water supply near woodall, harrison county (1942) · a w 11 (jianol•n ceav •· 19} -. 4ptlle4 ~...


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:.l..o!l.plft• prot11•• waMr eo .te inc apprezillattll7 BOO p&rla of

chloride per allUon tt-o a depth ot 101 to •11 t.ot. be ield


b about 115 p.llon• a m1 ute, wi~b a 4~ of 250 f'eet. v:e-11

(l o. 101) t.o aile• aouth of l.oups- dr11lecl to a depth ot 481 tee t

ylelcla approx\JII&teq 100 ,;a.U ona a a! nate, aonbinlng NO pe.rta per

a llU.on et ohlor14e• Farther wet the •ter t.a •re hi~ly m.nere.lhed.

The City of' Gre&Pewn a'barlcloned lb well• oa that aoco\lllt a.n-:1 ::lOW

tuae wawr .f'Jooa the 1..onr1 .. pipe Un.. A .. u ( l o. 807) thrM

allea aouth et Lepl .. yield.a a -11 •upplJ or water, Co!lt&.iuing

2i0 pana per allllon of ohloriclee

ater of better q•Uty 1a f GUD4 ln 41net1oaa approxlm tely

a lent: tbe aviD of' 1iM roeb to the touthwet aa4 nortiwa..~ ot tbe

t ot. A wll (Wo. s) at the -srwgg Count, alrpon, about :t!.yo a Uea

''uthwnt ot tiae traot an4 •Hroxi•telJ aloG~ the atria, ·ielu

water oon-.iuiac onl7 IS parte per allllon ot ehlorlcle. l.:ta well

poedueea Gilly about 171 galbna per llillute, wUh a 4.1'1111down ot 90

t ete U 18 aereened. a M6 to Ul, Ill te Ill, Ill to 38tl, 4

•u to '-" teet. Tbe eleatrical leg ahewa ahallonr aa:tds t. t hoae

aoi'Mned at 100 te 110. 11& t o 1!0. aD4 lt& to lU toot. :~:bee•

ah&ll• .. nu will be partly unwatere4 by bea-.y p•pinr, . f.bo well

-.. atmk to a clepth et 60S teet but enoountere4 no oo4 • , ~ b low

... '"'· At Ball..tlle, app~oz~tely alon' the atrl~ '~ th northeaat.

a w 11 (Jianol•n Ceav •· 19} -. 4Ptlle4 ~ 811 t.et and pl ecS

b ck to 100 teet. thb well yield• 100 p lloAa per 1ld.nuto , ith 55

.teet *I t 4......,_, azul tM •t•r co:ttt1na •17 1T paru pel' :mill!o of

chlorlu. !he I.e n.n tM J:r••c• ot a oazul about 100 f••t t ok

bet.een 100 aa4 800 teet. l o reaao~ l• k~ tor not aoreent ~ 1a

4e•pr 8&D4, .. ~ •• tba water 1n 1' was not at aoe•P'ablo ·1uality.

The ClV ot Jlaraball, tanher a l ong the atrllla t o the ttort he t , 1a

eu plied wi'h a .axbna ot t.~out 1,100.000 a11on8 a day, t'rol:2 10 wella

lloe. 1 • 10) nngiac 1n 4ept...~ b'e 260 fMt te abo.at 810 teet. • M


Jie14 ot theM 'Wlla nape tl'o;: 88 to 210 callona per a1nuu d &Ten. a

a out 150 p lloaa a llin\de, or at tbe r a .. ot aUptl y OYer 0 ,

~al. lo::J.a a uy. 'I"M Daroo lflluu oturin.g CCM~p!'q at JIU'ahall o.,t·1 • an.

.. ..,. e of abou' toO,OOO pllona ll 4q troa Mftn wella ( OS• U - lT).

all leaa then 100 I'M • ••P• -I:! maxlawa 71•14 ot titeoe ll.a ia

&bout 116 pUma a aln•'-• anrap or aben 1,000,000 ge.lloru~ a day

1a paJ*i at llt.nhall ,.._ 10 wella, ,...,leally all ot whicl •

obt&iu4 ti'M aaade ot tile llooz r;ro.,. '1'he wat.r b .talr1y lolr in

total 41aeolwt aiael'&b -ut la ratlwr lllch h lroa, E,·p1o t >ry lla

ail Karahall 800 ,_, 4Mp f&lW to ft .. w.\er belCIIIIr 500 teet ,

Abe•t ntae .t1ea ... t at tho trao\ and thre• aileo eouth ot lle•

nll• aa. ell teat <••· 18) ..... drlllecl to .. 4 pth ot about 1000 fest .

