weaklungs r. h. macy co. · 2017-12-17 · cmild be tr-4!i>artcd. thene tta- a drearv penod of...

cmild be tr-4!i>artcd. thene tta- a drearv penod of waltlng, whkh the Repabtiean Deaalwa -pent. for the ino.t pari, in Ihe claa*-iaeew and rumnltbM roeaaj, excaad aaane doaen oi them. InrlMlng Mr. Mainnda, t\ltf> reniained in tbe «'hnnil«i. Thc few Deeaoerata preaeal kepl wei logethei aM lid not leavc tl.c »'hanil.er. Kiualh. al 4 :i!ll. Moeara. Hate, loke and KeaM ataaenttl IheawerMai and aa :hero were then lorty-aeeefl beaaton waa had an IWOral the roll.all. I.u.lt,c. WM rc-umed and Mr. laulkner wcnt on with hl. .pe«< Il Bgalaat the bill. Mr. Ooraata at batf pwd t moved m adjaarnatenl The v.d waa announii'd a- yea-, >'. (Hate, n.ckrell. raalknee, Qeeaaaa, Janea, of ArkaaaM, nnd llarrUli naya, -7. N<> qaoraai voUng, the roll araa again ...;i.d. and thl, time onlv thirtv elpht BeMtjOTa un- i-wored to iheir natne-, M-veii leaa than a qaoram. Tbe piWhttBg oflncr (Mr. Mandci -oiil dircrtcd that Ihe sergeant at-ArniN thoaM pio<eed nnder tbe fbraaet ordei-s, and a fre.h ll.t of BbOenteea wa« ftirni.hed 10 him. iietween ."< and r> :::o o'cloek aeveral reporta In wrtt- ing were preaented by the Bergeani al arnw detalUng tho .111 Baa or failare of vi.it. to the BOBBe* of x-nator,. <>ne of thoaa rapoita »ut*-u that BaaaBoai Berry .and Batlet had been aeen In Ihe rloak room and that the foraaar h»d stated that he weaM eotae whM he |Ol ready, and the lattcr had refuscd lo obcy the .um tiion.. An Infoimal eoUogai BBBda i' app^ar that there waa no power piveu to the BergMrri at Arnis to enfone obodienrc. and Mr. Dolph rctuaiked that If the Bctaate had piven an order wlilch it hud no powet to enforee. the BOOaer the sentitc jol OBt of that tidnu- lou. rillemtna the bettcr. ..'.wral Iiemocratic BMatnri had in the meantime pre*ented thMBBatvea, inilndlni: Me.si-s. < <>ke. <Jray uud Reagan. Mr. Vainc apaaaref at one of the floak- r»om d.M.rs, and hl* ti4,nie wa. inlled, lul he stepped back into the rooao, aaylng Uad he ikf not desire raoognlllon ile vvhs. kowovor, raeoraad aa pa.ent. Thc appnaranrc of Mr. ttoorge, al 5:45, eaaapMed IM qaoraai on the roll raUj and ftr. FMJkaer made another .tart on his apeerh agalaat ihe bill, altboogh thcrc were not twenty Benatoirn wlthln hearing gf hbl vohe. At I o'rloek Mr. (iorinan made another effort to cloaa the dny's ^ession. and apotM of ihe futile efforts evcr since mlrtnipht to gct a ejMraal present. Mo moved b> dkpeaee with all farther proceedlnga nnder the .all, ao a> not to dlatarb tteaahwa wbo were in (il.pos.si. and to Kivc to Ihe Senator. present and tbo aaaeen of the Benatc a ehanoe 1" ge boate and gaj tiieir biaakfaat, ao a. to gef berh al 10 o'cloek. Mr. Taace .aid that he would lupphaaenl thal Italftail Lv a niatter of atatiatkf, There were J"<1 thlrteen scnatots present, nnd .cven of them were Daaaoeeata. -That is why we are at M\es and aaeana," Mr. Edmund. reniarked with a lauph. .. Yc ." «aid Mr. Vaaca, .and the Deaaoerala nre the .avens." Mr. s-awyer.YVe have onr WlUVe fortea U t!io Cloak eoaana, Mr. Yan.e-F.ifii'T the proeeedlngi nnder the rall akaakl atop, or your reaerve foarei akaaM be vn their ..e«ts. wlde-awake and dalv BOber for the transa'tioti of baetneea. Mr. KdinuiK!. demanded t;ie yeaa and naya on Mr. Gorman's tnotlon. and thc reeatl WM-yeaa, ¦'-: nays, n, a. the raanlt ihowM that no qnoraai v..ted. tbe senate fbaM it.elf again in the uune endie- roand In whkh it had heei. revolvii;^ for the la.t dx hours, The. roll had to he ralled. and thll time only thu.y fOQl senator. an.wci>-d to their name.. ihowlni that there hnd Ik^ii aWte Oepartlnfi than arrivmi: Ifenatora. lmrinc another pettad of waltlng for abaenl e. who would not >'omc an in.|iiiry waa made by Mr. MMcheU whether Mr. Faulkner had Intehed hi. apeat h aud. I sr,, whathec Ihare anai aay iafUa to coatlnne the de t ,n 00 thc hdl fuither. Mr. Faalkner expreaaed hi. reprt-t that. Ihrongh ihe InahUtti of in. Repabilcan frtendi to be preaent on aeeoant of Utaeaa, he had not been abht to rontlnna hia apeaeh eonaecatleety, At 7 :r»0. when there were Ire Democrata on the loor and onlv one Repabllran |Mr. I aaej», Mr. DanW r...e ..d. wMk a ivavo of lii. batid and a woid U "tho Benatora 00 the other iMe." moved an adjoiirnuien;. ti,.- BBBva did not iMeaea, bowever, fcw Mr. Oaaey Mishexl for and nbtaiged allie. from Ihg rkwjtroom, and Mr. I'latt. who »*. in the (han. teelared the Btotbin l".t. Alter that thcrc was anolhe .le.d lull nntil 9C0. rhen. h nuorum Mving appeareU. Mr. Faulkner pr» reeded with hla rcn.arks. Rut the c<dd. bleak. trlaaly aornlM wb-h" graotei tbe Mnate aflei it. waarj nlgM laaatM was not eaadaetta ta alMaaaM, and Mr. Paalk ier, who had hoklrjr aM patlently heM hla p..*t rtnre 11 o'cloek, reated himself somewhat by lila>ral qaota Uoaa from' the bwr books. The lawarfag .'-ies akarl ..ut the llubt Of the BBa, and thc hail wa> .(lll ncces- lartfy IBaadaad bv tts pa. and etortrh Ughta, TM rhaaahat wa. bj a itate of greal o>oraar. The Aiku wai littered with Mirapi of paper. nli bUla and rejected anieiiduieiit.. The eMatton -at In their ehaln In attl ludet of wearineaa, oi retlred lo tha etoahrooaw lo taho ;, Httle eeded rca| upi.n the toangea. Tlie rlcrks i»er fnrmed their dwttei hi ¦ axeefcanleal mnaer, and the stenographen pnahed theii peni orer paper in a we rerl bal perfnnetory awaaer. Bnt, notwlthaUndlni I: . |on| VtgU. Mr. Faulkner wa- in pxxl voi.e. and whan not qaotini from hi- booka spoke with rarncal i. iie paM ab eapechd attention to the featarei of tnc 1.111 whieh, he Oeelared, ronletred apon Um taavaaalM "i1* poa ¦> hi earrj oe their operatlun! aJiuude tha returga. At io:oj Mr. Ilarrii roae to a parUamantarj In ajatry. He deslred to know whether the Journal wonM ibow that there wa. a fegbuotlve day "f Janaarj 17, ajid, if .o, when that legMallvc dav bOgM. The rtandrng oraer waa that Uw Keaaia ihouM awel at 10 im hxk. it wa. now pa-i that boar, and be Baked t!ie qaetkNl in order to enahle tlie elerka to ke.-p tbe joiiriinl propei !\ Mr. Mornll .uvrpe.ted that the IBth ha.l not v.t Batrbti Mr. Harrla aaM that tha qoeetton he propounded to the t'hair wa. when the BMatd WOOhl have | legll l.it:'--.' day of Ihe 17th. The pre^ding ofarer (Mr. Prye> The rtali kt ol ihe oplnton tbal there aere* aUI be aaeh ¦ leghuatlve 1av aa the l rtIi. * Mr. laulkner then re«anie<t the gnor, bal ended at io..'lo, Mvlag teld IM haor for alaaoat taerre hoora. Mr. DaahrJ, foUowing, aaM thal the hkm that the parpoae of this bill and boaaal electlooi were Identleal wa, eonflaed t.. tiio.e who aadatalned a wparlor po .itioa for thoaiarlTM Withoiit Intendlng to go Into utiictarei ot rrlttrlama, he wlahed lo point to tbe WA faH l!iat the eoui.tiv at bwga had nol alentitled thi. bill aa in anv way ladleatJai lhat it. advorate* were In tavor of, or Ita oMpnnent. agalnat, baaeet ele tiop.. Tho .n who ttood feraaaoal In of'-r-np. tbU tn to thc Ameriean ikn.jiIc and floatlag over M the n.i^ laaeribed uHoaeat EU-.ti-m.' had alwaya evhihued a- mtk partlaanahlp and anUaalaam for their owa party a- hM mree beea exUblted by anj ottaw aqaal namher of parMaaM, Hl< graaf okJaeUoa lo the ¦iiibii wa, that with it. paaaaga i>".s.'d away from Um coantry the itroageat aM bmh! ewdarlng gaaran t,^-, of boaetd ehXtlontl that it «a; po.-lble for niaa k t t, traaaa. In general rritlelam of thc bill. be mkt that WhUa he wa. BO pe-itni-l. Whlk .IM not i.eiieve lii Um tolal Mpr*vHj ¦¦« aaao, while '.- v,.,,-r..I the beaeh, whtbl M BBapeetM the pure and hlgh iniiided Jnd|?e a. the brighle.t pr.-dm l ¦>( a tv tlned .ivill/alion. he rould not blind hl. eve. to Ihe f..! that 1..- bbw refhwted in all JMletal hlatory that wkaa a poOUcal qaeatton ib.- it pteat or iaaaU) had gnaa aadota ladkhd bodlea lor dactahw. thoae biMiie, be woahl aot -av aauwaestty, »'« *»uld nol aay Miipureivi had. wiib alawat aadevhHtng aeearaey, ioUowM -ut iu their daelatoaa fha laaUacta, the prajadleea, Ihe blaa, the aentlaaaai of the pofitkal rhararter wharh Mhered t<> tbe very keJag <>f the Jiid^.-.. la-.ide. thta. the v.-ry BHMMOl a Jndpe wa. atoagM Into Um araaa "f aattttei a- a faetor In a Ight, that moaarnt t^o beaeh wa- ma<ic the obJecUve point oi thoae wbo wl>hed u> eiClfi^e an utaluc and liiipropei tnllucnie on tbe light. Mefarrlng t.» the Ele. taral COauataaloa he <iuotcd some reaaarka maue b> aaaator Hoai ai tha Ubbi ol it, eetabllahawat, dachalng lhat they ronuined a igffirtatfMJ "f the poin y with whkh be wa, now m BBjed In dehaalng a uaall porttaa of the AaaarleM pts.ple. QaadJag from a lctier written by BanatOt Mernll, Cl Yani.iait, ai Ihi^ UBWi Kivlng hbl \an «M rea>on» fo: lhrwrii;fc' the raaajMlaalnn. he cited tha ItteMta reMoa, ¦Uiiti it waaM Lnng thc RapabocM aarld oal of thc raUay o: de*tn." II «.i> neadleaa p'vc tha athei fiBrtaan rca>oiii. He feuwed that the aifctiruent the Senator u»ed then mu.t have i>ome eBool on his uniiti now. Bwewrrfca] to tbe biii. Mr, DaakM aaid that the iiemo rralir j.aity would nevei kupporl Nich a niea..iire be iBuw bv M doUig, It would dj.band it.elf nnd abro- cmte e'very priiietpM it had evee jaroieaaM or praeiised. in bj. humble Judgineiit (Whlle he wa. not tht .ul\i-"i oi the Uepubiicaa party and onh utlered hla wjrdn fruflLthe |«Hiil of view oi an open op|«.nenl, be did nJi loneve that iiiai pait), In all n. hutury, e\ei uid. (,i evcr rould do. a WOTM d.\". Job fol ItaeU Ihan b) arrayrni lt..-if behlM thla i.iil and paradtni It a. ita work u> the AaaetloM poopla. Ahg it aaawr »l't» uelght of tiit. '.in '¦'¦<¦ Kcpubiban party ahoaM (all. li would - fall likc l.u.lfer. DOVer t'< ti.e again." At tht, point Mr. DeaUal yieided ta Mr. Mea art, wbo (Ctive iiotice of a niution to ivi oiuuiit tbe bill. with instnietloiis to the Comiuittee on "~ Taaaa & Hmyli»'» trnif .' Mrorirp I'rllrli Ulve uxtaiit rrllef tn *or« iBrott. Bil OrutauU. PrlvUegaa »nd Porilana so to aaend u as to provtda for llie eh-ctlon of nieiiil.ers ol Coiigress on day- wheii no othar efcctlea i- held In the aeveral siaie*. and to provkta (at -epaiate aad Indepeuarnt irta-tra tiou oi neb eMctora m are a^aUaaaf io eate toi memliers of CongKM. Mr. Daatel, contlaalag, Iraeed aal a etreM. no- ginning with fiie apiMiintnieiit ol Ihe Cil'tut COBTI .indttf bv tbe I're-ident, and endiliK with his OWB re eleetion ,i rlrcle whlck would probably be drawn uiirter ihe provUlona ol thia blll. The valgai aanM f,.r thN rlrcle aaa "rlag"; and thleting, wi.n-h rame ln-re andar the s.ppestlon of a desire for honesl elecUeau, bore upon 111 netaUte rurve tbe iradematk ol Its maker -.lohn I. Daveiiport, forlt." It tlil- loll beranu law, there mlgbt he polltleal revolntloa: third partlea inipht *pnnvr. "l»! bol power to tba Uovern nicnt (onld n»ver rie BOQnlred unle-s th- rinp (""¦ aenfed thereta. , Mr, Daniel rloaed Ua ipaeea at 1:.!". anvuag * eaated Ibrea boara. Mr. Veat ihrn took ihe floor and denaaded a yea and nay vote 00 Mr. Faolhner's ameiidnient. whKh ellmlnates Irom Uit* luli -'"'i f-ature- a- eonft-r judii'iai fiiiictions upon the ranvaatlng boarda. Mr. raylor IBggeKtOd thai thi- was an impnrlani aniendrn-nt, and »si;e<| tbal it be laid over until MOB day. ... Mr. spooner (tatdag rbarga of Ihe blll In Mr. Hoari abkoneoj said thai he thoagbt tbal Uie senator lro« Maeaacnuaetta woald he wilhnp that Ihe auundne-iit abould go over. Mr. Rdaranda, bowever, objeeted lo Ita koiw: over iiiuii Monday, bol made no ob]ertton to it- gotag ov-r for the preaenl; and it was ao ordered. Mr. veal then proreeded In gtneral dennnelaUon of the mea»are. He argaed In tevor of a propord aniendni«-i,i provldmp thai the I'lr ult I'ourt shall ap point two rhief anporvlaora ol eleetion toi eaeb Jndkiai distrl.t In tbe rlrrail and not of the aame polltlcal party. The tiuentimi recarring on Mr. Veat'a amend ment, Mr. ii<>ar moved lo table It. Ap-eeii lo.yaaa ifj. naya -">. as foUowa: Veaa.Meaara. Aldrich. AlUaoa, rameron, Caasy, CnJlom, Dlxon, Bdmonds, Evarts, Frye, Hale, Hawliy, Itlgglna, lloar, MeConnell, MeXIUaa, Magdereon. MitrhaU, Momll, Platt. Plaaib, Power, Hawyer. Hher- man, Hhoup, spooner. Munford, .sto.kl.ndu-. Peuer, Warren, Wa-'ihurn. WilsOB, lowa; Wohotl 3B, ffaya Meaara. Hnrhour. Bate, Barry, Blarkbarn, Butler, CorbreU, Coke, Qfbeon, nenaaa, Uray, Haaip (on, Harrie, Kenna. MePhcraou, Norgan. Paaco, Pagh. ltuiisom. Reagan, Turple, Vaaee, Veat, Voorbeea, Walthall and WUson, Marjland -'J">. Tlie paii's were M.