fellowship Marguerite Jones Las Vegas NV 2000 Indiana Avenue Baptist Church

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Jim Gerlt Lubbock TX 2000 SBCFirst Baptist Church Alan Day Edmond OK 2000 SBCRichland Bible Church Larry Kiser Richland MI 2000 NONDENOMWestgate Chapel Alec Rowlands Edmonds WA 2000 FCALakeview Christian Center Ronald Bontrager Indianapolis IN 2000 AGHorizon Christian Fellowship North Bob Botsford Rancho Santa Fe CA 2000 CALCornerstone Evangelical Presbyterian Richard Alberta Brighton MI 2000 PRESBMemorial Drive United Methodist Church Houston TX 2000 UMCHighlands Fellowship Jimmie Davidson Abingdon VA 2000 SBCNew Providence Baptist Church Detroit MI 2000 BAPTNorth Jacksonville Baptist Church Herb Reavis Jacksonville FL 2000 SBCThe Falls Church John Yates Falls Church VA 2000 New Hope Baptist Church John Avant Fayetteville GA 2000 NONDENOMSecond Baptist Church Nickie Anderson Kingwood TX 2000 BAPTFaith Deliverance Christian Center Norfolk VA 2000 COCBlack Rock Congregational Church Stephen Treash Fairfield CT 2000 NONDENOMFirst Baptist Church Amarillo TX 2000 SBCFairhaven Baptist Church Roger Voegtlin Chesteron IN 2000 BAPTSalem Bible Church Jasper Williams Atlanta GA 2000 NONDENOMAntioch Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church Karry D. Wesley Dallas TX 2000 MISSBAPT -NBCGrace Bible Church Dwight Edwards College Station TX 2000 NONDENOMParkview Baptist Church Bill Truitt Baton Rouge LA 2000 SBCHarvest Time Church Shelton Bady Houston TX 2000 NONDENOMChrist Church of Oak Brook Daniel Meyer Oak Brook IL 2000 NONDENOMShiloh Baptist Wallace Smith Washington DC 2000 ABC-NBCMadison Church of Christ Jimmy Sites Madison TN 2000 COCChrist Episcopal Church Ponte Vedra Beach FL 2000 EPISCalvary Chapel John Miller San Bernadino CA 2000 CALFirst Baptist Church Kevin Mahoney West Palm Beach FL 2000 SBCHill Crest Baptist Church Anniston AL 2000 SBCFirst Assembly of God Samuel Mayo Rockford IL 2000 AGCentral Bearden Baptist Church Knoxville TN 2000 SBCPomona First Baptist Church Glenn Gunderson Pomona CA 2000 BAPTColonial Hills Baptist Church

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Rick Sayger Southaven MS 2000 BAPTAbundant Living Ministries Hugh Thomas Pembroke Pines FL 2000 NONDENOMWashington Dc Church of Christ Doug Arther Washington DC 2000 ICCOnly Believe Minstries Christian Center Peter Doseck Botkins OH 2000 NONDENOMVineyard Christian Fellowship Dayton OH 2000 VINECapo Beach Calvary Chapel Chuck Smith, Jr Capistrano Beach CA 2000 CALTravis Avenue Baptist Church Michael Dean Fort Worth TX 2000 SBCNew Saint Paul Tabernacle P.A. Brooks Detroit MI 2000 COGICElim Church Wilbert Mckinley Brooklyn NY 2000 UNKEvangelical Free Church of Naperville Dale Hummel Naperville IL 2000 EFImmanuel Baptist Church Lexington KY 2000 SBCFirst Baptist Church Bobby Dagnel Lubbock TX 2000 SBCMount Olive Missionary Baptist Warren Hurley Indianapolis IN 2000 BAPTFirst Baptist Church Ron Sears New Castle DE 2000 SBCImmanuel's Church Charles Schmitt Silver Spring MD 2000 NONDENOMThe Rock Church Myles Young Elk Grove CA 2000 UPCIGlobal Mission Church David Lee Silver Spring MD 2000 SBCBrownsville Assembly of God John Kilpatrick Pensacola FL 2000 AGAnchorage Baptist Temple Jerry Prevo Anchorage AK 2000 BAPTCovenant Church Joseph Garlington Pittsburgh PA 2000 NONDENOMCornerstone Baptist Church Wm. Dwight McKissic, Sr. Arlington TX 2000 BAPTWashington Heights Baptist Church Jan Bowser Ogden UT 2000 BAPTRay of Hope Christian Church Cynthia Hale Decatur GA 2000 DOCThe Sanctuary At Kingdom Square Anthony Maclin Capital Heights MD 2000 BAPTNew Life Center Nate Poetzl Everett WA 2000 4SQSecond Ponce De Leon Baptist Church Mike Epps Atlanta GA 2000 SBCDenver First Church of the Nazarene Englewood CO 2000 NAZChrist Covenant Church Sandy Lawson Matthews NC 2000 Fair Haven Ministries Tom De Vries Hudsonville MI 2000 RCAMoody Church Erwin W. Lutzer Chicago IL 2000 NONDENOMWillow Creek Community Church Holly Payne Hoffman Estates IL 2000 NONDENOMChurch At Rock Creek

