waste water discharge licence · d0le:clg domestic waste water drawing em p en vi ro n m e n t a i...

Environmental Protection Agency An Ghnionihoireocht urn Choornhnci Cornhshooil Licence Register Number: Licensee: Agglomeration: __ Headquarters P.O. Box 3000 Johnstown Castle Estate County Wexford Ireland Wexford County Rosslare Harbour and Environs DO1 65-0 1 Waste Water Discharge Licence

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Page 1: Waste Water Discharge Licence · D0lE:CLG Domestic Waste Water Drawing EM P En vi ro n m e n t a I damage Environmental Pollution Any 24 hour period. Those limits, specified fbi-

Environmental Protection Agency An Ghnionihoireocht urn Choornhnci Cornhshooil

Licence Register Number: Licensee:

Agglomeration: __

Headquarters P.O. Box 3000

Johnstown Castle Estate County Wexford


Wexford County

Rosslare Harbour and Environs

DO1 65-0 1

Waste Water Discharge Licence

Page 2: Waste Water Discharge Licence · D0lE:CLG Domestic Waste Water Drawing EM P En vi ro n m e n t a I damage Environmental Pollution Any 24 hour period. Those limits, specified fbi-

Er1 1 ir’onnien tal Protect ion Anencl. Licencc. Reg No. DO1 65-01


This introduction is not part of the licence and does not purport to be a legal interpretation of the licence.

This licence relates to the Kosslare and Environs agglomeration. ‘Ihe current population equivalent (p.e.) of the agglomeration is estimated in the application documentation as being of the order of 3,938p.e. The agglomeration is serviced by a recently commissioned (June 2008) waste water treatment plant (WWTP) which has a design capacity of 9,383p.e. The plant was procured by means of a twenty year design, build and operate (DRO) contract, with a 20-year operation and maintenance phase. The WWTP is situated north of Kilrane village and discharges treated effluent to St. George’s Channel at Rosslare tlarbour, via a sea outfall.

The licence sets out in detail the conditions under whicli Wexford County Council, County Hall, Spawell Road, Wexford will control and manage the waste water discharges from the agglomeration co\,ered by this licence.

The legislation governing this licence relates specitically to. and is restricted to. the regulation and control of waste water discharges from the agglomeration. Therefore any odour or noise issue that may be associated with the waste water works including the treatment plant cannot be addressed by this licence.

Page 3: Waste Water Discharge Licence · D0lE:CLG Domestic Waste Water Drawing EM P En vi ro n m e n t a I damage Environmental Pollution Any 24 hour period. Those limits, specified fbi-

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Enviro ti nzeri tal Protect ion Ag-oicy Liccricc Rea. - No. 00165-01

Table qf Coiztents

Glossary of ‘I’eriiis

Decision & Reasons for the Decision

Part I

Part I1 Conditions

Schedule of Discharges Licetiscd

Condition 1 . Scope

Condition 2.

Condition 3. Discharges

Condition 4. Control and Monitoring

Condition 5. Programmes of Improvements

Condition 6.

Condition 7.

I tit erp ret a t i o t i

Notifications, Records and Reports

Financial Charges and Provisions

SCIIELIULE A: Dischargcs

SCHEDULE €3: Monitoring

SC‘HlIDU1,J C: Spccitied Improvemcnt Pro, “ri mix

SCHEDU121: I): Atiti~ial I<nvironmental Ikpol-1

Page No.





1 0





1 0

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Page 4: Waste Water Discharge Licence · D0lE:CLG Domestic Waste Water Drawing EM P En vi ro n m e n t a I damage Environmental Pollution Any 24 hour period. Those limits, specified fbi-

GLOSSARY OF TERMS All tei-iiis in this licence slioiild be interpreted in accordance with the defiiiitioiis in tlie Waste Water Discharge (Authorisation) lieg,rlilcitioiis 2007, as amended, unless otherwise defined in this section.














Combined approach

Competent Laboratory


Ariiiual E~ivironmental Report.

An area wlicre tlie population or economic activities or both are sufficiently concentrated for waste water works to have been put in place.

Agreement in writing.

At least one measurement in any one year.

The application for this licence.

Any reference to Attachments in this licence refers to attachments submitted as part of the licence application.

At approximately six-monthly intervals.

Once every two years

Bord Iascaigh Mliara

5 day I3iocliemical Oxygen Demand (without nitrification suppression).

5 day Carbonaceous Hioclieiiiical Oxygen 1)eiiimd (with niti-ification supp'essl""l)

Comitd Lut-npecn De Normalisation - European Committee for Staildarcll~atlol1

C' hem i ca I ( 1 Y yg ei 1 D e ma nd .

I n relation t o a waste water works, means tlie control of discharges and emissions to Lvate1-s whereby the emission limits for the discliar, <re are established on tlie basis of the stricter of either or both, tlie limits and controls I-cquired under tlie Urban Waste Wntcr Regulations, and the limits detci-mincd under statute or Ilirective for the purpose of achieving the environmental objecti\w established h i - surface waters, gi-ound\vatci- or protected areas for the water body into wliicli the discliarge is made.

A testing facility meeting the geiiei-a1 management and technical requirements 01' EN ISOAEC- 1 7025 standard, or other equivalent standarcls accepted at international level and utilising methods of a iia 1 y s i s. i iic I id ing I abo ra t oi-y , field, a iid 011- I i iic met hods. which a re validated ancl documented in accoi-dance with the above stanclard(s) for the specific tests.

Iluriiig all days when discharges are taking place; with at least m e ineasuremcnt~ol~servation per day.

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En~ir-ormcntnl Protection Agenci~ Liccnce Rcy NO. ~30165-01


Discharge limits

Discharge Point




Domestic Waste Water



En vi ro n m e n t a I damage

Environmental Pollution

Any 24 hour period.

