water water was given the power to become the sap of life on earth made by : -andreea tanas ă -ana...

WATER Water was given the power to become the sap of life on earth Made by : -Andreea Tanasă -Ana Istrate -Popescu Ștefana COLEGIUL NAȚIONAL PETRU RAREȘ - PIATRA NEAMȚ CLASA a X- a A Profesor îndrumător: Aloma Maria Veiss

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Page 1: WATER Water was given the power to become the sap of life on earth Made by : -Andreea Tanas ă -Ana Istrate -Popescu Ștefana COLEGIUL NAIONAL PETRU RARE

WATERWater was given the power to become the sap of life on earth

Made by : -Andreea Tanasă -Ana Istrate

-Popescu Ștefana


CLASA a X- a A Profesor îndrumător: Aloma Maria Veiss

Page 2: WATER Water was given the power to become the sap of life on earth Made by : -Andreea Tanas ă -Ana Istrate -Popescu Ștefana COLEGIUL NAIONAL PETRU RARE

What is water?

-A child born from the union of a father , the hydrogen, and a mother, the oxygen

-Water is a liquid odorless, tasteless and colorless ,most times is slightly bluish or greenish in thick layers.Water is a substance essential for life and it is one of the most universal solvent .

Page 3: WATER Water was given the power to become the sap of life on earth Made by : -Andreea Tanas ă -Ana Istrate -Popescu Ștefana COLEGIUL NAIONAL PETRU RARE

Water• Water represents 60% -75 % of human body

composition.All biochemical reactions that occur in our body are mediated by water, practically body cells are living in an environment salt water which is very important for survival.

• But above all water has in its structure important information for the body and is a messeger for the exchange of information between cells and between organism and environment.

• This substance has been and is being investigated by numerous scientists ,who are trying to understand its secrets.

Page 4: WATER Water was given the power to become the sap of life on earth Made by : -Andreea Tanas ă -Ana Istrate -Popescu Ștefana COLEGIUL NAIONAL PETRU RARE

Water and its mysteries• In 1995 ,dr. Emoto Masaru

was the first who succed to noticed the water answer at music.In his laboratory water was subject to more kinds of music and after each audition the water was freeze fast.This thing allowed observation the formation of the crystals.the classical music formed nice crystals and the rock music formed ugly crystals.

Page 5: WATER Water was given the power to become the sap of life on earth Made by : -Andreea Tanas ă -Ana Istrate -Popescu Ștefana COLEGIUL NAIONAL PETRU RARE

It seems that all the universe is interconnected.The whole universe works as ONE.And what each of us influences everything inthis universe.The main element which creates all these connections and all these exchanges of information is water.


Page 6: WATER Water was given the power to become the sap of life on earth Made by : -Andreea Tanas ă -Ana Istrate -Popescu Ștefana COLEGIUL NAIONAL PETRU RARE

Water don`t drills stones by force, but by its continuous fall.

Page 7: WATER Water was given the power to become the sap of life on earth Made by : -Andreea Tanas ă -Ana Istrate -Popescu Ștefana COLEGIUL NAIONAL PETRU RARE

• Not a hammer stones made stones so perfect , but water sweetness water ,its dance and its sound . (Leonardo DaVinci )

Page 8: WATER Water was given the power to become the sap of life on earth Made by : -Andreea Tanas ă -Ana Istrate -Popescu Ștefana COLEGIUL NAIONAL PETRU RARE

Did you know..?• In a life of about 70 years , a person consumes on average 115

tons of water , equivalent to over 2 tank cars .

• It is estimated that by 2025 almost 2 billion people will live in regions or countries where will be recored water shortages and where water resources per capita will be below the recommended level of 500 cubic meters of water per year.

Page 9: WATER Water was given the power to become the sap of life on earth Made by : -Andreea Tanas ă -Ana Istrate -Popescu Ștefana COLEGIUL NAIONAL PETRU RARE

Water and humans

• Water is in apearance a simple things but without water we could not survive.But it seeems that many of us don`t realize how important water is for the whole world.

Page 10: WATER Water was given the power to become the sap of life on earth Made by : -Andreea Tanas ă -Ana Istrate -Popescu Ștefana COLEGIUL NAIONAL PETRU RARE

• Although there are a lot of campaigns against pollution it seems that we are speaking in vain. So nature,our health are suffering.

Page 11: WATER Water was given the power to become the sap of life on earth Made by : -Andreea Tanas ă -Ana Istrate -Popescu Ștefana COLEGIUL NAIONAL PETRU RARE

Water pollution

• Water for many of us is a garbage.

• But did you know that :• Plastis bags degrade in 20


Page 12: WATER Water was given the power to become the sap of life on earth Made by : -Andreea Tanas ă -Ana Istrate -Popescu Ștefana COLEGIUL NAIONAL PETRU RARE

• By throwing various garbage we destroy the most beautiful places offered by the nature

A forest should look like that

But it looks like that

Page 13: WATER Water was given the power to become the sap of life on earth Made by : -Andreea Tanas ă -Ana Istrate -Popescu Ștefana COLEGIUL NAIONAL PETRU RARE

• Among the beautiful but polluted places there is the lake from Bicaz,Romania

The lake has an entire legend behind

But this thing does not prevent anybody to throw bottles and other containers.