• l eoti'l•l t..c ot thio .. u t o a 4•pth ot 1100 te•t ahon a out SO

t eet ot aand tl'oa 110 to 160 tact, and. about to teet ot • • fioo 580

to 880 feete Apparently the wa.ter ia not U Haaiwly mia.oralhe(! . A

WQ ll ( • • 10) trlllecl to a 4epth ot Ml teet ln Palle1a Co' t .. , n'bout

at•r uppl7 . 'ftUabl troa Stn ... rigg 'l'Wlebell

ceo ratto"!l wi~ the fexae o rd ot ater l:<llg1n .. ra abMr ~hat &

~tinUO\la aup• lv ot 10 Ut :n c•llona per 4&7· or 16 ••oon - ..... aot.

c&n~ot 'be obtained at all t l!.lla " • the Sabiu .rn .. r or orMku :n

the lolatiy ot Lenrn•• ll6WV4 r , t!lla awrap &!luual ni

~n in la U illabaa, a!l4 e r;.eept durtq pert.b er 4rngb1: th

ab1ne Rlftr, CMrabe ~~~ Little C7JNII CrMk or 31& ... anay ,reek

uU Ml'e ~ aapply a eoatiauoua tt.1l of 1& Mln4•tecrt. y


proYld 1ac a tong• ' aupply water · ur int 4ro.P'• or •b a'l tba•

euratlon the aup ly ooult be readily ob-.\ne fro• t.tty ot ~•• atra._ •

. of tM Dt&pltute '!leMaaaJ7 prt:fb& ly oaa M f\)~ on &n7 of then

• tn ....

c~k 11 a apr _,_. atre "":d contain• wawr ot ,;ood l.BH t • ! u

m &ood qallt, or • t el' lt b the ~·t • o\d'<le ot aurtaoe •uppl ·· in

th& Lo!1gn. area. :n.. l.onpS..W city wa'tfl' plaat. l .... Mcl at tho m u'tih

ot lg $~ c .... k. e.n now diTCr~ s. ..xS... ot abt:aut l.6oo. 00 llona

a da.7• or about tf aeoon4•t .. t, f r OID the CJ"Mk.

tr• f l ow reooria ot bi o \.nr near LoApiew anU bl.., t or tbe

pe>.rioda Janu..ry. 1906, to DocemlJer. l !fOT, and o.-ber, lt~. ~o3 e....,.er.

l.NI. ahn an awr f!11 4l.aob&r . et 2.o60 aeeDact.-teet, olP 1IOTe t' a

oua:m4 1\lllle p llone a day. :.eool" ... et t ln near Glad~t.u' , 25

JI'J. le upev. ... are an.Ua'bl• trOD Ootobor 1811 ' o 4ate. '!' o unrerulatiH

low t lcnr at 'both loeatlcma tloea ot di t t.r ,natly, aa o • r ; • cnMr

the r 1Te r, nor la 11ber *'11 Of.U ehL,Del lo•• of ao."lae:;a·..aeo.oe l t .•n tt.

re ch ~~ . tM two • Uo!l•.

1'be tell.wins ta'bl• eben the n.tter of clqt during tb

reoord l'Vhe tile dl.aa.bar«• wu below i&t1•te4 ra .e• of: tlow.

rio ot

1\aber o£ tan whR 41•-..1! wu 1••• tllan that •h- ln aec ;n.d colu. 1

~a er ~ar Dla~K oet. Jew. ZJeo. t. .,_. Jul7 .Auc. ~Sept • •'al See.- •

1~6 10 0 0 0 u 0 0 0 0 I 0 I

liM 1.6 0 10 I 0 I 16 0 0 0 0 11 0 18

lN6 10 0 0 0 11 0 0 e 0 I 16 18

1118 , .. 0 0 lO 1 l u 0 0 0 0 0 8 •

1- I 0

'·' • 0 ' 10 • 20 .. 16 0 0 0 0 11 ~& ..

lMO I 0 0

'·' I I 10 • • ,, ao 8 0 0 0 0 ••

J OD• aea•4•toot • qaala a p}II"OxU:atel.7 sso.ooo pllan• e. dAy

~ b•olut.o m .. t.a• Uaoh&rp to.r par io4 or rweo:rcl -. s.e aocO'..ld•!'oot .

hom a attally et tM eben tahlf) lt 18 f'oun4 tba' tho iiacha~· fell

be~ 15 ... _..,..,. or 10 llllllo galleu a ••• Ol1 W days durin& t• 21~ perle4a ~d lt -.11 to 7.6 ••ooa&-r.et, or I -'lllon •allon• a

day. on • 4&711 channc "• 11 JW&N ot l'Hor4. the ••t prolollpd perl ..

o! def1al•t tlow wu tlilat trOll ~ugU8t to ....._. .. 1111. wban th• d18oh&r!O

waa below 11· Meonj.fMt for 87 ctaya. Ouriag t• .... perle4 the .. 1• ...

