washington sentinel (weekly). (washington, dc) 1898-02-19...

is t uu I T WASHINGTON D C FEB 19 1898 Mr Kerr election of Mr Kerr of Pennsylvania as secretary of the Congressional Committee in place of Lawrence Gardner will enable to pay occasionally a visit to the committee rooms As long as Gardner was secretary we never went there for we remembered the Endowment explosion on Tenth street by which several of our cli ents lost the savings ot a lifetime Tbe Maines Calamity will be known in history as the great obscure enigma As matters look now its origin will never be discovered and if the Administra tion and the bondholders have their way it will be intimated that our own officers blew up the ship The great United States are as to their foreign policy a miserable concern We musthave another party in power Had not Bryan been de feated by Hannas money the Cuban question would be settled long ago and the United States would be esteemed and feared tho hsom of the Spanish bond holders would have lest money D tk of Columbus Alexander We learn with great sorrow that our old friend Col Columbus Alexander also known as the in tended safe burglary victim has died at his residence in this city We lose in him a steadfast and val ued friend He and the late W W Corcoran were the men who availing themselves columns- of the WASHINGTON SENTINEL the only paper in the District that the Ring could not buy broke up the Shepherd regime Col Alexander was a noble man in every respect His family alter which the city of Alexandria is named became possessed of all the short Jands in Virginia from Georgetown to Alexandria includ- ing the Arlington estate as early as 1649 one hundred and fifty acres of which are still in posses sion of the family A farewell to our old friend Death of Oils FrnoU Willard We regret to announce the death of this distinguished opponent of Personal Liberty We met her once at the Capitol in debate before the Senate Committee and our per- sonal intercourse on that occasion was a very pleasant one She was- a lady of talent and ability Al- though engaged in a wrong cause for prohibition is not temperance she never used language so often found with prohibitionists She went to England where she en- joyed the hospitalities and friend- ship ol Lady Somerset Here she found that the wine bottle was even in tbe house of that distinguished lady an established fact and total abstinence was not temperance something which compelled Lady Somerset to break off her connec- tion with the temperance soci- eties Amendment for tbo Raines Law The New York Voice Proh special correspondent says moral pretentions of the Re- publican party in enacting the Raines liquor law are ably com- mented on by present events Ever since the triumph of Tam- many it has been urged to the Re- publican leaders that nothing could save their party from defeat in the State election next fall ex- cept a conciliation of the liquor vote It has been represented that the brewers and beer retailers find the Raines law a special hard- ship and unless relieved will put the Democratic party in power next fall And so in spite of the fact that the Republicans pretend- to have enacted the Rames law in the interests of temperance and have had the support of thousands of temperance men on that ac- count it is understood that their leaders have agreed to revisions that will make that law more ac- ceptable to the liquor interests The principal feature of the com- ing amendments will a lower rate of tax for retailers of beer and aleThe friends of personal liberty must not forget that if the Repub- lican Tracy ticket which was a platform to carry out the Raines law more severely and in- crease its hardships had been instead of the Democratic Tammany ticket the Republi- cans would never have thought of the idea of thus amending the Raines law All that is due to the Democratic victory Hence if you want to have liberty vote the Dem- ocratic ticket i ENlINEL 0 The u t ofthe L b suc- cessful pfl pp u 1 d IC t- high f n- on ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Warnlnjf to Our German American PreuB We have frequently received compliments from our German American colleagues for success- fully fighting for liberty and the interests of immigration at the Capitol They have thanked us whenever we have laid their ideas and sentiments through the WASHI- NGTON SENTINEL before Congress and thereby succeeded in carrying out their wishes But have they not noticed that in all such instances we have suc- ceeded only through appeals to the Democrats and through having the latter interested in their behalf and that the masses of the Repub- licans haye always been against them in fact the authors of the measures against which they pro- tested We know of no case where we have been able to do anything lor our friends without assistance from Democrats Our first duty was always to appeal to Democrats try to convince them of the justice of our cause and induce them to vote against the majority of the party who happened to be in all matters conerning immigra- tion and liberty on the oppo- site side As shown elsewhere we have for more than twenty years fought in this way the Five Bills to investigate the liquor traffic and later on the at- tempt to increase the tax on the poor mans beverage the many bills the Morse bill etc and through the Demo- crats only have we prevented their passage In fact without the Dem- ocratic party we would have been powerless and unable to do any- thing for our friends Because the Democratic party has then been always the true friend of pers3nal liberty and the immigrant we have been a Demo- crat No silver or gold could ever sever our connection with the old party while it is true to liberty That hason the other hand gained- us the trust and esteem oi the leading Democrats one 01 them Senator Gorman writing us only last week the letter published else- where on the third page That explains why we have been able to render so many ser- vices at the Capitol ago the Lodge immigration- bill came to a vote in the Senate all the Republicans voted for it and all the Democrats except two against it That was due in no small degree to the WASHINGTON SENTINEL Honesty is after all the best policy and will pay in the end Now if our GermanAmerican colleagues will put liberty at the head oi their columns and support their friends the Democrats and not their enemies the Republi- cans KnowNothmgism prohibi- tion humbug and Sunday tyranny will soon belong to the things that were and they themselves will also personally be regarded with esteem and politically be i ore considered and respected Let them make all other issues secondary to liberty and not for abstract questions sell it perhaps for gold and they will live as free- men in a free country No Crime to Enter Your Bar on Sunday In the case of Michael J Han nan on his appeal from the de- cision of the Police Court which fined him 50 for keeping a saloon open on Sunday the judgment the lower court is reversed by the