washington herald. (washington, dc) 1910-12-14 [p...

THE WASHINGTON HERALD WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 14 19IC 9 r 1 Ladys Desk IN Weathered Oak Au Unusual Value Reduced from 19 to Oak Throughout Excellently Made and Fin- ished Large Size More Desks Regular Special Price WoaUiarod Oak Weathered Oak Weathered Oak Early Bnglfih Early English Early English Early English Goldon Oak Golden Oak Golden Oak Golden Oak Golden Oak Golden Oak Golden Oak Golden Oak Golden Oak Mahogany Mahogany Mahogany Mahogany Finish Mahogany Inlaid Mahogany Mahogany Flnteh Mahogany Mahogany Mahogany 1650 tOO 1900 9050 300 2800 1750 8400 3000 1000 3000 92175 1400 2000 2400 1000 Special 750- S200 1TJO 2900 1330 1000 1175 4000 9U100 4200 t5003- SOO 2i50 1100 7000 2800 2150 750 JK 525 aflO 2700 23JiO 1800 S2S73 2900 1000 000 7500 8500 3000J- SOO 3200 Moses Sons- F St Corner 11th CHAMP CLARK TO Jrlih Lengrue Branches Complete Big 3Inns Meeting PInni Arrangements have been completed by the joint committee from the Michael l avitt and John E Redmond branches ut the United Irish Leap for a grew mass to be held at the National Theater next Sunday evening Representative Champ Clark hrtll and addresses will be made by Representative Graham of Illinois Pres- ident Samuel Gompers of the A F L- and Edward OMeagher Condon of- Massachusetts On one occasion Mr O Meagher had the sentence of death passed upon him for his activity In po- litical affairs of Ida native country and when called upon by the presiding judge to submit any reasons he may have why sentence should not be passed upon him coined the housebdkl phrase I ask nothing for myself but God save Ireland Michael J Ryan of Philadelphia pres- ident of U 9 United Irian League will be present Ha is one of the most orators in the United States MRS SHONTS PAYS DUTY Millionaire Wife Will Not Be Held New York Dec 11 Mrs Theodore P Shonts whose Jewels wore detained for appraisal because she had not de- clared them when she arrived Wednes- day from Bremen will not be prosecuted t for smuggling She was permitted to take the jewels today after her had paid to Collector Loeb W OO in duty or W per cent on the appraise- ment of 15008 The investigation of Surveyor Henry showed that Mrs Shonts had made no effort to congeal thee jewels bringing them off the ship in a jewel case she earned in her hand She was uncertain what to do about them pending the ar- rival of her husband who came after the ship had docked 1 CLASS OF 400 JOIN TONIGHT Sntloniil Union Degree Team Will ISxamplify the Ritual The District cabinet of the National I nion will initiate a class of 400 can didates at National Rifles Armory to night H C Smale president of the senate of the National Union will be present with other high officers The Na- tional Union Club degree team will ex- emplify the ritual All the local councils of tho National I nion ate ready with thoir quota of candidates for the Initiation and each is striving to win ono of the prizes offered by the cabinet for the largest number of candidate presented for this joint class initiation Lnodun pdMntfs dolls cte4htnc factor tf- t fi1m I 950So- lid OO 000 W B d mete for Smuggling hus- band a r 7i- t I I PRESIDE- S pre- side t force- ful I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ BROWN GIVES PLANS TO BEAUTIFY CITY rcliitect Holds Attention at Chamber of Commerce TRIBUTE TO HIS ABLE SERVICE Following Ills Vivid Addreiu on Work of Park Commission with SlIdes Showing Models and Views Artist Receives Standing Vote Thanks Outline of Plans A capacity house of trnombors and their at the Chamber of Commerce last gathered to listen to the in- structive and oloquent address of the artist architect and lecturer Glenn Brown on the plans of tho Park Com mission to beautify Washington The description supplemented by slides Illus- trative of the plans models and views in and near the city hold the close at tention of the large audience for nearly- an hour and the lecturer was frequently interrupted by appreciative applause William F Gude presided and much routine business transacted before tho lecture R N Harper from tho joint commit tee to confer with the committee from the Board of Trade on the Panama Canal celebration reported upon tho plans pro- posing to hgve a national ceremony in Washington in IfflS and asked that the committee be empowered to present the plans to Congress The report of the committee was adoptea and the powers asked for were granted Chamber Officers Invited A communication was read from the American Civic Federation inviting ofli core and members of the Chamber of Commerce to attend the meetings at the New Willard R N Harper moved that a committee be appointed to take up the question of the discrimination in salary between the teachers of technical subjects such as manual training music and the academic subjects In high schodls In the city The matter was referred to the school committee J Louts Willlge from the committee- to consider tha milk supply and service in the city reported progress and prom l lied a full report in ten days B F Warner from the committee to widen F street near the Patent Office reported that the committee had received but little encouragement from the au tlioritJea and doubted that anything could be accomplished The oomnilttoe was however continued HiirdNlilp on Employes A C Moses who had brought up the matter of printing return envelopes by tho government at a former meeting said that lie had intended to follow up the matter at hue meeting but that more information upon the subject had con- vinced him that a prosecution of his former course would work hardship upon some of the government employee and in their interest he was glad to ro treat from his former position He moved that a committee bo appointed to take up the matter of protest on be- half of tho Business interests against the sale of army and navy stores to private persons The motion wu poised and tho appointment of tho committee left to the chair ternest H Daniel the recent appointee of the