-sr,. Hlalr mid GeorgO. IMph aad Brown, Farwell and Payne, HUcock aad Jone*, Arkancaa; Paddork and Ku-iis, Pettlgraw and r..u. Heroe and CarUale, yuay and Paalhnar, Bgalre and Daniel. . .n uoilon of Mr FauDmer, an aniendni'-nl was adopted strlklng out the claaae pivlns iic rhlef anper rtaer of eleetlooi power lo iraaefer ani wpervlsor from aervlee In om- parl ol * coagreaatonnl dbdrbn to another jart of tie- auBe dlstriri. Mr. Veid otTered an omendmonl to strilie oal Vw rhuue permittinB pernona ..dalniintf to he ilti7<'iis of Ui- infted .sute>- to nIkii appUcatloni for aupervWon or eleetion-. ffr. lloar defended the languagc of the blll. Mr. Wolrotl objorted tbal tnera was no penalty aflxed to tiif bU*e rlalmlng of , man tiiat be wa« a rltlzen. He moved to ameud the hill by provkUng tlnt anv penon fais.'iv ciaimim: to be a rltlaen of the t'nlted states or to he a resident ov o."alltled voter. n anv appl ation, slmll be pm Nhrd by oiifineiyeiit >r not inore tlian two year-, or by a Hik" of not mor»« thnii ifl.ooo, or botb flne and Impriaonaient. This aineiidnirnt ua- agreed to, Mr. lloar moved to table Mr. Veat'a imicndmcnt. Apreed to v.-a-, :i:i: narn, ._'.'.. »s foUowa: Veaa Measru. AMrlrh, Allen, Alllson, Camei farey, Ca«oy, fallom, DavU, Dlxon, Edaiand*, Bfart*. frve. Hale, Hawley, iiiuplns, lloar. MeTonnell, M Millan. Manderann, MoniU, riatt. Power, Qur, Sandr Hawyer, sherman, Hhonp, Spooner, Stockbridge, TeUer, Warren, Wllson ilnwai: Wolrott.3.1. Nava- Mea«r«. Barbonr, Hate. Berry, Btaekbnrn, Butler, Corkrrll, 1 oke, Fanlkner. lilbaon. Gnrman, Hray, llaaipton, llain-. Kenua. MrPhernon, Morgan, Paw-o, Pncii. i;aii-oin, Iteagan. Tnrple. Vaaee, \>s.r hee*, Walthall, Wilaon. tMar\i.indi -J".. Ihe loRowliig palrs arere annonnred: Mesara. ryttlgrew ind iili. Plerre vid l'arll*le, I'aw- and Cohiuttt. Pnddorb and Bn<ti«. flair and (Jeorce. Hi- m u nnd Joaea, Arbaasaa; BgaJra and Danlef, riumh and Wsf. Mr. Reagan offered an aroendmenl to rome In at Ihe < iid of Heel on 2, i provlalon ih-tt Ihe rhlef ^up«'i vl-or siiaii k.^p the petltloo" and the Mata ol 11 appended to tlietn open f..r Inapertlon arat exanlnatlon by ifl/"iis at 'II reasonable ln.urs. >.- Mr. ll...-.r moved lhal iii<- ra»oluUon be laid ' lable, aaylnjr that lo many parta of Uae coaatry anrb a thlns mighl liol be -afe. Mr. Voorbnea 1- it the inlcntlon ol Ihe hill lo K^p aeeret and btdden away thuae respooUWe loi putltng tln- marbinerj lii opi rallon Mr. lloar Tbe matter mn-t he In the conlrol ol Ihe coart-. Tba eote waa hakon. »n<t (be re*ull belng a \i-a-. 30; nay». :a> tbe V'lcePtesldenl \..t<-d yea, and Mr. Reagan'a resoluUon waa UM on Ihe table. The lollowlng wna llw vote: ^,.u. Messra. AMrlrh, v\ll"n. Alll-on. I'ameron. farey, Chsey, C'aHoro, Davla, Dlxon, Bdmund*, Frye. llal». llawl.v. MlgglM. Ilheoeb. Ihsir. M.< onnell. Mllllken, Mandenon, Mltehell. Morrlll, Malt, Power, Sanders Hawyer, Sherman, Hboup, SUwkbridge, Wai reii. WUson llowai :." Kapa Meaara Barbonr, Bate, Berry. Blarhbnrn, pjntlef, f'arlUle, Corbrell, Coke, Faulkner, itormaii, i.rav. Itaaipl .11. HarrW, J.- lArk.), Kenna, Mi t 11, Mi irpiu, I'a*' o. I'ugh. Wiia\. Baaisa). Beae ui, st'vvart, reller, Turple. Vaute, voorbeea, WaRnall, Wil-on iMd.,. Wolrotl 'M The foMowmp were palred: M.-M-. « tiaudl.T and Bkidpett, laetUgrew .1 i<i Call, Dolph ,mii Cotqaltt, Hlinr and Oeorge, Plerce and Glbftoo. I'lnnjj; and I'eet M#. Vaaee moved t>> mid (a gecuba - Ihe worda ..and s|,aii i>.' aworn to th" aame." Mr. iJormun made an appeal lo Mr. Iloir lo Ireal tlio inlnorltv lalrly and to glve opportunity for a dlicnssion ol Importaul Bmenamaiits. in-t. ,.1 ol movlug to l.i.V them on lln- i. ,,:.¦. thn« mltl " bate. Ile trii>i<-d tiiat tlie Denator would rhange hl tartlea and would pormil the coio4deralloii ..i nmeiul menta In fair and proper t.nn'. wlthoul attemptlnf cnt it off. >f eoarae, if not. the Detnorrutli side had iu recnedy. Tbey d<-niande<i tan- treaimeig and \\ouid never subuiit to anytblng lea». lAp I»ts« 11-** on tbe Democratb ilde and In ih" tpillei ¦¦ .1 Mr. Voorheea tt»\» notlee ol an amendment pnw Idlng lliat tlie applll'BtlOII and tlie nani's klglied theiwto ~liail be pubiUhed, In at l«-a-t two n«w»paper< ol opjmi ~itc poHtlr*, in the rongreaalonal Dlstriri eveo 'i'v foi ..in- V. -l; p.dnm' ihe ateetion Mr. lloar moved tbe Bnl of tbe rommlttee amend montB.to atrtkc oul ul hectiou £i Uie u,.nis ivinin- ,,i 11 iu-.' i,e,\.i- Agreed lo. 0 Mr. lli^tin- argned acalns! Mr, Stewart's aiiggr>tl«Mi for the s"pai ition oi «-lei tK111-. Mr. Morgan oflered a resolutlon (whli-h « 1- unre lo alllni upon the se< retai v ol the ira urj I k roplea of rh" aerounta of John f. Daveiiport, .oi,t CommUaloner. from 1***1 lo l»00. Il" In qulred of Mr. lloar as Iu Ibe ptwpertlve ro»d oi aA mh Kterlna the blll. Mr. Hoar replled to Mr. Korman, and -aid lhal II affected 7,'-al of that nonator came »itii a -<iii«uIji t'in..' in ebsa of the hfctorj oi tie- la»1 \<-v- att Ih- -unpo-4-d thai tli<- oenatoi would delaj llie hill lo every parllamentary metbod. Not i>d.v doubtrd lhal pvery ohstatle whleh th** denahar and hia a»soriates rould lin.-iii wouM be pnt In il»- «»v ol Ihe 10I1 stitntioual ri|fhl of tlie maj aitv t etpre** il vwil In leirislaMon. II" ndhi1tf«d lhal llmre «e sianeUdnii rlght In Mr. KeaKan'x ainendment. Mr. Vanre anrned In aupporl ol hia iimendniei I. ir tlieri- were 30.000 votera 111 1 dl-t:.t (be ?aldi, and among tl.eiu tlitv vagabond. tlie will oi Uie the an.liOO ronid be perverted and s<-t aakk In behall ol ll*e*e tlfty vagabonds. Mr. lloar agreed that Mr. \aneea amendmenl aii mln be agreed lo Mr. Iloat ..: lhal he pi ipoaed bi offer an amend menl rlianglha Uie matter oi nay. 'IIh- i.iii h re port«d ptoadded ,f. h daj for aupeni*or The amendmeol *-ouid make 11 Ihe *rae aa 1- paid ili* oflleeiN of i!i<- Btate for sjiniiar aervlre not to be b?s», bowever, than W a day. Mr. Morgan argned agalnal aurh a prnpotltion ¦<- one HiHt «onid glve leifrs "t manpie and repriaal 011 Ihe l'r<a-uiv lo StBte Leid»bilure». whhh nneht tu tlie pay ol their Klate Snpervlaor al BM or B100 a da\. ii.. ralrulated the totai expendlturc under Ihe blll 1 M7 to (mmi exclualve uf ihM ott .,t prlntlnir, rt., and sai<i ihat it would be i" Ihe power ol ihe ,iii-f auper vi-t.r 10 double il*t raat. Mr. AMrleh gava noMoa it'*' on Tneedaj oexl be would a-iv tlie Henale lo praeeod io ti.- 1 oostdenlion ol the resol11tn.11 to ilianpe the nilfs ol Uie r. a tte. Sni/pos.- the Kleilioli bill t-li-ill have tlie liphl Ol way tnon." <|iieri>'«i Mr. Morgan, "da yaa propaae t,, diaplaoe it'" The gooate law- mv not Ii e," **- llie 1 poi:s aappoae that the Rlertton hill will liH\e paaaed uv lhal tiniH.-' i.\ lMiiph of IneredaUty on itie Deaaorratie side.i -Tiieii. oi roarae," Mr. Morgan iein.iii.eii. with a aneer. "tbe rhange of mie, i- not to aapti ta Ihe Kie.t.on blll. hut to appoiiloamaal bills and otliei aarb niHtters."' (itiar amendmenta offered by Mr. Hoar were agreed to witiioni opnoalUon, includlna one laereasuig from three t foiii ihe number of »upeivleore of eleetli Iu a di-trlrt. The blll wa- llien laid a-ide infoi iniillv anil tlie Vlre-Prealdoiil announred tlie appolntmenl ol Mr. Me Conaeil oa Ihe Commltteea on Clvll gervlee and i(e\,, hitionar\ Hlalma, The MMiat" then. 00 motioii of Mr. lloar. at ti 01 lo. I,. ¦dioarned nntll Monday at 11 a. ¦.. after a roollnuoui sea*lon ol thlrty hour». THK rilARGRB AliAIXST rX>MMI6BIOXKB RAt*M. Waablagtou, .ian. 17. The tperlal lloaae rom¬ mlttee inve-tipatiiip the ehargea atmiii-i OoaaUoaioner Raaai, <.f the I'eiiMon BuroBB, held a meetlng lo-daj («r the. imrpo-e of dlaeaaalng the qneallon ol Uw adml«ii hllltv ,,1 .eiUlli r\ Idem >. |n oalie. UOB Wttk Mr. ItauiilS ivnikinu naalre. \t tbe kwl ¦aattag of ihe ea« mitiea, Mr. Fergaa n, a itatioaal banh esaatlaer, re fiised to leatlfy wttb roaperl to eertaln matter- roa eeralag tbe hwltiiaoaiitnl of Mr. Raaa^'a natea i.\ I ap tain i.euioii. glvlag aa a reaaon th*i ins oflktal pi .. problblted him Irom 10 doirm. Mr. Kaiim lo-day ubleetod to the exaininaiion of Mr. 1'erjru-oii. furthei than rekted lo bhi BeaUag aitb Chptatn Leatoa, eoo- loadlng that Mr. Ooopar'a oajeel w«s t, drag bbt (Mr. Raam'ai private affaiis into the unc-Ugatlon. Chalraun MorrUI made a iagfaa(Ioa t. the affeel that the oftic'-:^ ol thd ieeOBd Natiot.al Ilunk. 111 t/bkb Cause of Rheumatism An a M wblcb exlaUi la -»'" "als and rlde? ralled bjetl« ." id. is ballevod ay pbyaieaaaa ta he tba caaae <A ¦h. ,n:iati-ii'. Aecumulattng In tbe blaed II ntu. i<^ ue- Rbrooa ilanuea !n ih" kdata, aml raaaea agaaltlng pela*. wiiai is aeeded I* a rraaedy t.i aeatoaBae lb« aeM, aad '-. m invigorat/- ih" khtaeya nnd ii\e; iimt all waata »UI i«- corrled ad. .an baaeatly locamaMad ii'nai's sm-:, pwrala foi Bwae parpoaea. K has nre«l atbera <if rti"i- matlMTi and It will ure von. Hood's Sarsaparilla seid by »n driisBiFtv ai; aia f»r e.v napaiad enlj by C. L MOOI> it. CO., Apotherirl'j. Lonrll, Maarn. 100 Ooses One Dollar Weak Lungs May be made to do good servirc throtiph a kmg life hy a pjdletani aac oi gyefi Oierrr Peetoral The slpnsof weak ness are "short- aeaa of braath," paina in the obeat and baefc, ¦ peralstent rnngli. (everlahtiesa, and raiamg of hlood. All or either of thete -.ymptonu nu> mdKTite weak baaga, and suouid have immeillate atteiitlon. n | have heen a iifelong suffrrer from ,ve,k laaga and. tili i aaed Avi-iVrty Peetoral waa .careety evei free from a eough. Tins gwdietaM glway* reMewi my rnugli and itreagtbeaa my lunpi. as no oflier medl<in*> ever did. I have ladaoid many ol my aequaliitanoea to aat ihe Peetoral in throat and lung trouMrs. It h:n Blwayi proved benoflrlal. partieularly so In th" 01M of my Ron-in-law. Mr. t A. BBOW, <if this pia.-e, who was enred hy it of a aevera eoagb "-Mra. T* L Ctoad, Benton. Ark. .. I have had lunp trouhle for abattt one yrar aad havetried many dUTereal reaaedlea,bot nothlnc doea me M tnuch good as Ayrr'a Cberrj Peetoral. 1 beartfly reeonanead this BMfMClBC" rrafbtf Horr. Hannony. Me. Ayer's Gherry Peetoral, rksra nfr> n t Dr. J. C. AYER Sc CO. Lowell, Mijj, Bold hy r»ll PruMl»t«. Tncr $1; »li bottlM, gi. Mr Raaai had aepoatted Ihe maaoy. aa ralMd and ex amined as t. Whal paper Mr. Ranm had had aaWOBBted on tho lodoreeaatnt .¦.