Court oi Appeals and the right of a man to enter his bar on Sunday affirmed Briefly Hannan had a saloon Over the saloon were his living rooms His bartender lived with him Hannan and his bar- tender went out one Sunday morn- ing passing through the saloon and locked the front door behind them The back door was kept barred from the inside When Hannan and his bartender wanted- to go back to the living rooms they had to enter the saloon by the front door They did so and a policeman saw them The police- man followed them into the saloon and had Hannan arrested for his place open on Sunday The court found him guilty and fined him 50 New the Court of Appeals gets him out of his by reversing the lower courts decision Under the ruling of the court as now appears keepers of saloons will have to be just as careful as they were before as the decision in effect gives the owner of a saloon only the privilege of when there is no other way of get ting into his house Even this would not be pcrmitted in the future for the excise board will undoubtedly not grant licenses where the saloon has to be used as- a passageway Paternalism on Trial The sage remark of President Grant that the best way to secure the repeal of an obnoxious law is to enforce it is now on trial in various cities as a result of the at tempted enforcement of Puritanical Sunday laws In Toledo 0 having f I Repub- lican Com- mission pro prohibition When some- time keep- ing trou- ble going through his saloon on Sunday the aloons ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ been called on to comply with the Sunday laws have obtained a hear- ing for their demand that these laws shall be enforced to ther full- est extent The same situation has been brought about nearer home in the New Jersey cities of and Passaic where the attempt at a partial enforcement ot the Sunday laws has been met by a demand that they shall be fully and that equal justice shall be meted out to all who transgress them In every case this demand has conclusively shown that these laws were never intended to be enforced but that they were enacted to serve the purpose ot big- otry and persecution Since common sense and a regard for the natural rights of citizens have not sufficed the enactment ot this odious and fraudulent legislation the only alternative when it is appealed to against particular classes is to ex- pose its real character by impartial enforcement Thetemporary hard- ship of such an expedient will be more than offset by its valuable result Ktmarkabln Race and Their Many Curious Customs It Is not long since that reports were received of the killing of a party of Americans by the Sen Indians who Inhabit Tiburon island in the Gulf of California while within a few weeks there was a report of the attempted killing of another party of Americans Those Seri Indians seem to be a queer set it all that is said about them is true First they are noted for their large size and their abilities as athletes on land and water According an account of them those who have witnessed thefr aquatic sports at a safe distance declare that many of them can actually walk or rather run upon water with no other assistance than broad rawhide shoes They are expert fishermen and hunts- men giving most of their time to thb sort of enjoyment They have rigid ideas ol maintaining the game preserve- on their island and limit penalties the killing of game They destroy all children in infancy that arc malformed or appear to lack a certain degree of intelligence In this way the standard of both physical and mental condition in both sexes is kept very high It is accurately believed that time the native women were exter- minated to make room for a whiter and superior race of women The nucleus of this race of higher women was formed from captures made at various times extending overa series ol years on land and u aler They have no schools but each home has a system oi mental and physical training The natives guard their shores day and Jight and no man is allowed to penetrate the island if he shall succeed in making a landing It is said no epidemics have ever prevailed on the island and disease of every kind Is scarcely known among this extraordinary people In conse- quence of this the men and women are magnificent in their physical endow- ment No man or woman is allowed to live beyond the age of 70 no matter how well preserved in body and mind By careful selection a large percentum of the women have a transparent peachy complexion and deep auburn hair There is most likely a great deal of romance in this account of them for little being known of them they readily become the subject of romance and ex- aggeration If they destroy children who are lacking in physical or mental development they are putting in one of the most advanced theories of the day It may be that the Indians who live on Tiburon island are magnifi- cent specimens of manhood such as Pigaffeti who accompanied Magellan- in his world circling voyage described the Patagonians to be though Darwin did not find them up to the standard of tradition- If it is these Serfs custom to permit- no one to live beyond 70 years of age no matter what his or her physical con dition they have approached the Uto plan ideal though that ideal was to dispose of people when they had become so old and infirm that they were nothing but a burden We know that in some parts of Siberia the same custom obtains more advocates But why forbid to live beyond 70 years Is the idea derived from a perversion ot the teach- ing of some early missionary that mans alloted time on earth is three score years and ten It is not impossible These Seri Indians seem to be an m- tertsting remnant of some race and if they were studied scientifically bv skill- ful ethnologists some interesting facts would be sure to be developed First attempts to study them would probably be quite hazardous Salt Lake Herald Oroker Will Stick to Sliver and Chicago Platform The Bryan Democratic platform 1896 is the platform on which Richard Croker for Tammany stands and stand until the partys principles are modified by another national conven tion This statement of one of Mr Crokers most intimate political friends was made Tuesday night On the same authority it is stated that Mr Croker has taken a olace among the free slIver ites not because he believes in their principles but as a mater of strategy Crokers plan is simple and safe Ac- cepting the Bryan platform Croker i nd Tammany make sure of recognition as regular and straight Democrats in the National Convention ol 1900 Croker lully expects to control the Democratic national convention of 1900 Ever man he has made has been with that end in view and he is not alone in believing that Tammany will wield a vast influence in national politics two years from now Should free silver be the issue raised by the Democratic party again how everrCroker will accept the conven lions decision He has so declared He believes in unity or at least he has said he does He will try to keep silver