Supreme Court to the school board was complimented by the pre dent and enthusiastically received by the members He gracefully thanked the chair and members for their felici- tations and promised close attention to the school interests of the city G run vllle M Hunt front the conven tions committee reported tho work that to being done to induce the holding of the Army and Navy football game in this city The committee i negotiating tot a suppl of chairs benches and other spectators in the event of the be ing played hero The president then Introduced Mr Drown Ho spoke of tho work that other clUes are doing in constructive ornamen tation outlined the anointment and de- scribed the personnel of the park com jntaMion as to eminence and fitness and took up in detail the report made by them in 1302 The views of the areas as they are and as the commission and the lecturer hoped that they soon will b gave a graphic clearness to the suggest- ed that deeply impressed his hearers with both the practicability and feasibility of the movement Perhaps the part that went home to the audi- ence was the clear exposition that all the work that the commisioners are doing naked for are in perfect harmony with the plan of the park commissioners and that the great work is even now being done piecemeal Outline of the Plan The whole work depends upon two axes he said one from the Capitol through OIQ Botanic Gardens and on down past the Monument to terminate in the Lincoln Memorial and the second from the White House down peat the Monument to ter minate In a memorial to the founders of the Constitution Tfaa driveway all around the city the parking of Rock Creek and laying off parks were othqr porte of the harmonious and artistic plan Mr Brown described the three measures now before Congress to provide a memorial to Lin coin and commented upon the merits of each He said The design should be as simple as his life as beautiful as his character as re fined as his nature as dignified as his bearing as pure as his thoughts and as noble and as great as his life k Tribute to Ills Service At the conclusion of the lecture A Leftwlch Sinclair moved a vote of thanks- to Mr Brown B H Warner in sec ending this resolution paid an earnest and eloquent tribute to the great service that Mr Brown had rendered the city In the twentyfive years in which he had been earnestly striving for its artistic development A unanimous standing vote carried this motion William V Judson engineer commJg f of was he a equipment for the aecomznoduoo of same I I and aU the Improvements that are being I I I I I gut jIght ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Are you pale weak easily tired your doctor if Ayers Sarsaparilla would not be good for you He Not a drop of alcohol in this medi- cine It puts red corpuscles into to the nerves and all without stim- ulation Make no mistake Take best doc- tors endorse Ask your own doctor J 0 AYER COMPAjry Lowell Sloas ative act directly on the liver Sold for sixty years your doctor all about them A Ask knows and will advise you wisely from the blood gives steady even power Acoho only those medicines the t You cannot recover if your wels are Ayers Pills are gently lax I I TOflC and do you lack nerve power Free constipated ¬ TODAY IN HISTORY of George Washington December 14 I The Death Napoleon Bonaparte said Posterity will talk of Washington with reverence as the founder of a groat empire when my name ahall bo lost in the vortex of revolution Like ao many other of the prophecies of tho groat Napoleon it is becoming apparent ovary day of Its truth and on this date December 14 one hun dred and eleven years ago Washington dietl at Mount Vornon at age of sixtyeight after an tunes of only twentyfour hours The month of December 1799 found Washington in the enjoyment of health His nephew Maj Lewis writing of him as he appeared to him- self and a friend at that time says The clear and healthy flush on his cheek and his sprightly manner brought the remark from both of us that we had never seen the general look so well On Thursday December 13 the general rode out to his farms about 10 oclock and did not return home until half post X Soon after ho went out the weather became very bad rain hall and snow falling alternately with a cold wind In the evening he showed evi- dences of having taken cold and com plained of a sore He went out time following day however to mark some trees Upon his retiring It was noticed that ho had grown quite hoarse Between 2 and 3 oclock on Satur- day morning of the fatal day he awoke Mrs Washington and told her that ho was very unwell and had had a chill She observed that he could scarcely spOOk and breathed with difficulty He refused to have the household aroused until morning when Dr Cralk was sent for who was very much alarmed at the generals condition and advised a con auUfttion with several other neighboring physicians They administered to him but the medi- cine seemed to take no effect To the respectful and affectionate inquiries old family servant a she smoothed down his pillow how ho felt ho an swered J am very ill To Mrs he said Go to my desk and in a private drawer you will find two papers bring thorn to ma They wore brought Upon looking at them ha ob served These are my wills preserve this one and burn the other which was accordingly done Ho grew gradually worse About 5 oclock in the afternoon he said to Dr Cralk who was at his bedside Doctor I die hard but I am not afraid to go I believed from my first attack that I should not survive It My breath cannot last long toner of the District in response to an invitation from the chair spoke of tho good work that Mr Brown had done and of the efforts of the Commissioners to work in harmony with the plans of the Park Commission In all the actual and contemplated improvements R N Harper moved that the lecture of Mr Brown be printed by the Cham ber of Commerce and that the views which had been shown be included therein It was so ordered At the conclusion of business refresh- ments were served HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Country Morris who Is playing with the Ingram Memorial basketball quint has been recently elected captain Coun try is considered the best guard In his class in the city Centra will send a relay toom to tho Philadelphia games this year This will be the first time that they have sent their track team as tar out of tho Die tnt as the Quaker City Tho Piedmonts an independent team organised at Business want games xvith all of the high school second teams Piedmonts have some of the best players in the school on their team A line will be gotten on Buainoes and Eastern High School quints by Western when the Stenographers play the Cathe- dral School quint today Eastern High team was defeated by the Cathedral boys 17 to 9 The Tech track team is hard at work in the third floor hall of the school prac- ticing for the coming spring meets Thrall will be counted upon to carry off the dash events while Hurd will bo ex- pected to win the long distance events All of the football men on the Central squad who have ambitions on the track have reported for practice Hamilton Router Kelly Warner Dyson and Huntt are out Coach Foley has several new candidates whirb fcu xpects to turn into point winners th Doming meets The Western jVu School basketball quintet received a decided blow when it was learned that Capt McCandish and Tanner had ruled out of the game on hunks The present lineup Is Adams and Bradley forwards Lans burgh center D Fuller and A Fuller guards Western High School basketball tears played their second game of the season against the Georgetown Preps yesterday an were dofeattd an overwhelming score of 50 to 21 This puts tho Western quint out of the running for scholastic honors as the Props have trounced them twice Collins who cams out for the Central track team last week showed that he will be a good contender for champion- ship honors in the mile event which will be run off in the spring games Coach Foley will enter him In all of the in door meets this winter He was attending William and Mary Col loge where ho made a name for in tho running game The baskettossing game at the Busi- ness High School has taken firm root The sections teams are hard at work practicing for their final games which will decide the championship of the league The Business first team plays the National Cathedral School five In tho school gymnasium today and as an extra attraction Dr Hudson has staged two intersection league games Tigers Down Ynlc Jrs The Tigers defeated the Yale Jrs 7 to i the Junior League at Ingram Memorial Church last night The Yale Jrfs lost only after a hard struggle In which they had many shots but no luck as one of little fellows poko of it afterward Lineup and Yale Juniors Position Tiers forward B d Riordan forward Erbadi her copJ coaler Moss capt Spemr S ard Saswt Palmer guard flimflam Ooste from aWReed 1 Goals from foulIked 1 Irey 1 lUrere Jlr Ilaas Timer Mr Gcasncr Scoter Mr Balkan Belvederes of Baltimore Disband Baltimore Doe 3 After several efforts which proved unsuccessful It Is an nounced that the Belvedere basketball will not be in the Hold this season Mr Walter A Cox jr the manager states that his business requires so much of his attention that it will be Impossible- to steer the club any longer Added to this Walter L Schmidt Charles Schuer holz and J Walter Granger all find now that their activity in the sport conflicts with their business and the pastime must be abandoned by thorn Belgium has a saloon for each thirtyfour persroa more the or- an I Thorn The been for- merly n th Rice excel- lent throat Wash- ington him- self sum- mary club ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ The doctor pressed his hand but could not utter a word He retired from the hedslde and sat by the fire absorbed in grief About 6 the consulting physicians wore about his bedside and he held out his hand to be raised up in bed Ho tumid to the physicians I feel myself going I thank you for your at lentlons but I pray you to take po more trouble about me Let me go off quietly I camlot last long About 10 oclock at night he tried to speak but ho was hardly audible and after giving a few directions ho asked tho physicians Do you understand me When they replied yes he said Tls well which were the last words the Father of His Country ever ut- tered While hogo about the bedside were fixed in silent grief Mrs Washington who was sitting at the toot of the bed asked with a firm and collected voice Is ho gone No one was able to reply but simply nod their answer Tin well said she in the same voice all- is now over I will soon follow him I have no more trials to pass through About 12 oclock the body was oar rled downstairs and laid out in the large drawingroom The burial took place the following Wednesday December 18 his remains being deposited in the family vault at Mount Vernon The sudden tidings of his death toil like a domestic sorrow upon the hearts of the people lamentations and solemn obsequies Oiled the through- out the whole world the event was heard with the deepest omoUon Nearly forty years after his death and burial his ro mains together with those of his wife were reintombed in order to their being placed in the marble coffins which had been generously offered for that purpose by a patriotic citizen of Philadelphia to the legal representatives of the departed chieftain This was in 1S8T On December 14 1711 the first number of the Boston Gazette was Issued Fort William and Mary Portsmouth N H was captured in 1774 The British evac- uated Charleston in Ill Alabama was admitted into the Union in JHfl Today is the date of the birth of James Bruce the noted English traveler and explorer fl7a Philander Chase bishop and edu- cator 1775 Noah Porter president of Yale College 1SU and Thomas L Young the Ohio soldier and politician- It is the dAte of the death of Thomas Rymer historical writer 1711 the Earl of Aberdeen English statesman OS and Prince consort of Queen Vic- toria OKI DOWN THE ALLEYS PATHNT BXAMIXKJWf LBAOOB iBterftm- mm l Oitedie