( CapaMa Uamon. rinaiiv a roaotatlon n- adopted provldln« thai Ihe roinmittee win racatve anv cvidcme ahowlnp whcTSei faptaia Lemoa bai ladoraed for Mr. Raam aaj ootes otber than U»eee alreadj ahown. m wbether he ha« pro rnred notca glven by Raam, other than thoae alreadj preaented, ahowlng that Lemon la tbe ntal nroponalblo in.ioi.r on aorh paper or is Indeninity therefor. Mr. Coopar said ti,..t he had IntormaUon tbal tbere waa a uote for »i:i.000 dlM-ounted hy llie aeeond N, tlonal Bank, ol whleh taptaln Lemon I* prwMe t,fot Mr Baum. rhal waa n d indoraed by Lem. bal lhal he (Lemon) «ib the real aci urlty. LOOKIXG INTO THE SILVEfl POOL " :x\MIN \TlnN OF THE CORREbPOXDKJIT wnO 1 1R8T PI BU8REI1 THI CU tRGEB. Waablagtoa, Jan. 17. Tbe llooae Wlv< Pool In veatigation Commlttee began Ita Inqulrj thl mornl ,g W n. Btevena, the prinrlpal Wnahliigton rorre ipondenl al Tlie ni. Lonl* <Uobe Demorral tbe paper whleh Hr*l prlnted Uie harge ol .. rvmgresdonal rirref ,.i, waa raUed tfl Ihe dand, aa Ihe Bi wltneaa, rt.e trtlcle In "Tho Ulobe i> ",... rar waa ibown In Mr. atevona. iieid.Mitiii-.iiia havlngbeei prepared by blmaell from ttatementi made lo him bj nthera. Wltneaa had mi Intervlew wlih J. A. " ..¦ by. whlrh the itateawnta glven were mad". n- rould nal lorate iiwenbj exactly, bul be aa mai M - ihe siiv.-r Reel mine In lab. and rouM, » onghl. i.a< tn»i wllhool dlH< uhj RepreaeataUve Bowell Have you a i pei onal hnowledga ol any beni memher ' llouae ol Beprcontatlreii hetna enaaged In a *llver pool at Ihe lln.i Ihe pendeuey of the Kllvei blll. or unbeeqneal thereto; ol yonr nwn peraunal kn»wK-dge! Mi Bteveoi l don'l Ihlnb h ive. Pi rh ipa II you will teii me exartlj wlrni yon aran bj pi -ooal baowl .:.-. wj Q. Have yon evei heard mi mei with regard lo hl own mnot Uoii »»h bei wonid be proper evklenre \ don'l bava hea -d an) member a»y anyl '' '"" ,,-, uon wltb »llver >t.ibitlon. So: I havf H, aia negolbitlona In » - il«»" re«entative« «i In tcsponae ¦¦¦ irthe tiie Dwenb) Ii lervlew wa« noi .obmill d <.« aftnr bolng wrltten nwenbj mcntlom-d M»me nani*»a whleh wttneai i-h oul In wrlibiF. III P rd^- a- I ih.d. ol * ru or. and II wenl onlj In tbe eal y llavc you a ,,; ungrcM a*lng enga !.v inioir A. They would be »tatemenla mad- bi ,,,iiei- to me. R'bea you *v allvei pool lo nw. .! yoa meaa aUvei hagUbOloo i h^.- aome IHUe knoarl nUe ,,t thai kllid. I had a oi,\ ei .atloi. WlUl ,i. iieph K. Rlebay. ol I nlta n, B Mi BI .* l,.i bvagM aome allver wbile thl* -¦.. 'A-'~ pendlng and had made wmc m«uiey, bul noi iiearla ." mtirli .i- bad beeu reported ikl Iu I. ... Rlibey -aei i.e had u I) ." '"'¦' _....;,., -,.,...:;. ... ,1 ..! in Wtti.. iid not I, a belliei oi noi ltl< kci lalnl i,.. b*iughl ¦. unnei thin * II ilhera i* a p ,te p* ulation. TI.'."¦ ailon wiUi II whnm witneei had hihtwt blh-. . |llHt. ,,r... ii- dl.i i...i l.. tteve llli ... ¦bmil bavl .. rtla ..: - il Mi. Uowell Do -ou ki ow ol ihiii n n ki uwhdge « liellier Ri< ke) *a wb ii > '. "'" if, .,. ,-¦ ||.bi lo Im e ii grrai de il n| ibont He- ( aplhil. <i |, ||, i |. .: I llllel M, ,i Treii >un miwr. ol UIIium m havlnK imi liear te limouy. »u waa illvei ; itl ? 11: tx.«. \< [(iNs in im. n< ii >i. RR1 |.l V\N r lilSI -"l"N "'. t'-B thi: IT.K.a. MKNT "i NI i.if H - w ,,..! .ii it ImmedlaleijI Mr, MIM oi |e-.,-. ,t. n.i:..!.d ile ippmval ,,f Ibe |o uual, and II yea ai d im>« ¦¦. i*rd«"re»l j he j..a, n*l n ii flnall ippnn ed, '¦> Mr. MiUa eudeaviireal Iu u »vc :"' "i ,!" ':'"' '' n,.. tpr d !. 'gidM Im .' '' 1' ,, t tiu u i in ¦¦ id< bi Mr. I muii H 1. ... ,.. .... Ioiiiii lllee n th*" v. Iiule foi II.11 d<i..- 'i""i '¦'' '"' hill. Mi. MIU retked after di :..... Ii d at ihe Ii,,.: he yen, .i na . ' demanded on Mi, M< oniH '- motlon Flnallj II moilon prevailed, and the n.ren! IMo t'onimitlee ... >. IVl d i>lr. Burrow*, ..! Mi. higan, In tii" hah i. \(i.-r lon Kiriabl" dcl iy debate un the i,.udmeul i> tbe ..ill wa» llmll d lo I.uti luiniites, i ,,i Mi Mi \t i.. ..( Xew Jei ¦¦¦¦. |* ke mgh Ibe pwi.< v oi Uie Bepnblhati pa Ii lowmrd derlating lhal tbal pait) laad d frjiulil d ihe i«- .ple of tbe Dletrbrl ol I'olnmbai -¦..'.! berau»e it feared nepio rapremm \ Mi Rti bardaon, ol Ti m up nnmbcr of cHpplnga Irom »blo nea pap . n o. i.io,, uegroea In >hlo. Mr. AUen, ol Miehlgan, pioti led agalii»l Ihe Ii reievanl dlM-u»*lon .,t ihe DeniorraU Ile challeiiKrd the Hciiioi i:it Iu slio« Itl i!.~t.:n. " III Wblik lhai Ii "I nongbt to eoufer lufltam oi Ihe U Irlel Tlre ul had been taaen away, uol betau ol Ibe uegt e bul berauM ibe popnlallon wa largel) iraualenl Mi. Blclutrd . ..i rcooe -¦... Baaln -..! tlie it-...- :,,|(i .rnt ii,i utne inoie ue«'*paper rllppluaa .1 "Ubio oalragr ;i.. nblo Reprt rntotivc weie llrred ng \>\ ihe.e lii>i.nit:-. and Biadc vlijorou rfforl Iu Inl rrupt, bul Mr-. Rlehardaoa dea Uned Iu ileld Mr. Uroeveoor, of ubio, tin.iiiy tot Ui" Boor, aad said lie knew oi no rca«on wb) * membei almuM iii.iUe a eontempUble, unjaal and unJuaUttable a> auli upon th" admlnlatrallon ..i ja n. n, ublu bei-ay ¦. tbere wa pending an appropriaUon blll tot tbe im trli ,,f L'olumMa. II" <ild noi pretend la av tbal Ibe rotored p.^ipie were never wranged In Oh .. aor lhal wbtte pcople were nevei wronged; bul Im dM rbilm that 00 wbitC ui.ili In Olllo had ev i a---'.it' d tl.ai inim bera abonld noi ooaot iu admlnlblerliiB t-lvll aoveru meat, and no uhto naa had over sto-Hi m L'ougreaa and tbreateued revotntton In raae a Rovern.nl \*\ a majorlt) "i uegroea aboaM be apbeM ii" then wenl over a i.aa.i¦"¦I ot tbe ttppiag preaeated, abawlng Ibat, Iu the, laataneea be enad, Um oatragei oreurred la aUongly Daatocratk dkitrlcu. No man in oblo, h bxlared, ever faii«.-<i lo raeelve ab olati prote ikm lar all bU rlghti, elvll and potlUeal, be* ae .. h" \...- ¦ oi ,M,d Hia,,. \ Infde excepUo.ured la i -t- A Dobmm i.i'ih Heatenahl f poliee In Im lan itl tbe nlghl o'.-ine alecUoa arraatcd i>-> aegroea and eoaBnad Uaeta m a baaeaaeal .f tbe llaatawad »t. tatton until after elecllon. weaaa i > them being abaoluteli reftued. Ihen uie fnise ii\ wa- ktarted thai tbe men diu noi llve In i"t ciniiiiti. ii was rontemptuaual] falae and waa ko aiiludpis-t in .oii-i by Jndge Baxrer. Mr. Kprlnger, of lUlnota, said be wa.- ¦ member of the eommlttee appolnted t inve«dgate Ihe tihlo eb> tloil iu \>"-i. Ilr ile< l.inil llie te-timoin khowed tbal The ir.rnl epidemir ¦.' '!'-.-' lf '. !" ">" Misinwi AraiJ v»s aui nwfullj rheck«| b> ihe iis. ,,r <i, iinr Ove liundird botU>« id ahteh aere -ent t., Vlenna 1,1 U»e Miiufaclurera foi dlntrlWitlon une.ni/ Uie ho«pltal», nhlrh »'i" iill»«i im nuBerlna «dai««r». The .snrpeon !. i.-'Jl id Ul*" Iniaerlal Aiistinn Aiiny ln- MM a ii".-t aaUetlun n-knuwleo«ni«il "i Ihi "tii I ..f their nrru«r»Uon Ui U»e ilrullnr Mfg Co. i'o- lirm l.i- .,.i,..ii th. oprolns ol pa loi .ti.i Mi ioth M..iiHa> .lannan III. 1'B* lotlon N Bbove all "I- wn ry« beautlllei (jtvinu uu . v>- brllllaary, beeuty »i.d »trenfth, i- .h»»lni.'H hiin.lr»«. anfl »ill I" a nelrnuw anhatltnW f.,i Belladenna, Atrepint ai.U AraCBlC, whiili »« i.»uy :, -J .¦- lo>u> wtth two exrepttons Um negroee artteted «cre not lee.d voten. In Clneinnatl. mM . m.s. M, Butterworth aaaerted that evcry OBO of thOM n,'Mr^pr.!;^1,::|i.U,,r'd^lar.l...n that the BBK rJ, and the lionai al i o'doek adjoarned. .y/;m rjiNTisaa n tbe lotos club. vn iXTEBESTJVa EXltlBITfOh OPEMED-OOMM OP TllK PICTVEfCS, in exhlbHfoa of palnttnga by A»erkan artlata araa ,>B,;.,,i at IM parlora of the UBoa Oab. Mo, l W Flfth- tva., had evealag. Tha art raaMalttea, eonaleUna of Edward Motaa, C. Ilarry Eatou and II. W. Kaniter. bave exerctaed areal eare In tha lelecUon of pkturea, .,.. ti.e ,,-ait i.lectton taeh aa li aeklom lottao logether at a rhtb exhlbttkai. Boae of tlie pkturea have been before ihawn to the pahtk, and Um totea work of a nmnhar »f weJl knowa arti.t. i- renreaented. \,i,..np the BotabbJ exaaaplea are "Mornlng in Venlee." bv Thomaa Moraa; -Gnrre ..f Baatwood, ueneaee Rlver." bv Dnvtd Johdnaa; a portrail with , nndarape bMlnpnaad. eattitod "toanaei dansWM, by Rnherl Ke.ri: .. ganaat otar the rialn." Charlei li. i>avi-: ..Atitutiin Alawnoon," Leoaard Oehtaawt: and Rvenlng," Rohrii C. Rlaar. ttoorga H. Boaghton .trlhatea ¦ MnaR Rgara p*ece, "Baby'a 'nitinp'; I' H ( hmvli. a dalntv tnpti'h; P. D. MlllOt. "A Kpringttme Metody": *Y. M. Cheao, two good ax- nmple*. -caney labud" and "Central Parh. ». lla.rv Raton and 11. W. Raoger have aaveral latid ¦eapea. The eihlbHloti i. lo ta eoatlnaed me tta lmjm RerepUon lo-arorrow aJiernaoa, froai - anUI 5 i». ni. Al.oiit 230 iiK-mher, ..f the ctab and »'«">' ot thrir Meada wata ptaajnl had eveoing An enicrtalnmfol wa, ptnekted. eonalaUag of mu-nal performanre. by i. H. MeJUnlay, Henry Dun upper aas al-.. wrved nnd t'olonel Klrhard Lathera. CQXTM8T <>\i:il .1 MAXKEfB WILL. Helena Mont.. Jan. 17.-Another mova ha- been ,.;.,.. m the ronte*! for the miiin.n- hft bjf Ikwher I>hvI». ..f lintte. whieh atlll further rompUeatee tho ,.,.,.. \ rommlaaloner araa appointed to tak-- Um lesllmon? .-f eertaln wltnewea In Vm Bnren Coentr. !,,.., reiBtlve to Um tlgnature ol J. Davla. attacbed to a rertaln In Irumant eaecatod In Um.inty. .|-|.i,,.,t ol llie teaUmonj la to c-tahli-h tho .i,.,., i\ of tbe ilgnatnra of tbe late mlUloaaJre, thal lt mat i.mpared with Ihe rtanatare to tta alll r,.,...th i.rouphi to llght. i.ut derlared a toroery. aM kboa that 11 I* Ihe wroe handwrltlng isnoRK "\- jin: vrnmsi i rouar. Norfolk. \ ... Jan. 17. The Sorwcgian rteamshlp i..,.',.;,. ironi r.o-to:, lo Penaaeola. «*nt aahore three ,. |,.. nrreilek Llfesavlng Btatton, al - .,.,!,.;. ng. during a lienvy fog. -'". >- th . rongh .-a. Iler rrew ol ti ,,... ,..-,, «.... taken ofl In bnata bj the llfe avlng men. U b >. i. ha« !'..! thi. p rt to render aaaiai anre. . /./.'.si'i.i ISSEUMLTMAS DEMAMEKT \ lemblrman Franh P. Bemareat, «f Vyack. wlw ,, ,.-. ted n :-.'¦. for forgen aM embeaatement. bnt «houa- aftarward releaaed, «..- nol ieen »? Byarh vcterday. Me '- ""' »",!"r ,",,, '"'' ,;,x "''A"'', r ,.,,,,, T linntlnler. nf t-n-r Vvaek. who*e na. ¦.'¦'; ,,. ,,.. ..,,,.,. m.M that lie . ald Pt. ii. :.,;, to t tull tet f the law. , .-,,;,;.jf go.VJ i i"H VI W UEXICO UISI ». ,,,.. vi ine I< wa. n I" Intereated partiea In i. .nrm Ihe nimor thal an RnglKb lyndirat. .-. inKinim f..r llo- DunHlgO MlUlng I'oin .- ,..,.. s,-« Meilro. Imaldea the planlI tta ng ' l.,n,t Tl,.- .ap.t.il .t.nk .,(mmi rhe roiupan) will probably di-j ...<. pi perty. ,.!. v. i :/.! KJ OJh'f.J './'¦ f ' ,,, ¦.,., ,.. Jan. i: !-.. » '."" .,:.!. ,,( iteiiim, ralned al abont 07,000. u .- eli d i,,,i,\ ,,i HroMwaj Wharf. Uakland. whUe heing takan itboard Ihe ferryboot for Baa Pranrlaeo i or U ',7/1.. 1 ny M IPOfJ FOHTBB. dgMnn, N. '.. J m. I" |t»pe< lali The |nrj In tbe i ,, -. tftet dellberailng »l ^ houis*. mdai rotunicd .. venlkt id gullty. Pleree kllkd ii.,! D.Mi ;.i u m Ihe bntl ol a rarrlage whlp, aM .. (.,,... bul Ihe Jurj di-a treed, . * . .r ,/ r. rt. ti / /'¦ rOMP im i M i»' n f»Bl Th- il. ii i latlm I'ompaiiT h i, i.n Ineorporated In \,..A j, ... .,.,,. i,.i «.-.¦!, opened an aceount wllh tho ink In Elltabeth, depuettit I I CO.WO ,. nuit UtuUon. it i- nd lhal the Bnn will open ..,, ,.iii. iu . lea '.<..¦ k al :i/ * r>i .. i n i ouk i / j II irlakc, W Jan. 17. aptaln Frank \ ,[,... p Sew Vurk ll< l Artilkn hat .mitied »uhide l.i Uiklug puiMin. I.'.iil' .iiid i.ai ,n i,.. |tb |ed t.. the eommtaidou »t Ihe w Ui k 0 '.¦/ D t /' fFI B BIBTBDA) I:,,,,. vi lan. 17. Mt-. l.m \ ft'ood, aho waa born Ma -.. Iu 17-... yeatardaj relebrated bor ioiHola.