out of the the sound money Democrats force the Issue he will stick to the Chicago plat form and silyer Pater- son en- forced rigor- ously de- cent to pre- vent under severe at- one prac- tice any- one f WI to campaign for Governor thIs fall but ii i ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ J Hi Henrys Big Modern Minstrel Show will be at the Grand Opera House on Monday February 28 and an uptodate programme of novelties is promised by artists of the highest ability in their lines A striking and most acceptable feature of this attraction is the careful attention tbat has been paid to even the minutest detail everything in and the makeup of the company is of the most elegant description carefully se ected and procured by the manager with the one aim in view of presenting a strictly refined uptodate high grade first class city attraction All ot the local scenery is removed to make room for their special sets and their first part is said to be without comparison in the minstrel line They are specially com- plimented by the New York journals where they have played recently as having fine singers talented comedians accomplished dancers and a varied and extensivejoho of high grade vaudevilles We are glad to welcome attractions of this nature John V Ishams Octoroons will provide the entertainment at the Acad- emy next week when a programme of such variety and excellence be presented as should delight any audi- ence for which a popular play house is noted There will be original sketches pretty dances excellent singing plenty of comedy A number or chor- uses from the best grand and comic operas will be rendered with that volume and sweetness for which the colored race is noted The whole entertain- ment is cleverly woven into one inter- esting whole is beautifully costumed and staged The olio which follows the opening sketch The Darktown Out- ing is made up of several specialties which have cost no little sum in ensem- ble and have proven so popular as to have been copied in several instances by other companies A number of the company have voices which be- sides their natural sweetness have received considerable cultivation in some of the best musical conservatories in America Mr Isham has endeavored- to provide a novelty and rumor hath it that he hath ably succeeded During this engagement the regular Wednesday- and Saturday matinees will be given and an extra matinee Tuesday Wash I inetons birthday Heralded with tbe most fulsome praine and accredited by the press uni veisally throughout the country as hav- ing achieved the most artistic success of his artistic career Digby Bell the favorite comedian will open an engage- ment of one week commencing Monday February ai at the New Natioual Thea- tre for the second time in this city Augustus Thomass latest success The Hoosier Doctor a domestic comedy of Indiana life By his impersonation ot the title role of Mr Thomass latest creation Mr Bell has according to the various ex- changes throughout the country in placing himself side by side with the foremost character comedy stars of the present generation and by his artistic method has In his work been more than favorably compared to such artists as Joseph Jefferson and Nat C Goodwin In his new departure Air Bell essays the role of a gentle selisac- rificing patient and withal humorous type of character whose efforts in life lacked necessary application and stead last ness until at the middle age he succeeds in graduating at the head of his class with honors as a practicing physician He is a widower with three daughters and a motherinlaw of the exaggerated type that we frequently hear of seldom experience- in this hie and yet they exist and in the doctors case with marked evidence for her sole ambition apoarently is to criticise and obstruct everything and everybody particularly her luckless son inlaw whose gentle disposition and affection for his children and compla- cence subordinate him completely to the dominant nature of the family scold until eventually he seeks heart affection and peacefulness by the clandestine marriage with a particularly attractive widow and it is due to the secrecy of the marriage and the many excuses set forth by the doctor for his absences from home that much of the comedy and humorous contretempts of the comedy are developed until eventually when the fun is raining fast and furious his mother inlaw and a busybody meddlesome green grocer combine and inaugural a whilecapping committee which visits the doctor and his bride for the purpose of regulating them in ap proved whitecapping style Through this sketch of thr plot of the comedy Mr Thomas in his charac- teristic manner evolved many delightful corn edy scenes and pretty love situations and has created many marked and types of character that have won emphatic praise for the author and the various artists interpreting them The cast with which Mr Duncan B Mr Bells manager has surrounded him was specially enraged with an eye to the particular fitness of the individual members for the various types of char- acters assigned them and in its entirety it is said to be more than generally live and gives an exceptionally fine collective performance Among the ladles and gentlemen composing the organization are the following the Misses Laura Bell Mabel Strick land Margaret OwenViola Miles Emma Butler Mamie Fulton Estelle Marbury and little Ethel Vance and the Messrs Arthur Hoops Frank Monroe Herman Hirshberg Gage Clarke Harry S Rob- inson Joseph L Treacy Chas Edwards Bert Bayard Edward Franklin and others In addition to the regular Wed- nesday f nd Saturday matinees a special matinee will be given on Washington Birthday WILL BE RE Wureau of Accounts Department Wash- ington D C ia oclock noon and publicly opened immediately thereafter to at the Yard Washington D C a quantity of white furnished upon application to the Yard D C or to the Bureau EDWIN STEWART Pay master General U S N LOUIS SOHADE AND COUNSELOR Al LAW Qj ica 4 X Strt ill an presentin sue c eded but hsppily t has dis- tinct Harrison royce PROPOSALS THE TmOAI out ciTe C 1 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ EW NATIONAL Saturday evening and Saturday matinee Charles Frohmans musical success from the Gaiety Theatre London the CIRCUS GIRL WEEK OF FEB ar DIGBY BELL In Augustus Thomas Brilliant Comedy The Hoosier Doctor EXTRA MATINEE FED 22 Seats now on sale Reserved Seats 25 OO and 78 Saturday Matinee and Evening HOYTS BEST MILK WHITE FLAG Next week ISHAMS OCTOROONS EXTRA MATINEE FEB 22 Seats now selling OPERA HOUSE KCRNAN A RIFE MANAGERS Ono Week Commencing Feb 14 Usual Matinees Wed and Sat at a Mammoth Scenic Production of the Successful Cuban Play THE LAST STROKE FOR FREE CUBA The Latest and Best New York Sue cess A Reflex on the Cuban Rebellion POPULAR PRICES Next Attraction Werk of Feb ap Ul Hanrra M m- mnntl t BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAIL- ROAD Schedule In effect July 11199- 7Leare Washington from Htatlon come avenue and O street For