m- 1a Ml 1M n Toteh 736 J5t 77- 3ARCADB DUCKPIN LEAGUE Patkrfew Arcylw m 1M ytum mm KnMri a M M EAsier lit Ml Ml ar M g Murnr m 95 7 Ml M bwhr MF JB m G7K5uer S S 9f- Totak m OS 4M italtar- I Trtah EG 5- n n 1 M a A WUGBB- NORni ASTBRNoOCKPIN LEAGUE PaeMo Pfetfc- Mnhr X8 m gkSrir o MS Totals 21 S l Totals 9 B- G LUMBU LEAGUE Totals 417 133 466 Total ffl 8 503 DISTRICT DUCKPIN LBAQUB- Daga 2 W JDO 91 f g CarreL MS 93 123 MeCrtJT S 30 JS Yates US 06 mn m I Totab 4S la Sff- PLATB rDCOKPLS LBAGUB Otesta ITetanth H T 106 Nnraaa Ml 33 Oiawof m W SI U nu 1l ffl a Lpnl W JK MB KiMfather tt June Itt S3 aiKOpaUitk SS SO JH I Total 40 m 0 Total 500 44 4 MUoriA rotted third game COLOXIAL LBAOOB- Knldcerbodwn Pa m IK Brown m Warren 291 S W KMHWT ffi m Itt m Ml m 155 Goodnan W W 117 JI3 in m KauDgartau WO KB i Baamaa 18 3 IBS Total 9S 8tt Mi Totals 795 S3 CWdwfW roikd INTEnDEXOMIKATIONAL DUCKIIN LEAGUE SU John Fifth F Bleber SB W M BeaTers 38 S6 Ko Al r UK K GiiMateesn IK 1CB H 95 TO W 1 8S ONefl l 110 M groan K S SS W filcher 118 100 108 1M Sf m Totals 5W 155 4T8 Totals CG l 3 PUth won rolloff ia Jut Westol Sixth Dayfa 8S 33 Fish 9S 53 101 81 91 9 WoJte 92 81 McKvietwr Doyte 93 g S3 apNS uid 85 56 Jasper LttcfcMd 182 111 ST Totals 4f7 i 9 Totals fX 79 55- KeHtosrcr Ill 89 2 T 90 103 87 78 1 B 78 F M 96 96 Howard 96 86 ST 107 59 85 Rowe 97 82 91 Leaeh 76 S4 95 Fricdriohs If 91 Carroll 81 81 S3 Totals 4S1 4M 438 I Totals 45V 463 419 PLAN SPEEDWAY CARNIVAL Road Drivers Association Elect L D Sale President At a meeting of the Drivers and Riders Association hold last evening- in the parlors of the Metropolitan Hotel L D Sale was unanimously elected pres- ident of tho association In place of P V De Graw resigned It was also decided to hold a sleighing carnival on the Speedway next Thursday afternoon at 2 p m Gen Nelson A Miles has filed notice that he will be present with Is fast trotter and a num- ber of gentlemen owning speed horses have expressed their Intention of enter ing Into the several contests The carnival Is open to all the horsemen of the District of Columbia and will be- held over the old Speedway with Col Cosbys consent Peter Loftus promises- to have Miss Arcola 216ft in trim Andrew Gleeson will team Nan Patter- son Michael Morris will hold the reins over Berka T Dunworth hopes to hold the reins over Gentle John Dr J W Sanabury will drive Prince George and Charles Weaver promises to find something speedy in his stables Minnesota University Head Named ilinneapoUs 13 Dr George B Viaccnt dean of the faculty of arts literature and science in the University of Chicago has been chosen by the regcnta to succeed Dr Cjroa Northrop as presi- dent o the University f Minnesota and ho has accepted the office Formal announcement of his selection was made o lock landand Albert tII JiB- fe7 1 Ii 1M IS IU I 171 IliO W UI If- mI lit Sf 4 i I II I 85 Jro No1- Ii fJ Pedelw ToWs OW i7 If Q Ul U4 II GIota IeJeIeIs 9j gj Ksy SI tee xo W I 5 J5 I Grit 1 tli tI J 85 BIt 1t1lltilMlr n 00 Sa is I Ul Wattn us 81 9 1l 9l 00 L I ArkfM 11 1ro Jmt1I 9i 100 91 lrieIt 1IJ lUG ow 93 Totals fi J roo lit i W 13 9 man iii third IIIH I lit f8 genie is 1JcK teu George V Dee I nuril W 1 5sag 14 ste m 1H 8 3 Rsekcha W I telb he fl1 l- KG W- GtlFeetes Xe 4 I Sestois fibber StMarks Kendall eore 1 today ¬ ¬ < > < < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < WORKERS P CIVIC UPLIFT IN SESSION Continued from Page One two parts the first of which will be de- livered by J Horace McFarland presi- dent of the association on the subject Are worth while Mr McFarland is best known throughout the country for the he has accom- plished in Harrisburg Pa his horn city where he has been able to put Into effect many of hla plans for clvjo Im- provement at only a small outlay Mr McFarland If recognized as one of the most prominent workers of the association and upon such a subject wul hold his hearers to careful attention Mr McEarland will be followed by William L Elllcott of Baltimore who will speak upon the text Forests as pleasure the American Institute of Architects and also from the State of Maryland JIe will advocate the establishment of a na- tional forest adjacent to the clUe of Baltimore and Washington such as will enhance the beauty of both cities and provide a great playground for the in- habitants Will Speak on WaHUlnetou Many important features of thV con- vention are scheduled to follow on the succeeding day Following the idea set forth by the London Townplanning Washington will have the first national conference on such an Idea over held In America Mr Thomas Nelson Page will be one of the chief speakers- at this session qt Thursday morning and will speak upon the subject Washington- the Capital The cityplanning confer- ence will be continued in the afternoon- at which Ron Franklin MaeVeagb Sec- retary of the Treasury will preside Five lectures will be delivered the speakers being selected from the promi- nent architects throughout the country At the Friday session Dr Woods Hutchinson of New York City will pro- vide one of the prominent features of the convention with a discourse upen the subject Why is the fly Dr has long been prominently identified with wide propaganda work to lessen the deadly effect of the prevalence of in American cities and upon this oc- casion will take the opportunity to pre- sent his latest views upon the subject The session will be continued with icuseione on various phases of the ques- tion by scientists and physicians from many parts of the country and will be illustrated with motion pictures portray ing tho habits of the typhus fly One of the most pleasing features of tho convention will be the reception tend- ered to the members and guests on Fri- day evening by the lIon and Mrs John B Henderson Boundary Castle will be thrown open for the entertainment of the visitors and the occasion will be a conclusion to such a conference Many members of the House and Senate who are interested in the movement un- der way for a comprehensive develop- ment of American cities win