water resource politics and policy in china, scott moore (july 2012)

Water Resource Politics and Policy in China Scott Moore Doctoral Candidate, University of Oxford [email protected]

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China’s energy challenges may be vast, but its water resource situation is probably even more critical, due in no small part to the water requirements of energy extraction and the energy requirements of water transfer. In this talk, gleaned from several years of looking at the problem through the eyes of a political scientist, I’ll summarize China’s water resource challenges, the policies it has put in place to deal with them, and discuss why I think implementing them effectively will require major political reform


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Water Resource Politics and Policy

in China

Scott Moore

Doctoral Candidate, University of Oxford

[email protected]

Page 2: Water Resource Politics and Policy in China, Scott Moore (July 2012)

China’s Water-Energy Nexus

Energy Requirements of Water Production and Supply

Water Requirements of Energy Production

6.6 MJ/m3 (Kahrl and

Roland-Holst 2008)

Pumping requirements for

SNWTP (7.3 trillion

gallons/yr for central and

eastern routes)

800- 3000 gallons of water to extract and process 1 ton of coal [Circle of Blue]

Coal power production uses approximately 4 trillion gallons/per year (China MWR)

Ecological disruption of hydropower

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Part I: Issues

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Basic Water Stats (FAO Data)

2003-2007 Armenia Azerbaijan Bahrain Canada China

Human Development Index (HDI) (-) 0.777 0.758 0.902 0.967 0.762

Agriculture, value added to GDP (%) 20.28 5.906 2.198 11.13

Water resources: total renewable per capita (actual)

(m3/inhab/yr) 2529 4018 152.6 88086 2125

Dependency ratio (%) 11.71 76.6 96.55 1.792 0.9619

Agricultural water withdrawal as % of total water withdrawal (%) 65.76 76.41 44.54 64.61

Municipal water withdrawal as % of total withdrawal (%) 29.82 4.267 49.78 12.19

Industrial water withdrawal as % of total water withdrawal (%) 4.422 19.33 5.68 23.21

Total water withdrawal per capita (m3/inhab/yr) 920.2 1415 470.3 414.6

Percentage of total actual renewable freshwater resources

withdrawn (%) 36.39 35.21 219.8 19.51

Percentage of total actual renewable water resources

withdrawn by agriculture (%) 23.93 26.9 137.2 12.61

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Irrigation Patterns in China (Thomas 2008)

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Water Quantity


Per capita water resources 2079 m3/yr (2009), 1890 m3/yr 2030s (FAO)

Regional Variation

500 m3/yr in Huai River bain, 25,000 m3/yr in southwest

North China breadbasket: 65% of cultivated land, ~50% wheat production, 45% national GDP, 20% total water resources (FAO)

Groundwater Depletion

In Beijing and Shanghai water levels falling by 1m/yr (FAO)

In the Hai River Basin groundwater depletion accounts for 95% of total (FAO)

Climate Change

Overall supply of water in China’s major lakes, rivers, and water-bodies has decreased 13% since 2000 (China National Bureau of Statistics/Keith Schneider)

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Water Quality 70% of major waterways

heavily polluted; 40% of river water not fit for “human contact”

436 of 532 rivers polluted, half too polluted to serve as drinking water sources

57% of monitored underground water sources of bad or extremely bad quality in 2010

56% of total wastewater is treated (World Bank)

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Water Use Efficiency

Inefficient Irrigation Water Use

45% of irrigation water actually consumed by crops (FAO)

Low water productivity

US$3.6/m3 (high-income average = US$35.8/m3) [FAO]

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Part II: Policies

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Policy Framework Legal Reform

2008 Water Pollution Law

Polluter Pays: fines for bosses

2002 Water Law

Safe water, water conservation and protection are priorities

Water resources owned by the State, use is by permit and permission (delegated to MWR)

River basin planning and management

Investment and Market Reform

US$45 billion in 11th FYP for water conservation (Freeman 2012)

Full cost recovery (but water prices still very low)

Water rights trading (in infancy)

Enforcement and Implementation

MEP Regional Supervision Centers (Quyu ducha zhongxin)

Digital Yellow River (Shuzi Huanghe)

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Nanshui Beidiao

44.8 billion m3/yr from South to North

Three routes

Eastern/Grand Canal: 2013

Central: 2014

Western: 2050 (?)

US$62 billion (Circle of Blue)

Central Route: Submerge 350 km2, displace ~330,000

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China No. 1 Policy Document 2010

Water conservancy as a national priority

“Mobilize all social forces” including public opinion

The “Three Red Lines” (Santiao Hongxian) [Article 19] say that by 2030: Quantity: Total national water consumption limited to 700 billion


Quality: 95% of water quality within established guidelines

Efficiency: water intensity limit of 40m3/10,000RBM, effective irrigation utilization factor of 0.6

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Part III: Politics

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Two Stories from the Field

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Sub-national governance in the People’s


Functional-territorial structure

Fiscal-administrative decentralization

Hierarchical ranking: provinces have ministerial-rank

“One-level down” appointment system

Cadre evaluation and rotation system

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Tiao-Kuai Administrative Relationships

in the People’s Republic (Liu and Zhang


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Trans-boundary Issues in the People’s


Article 56 Where a dispute over water arises between different administrative regions, it shall be resolved through consultation. If consultation is unsuccessful, it shall be subject to ruling by the people's government at the next higher level, which the parties concerned shall strictly abide by. Pending settlement of the dispute, none of the parties may, in the absence of an agreement reached between the parties or approval granted by the same people's government at the next higher level, build any projects for draining, blocking, taking or intercepting (storing) water or unilaterally alter the existing water regime within a certain area on each side of the common boundary of the administrative regions. 2008 Water Law

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Concluding Thoughts

Better trans-boundary dispute resolution mechanisms

Legal and tort reform

Network governance