we play, we learn


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Post on 09-Jun-2015




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2. LOGOS 3. Our main aim is to create new teachingstrategies using games as a didactic tool .Game increases mental capacities andcreativity. I t also promotes communication,social ization and cooperation. Trying to encourage pupi ls to take par t in theeducative process. Promoting interdisciplinar teachersteamwork to create our games. To rescue popular games in order to learnabout the lore and traditions of othercultures, to increase tolerance and Europeanknowledge.OUR AIMS 4. ART DEPARMENTACTIVITIES WITHYOUNGERPUPILS11-12 years old 5. ACTIVITIES IN CLILART-ENGLISH CLASS 6. MATERIALS AND INSTRUMENTS FORDRAWING AND PAINTINGWe invent different games with cards that are representing art tools and activities 7. LOOKING FOR YOUR PAIRWe deal pairs of the same image for pupils and they have to ask question in order to findwho has his/her match. 8. ACTION PAINTING ACTIVITY(JACKSON POLLOCK)In group, pupils create apainting by dropping coloursover a canvas. 9. PLAYING WITH CARDS ABOUT LINES,SHAPES, COLOR, TEXTURESIn order to get toknow the elementsof art, we play withcards with imageswhich representdifferent kinds oflines, shapes,textures andcolour 10. DRAWING MUSICAf ter showing di f ferent kinds of l inesand how it is used by ar t ist , pupi ls wi l ll isten to some pieces of music whichthey wi l l have to interpret drawingl ines 11. ESCHER TESSELATION 12. COLOR WHEEL ACTIVITY It is a fun way to teach theprimary, secondary, andter tiary colors in order to doa color wheel Pupi ls place a drop of eachcolour onto the correspondingdot on the paper. 13. Pupi ls mix the colors ineach circle using atoothpick for eachcircle. Once al l the circles ofcolor are mixedtogether, place a papertowel over the paper. 14. ABSTRACTION 15. CUBISM PORTRAITAfterexplainingwhat iscubism,pupils willmake theirown selfportrait 16. ACTIVITIES IN ARTCLASS 17. WE MAKE PUZZLES1 E.S.O12-13 years 18. -Individual work-Material: paper- We learn to draw parallel lines,perpendicular lines and to build cubes..-We design puzzles of flags, coins,celebrities 19. TRADITIONALS TALES.CALIGRAMSLITERATURE AND ART 20. WE PLAY WITH TALES-Individual work-Material: newspaper, cloth and glue-We read a story ,(this story is about thegender violence) then we talk andreflect about the plot-We create puppets-We work the volume 21. WE MAKE PUPPETS 22. WE ALSO MAKEILLUSTRATIONS Material: paper andcoloured penci ls 23. CREATIVE TYPOGRAPHYPLAYING WITH LETTERS 24. CATALAN CALIGRAMS 25. Mixing traditional Valencian iconography and poems to makea picture. 26. SAYINGS AND APHORISMS In l iterature classes, pupi ls do a l ittle research of traditionalsayings and aphorisms. They share the knowledge theyve found. Then they do representations for the whole class of a sayingby reciting it. Other pupi ls in the class can draw the meaning of the sayingthat is presented. Thats how integration between two subjects happens 27. ART AND HISTORYACTIVITIES RELATEDWITH ART HISTORYPupils will know through theirworks,dif ferent artistic styles andfamous painters 28. Pupi ls mustchoose apicture whichthey feelident i fiedwi th. Af terstudying thear t ist , theyhave to dressl ike thepeople in theimage and topose l ikethem. The f inalwork is tof i lm thisact ions bystop mot ion.TABLEAU VIVANT 29. KNOWING FAMOUS PAINTERSPupils choose a picture. Have to find information about the pictureand to do an index card: time, author, technique, place where it is,size, personal opinion,So, they have to do an interpretation cutting color papers. 30. TRADITIONAL GAMES AND ARTThere are many painterswho have used the gameas a subject of their art.Pupils have to look forartists who do that andinvestigate them 31. TUTORSHIPACTIVITIES TO PROMOTECOEXISTENCE AND GOODRELATIONSHIPS 32. FLOWERS INSTEAD OF TOMATOESPupi ls have to draw a f lower foreach par tner in the classwr i t ing a compl iment of eachother in the back side. Af terpaint ing and cut t ing them, theygive them to each other 33. EMOTIONSStudents play wi th colours and givethem a shape which shows thefeel ings that those colours havear isen in them. 34. ART DEPARTMENTACTIVITIES FOR OLDERPUPILS14/17 years old 35. PLAYING WITH LINEWithout getting up the pencil from the paper, draw in a free style 36. PLAY IN MODERN AND CONTEMPORARY ARTThis work is focused mainly on determining the bonds that exist among play and art in thesedays. This relation has its origin in the historical avant-garde movements. In search of thenew and guided by their transgressor spirit, these movements, cause the artists torecuperate for art the concept of play 37. INTERPRETATION 38. COLLAGE 39. POLITICAL AND SOCISAL CRITISIM 40. DESIGN: URBAN SIGNALS Pupi ls have to look for anotherconcept for t radi t ional meaningsBanning signals about current social crisis 41. SOCIAL INJUSTICE AND HUMANS RIGTHS 42. PLAYING WITH COMPOSITIONPupi ls choose three or four elements ( letters or shapes) andchanging the colour, size and the way, they have to organizethem to get dif ferent kinds of compositions (stabi lity, chaos,depth, connection, movement ) 43. PLAYING WITH THE PLANE- Individual work-Material: paper-We start with a modular network, wemake cuts and set up the paper, thus,we pass from the plane to the volume 44. -Work in groups-Material: cardboard pen-Each student creates amodule individually, thismodule changes its size,shape and color.-We put them together andcreate a mural composition. 45. -Al l the pupils make a muralon wal l -Material: insulating tapes ofdif ferent colours 46. LANGUAGEGAMES IN ENGLISHCLASS 47. LANGUAGE GAMES (3R ESO) The teacher introduces new foodwords. In pairs, students choose 10new words and write themscrambled on pieces of paper. The pieces of paper are handedout to another pair. Now they must unscramble andguess the new words. 48. We use also traditional oralgames using rythm to learnnew words (whole classactivity) .We play guessing games toknow what food is our matethinking about , using newwords.(e,g.Can you boi l it?)Then pupils make posters inteams of three. 49. Then they write theirrecipes.Finally, they recordtheir recipes orexplain them inclass in three steps:ingredients, kitchenutensils, process. 50. -HOB -CASSEROLE -WOODEN SPOON -GLASS BOWL.MILK PUDDING. 51. SPANISHOMELETTE 4 eggs 1/2 kilos of potatoes Olive oil Salt 52. IRREGULAR VERBS BOARD GAME (3RESO- 2ND BACC)Two against two game.Six counters are placed at each endof the board, in each square.Dice are thrown and counters aremoved. Pupils must know the threeforms of the verb in the box or losetheir turn to the other team.If two counters fall in the same box,they must begin again.Pupils must cross the board andreach the other end with theircounters.Of course, level of difficulty can beadjusted to pupils. 53. PHYSICAL EDUCATION 54. JUMPING ROPE ACTIVITIES 55. pupils are compi ling traditional gamespupils are design questions for the trivialGAMES