Chicago and Northwest Vcatlbulod IJni m expresn 1130 pm and l ii 1000 a m and 860 m For Columbus Toledo a d Detroit am 1340 18tt For New Orleans Memphis Birmingham 1120 m dally Slceplmr Cars through For p m dally 30 1900 am p m 11201 night For Annapolis 710 and B3o am 1310 130 m 830 a m and J35 For Frederick week 800 1105 am 840HJ 8JO pm Sundays 900 am llflpm For am t5 M p i u and way Points week days 8 CM m p m Sundays 800 am 118 705 p n For and Way Points week flay g 800 900 am ia 430 433 815 1018 Jfor Washington Junction and way point 800 a m p m week am 116 pu Sunday HOTAL BLUB JJNJ FOR NBW YORK All trains Illuminated with plntscb lights For Philadelphia Now York and the 7 CO 000 am 1200 iia 40 Dining Can 805 Dining Car Bleeping Car open at 1000 c clock f co m DIn Vor Atlantic City looo a m KM noon 115 and 300 pm week Suadayi9oo am For May I2a s noon pros trains York ave and Fifteenth street and at Depot vrjf BOUKENH Oen MinareT D B MARTIN Special to Those Intending to Visit PARIS IN 1900 The Berlltx School of Languages ovens an especial Preach course at remarka- bly low rate to those who Intend visiting the Paris Exposition in 1900 Cau and secure further Information at the BerlUs School PROF WM VON MUMM Proprietor and Principal 72S Fourteenth St nn FLEISCHMANNS VEGETABLE COMPRESSED YEAST NO EOUAI ACADEMY A GRAND Itcd a P rn For CincInnati St and xprees 1145 am LImited 340 For tim lim For Wlncbe ter and Chattanoolla allltol week 110 1t130 zll00830 9ao xIoO a m x1206 zIUO 2I Uo- E aoztJL 1115 and I11iO pm and 1201 nIght sunday 1 zinc 43 51 m zsoo zil C For 1140 pm Bunday lIoe a ni IU 4 Too SlUt a 11 Ing Can a 00 Dining Sleeping car open Ad iralnl week day dally 80 pm lJutret larlor Cars On day trains days tBnept Sunday only Baggage called for and from hotelS reeldenCCl UnIon or jOrl left at ticket omcot GIIJ Pa Mum I I a a 1 trains io LouIs Way zioO z1240 4l5 x5O 5 zinbj 815 x20 x7o6 xliO Ii U 3J xSO6 xvn iiis pin Boyd ill k aba 505 113oi in ulUonal or avs Pa > Worlbeut fdjer 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Adriatic Saloon Bates from up according to iteuer and accommodation second cabin on Majestic and Teutonic 4760 and Steerage to Liverpool Lon S2B6O and 92700 From the Old Coun tr328 BO iuo and second cabin plans etc apply to G W Moss Adams Express Office or MRS A L VJJLATI 612 Ninth nw WASHINGTON D C WHITE STAR LINE Offices 9 Broadway and Pier 45 N R NEW YORK OLLANDAMERICA LINE For Botterdam and Amsterdam Tin FIRST CABIN 3S7BO ROUND TRIP 9110 4wifcOen run ben aUe t b d a en indel c6 2 2 ten Rtcfmer 9 II 2 Ur 16 II 2 anb11i UlJt U1ncn 80 2 Ur t3ania RlIfmet 6 WIr 2 acfm 13 II U 27 II unb bt unb ben ittwodj von emit a11 fet Shine nadj RunbreUe na remen De en radjt unb wenbe man fldj i34umadjer CHERBOURGParis FIRST UPWAD 40 Wednesday ueelllltown do on demand everywhere In Old o 111110011 st Prance 3 t c 5 3 c nmfIfffa1jvIat- tturnre ioet tiLeub tapt- tapt L UrWacni Rdi UrJZacn 9lacbni Ur Ph s Thicn flczcn Ufr UiIfenb lair non 2iaitimove dun c1rben RaI tens3atIater- eiPifcenbecf 3afft2ce tel o L coni line train 21 j Country < < > SECOND CABIN S30AND30I ROUND TRIPS7B08AND UPWARD for handbook and terms to General Agency 00 Broadway Now York E F DROOP SONS 925 Penna Ave G W Moss oax CRANE PARRIs Co Ebbltt House Washington D C GERMAN LLOYD ExpreMjBerYice rom Now York SOUTHAMPTON LONDON BREMEN Balling every Tuesday CHERBOURG PARIS BREMEN I alllaff every alternate Saturday during the season Twin Screw FaMcnger Service NEW YORKBREMEN lllne at the season Bailing Thursday by the new twin screw steamers Bremen o 10000 feet in cu beam Excellent accommo dations at moderate prices on the twin crew paatonrer steamers offer every convenience ana comfort Apply OELRICHS Co S Bowling Green York EF DROOP t or to U NORTH Fut tn Telling New horse teal 1a Ageat fas mebLagt- r COMPRISING C F SCHMIDT P LlKBBR C MAUS BRKWERIK Head office at O P SCHMIDT BREWERY Indlauapolla lutl J LEMP BREWING CO Manufacturers ol the LOUIS MO CONRAD SEIPP BREWING COMPAN John A Orb Pres Theo Oebne V Pros Treus Jnllria U ScLlllcr Sec Foot ol 27th Street CHICAGO ILL GOTTFRIED BREWING co M GOTTFRIED F GUNDRUM Pres V Pres JOHN H WKISS Sec and Treas Corner Archer and Stewart Avenue Office 85 Alexander Streets CHICAGO ILL BREWING r INDIANAPOLIS BREWING CO q WM PAl u cl4ilItArFu 1111 1 IXI lIt E- ST LakeShore I THE PETER SCHENHOFE CO- aT ZOZSL D41112J rn- rn pqA t j tj- ti 00UJ CHICAGO lit FREISCH d BRO BREWERS AND MALTSTERS Springfield III WM KLANN Pres V Pres and Supt ADOLF H MEYERS Sec and BREWERS AND BOT TLERS MILWAUKEE WI8 Breweries to and northwest cor 8th and State sts Office Thirteenth st Chicago Depot and Office 13 and CREAM CITY BREWING CO OlIN MAL ThIrteenth street W Ohio MEINEaS at ¬ CHA8A WEBER H 8 MCNUTT resident Vice Fret Manage CHAS D QOEPPER CV Treat F1KENIX BREWING CO Brewers of Bohemian Lager Beer LOUISVILLE KY THE PUREST OF THE PURE THE RICHEST OF THE R ICH Sparkling TIVOLI leaner Beer The one Beer that stands Head and Shoulders above all others as the rays of Miss Libertys torch do above the waters of New York All the leading places throughout New England on or in bottles or irom Brewery direct THE SPRINGFIELD BREWING MANILLA PREST Springfield Mass BREWING A Sec and Tress P W Prei J Man A WINTTER A CO Bridgeport and MCRIDCN BREWING CO M rld n Brewers of Lager Deer lIe Smut I THE k CONNECTICUT WilD UaM DolfUen of v d See Co- B Consisting POINTER MARYLAND RYE ARVEYS LADIE3 AND GENTLEMENS nIt ING ranG Penn Avenue corner 11th at GEORGE W HARVKV Proprieto THE TENLEYTOWN ROAD KARL HEURICH PROP RNST RESTAURANT 1343 Penn Av ntie N W 335 Penn Avenue WASHINGTON D C Telephone 1356 CHR XANDER- the only strictly wholesale wine mer chant on Seventh street No 909 pro ducerof Virginia importer of foreign wines holding the largeststock of the rarest and oldest whiskies etc Warehouse on avenue Winery in rear of same and of the wholesale yo Seventhstreetn Washington DC P BURKE Wholesale and ketail Dealer and of FOREIGN WINESBRANDIES c 334 D street Northwest f made of Gibson Cabi I P STINZING nive WINES AND LIQUORS- No sir Seventh Street WASHINGTON D C FAMILY USE always for sale by mil XANDER 7th St NW different Vintages from all countries his own Virginia grapepro I uct and 27 from safe California vine I ards including the wines of F Pohn f orffB Ampoloa about Matured distillates all chosen with the wiirfor the protection ol hs patron WILLOWS GERSTEN BERG OWIINn LIItV t claretsand pOI tdlrect the store w F A specialty FOR Doll ofthem Brand also rupulosity of the experienced connob 0 NEW AI H E Massa- chusetts Impor- ter net r Sj- jiP ¬ FRED w WOLF ARCHITECT AND MECHANICAL ENGINEER Owner and sole manufacturer of The LInde Ice and Refrigerating Machines Of which were in successful operation July i 1888 MALT KILN FLOORS MECHAN ICAL MALT TURNERS Office No 560 N Halstead street co ner of Reed Factory 302330 Hawthorne Ave CHICAGO DICK BROTHERS Cornr Nlinthand York Streets QUINCYILU 688 t BRFWING co- n r f iI 4 ff1- J 1 t j i A 1 IP > >