Those limits, specified f b i - a particular parameter in Sclictlirle f Di.5 L hiii;lyc~.\, of this I icciic e

The point from which a waste water ciischargc occurs

Dissolved oxygen.

Any report, record, result, data. cli awing, proposal, interpretation or other document, in written or electronic foi-m, that is requii-ed by this licence.

Depart men t of the E: nv 1 ro n mcn t . C'oinmun i t y and Loca 1 G o vernnien t

Waste water from residential settlements and services that originates predominantly from human metabolism and ii-om household activities.

Any reference to a drawing or drawing number means a drawing or drawing nuniber contained in the application, unless otherwise specified in this licence.

Environmental Management l'rogramme.

As defined i n Directive 2004/35/t('

Means, i n relation to n:aste water discharges, tlie direct 01- indirect introduction, as a result of human activity, oi' te water discharges, substances (including any explosive, liquid or gas) or polluting matter (including any poisonous or noxious mattcr) into waters which may endanger human health or hai-m the aquatic environmcnt, and i n part i cu I a r -

(a ) create a risk to \vaters. seclimcnt, plants or animals,

( b) del et er i o LI s I y interfere i t I1 t lie cl ua 1 i t y o 1' aquatic eco s ys t ems o r tci-restrial ecosystems dii-ectly dcpuiiding on q u a t i c ecosystems including by -

Rendering those 01- any otliei- waters poisonous or injurious to fish. shelliish. spa\vning grounds or the ibod of any fish. or

Impairing the ~ i s e f i i l i i e ~ ~ of tlie bed and soil of any waters as spawning grounds or impairing their capacity to produce the food of' fish or shellfish,

(c) impair or interfere with amenities and other legitimate uses of the

(d) result in water failing to meet any environmental quality standai-cis pi-cscribecl i n rcgulations for thc pui-poses o f giving el'f'cct to the requircments of any Directive relating t o the quality or use of water for the time being in forcc.



water, or

. .

Page 6: Waste Water Discharge Licence · D0lE:CLG Domestic Waste Water Drawing EM P En vi ro n m e n t a I damage Environmental Pollution Any 24 hour period. Those limits, specified fbi-







Industrial waste water


L i c e n s i n g Keg 11 la t io ns

1,ocal Authority


M on t hl)

N a t ioiial Environmental Complaints Procedure

Population Equivalent

Prima r y Discharge

Priorit). Substances

Environmental I’rotection Agency

A ininiinum of24 times per year, at approximately two week intervals.

Food Safety Authority of Ireland

Gas cliromatograpliy/mass spectroscopy.

Inductively co~ipled plasma spectroscopy.

The follou.ing shall constitute an incident for the purposes of this licence:

(i) any discharge that does not coinply with the requireinents of this licence;

(ii) any incident with the potential for environmental contamination of surface water or groundwater, or posing an environmental threat to land, or requiring an emergency response by the relevaiit Water Services Authority.

Any waste water that is discharged from premises used for carrying on any trade or industry or other non-domestic use and excludes run-off rain water.

Wexford County Council

Waste Water Discharge (Authorisation) Regulations 2007, as amended.

Wexford County Council

Keep i n a f i t state, including such regular inspection, servicing, calibration and repair ;IS may be necessary t o perform its function.

A niinim~ini of 12 timcs per year, at intervals of approximately one mont 11.

As cs t a b 1 1 shccl LI ncl cr t lie N ii t io iia I I! n v i ronmen t a I Enforcement Net WO rk.

A meas~irement of’ organic biodegradable load and a population equivalent of 1 ( 1 p.e.) mcans the organic biodegradable load having a five-day biocheniical oxygen demand ( BODs) of 60g of oxygen per day; the load being calculated on the basis of the maximum average weekly load entering the waste water works during the year, excluding ~iiius~i;il situations such as those due to heavy rain.

.l‘he discharge n.ith thc largest volume bcing discharged from the waste w a t cr WO r k s.

Those substances or groups of substances identified by the Commission i n accorclance with Ai-ticlc 16(2) of thc Water Framework Directive and

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Page 7: Waste Water Discharge Licence · D0lE:CLG Domestic Waste Water Drawing EM P En vi ro n m e n t a I damage Environmental Pollution Any 24 hour period. Those limits, specified fbi-

Protected Areas




Secondary Discharge



Specified discharges

Standard method

Storni water overflow

?'he Agency

Waste Water

Waste Water Works

Water Services Authority

listed in 'l'ables 11 and 12 of Schedule 6 of the Europeaii Communities Environmental Objectives (Surface Waters) Regulations, 2009 that have been prioritised for action by the setting of environinental quality standards at Community level.

Areas designated as requiring special protection under specific Community legislation for the protection of their surface water and groundwater or for the conservation of habitats and species of European sites directly dependant on water ancl listed IJl the register established by the Agency in accordance with Article 8 o f the Water Policy Regulations

Po 1 I u t a tit R el ease and '1-1-a tis fer Register

All or part of a period of threc consecutive months begitiiiing on the first day of January, Apt-il, July or October.

Unless the context of this licence indicates to the contrary, the term sample(s) shall include measurements taken b y electronic instruments.

A potential, occasional or continuous discliai-ge from the waste water works other than a primary discharge or a storm water overflow.

Sea F i slier i es Prot cc t i o n Authority

Small Streams Risk Score

.A rele\wit CEN, ISO, National, or othcr intci-nationally recognized test procedui-c such as detailed in the current edition o f "Stanclai-d Methods for the Lxaniination o f Water and Wastem,atef* (published jointly by A.P.H.A. ,' A.W.W.A. / W.I:..F.). a clocumcntcd and validated in-house

data o f an equi\xlont scicnti tic quality. or an altcriiative inetliod as may be ay-ectl bvi t l i the ilgeiicy.

procedure basecl 0 1 1 thc abo\.e 5011r that \\:ill ensure the provision of'

A stiucture or ctcvicc on n sc\\'eraye system designed anc l constructed for the pui-pose nl' i-clicviiig the system ot' cxccss flows that arise as a result o f ra in w-atcr C ~ I - inelting silo\\' in the sewered catchment, the exccss f l v m , being dischnrgccl to rccei\;ing \J'atci-s.