-. . ? uit: wka uti u Buroiit. i, ,i;i \>r ui. m p m Sl N i' > v. \-. i, i. > |. in .a i onm iiiiaii ,.!.,,. ... \. .... .Ull . Uidi i illgbt !.-. Ill I. |" il W'| -i. ... Sew V'ork, .¦¦¦ al .!...'¦. ¦ LaUoni ->in.i- \\ «tern h nn»yl lanli ;,..-iii- .- ,. -.r.. iii aorihi :n, ..i^htlv liortiwi i,,, M...I. I taht norlhwt M .. niperature Ui .i-t- ,. ,,...! -,., s,. ii.,,. ii \ n and Ma« * .-.>¦ " ;ill,i ..,,,,v im.mii-1 i.-mir .\ -|.i kllghtly warmer oa lb< ' ,,r i:,,..,|. ,. -i iin, i * '- -' rtln to m .|U. ,.. i. I' .. \ew Jet v :.!ul I'' Ia« ji. miii. i daj .. ¦ uorth< ii' «in.l- oi 'ii. 01 .. ...tili Mat ind . a V'lt jlnla, ,,,.,,, ,.,.. U| ».u th daj i| thtlj i.... \... a .n..' ii.. .howi .'. .". fah In aeati ra ni Hoiitl.lina, ¦-. ¦" allj fali ind »llgh | » iraa ..ii Hundai ind vt mdaj , | .' ..-.¦..: iii a.t.-rn. il ai. t.ini» ratun In we»tern portli u ,.i lnill..ri,., .i "..! ... \i .-I-.!,,,. l^tiilchMia. \.i...ii-:.-. T. in. ....... and Kentiioki * at i. fali oa Kiindaj ,,. i..i-i..:n t.-va- t..ii ...oiii-i iii raatcrn, ulatlonary tewperatnrr In « -'. ta portlen Koi w.-t V'lrglala, gMteralli fali on Buadaj itatlon. ,,,s lempenture. .iiiK.i-. irannei. r»u r.i (ihio, (.t. aacept llgbt i... *l .,uu», m aettbeaat ighl « .in.'-i. ntlBOXI UOCAL ullSlillVAiTONS. ii. i, r *| Il Art. .'uTOUfci: a««in« ariaen, . i,..net i *»i:..-.; j »|0 ia i"7". 4 Bora *ioul ,u 0.0 29.1 in UM 'I--.»: >... ^ cuiilluuout llne mh,»- tbe baroniKlof lactuaaana \>»>rlj>, ebatrved ai ihe b'oited Htatea s:i;iiai Scrvl aiatloa at ti.m .it Tha aaahea lml..at» tnr Mnperatari t.oid at Perry*a PaaraMey, san OatMuag. TrlhaM Odke, Jaa II, i a. ¦..Tta mavaaMat in iin- laromata araa daarnarard realaiday. Cloudj weatkei pre> \»ll.sl, "itli BMW, -I..' and taiii. the BMB lll.l. ictnlni! ahout, S ¦* in Tha taMI fatt al rala and aarrWd rnoa hb n. h p in araa .01 ol m in. h. The »ind i.-i. iixt n veloclty ,.f Uilrtj mllM ...i iiMin. Tae tenprratare ranawd between J.IMdegretM Um average IIHi4>elaf a1, hlghw Uma on Um ... reapuudlng daj la-t teai aM 2'< lawer tt.an ua Prtday. :.i(jv areataer, «itii li^-iit rala >.i anow uml allght rhaagra In lemperature, ii.ii.ommI io fali ..i rtoai aeather n.it\ be i-\|n-. t.-.i in un.t n ..I un. ricy t.i-dn. liKVI' I'.VK.MN^i IKAIN FtlK BUPTALO AM) NI \<. AltA PALLH. The popniar iiuftaio >p-ii;ii, leavlng t.iaiui I'entral Matlon b) ihe Ken imt fenlral dulli al 7 to b. m. alll, <>ii and after Febrnari i-t, have an nddlUnnal VVagner Klceptng rar for Ntagara Fulla, runntng w.i Korhektar and l/irkporf, ta t \\iw. Prompl sei- \ i.-.. ^-e aunoumeiiieiii of olher chMgCa In an< Iher "j. .uiii. ,', R. H. MACY & CO. 1 B1XTH ATEStF,'13Tlt TO 14T1I 9TREE* BLACK SILK. »«.'na?ssMr*_ , ,.. ...,..,.,.:.:;.,... ¦"««.. "»". gl.-i.V woetb il ¦»._.___ wKh t«u .aari'SK.r2® ,.^.sruars.--. .jt lacbea wid". ,1.1*1, -rfhie. black v rert aMraettve eaOarnaa al BOVMawaw ¦Maada, "itn telared aaalgaa, frnin ttc. t: WBm J"**"*' BttK, cxtra 6ne naa af DOME8T1C UL.vCK BKIBS1VO 5="^. atrow?, 49e.| worth 0 ¦><¦ ..««¦ ,0 pteea. -l^tb Pbm c'.d ralM* PlUMCAlt* 40 ataeea gS-lach Pereon BLACM OtOt »»**». «l,..i wartb 80.-. n-lacb Meck aatla itHped CHI*a MI* :l»e.l worth T50. ExtragwaUtyaWaek hj.a.-k iMDlAtll*. oiie.i worth IL ..,. ,.,. ..<- Supertlne 1ILACK BUAKOHAI and JAfAMEtt Mf.KS, V»c., worth fl.20. OOLORED SILK. dualve dealgna, 27 laehea wi<i-\ sse.. worth 01.10; ttew waett *. -». ICST RBCEIVBD. i largo ablpmeat al oat ***** B fM..f*.:;i» lAU.i.i: i kancaisk, m aU tbe ,, . a,,,. .,.,.r..i aprtag .lanke; wfll aat eraek a. ",..,; rarda eatra quallty all aUb Colared UOItX ».*¦' U8K, SO aew aaadea, »».¦. i yd, w"lt,' *'. x.r, qwaiity ini.m SILK, no oea abadea UJlr.l worth gg* Om <-<¦ WMtElOM N'.vki,tik.s. In Bght eabwa, .¦Jllr.; worth *l. ,.,r ,, esmid gLinch inma B1UC la » ¦-¦¦'¦¦¦» raaga ol e\eaoui abad -. tiflc.i worth 91. Ol It aTTSCM of MOURNING GOODS .fLK 'otkWADIBWI la aew de.Cn*. mn.idlng aiik ' ,' -,.., rti.-. braeaded ateeai aadtkdn nnaare 'fr. «9<-. tl.tt pw raid, x lotol IIII.M-II -TKE NOHAIR* .,.,. per ya vt.KY < BaUtti CQLORED DRESS GOODS ,..*, OPI M D vi.Mi. N1AV DB810XB ANO COLOR- i-'abHMERM. am. IMNIUI.TTAS. IXCLUDIBG a van op BXTB* tlMB <A*HMKHK BBBflfc la all tbe aew %U4n .f r ra Tana nrnve, Medee, Ceaehbaga aad .. al ««lr. pei j i .1 worth 70a. BPfCOfAti WAI.K OP IMPORTEO SCOTCH GINGHAMS, nlSc.i: vui. REMARKABLEVALUE. HOSIERY. WOMF.V* HO-K. .... Q i Cotl m 'I '. ad ata l <»,..; irorth -t l-;,,, BI* k i oa n. pu« "b .Jl.v. worth S& ,...;,,.: b k Booi pattera., gaaraateed ettlaUea, :i*ir.i wortb co.. .I.--'- jIH.-.i wnrth '¦'¦.. ii i V ¦¦'-¦-.. ¦.. ';'' '' -:'"" ". J _,... wortb .->¦* Black e/oeli-u, ¦ite.i a "th ;i..,» Bla ...-"¦ '. douldi aole, I le.| i HlLDBRN't IIOBB. ;.| ni, i.,-¦ Black L'ottoo, double kuee, aU altai, .i l.-.i aartb gi* I ii.4w i.i i.- .1 i ..-I Black Cettoo, deuMa kaea, .Jge.1 **»rtb I5e. M... , ., D| Itb J-;. " kl1"** :1H.-.; wortb 80c. MBUCB IIAI.K UOtR. t B Morley'a Cotom, la naode and Uui colcif, l?e.: worth .1') i',,-. g . » ai-1. '.'ii> I atrlpea, .f.U-i aprUi :*\- | |; ».., . .. i Eatra Ui ivj Cottaa, in aaoda catara, ¦i |r. i arerlh 8.S' Men'a i''u;¦- Mci ." and heavy kU-weeJ iu aavy, ¦ di.U - laV.i wortb Me. NOTIONS. Meel >' laeai I lr. pa tubroidei * * Laaora 17.-. I'wbH UnivM, j i.i.ei.-. gge. and ilc.x »d Madea -.»i...::«.-. aud |t<. hin,, v andtea o;oi - :i.-, Bhaabw Se.,dle.,ll4e. Stf % hll.K, 1 *' \ N > \ 1- I. \ M ASKJi Al i.n\s si t'Kll »». -i.uix rUM auall Bla k aua iVc [<¦ r a.n -i-'.i- B4a< k .>!-' IH--- I"' h"v "' :'' '" SA"1 H. ...i.iin.-" -|i.,.,i- kij. * siik laV. .'. k ,.,,.r t*¦. Mio'ids. evi pali aarraated, III. . tio., ISe.i l-V. "'"i !*«... i»i pali lleaka and \>-. beal polnU, IO.. pet ikmm, KWm v <. irter KlaatH ise. i"i rard \Mi-t«irtiaa tixii rap. aaaarted «uii'i». I te. per doaaa, i Mtea Boaa aatna, i- i iN», Ite. i ouoh it.itinu. is \.i ,i iie. y an. v iieiiinsi. 12 yard*. laV. Kaat Black Meadlna i atton, llie. doiea. w/ovea M'-i <i BrtU, aea deel taa Bl.li, tt.tR. «i in aad ll.ftk .iiu'ii-n tlaylai -*.¦».. law * bacba, 7 1... tte.. *>i.il. ai.lt aw pacRj Baugk-bach ttaying laui- -J7e. i>er pair. Ch ina and Class. (Att Boaaa, m-md ftoora Wi; HAVF .ItST OPBMEB A X FXTIKI.r.V g] \V , Iv« OP UMOOMB a\u RBUUBH OIBRRR bjbsZ VICE8, WHICH FOR QtAl.nv AMB bTTLBaai DECORATIOM ARP. Rl TTFIl VAi.t-K THxv wi HAVE BKE.X ABLE TO OPPBR ANV PlihViOV. REABOM. PBICEg PBOM iil.ttrt PEB sr.T axo ipwapd 60 varttttea of Mrhlyaaaatai'd OTBTBB I'Lati., *..»-» per don-n nnd BBWBBi. IttHIJIIVs IM 1MVAI. WORlKSTFR CROWM DF.RBY AND IU DOI.-TADT WAIll.s. * WORTI1Y OF BFICUL ATTENTIOX. SILVERWARE. S1.49 1,000 deeaa RASIOOMS, '.ITrtaii** aal tera, wartaut-d *tand:ird plate. list prlcc 04.71 pet daaea . J dozkn. w 500 d.ifen TABLSBPOOXS, Kan.e n.iali'y, recular l(«t prlce $9.S0 per dozen. ' BObbnT r.OOdoTfn MFDIFM FORKS. aBBM gWilBy f| f»A a- above, regulat ,.-.. piic. ,. atatjQ iot"n. ! BOdaC UPHOLSTERY. (Third dior, raached by etaiMMI LACF CIRTAIXS Bl a i.ltl'AT RFIHtTIOX m ..- Thls lot bcli.de, MOTTIKONAM, axtiql'K I *ur CLVKT, IltlMi F01MT, TAMBOIR BUl^ELa AMB IOULS XIV.. fmm l»«y. p.-i pefr up t,. ati.'l .11. BJ r«lrs ALL CMKB1LLE CUUTAlXg, vwih rlth waa dado, red, btee, eold. nnd c:.:\.-. g.'i,74 p. r puir worlh -">. SMYRNARUCS (Third faar, reachad by ei'.atr.r.. Ifl Inrhei. x °s tn, V., S7r. a k; Barth IV. 3d Mfben i 72 be h... g-j.M m b w-erkt Mttt, 1 feer v 7 BMC, 0 I..10 <-.<. h »¦ ttli at. 5u0 bMVK.NA Rl'GB, bw IXVill S X 00 IXiHts, Ol.gft eacb; ^oith ?.. M TMISH ROGS AND CARPETS. (Third fl m, * bed bj avafari niR COLLECT10B OP THESE OOODB, lacMratpj \ RECKXT IMPOKTATIOX, 1^ WOBTBT 7HB ATTFXTI'iX OF THOSE Wllo DEgm Er.E- OARCE ANO BEAUTY OP III >l>.\ AXDrdlOP.. IN-.S OOMBIM.I* WITH iHF.M'XESS oy PRICE. AT Ol i: POI'|T.\K PltllK* THZfR .. oi>> ARE PROM iOTO PKlt rtXT.I.tSe) THAN IS L'gt'AIXT ( BAROEO UAgWKKIf. CLOCKS AND BRONZES. $9.93 .10 palra BRORZE not RES, ci in.hr. bigh, "BOM CAB8AR" and "D'lX Jt .\\ arertk tl">.. .. I'AlR. .10 MARBUEIBKD IXN K8. >l,|..l!Tl.Y |MPF.BPU£ AT A KEIHTCTION OP FROM 90 tO M l'ij < i:m\ cabi.xft clocks, ftxi8me0 im BLACK WALNTT Mad Oak. in a 01 QQ Tarl^ty of d^olirna. j "¦¦"" UNDERWEAR. s Women'« Morfolb and Xear-BruBtwIrk KXIT i vnKg. wfai; regalBi ¦ .' .l.tdaach; raraaerl) freaa f I.BB aM dtt*. Wom.-n , i; !iiu;i aataral ALL-WOOL VEsTS, BaV, -. i. arertb K .rraaa'a I rtae rlbca l COTTOV VESTh Ba 17.-. ... .i. Wobmb'i Sa - \ V'FATS ; BKk aal ¦- :lHe. M % ».e Ti .'.'' Mea'i i.'.j v, KHtRTf) a\:> DRAWBaV H*t» Uaed, 01.IM « ii: a-ertb tl M Mea'i wtra beavy OeraMB aataral aeal BBIBH AIB BRAWERB, larae rttea. *!..«» -a«h; teraaerlyfPaXayP, 5J.79 $.;.«* COLLARS AND GUFFS. Mea'i i-i'.v i.ima t OLLARS, -»«. Pl' "' UORTII oOC, DOZ IKil Kl.l, IIM'I t>Pt] 1.1M.X Ct I'FS, I2c. fSk, M,iJ.T" SPIIRTS. Maa'a PTICA KOMPARCUi MVM4SI riBk l.IXaal BOBOM, hami iixisHi n rMROCOMOVti |aV.i arerth gl. Maa'a PAMCT TRIXM1 D M JHT bHIKTl, n, ! we a yer. Maa'a rwua quallty. bXMO A.MI.VXRIMM^O tiBBM allU'as, blc.; OBTtb gl. H0USEFURNISHIN6S. bVBRYTIHXil IX' i.' OF.B I'h'BER Aaf>vt HCAlh IN.. .vi PRI1 d FROM M TO .><> TZM CBafJ II >s MAN I IM \VHH:i ralhei Duatera, »,...»«.. IBe»BMi wi.i.u Broaaaa, ai* I'ure haaaaaaka, tr. bbb ettoe tMawa PeUeh le« r. um PrMe laUva l^Mab, s... , l-.iei ti.iMli. ..ii. Oe. rw(eeUoB Kmt.' Pawder, Be. IMaea'a H»a»-e PaOab.hV. AILRrtaUa Batt Braaaaa, aie.. *.....-.. Hl.07. gl.«. aU-Brtaile PwMera IM... 1i*..U>. Beavy Baal Paaa 7e ii,,.i M< pa, Be., l4i<-.. laV. Blork im S'1'"' rWaa, MeH IBVh 1'J>'-. ..' gtaeb tta ttnwred Baekeu, \tc. 14... Hl Braaa I'MBreUa kaaada, gl.d«. biM ttaadH Urvera, fi.17 pci »efc R.H. M A FOR MAKIXQ lUTOUlTlC IKLLUTO UlCIIXEt. Ataany, Jan. it. rbe KaUoaal Automatli Marhlae < oiapaiiv waa Incorpdrated yettorday loi tbe manu la.Wie. -,ile. rental and operatloii ..1 autoinatii roln reatrolled or rotn-operdted maehl. with prtaelpal otb*ea in t a-tietiui. Bli'hmond Coaaty, and branrh ofllre In Bo ton, Pbiladelphla and BaRlBMMre. Thd rapltal la BI,500,000. Pbe trnateoa are .1 Lantaater, It. K. Bonnett, Leroy w'. Baldwtn nnd Thoaia* M. Ka-s ford, of N.« York 1 Hy, and o. II, Ureenleaf, lieorge II. rlolbrook nnd llenry II, liowman, ul uprlngtehl, Mass. IggBtT 01 tATTBMt IQBBTB, L'lnrlanaal, Jan. 17..The Hatted Mataa Marahalaad bla dapatlea have nrre ted Willi.mi iv, l>. c. aad llanv johnaon and aaather mao for ealag Ibe ¦atte for the parpaae «.f elreaJatlag bdterp matter. tba aa- raaOd mun Imve i.n operattag as vgenW for tho Loui ma btaie Lottery. ¦...<. ol the cuipnu 1i*j made CY&CO. J geoBaaadoB. U* atwtal thal irwUtrt bal 4. iu. 1....1 New Vin .<"' u*l um tue largeal la tn. ahad atate*. gf/fXv i CQMUVXITt VQM BAMA9** K...t BaBth. a.u.. Jaa. 17.-TM l ."""« ?u** g, .,... ta I,,!.,., eivii..... br ^,,,;H*;;;l;,-t.,d fuP.e laapraaaaawat, braaghl »J hi..¦...'* <«¦ ni.., ,.., twa ...... BgalnM t*«»« «»ki » argM protiiinent people oi llavkcl » ItJ ,'1* " l v.| kf LlU-weiaraaldeaUofllarkel and aerei ." J^ IM ..i.utt.unliy aa Ihe] MbJBI «.«. Bf .tf tay. -m ."/¦';,;;;,JSS...4 burglariy. TMalghtaf May I. UMO, . J_|( w,,, .,dep..l> ......tahletooUu...'^"" Bjgdtf U, tha PraMI baaae, aaere thaj or*¦.-; |h,;|1 .., ., then- beda, haud.-itfed tbeai. aM -gjpajBM. ,,.e.lepol. Iliev himrded B oel " ,yuM; hV aaai .tatJea. .here they '. *f'pjQiMU t.rket. for t'ari.. >>X. .UaaaJl a^ t* bd Cd^f*** brluglng luit. Orer nlty wUM»*» *" w