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Page 1: Washington Sentinel (Weekly). (Washington, DC) 1898-02-19 ...chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016354/1898-02-19/ed-1/seq-2.… · is t uu I T WASHINGTON D C FEB 19 1898 Mr Kerr


t uu



Mr Kerr

election of Mr Kerr ofPennsylvania as secretary of theCongressional Committee in placeof Lawrence Gardner will enable

to pay occasionally a visit tothe committee rooms As long asGardner was secretary we neverwent there for we remembered theEndowment explosion on Tenthstreet by which several of our clients lost the savings ot a lifetime

Tbe Maines Calamity

will be known in history as thegreat obscure enigma As matterslook now its origin will never bediscovered and if the Administration and the bondholders havetheir way it will be intimated thatour own officers blew up the ship

The great United States are asto their foreign policy a miserableconcern

We musthave another party inpower Had not Bryan been defeated by Hannas money theCuban question would be settledlong ago and the United Stateswould be esteemed and fearedtho hsom of the Spanish bondholders would have lest money

D tk of Columbus Alexander

We learn with great sorrow thatour old friend Col ColumbusAlexander also known as the intended safe burglary victim hasdied at his residence in this cityWe lose in him a steadfast and valued friend He and the late WW Corcoran were the men whoavailing themselves columns-of the WASHINGTON SENTINEL theonly paper in the District that theRing could not buy broke up theShepherd regime

Col Alexander was a noble manin every respect His family alterwhich the city of Alexandria isnamed became possessed of allthe short Jands in Virginia fromGeorgetown to Alexandria includ-ing the Arlington estate as earlyas 1649 one hundred and fiftyacres of which are still in possession of the family

A farewell to our old friend

Death of Oils FrnoU Willard

We regret to announce the deathof this distinguished opponent ofPersonal Liberty We met heronce at the Capitol in debate beforethe Senate Committee and our per-sonal intercourse on that occasionwas a very pleasant one She was-a lady of talent and ability Al-though engaged in a wrong causefor prohibition is not temperanceshe never used language so oftenfound with prohibitionists Shewent to England where she en-

joyed the hospitalities and friend-ship ol Lady Somerset Here shefound that the wine bottle was evenin tbe house of that distinguishedlady an established fact and totalabstinence was not temperancesomething which compelled LadySomerset to break off her connec-tion with the temperance soci-eties

Amendment for tbo Raines Law

The New York Voice Prohspecial correspondent says

moral pretentions of the Re-publican party in enacting theRaines liquor law are ably com-mented on by present eventsEver since the triumph of Tam-many it has been urged to the Re-publican leaders that nothingcould save their party from defeatin the State election next fall ex-cept a conciliation of the liquorvote It has been represented thatthe brewers and beer retailersfind the Raines law a special hard-ship and unless relieved will putthe Democratic party in powernext fall And so in spite of thefact that the Republicans pretend-to have enacted the Rames law inthe interests of temperance andhave had the support of thousandsof temperance men on that ac-

count it is understood that theirleaders have agreed to revisionsthat will make that law more ac-

ceptable to the liquor interestsThe principal feature of the com-ing amendments will a lowerrate of tax for retailers of beer andaleThe friends of personal libertymust not forget that if the Repub-lican Tracy ticket which was

a platform to carry out theRaines law more severely and in-

crease its hardships had beeninstead of the Democratic

Tammany ticket the Republi-cans would never have thought ofthe idea of thus amending theRaines law All that is due to theDemocratic victory Hence ifyouwant to have liberty vote the Dem-ocratic ticket














1 d






























Warnlnjf to Our German AmericanPreuB

We have frequently receivedcompliments from our GermanAmerican colleagues for success-fully fighting for liberty and theinterests of immigration at theCapitol They have thanked uswhenever we have laid their ideasand sentiments through the WASHI-

NGTON SENTINEL before Congressand thereby succeeded in carryingout their wishes

But have they not noticed thatin all such instances we have suc-ceeded only through appeals tothe Democrats and through havingthe latter interested in their behalfand that the masses of the Repub-licans haye always been againstthem in fact the authors of themeasures against which they pro-

testedWe know of no case where we

have been able to do anything lorour friends without assistance fromDemocrats Our first duty wasalways to appeal to Democrats tryto convince them of the justice ofour cause and induce them to voteagainst the majority of the

party who happened to be inall matters conerning immigra-tion and liberty on the oppo-site side As shown elsewhere wehave for more than twenty yearsfought in this way the Five

Bills to investigate theliquor traffic and later on the at-

tempt to increase the tax on thepoor mans beverage the many

bills the Morsebill etc and through the Demo-crats only have we prevented theirpassage In fact without the Dem-

ocratic party we would have beenpowerless and unable to do any-thing for our friends

Because the Democratic partyhas then been always the truefriend of pers3nal liberty and theimmigrant we have been a Demo-crat No silver or gold couldever sever our connection with theold party while it is true to libertyThat hason the other hand gained-us the trust and esteem oi theleading Democrats one 01 themSenator Gorman writing us onlylast week the letter published else-where on the third page