"bel• 1 .& .. .....,.., tor 6 4ap. 1n wh lob tbe tln 4ro~ to &.6 eoooM-

r 1.'ltall clv1nc tho late •-r a::d tall •t 1911 ._. about thO lowo t Oil

reoort. ur · g t he 4rouebt peri oda t he flow of tha Sab1~• 1~or i a BOatl y

au.tal. ed bJ uJ.c S•q CNet. a • t~ r D ted tributary whl•b eat ers the rift!'

1ver wbloh deea QOt

low recor u of l& Sandy CI'Mk e r 1& Gaody and DeN' lta mout e.re

1 a.'talyate ot

theeo N COrU abGin 'hat \he f l ow dur· nc thoae Sl aea.tU n.e al 15 .

cocan4-teet tor 181 daya , Nld below 10 aeooa4•te• t for H claye, t hat

ainS.. 41eebar~-.. 1.f aeeo!'!d•fM' 4W"1JSC tbe pel'lecl ?e bru :y 1 39

to op'-ber lMl• !be ... , pro1on.ged perlo4 et 1w now wu 122 d r• d 1r 1n . tbe porlo4 July 1111 to lfneaber 1t 3i. •o.t1 u.d. a o?e, , i•;h waa

o ot the 4r1oat ~.

1 tboUC)l ~ reoorcl ot 1 s .i!tndy ~ ok 1a o t ahen dura.. i ,

t- r eet.

' ozscl uaiona • 1. hUe

ten all lion ca UOila a 4ay ot water or _..rately t.w lli.neral o nte t ae..:1 be

obta i ned fr• wlla l n t.M T1oin i t y of tbe trae t . t'erha~ euo a eur l y •t

• order or one allllon '- two llillion plloua a 4ay •lpt be o ta'lned f'Pcll



a co t14eJ"&ble n...O.r et wella leae tun 800 ~et b 4et"h• It re bir,hly

~ .er&llsed water ean be uaed tha lloox aan4a ~ 800 to 800 feet ht

~ tapJ*l but enn lt thh la d~).le 1t le o alcloNd Ulllibly t ht.i: fin

m ll1 ::1 t o ten allllon pllone a 4 y ean be eb'-i necl tor any e a1.l rab le

l th ot tt.. tho ualUy or water ln t he 1loex eand.a h' o VO to

c ta • a out 800 pan• ohlerlde.

e ed aa a pal'~ ot the aupply 1

water at ~hat horlson

It rather M.p ly a'<neraUae ... r caa

l ght be tMaible to uae botll11ell tor

t'he n.•er ot the abine 1a tr.eh aoet or the tiM but •Y c ·:r;'f aa •ua

U :1.000 paria •t ohlorl4 pt:ll' lli.or. 4V'Lill bPiet perleda o f lo- t'low.

U all t1w ... ter au.t be I.Oif 1 di aol~cl a urala it wUl b ccos ry to

aort to t h atone• ot a oona1 or b l e aupply ot water eit}ler ·o . ~ 1'1Yer

or t'rD!Il the erMa Mntt. l nH Wlcl r t he eeetloo on we.ter auppl y available

• atr..... T~ peaat•ntv e t ua1ng a ... Uera'bl7 leaa tlum t b o to t1ll

cor-de o t welt. in the t oodall c.roa ~••r toocn••• 'l'e>tu

'llaJ'rieon Cou(tty • Texae




7u<./ - -- - c• CAW i:2fic_J £ JUG Ji L _4 4 - 1 L L IC £_ a w ; ......_ x ;;_ c c c -.--- --~

10 3


(·"-~ 8 ID Iii J.c-3 Gfde. ... u~rco Corp. ••• 15 DIT 111 u

D01 S QQ_ , w_ .... , ____ ... . _ -_ I A -. ...__ .... _...._ - -•

c cords or welt. 1a tbe Wood&ll area ue&r Lonplew, Te.u .• --..;o l t lot.ed

:BaPrlaott Counv

~ . . !lat e Diptli b~ l 1• 14 !f . • l.eeat l011 'o.b.er o_. of e'Mr { ~· .t •••) a-an.

pl .. wll of t.Gcl (fte) w ll

( ln. ) 3) J ~ - 11 ;oti iCiii of w rco ·~orp. 107 101 I co ao!"Mrr ~· TIS tO 19'1 .i'eei.