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Post on 07-Jul-2020




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Page 1: WeakLungs R. H. MACY CO. · 2017-12-17 · cmild be tr-4!i>artcd. thene tta- a drearv penod of waltlng, whkh the Repabtiean Deaalwa-pent. for the ino.t pari, in Ihe claa*-iaeew and

cmild be tr-4!i>artcd. thene tta- a drearv penod ofwaltlng, whkh the Repabtiean Deaalwa -pent. for theino.t pari, in Ihe claa*-iaeew and rumnltbM roeaaj,excaad aaane doaen oi them. InrlMlng Mr. Mainnda,t\ltf> reniained in tbe «'hnnil«i.

Thc few Deeaoerata preaeal kepl wei logethei aMlid not leavc tl.c »'hanil.er. Kiualh. al 4 :i!ll. Moeara.Hate, loke and KeaM ataaenttl IheawerMai and aa

:hero were then lorty-aeeefl beaaton waa had an

IWOral the roll.all. I.u.lt,c. WM rc-umed and Mr.

laulkner wcnt on with hl. .pe«< Il Bgalaat the bill.Mr. Ooraata at batf pwd t moved m adjaarnatenlThe v.d waa announii'd a- yea-, >'. (Hate, n.ckrell.raalknee, Qeeaaaa, Janea, of ArkaaaM, nnd llarrUlinaya, -7. N<> qaoraai voUng, the roll araa again...;i.d. and thl, time onlv thirtv elpht BeMtjOTa un-

i-wored to iheir natne-, M-veii leaa than a qaoram.Tbe piWhttBg oflncr (Mr. Mandci -oiil dircrtcd that Ihe

sergeant at-ArniN thoaM pio<eed nnder tbe fbraaetordei-s, and a fre.h ll.t of BbOenteea wa« ftirni.hed 10him.

iietween ."< and r> :::o o'cloek aeveral reporta In wrtt-ing were preaented by the Bergeani al arnw detalUngtho .111 Baa or failare of vi.it. to the BOBBe* of x-nator,.

<>ne of thoaa rapoita »ut*-u that BaaaBoai Berry .andBatlet had been aeen In Ihe rloak room and that theforaaar h»d stated that he weaM eotae whM he |Olready, and the lattcr had refuscd lo obcy the .um

tiion.. An Infoimal eoUogai BBBda i' app^ar thatthere waa no power piveu to the BergMrri at Arnis toenfone obodienrc. and Mr. Dolph rctuaiked that Ifthe Bctaate had piven an order wlilch it hud no powetto enforee. the BOOaer the sentitc jol OBt of that tidnu-lou. rillemtna the bettcr.

..'.wral Iiemocratic BMatnri had in the meantimepre*ented thMBBatvea, inilndlni: Me.si-s. < <>ke. <Jrayuud Reagan. Mr. Vainc apaaaref at one of the floak-r»om d.M.rs, and hl* ti4,nie wa. inlled, lul he steppedback into the rooao, aaylng Uad he ikf not desireraoognlllon ile vvhs. kowovor, raeoraad aa pa.ent.Thc appnaranrc of Mr. ttoorge, al 5:45, eaaapMed IMqaoraai on the roll raUj and ftr. FMJkaer madeanother .tart on his apeerh agalaat ihe bill, altbooghthcrc were not twenty Benatoirn wlthln hearing gf hblvohe.

At I o'rloek Mr. (iorinan made another effort tocloaa the dny's ^ession. and apotM of ihe futile effortsevcr since mlrtnipht to gct a ejMraal present. Momoved b> dkpeaee with all farther proceedlnga nnderthe .all, ao a> not to dlatarb tteaahwa wbo were in

(il.pos.si. and to Kivc to Ihe Senator. present and tbo

aaaeen of the Benatc a ehanoe 1" ge boate and gaj tiieirbiaakfaat, ao a. to gef berh al 10 o'cloek.

Mr. Taace .aid that he would lupphaaenl thalItalftail Lv a niatter of atatiatkf, There were J"<1thlrteen scnatots present, nnd .cven of them were

Daaaoeeata.-That is why we are at M\es and aaeana," Mr.

Edmund. reniarked with a lauph... Yc ." «aid Mr. Vaaca, .and the Deaaoerala nre the

.avens."Mr. s-awyer.YVe have onr WlUVe fortea U t!io

Cloak eoaana,Mr. Yan.e-F.ifii'T the proeeedlngi nnder the rall

akaakl atop, or your reaerve foarei akaaM be vn their..e«ts. wlde-awake and dalv BOber for the transa'tiotiof baetneea.

Mr. KdinuiK!. demanded t;ie yeaa and naya on Mr.

Gorman's tnotlon. and thc reeatl WM-yeaa, ¦'-:

nays, n,a. the raanlt ihowM that no qnoraai v..ted. tbe

senate fbaM it.elf again in the uune endie- roand Inwhkh it had heei. revolvii;^ for the la.t dx hours,The. roll had to he ralled. and thll time only thu.yfOQl senator. an.wci>-d to their name.. ihowlni that

there hnd Ik^ii aWte Oepartlnfi than arrivmi: Ifenatora.lmrinc another pettad of waltlng for abaenl e. who

would not >'omc an in.|iiiry waa made by Mr. MMcheUwhether Mr. Faulkner had Intehed hi. apeat h aud. Isr,, whathec Ihare anai aay iafUa to coatlnne the de

t ,n 00 thc hdl fuither.Mr. Faalkner expreaaed hi. reprt-t that. Ihrongh

ihe InahUtti of in. Repabilcan frtendi to be preaent on

aeeoant of Utaeaa, he had not been abht to rontlnnahia apeaeh eonaecatleety,

At 7 :r»0. when there were Ire Democrata on the

loor and onlv one Repabllran |Mr. I aaej», Mr. DanWr...e ..d. wMk a ivavo of lii. batid and a woid U "tho

Benatora 00 the other iMe." moved an adjoiirnuien;.ti,.- BBBva did not iMeaea, bowever, fcw Mr. OaaeyMishexl for and nbtaiged allie. from Ihg rkwjtroom,and Mr. I'latt. who »*. in the (han. teelared the

Btotbin l".t.Alter that thcrc was anolhe .le.d lull nntil 9C0.

rhen. h nuorum Mving appeareU. Mr. Faulkner pr»reeded with hla rcn.arks. Rut the c<dd. bleak. trlaalyaornlM wb-h" graotei tbe Mnate aflei it. waarj nlgMlaaatM was not eaadaetta ta alMaaaM, and Mr. Paalkier, who had hoklrjr aM patlently heM hla p..*t rtnre

11 o'cloek, reated himself somewhat by lila>ral qaotaUoaa from' the bwr books. The lawarfag .'-ies akarl..ut the llubt Of the BBa, and thc hail wa> .(lll ncces-

lartfy IBaadaad bv tts pa. and etortrh Ughta, TMrhaaahat wa. bj a itate of greal o>oraar. The Aiku

wai littered with Mirapi of paper. nli bUla and rejectedanieiiduieiit.. The eMatton -at In their ehaln In attlludet of wearineaa, oi retlred lo tha etoahrooaw lo taho;, Httle eeded rca| upi.n the toangea. Tlie rlcrks i»er

fnrmed their dwttei hi ¦ axeefcanleal mnaer, and the

stenographen pnahed theii peni orer paper in a we

rerl bal perfnnetory awaaer. Bnt, notwlthaUndlniI: . |on| VtgU. Mr. Faulkner wa- in pxxl voi.e. and

whan not qaotini from hi- booka spoke with rarncali. iie paM ab eapechd attention to the featareiof tnc 1.111 whieh, he Oeelared, ronletred apon UmtaavaaalM "i1* poa ¦> hi earrj oe their operatlun!aJiuude tha returga.

At io:oj Mr. Ilarrii roae to a parUamantarj In

ajatry. He deslred to know whether the Journal wonMibow that there wa. a fegbuotlve day "f Janaarj17, ajid, if .o, when that legMallvc dav bOgM. The

rtandrng oraer waa that Uw Keaaia ihouM awel at

10 im hxk. it wa. now pa-i that boar, and be Bakedt!ie qaetkNl in order to enahle tlie elerka to ke.-p tbejoiiriinl propei !\

Mr. Mornll .uvrpe.ted that the IBth ha.l not v.t

BatrbtiMr. Harrla aaM that tha qoeetton he propounded

to the t'hair wa. when the BMatd WOOhl have | leglll.it:'--.' day of Ihe 17th.

The pre^ding ofarer (Mr. Prye> The rtali kt olihe oplnton tbal there aere* aUI be aaeh ¦ leghuatlve1av aa the l rtIi. *

Mr. laulkner then re«anie<t the gnor, bal endedat io..'lo, Mvlag teld IM haor for alaaoat taerre hoora.

Mr. DaahrJ, foUowing, aaM thal the hkm that theparpoae of this bill and boaaal electlooi were Identlealwa, eonflaed t.. tiio.e who aadatalned a wparlor po.itioa for thoaiarlTM Withoiit Intendlng to go Intoutiictarei ot rrlttrlama, he wlahed lo point to tbeWA faH l!iat the eoui.tiv at bwga had nol alentitledthi. bill aa in anv way ladleatJai lhat it. advorate*were In tavor of, or Ita oMpnnent. agalnat, baaeetele tiop..

Tho .n who ttood feraaaoal In of'-r-np. tbU tn

to thc Ameriean ikn.jiIc and floatlag over M the n.i^

laaeribed uHoaeat EU-.ti-m.' had alwaya evhihueda- mtk partlaanahlp and anUaalaam for their owa

party a- hM mree beea exUblted by anj ottaw aqaalnamher of parMaaM, Hl< graaf okJaeUoa lo the

¦iiibii wa, that with it. paaaaga i>".s.'d away from

Um coantry the itroageat aM bmh! ewdarlng gaarant,^-, of boaetd ehXtlontl that it «a; po.-lble for niaa

k t t, traaaa. In general rritlelam of thc bill. bemkt that WhUa he wa. BO pe-itni-l. Whlk .IMnot i.eiieve lii Um tolal Mpr*vHj ¦¦« aaao, while '.-

v,.,,-r..I the beaeh, whtbl M BBapeetM the pure and

hlgh iniiided Jnd|?e a. the brighle.t pr.-dm l ¦>( a tv

tlned .ivill/alion. he rould not blind hl. eve. to Ihef..! that 1..- bbw refhwted in all JMletal hlatory thatwkaa a poOUcal qaeatton ib.- it pteat or iaaaU) had

gnaa aadota ladkhd bodlea lor dactahw. thoae biMiie,

be woahl aot -av aauwaestty, »'« *»uld nol aayMiipureivi had. wiib alawat aadevhHtng aeearaey,ioUowM -ut iu their daelatoaa fha laaUacta, the

prajadleea, Ihe blaa, the aentlaaaai of the pofitkalrhararter wharh Mhered t<> tbe very keJag <>f the

Jiid^.-.. la-.ide. thta. the v.-ry BHMMOl a Jndpe wa.

atoagM Into Um araaa "f aattttei a- a faetor In a

Ight, that moaarnt t^o beaeh wa- ma<ic the obJecUvepoint oi thoae wbo wl>hed u> eiClfi^e an utaluc and

liiipropei tnllucnie on tbe light.Mefarrlng t.» the Ele. taral COauataaloa he <iuotcd

some reaaarka maue b> aaaator Hoai ai tha Ubbi olit, eetabllahawat, dachalng lhat they ronuined a

igffirtatfMJ "f the poin y with whkh be wa, now m

BBjed In dehaalng a uaall porttaa of the AaaarleMpts.ple. QaadJag from a lctier written by BanatOt Mernll,

Cl Yani.iait, ai Ihi^ UBWi Kivlng hbl \an «M rea>on» fo:

lhrwrii;fc' the raaajMlaalnn. he cited tha ItteMta reMoa,¦Uiiti it waaM Lnng thc RapabocM aarld oal of thc

raUay o: de*tn." II «.i> neadleaa t« p'vc tha atheifiBrtaan rca>oiii. He feuwed that the aifctiruent theSenator u»ed then mu.t have i>ome eBool on his uniiti

now.Bwewrrfca] to tbe biii. Mr, DaakM aaid that the iiemo

rralir j.aity would nevei kupporl Nich a niea..iire beiBuw bv M doUig, It would dj.band it.elf nnd abro-cmte e'very priiietpM it had evee jaroieaaM or praeiised.in bj. humble Judgineiit (Whlle he wa. not tht .ul\i-"i

oi the Uepubiicaa party and onh utlered hla wjrdnfruflLthe |«Hiil of view oi an open op|«.nenl, be didnJi loneve that iiiai pait), In all n. hutury, e\ei uid.(,i evcr rould do. a WOTM d.\". Job fol ItaeU Ihan b)arrayrni lt..-if behlM thla i.iil and paradtni It a. itawork u> the AaaetloM poopla. Ahg it aaawr »l't»uelght of tiit. '.in '¦'¦<¦ Kcpubiban party ahoaM (all. liwould - fall likc l.u.lfer. DOVer t'< ti.e again."

At tht, point Mr. DeaUal yieided ta Mr. Meaart, wbo (Ctive iiotice of a niution to ivi oiuuiittbe bill. with instnietloiis to the Comiuittee on


Taaaa & Hmyli»'» .¦ trnif .' Mrorirp I'rllrliUlve uxtaiit rrllef tn *or« iBrott.

Bil OrutauU.

PrlvUegaa »nd Porilana so to aaend u as to provtdafor llie eh-ctlon of nieiiil.ers ol Coiigress on day-wheii no othar efcctlea i- held In the aeveral siaie*.and to provkta (at -epaiate aad Indepeuarnt irta-tratiou oi neb eMctora m are a^aUaaaf io eate toimemliers of CongKM.

Mr. Daatel, contlaalag, Iraeed aal a etreM. no-ginning with fiie apiMiintnieiit ol Ihe Cil'tut COBTI.indttf bv tbe I're-ident, and endiliK with his OWBre eleetion ,i rlrcle whlck would probably be drawnuiirter ihe provUlona ol thia blll. The valgai aanMf,.r thN rlrcle aaa "rlag"; and thleting, wi.n-h rame

ln-re andar the s.ppestlon of a desire for honeslelecUeau, bore upon 111 netaUte rurve tbe iradematkol Its maker -.lohn I. Daveiiport, forlt." It tlil- lollberanu law, there mlgbt he polltleal revolntloa: thirdpartlea inipht *pnnvr. "l»! bol power to tba Uovernnicnt (onld n»ver rie BOQnlred unle-s th- rinp (""¦

aenfed thereta. ,

Mr, Daniel rloaed Ua ipaeea at 1:.!". anvuag *eaated Ibrea boara.

Mr. Veat ihrn took ihe floor and denaaded a yeaand nay vote 00 Mr. Faolhner's ameiidnient. whKhellmlnates Irom Uit* luli -'"'i f-ature- a- eonft-rjudii'iai fiiiictions upon the ranvaatlng boarda.

Mr. raylor IBggeKtOd thai thi- was an impnrlanianiendrn-nt, and »si;e<| tbal it be laid over until MOBday. ...

Mr. spooner (tatdag rbarga of Ihe blll In Mr. Hoariabkoneoj said thai he thoagbt tbal Uie senator lro«Maeaacnuaetta woald he wilhnp that Ihe auundne-iitabould go over.

Mr. Rdaranda, bowever, objeeted lo Ita koiw: over

iiiuii Monday, bol made no ob]ertton to it- gotag ov-rfor the preaenl; and it was ao ordered.