That explains why we havebeen able to render so many ser-vices at the Capitol

ago the Lodge immigration-bill came to a vote in the Senateall the Republicans voted for itand all the Democrats except twoagainst it That was due in nosmall degree to the WASHINGTONSENTINEL Honesty is after allthe best policy and will pay inthe end

Now if our GermanAmericancolleagues will put liberty at thehead oi their columns and supporttheir friends the Democrats andnot their enemies the Republi-cans KnowNothmgism prohibi-tion humbug and Sunday tyrannywill soon belong to the things thatwere and they themselves will alsopersonally be regarded with esteemand politically be i ore consideredand respected

Let them make all other issuessecondary to liberty and not forabstract questions sell it perhapsfor gold and they will live as free-men in a free country

No Crime to Enter Your Bar onSunday

In the case of Michael J Hannan on his appeal from the de-

cision of the Police Court whichfined him 50 for keeping a saloonopen on Sunday the judgmentthe lower court is reversed by theCourt oi Appeals and the right ofa man to enter his bar on Sundayaffirmed Briefly Hannan had asaloon Over the saloon were hisliving rooms His bartender livedwith him Hannan and his bar-

tender went out one Sunday morn-ing passing through the saloonand locked the front door behindthem The back door was keptbarred from the inside WhenHannan and his bartender wanted-to go back to the living rooms theyhad to enter the saloon by thefront door They did so and apoliceman saw them The police-man followed them into the saloonand had Hannan arrested for

his place open on SundayThe court found him guilty andfined him 50 New the Court ofAppeals gets him out of his

by reversing the lower courtsdecision

Under the ruling of thecourt as now appears keepersof saloons will have to be just ascareful as they were before as thedecision in effect gives the ownerof a saloon only the privilege of

when there is no other way of getting into his house Even thiswould not be pcrmitted in thefuture for the excise board willundoubtedly not grant licenseswhere the saloon has to be used as-

a passageway

Paternalism on TrialThe sage remark of President

Grant that the best way to securethe repeal of an obnoxious law isto enforce it is now on trial invarious cities as a result of the attempted enforcement of PuritanicalSunday laws

In Toledo 0 having





pro prohibition

When some-time



going through his saloon on Sunday

the aloons












been called on to comply with theSunday laws have obtained a hear-ing for their demand that theselaws shall be enforced to ther full-est extent The same situation hasbeen brought about nearer homein the New Jersey cities of

and Passaic where the attemptat a partial enforcement ot theSunday laws has been met by ademand that they shall be fully

and that equal justice shallbe meted out to all who transgressthem

In every case this demand hasconclusively shown that these lawswere never intended to be

enforced but that they wereenacted to serve the purpose ot big-otry and persecution

Since common sense and aregard for the natural rights

of citizens have not sufficedthe enactment ot this odious

and fraudulent legislation the onlyalternative when it is appealed toagainst particular classes is to ex-pose its real character by impartialenforcement Thetemporary hard-ship of such an expedient will bemore than offset by its valuableresult

Ktmarkabln Race and TheirMany Curious Customs

It Is not long since that reports werereceived of the killing of a party ofAmericans by the Sen Indians whoInhabit Tiburon island in the Gulf ofCalifornia while within a few weeksthere was a report of the attemptedkilling of another party of Americans

Those Seri Indians seem to be a queerset it all that is said about them is trueFirst they are noted for their large sizeand their abilities as athletes on landand water According an account ofthem those who have witnessed thefraquatic sports at a safe distance declarethat many of them can actually walk orrather run upon water with no otherassistance than broad rawhide shoesThey are expert fishermen and hunts-men giving most of their time to thbsort of enjoyment They have rigidideas ol maintaining the game preserve-on their island and limitpenalties the killing of game Theydestroy all children in infancy that arcmalformed or appear to lack a certaindegree of intelligence In this way thestandard of both physical and mentalcondition in both sexes is kept veryhigh It is accurately believed that

time the native women were exter-minated to make room for a whiter andsuperior race of women

The nucleus of this race of higherwomen was formed from captures madeat various times extending overa seriesol years on land and u aler They haveno schools but each home has a systemoi mental and physical training Thenatives guard their shores day and Jightand no man is allowed to penetrate theisland if he shall succeed in making a

landing It is said no epidemics haveever prevailed on the island and diseaseof every kind Is scarcely known amongthis extraordinary people In conse-quence of this the men and women aremagnificent in their physical endow-ment No man or woman is allowed tolive beyond the age of 70 no matter howwell preserved in body and mind Bycareful selection a large percentum ofthe women have a transparent peachycomplexion and deep auburn hair

There is most likely a great deal ofromance in this account of them forlittle being known of them they readilybecome the subject of romance and ex-aggeration If they destroy childrenwho are lacking in physical or mentaldevelopment they are putting in

one of the most advanced theoriesof the day It may be that the Indianswho live on Tiburon island are magnifi-cent specimens of manhood such asPigaffeti who accompanied Magellan-in his world circling voyage describedthe Patagonians to be though Darwindid not find them up to the standard oftradition-

If it is these Serfs custom to permit-no one to live beyond 70 years of ageno matter what his or her physical condition they have approached the Utoplan ideal though that ideal was todispose of people when they had becomeso old and infirm that they were nothingbut a burden We know that in someparts of Siberia the same custom obtainsmore advocates But why forbid

to live beyond 70 years Is the ideaderived from a perversion ot the teach-ing of some early missionary that mansalloted time on earth is three score yearsand ten It is not impossible

These Seri Indians seem to be an m-

tertsting remnant of some race and ifthey were studied scientifically bv skill-ful ethnologists some interesting factswould be sure to be developed Firstattempts to study them would probablybe quite hazardous Salt Lake Herald

Oroker Will Stick to Sliver andChicago Platform

The Bryan Democratic platform1896 is the platform on which RichardCroker for Tammany stands andstand until the partys principles aremodified by another national convention

This statement of one of Mr Crokersmost intimate political friends wasmade Tuesday night On the sameauthority it is stated that Mr Crokerhas taken a olace among the free slIverites not because he believes in theirprinciples but as a mater of strategy