be In at- tendance WISHES JOY ENDS HIS LIFE Christinas Cards Surround Body of Suioide f Ierrr lIb Greeting to Cpworkera Before He Sends Bullet Into Brain Baltimore Doc 13 After addr Christmas greetings to relative and fritndi Ferdinand Saner a watchmaker committed suicide at the Hotel Caawell lost night by sending a bullet through his brain Gayly decorated Christmas cards some of them bespattered with blood surrounded the body when it was found this morning of the bearing the inscrip- tion A Merry Christmas ad- dressed to a sister in Sweden and an- other of the same address- ed to a brotlibr residing in Hanover Ohio There was every Indication that Sour had employed the last few minutes of his life in extending greetings of the holidays to his relatives and friends- A letter addressed to his employer C C Crooks wished all his fellowwork men a merry Christmas and thanked Mr Crooks for his kindnesses Saver reg- istered at the Caswell early last evening and t is believed that he ended his life a few hours later He loft 1169 in a trunk which he directed be used for burial expenses Honse Guarded by Policeman A policeman has been assigned to guard the house of Mrs 21 B Merrill at ft7 Fourteenth street northwest who was found dead in her bod Mrs Merrill left no will and the estate It is believed- is valued at SlfiflOOft Former Representa- tive Henry M Baker of New Hampshire a cousin will appear for tho heirs Wife AsJis Limited Divorce Alleging that Ernest F Springmann has deserted her and failed to contribute to her Ethel E Sprlngmann yester- day flied suit for a limited divorce and asks the court to restrain Springmann from molesting or interfering with her Pressmens Council Mee sr Council No 738 National Union two candidates at their regular meeting at Eagles Hall Monday night Arrangements wore made to at tend tHe joint class Initiation to be hold at National Rifles Armory tonight Urges Lewis Appointment Booker T Washington while in Uw city yMtenky raIled upon Attorney Gwcral and wjtd the appointment of William B Lewis a negro at torney of Boston as Assistant Attorney General President Tafts intention to appoint Lowia Was learned eonioiSciaUy at the White lions several weeks ago It Is Possible to Reduce Flesh Without or Exercise It is not only postiWe but being dose erery where Exerciao unless carefully Miporintonded by a physician and expert athletic directat May easily do a of harm to the great ontbard nid fleshy body The untutored fat man and woman determined to get thin are only too likely to QTOT strain their fatcacumbcred mnwka by Uwfr awfc ward illadriied gjinnastiM and cause acres and mnsblo troubles that may deretop tato wtne thIng far woreo than a little too much flesh Same way with dlctins Starvation b certainly effectiro if kept up long mad faithfully enough but it almost certain tcr ipjaro the nutriUro process aad aa weaken the patient coiHtitntJoofUb wklle It is abominable torture of counc especially to a good natured Mshllring fleshy man or woman Fortunately wither dieting nor carvriains ie re- quired or desirably if one nsea the right remedy ion reducing fat and strange to y UM remedy la a simple wholesome home mixture the Ingredients of which arm obtainable at any drug store for a few cents This mixture is as follows ee Mar mola Vt or fluid Extract Cascara Aromatic Sfe- OSR Water and tho proper amount to tare Is one teaspoonful alter rank nod at led tinxj This mixture takes fat off rapidly but naturally so that no wrudclcB are farmed and no harm is done to stomach as la so frequently the tlC with Iatcnt or secret adTcrtised remedies State Parks parks Mr EJUcott is the delegate from Con- ference dl fitting Christmas One support Pr tnons obligated Wick Diet- ing is zI th the s fl i Hutchins- on the- y cards was nature wax deal ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ > < j j Capital and Surplus 1900000 Deposits Over 6000000 MONEY FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS TO BE SENT ABROAD FOREIGN DRAFTS H and FOREIGN MONEY at current rates to those de- sirous of sending abroad I money for Christmas Gifts H For full information confer with our Banking Dept The Washington Loan and Trust Co JOHN JOY EDSON President Cor 9th and F Sts N W II I I I I TE are prepared to furnish F rv gi BOY CORN GROWERS SEE TAFT Thirteen Prizewinning Youngsters Are Visitors in City Work in Competition Demonstrates FasHlbIIItIe of South In 3rnixe Industry By far the happiest boys In Washington today are thirteen youngsters not one of them more than sixteen years old from sunny South who are visiting the Capital a the special guests of Sec- retary Wilson of the Department of Ag- riculture These buys are members of the corn ctaba under the Farmers Cooperative Demonstration Work f the Department of Agriculture and renresent the prize- winners amOng 4MCQ uptodate Southern farmer boys who are demonstrating to the country today what the South can do in growing corn They are in charge of Prof 0 B Mar tte assistant to the chief of the Bureau of Farmers Cooperation and Demon- stration who is responsible as their guardian for the sightseeing trips about the city President Taft spared enough of his rateable time yesterday to chat for a tar moments with the boys at the White and sent them away with Marts glad because of praise they well deserved they plan to call upon Secro tarT Wilson and spend the remainder of tbcir time looking over the city Prof Martin took a U the boys to Chases last night and they insisted on walking down brilliantly lighted Pennsylvania avenue to the St James Hotel where they are stopping The boys expressed themselves as im- mensely pleased with their visit but were most enthusiastic in discussing the re- sults of their experiments That a of Southern farmers in corn as a national product is surely to be a result they firmly believe About a yzv ago all the members of the corn doba to work one acre of eons in accordance with the instruc- tions of tho department Merchants bankers and other public spirited citi- sens throughout the