wasting natural resources- 2 poland


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Page 1: Wasting Natural Resources- 2  Poland



Page 2: Wasting Natural Resources- 2  Poland

What are natural resources?

Natural resources is all that is on earth and comes from nature. An example is wood, coal or water.

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What a waste of natural resources?

Waste of natural resources is quite another thing. Wasting or otherwise wasting resources is irreversible. You can cut the forest in a few days, but to have to wait grew new at least a few years. So you can safely say that nature has not kept pace with our needs, which are definitely too big.

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What we need is greatest?

Most lose water. Most of us do not respect her and contaminates. While demand increases for oil fields. Here are a few words of a professional on this subject. We are losing the natural wealth especially in poor countries, mostly the equatorial zone. Are responsible for this developed countries that live under the false impression that their excessive consumption and carbon dioxide emissions take place without consequences. However, it is our daily choices have an impact on deforestation, melting of glaciers and the lack of drinking water. We are all part of a complex system of life on Earth, and that the choices we make, translates into a state of nature in other regions of the world.

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How will our planet if natural resources run out?

It is possible that in a hundred years there will be nothing, water, wood, and even us! Nobody wants to see such a tragic scenario, but as you do not change our ways, unfortunately we will have to say goodbye to the Earth.

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What you need to do to prevent the end?

First of all, we need to start saving. By this will not only reduce our bills, but help save the world. Save this does not mean that it will never happen we wash, or we will have to live without light. Saving this limitation. However, none of this does not work out if one person is involved. What is needed is the whole of humanity.

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How to save electricity?

- Electricity can save in several ways:

- As long as possible the use of daylight.

- Switching off the lamp if it is not needed.

- Replacing light bulbs with energy-efficient.

- Less watching TV.

- Disabling unnecessary operating

- devices.

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How to save water?

The water can be saved by:

- Mounting showers and dishwashers.

- Reduced water use.

- Shorter baths.

- Tightening taps.

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By following this advice, we can still make all the difference!

The presentation was made by: Kamil Komański class: 6 A

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This project has been funded with support from the

European Commission. This publication [communication]

reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission

cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made

of the

information contained therein.