Domestic waste water or the mixture of. domestic waste water with i nd U s t ri a I waste water

Sewers ancl their acccssorics (or any part thereof) ancl all associated s t ruc t u ra I de vices , i iic lu tl in g \\'a st c \vat e 1- treat nic ti t p 1 ants , which ;I re owned by. vested i l l , controlled or used by a water services authority for thc collection, storage, treatment or discharge of waste water.

Wexford County Council

Page 8: Waste Water Discharge Licence · D0lE:CLG Domestic Waste Water Drawing EM P En vi ro n m e n t a I damage Environmental Pollution Any 24 hour period. Those limits, specified fbi-

En 1 i1miin en tn I Protection Agency Licence Reg No. I301 65-01

Weekly Iluniig all U eeks when discharges are taking place; w i t h a t least one iiiea 5 u remeiit in any one week.

WSIP Water Services Investment Programme.

WWTP Waste water treatment plant.

Page 9: Waste Water Discharge Licence · D0lE:CLG Domestic Waste Water Drawing EM P En vi ro n m e n t a I damage Environmental Pollution Any 24 hour period. Those limits, specified fbi-

Emir-oniiicntd Protcctioii A g c i i c v Liccncc Rea. No. DOI 65-01

DECISION & REASONS FOR THE DECISION l 'hc I~nvironmeiital Protection Agency is satisfied, on the basis of the infoi-mation available, that subject to compliance with the conditions of this licence. any discharges from the agglomeration served by the waste water works will comply with and will not contravene any of the requirements of Regulation 6 of the Waste Water Discharge (Authorisation) Regulations 2007, as amended.

In reaching this decision the I~iivironinental Protection Agency has had regard to the requirements and objectives of Regulation 6 of the Kegulations and has considered the application and suppoi-ting documcntation received from thc applicant ancl the report of its inspector.

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En1 ironm en tn I Protect ion Anen cy Liccncc Reg No. I101 65-01


In pursuance of the powers conferred on it by the Waste Water Discharge (A~ithorisation) Regulations 2007, as amended, the Environmental Protection Agency (the Agency), under Regulation 25( 1 ) of the said Regulations grants this Waste Water Discharge Licence to Wexford County Council, County Hall, Spawell Road, Wexford. The licence author-ises the discharge of waste water from the waste water works servicing the Rosslarc IIarhour and Environs agglomeration described below, subject t o conditions listed in Part 11, Lvith thc reasons therefor ancl the associated schedules attached thereto.

Liccriscd Dischciuges, in iiccoudcincc witli the Second Sclrcdirle oftlie Waste Wnteu Discliauge (Airtliouisntioii) Regirlntioii.s 200 7, as ciiiiriicled

Discharges fi.0111 ~rgElomci-ations \\ itli ;I p o p u l a t i o n cc lu iva lcn t of3.00 1 to 10,000

