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Committed to

Water Resources



todaycommitted to


CBCL Limited provides professional consulting in a number of sectors, including: Water Buildings Marine Mining Oil and Gas Municipal Services Transportation Energy and Power Environment and Planning Industry and Manufacturing

Since 1955 CBCL Limited has been a respected and trusted

firm delivering multidiscipline engineering and technical

services to clients in Atlantic Canada and

throughout the world.

We foster mutual success with our clients, value our

employees and strive to contribute to the communities

in which we live and work.


Water resources 1


todaycommitted to


Stormwater management 3

Flood risk assessment and floodline delineation 4

Flood mitigation and protection assessments 5



Committed to






Committed to




Committed to

Remediation and Reclamation





Committed to





Since 1955 CBCL Limited has

been a respected and trusted

firm delivering multidiscipline

engineering and technical services

to clients in Atlantic Canada and

throughout the world.

Designing for sustainability 2

Wastewater infrastructure management 6

4www.CBCL.ca 1www.CBCL.ca

Valuing our water resourcesProtecting and managing our water resources is an ever growing area of concern as changes in climate, combined with impacts of development, cause water shortages or flooding that threaten public safety. Fortunately, scientific knowledge in water related fields, from ecosystem science to hydrodynamic modelling, is constantly evolving, as is society and governments’ awareness of the sensitivity of these issues. CBCL Limited’s dedicated water resources engineers, scientists and hydrogeologists are trained in surface and groundwater resources planning, management, analysis and engineering. CBCL’s successful project record ensures that our experts deliver sound, innovative and sustainable solutions to today’s water resource challenges.

We specialize in: Climate change and sea level rise impact analyzes Engineering solutions that enhance ecosystems Hydrologic and hydraulic analyzes Stormwater management plans Sustainable Best Management Practices (BMP) and Low Impact Development (LID) design Floodline delineation Flood mitigation studies and design River and coastal erosion and sedimentation analyzes Ecosystem friendly erosion protection design Wave height analysis Design of coastal protection structures Design of hydraulic structures Fish passage, fishway design and fish habitat restoration Low flow and yield assessments Receiving water quality studies Benthic and biota analyzes Inflow and infiltration studies Wastewater management studies Wastewater infrastructure design

Water resources

Creating today, committed to tomorrow summarizes our focus on environmental responsibility. We endeavour to go beyond conventional fundamentals of functionality and cost to include due consideration of a project’s short and long-term societal and environmental impact.

From concept development to final commissioning and start-up, CBCL Limited provides all the technical expertise necessary to complete any water resources project.


committed to



As the most valuable resource on the planet, it is critical to protect and preserve our water. This can be accomplished through responsible design practices such as Low Impact Developments (LIDs) and stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs), which aim to manage and eliminate the continuous depletion of and impact on our weakening water resources. LIDs and BMPs slow down and reduce surface runoff to mitigate flooding risks, promote infiltration into the soil to recharge groundwater resources, and filter water to improve water quality and protect streams, lakes, rivers and oceans. Implementation can come in the form of development planning or lot scale designs, complete with infiltration systems such as rain gardens, permeable surfaces or perforated pipes with infiltration galleries.

Monitoring water flow and quality is critical to establish baseline conditions, and to audit the efficiency of implemented solutions. From the initial water monitoring plan to ongoing government consultation, CBCL Limited possesses a wide range of capabilities in water monitoring, including grab sampling, continuous real-time monitoring and bio-monitoring.

Representative projects Hawthorne Street Green Design, Yarmouth, NSHawthorne Street is a commercial street close to the Yarmouth Ferry Terminal, which serves the local farmer’s market and which needed renovation. It did not have any stormwater drainage system, and was fully paved from on one side of the street to the other, with no curbs or aesthetic features. This project was the first of its kind in the province by including a permeable paver parking lane, in addition to landscaping features (tree and flower planters) and rain gardens. These features are now all working together to provide stormwater infiltration and treatment of the street runoff, in addition to enhancing the visual appeal of the street.

Designing for sustainability Representative projects Sydney Harbour Dredging Monitoring, Sydney, NSFollowing a $38-million dredging project that took place in the navigation channels in Sydney Harbour, two years of environmental monitoring was conducted. Activities included visual inspection of the confined disposal facility, bi-annual beach profile surveys, TSS (Total Suspended Solids) sampling twice daily and a weekly chemical analysis. This data was necessary to confirm stability, establish maintenance requirements and verify sediment transport model predictions.