country offered 10 000 in prises and government agents and public schoolteachers cooperated in the organisation and instruction of clubs in nearly COO counties in the Southern States According to the regulations making awards of prises the following points were considered Yield cost per bushel best ten ears and written history of the crop Not all of the boys who won prizes made the largest yields in their States The economical side was considered the farming profits and a record had to be kept at the county corn show or fair In one Mississippi county a boy raised- as high as 1ft bushels to an acre and like results in the other Southern States showed the Dixie farmer what he can do with his land if it is worked the proper conditions The following are the names and ad- dresses of the winners of the trip to the Capital and also the yields of their re- spective acres and the cost bushel Nam ud ddaft Bushels Cost A Harden BasIn Ate 126 lie Ira Smtto Ark IB fc- Jawph Stwe CeaUr Ga HKH 2- Stentenii Hony Mdroao La 13644 USe William WilUans Decatvr Miss ISc W Ernest Starnes Hidrory N 0 38a Floyd Gayer TKhesntogD OUa S3 112 Sc Jerry H Maore Vteona a C 2S 4Sc Norman Smith Covtogtoo Teas X5K 37c Win lodger Smith Karaes City Tex 81 19 13c Maurto Often StrtbeteBd Va IS ffle In addition a second prize was given from South Carolina and one from the Sixth Alabama district These were won by Archie Odom Bennettsville S C 1774 S cents John Williams Tuscaloosa Ala SS 49 cents Secretary Wilson will award diplomas- of merit to the boys and other recognition will be made by the department in various ways and by the different States t Reuse Today asr un- der per lIiihy SUrer Its 47 JiG the theIr re- awakening 24 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ADVERTISING TALKS WRITTEN BY WILLIAM C FREEMAN Every who goes into business qf any kind goes Into it to MAKE Somo men succeed others fail while othors plod along In a mediocre way making a living only but THEY ALWAYS TRY TO THEIR MORE FORTUNATE COMPETITORS This law of applies In ell lines and tho same reason governs all Analyzo tho GREAT SUCCESSES- in various lines in this country today and you will find that back of each success arc EARNEST CAPABLE BUSINESS MEN and STEADY AD Their business grows eve y year They make every effort to go forward They are never satis- fied In every community there are one or two merchants that sot the pace they are usually the inspiration for the whole community Other mer- chants say It SoandSo has suc ceedud why should not I A man who is struggling toward success with the RIGHT IDEAS is never envious of the man higher up On the contrary he wilt STUDY the things that hava made the man higher up successful and will try to IM man MON Y average VERTI ERS FOL- LOW cases ¬ ¬ ¬ ATLANTIC CITY HOTELS HOTEL WESTMONT Ocean end Rhode Island ammo Splendid table and KTTice Special rata for winter JB5D 115 per week without bath 15 to JS per week with bath Sea water and other lath Booklet W H MOORE Manager HOTELS HOTEL RICHMOND American European 100 rooms CO bulbs Hitea- reajcnable Phone 2568 Clifford M Lewis WASHINGTON C EXCURSIONS KORFOLK WASHINGTON STEAMBOAT CO MODEHN STEEL PALACE BTRAMEH3 LT Washington LT J p m dilly 610 p Ar Old Point LT Old Point Comfort 6 30 a ra TSO p Norfolk Ar Washington Ttro with stoporen st Old Point Comfort and Norfolk NEW YORK AND BOSTON BY SEA Btr Ticket Office Bond Bide NTar IttU COLONIAL Union Station 745 A M Arrive Colonial Beach 1145 A M KENSINGTON Cars from 15th and N Y are retry Quarter hoar Counsel at Chery Chase Lake wIth Kensington EDUCATIONAL THE WASHINGTON INSTITUTE OF MUSIC WALTER T HOLT President Piano and harmony Mr Cart Ilnlrr Voice Mrs W H ShirCliff Violin Mr William E Cdk Mr L E Maoolj Mandolin banjo and guitar Mr and ilia A E lift Ensemble rehearsals to pbiils tree Faculty unexcelled Phone Main 5099 K St HW MRS M R TVALDECKER TEACHER OF PIANO AND HABMONT Has Mored Her Studio 122 FIFTEENTH STRBwr NORTHWEST I The Preference is I Given to COKE 55 You mate no rabUfce in choosing jj coke It ii best as well aa the cheapest S fuel for cooking We amply coke at g- J these prices JJ tt S Bushels Large Coke delrmtd C5- 0g 40 Bushels Largo Coke deUrered 4XTD 6 BusttU Large Cote deUvered JO s Bushels Crushed Coke deBrered OOO g 40 Bushels Crushed Coke dtUrered KM 60 Bushels Crushed Coke daveredJ5JO J WASHINGTON GASLIGHT CO H 413 TENTH BTBEET KW K- IttttttltKttl MAN WOMAN CHILDT- hat does business with our company gets a square deal and the best price in Washington A loan of 10000 for one month COlts S40 7600 for one mohth costs UOB- OOO for one month costs lSi 2500 for one month costs 060 IS years in the public eye The Mercantile 1206 st nw ground floor the y n St James European D 147 m Comfort m- Ar I to An OJ BEACH LIne 937 to- O um I n I mu u u mmmimmUU I g t uuuu EVERY sna m TIcketI 01 Bale F4nU South ns Geese S e I 4 > < PROVE on some of the things he has done to attain success A gentleman who went into the business some months ago around a luncheon table with other business men and they asked him how ho liked the retail oud of busi- ness He replied that he liked it very much and thought there was a GREAT FUTURE ahead of him IF HE FOLLOWED THE EXAMPLE- OF THE SUCCESSFUL MER- CHANTS In this city They asked him the names of men whom he regarded as being success ful merchants and he told them but he did not mention any of the men who sat around the table although they are in a measure successful Ono of the merchants this young man had In mind is over seventy years of age but he Is still on the job is constantly trying to Improve every department in his big shop never reaching high- er UP and I might add ALWAYS ADVERTISING THERE IS NEVER ANY LETUP IN THAT Jt will pay every merchant In every community to follow the lead of the successful men The greatest help however In climbing the hill of suc- cess is that help which Is given by CLEAN RELIABLE ADVERTISING Eat contentalways re- tail every- day ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ I TO BE CONTINUED