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Page 11: Waste Water Discharge Licence · D0lE:CLG Domestic Waste Water Drawing EM P En vi ro n m e n t a I damage Environmental Pollution Any 24 hour period. Those limits, specified fbi-

~~~~i,ir.oiiincrital I'yotcctioti ,4goicy Licence Kc,g. No. DO1 65-01


Condition 1. Scope

1 . I





1 .o

I .7

Statutory Obligations

1 . 1 . 1 This licence is for the pui-poses of Waste Water Discharge licensing under the Waste Water T>iscliarge (Authorisation) Regulations 2007, as amended, only and nothing in this licence shall be construed as negating the licensee's statutory obligations or requirements under any other enactments or regulations.

This licencc shall be technically amended, as and when considered by tlie Agency, to ensure compliance with such environmental quality standard as inay be prescribed Ibr surface water classification of the receiving water

1 . I .2


The agglomeration is the area outlined in red on Drawing No. B. l . (a) of the application. Any refcrence in this licence to agglomeratioii shall mean the area thus outlined in red.

The discharge to waters from the waste water works shall be restricted to those listed and described in Sclietlir/c~ A: Di.sc/i(ir,q~.s, of this licence and shall be as set out in the licence application o r as inndiliecl undei- Condition 1.6 of this licence a i d sub-iect to the conditions of this liccnce. _ . I he discharge to \.\raters from the ~vastc water works shall be controlled and managed and shall take place as set out in this licence. All programmes required to be carried out under the temis 01' this licence become part of this licence.

For thc purposes of this licence. the location of the waste \?rater discharge autlioriscd by this licence is as presented on Drawing No. B.3. (a) ofthe application.

N o alteration to the \\'astc \.\rater works or any part thercoi' that \vould, or is likcly to , result in a material change t o 01- iiicrcase in discharges sufficicnt to represent it risk of causing a breach ol'emission stanclartls specified in the licence shall be carried out or coiiiiiiciiced \vitliout prior noticc to, and without tlie agrecment of, the Agency.

7'rea t iiicn t C a pac i t i cs

1 .7.1 Nie licensee shall, on an annual basis, iiindei-takc an iisscssiiieiit of thc remaining organic and hydi-aulic treatment capacities within the waste \+'ater bv o rks (clcsi gn capacity of ' p I a nt , 1 es s flow - 1 oad c a I c LI la t i o 12 Ihr represent at i ve period).

The licensee shall maintain such available capacity within the waste water works as is nece iry to ensure that therc is no ciivironmental risk posed to tlic recei\.ing water environment as a result of the discharges.

Wliere tlie licensee determines, as part of those assessiiieiits undertaken in Colidition I .7.1 abovc. that the reinaining treatment capacity \vi11 he exceeded within tlie ensuing three ycar period. the licensee shall notify the Agency ancl seck a licence revieiv. as appropriate.

1 .7.2

1 .7.3

Page 12: Waste Water Discharge Licence · D0lE:CLG Domestic Waste Water Drawing EM P En vi ro n m e n t a I damage Environmental Pollution Any 24 hour period. Those limits, specified fbi-

Eniironmentnl Pi-otcction Agency Licence Reg. No. DOl6.5-01

Condition 2. Interpretation

2.1 Emission limit values for discharge to waters in this licence shall be inteipreted in the fo 11 ow i iig way:

2.1.1 Composite Sampling

(i) For cROD and COL), no iiioi-e than the relevant niuiiber of samples specified i 11 Sch e d i i le B. 2 : 117 tcJipi-et 11 t io n (? f ' D isclit r /;ye M o ii ii o ?.ins Rcsirlts - Column 2, of this licence, shall exceed the concentration Emission Limit Value based on the number of samples taken as listed in Schct lr ile B. 2: l i l t ei pi-etci t ioit f Discli urge M 011 it oiiiig Nesz ilts ~

Column 1 . of this licence. No individual result siiiiilarly calculated shall excecd the emission limit valuc by more than 100%.

For Suspended Solids, no more than tlie relevant number of samples specified in Sclietliilc~ R.2: 1iiteip.etritioii of' Disehrri-ge n/fonitoriiig Resiilts - Column 2, of this licence, shall exceed tlie concentration Eiiiission Limit Value based on the number of samples taken as listed in Scliediile B. 3: Iiitei7)rettrtioii of' Dischtrrgc Monitoi.ing Resii1t.s - Column 1, of this licence. No individual result similarly calculated shall exceed the emission limit value by more than 150%.

For paraiiicters other than cBOD, COD, Total Ammonia K: Suspended Solids eight out of tcn consecutiw composite results shall not excced tlie emission limit value. N o inclividual result similarly calculated shall exceed the eiiiissioii limit \,slue by inore tlian 20%.



2.1.2 Discrete Sampling

No cBOD, CO11 grab samplc valuc shall exceed tlie emission limit value by more than 100% or Suspended Solids grah sample value shall exceed the emission limit value by iiiorc than 1509'0. For all other parametcrs. except pI I, no grab sample caluc sliall excecd the ciiiissioii limit valiic by more than 20%.

Condition 3. Discharges

3.1 N o specified discharge from tlie waste water M ' O I - ~ S shall exceed the emission limit values set out in Schediilc~ A: Di.sc.iioi-gc~.s. of this licence, subject to the requirements of Condition 2 above.

N o discharge from the waste water works is permitted save under and in accordance with this licence


3.3 The Water Services Authority shall take such measures as are neccssary to ensure that no detcrioration in tlic quality o f the receiving lvaters shall occur as a result of tlie discharge.

There shall be no discharge from tlie discliai-gc point spccilied in Seh~~diiIcJ A.3: IIi.schar,y.s to he Discoii1ii7id, ol'this licence, fi-om tlic dates speci lied therein.


Page 13: Waste Water Discharge Licence · D0lE:CLG Domestic Waste Water Drawing EM P En vi ro n m e n t a I damage Environmental Pollution Any 24 hour period. Those limits, specified fbi-

3.5 Storm water overflows shall be as specified in Sclieilirlc A . 4 : Stoiw lVu/er Oiwfloit:\, of this licence.

3.6 'Ihe licensee shall ensure that all or any of the following:

a Gross solids . Litter

associated with discharges fi-om the waste water works clo not result in an impairtnent of, or an interference with, amenities or the environment.

Condition 4. Control and Monitoring