Watershed Management Studies, NSThe Halifax Regional Municipality is facing development pressure, but was concerned that its lake water quality was getting compromised by development. CBCL Limited evaluated the carrying capacity of the Hubbards, Tantallon, Porters Lake and Lake Echo watersheds to meet water quality objectives and to promote sustainable development. The potential to provide municipal services in a sustainable manner, including wastewater treatment and disposal, stormwater management and potable water supply was evaluated. In addition, Low Impact Development strategies to promote and direct development that best suits requirements for developable land and minimizes negative impacts on the environment were analyzed and recommended in a site specific plan.



Services provided Mitigation of climate change impacts Rain gardens Bioswales Infiltration swales Constructed wetlands Pervious surfaces Perforated pipes Infiltration galleries Wet/dry detention ponds Pre/post peak flow control Pre/post volume control Water quality control Green roofs

Stormwater Management is a crucial element of a design project in the initial stages of preliminary design through to the final detailed design stage and construction. As the climate changes and sea levels rise, stormwater management is increasingly becoming a priority for municipalities and private developers worldwide. A judicious stormwater management plan will make the best use of a landscape’s natural drainage abilities and protect the more sensitive and vulnerable areas, while sustaining valuable local ecosystems. Stormwater management will not only help protect valuable local and downstream natural assets, but will also minimize capital, operation and maintenance costs of drainage infrastructure, as well as provide protection against erosion and flood risks.

CBCL Limited’s experience in stormwater management ranges from lot scale storm management measures to city-wide long term stormwater management strategies. Our techniques reduce the impact of stormwater discharge on receiving environments and recognize the effects of climate change and future development on existing systems. We use modelling, expertise and experience to determine the right balance between infrastructure upgrades and low-profile LID practices to maximize protection and sustainability, as well as minimize costs.

Representative projects Hope Blooms Permeable Pavers, Halifax, NSCBCL Limited was a proud volunteer for this project whose mandate was to help youth build positive environments through the construction of a greenhouse for fresh herbs, then sold in various salad dressings to help the community. CBCL provided sustainable engineering design for the structure and permeable pavers, which allow stormwater to infiltrate into a gravel bed and the soil, mimicking the hydrology of undeveloped land and providing stormwater treatment.

Kentville Stormwater Management Plan, Kentville, NSA town-wide stormwater management plan was developed to promote sustainability, reduce flooding risks and protect ageing infrastructure in Kentville. More than 100 watersheds were delineated on the Lidar data and compiled in a stormwater management model (SWMM) to estimate peak flows for a range of return periods. Best management practices for stormwater infiltration were identified for each soil type and land use combination in the town. The resulting potential reduction in flows were calculated for each watershed, showing the effective flood-reduction potential of Best Management Practices.

Stormwater Management Plan, Charlottetown, PEI Charlottetown was facing the challenge of having to manage its stormwater to protect its existing infrastructure, and wanted the proposed changes to be resilient to the impacts of Climate Change. CBCL Limited carried out an extensive hydrologic/hydraulic model for the city’s stormwater drainage system including storm sewers, combined sewers, open channels, ponds, culverts and bridges. Existing and future flows were modelled and recommendations were developed for upgrading the stormwater system. Best Management Practices were recommended to maintain existing flows for new developments.

Stormwater management


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Flooding is a growing concern for businesses, home owners, municipalities, and all levels of government. Climate change exacerbates this threat with sea levels rising and rainfall increasing in intensities and amount. Flooding is caused by these factors as well as storm surge, inefficient stormwater drainage infrastructure, sediment buildup, and ice and debris jamming. Through state-of-the-art models, a flood risk assessment evaluates the impact of each factor both in isolation as well as in different combinations. Flood extents are mapped such that vital infrastructure and other areas at risk can be identified and cost effective flood mitigation strategies can be devised. Flood forecasting and warning systems are also a growing area of CBCL Limited’s development and design.

Representative projects East Hants Floodplain Mapping Study, East Hants, NS The Municipality of East Hants needed to update their floodline delineation, which is in an integral part of their Land Use and Zoning Plan. CBCL Limited carried out the floodline delineation of ~40km of the Shubenacadie River and Nine Mile River, including detailed analysis of peak freshwater flows, peak Bay of Fundy tides and historic ice jams to produce 1 in 100 year and 1 in 20 year floodlines. Climate change impacts of sea-level rise and increase in precipitation levels were included in the assessment. In addition, Best Management Practices were identified to prevent development from increasing existing flooding risks.