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ished Large Size

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1650 tOO1900 90503002800 17508400 300010003000 921751400 20002400 1000

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Moses Sons-

F St Corner 11th


Jrlih Lengrue Branches Complete Big3Inns Meeting PInni

Arrangements have been completed bythe joint committee from the Michaell avitt and John E Redmond branchesut the United Irish Leap for a grewmass to be held at the NationalTheater next Sunday evening

Representative Champ Clark hrtll

and addresses will be made byRepresentative Graham of Illinois Pres-ident Samuel Gompers of the A F L-

and Edward OMeagher Condon of-Massachusetts On one occasion MrO Meagher had the sentence of deathpassed upon him for his activity In po-litical affairs of Ida native country andwhen called upon by the presiding judgeto submit any reasons he may havewhy sentence should not be passed uponhim coined the housebdkl phrase Iask nothing for myself but God saveIreland

Michael J Ryan of Philadelphia pres-ident of U 9 United Irian League willbe present Ha is one of the most

orators in the United States


Millionaire Wife Will Not Be Held

New York Dec 11 Mrs TheodoreP Shonts whose Jewels wore detainedfor appraisal because she had not de-clared them when she arrived Wednes-day from Bremen will not be prosecuted

t for smuggling She was permitted totake the jewels today after her

had paid to Collector Loeb W OO

in duty or W per cent on the appraise-ment of 15008

The investigation of Surveyor Henryshowed that Mrs Shonts had made noeffort to congeal thee jewels bringingthem off the ship in a jewel case sheearned in her hand She was uncertainwhat to do about them pending the ar-rival of her husband who came afterthe ship had docked


Sntloniil Union Degree Team WillISxamplify the Ritual

The District cabinet of the NationalI nion will initiate a class of 400 candidates at National Rifles Armory tonight H C Smale president of thesenate of the National Union will bepresent with other high officers The Na-

tional Union Club degree team will ex-emplify the ritual

All the local councils of tho NationalI nion ate ready with thoir quota ofcandidates for the Initiation and eachis striving to win ono of the prizes offeredby the cabinet for the largest number ofcandidate presented for this joint classinitiation

Lnodun pdMntfs dolls cte4htnc factor












for Smuggling



r 7i-





















rcliitect Holds Attention atChamber of Commerce


Following Ills Vivid Addreiu onWork of Park Commission withSlIdes Showing Models and ViewsArtist Receives Standing VoteThanks Outline of Plans

A capacity house of trnombors and theirat the Chamber of Commerce

last gathered to listen to the in-

structive and oloquent address of theartist architect and lecturer GlennBrown on the plans of tho Park Commission to beautify Washington Thedescription supplemented by slides Illus-trative of the plans models and viewsin and near the city hold the close attention of the large audience for nearly-an hour and the lecturer was frequentlyinterrupted by appreciative applause

William F Gude presided and muchroutine business transacted beforetho lecture

R N Harper from tho joint committee to confer with the committee fromthe Board of Trade on the Panama Canalcelebration reported upon tho plans pro-posing to hgve a national ceremony inWashington in IfflS and asked that thecommittee be empowered to present theplans to Congress The report of thecommittee was adoptea and the powersasked for were granted

Chamber Officers InvitedA communication was read from the

American Civic Federation inviting oflicore and members of the Chamber ofCommerce to attend the meetings at theNew Willard

R N Harper moved that a committeebe appointed to take up the question of thediscrimination in salary between theteachers of technical subjects such asmanual training music and theacademic subjects In high schodls In thecity The matter was referred to theschool committee

J Louts Willlge from the committee-to consider tha milk supply and servicein the city reported progress and prom

l lied a full report in ten daysB F Warner from the committee to

widen F street near the Patent Officereported that the committee had receivedbut little encouragement from the autlioritJea and doubted that anythingcould be accomplished The oomnilttoewas however continued

HiirdNlilp on EmployesA C Moses who had brought up the

matter of printing return envelopes bytho government at a former meetingsaid that lie had intended to follow upthe matter at hue meeting but that moreinformation upon the subject had con-vinced him that a prosecution of hisformer course would work hardshipupon some of the government employeeand in their interest he was glad to rotreat from his former position Hemoved that a committee bo appointedto take up the matter of protest on be-half of tho Business interests againstthe sale of army and navystores to private persons The motionwu poised and tho appointment of thocommittee left to the chair

ternest H Daniel the recent appointeeof the Supreme Court to the schoolboard was complimented by the predent and enthusiastically received bythe members He gracefully thankedthe chair and members for their felici-tations and promised close attention tothe school interests of the city

G run vllle M Hunt front the conventions committee reported tho work thatto being done to induce the holding of theArmy and Navy football game in thiscity The committee i negotiating tota suppl of chairs benches and otherspectators in the event of the being played hero

The president then Introduced MrDrown Ho spoke of tho work that otherclUes are doing in constructive ornamentation outlined the anointment and de-scribed the personnel of the park comjntaMion as to eminence and fitness andtook up in detail the report made bythem in 1302 The views of the areas asthey are and as the commission and thelecturer hoped that they soon will bgave a graphic clearness to the suggest-ed that deeply impressed hishearers with both the practicability andfeasibility of the movement Perhapsthe part that went home to the audi-ence was the clear exposition that all thework that the commisioners are doing

naked for are in perfect harmony withthe plan of the park commissioners andthat the great work is even now beingdone piecemeal

Outline of the PlanThe whole work depends upon two axes

he said one from the Capitol through OIQBotanic Gardens and on down past theMonument to terminate in the LincolnMemorial and the second from the WhiteHouse down peat the Monument to terminate In a memorial to the founders ofthe Constitution Tfaa driveway all aroundthe city the parking of Rock Creek andlaying off parks were othqr porte of theharmonious and artistic plan Mr Browndescribed the three measures now beforeCongress to provide a memorial to Lincoin and commented upon the merits ofeach He said

The design should be as simple as hislife as beautiful as his character as refined as his nature as dignified as hisbearing as pure as his thoughts and asnoble and as great as his life

kTribute to Ills Service

At the conclusion of the lecture ALeftwlch Sinclair moved a vote of thanks-to Mr Brown B H Warner in secending this resolution paid an earnestand eloquent tribute to the great servicethat Mr Brown had rendered the city Inthe twentyfive years in which he hadbeen earnestly striving for its artisticdevelopment A unanimous standingvote carried this motion

William V Judson engineer commJg






equipment for the aecomznoduoo ofsame


I and aU the Improvements that are being






gutjIght ¬












Are you pale weak easily tired

your doctor if Ayers Sarsaparillawould not be good for you He

Not a drop of alcohol in this medi-cine It puts red corpuscles into

to the nerves and all without stim-

ulation Make no mistake Takebest doc-

tors endorse Ask your own doctorJ 0 AYER COMPAjry Lowell Sloas

ative act directly on the liver Sold for sixty years your doctor all about them

A Ask

knows and will advise you wisely

from the blood gives steady even power

Acoho only those medicines thet

You cannot recover if your wels are Ayers Pills are gently lax I


TOflC and do you lack nerve power





of George Washington December 14


The DeathNapoleon Bonaparte said Posterity

will talk of Washington with reverenceas the founder of a groat empire whenmy name ahall bo lost in the vortex ofrevolution