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Mark Evans Little Rock AR 2000 SBCGrace Christian Center Terry Whitley Killeen TX 2000 NONDENOMReid Temple Ame Church Lee Washington Lanham MD 2000 AMECalvary Chapel Montebello Pancho Juarez Montebello CA 2000 CALAntioch Bible Church Ken Hutcherson Redmond WA 2000 NONDENOMValley Family Church, Kalamazoo Jeff Jones Portage MI 2000 NONDENOMFirst United Methodist Church David Shawver Richardson TX 2000 UMCMoberly Baptist Church Longview TX 2000 SBCSnyder Memorial Baptist Church Fayetteville NC 2000 SBCCornerstone Church Jim Franklin Fresno CA 2000 AGGrove Level Baptist Church Maysville GA 2000 SBCVan Dyke United Methodist Church Romalie Calder Tampa FL 2000 UMCChrist Memorial Church Marc Pearson Poulsbo WA 2000 AGBay Life Church Fred Stubbs Brandon FL 2000 Living Faith Christian Center Lamont Mclean Pennsauken NJ 2000 NONDENOMPentecostal Tabernacle Cogic James Patterson Memphis TN 2000 COGICParkway Baptist Church Brian Brown Victoria TX 2000 SBCChrist Emmanuel Christian Fellowship Michael Dantley Cincinnati OH 2000 Rhema Bible Church Kenneth Hagin Tulsa OK 2000 NONDENOMSaint Mark's UMC Wayne Alloway Lincoln NE 2000 UMCVillage Baptist Church Nathan Han Tigard OR 2000 BAPTFirst Baptist Church Waylon Bailey Lafayette LA 2000 SBCRiverview Church five person team Holt MI 2000 NONDENOMWest End Assembly of God Church Richmond VA 1950 AGBonita Valley Community Church Jeff Brawner Bonita CA 1950 AGWestover Hills Assembly of God Church San Antonio TX 1925 AGFirst Assembly of God Church Rod Loy North Little Rock AR 1910 AGFirst United Methodist Church Mansfield TX 1900 UMCCedar Mill Bible Church Portland OR 1900 NONDENOMIglesia El Calvario Nino Gonzalez Orlando FL 1900 AGCedar Park Assembly of God Church Joseph Fuiten Bothell WA 1900 AGWoodland Park Baptist Church John Meador Chattanooga TN 1900 SBCFirst Baptist Church Scott Thomas Brandon MS 1900 SBCFirst Friends Church

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Mark Engel Canton OH 1900 Mision Ebenezer Family Church Isaac J. Canales Carson CA 1900 AGTraders Point Christian Church Aaron Brockett Indianapolis IN 1900 CHRISTIANIglesias De Restauracion Inc Rene Molina Los Angeles CA 1900 PENTChristian Life Center David Cawston Bensalem PA 1900 AGFirst Christian Church of Kernersville Peter Kunkle Kernersville NC 1870 COCLima Community Church Dan Huckins Lima OH 1862 NAZMentor United Methodist Church Mentor OH 1850 UMCClovis Hills Community Church Clovis CA 1850 SBCFirst United Methodist Church Huntsville AL 1850 UMCCommunity Church of Joy Walt Kallestad Glendale AZ 1850 ELCASaint Andews United Methodist Church Robert Hasley Plano TX 1850 UMCAlamo Heights United Methodist Church San Antonio TX 1850 UMCEvangelical Free Church Ronald Howe Fresno CA 1823 EFFirst United Methodist Church Rurel Ausley Niceville FL 1820 UMCThe Oaks Assembly of God Tom Wilson Red Oak TX 1810 AGFirst United Methodist Church Lakeland FL 1800 UMCNational Presbyterian Church Washington DC 1800 PCUSAThe Wesleyan Church of Hamburg Greg Mcclain Hamburg NY 1800 NONDENOMWayside Chapel Evang Free Stephen Troxel San Antonio TX 1800 EFBayview Baptist Church Timothy Winters San Diego CA 1800 BAPTCalvary Baptist Church Gary Huckabay Las Cruces NM 1800 SBCCanton Baptist Temple Mike Frazier Canton OH 1800 BAPTValley Christian Center Fresno CA 1800 4SQWestside King's Church Greg Harris Calgary AB 1800 Beltway Park Baptist Church David Mcqueen Abilene TX 1800 SBCLakeside Christian Church John Russell Lakeside Park KY 1800 CHRISTIANHighlands Community Church Renton WA 1800 NONDENOMBethany Baptist Church William Jones Brooklyn NY 1800 SBCLakeside Baptist Church Granbury TX 1800 SBCVictorious Life Church Edward Russo Wesley Chapel FL 1800 AGSaint Mark United Methodist Church Wichita KS 1800 UMCWorld of Pentecost/Promiseland Kenneth Phillips Austin TX 1800 Calvary Chapel Westgrove Garden Grove CA 1800 CALSalem First Church of the Nazarene David Leavenworth Salem OR 1800 NAZWoodmont Hills Church of Christ