4. I l'he licensee shall carry out such sampling, analyses, measurements, examinations, maintenance and calibrations as set out below and in accordance with Sclicrliile B; Monitol-ins, of this licence.

4.1.1 Analyses shall be iindet-taken by competent staff i n accordance with documented operating procetlures. Analysis for compliance put-poscs, including any sub-contracted analysis, sliall be done by a competent laboratory.

Such procedures shall be assessed for their suitability for the test matrix ;incl performance characteristics shall be detennined.

Such proccdures shall be subject to a programme of Analytical Quality Control verificd by a compctent third party using control standards n.itli evaluation of test rcsponses.



Where any analysis is sul,-contt-actetl i t shall be to a competent laboratory

7'hc licensee shall etisurc that: 4.3

(1) Sampling and analysis for all parameters listed in the Scheclule~ to this licence. and

Any relkreiicc nicabut-cnient methods to calibratc automatecl mcasurement system

( i i )

shall he carried out by an appropriate Standard Method.

The licensee shall install on all emission points such sampling points or equipment, including any data-logging or other electronic communication eciuipnient, as may be required by the Agency. All such equipment shall be consistent with the safe operation of all sampling and monitoring systems.

All automatic monitors and samplers shall be fiinctioning at all times (except cluring maintenance and calibration) when the discharges are being made unlcss alternative sampling or monitoring has been agreecl in writing by the Agency for a limited period. I n the event of the malfunction of any continuous monjtor, the licensee shall contact the Agency as soon as practicablc and alteniative sampling and monitoring facilities sliall bc put in plnce. Agreement for the use o f alternative equipment, other than i n emergency situation



hall be obtained from the Agency.

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Environmental Protection Agency Liccwce Reg. No. DOI 65-01







4.1 1


Monitoring and analysis equipment shall be operated and maintained as iiecessai-y so that monitoring accurately reflects tlie discharge (or ambicnt conditions where that is the monitoring objective).

The licensee shall clearly label and provide safe and pennaiient access to all on-site sampling and monitoring points and to off-site points as required by the Agency.

The licensee shall establish and rnaintain corrective action procedures and shall take corrective action should tlie specified requirements of this licence not be fulfilled. The responsibility and authority for persons initiating further investigation and corrective action in the event of a reported non-conforiiiity with this licence shall be defined by tlie licensee.

Tlie licensee shall establish and maintain a ~~rograii imc for maintenance and operation of all plant and equipment to ensure tliat no unautliorised waste water discharges take place. This programme shall be lx~sed on tlie instructions issued by the iiianufacturer/suppliei- 01- installer of’ tlie equipment. Appropriate record keeping ancl diagnostic testing shall support this maintenance programme. The licensee shall clearly allocate responsibility for tlie planning management and execution of all aspects of this programme to appropriate persolillel.

The licensee shall ensure tliat a person in charge or nominated deputy shall be available to meet with authorised person(s) of tlie Agency at all reasonable times and shall allow access to the waste u:ater works or other premises that tlie Agency reasonably considers inay contain inlbriiiation pertaining to a discharge from thosc works.

The location, frequency, methods ancl scope of monitoring. sampling and analyses, as set out 111 this licence, may be amended w i t h thc agreement of the Agency following evaluation of test results.

Storm water overflows

4.1 1 . 1 The licensee shall, prior t o the date h i - submission of tlie second AER (required under Condition 6. IO). carry out an investigation for the identification and assessmcnt o f s t o r m \vater o\wflo\vs. A report on tlie storm water overllows shall bc submitted to the Agency as part of tlie second AER. l l i e assessment shall includc ;i c~ete~-minatio~i of compliance with the criteria for storm \vater o\.crHo\vs. as set out in the IloEHLG ‘Pi-ocetliri-es t/ud C’r-iterirr i11 Rc’lritioii to Storii7 ll’r//c~i. Oiv/~/ lo\ i .s‘ . 1095 and any other guidance as may he specitiied by tlie Agency.

4.1 1.2 The licensee shall carry out a n asscssment of storm water overflotvs at least once every threc years thcreal’tei- and ireport to the Agency on each occasion as part of the A l X . The assessment shall include a determination of’ compliance with tlie criteria for storm water overflows, as set out in the DoEHLG ’ P I - O C C ~ ~ ~ P L ~ , ~ t i m 1 C‘i-itel-itr iii KeItitioii /o Storin JVtitei- O\vt;flo\i:s., 1995 and any other guidance as may be specified by the Agency. The licensee shall maintain a written record of all assessments and remedial measures arising fi-om the a

Tlie licensee shall prepare a I’IITK report Ibr the primary and secondary discharges. The substances to be included i n the P R f R shall be as agreed by the Agency each year by reference to EC Rcgulation N o . 166/2006 concerning tlie establishment of thc European Pollutant Release and ~l’ransfer Register and ameiiding Council Directives 91/689/EEC and 9616 I/EC‘. ‘l’lie I’KTR shall he prcpared in accordance with any relevant guidelines issued by thc Agency and shall be submitted electronically in specified format and as part of the AER.

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E m ~ir.otiiiie~itd Pi>otection Aaencv Licence Reg No. 1101 65-01

4.11 The licensee shall, within six months of the date of grant of this licence, develop and establish a Data Management System for collation, archiving, assessing and gi-aphically presenting the monitoring data generated as a result of this licence.

The licensee shall carry out monthly monitoi-ing of the influent stream to the waste water treatment plant for cBOD, COD, Total Nitrogcn and 'Iota1 I'liospliorus in order to measure the mass loadings and removal efiicieiicies within thc treatment plant.

Prior to submitting ambient monitoring data, thc licensee must consult with the Agency with regard to the appropriate format for submittal.