9°& llanMll. l'o. 1 il a;. .J~roo worpa . iiA iU --u- 80 so .... fiiiil 71 t0 111 teet.

909 · . . . lio . 8 D .a;. L:Jr t.'o t..orp. lAO 50 II d I• tOe. ./

9 r e. :;o. i

9 (( d . ao. UM'OO \;orp. Dii lH iO DO ·· -. 10

<f !~

:JS-J.S­CZ$( 3



,) .1~ 1"'\


'!!. ... ~ r



Leeatl >!l

lieeei'U et wlle l n ·-. f:ioo4all area UU' Le~np!Mr, texu

Grer;t Com'r

Omer 1>atli Dip11l ; ! ::a- tlili ,ea.- ot et.r (c•P•••) R--.rb ·plee well or 11M (tt.) w ll


-- lt~r ot lllcore 1911 BTl 151 5&0 Water liWll 182.51 r •• , OA Septillii.r s. Io . 1 lMl, 11 4&J8 att•r f"aP waa ehat clown1

reported 87 teet 1< 1031 wh8n drllle~. SeNd at 713• 611 r .. t . Tuaperature eo- r.


Depth (te. t)

Wall T ~ s- 3 o <-/C8

Clty ot llaraball h. '• &.~tuN Co. clrillora. llecl alq U 28 Coane-cra ~ned loo .. en~ ean4 S8 M ~ia.ed &1'&7

aaa4 e.nd shale 81 151 bK 1 W Saad 5 1ST t.l,;nlt. I 180 aott ·Jlue ehale ..t

f'_ae-t;nlued •&D4 d 201 Rook S 107 Bard rowu eb&la an4

b.ycre ot ec.nd · A HO L1~1ta 6 H6 Pine-~1:·ad ell'J' a~d 17 181

ott s ho.le aDd flM• ,ral e · dark-poe.)' a&: d 17 lit

P!.lW-gr tned dariD-p-&J' ~d nn abali IT 118

6aa4 t STI Bard r ook 1 S11 »ark ~y ·~d 10 401 1e* I 406 S'l.olq brown ahala 'N ''i cur:-oa 180 teat of 11-taoll ..... nwd. &• aurtaae ~ ----· t22 t et of 8-l::lch. ..ol"MMI.aa fJoam 171 to 110 aa4 US t o 3~ 9 t.et. '!Wer-I"MM4 to 61 lnobea Gd graTel ;.eencl tl-011 2T8 to Ul te~ t • Drilled to tf9 ftMt u4

. .

•'-l!Q!_.~d_ba __ o_k_. ______________________ _

all I ~ s- ) o 7 o Y

~l\y o: Ua.rah&ll ••• 1. LaJIW"''Teoa ~o. 4lr1llere. aa~y surra.. eotl a s t.d clay II 11 !hin ~r• ot

ro.y aancly ahale 18 •1

ott rook 1 tJ Soft cra7 abala 15 6T Llplte. ahale an4

e.a ean4 •1 10& Fine=st'alnac! dl ty

.... 15 111 son U&le 16 lSI Hard I'Mk 1 111 ott oM.1e ~ lf.l on reek 1 1M

Ra!'d Cft7 aha._ 35 181 Sort ebale ta,. ... •

ell'r eaa4 2~ 210 l:iaM •bale 12 aa

bw-poaliWcl all '7 .... 18 238

son ahale. th1D layen ll~U•• !1 t»-~1'&1 t'le4 eq 4 SO 188

Fl.ne-sra1 e4 ean4 au4 blue ehale 18 191

ieek 1 19T Dark-oolered !tne-

srailled ean4. •~ abale •s M2 ok 1 Ha

P1ne-crat•4 oand aa4 ah•l• 21 set

boll 2 1H •Oft b lue •hal••

ao• aa4 68 '" Rook 1 '" So Ml •hale la~ 1"11 •

ti•-cramect •an4 " t'Tt 1100 1 tao o~ •hale 41 111


CAS !IGa IN tee' et 18-lnoh .... ntM troa eur.taoe 'o "'~' &gl teet of 8-lneb. Unclerra•wcl to .t2 1!1obee • aereeDecl and ,;ranl pt!olatd !'rca 2M te tel fe•'· DrllW to 521 ta t and tlag,e4 bMk.


rillera • Loge of wlb ln the 10 a ll area near LoDCTs.w--cont i llued

arriaon ... ount)-

fht.& •• (tee~)

Depth (t .et )

.. e ll 9 3 l 30 7 03

Clty ot Marahall o. 2, Le.yu. ... texa. J o. dJ1.lle ra. s urtaco aoil ~bi :..e aand Geod 11 te $and Loaa w1tb aand .U

l i. i e LJ.&n.ite Sa:1<! • shAle Reek

o: a d.