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Terry Smith Nashville TN 1800 COCAntioch Baptist Church Melvin Jones Fairfax Station VA 1800 BAPTPace Assembly of God Church Glyn Lowrey Pace FL 1800 AGFirst Baptist Church Kenneth Hall Longview TX 1800 SBCCathedral of Praise Ron Dryden Oklahoma City OK 1800 Saint Luke's UMC Tom Pace Houston TX 1800 UMCEatonville Christian Sharing Center Maitland FL 1800 NONDENOMWorld Revival Church Steve Gray Kansas City MO 1800 NONDENOMDayspring Baptist Church Mobile AL 1800 SBCTwo Rivers Baptist Church Jerry Sutton Nashville TN 1800 SBCThe Neighborhood Church Castro Valley CA 1800 CMAFirst Baptist Church Jay Wolf Montgomery AL 1800 SBCSouth Florida Church of Christ Phil Lamb Hialeah FL 1800 ICCSecond Presybterian Church Lewis Galloway Indianapolis IN 1800 PCUSAMecklenburg Community Church Jim White Charlotte NC 1800 Southern Hills Church of Christ Abilene TX 1800 COC ACARancho Bernardo Community Church Bruce Humphrey San Diego CA 1800 PCUSAFirst Baptist Church T. Guthrie San Antonio TX 1800 SBCGlad Tidings Assembly of God Church Reading PA 1800 AGFairhaven Church Pete Schwalm Dayton OH 1800 CMANorth Mar CMA Church John Temple Warren OH 1800 CMAFirst Baptist Church Fred Lowery Bossier City LA 1800 SBCLongview Heights Baptist Church Olive Branch MS 1800 SBCFirst Baptist Church John Vawter, interim Eugene OR 1800 BAPTGrace Fellowship Bob Yandian Broken Arrow OK 1800 NONDENOMFirst Baptist Church Byron Mcwilliams Odessa TX 1800 SBCN Anderson Church of God Anderson IN 1800 COGALake Arlington Baptist Church Arlington TX 1800 SBCSalem Baptist Church Richard Haynes Lilburn GA 1800 BAPTRose Drive Friends Church Jim LeShana Yorba Linda CA 1800 Green Street Baptist Church Allan Cox High Point NC 1800 SBCLake City Community Church Mike Rima Coeur d'Alene ID 1800 AGMayfair Church of Christ Huntsville AL 1800 COCAltus First Baptist Church Jeff Moore Altus OK 1800 SBCGrace Chapel

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Paul Barnes Englewood CO 1800 NONDENOMSmithtown Gospel Tabernacle Smithtown NY 1800 NONDENOMCentral Assembly of God James Bradford Springfield MO 1800 AGCanyon Hills Community Church Keith Batchelor Bothell WA 1800 Calvary Chapel Honolulu Bill Stonebraker Honolulu HI 1800 CALCovenant United Methodist Church Winterville NC 1800 UMCWalla Walla City Adventist Church Mark Etchell Walla Walla WA 1800 SDASaint Lorenz Lutheran Church Frankenmuth MI 1800 LCMSHarvest Baptist Church Ollin Collins Watagua TX 1800 BAPTPrinceton Alliance Church Robert Cushman Plainsboro NJ 1800 CMANew Life Church Dave Earley Gahanna OH 1800 Gloria Dei Lutheran Church John Kieschnick Nassau Bay TX 1800 LCMSFirst Baptist Church Simpsonville SC 1800 SBCFifth Avenue Presbyterian Church Thomas Tewell New York NY 1800 PCUSAGospel Tabernacle East Wiley Jackson Stone Mountain GA 1800 NONDENOMBethel Church of San Jose San Jose CA 1800 AGCollege Avenue Baptist Jim Smith San Diego CA 1800 BGCChristian Center Assembly of God John Gregg Kalispell MT 1800 AGConcordia Lutheran Church Karl Frincke Fort Wayne IN 1800 LCMSGeyer Springs First Baptist Church Paul Sanders Little Rock AR 1800 BAPTFirst Presbyterian Church Scott Dudley Bellevue WA 1800 PCUSAEastside Baptist Church David Chanucey Marietta GA 1800 SBCAppleton Alliance Church Dennis Episcopo Appleton WI 1800 CMAColonial Presbyterian Church Doug Rumford Kansas City MO 1800 PCUSAFirst Baptist Church Bobby Boyles Moore OK 1800 SBCUnion Baptist Temple Bridgeton NJ 1800 ABCLovers Lane Church Stanley Copeland Dallas TX 1800 UMCHighland Oaks Church of Christ Janice Vernon Dallas TX 1800 COC

-- Paul (<:) Jesus first! www.Alemattec.com