Where such ambient monitoring results are available from any other statutory body, including the Agency, the licensee may submit those results in fulfilment of Scltedule B.4.4iiibieiit Moizitoriiig of this licence.




Condition 5. Programmes of Improvements

5.1 The licensee shall, as a part of the second A I K (required under Condition 6.1 0), prepare and submit to tlie Agency a programme of infrastructural inipi-ovciiicnts to maximise tlie effectiveness and efficiency 01. the waste water works in order to:

a )


achieve iinproveineiits in the quality of all discliai-ges from the works:

meet the emission limit values specilicd in S ~ ~ h c ~ t l r t l c ~ il; iJi,sc/iut.cyc~,\, of this licence:

c> give effect to Regulation 2 of the Waste Water Iliscliai ge (Authorisation) Regulations 2007, as amendecl;

cl 1 I educc Total Phosphorus loacllngh in the clixchai-ge ta the m a \ ~ m u m pi-acticablc extent;

reduce Total Nitrogcn loadings i t1 the dtscliai-gc t o thc mauimLim piacticable extent.

0 l 'he programme of infi-astructural impi'o\,cments ret'crred t o in ('onclition 5.1 shall include a n asscssment of:

meet the obligations of('ondition I .X


a) the waste water treatment plant. having regard to the efl'ectivencss of the treatment provided by reference to the following:

(i) the existing level of treatment, capacity of treatment plant and associated equipment:

the emission limit \,slues spccified in Schedr/lc A: Di.sc.hrrt.gcJ.s, of this licence;




designations oftlie i-ccei\.itig water body;

water quality objective for the receiving water body;

tlie standards a ntl \,o I ii met r i c 1 i mi tat i oiis a pp 1 i cd to any i nil its t ria 1 waste water that is licensccl to discharge to the waste water works.

Page 16: Waste Water Discharge Licence · D0lE:CLG Domestic Waste Water Drawing EM P En vi ro n m e n t a I damage Environmental Pollution Any 24 hour period. Those limits, specified fbi-

Envir-onmental Protection Agency Licctice Rclg. No. 00165-01

b) the integrity o f the waste water works having I-egai-d to:

(i) capacity of the waste water works;

(ii) leaks from the waste water works;

( i i i ) infiltration by surfice water;

(iv) in fi Iti-ation by groundwater;

( v) such other aspects of the works as may be specified by the Agency.

all stonii water overflows associated with the waste water works to determine the effectiveness of their operation and i n particular to identify improvements necessary to comply with tlie requirements of this licence.


5.3 The progi-amme of infrastructui-al iinprovements shall include a plan for implementation for each individual improvement identified. The plan for implementat ion shall :

a) in the case of the assessment carried out under Conditions 5.2(a) (waste water treatment plant), and 5.2(c) (storm water overflows):

( i )


clearly identify and describe the improvement and the timeframe for implement at ion; specify the parametric emission(s) that will be affected by the implementation of the improvement;

(iii) estimate the costs and soui-ces of funding required to implement the i m pro vein cii t i iic 1 udi iig , \v here a pp ropr i a t e, de t a i 1 s o 1‘ s ubm i s s i oils made to the Depai-tnient of the Environment, Cominuiiity and 120cal Goveriiment and sanctions i-eceivcd;

(iv) idelitit’y the anticipated iny-ovcnients in the quality of the recci\.ing waters as a result of the implementation 01’ the improvement .

b) i n the case 01‘ tlie assessnieiit cai-ricd out under Condition 5.2(b) (waste water urn rk 5 ) :

( 1 ) identify, e\duatc and describe the inli-astructiu-al works necessary to iniplement thoso wwks listed under Scherliilc3 C’: .Y17ec(fic,tl l i t i / ~ i . o ~ , ~ ~ ~ t i ~ ~ i 7 t Pi.ogi.oi71/iic,, of this liccnce; clcarly identify and dcsci-ibe the improvement and the timefi-amc fbr its implementation; estimate thc costs ancl soLirces of funding required t o implement the improvement including. where appropriatc, details of. submissions mad c t o the Ilepa i-t m e n t o f the Env i ronmeiit , CO mmuni t y and Local Government and sanctions i-eceivcd.

The licensee shall put in place a prograniiiie of‘ measures for the gathering, recording atid retention of information in relation to t l ie infrastructural components of the waste water works. This information shall be in the form of ’ As-Constructed’ drawings and electronic mapping tools, or in any other forinat as required by the Agency.

( i i )

( i i i )


Page 17: Waste Water Discharge Licence · D0lE:CLG Domestic Waste Water Drawing EM P En vi ro n m e n t a I damage Environmental Pollution Any 24 hour period. Those limits, specified fbi-

Environnzental Protection Aaem), Licence Rc~g. No. I10 165-0 I

Condition 6. Notifications, Records and Reports






The licensee shall notify the Agency‘s headquarters in Wexford, or to such other Agency office, as soon as practicable after the occut-retice of any iucident (as defined i n this licence). This notification shall be in such fi)nnat as specified in Guidance t o Licensees/COA holders on tlie Notification, Management and Comtn~inication of Environmental Incidents issued by tlie Agency and as a minimum shall include tlie following: the date, time, location, details. nature, cause, extent and ranking of the incident, details on any vulnerable receptors, corrective action taken and plans to prevent a reoccurrence, and the steps taken t o minimise any discharges and to carry out any necessary environmental cleanup. Tlie Ibllowing shall also be notified, as soon as practicable after the occurrence of any incident:

(9 Department of Agriculture. Fislieries and Food in tlie case of discharges to receiving Lvaters.

The licensee shall as a minimum keep tlie following docutiieiits at the headquarters of tlie licensee or such office as may be agreed by the Agency:



the licence application and all associated documentation;

tlie licence(s) relating to the discliarge(s) to waters from the waste water works;

(iii) the previous year’s AER;

(iv) records of all risk assessniciits, sampling, analyses, measurements, exa in i na t io tis, ea 1 i bra t ions a nd ma i 11 t e na tic e c a rri ed out i ti accord a tic e with tlie requirements of this licencc and guidance produced by the Agency;

relevant con-espondence with the Agency: (v)