Sydney Tar Ponds, Sydney, NSAs part of this vast remediation effort, CBCL Limited carried out all the hydrologic engineering work in the Muggah Creek estuary. Monitoring of flows and water levels in the Muggah Creek tidal estuary was conducted to calibrate a dynamic hydraulic model (SWMM) of the estuary and downtown Sydney. Floodlines were delineated through downtown Sydney before any work was carried out, in order to ensure that the remediation work did not increase flooding risks. Hydraulic design of temporary and permanent channels through the contaminated estuary of the Sydney Tar Ponds (2.2km long) was then carried out to isolate fresh water from contaminated areas. Peak flows were calculated to size a containment and pumping system around the contaminated site during construction. This very sensitive work was carried very successfully, since flooding risks were not increased during the entire lifespan of the construction activities.

LaPlanche Aboiteau Pre-Design, Amherst, NSThis project involved replacing and upgrading a tidal gate which protected residential areas, farming, power generation and wastewater treatment operations from the highest tides in the world. Detailed river and coastal flooding assessment was carried out by CBCL Limited, including sediment transport modelling for the LaPlanche River, known for its severe sedimentation risks. Evaluation of options for the replacement of the existing aboiteau while protecting the local environment and allowing fish passage was carried out, and the design also included engineered systems to clear the structure of sediments in case they were to impact its operation.

Flood risk assessment and floodline delineation

Rights River Wetland Compensation, Antigonish, NSCBCL Limited carried out a flood risk assessment to support a wetland compensation project that took place in Antigonish within the existing floodplain. The assessment involved detailed hydraulic modelling and floodline delineation of peak river flows as well as peak tidal levels, to ensure that floodline extents in the Rights River tidal area did not increase.

8www.CBCL.ca 5www.CBCL.ca

Services provided Watershed delineation Hydrologic analysis Sea level rise impacts Climate change impacts Floodline delineation 1D flood models 2D flood models 3D flood models Erosion and scour analyzes Erosion protection design Ice jam analysis Flood protection design Rainfall radar analysis Sediment transport Community consultation and preparedness plans

CBCL Limited is a leader in the area of flood risk assessment and flood mitigation strategies in Atlantic Canada. Through years of experience working with communities to assess flooding risks and impacts, CBCL has gained expertise with multiple modelling tools and has developed specialized, in-house GIS (Geographic Information System) and programming tools. Those tools allow our water resources team to determine the effectiveness of mitigation strategies for some of the most hydraulically complex areas in the world, where the Bay of Fundy tides meet extreme river flows, constricted by sedimentation in the river channel and further worsened by ice jamming.

Representative projects Flood Risk Study, Truro, NSCBCL Limited conducted the largest flood study of its kind in Atlantic Canada to help the Millbrook First Nations, the County of Colchester and the Town of Truro deal with relentless flooding risks, present since development began. A comprehensive flood assessment for the tidally influenced Salmon and North Rivers was carried out, including public consultation, extensive fieldwork, 1D & 2D hydraulic modelling, 3D Sediment transport modelling and ice-jam modelling. Over 40 flood protection options were developed, evaluated and ranked according to flood protection efficiency. Sea level rise and climate change were assessed and modelled, and floodlines were produced for a variety of scenarios ranging from the 1 in 2 year storm to the Probable Maximum Precipitation scenario.

Flood Mitigation Study, Eskasoni First Nation, NSA comprehensive flood mitigation study was conducted for the five rivers within the Eskasoni First Nation community, which experience significant peak flows, generated by the Cape Breton Highlands, and which drain into the tidally-influenced Bras D’Or Lakes. A detailed analysis of peak lake water levels was conducted, including influences from storm surges and seiches. 2D hydraulic modelling and ice jam modelling was completed in order to understand the full range of flooding risks. Areas at risk of flooding were identified, and several flood mitigation options were developed and evaluated, including berms, culvert and bridge upgrades, sea walls, land infilling, moving or raising properties.

Mahone Bay Harbour Flood Prevention and Shoreline Enhancement Plan, Mahone Bay, NS In addition to identifying flood protection measures to protect the town and its iconic structures against risks of climate change, this project involved integrating flood protection structures within the current uses of the Town’s waterfront, including fishing, walking or cycling by the shore. The plan will ultimately provide an amenity that will enhance how the residents and tourists experience the waterfront, and preserves its world-renowned vistas.