Mr. veal then proreeded In gtneral dennnelaUon ofthe mea»are. He argaed In tevor of a propordaniendni«-i,i provldmp thai the I'lr ult I'ourt shall appoint two rhief anporvlaora ol eleetion toi eaeb Jndkiaidistrl.t In tbe rlrrail and not of the aame polltlcalparty. The tiuentimi recarring on Mr. Veat'a amendment, Mr. ii<>ar moved lo table It. Ap-eeii lo.yaaaifj. naya -">. as foUowa:

Veaa.Meaara. Aldrich. AlUaoa, rameron, Caasy,CnJlom, Dlxon, Bdmonds, Evarts, Frye, Hale, Hawliy,Itlgglna, lloar, MeConnell, MeXIUaa, Magdereon.MitrhaU, Momll, Platt. Plaaib, Power, Hawyer. Hher-man, Hhoup, spooner. Munford, .sto.kl.ndu-. Peuer,Warren, Wa-'ihurn. WilsOB, lowa; Wohotl 3B,

ffaya Meaara. Hnrhour. Bate, Barry, Blarkbarn,Butler, CorbreU, Coke, Qfbeon, nenaaa, Uray, Haaip(on, Harrie, Kenna. MePhcraou, Norgan. Paaco, Pagh.ltuiisom. Reagan, Turple, Vaaee, Veat, Voorbeea,Walthall and WUson, Marjland -'J">.

Tlie paii's were M.-sr,. Hlalr mid GeorgO. IMph aadBrown, Farwell and Payne, HUcock aad Jone*,Arkancaa; Paddork and Ku-iis, Pettlgraw and r..u.Heroe and CarUale, yuay and Paalhnar, Bgalre andDaniel.

. .n uoilon of Mr FauDmer, an aniendni'-nl wasadopted strlklng out the claaae pivlns iic rhlef anperrtaer of eleetlooi power lo iraaefer ani wpervlsorfrom aervlee In om- parl ol * coagreaatonnl dbdrbnto another jart of tie- auBe dlstriri.

Mr. Veid otTered an omendmonl to strilie oal Vwrhuue permittinB pernona ..dalniintf to he ilti7<'iis ofUi- infted .sute>- to nIkii appUcatloni for aupervWonor eleetion-. ffr. lloar defended the languagc of theblll.

Mr. Wolrotl objorted tbal tnera was no penaltyaflxed to tiif bU*e rlalmlng of , man tiiat be wa« a

rltlzen. He moved to ameud the hill by provkUng tlntanv penon fais.'iv ciaimim: to be a rltlaen of thet'nlted states or to he a resident ov o."alltled voter.n anv appl ation, slmll be pm Nhrd by oiifineiyeiit>r not inore tlian two year-, or by a Hik" of not mor»«thnii ifl.ooo, or botb flne and Impriaonaient. Thisaineiidnirnt ua- agreed to,

Mr. lloar moved to table Mr. Veat'a imicndmcnt.Apreed to v.-a-, :i:i: narn, ._'.'.. »s foUowa:

Veaa Measru. AMrlrh, Allen, Alllson, Cameifarey, Ca«oy, fallom, DavU, Dlxon, Edaiand*, Bfart*.frve. Hale, Hawley, iiiuplns, lloar. MeTonnell, MMillan. Manderann, MoniU, riatt. Power, Qur, SandrHawyer, sherman, Hhonp, Spooner, Stockbridge, TeUer,Warren, Wllson ilnwai: Wolrott.3.1.

Nava- Mea«r«. Barbonr, Hate. Berry, Btaekbnrn,Butler, Corkrrll, 1 oke, Fanlkner. lilbaon. Gnrman,Hray, llaaipton, llain-. Kenua. MrPhernon, Morgan,Paw-o, Pncii. i;aii-oin, Iteagan. Tnrple. Vaaee, \>s.rhee*, Walthall, Wilaon. tMar\i.indi -J"..

Ihe loRowliig palrs arere annonnred: Mesara.ryttlgrew ind iili. Plerre vid l'arll*le, I'aw- andCohiuttt. Pnddorb and Bn<ti«. flair and (Jeorce. Hi-

m u nnd Joaea, Arbaasaa; BgaJra and Danlef, riumhand Wsf.

Mr. Reagan offered an aroendmenl to rome In atIhe < iid of Heel on 2, i provlalon ih-tt Ihe rhlef ^up«'ivl-or siiaii k.^p the petltloo" and the Mata ol 11appended to tlietn open f..r Inapertlon arat exanlnatlonby ifl/"iis at 'II reasonable ln.urs. >.-

Mr. ll...-.r moved lhal iii<- ra»oluUon be laid '

lable, aaylnjr that lo many parta of Uae coaatry anrb athlns mighl liol be -afe.

Mr. Voorbnea 1- it the inlcntlon ol Ihe hill lo K^paeeret and btdden away thuae respooUWe loi putltngtln- marbinerj lii opi rallon

Mr. lloar Tbe matter mn-t he In the conlrol ol Ihecoart-.

Tba eote waa hakon. »n<t (be re*ull belng a\i-a-. 30; nay». :a> tbe V'lcePtesldenl \..t<-d yea,and Mr. Reagan'a resoluUon waa UM on Ihe table.

The lollowlng wna llw vote:^,.u. Messra. AMrlrh, v\ll"n. Alll-on. I'ameron.

farey, Chsey, C'aHoro, Davla, Dlxon, Bdmund*, Frye.llal». llawl.v. MlgglM. Ilheoeb. Ihsir. M.< onnell.Mllllken, Mandenon, Mltehell. Morrlll, Malt, Power,Sanders Hawyer, Sherman, Hboup, SUwkbridge, Waireii. WUson llowai :."

Kapa Meaara Barbonr, Bate, Berry. Blarhbnrn,pjntlef, f'arlUle, Corbrell, Coke, Faulkner, itormaii,i.rav. Itaaipl .11. HarrW, J.- lArk.), Kenna, Mit 11, Mi irpiu, I'a*' o. I'ugh. Wiia\. Baaisa). Beae ui,st'vvart, reller, Turple. Vaute, voorbeea, WaRnall,Wil-on iMd.,. Wolrotl 'MThe foMowmp were palred: M.-M-. « tiaudl.T and

Bkidpett, laetUgrew .1 i<i Call, Dolph ,mii Cotqaltt, Hlinrand Oeorge, Plerce and Glbftoo. I'lnnjj; and I'eet

M#. Vaaee moved t>> mid (a gecuba - Ihe worda..and s|,aii i>.' aworn to th" aame."

Mr. iJormun made an appeal lo Mr. Iloir lo Irealtlio inlnorltv lalrly and to glve opportunityfor a dlicnssion ol Importaul Bmenamaiits. in-t. ,.1 olmovlug to l.i.V them on lln- i. ,,:.¦. thn« mltl "

bate. Ile trii>i<-d tiiat tlie Denator would rhange hltartlea and would pormil the coio4deralloii ..i nmeiulmenta In fair and proper t.nn'. wlthoul attemptlnfcnt it off. >f eoarae, if not. the Detnorrutli sidehad iu recnedy. Tbey d<-niande<i tan- treaimeig and\\ouid never subuiit to anytblng lea». lApI»ts« 11-** on tbe Democratb ilde and In ih" tpillei ¦¦ .1

Mr. Voorheea tt»\» notlee ol an amendment pnw Idlnglliat tlie applll'BtlOII and tlie nani's klglied theiwto~liail be pubiUhed, In at l«-a-t two n«w»paper< ol opjmi~itc poHtlr*, in the rongreaalonal Dlstriri eveo 'i'vfoi ..in- V. -l; p.dnm' ihe ateetion

Mr. lloar moved tbe Bnl of tbe rommlttee amendmontB.to atrtkc oul ul hectiou £i Uie u,.nis ivinin-,,i 11 iu-.' i,e,\.i- Agreed lo. 0

Mr. lli^tin- argned acalns! Mr, Stewart's aiiggr>tl«Mifor the s"pai ition oi «-lei tK111-.

Mr. Morgan oflered a resolutlon (whli-h « 1- unrelo alllni upon the se< retai v ol the ira urj I k

roplea of rh" aerounta of John f. Daveiiport,.oi,t CommUaloner. from 1***1 lo l»00. Il" In

qulred of Mr. lloar as Iu Ibe ptwpertlve ro»d oi aAmh Kterlna the blll.

Mr. Hoar replled to Mr. Korman, and -aid lhal IIaffected 7,'-al of that nonator came »itii a -<iii«uIjit'in..' in ebsa of the hfctorj oi tie- la»1 \<-v- attIh- -unpo-4-d thai tli<- oenatoi would delaj llie hill loevery parllamentary metbod. Not i>d.v doubtrd lhalpvery ohstatle whleh th** denahar and hia a»soriatesrould lin.-iii wouM be pnt In il»- «»v ol Ihe 10I1stitntioual ri|fhl of tlie maj aitv t etpre** il vwil InleirislaMon. II" ndhi1tf«d lhal llmre «e sianeUdniirlght In Mr. KeaKan'x ainendment.

Mr. Vanre anrned In aupporl ol hia iimendniei I. irtlieri- were 30.000 votera 111 1 dl-t:.t (be ?aldi, andamong tl.eiu tlitv vagabond. tlie will oi Uie the an.liOOronid be perverted and s<-t aakk In behall ol ll*e*etlfty vagabonds.

Mr. lloar agreed that Mr. \aneea amendmenl aii mlnbe agreed lo

Mr. Iloat ..: lhal he pi ipoaed bi offer an amendmenl rlianglha Uie matter oi nay. 'IIh- i.iii h re

port«d ptoadded ,f. h daj for aupeni*or Theamendmeol *-ouid make 11 Ihe *rae aa 1- paid ili*oflleeiN of i!i<- Btate for sjiniiar aervlre not to be b?s»,bowever, than W a day.

Mr. Morgan argned agalnal aurh a prnpotltion ¦<- one

HiHt «onid glve leifrs "t manpie and repriaal 011 Ihel'r<a-uiv lo StBte Leid»bilure». whhh nneht tu tlie

pay ol their Klate Snpervlaor al BM or B100 a da\.ii.. ralrulated the totai expendlturc under Ihe blll 1M7 to (mmi exclualve uf ihM ott .,t prlntlnir, rt., andsai<i ihat it would be i" Ihe power ol ihe ,iii-f aupervi-t.r 10 double il*t raat.

Mr. AMrleh gava noMoa it'*' on Tneedaj oexl bewould a-iv tlie Henale lo praeeod io ti.- 1 oostdenlionol the resol11tn.11 to ilianpe the nilfs ol Uie r. a tte.

.¦ Sni/pos.- the Kleilioli bill t-li-ill have tlie liphl Olway tnon." <|iieri>'«i Mr. Morgan, "da yaa propaae t,,

diaplaoe it'"The gooate law- mv not Ii e," **- llie 1 poi:s

aappoae that the Rlertton hill will liH\e paaaed uv lhaltiniH.-' i.\ lMiiph of IneredaUty on itie Deaaorratieside.i

-Tiieii. oi roarae," Mr. Morgan iein.iii.eii. with a

aneer. "tbe rhange of mie, i- not to aapti ta IheKie.t.on blll. hut to appoiiloamaal bills and otliei aarbniHtters."'

(itiar amendmenta offered by Mr. Hoar were agreedto witiioni opnoalUon, includlna one laereasuig fromthree t foiii ihe number of »upeivleore of eleetli Iua di-trlrt.

The blll wa- llien laid a-ide infoi iniillv anil tlieVlre-Prealdoiil announred tlie appolntmenl ol Mr. MeConaeil oa Ihe Commltteea on Clvll gervlee and i(e\,,hitionar\ Hlalma,

The MMiat" then. 00 motioii of Mr. lloar. at ti 01 lo. I,.¦dioarned nntll Monday at 11 a. ¦.. after a roollnuouisea*lon ol thlrty hour».

THK rilARGRB AliAIXST rX>MMI6BIOXKB RAt*M.Waablagtou, .ian. 17. The tperlal lloaae rom¬

mlttee inve-tipatiiip the ehargea atmiii-i OoaaUoaionerRaaai, <.f the I'eiiMon BuroBB, held a meetlng lo-daj («rthe. imrpo-e of dlaeaaalng the qneallon ol Uw adml«iihllltv ,,1 .eiUlli r\ Idem >. |n oalie. UOB Wttk Mr. ItauiilSivnikinu naalre. \t tbe kwl ¦aattag of ihe ea«

mitiea, Mr. Fergaa n, a itatioaal banh esaatlaer, refiised to leatlfy wttb roaperl to eertaln matter- roa

eeralag tbe hwltiiaoaiitnl of Mr. Raaa^'a natea i.\ I aptain i.euioii. glvlag aa a reaaon th*i ins oflktal pi ..

problblted him Irom 10 doirm. Mr. Kaiim lo-dayubleetod to the exaininaiion of Mr. 1'erjru-oii. furtheithan rekted lo bhi BeaUag aitb Chptatn Leatoa, eoo-

loadlng that Mr. Ooopar'a oajeel w«s t, drag bbt (Mr.Raam'ai private affaiis into the unc-Ugatlon.Chalraun MorrUI made a iagfaa(Ioa t. the affeel

that the oftic'-:^ ol thd ieeOBd Natiot.al Ilunk. 111 t/bkb

Cause ofRheumatism

An a M wblcb exlaUi la -»'" "als and rlde? ralledbjetl« ." id. is ballevod ay pbyaieaaaa ta he tba caaae <A¦h. ,n:iati-ii'. Aecumulattng In tbe blaed II ntu. i<^ ue-

Rbrooa ilanuea !n ih" kdata, aml raaaea agaaltlng pela*.wiiai is aeeded I* a rraaedy t.i aeatoaBae lb« aeM, aad '-.

m invigorat/- ih" khtaeya nnd ii\e; iimt all waata »UI i«-corrled ad. W« .an baaeatly locamaMad ii'nai's sm-:,

pwrala foi Bwae parpoaea. K has nre«l atbera <if rti"i-matlMTi and It will ure von.

Hood's Sarsaparillaseid by »n driisBiFtv ai; aia f»r e.v napaiad enljby C. L MOOI> it. CO., Apotherirl'j. Lonrll, Maarn.

100 Ooses One Dollar

Weak LungsMay be made to do good servirc throtiph a

kmg life hy a pjdletani aac oi gyefi OierrrPeetoral The slpnsof weak ness are "short-

aeaa of braath," paina in the obeat and baefc,¦ peralstent rnngli. (everlahtiesa, and raiamgof hlood. All or either of thete -.ymptonunu> mdKTite weak baaga, and suouid haveimmeillate atteiitlon.

n | have heen a iifelong suffrrer from,ve,k laaga and. tili i aaed Avi-iVrtyPeetoral waa .careety evei free from a

eough. Tins gwdietaM glway* reMewi myrnugli and itreagtbeaa my lunpi. as no oflier

medl<in*> ever did. I have ladaoid many ol

my aequaliitanoea to aat ihe Peetoral in

throat and lung trouMrs. It h:n Blwayiproved benoflrlal. partieularly so In th" 01Mof my Ron-in-law. Mr. t A. BBOW, <if this

pia.-e, who was enred hy it of a aevera

eoagb "-Mra. T* L Ctoad, Benton. Ark... I have had lunp trouhle for abattt one yrar

aad havetried many dUTereal reaaedlea,botnothlnc doea me M tnuch good as Ayrr'aCberrj Peetoral. 1 beartfly reeonanead this

BMfMClBC" rrafbtf Horr. Hannony. Me.

Ayer's Gherry Peetoral,rksra nfr> n t

Dr. J. C. AYER Sc CO. Lowell, Mijj,

Bold hy r»ll PruMl»t«. Tncr $1; »li bottlM, gi.

Mr Raaai had aepoatted Ihe maaoy. aa ralMd and ex

amined as t. Whal paper Mr. Ranm had had aaWOBBtedon tho lodoreeaatnt .¦.( CapaMa Uamon.

rinaiiv a roaotatlon n- adopted provldln« thai Ihe

roinmittee win racatve anv cvidcme ahowlnp whcTSeifaptaia Lemoa bai ladoraed for Mr. Raam aaj ootes

otber than U»eee alreadj ahown. m wbether he ha« prornred notca glven by Raam, other than thoae alreadjpreaented, ahowlng that Lemon la tbe ntal nroponalbloin.ioi.r on aorh paper or is Indeninity therefor.

Mr. Coopar said ti,..t he had IntormaUon tbal tberewaa a uote for »i:i.000 dlM-ounted hy llie aeeond N,

tlonal Bank, ol whleh taptaln Lemon I* prwMe t,fotMr Baum. rhal waa n d indoraed by Lem. bal lhalhe (Lemon) «ib the real aci urlty.