(v,i) up to date drawings/plans s1ioLviiig thc location of key process and environmental infrastructui-c. including iiiotiitoriiig locations ancl discharge points ;

up to clate opci-ational procedures for all monitot-ing and control equipment necessary to give effect to this licencc.

This documentation shall be availablc t o the Agency for inspcction at all reasonable times and shall he submitted to tlie Agcncy, as reqiiii-cd, i n such a format as may be requested. including electronic submittal of the infc~rmation or a summary of such in form at ion.

Tlic licensee shall, within six months o f clate of grant of this licencc. ciisut-e that a docuinented Emcrgency Response f’i-~ced~ii-c is in place that addt-esses any emergency situation that inay originate on-site. 1 his procedure shall include provision for minimising the cffects o f any emcyency on the en\.ironment. This pi-ocedure shall be reviewed annually and upctatcd as necessary.

The licensee shall establish and maintain a Public Awareness and Communications 1’1-ogramme to ensure that tiicinbers o f tlie public are infot-med of, can obtain. at all reasonable times. environmental information relating to tlie discharge.

Unless otherwise agreed by tlie Agency, all repoils and notilications submitted to tlie Agency shall:

( i )


r _

be sent to Administration, Office of‘ ~iivironiiiental Enibrcenient (OEE) at the Agency‘s Headquaitel-s or to such other Agency office agreed by the Agency;

comprise one original and two copies uti1 additional copies are required by Agency;

( i i )

Page 18: Waste Water Discharge Licence · D0lE:CLG Domestic Waste Water Drawing EM P En vi ro n m e n t a I damage Environmental Pollution Any 24 hour period. Those limits, specified fbi-

(iii) be formatted in accordance with any Lvritten instruction or guidance issued by the Agency;

include whatever information may be required by tlie Agency;

be identified by a unique code, itidicatc any moditlcation or amcndment, and be correctly dated to reflect any such modification or amendiiient;

be accompanied by a written interpretation setting out their significance in the case of all monitoring data; and

(vii) be transfcrred electronically to the Agency's computer system if required by the Agency.

The licensee shall submit to the Agency, by the 25"' €ebruary of each year. an AER covering the previous calendar year. This report, which shall be to tlie satisfaction of the Agcncy, shall include as a iuiniinu~n the infc~nnation specified in Schetlulc~ D: h n i i a l Etn'ir-onr?ieiit~11 Report. of this licence and shall be prepared in accordance with any relevant guidelines issued by the Agency.

All reports shall be cet-tiiied accurate and representative by the Director of Services or a nominated, suitably qualifjcd atid experienced deputy.

The licensee shall notify the Agency, as sooii as is practicable, where a discharge from the waste water works has ceased pennanently.







Page 19: Waste Water Discharge Licence · D0lE:CLG Domestic Waste Water Drawing EM P En vi ro n m e n t a I damage Environmental Pollution Any 24 hour period. Those limits, specified fbi-

En 1 iron in en tal Pr-o tcctio n .4,y.c1 I C J ~ Licence Re,-. No. DO1 65-01

Condition 7. Financial Charges and Provisions

7.1 Agency Charges

7.1.1 The licensee sliall pay to the Agency an annual contribution of €2,377.54, or such sum. as the Agency froni time to time determines, having regal-d to variations in the extent of reporting, auditing. inspection, sampling and analysis 01- other functions carried out by thc Agency, towards the cost of monitoi-ing the discharge as the Agency considers necessary for the perfoi-mance of its functions under the Waste Water Ilischarge (Autlini-isation) Kcgiilations 2007, as amended. The first payment shall he a pro-rata amount for the period fi-oin the date of this licence to the 3 1 ” day 01’ Ilecember. and shall be paid to the Agency within one month from the date o f the licencc. In subsequent years the licensee shall pay to the Agency such revised annual contribution as the Agency shall fi-om time to time consider necessary to enable perforinance by the Agency of its relevant functions under the Waste Water Discharge (Authorisation) Regulations 2007, as amended. and all such payments shall be imide within one month of the date upon which demanded by the Agency.

I n the event that the frequency 01- extent of monitoring, investigations or other functions carried out by the Agency needs to be increased, the licensec shall contribute such siiiiis as determined by the Agency to defray i t s costs in reyarcl to it cms not co\.erecl by the said annual contribution.


7.2 Environment a I I .i abi l i ti es





‘[‘he licensee shall as part of the AEIi proviclc an annual statement ;IS to the nieasures taken or adopted in relation to thc prevention of environmental damage. an cl the fi n a nc i a1 pi-o\,i s ions i 11 pl ace in re I at i on t o the und e w I-i t i ng of costs for remedial actions following anticipated events (including closure) or accictcnts,:iiicidents, as may be associated n i t h discharges or o\w-ilows from thc waste watcr works.

The licensec shall xi-angc Ibr the completion, by an inclepenclent and appi-opriatclq’ clualificd consultant. of a comprehensive and full\, costed I~~nviroiiiii~iital Liabilities Risk Asscssinent (ILRA) to address thc liabilities

nt o r planned discliargcs. A report on this assessnicnt sliall be submittcd to the Agcncy for agreement as part of the second AER (required under Condition 6.10). The EI.KA shall be reviewed as necessary t o reflect any significant changc to the \vlumc or character of effluent dischargcd, and i n any case every three years fi,llo\ving initial agreement (the results of the review shall be notified as part of the AER).

As part of thc ineasures identilied in Condition 7.2.1 the licensee shall, to the satisfaction ol‘ the Agency, make financial pi-ovision to cover any liabilities identified in Condition 7.2.2. l’hc amount of indemnity held shall be reviewed and revised as necessary, but at least triennially. I’roof of renewal o r rwision of such tinaiicial indemnity sliall be included in the annual ‘Statement of Me2is~ii-e~‘ report identified in Condition 7.2.1 .

The licensee shall have regard to the F,nvii-oninental Protection Agency Gu ida ncc on En vi ronment a 1 I , i a bi 1 it y R i s k Assessment , Kcs i du a Is