Flood mitigation and protection assessments

9www.CBCL.ca 6www.CBCL.ca

Wastewater conveyance and treatment is typically the most expensive service provided to residents of urban areas. The costs associated with this service are considerable and require efficient management in order to meet effluent discharge requirement. A stormwater and wastewater system management plan provides capital and maintenance expenditure plans related to the efficient and sustainable servicing of existing and future development. Infiltration and Inflow (I&I) investigations and reduction programs reduce the amount of water infiltrating into the sanitary sewer system and therefore are able to both reduce the risk of sanitary sewer overflow and decrease the cost of wastewater treatment.

CBCL Limited has extensive experience working on wastewater management and I&I projects. From initial data collection to planning for future development demands and designs, CBCL has the skills and knowledge to manage all sizes and aspects of stormwater and wastewater management projects.

Representative projects Wastewater Functional Plan, Halifax, NSIn order to support Halifax Water Plan and finance future capital works, CBCL Limited conducted modelling of the entire Halifax Water wastewater and combined stormwater systems, including pipes, pumping stations and CSOs (Combined Sewer Overflows). Calibrated on more than 100 flow gauging sites, the model estimated long term frequency and volumes of overflows at each overflow point. Following this, a plan was developed for sustainable servicing of future development and growth.

Wastewater Management Study, Eastern Passage, NSCBCL Limited carried out an Inflow and infiltration reduction assessment in Eastern Passage, which suffered from recurring overflows and excessive stormwater being conveyed and treated by the wastewater system. A wastewater management strategy was developed for Halifax Water, which included house to house surveys, manhole inspections, smoke testing, video inspections, flow gauging and water quality sampling, to identify the most cost-effective approach to plan for wastewater collection and treatment for today and for future conditions.

Truro Sanitary Sewer Study, Truro, NSThe ageing wastewater conveyance infrastructure of Truro is experiencing recurring overflows to its roads and rivers. In order to develop a plan to address this threat, dynamic hydraulic modelling of the entire wastewater system was developed and calibrated on flow gauging data in the sewer system collected by CBCL Limited. Drawdown tests at major pump stations in the system were completed to determine pump station data for the model, including pumping flow rates and startup/shutoff elevations for each pump. Maintenance and replacement solutions were developed based on the assessment of both existing conditions and future development conditions over 20 years.

Services provided Addressing impacts of climate change on wastewater systems Flow gauging Rainfall gauging Manhole inspection House-to-house surveys Smoke testing Video inspections Sewershed delineation Modelling of flows and water levels Quantification of overflows Management plans to maintain overflows through growth Design of wastewater storage facilities Design of by-pass trunk sewers/pumping stations I&I reduction investigations

Wastewater infrastructure management




todaycommitted to


Michael R. MacDonaldM.Sc., P.Eng.

President & CEODirect: (902) 492-6759Email: [email protected]

Vincent LeysM.Sc., P.Eng.

Coastal EngineerPhone: (902) 421-7241 Email: [email protected]

Alexander Wilson M.Eng., P.Eng.

Senior Water Resources EngineerPhone: (902) 421-7241Email: [email protected]

Andrew GatesP.Eng.

Vice President, Infrastructure Services Phone: (902) 492-6755Email: [email protected]

Tim McLeod P.Eng., B.Sc., MIES, LEED® AP BD+C

International Business DevelopmentCell: (902) 499-6549Direct: (902) 421-7241Email: [email protected]


CBCL Limited has carried out work around the world in many countries and regions, including:









British Virgin Islands



Cape Verde

Cayman Islands



Cook Islands

Costa Rica




Dominican Republic




Fed. States of Micronesia



Gambia (The)















Ivory Coast









Marshall Islands













Papua New Guinea



St. Kitts/Nevis

St. Lucia

St. Vincent

Saudi Arabia


Solomon Islands

South Africa

Sri Lanka






Trinidad and Tobago



United Arab Emirates

United Kingdom

United States




Western Samoa



[email protected]

Nova Scotia: Halifax, SydneyPrince Edward Island: Charlottetown

New Brunswick: Saint John, Fredericton, MonctonNewfoundland & Labrador: St. John’s, Happy Valley-Goose Bay