1 1R8T PI BU8REI1 THI CU tRGEB.Waablagtoa, Jan. 17. Tbe llooae Wlv< Pool In

veatigation Commlttee began Ita Inqulrj thl mornl ,gW n. Btevena, the prinrlpal Wnahliigton rorre

ipondenl al Tlie ni. Lonl* <Uobe Demorral tbe paperwhleh Hr*l prlnted Uie harge ol .. rvmgresdonal rirref

,.i, waa raUed tfl Ihe dand, aa Ihe Bi wltneaa,

rt.e trtlcle In "Tho Ulobe i> ",... rar waa ibown InMr. atevona. iieid.Mitiii-.iiia havlngbeei preparedby blmaell from ttatementi made lo him bj nthera.Wltneaa had mi Intervlew wlih J. A. " ..¦ by.whlrh the itateawnta glven were mad". n- rould nallorate iiwenbj exactly, bul be aa mai M - ihe

siiv.-r Reel mine In lab. and rouM, » onghl.i.a< tn»i wllhool dlH< uhj

RepreaeataUve Bowell Have you a i pei onal

hnowledga ol any beni memher '

llouae ol Beprcontatlreii hetna enaaged In a *llver

pool at Ihe lln.i Ihe pendeuey of the Kllvei blll. or

unbeeqneal thereto; ol yonr nwn peraunal kn»wK-dge!Mi Bteveoi l don'l Ihlnb h ive. Pi rh ipa II youwill teii me exartlj wlrni yon aran bj pi -ooalbaowl .:.-. wj

Q. Have yon evei heard mi mei

with regard lo hl own mnot Uoii »»h beiwonid be proper evklenre \ don'l bava

hea -d an) member a»y anyl '' '""

,,-, uon wltb »llver >t.ibitlon. So: I havfH, aia negolbitlona In » - il«»"

re«entative« «iIn tcsponae ¦¦¦ '¦ irthe

tiie Dwenb) Ii lervlew wa« noi .obmill d l« <.«

aftnr bolng wrltten nwenbj mcntlom-d M»me nani*»a

whleh wttneai i-h oul In wrlibiF. III Prd^- a- I ih.d. ol * ru or. and IIwenl onlj In tbe ealy llavc you a

,,; ungrcM a*lng enga!.v inioir A. They would be »tatemenla mad- bi

,,,iiei- to me. R'bea you *v allvei pool lo nw. .!

yoa meaa aUvei hagUbOloo i h^.- aome IHUe knoarlnUe ,,t thai kllid. I had a oi,\ ei .atloi. WlUl,i. iieph K. Rlebay. ol I nlta n, B Mi BI .*

l,.i bvagM aome allver wbile thl* -¦.. 'A-'~

pendlng and had made wmc m«uiey, bul noi iiearla ."

mtirli .i- bad beeu reported ikl IuI. ... Rlibey -aei i.e had u I) ." '"'¦'

_....;,., -,.,...:;. ... ,1 ..! in

Wtti.. iid not I, a belliei oi noi ltl< kci lalnli,.. b*iughl ¦. unnei thin * II ilhera i* a

p ,te p* ulation. TI.'."¦ ailon wiUi IIwhnm witneei had hihtwt blh-. .|llHt. ,,r... ii- dl.i i...i l.. tteve llli ...

¦bmil bavl .. rtla ..: - ilMi. Uowell Do -ou ki ow ol ihiii n n ki uwhdge

« liellier Ri< ke) *a wb ii > '. "'"

if, .,. ,-¦ ||.bi lo Im e ii grrai de il n|ibont He- ( aplhil. <i

|, ||, i |. .: I llllelM, ,i e» Treii >un miwr. ol UIIiumm havlnK imi liear .» te limouy. »u waa

illvei ; itl?

11: tx.«. \< [(iNs in im. n< ii >i.

RR1 |.l V\N r lilSI -"l"N "'. t'-B thi: IT.K.a.

MKNT "i NI i.if H -

w ,,..! .ii it ImmedlaleijIMr, MIM oi |e-.,-. ,t. n.i:..!.d ile ippmval,,f Ibe |o uual, and II yea ai d im>« ¦¦. i*rd«"re»lj he j..a, n*l n ii flnall ippnn ed, '¦>

Mr. MiUa eudeaviireal Iu u »vc :"' "i ,!" ':'"' ''

n,.. tpr d !. 'gidM Im .' '' 1'

,, t tiu u i in ¦¦ id< bi Mr. I muii H1. ... ,.. .... Ioiiiii lllee n th*" v. Iiule foi II.11

d<i..- 'i""i '¦'' '"'

hill.Mi. MIU retked after di :..... Ii d at

ihe Ii,,.:he yen, .i na . ' demanded on Mi,

M< oniH '- motlon Flnallj II moilon prevailed,and the n.ren! IMo t'onimitlee ... >. IVl d i>lr.Burrow*, ..! Mi. higan, In tii" hah i.

\(i.-r lon Kiriabl" dcl iy debate un thei,.udmeul i> tbe ..ill wa» llmll d lo I.uti luiniites,i ,,i Mi Mi \t i.. ..( Xew Jei ¦¦¦¦. |* ke mghIbe pwi.< v oi Uie Bepnblhati pa Ii lowmrdderlating lhal tbal pait) laad d frjiulil d ihe i«- .pleof tbe Dletrbrl ol I'olnmbai -¦..'.! berau»e it fearednepio rapremm \

Mi Rti bardaon, ol Ti m up nnmbcr ofcHpplnga Irom »blo nea pap . n o.

i.io,, uegroea In >hlo.Mr. AUen, ol Miehlgan, pioti led agalii»l Ihe Ii

reievanl dlM-u»*lon .,t ihe DeniorraU Ile challeiiKrdthe Hciiioi i:it Iu slio« Itl i!.~t.:n. " III Wblik lhai Ii "I

nongbt to eoufer lufltam oi Ihe U Irlel Tlre ulhad been taaen away, uol betau .¦ ol Ibe uegt e bulberauM ibe popnlallon wa largel) iraualenl

Mi. Blclutrd . ..i rcooe -¦... Baaln -..! tlie it-...-

:,,|(i .rnt ii,i utne inoie ue«'*paper rllppluaa .1 "Ubiooalragr

;i.. nblo Reprt rntotivc weie llrred ng \>\ ihe.elii>i.nit:-. and Biadc vlijorou rfforl Iu Inl rrupt, bul

Mr-. Rlehardaoa dea Uned Iu ileldMr. Uroeveoor, of ubio, tin.iiiy tot Ui" Boor, aad

said lie knew oi no rca«on wb) * membei almuMiii.iUe a eontempUble, unjaal and unJuaUttable a> auliupon th" admlnlatrallon ..i ja n. n, ublu bei-ay ¦.

tbere wa pending an appropriaUon blll tot tbe im trli,,f L'olumMa. II" <ild noi pretend la av tbal Iberotored p.^ipie were never wranged In Oh .. aor lhalwbtte pcople were nevei wronged; bul Im dM rbilmthat 00 wbitC ui.ili In Olllo had ev i a---'.it' d tl.ai inim

bera abonld noi ooaot iu admlnlblerliiB t-lvll aoverumeat, and no uhto naa had over sto-Hi m L'ougreaaand tbreateued revotntton In raae a Rovern.nl \*\ a

majorlt) "i uegroea aboaM be apbeM ii" then wenlover a i.aa.i¦"¦I ot tbe ttppiag preaeated, abawlng Ibat,Iu the, laataneea be enad, Um oatragei oreurred laaUongly Daatocratk dkitrlcu. No man in oblo, hbxlared, ever faii«.-<i lo raeelve ab olati prote ikm larall bU rlghti, elvll and potlUeal, be* ae .. h" \...- ¦ oi

,M,d Hia,,. \ Infde excepUo.ured la i -t- ADobmm i.i'ih Heatenahl f poliee In Im lan itl tbe nlghlo'.-ine alecUoa arraatcd i>-> aegroea and eoaBnad Uaetam a baaeaaeal .f tbe llaatawad »t. tatton until afterelecllon. weaaa i > them being abaoluteli reftued. Ihenuie fnise ii\ wa- ktarted thai tbe men diu noi llveIn i"t ciniiiiti. ii was rontemptuaual] falae and waako aiiludpis-t in .oii-i by Jndge Baxrer.

Mr. Kprlnger, of lUlnota, said be wa.- ¦ member ofthe eommlttee appolnted t inve«dgate Ihe tihlo eb>tloil iu \>"-i. Ilr ile< l.inil llie te-timoin khowed tbal

The ir.rnl epidemir ¦.' '!'-.-' lf '. !" ">"Misinwi AraiJ v»s aui nwfullj rheck«| b> ihe iis. ,,r

<i, iinr Ove liundird botU>« id ahteh aere -ent t., Vlenna1,1 U»e Miiufaclurera foi dlntrlWitlon une.ni/ Uie ho«pltal»,nhlrh »'i" iill»«i >» im nuBerlna «dai««r».

The .snrpeon !. i.-'Jl id Ul*" Iniaerlal Aiistinn Aiiny ln-MM a ii".-t aaUetlun n-knuwleo«ni«il "i Ihi "tii I ..ftheir nrru«r»Uon Ui U»e ilrullnr Mfg Co. i'o- lirm l.i-.,.i,..ii th. oprolns ol pa loi .ti.i Mi iothM..iiHa> .lannan III. 1'B* lotlon N Bbove all "I- wn ry«beautlllei (jtvinu uu . v>- brllllaary, beeuty »i.d »trenfth,i- .h»»lni.'H hiin.lr»«. anfl »ill I" a nelrnuw anhatltnWf.,i Belladenna, Atrepint ai.U AraCBlC, whiili »« i.»uy:, -J .¦- lo>u>

wtth two exrepttons Um negroee artteted «cre notlee.d voten. In Clneinnatl. mM . m.s.

M, Butterworth aaaerted that evcry OBO of thOM

n,'Mr^pr.!;^1,::|i.U,,r'd^lar.l...n that the BBK

rJ, and the lionai al i o'doek adjoarned.

.y/;m rjiNTisaa n tbe lotos club.


in exhlbHfoa of palnttnga by A»erkan artlata araa

,>B,;.,,i at IM parlora of the UBoa Oab. Mo, l W Flfth-

tva., had evealag. Tha art raaMalttea, eonaleUna of

Edward Motaa, C. Ilarry Eatou and II. W. Kaniter.

bave exerctaed areal eare In tha lelecUon of pkturea,.,.. ti.e ,,-ait i.lectton taeh aa li aeklom lottaologether at a rhtb exhlbttkai. Boae of tlie pktureahave been before ihawn to the pahtk, and Um totea

work of a nmnhar »f weJl knowa arti.t. i- renreaented.\,i,..np the BotabbJ exaaaplea are "Mornlng in

Venlee." bv Thomaa Moraa; -Gnrre ..f Baatwood,ueneaee Rlver." bv Dnvtd Johdnaa; a portrail with

, nndarape bMlnpnaad. eattitod "toanaei dansWM,

by Rnherl Ke.ri: .. ganaat otar the rialn." Charlei li.

i>avi-: ..Atitutiin Alawnoon," Leoaard Oehtaawt: and

Rvenlng," Rohrii C. Rlaar. ttoorga H. Boaghton.trlhatea ¦ MnaR Rgara p*ece, "Baby'a 'nitinp';I' H ( hmvli. a dalntv tnpti'h; P. D. MlllOt. "A

Kpringttme Metody": *Y. M. Cheao, two good ax-

nmple*. -caney labud" and "Central Parh. ».

lla.rv Raton and 11. W. Raoger have aaveral latid

¦eapea.The eihlbHloti i. lo ta eoatlnaed me tta lmjm

RerepUon lo-arorrow aJiernaoa, froai - anUI 5 i». ni.

Al.oiit 230 iiK-mher, ..f the ctab and »'«">' ot

thrir Meada wata ptaajnl had eveoing An

enicrtalnmfol wa, ptnekted. eonalaUag of mu-nal

performanre. by i. H. MeJUnlay, Henry Dun

upper aas al-.. wrved

nnd t'olonel Klrhard Lathera.

CQXTM8T <>\i:il .1 MAXKEfB WILL.Helena Mont.. Jan. 17.-Another mova ha- been

,.;.,.. m the ronte*! for the miiin.n- hft bjf IkwherI>hvI». ..f lintte. whieh atlll further rompUeatee tho

,.,.,.. \ rommlaaloner araa appointed to tak-- Um

lesllmon? .-f eertaln wltnewea In Vm Bnren Coentr.!,,.., reiBtlve to Um tlgnature ol J. Davla. attacbedto a rertaln In Irumant eaecatod In Um.inty..|-|.i,,.,t ol llie teaUmonj la to c-tahli-h tho

.i,.,., i\ of tbe ilgnatnra of tbe late mlUloaaJre, thallt mat i.mpared with Ihe rtanatare to tta alllr,.,...th i.rouphi to llght. i.ut derlared a toroery. aMkboa that 11 I* Ihe wroe handwrltlng

isnoRK "\- jin: vrnmsi i rouar.Norfolk. \ ... Jan. 17. The Sorwcgian rteamshlp

i..,.',.;,. ironi r.o-to:, lo Penaaeola. «*nt aahore three,. |,.. .¦ nrreilek Llfesavlng Btatton, al -

.,.,!,.;. ng. during a lienvy fog. -'". >-

th . rongh .-a. Iler rrew ol ti

,,... ,..-,, «.... taken ofl In bnata bj the llfe avlng men.

U b >. i. ha« !'..! thi. p rt to render aaaiaianre.

. /./.'.si'i.i ISSEUMLTMAS DEMAMEKT\ lemblrman Franh P. Bemareat, «f Vyack. wlw

,, ,.-. ted n :-.'¦. for forgen aM embeaatement.bnt «houa- aftarward releaaed, «..- nol ieen »? Byarhvcterday. Me '- ""' »",!"r ,",,, '"'' ,;,x "''A"'', r

,.,,,,, T linntlnler. nf t-n-r Vvaek. who*e na. ¦.'¦';,,. ,,.. ..,,,.,. m.M that lie . ald Pt.

ii. :.,;, to t tull tet f the law.

, .-,,;,;.jf go.VJ i i"H VI W UEXICO UISI ».

,,,.. vi ine I< wa. n I" Intereated partiea In

i. .nrm Ihe nimor thal an RnglKb lyndirat..-. inKinim f..r llo- DunHlgO MlUlng I'oin

.- ,..,.. s,-« Meilro. Imaldea the planlI ttang ' l.,n,t Tl,.- .ap.t.il .t.nk

.,(mmi rhe roiupan) will probably di-j ...<.

pi perty.

,.!. v. i :/.! KJ OJh'f.J './'¦ f '

,,, ¦.,., ,.. Jan. i: !-.. » '.""

.,:.!. ,,( iteiiim, ralned al abont 07,000. u .- eli di,,,i,\ ,,i HroMwaj Wharf. Uakland. whUe heing takanitboard Ihe ferryboot for Baa Pranrlaeo

i or '¦ U ',7/1.. 1 ny M IPOfJ FOHTBB.

dgMnn, N. '.. J m. I" |t»pe< lali The |nrj In tbei ,, -. tftet dellberailng »l ^ houis*.

mdai rotunicd .. venlkt id gullty. Pleree kllkdii.,! D.Mi ;.i u m Ihe bntl ol a rarrlage whlp, aM

.. (.,,... bul Ihe Jurj di-a treed,. * .

.r ,/ r. rt. ti / /'¦ rOMP im i M i»' n f»Bl

Th- il. ii i latlm I'ompaiiT h i, i.n Ineorporated In\,..A j, ... .,.,,. i,.i «.-.¦!, opened an aceount wllh tho

ink In Elltabeth, depuettit I I CO.WO,. nuit UtuUon. it i- nd lhal the Bnn will open..,, ,.iii. .¦ iu . lea '.<..¦ k al :i/


r>i .. i n i ouk i / j

II irlakc, W Jan. 17. aptaln Frank \

,[,... p Sew Vurk ll< i» l Artilkn hat.mitied »uhide l.i Uiklug puiMin. I.'.iil' .iiid i.ai

,n i,.. |tb |ed t.. the eommtaidou »t Ihe w

Ui k 0 '.¦/ D t /' fFI B BIBTBDA)I:,,,,. vi lan. 17. Mt-. l.m \ ft'ood, aho waa born

Ma -.. Iu 17-... yeatardaj relebrated borioiHola.-.

. ?

uit: wka uti u Buroiit.

i, ,i;i \>r ui. m p m Sl N i' > v.

\-. i, i. > |. in .a i onm iiiiaii,.!.,,. ... \. .... .Ull . Uidi i illgbt !.-.