· a d 111M d .ad 1.,. ...

1• l&Jera at

ah.&le i ae• gra1ced aa.4

2 10 IT

17 18 1• 1



&!'l.d l ayer s o f HgnU• IIi ~ok l : i.ne- ,..r • ned d.erk-cnJ'

2 u '9 86 Sl 16 ..



aand ti ~10 Rook 1 au Dar k- ray aft:ld '7 360 lett rook 1 I S1 Cearee-gr i 4 aancl 18 179 Jleek 1 sao Sett uhn l e U '12 CAS .; .;: 2~ t oet ot 16-u ela. ee-nw d from fH:l'i'ano t ;> bo~t-J 381 teet of 8-i.nehe n6erran•4 t o 42 1nahea, aoree d &o.d ··rawl packed t l'O&T: 2M to IT& teet. J rllled o '72 teet and pl\l,l.,·ed ba ok.

ell lO ?> 5 30 7C::.;)...

Clty ~t rahall »o. I, I . B. •bite clrUler . ~urt-c:~ soU 11 11 o\hi t c s d 1. u halo o."lJ 11p 1M h 60 uaey alUlle and

atl'onka o f UplM li 8& Shalo and b~ulderw 10 101

in.e- r- ·a iLe d gray ••4 11 118 halo II 151

Book, e d and atrMlra or pyri te I 1&0

Shale 1& 11,

ell lo--conthued

hak 1 lTI Shale 11114 boll'UeN 10 181 iDe-gai ned grar ... cl tQl4 bouW.n 16 ZOO

bale 36 2A Dark-sraJ' tiDe• ~~dau4 18 I~

s..a roek 1 IM ~-• ancl ehale

ldxtun 10 ~~ ara,. aa.n4, water 87 351 Sacl aa4 tbale

•inun 2 1'11 C.A.S lliGa IM tee t of 18-!AOh, .._teA t'l'.a 1&0 tNt to bot..._, 3 l t.e ' et 1.1-holl. 1Ja4er"a.cl, s e reet1od ._. annl puiDid troa let i;;) 351 t .. t. 4!'111H t o 171 t.e t &l ... lUft58d but.

11 12 3 J",;... 9 Cfo 7

Deroo Cor para,lon l o. 6 . iecl ol&J' 7 f awra~4 G U

Paek8aa• 5 11 S&D4at oa e l 11 fellow and bl'nll

end 21 M Iioek 2 u F .. r wai;or ••114 7 tl bet 1 ~

Paok•an• I 61 6ro~ aan4 7 10

'~'aT ·-· 1 ., San4y ahale a.a4 bovlten 26 II

at;er aa 11 101 aotaaa• 8 1U Faal~ llsalte 5 118 ~u.be 18 116 Fault,. 11plte 12 HI Gu.be 2 160 &•d.f ebale 2• 17t Gu.be 5 171 d&tor aan4 13 1• CAS;.•~• 111 teet et 8-10! ob. oreeu J troa 10 te 110 aad lU t o 191 teet.

r lller e • Lee• of w lla l n the •80cle.ll area near Lonplew~onti uo

Barril en

l'hioSiie•• oepat ~teetl ~teet)

. u 16 3-s--- .;z.cr- crro

Dar~ orpontlcn fop • 11 •4 olay Gra.,.l Qray. Ullbo S-.d re clay Gray w: tor 1 d 1M ae.n.d rock W asnc!

Daroo orper•.t1C':l uu t r . ~4 olay .. d r eatd G .... n r a&Dd White r s~n4 .Llgn:tte

.. '· 1 1 8 g 1 10 & u

IC 15 lS '1

' '1 I 50

oll 17 crtJ..