Page 20: Waste Water Discharge Licence · D0lE:CLG Domestic Waste Water Drawing EM P En vi ro n m e n t a I damage Environmental Pollution Any 24 hour period. Those limits, specified fbi-

En Itironm en tal Pro tcct io n A,wr? cl) Liccnce Rc . No. DO1 65-OI

M a nageinent I’ I a 11s a ncl 1 in a iic ia 1 Prov i si on M 11 en i inp I eiiien t I ng Conditions 7.2.1. 7.2.2 ancl 7.2 3 abo\e.

Page 21: Waste Water Discharge Licence · D0lE:CLG Domestic Waste Water Drawing EM P En vi ro n m e n t a I damage Environmental Pollution Any 24 hour period. Those limits, specified fbi-

En1 wonmental Protection Agc~irc 1

SCHEDULE A: Discharges

1,iccnccJ 1ik.y. No DO1 65-01

A. I Prirnar.j Waste Water. Discharge

Primary Discliarge Point Code: sw-l

Name of Receiving \Vaters: St (;eoige'\ Channel (SE-IO 0000)

Discharge Location: 313137F I12580N

Xlonitoring Location 312175E112125N

Parameter Emission Limit Value



Suspended Solids

Total Oxidised Nitrogen (as N)

Ammonia (as N)




A. 2 Dis clz urges to hc dis coil titi ired

No dischaige IS i-cqiiii cd t o bc cli~csntinued 111 this schcdule

A.3 Storm ._ Water Overflow. _ _

Discharge Point Code ""' ' s\\ -2



312081E 112039N (Overflon from Storm U'ater Holding 'Taiik) 313133E 112163N (Overflow froin 'Storm King' on main se\\ er.)


is 5

Name of Receiving Waters

Drainage ditch to l<osslarc H a r bo ur

Rosslare Harbour

Page 22: Waste Water Discharge Licence · D0lE:CLG Domestic Waste Water Drawing EM P En vi ro n m e n t a I damage Environmental Pollution Any 24 hour period. Those limits, specified fbi-

Envir.onmentn1 Protection Agency Licence Keg. - No. DO1 65-01

SCHEDULE B: Monitoring

B. 1 Monitoring qf Primary Waste Water Discltarge

Primarv Discharge Point Code:

Par a meter


Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand

Cheniical Oxygen Demand

Suspended Solids

Total Nitrogen (as N)

Total Oxidised Nitrogen (as N) Ammonia (as N)

Total Phosphorus (as P)

Orthophosphate (as P)

Priority Substances (Organic Conipounds or Rletals)

Visual Iiispectiou

Note I :

Note 2:

Note 3:

Kate 4:

S b - l

Monitoring Frequency

contlnuou\ \ ( I t k ' Monthly \"I' ' '

Monthly \'"' '" ' Monthly \"" ' '' ' Monthly \"" "' ' Monthly \'"' '

Monthly \'"' * " ' Monthly "It1 '' ' Monthly \'"' ' A4 I cqitii ed

Analysis MethodITechnique

On-line flow meter \I ith recorder

Standard Method

Standard Method

Standard Method

Standard Method

Standard Method

Standard Method

Standard Method

Standard Method

Standard Method

Sample and e m n i n e f a i colour and odour


Page 23: Waste Water Discharge Licence · D0lE:CLG Domestic Waste Water Drawing EM P En vi ro n m e n t a I damage Environmental Pollution Any 24 hour period. Those limits, specified fbi-
Page 24: Waste Water Discharge Licence · D0lE:CLG Domestic Waste Water Drawing EM P En vi ro n m e n t a I damage Environmental Pollution Any 24 hour period. Those limits, specified fbi-

Receiving Wcrter kloiiitoriiig


Dissol\ed Iiiorg~iiiic Nitrogen (DIN)

\t‘lntlnl d I\Icthod

\t‘lIld‘il d hli.tll0d

Page 25: Waste Water Discharge Licence · D0lE:CLG Domestic Waste Water Drawing EM P En vi ro n m e n t a I damage Environmental Pollution Any 24 hour period. Those limits, specified fbi-

SCHEDULE C : S pec i fi ed I m p rove m en t Pr og r a m me

C. I Iiirpro veiirriit Pi.ogrcriir t i i c ~ for Pritir (rry Di.5 clicii.go


Page 26: Waste Water Discharge Licence · D0lE:CLG Domestic Waste Water Drawing EM P En vi ro n m e n t a I damage Environmental Pollution Any 24 hour period. Those limits, specified fbi-
Page 27: Waste Water Discharge Licence · D0lE:CLG Domestic Waste Water Drawing EM P En vi ro n m e n t a I damage Environmental Pollution Any 24 hour period. Those limits, specified fbi-

Office of E rivi run ne n t a I k n Fo I ce i n e f~ t

Name 8.~ Keg No:

OEE Inspector: Regional Tcam: f-leaciquartcrs Charges Approved: False

\'ex ford Count) Counci I : DO 165-0 I Risk Category: r x I

Licence En forceineiit

Financial chargesfor the selected organisation .fbr tlze selected charge year

En vi ro nmen tal Protection Agency .John sto U n Cast le Est at e. Wexlbrd . I re tan d.

I elephoiie: OS3 60600 Fax: 053 60699

IJser: lienncdy-j Dale Printed: 30 06 201 1 1 1 : 12:47 I'qc I 01 3

Page 28: Waste Water Discharge Licence · D0lE:CLG Domestic Waste Water Drawing EM P En vi ro n m e n t a I damage Environmental Pollution Any 24 hour period. Those limits, specified fbi-
Page 29: Waste Water Discharge Licence · D0lE:CLG Domestic Waste Water Drawing EM P En vi ro n m e n t a I damage Environmental Pollution Any 24 hour period. Those limits, specified fbi-

L IC'CJ!lCCJ ~ t l f O / ' C C I / / l C l P 7 / Financial charges for the selected organisation for the selected charge year

Reporting & Monitoring Returns ly Rate

Monitoring Ketitrtix 1 0.50 568 00 284.00

A~iti~tal I 140 568 00 795 20

Once Off' I'roposal\ 0 0 00 568 00 0 00

'rotai nays Total cos t

1.901 1,079.201

Audits Year of last audit. 0

1-ead Auditor 0 568 00 0 00

Auditor 0 568 00 0 00

Total Days 'rota1 cos t

Daily Rate

01 0.00l

Inspector's Visits

s Iiisp. Visit Days Daily Rate Total

0 66 0 70 568 00 362 42

Total Days

0.4 6 I Total Cost


Sampling Costs Air Mobile Unit


I'er\on Day\ 0.00

Visits Daily Rate Total

0 568 00 0 00

IKee. Lab Unit I Days 0.00 0 568.00 0.00

IWaste Mobile Unit I Days 0.00

Total Days


0 5 6 8 . 00 0.00

Total Cost


Page 30: Waste Water Discharge Licence · D0lE:CLG Domestic Waste Water Drawing EM P En vi ro n m e n t a I damage Environmental Pollution Any 24 hour period. Those limits, specified fbi-
Page 31: Waste Water Discharge Licence · D0lE:CLG Domestic Waste Water Drawing EM P En vi ro n m e n t a I damage Environmental Pollution Any 24 hour period. Those limits, specified fbi-

I ,

Financial charges for the selected organisation for the selected charge year

Analysis Costs


sit eiicy st otsl

Complex 0 0 00 498 00 0 00 Routine 0 0 33 300.00 99 00

Rasic 0 0 00 82.00 0 00

Total Samples Per Visit


Total Cost


E-Development itio T

0 572.00 0 00

Standing Charge

Enforcement Support Services Charge No. Of Days


Daily Rate


Grand Total

End of Report


5 h 8 .oo


3 6 8 .') 2


Page 32: Waste Water Discharge Licence · D0lE:CLG Domestic Waste Water Drawing EM P En vi ro n m e n t a I damage Environmental Pollution Any 24 hour period. Those limits, specified fbi-

~ .̂. - . . .. . , . . . ,. .