Crokers plan is simple and safe Ac-cepting the Bryan platform Croker i ndTammany make sure of recognition asregular and straight Democrats in theNational Convention ol 1900

Croker lully expects to control theDemocratic national convention of 1900Ever man he has made has been withthat end in view and he is not alone inbelieving that Tammany will wield avast influence in national politics twoyears from now

Should free silver be the issue raisedby the Democratic party again howeverrCroker will accept the convenlions decision He has so declaredHe believes in unity or at least he hassaid he does

He will try to keep silver out of the

the sound money Democrats force theIssue he will stick to the Chicago platform and silyer






centto pre-


under severe







campaign for Governor thIs fall but ii














Hi Henrys Big Modern Minstrel Showwill be at the Grand Opera House onMonday February 28 and an uptodateprogramme of novelties is promised byartists of the highest ability in theirlines A striking and most acceptablefeature of this attraction is the carefulattention tbat has been paid to even theminutest detail everything in and

the makeup of the company is ofthe most elegant description carefullyse ected and procured by the managerwith the one aim in view of presentinga strictly refined uptodate high gradefirst class city attraction All ot thelocal scenery is removed to make roomfor their special sets and their first partis said to be without comparison in theminstrel line They are specially com-plimented by the New York journalswhere they have played recently ashaving fine singers talented comediansaccomplished dancers and a varied andextensivejoho of high grade vaudevillesWe are glad to welcome attractions ofthis nature

John V Ishams Octoroons willprovide the entertainment at the Acad-emy next week when a programme ofsuch variety and excellence bepresented as should delight any audi-ence for which a popular play house isnoted There will be original sketchespretty dances excellent singingplenty of comedy A number or chor-uses from the best grand and comicoperas will be rendered with that volumeand sweetness for which the coloredrace is noted The whole entertain-ment is cleverly woven into one inter-esting whole is beautifully costumedand staged The olio which follows theopening sketch The Darktown Out-ing is made up of several specialtieswhich have cost no little sum in ensem-ble and have proven so popular as tohave been copied in several instancesby other companies A number ofthe company have voices which be-sides their natural sweetness havereceived considerable cultivation insome of the best musical conservatoriesin America Mr Isham has endeavored-to provide a novelty and rumor hath itthat he hath ably succeeded Duringthis engagement the regular Wednesday-and Saturday matinees will be givenand an extra matinee Tuesday Wash

I inetons birthday

Heralded with tbe most fulsomepraine and accredited by the press univeisally throughout the country as hav-ing achieved the most artistic success ofhis artistic career Digby Bell thefavorite comedian will open an engage-ment of one week commencing MondayFebruary ai at the New Natioual Thea-tre for the second time inthis city Augustus Thomass latestsuccess The Hoosier Doctor adomestic comedy of Indiana life

By his impersonation ot the title roleof Mr Thomass latest creation MrBell has according to the various ex-changes throughout the country

in placing himself side by sidewith the foremost character comedystars of the present generation and byhis artistic method has In his work beenmore than favorably compared to suchartists as Joseph Jefferson and Nat CGoodwin In his new departure AirBell essays the role of a gentle selisac-rificing patient and withal humoroustype of character whose efforts in lifelacked necessary application and steadlastness until at the middle age hesucceeds in graduating at the head ofhis class with honors as a practicingphysician He is a widower with threedaughters and a motherinlaw of theexaggerated type that we frequentlyhear of seldom experience-in this hie and yet they exist and inthe doctors case with marked evidencefor her sole ambition apoarently is tocriticise and obstruct everything andeverybody particularly her luckless soninlaw whose gentle disposition andaffection for his children and compla-cence subordinate him completely tothe dominant nature of the family scolduntil eventually he seeks heart affectionand peacefulness by the clandestinemarriage with a particularly attractivewidow and it is due to the secrecy ofthe marriage and the many excusesset forth by the doctor for his absencesfrom home that much of the comedyand humorous contretempts of thecomedy are developed until eventuallywhen the fun is raining fast and furioushis mother inlaw and a busybodymeddlesome green grocer combine andinaugural a whilecapping committeewhich visits the doctor and his bride forthe purpose of regulating them in approved whitecapping style

Through this sketch of thr plot of thecomedy Mr Thomas in his charac-teristic manner evolved many delightfulcorn edy scenes and pretty love situationsand has created many marked and

types of character that have wonemphatic praise for the author and thevarious artists interpreting them Thecast with which Mr Duncan BMr Bells manager has surrounded himwas specially enraged with an eye tothe particular fitness of the individualmembers for the various types of char-acters assigned them and in its entiretyit is said to be more than generallylive and gives an exceptionally finecollective performance Among theladles and gentlemen composing theorganization are the following theMisses Laura Bell Mabel Strickland Margaret OwenViola Miles EmmaButler Mamie Fulton Estelle Marburyand little Ethel Vance and the MessrsArthur Hoops Frank Monroe HermanHirshberg Gage Clarke Harry S Rob-inson Joseph L Treacy Chas EdwardsBert Bayard Edward Franklin andothers In addition to the regular Wed-nesday f nd Saturday matinees a specialmatinee will be given on WashingtonBirthday

WILL BE REWureau of

Accounts Department Wash-ington D C ia oclock noon

and publicly openedimmediately thereafter to atthe Yard Washington D C aquantity of white

furnished upon application tothe Yard D C orto the Bureau EDWIN STEWART Paymaster General U S N



Qj ica 4 X Strt




suec eded

but hsppily









ciTe C




















Saturday evening and Saturday matinee

Charles Frohmans musical success fromthe Gaiety Theatre London the



DIGBY BELLIn Augustus Thomas Brilliant Comedy

The Hoosier Doctor


Seats now on sale

Reserved Seats 25 OO and 78

Saturday Matinee and Evening



Next week



Seats now selling


Ono Week Commencing Feb 14

Usual Matinees Wed and Sat at a

Mammoth Scenic Production of theSuccessful Cuban Play


The Latest and Best New York Suecess A Reflex on the Cuban Rebellion


Next AttractionWerk of Feb ap Ul Hanrra M m-mnntl t


Schedule In effect July 11199-7Leare Washington from Htatlon comeavenue and O streetFor Chicago and Northwest Vcatlbulod IJni

m expresn 1130 pmand l ii1000 a m and 860 m

For Columbus Toledo a d Detroitam 1340 18tt

For New Orleans Memphis Birmingham1120 m dally Slceplmr Cars through

For p m dally

30 1900 amp m 11201 night

For Annapolis 710 and B3o a m 1310130 m 830 a m and J35For Frederick week 800 1105 am840HJ 8JO pm Sundays 900 am llflpmFor am t5M p i u

and way Points week days 8 CMm p m Sundays 800 am118 705 p nFor and Way Points weekflayg 800 900 am ia 430 433 815