• •· 11. B. r. &~1 t n

• 8 • 85 II 101 11 118 I llT • lU

Aell 1t ~ s--.;1 S- :so~

Cl 'Y or ll'rillee ~ Co. 4J'1Uera 1~47 .ito a~ I I Yellow ol.ay 10 11 Stle'cy black ahale 106 Ul a..ok 1 110 Shale r:; ulun u l-iZ &•4'· e nl8 to 182 Goed whi e a nd 18 100 .n. abal.o " ... Jeet 1 241 Saa4y abale 'f 152


ruom••• (teet )

u pth (te t)

~ell tt-ctmtinued ).J.2 8 803

D1ack ean4 11 188 aad7 ehale 6 Zfl

8u4 10 Ill -~ ebala S3 311 r1 ttl• ehalo ee aee

~lao ~ ebale 69 ts& -.~~d,, ebale 4-G 501 •'lne.-ua oM. ra.y

l &:.ld 91 511 halo 10 801 ook 1 803 halo and liga!. 'be 10 611

CASI'i0 1 181 .teet ot 10.1 ch J 21 feet ot 10.1nah troa 181 t o 2 1 r et. -r11le4 to 611 t eet Md plugr;ed uke~

tell 20

.Jebn Llap 1.\aber Co . , •• • oator dt-iller. urr oe IOU 28 28

Lignite 9 17 Sllalo 200 2!1 ~and 31 288 ~~ 32 3~ and '-3 SU

CAS ~ ~ a6l teet ot • - ta: • . rforate4 at 237-ae8 aD4 soo-Ma to t .

fill·kii··· (tt~et)

·&ll I

I.ou ... tar liaa Co., l.&JilB-Texu Co. c!ril ~~"• • ~oil 1 1 Ra • • 01 •7 azul li'Gil

bo dcr• 16 1.6 ark• ray .n&le I 18

Slla:l· e 9 e.y a and ll 29 na.lo a f'bw ra11tell

a It 88 Jray •~ with at~

o l1r.r..t1t. li II G: y tc.n4y ahale wUil

lyon or nok 10 lU H ..r lia~ -.nd l1p1 M t 122

&htlle and Upi t. I lJ? a anq aha~ _.

1· i~ s u e S.'ld)' 81-d:llB aDd li ~ -.. lT l SS

Gr y 8 158 ray ar~l• 31 191 v~d ... ah le 81 257 ~h&~V 5 262

aa: ~d ah ... l 8 271 ~d. bard layer. G~

~ouldere ft 2'1C5 Oova•~n-1necl

uooth p-ay Mll4 18 SOl ubaJot l lcb.'-f:r T ean4e

layers or ahaw ~ 33ft .,bale , etreaa ,~

ec d 8 ~ Saud rock S ~7

hiJ.e and alltld bnalca U 362 Sbal~ t 386 ~ leauL eb&rt r,rtrt ~d u J~

~hal I 381 Cl.Mn aharp t;ra7 ean4 1l 396

7 .-nd. t i n at~ o ahal e ana 11p1w T .o2

- 1~~ sharp cray e&Dl 10 t22 lreP.l~ ot eud• ahale

litn!. te I d& ray aan4 II 46S


thlobess (!'ee

&p6 {teet}

llar4 ttu-cra lne4 ll'e.J' .... ct. .treaD ·~ ahal• 5& SlY

Fin.-grat.u4 p-af eaucl, thiD la781'8 ot •hal o &rl4 11 lt. 16 561

Shale, ea.:~ brea1al &LJMl Hplte 15 661

CA~UGa ICI teat ot 1~/' 1r.oh. oeM!lt.cl ~ aurtaee to 'Jottoa1 613 te.t or 7- la•. Sertseaa .f'r011 su te 118a !51 t~ l!!r 111 t.> ..; -1; 585 to 197J &n.4 '01 t o •11 feet . · ::4er~ u so-· n.ehee • d t;l"&~ 1 -etc' oa boca 302 to '13 t .. t . Drill~a t 55-8 ra.t and pl!f1e4 bao~ .

ell 3 )S" - 3.s-- 7 U (

vreg CeUilt}- Ai rpen. clrUlera. ! e d ola7 Sanely alay vray aan4 (;ray abale bet Bard ahale aa4

rook ro-n aeaa act Ugatte

Rook and and ltgnt te

liard brown aaod b ek l!ar4 b...., aanct Btlrd SHY aaad Bard «Paf • a le.

ati"Mb at aand Gray abala. atreaka

at ••• l.i~ ahala Uray ebale, atN&ke

at a&:ld .Reek

12 11 11 21

6 " 22 10 2 5I

' 5I 11 .,. 2 ,. S 11 9 IT 1 81 e •

11 111

Sl 116

33 20T &2 ...