Ill I. |" ilW'| -i. ... Sew V'ork, .¦¦¦ al .!...'¦. ¦ LaUoni

->in.i-\\ «tern h nn»yl lanli ;,..-iii-

.- ,. .¦ -.r.. iii aorihi :n, ..i^htlv

liortiwii,,, M...I. I taht norlhwt M

.. niperature Ui .i-t-

,. ,,...!-,., s,. ii.,,. ii \ '¦ n .¦ and Ma« * .-.>¦ -¦ "

;ill,i ..,,,,v im.mii-1 i.-mir .\ -|.i kllghtly warmer oa lb< '

,,r i:,,..,|. ,. -i iin, i * '- -' rtln to m.|U.

,.. i. I' .. \ew Jet v :.!ul I'' Ia« ji.

miii. i .¦ daj .. ¦

uorth< ii' «in.l-oi 'ii. 01 .. ...tili Mat ind . a V'lt jlnla,

,,,.,,, ,.,.. U| ».u th daj i| thtlj

i.... \... a .n..' ii.. .howi .'. .". fah In aeati ra

ni Hoiitl.lina, ¦-. ¦" allj fali ind »llgh | » iraa

..ii Hundai ind vt mdaj,| .' ..-.¦..: iii a.t.-rn. il

ai. t.ini» ratun In we»tern portli u

,.i lnill..ri,., .i "..!

... \i .-I-.!,,,. l^tiilchMia. \.i...ii-:.-. T. in. ....... andKentiioki * at i. fali oa Kiindaj

,,. i..i-i..:n t.-va- t..ii ...oiii-i iii raatcrn, ulatlonarytewperatnrr In « -'. ta portlen

Koi w.-t V'lrglala, gMteralli fali on Buadaj itatlon.,,,s lempenture.

.iiiK.i-. irannei. r»ur.i (ihio, (.t. aacept llgbt i... *l .,uu», m aettbeaat

ighl « .in.'-i.


ii.i, r *| Il Art..'uTOUfci: a««in« ariaen, . i,..net

i *»i:..-.; j »|0 ia i"7". 4 Bora *ioul ,u


29.1in UM 'I--.»: >... ^ cuiilluuout llne mh,»- tbe baroniKlof

lactuaaana \>»>rlj>, .« ebatrved ai ihe b'oited Htateas:i;iiai Scrvl aiatloa at ti.m .it Tha aaahea lml..at»tnr Mnperatari t.oid at Perry*a PaaraMey, san OatMuag.

TrlhaM Odke, Jaa II, i a. ¦..Tta mavaaMat in iin-laromata araa daarnarard realaiday. Cloudj weatkei pre>\»ll.sl, "itli BMW, -I..' and taiii. the BMB lll.l. ictnlni!ahout, S ¦* in Tha taMI fatt al rala and aarrWd rnoa hbn. h p in araa .01 ol m in. h. The »ind i.-i. iixt n veloclty,.f Uilrtj mllM ...i iiMin. Tae tenprratare ranawd betweenJ.IMdegretM Um average IIHi4>elaf a1, hlghw Umaon Um ... reapuudlng daj la-t teai aM 2'< lawer tt.an uaPrtday.

:.i(jv areataer, «itii li^-iit rala >.i anow uml allghtrhaagra In lemperature, ii.ii.ommI io fali ..i rtoai aeathern.it\ be i-\|n-. t.-.i in un.t n ..I un. ricy t.i-dn.


The popniar iiuftaio >p-ii;ii, leavlng t.iaiui I'entralMatlon b) ihe Ken imt fenlral dulli al 7 to b. m.alll, <>ii and after Febrnari i-t, have an nddlUnnalVVagner Klceptng rar for Ntagara Fulla, runntng w.iKorhektar and l/irkporf, ta t \\iw. Prompl sei-\ i.-.. ^-e aunoumeiiieiii of olher chMgCa In an< Iher"j. .uiii. ,',

R. H. MACY & CO.1B1XTH ATEStF,'13Tlt TO 14T1I 9TREE*

BLACK SILK.»«.'na?ssMr*_, ,.. ...,..,.,.:.:;.,... ¦"««.. "»".

gl.-i.V woetb il ¦»._.___ wKh t«u.aari'SK.r2®,.^.sruars.--..jt lacbea wid".

,1.1*1, -rfhie. blackv rert aMraettve eaOarnaa al BOVMawaw

¦Maada, "itn telared aaalgaa,frnin ttc. t: WBm J"**"*' BttK, cxtra

6ne naa af DOME8T1C UL.vCK BKIBS1VO 5="^.

atrow?,49e.| worth 0 ¦><¦ ..««¦

,0 pteea. -l^tb Pbm c'.d ralM* PlUMCAlt*

40 ataeea gS-lach Pereon BLACM OtOt »»**».«l,..i wartb 80.-.

n-lacb Meck aatla itHped CHI*a MI*:l»e.l worth T50.

ExtragwaUtyaWaek hj.a.-k iMDlAtll*.oiie.i worth IL ..,. ,.,. ..<-

Supertlne 1ILACK BUAKOHAI and JAfAMEtt Mf.KS,V»c., worth fl.20.


dualve dealgna, 27 laehea wi<i-\

sse.. worth 01.10; ttew waett *. -».

ICST RBCEIVBD. i largo ablpmeat al oat *****BfM..f*.:;i» lAU.i.i: i kancaisk, m aU tbe

,, . a,,,. .,.,.r..i aprtag .lanke; wfll aat eraek a.

",..,; rarda eatra quallty all aUb Colared UOItX ».*¦'U8K, SO aew aaadea,»».¦. i yd, w"lt,' *'.

x.r, qwaiity ini.m SILK, no oea abadeaUJlr.l worth gg*

Om <-<¦ WMtElOM N'.vki,tik.s. In Bght eabwa,.¦Jllr.; worth *l.

,.,r ,, esmid gLinch inma B1UC la » ¦-¦¦'¦¦¦»raaga ol e\eaoui abad -.

tiflc.i worth 91.

Ol It aTTSCM of


.fLK 'otkWADIBWI la aew de.Cn*. mn.idlng aiik' ,' -,.., rti.-. braeaded ateeai aadtkdn nnaare

'fr. «9<-. tl.tt pw raid,x lotol IIII.M-II -TKE NOHAIR*

.,.,. per ya vt.KY < BaUtti



BXTB* tlMB <A*HMKHK BBBflfc la all tbe aew

%U4n .f r ra Tana nrnve, Medee, Ceaehbaga aad.. al

««lr. pei j i .1 worth 70a.




.... Q i Cotl m 'I '. ad atal <»,..; irorth -t

l-;,,, BI* k i oa n. pu« "b.Jl.v. worth S&

,...;,,.: b k Booi pattera., gaaraateed ettlaUea,:i*ir.i wortb co..


jIH.-.i wnrth '¦'¦..

ii i V ¦¦'-¦-.. ¦.. ';'' '' -:'"" ". J_,... wortb .->¦*

Black e/oeli-u,¦ite.i a "th ;i..,»

Bla ...-"¦ '. douldi aole,I le.|

i HlLDBRN't IIOBB.;.| ni, i.,-¦ Black L'ottoo, double kuee, aU altai,

.i l.-.i aartb gi* Iii.4w i.i i.- .1 i ..-I Black Cettoo, deuMa kaea,

.Jge.1 **»rtb I5e.M... , ., D| Itb J-;. " kl1"**

:1H.-.; wortb 80c.

MBUCB IIAI.K UOtR.t B Morley'a Cotom, la naode and Uui colcif,

l?e.: worth .1')

i',,-. g . » ai-1. '.'ii> I atrlpea,.f.U-i aprUi :*\-

| |; ».., . .. i Eatra Ui ivj Cottaa, in aaoda catara,¦i |r. i arerlh 8.S'

Men'a i''u;¦- Mci ." and heavy kU-weeJ iu aavy, ¦

di.U -

laV.i wortb Me.

NOTIONS.Meel >' laeai I lr. patubroidei * * Laaora 17.-.

I'wbH UnivM, j i.i.ei.-. gge. and ilc.x »d Madea-.»i...::«.-. aud |t<.

hin,, v andtea o;oi - :i.-,Bhaabw Se.,dle.,ll4e. '¦ Stf% hll.K, 1 *' \ N > \ 1- I. \ M ASKJi Al

i.n\s si t'Kll »».

-i.uix rUM auall Bla k aua iVc [<¦ r

a.n -i-'.i-B4a< k .>!-' IH--- I"' h"v "' :'' '" SA"1 H....i.iin.-" -|i.,.,i- kij. * siik laV. .'. k,.,,.r t*¦. Mio'ids. evi pali aarraated, III. . tio.,

ISe.i l-V. "'"i !*«... i»i palilleaka and \>-. beal polnU, IO.. pet ikmm,KWm v <. irter KlaatH ise. i"i rard\Mi-t«irtiaa tixii rap. aaaarted «uii'i». I te. per doaaa,

i Mtea Boaa aatna, i- i iN», Ite.i ouoh it.itinu. is \.i ,i iie. yan. v iieiiinsi. 12 yard*. laV.

Kaat Black Meadlna i atton, llie. doiea.w/ovea M'-i <i BrtU, aea deel taa

Bl.li, tt.tR. «i in aad ll.ftk.iiu'ii-n tlaylai -*.¦».. law * bacba,

7 1... tte.. *>i.il. ai.lt aw pacRjBaugk-bach ttaying laui- -J7e. i>er pair.

Ch ina and Class.(Att Boaaa, m-md ftoora


PBICEg PBOM iil.ttrt PEB sr.T axo ipwapd60 varttttea of Mrhlyaaaatai'd OTBTBB I'Lati., *..»-»




SILVERWARE.S1.491,000 deeaa RASIOOMS, '.ITrtaii** aal

tera, wartaut-d *tand:ird plate. list prlcc

04.71 pet daaea . J dozkn.

w500 d.ifen TABLSBPOOXS, Kan.e n.iali'y,recular l(«t prlce $9.S0 per dozen.

' BObbnTr.OOdoTfn MFDIFM FORKS. aBBM gWilBy f| f»A

a- above, regulat ,.-.. piic. ,. atatjQiot"n. ! BOdaC

UPHOLSTERY.(Third dior, raached by etaiMMI

LACF CIRTAIXS Bl a i.ltl'AT RFIHtTIOX m ..-Thls lot bcli.de, MOTTIKONAM, axtiql'K I *urCLVKT, IltlMi F01MT, TAMBOIR BUl^ELaAMB IOULS XIV.. "¦

fmm l»«y. p.-i pefr up t,. ati.'l .11.BJ r«lrs ALL CMKB1LLE CUUTAlXg, vwih rlth waa

dado, red, btee, eold. nnd c:.:\.-.g.'i,74 p. r puir worlh -">.

SMYRNARUCS(Third faar, reachad by ei'.atr.r..

Ifl Inrhei. x °s tn, V., S7r. a k; Barth IV.3d Mfben i 72 be h... g-j.M m b w-erkt Mttt,1 feer v 7 BMC, 0 I..10 <-.<. h »¦ ttli at.5u0 bMVK.NA Rl'GB, bw IXVill S X 00 IXiHts,

Ol.gft eacb; ^oith ?.. M

TMISH ROGS AND CARPETS.(Third fl m, * bed bj avafari


CLOCKS AND BRONZES.$9.93.10 palra BRORZE not RES, ci in.hr.

bigh, "BOM CAB8AR" and "D'lX

Jt .\\ arertk tl">.. ..I'AlR..10 MARBUEIBKD IXN K8. >l,|..l!Tl.Y |MPF.BPU£

AT A KEIHTCTION OP FROM 90 tO M l'ij< i:m\

cabi.xft clocks, ftxi8me0 imBLACK WALNTT Mad Oak. in a 01 QQTarl^ty of d^olirna. j "¦¦""


Women'« Morfolb and Xear-BruBtwIrk KXIT i vnKg.wfai; regalBi ¦ .'

.l.tdaach; raraaerl) freaa fI.BB aM dtt*.Wom.-n , i; !iiu;i aataral ALL-WOOL VEsTS,

BaV, -. i. arertb K.rraaa'a I rtae rlbca l COTTOV VESTh Ba

17.-. ... .i.

Wobmb'i Sa - \ V'FATS ; BKk aal¦-

:lHe. M % ».e Ti .'.''

Mea'i i.'.j v, KHtRTf) a\:> DRAWBaV H*t»Uaed, 01.IM « ii: a-ertb tl M

Mea'i wtra beavy OeraMB aataral aeal BBIBH AIBBRAWERB, larae rttea.

*!..«» -a«h; teraaerlyfPaXayP, 5J.79 $.;.«*

COLLARS AND GUFFS.Mea'i i-i'.v i.ima t OLLARS,

-»«. Pl' "' UORTIIoOC, DOZ IKil Kl.l,

IIM'I t>Pt] 1.1M.X Ct I'FS,

I2c. fSk, M,iJ.T"


BOBOM, hami iixisHi n rMROCOMOVti|aV.i arerth gl.

Maa'a PAMCT TRIXM1 D M JHT bHIKTl,n, ! we a yer.

Maa'a rwua quallty. bXMO A.MI.VXRIMM^O tiBBMallU'as,

blc.; OBTtb gl.


IN.. .vi PRI1 d FROM M TO .><> TZM CBafJII >s MAN I IM \VHH:i

ralhei Duatera, »,...»«.. IBe»BMiwi.i.u Broaaaa, ai*I'ure haaaaaaka, tr.bbb ettoe tMawa PeUeh le«

r. um PrMe laUva l^Mab, s... ,

l-.iei ti.iMli. ..ii. Oe.rw(eeUoB Kmt.' Pawder, Be.IMaea'a H»a»-e PaOab.hV.AILRrtaUa Batt Braaaaa, aie.. *.....-.. Hl.07. gl.«.aU-Brtaile PwMera IM... 1i*..U>.Beavy Baal Paaa 7eii,,.i M< pa, Be., l4i<-.. laV.Blork im S'1'"' rWaa, MeH IBVh 1'J>'-. ..'

gtaeb tta ttnwred Baekeu, \tc. 14... HlBraaa I'MBreUa kaaada, gl.d«.biM ttaadH Urvera, fi.17 pci »efc


Ataany, Jan. it. rbe KaUoaal Automatli Marhlae< oiapaiiv waa Incorpdrated yettorday loi tbe manula.Wie. -,ile. rental and operatloii ..1 autoinatii roln

reatrolled or rotn-operdted maehl. with prtaelpalotb*ea in t a-tietiui. Bli'hmond Coaaty, and branrhofllre In Bo ton, Pbiladelphla and BaRlBMMre. Thdrapltal la BI,500,000. Pbe trnateoa are .1 Lantaater,It. K. Bonnett, Leroy w'. Baldwtn nnd Thoaia* M. Ka-sford, of N.« York 1 Hy, and o. II, Ureenleaf, lieorgeII. rlolbrook nnd llenry II, liowman, ul uprlngtehl,Mass.

IggBtT 01 tATTBMt IQBBTB,L'lnrlanaal, Jan. 17..The Hatted Mataa Marahalaad

bla dapatlea have nrre ted Willi.mi iv, l>. c. aad llanvjohnaon and aaather mao for ealag Ibe ¦atte forthe parpaae «.f elreaJatlag bdterp matter. tba aa-raaOd mun Imve i.n operattag as vgenW for thoLoui ma btaie Lottery. ¦...<. ol the cuipnu 1i*j made

CY&CO.JgeoBaaadoB. U* atwtal thal irwUtrt bal *»

4. iu. 1....1 a» New Vin .<"' u*l umtue largeal la tn. ahad atate*.

gf/fXv i CQMUVXITt VQM BAMA9**K...t BaBth. a.u.. Jaa. 17.-TM l ."""« ?u** g,

.,... ta I,,!.,., eivii..... br ^,,,;H*;;;l;,-t.,dfuP.e laapraaaaawat, braaghl »J hi..¦...'* <«¦

ni..,,.., twa ...... BgalnM t*«»« «»ki »

argMprotiiinent people oi llavkcl » ItJ ,'1* "

l v.| kfLlU-weiaraaldeaUofllarkel and aerei ." J^IM ..i.utt.unliy aa Ihe] MbJBI «.«. Bf.tf tay. -m ."/¦';,;;;,JSS...4burglariy. TMalghtaf May I. UMO, . J_|( w,,,.,dep..l> ......tahletooUu...'^"" BjgdtfU, tha PraMI baaae, aaere thaj or*¦.-; |h,;|1.., ., then- beda, haud.-itfed tbeai. aM -gjpajBM.

,,.e.lepol. Iliev himrded B oel " ,yuM;hV aaai .tatJea. .here they '. *f'pjQiMUt.rket. for t'ari.. >>X. .UaaaJl a^ t* bd Cd^f***brluglng luit. Orer nlty wUM»*» *" w