1018Jfor Washington Junction and way point800 a m p m week am116 p u Sunday


All trains Illuminated with plntscb lightsFor Philadelphia Now York and the7 CO 000 am 1200 iia 40Dining Can 805 Dining CarBleeping Car open at 1000

c clock f co m DIn

Vor Atlantic City looo a m KM noon 115and 300 pm week Suadayi9oo amFor May I2a s noon

pros trains

York ave and Fifteenth street and at Depot

vrjf BOUKENHOen MinareT


Special to ThoseIntending to VisitPARIS IN 1900

The Berlltx School of Languages ovensan especial Preach course at remarka-bly low rate to those who Intend visitingthe Paris Exposition in 1900 Cau andsecure further Information at the


Proprietor and Principal

72S Fourteenth St nn







Itcd a P rnFor CincInnati St andxprees 1145 am LImited 340For

tim limFor Wlncbe ter and

Chattanoolla allltol

week 1101t130 zll00830 9ao xIoO a m x1206zIUO 2I Uo-E aoztJL 1115 and I11iOpm and 1201 nIght sunday 1

zinc43 51 m zsoo zilC


1140 pm Bunday lIoe a ni IU 4Too


a 11Ing Can a 00 DiningSleeping car open Ad iralnlweek day dally 80 pmlJutret larlor Cars On day trains


tBnept Sunday only

Baggage called for and from hotelSreeldenCCl UnIon orjOrl left at ticket omcot GIIJ Pa







trains ioLouIs


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9tunbreife illete 82 unb 8750

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OTr 5 Sttb alj traf e

Baltimore Md

Agenten fuer Washington


923 Penna Ave


Twin Screw Express

New York to Plymouth LondonCherbourg and Humbunr


PLYMOUTHLondon uh free otspecial train

6 hours



HamburgAmerican Line

Piers Hobokoa General Offlco 3T BroadwayNew York


United States and Royal Mall SteamerS lUn fromWew York every

Majestic Teutonic GermanIcHrltaanlc Adriatic

Saloon Bates from up according toiteuer and accommodationsecond cabin on Majestic andTeutonic 4760 andSteerage to Liverpool Lon

S2B6O and 92700 From the Old Countr328 BO

iuoand second cabinplans etc apply to

G W Moss Adams Express Officeor


WHITE STAR LINEOffices 9 Broadway and Pier 45 N R



For Botterdam and Amsterdam Tin




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on demand everywhere InOldo 111110011












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for handbook and terms toGeneral Agency

00 Broadway Now York

E F DROOP SONS 925 Penna AveG W Moss oaxCRANE PARRIs Co Ebbltt House

Washington D C


ExpreMjBerYice rom Now YorkSOUTHAMPTON

LONDON BREMENBalling every Tuesday

CHERBOURG PARIS BREMENI alllaff every alternate Saturday during theseason

Twin Screw FaMcnger Service

NEW YORKBREMENlllne at theseason Bailing Thursday by the newtwin screw steamers

Bremen o10000 feet incu beam Excellent accommodations at moderate prices on the twincrew paatonrer steamersoffer every convenience anacomfort Apply

OELRICHS CoS Bowling Green York



or to



tn Telling



1a Ageat fas mebLagt-






Head office at


Indlauapolla lutl


Manufacturers ol the




John A Orb PresTheo Oebne V Pros TreusJnllria U ScLlllcr Sec

Foot ol 27th Street




JOHN H WKISS Sec and Treas

Corner Archer and Stewart Avenue

Office 85 Alexander Streets










cl4ilItArFu 1111 1 IXI lItE-




aT ZOZSL D41112J



t jtj-






Springfield III

WM KLANNPres V Pres and SuptADOLF H MEYERS Sec and



Breweries toand northwest cor 8th and State stsOffice Thirteenth stChicago Depot and Office 13 and




ThIrteenth street

W Ohio




CHA8A WEBER H 8 MCNUTTresident Vice Fret Manage



Brewers of BohemianLager Beer



The one Beer that stands Head andShoulders above all others as the raysof Miss Libertys torch do above thewaters of New York

All the leading places throughout NewEngland on or in bottlesor irom Brewery directTHE SPRINGFIELD BREWING

MANILLA PRESTSpringfield Mass


A Sec and TressP W Prei J Man


Brewers of Lager Deer lIe Smut





WilD UaM DolfUen












ranG Penn Avenue corner 11th at






1343 Penn Av ntie N W

335 Penn Avenue


Telephone 1356

CHR XANDER-the only strictly wholesale wine merchant on Seventh street No 909 producerof Virginiaimporter of foreign wines holding thelargeststock of the rarest and oldestwhiskies etc Warehouse on

avenue Winery in rear ofsame and of the wholesale yo

Seventhstreetn Washington DC


Wholesale and ketail Dealer andof


c334 D street Northwest

f made of Gibson Cabi



No sir Seventh Street



always for sale by

mil XANDER 7th St NWdifferent Vintages from all countries

his own Virginia grapeproI uct and 27 from safe California vine

I ards including the wines of F Pohnf orffB Ampoloa about

Matured distillates all chosen with the

wiirfor the protection ol hs patron




claretsand pOI tdlrect




A specialty




Brand also

rupulosity of the experienced connob












ENGINEEROwner and sole manufacturer of

The LInde Ice and RefrigeratingMachines

Of which were in successful operationJuly i 1888


Office No 560 N Halstead street coner of Reed

Factory 302330 Hawthorne AveCHICAGO


Cornr Nlinthand York Streets




nr f