17 He 1 • .,


rillora• Lee• ot wlla ln the ·oo4all aroa ua.r J.onpi~cmtinaed

Orecg ()t.mty"

Gray •hAl e . av.au ot a • lOt

Gray a • atnab ot ahalo. water U Ill

Shale 11 160 Gray sad, water 1T SIT Gray ahale 8 aV.U. et

l ig ite 11 181 Saacly a a 1 IN Gre, •and, atreata ot

ah&lo 1 701 Shale I to6 0 y ae.: d • atreaa of

ahalo , water IT 6U aro.-a... aflll.d and 1hale II •M ~ aan<t 10 tT6

... k I tN and ab&le 16 680

S.lly ahal tt aa4 ll~lte ., ...

Shale aod l 1tn1te 11 ItT 8•4)' ahalo &:l4

11~1te • 662 Sba}AI a..'\d U gnUo I HO Seq ahalo •4

lignite " 801 CA.Sl • lOT t..t ot 18-inob, ..-.w. haa aurfa.oe to bot'-1 tM ,..t ot 1-&/8-illohe ~OI'MU rr- 1M 'o Mit 111 t~ 532; ase to Mia aD4 •u to '" ,..,. rilloa to 801 ,._, aa4 pl e4 '~~*alt.

Cl~ ot 1lgore ••· '• clrUlera. Red cl&J Sq.d Ju4y sbAle INk a-.4y :uale 3bal e &Mq a_a-o

11 H 10 ••

11 " 1 ,. 18 111 tl 1&T u 171

Sklo, avo a ot aaad 51 110 Boek 1 Ill Slaat. 8 Ill s .. ., ahalo t8 18T Fi~rainoll aaud 16 101 vbale, atreaa ot ... 78 171

halo 23 toe ~ mal• 199 IOf ..... 20 811

S&D4 aD4 ahat. 113 T4D s~ .o flO CAGIIGa lOT t'Mt ot 13-iach, ...__. tro. aUI'fue to bott•1 77T teet ot 10-lnah • s..._, flooa 807 to GZ5 G.rld 8115

te Til'-'· 11 'TO ~s-3J- 902

ct ~ ot UlpN l o. 1, Layne- roxaa co. drillen. ~w-.taoo aoll 1 1 Cla.J 6 1 SaDcl.y olq l2 11 >)hale •4 laJ'Or•

ot aaD4 15 S& ~halo ~~ boultera • 1 71 ~ancl reek 2 7T Sc4. boul .. ra .a4

ahale 80 167 hale ..a ,_. 66 Ill .. ..,. alaala 1' liT

Shale, .... ao4 ltcal• 286 511

Sha.lo aacl boul441 ra 52 ITI .. 30 801

ohale &D4 bouLiera 32 SIT Staat.. bouW.re.

11~D1te 17 fl' Stlelllf aut. 15 Til s.... 9 Tl8 Stt~ ahale 9 TtT s~ U 9 a CASIJOa TU too' et lo-t.nohJ 908 t.et et &-&/!-inola. Soreen li'Oil 802 to lOT t.e!.


ureg Co '7

fhl&ae •• Deptil fhlobea• SPill ~teetl ~tMtl {teet) (fMt)

ell lOT 3 s-- j S'-t./0 ( a-11 IOf..Ccmtic \IM

Urdted "u .t\tblla SerriM ce., Layu· R.o.t 1 ,, feQS Jo. clrlll•n• Shale 10 " Surhoe eaa4 I I s-.U&le 21 101 fellow aan4y •1•1' M ST Fine-p'al.ucl Shale 11 eo whl ...... 11 118 Sandy shale u II s...., eule M4

ok 1 81 wa-.r HD4 1"- 180 .hale 1 M Sadr •Iaale 31 liT itHk 1 81 Sand. 1treab ot ahtl b 15 Ill .31lale I Tl Sa4y •hal• azul

liplte 30 151 saaV•ba~ as 178

Aaal.J8•• ot water hca wells 1D tiM Jtooclall aNa near t...cnn, tex.u. Allal7'sed by o. ' · ~idclell . Renlt.e exaepL pH an 1a part.• per llllllce. ._,." a\ t.M bead ot ool ... ntf!!l" t.o cornepondl.a& well aUU.r• 1n the t able ot wll rec~.

Ramtoa Coat.Y

1 2 l ~ 7 8 9 lO 11 12 13 De~)a

(ft,) 610 21.0 ]QQ p? +p 468 "' lSI, 241 192 201 Iraa ( ,. ) a/ - - - - - - - - '' " 50 Ca1a1• (Ca) 10 7,6 10 4.8 6 18 10 15 22 23 19 ...... u. (!«) 5J! 9.0 5.4 6.6 11 1.7 ],9 0,5 9.0 24 24 Sodlua • Potu 1• (Ia • l) Clla• 4.8 2, 5 2,8 16 109 103 !9 100 U 45 @4 31. ca t"boDa te (ICO,.) _ 6 ll 0 2A. 195 177 16' 189 0 0 0 s.llpute (:><>•> 40 26 96 1e2 lOl 100 n n 23 so g Chl.Oricle LQll_____ _ __ _ L.Q__ __ (tJ 6.3 _ 7~ _ _ 20 18 lS l6 64 182 lH n•ride (F) 0 ,2 0.2 0 0,1 0 0.1 0,2 0,2 ---- 0 -lit.nt.• (ro,.) b/ Tot.&l-dl u olYed eolid• -- -u- _n - 67 121 88 345 ]28 2'16 302 129 l2.4 400 T"'al. laArdaeee u Caco... ( ca1a,) A.8 !6 Y J9 62 '1 1.2 .J ltD 91 15' W p1 Mor- --- - - - - - - - - 6. -~ 6~1 6, 2

N_ Ir• a.! pR det.erlllatt.i ne -.de b7' Dire» Col'pOI"atioa. i/llt.rat.e l••• ,u.u. 3:> Jlll"t.e par Jd.ll.lon al.eea n,.-e 11 II. Yea.


Aaalpea ~ .-... ,t.a wl.le 1a \Ill ·Woo41all uu aar Lo.n-.....Collt.~d

ltarr.hon :,..t,y

l.lt__ 15 16 17 19 20 Dept,la (ft. } _ _ _ _______ _lU ~ 121 125 201 3J.l rca

!l.•l aL 55 2.' 15 15 Caloiaa ( : a) ~ 10 20 1.4 2.8 ) ....... ~ (kl_ ___ - 20 2. 9 13 2'. 1. 7 2.0 So& .a-&1111 Pot.&P:Iia {Ia + I) calc . 46 17 16 5.] 114 505 Blcarboaat.e

(IIOO,l 0 12 85 116 156 763 -----------------s.J.jUt.e • ( SOJ.l _ _ _ 91 4. 46 100 105 5 Jal.Orlde (Cl} 208 42 lJ. 16 17 318 l'l.uoricte (F) lit.rat.e (lkh} b/ Total dluolYecl

- 0 .2

0 0

~lide ]7'1 82 151 247 lll 1.225 ToW bwdMII• u CaCOJ (calc. ) lJ2 37 103 210 14 I p~~!J

-~J 6.2 6 .6 6.9

!I_ li"Gil aat pH det.eraiut.i~• ude bT Dar~o ~oq,o:r•i n . if lit.rat.e le_- t.t.a 20 part• pr 111Uion 111ll•• • "ipre i s a.tran.



2 , AM 469 479 201 607

(:.') Ul 4" ?«> _m____ _ _906___ _ 467 m lroa 0 o~l 0 0 .1 (Fe) - - - 0 - -~~~led• (Ca) -~~~-'-"it___ Q..l 4.4 0 .4 0.1 3 1

~daa -- 2.'1 -- s.l 1.9 ].9 s.1 • 6 Soclliil--. }otasm•

272 616 7u 728 h 4l9

(Ia + I) oale. 662 ____ -- -81uerboMt.e (11\X>~ 4.27 ~9 604 , .,. Y6 555 66J Sil-pi&ti- -- -;-- -----

(SO~) 1 • 2 38 2] 21 2] - 42 iti~· (Cl} 190 at. 6~ 740 780 940 290

Pr.O~. 0 ] 0 5 0.5 0.1 ( F) . • • 11\rate emu b/ Total C1 .. olwed -


1011U 1_.613 67] 1.595 1. 777 1.126 2.028 l.lU To\al.Mrdu• • u caeo, (Pl.o.) 2'1 21 27 17 2l 22 44 --- - - -- ~ - - - - .. ..

)/ lllt.ra\e 1••• \bea 20 part.• per .S.lllon ualess tiploe '1• &l Yell .

:• ..


w "'\. . -u-' p

H / I


.· I



LONGVIEW, TEXAS. o =Well CJ =Stream flow stption

SCALE --·--· 0 5 IOMILES


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t .. q, ,..-'

/. ,~ /.. . . lJ s o,v-·/

\ -.__/ .' _/ ( HENDERSON(

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