Like ao many other of the propheciesof tho groat Napoleon it is becoming

apparent ovary day of Its truthand on this date December 14 one hundred and eleven years ago Washingtondietl at Mount Vornon at age ofsixtyeight after an tunes of onlytwentyfour hours

The month of December 1799 foundWashington in the enjoyment of

health His nephew Maj Lewiswriting of him as he appeared to him-self and a friend at that time saysThe clear and healthy flush on his

cheek and his sprightly manner broughtthe remark from both of us that we hadnever seen the general look so well

On Thursday December 13 the generalrode out to his farms about 10 oclockand did not return home until half postX Soon after ho went out the weatherbecame very bad rain hall andsnow falling alternately with a coldwind In the evening he showed evi-

dences of having taken cold and complained of a sore He went outtime following day however to marksome trees Upon his retiring It wasnoticed that ho had grown quite hoarseBetween 2 and 3 oclock on Satur-day morning of the fatal day he awokeMrs Washington and told her that howas very unwell and had had a chillShe observed that he could scarcelyspOOk and breathed with difficulty Herefused to have the household arouseduntil morning when Dr Cralk was sentfor who was very much alarmed at thegenerals condition and advised a conauUfttion with several other neighboringphysicians

They administered to him but the medi-cine seemed to take no effect To therespectful and affectionate inquiries

old family servant a she smootheddown his pillow how ho felt ho answered J am very ill To Mrs

he said Go to my desk and ina private drawer you will find twopapers bring thorn to ma They worebrought Upon looking at them ha observed These are my wills preservethis one and burn the other which wasaccordingly done

Ho grew gradually worse About 5oclock in the afternoon he said to DrCralk who was at his bedside DoctorI die hard but I am not afraid to goI believed from my first attack that Ishould not survive It My breath cannotlast long

toner of the District in response to aninvitation from the chair spoke of thogood work that Mr Brown had done andof the efforts of the Commissioners towork in harmony with the plans of thePark Commission In all the actual andcontemplated improvements

R N Harper moved that the lectureof Mr Brown be printed by the Chamber of Commerce and that the viewswhich had been shown be includedtherein It was so ordered

At the conclusion of business refresh-ments were served


Country Morris who Is playing withthe Ingram Memorial basketball quinthas been recently elected captain Country is considered the best guard In hisclass in the city

Centra will send a relay toom to thoPhiladelphia games this year This willbe the first time that they have senttheir track team as tar out of tho Dietnt as the Quaker City

Tho Piedmonts an independent teamorganised at Business want games xvithall of the high school second teams

Piedmonts have some of the bestplayers in the school on their team

A line will be gotten on Buainoes andEastern High School quints by Westernwhen the Stenographers play the Cathe-dral School quint today EasternHigh team was defeated by the Cathedralboys 17 to 9

The Tech track team is hard at workin the third floor hall of the school prac-ticing for the coming spring meetsThrall will be counted upon to carry offthe dash events while Hurd will bo ex-pected to win the long distance events

All of the football men on the Centralsquad who have ambitions on the trackhave reported for practice HamiltonRouter Kelly Warner Dyson and Hunttare out Coach Foley has several newcandidates whirb fcu xpects to turn intopoint winners th Doming meets

The Western jVu School basketballquintet received a decided blow whenit was learned that Capt McCandishand Tanner had ruled out of thegame on hunks The present lineup IsAdams and Bradley forwards Lansburgh center D Fuller and A Fullerguards

Western High School basketball tearsplayed their second game of the seasonagainst the Georgetown Preps yesterdayan were dofeattd an overwhelmingscore of 50 to 21 This puts tho Westernquint out of the running for scholastichonors as the Props have trounced themtwice

Collins who cams out for the Centraltrack team last week showed that hewill be a good contender for champion-ship honors in the mile event which willbe run off in the spring games CoachFoley will enter him In all of the indoor meets this winter He was

attending William and Mary Colloge where ho made a name for

in tho running gameThe baskettossing game at the Busi-

ness High School has taken firm rootThe sections teams are hard at workpracticing for their final games whichwill decide the championship of theleague The Business first team plays theNational Cathedral School five In thoschool gymnasium today and as an extraattraction Dr Hudson has staged twointersection league games

Tigers Down Ynlc JrsThe Tigers defeated the Yale Jrs 7

to i the Junior League at IngramMemorial Church last night

The Yale Jrfs lost only after a hardstruggle In which they had many shotsbut no luck as one of little fellowspoko of it afterward Lineup and

Yale Juniors Position Tiersforward B d

Riordan forward Erbadiher copJ coaler Moss captSpemr S ard SaswtPalmer guard flimflam

Ooste from aWReed 1 Goals from foulIked1 Irey 1 lUrere Jlr Ilaas Timer Mr GcasncrScoter Mr Balkan

Belvederes of Baltimore DisbandBaltimore Doe 3 After several efforts

which proved unsuccessful It Is announced that the Belvedere basketball

will not be in the Hold this seasonMr Walter A Cox jr the managerstates that his business requires so muchof his attention that it will be Impossible-to steer the club any longer Added tothis Walter L Schmidt Charles Schuerholz and J Walter Granger all find nowthat their activity in the sport conflictswith their business and the pastime mustbe abandoned by thorn

Belgium has a saloon for each thirtyfour persroa


































The doctor pressed his hand but couldnot utter a word He retired from thehedslde and sat by the fire absorbed ingrief About 6 the consultingphysicians wore about his bedside andhe held out his hand to be raised up inbed Ho tumid to the physicians I feelmyself going I thank you for your atlentlons but I pray you to take po moretrouble about me Let me go off quietlyI camlot last long

About 10 oclock at night he tried tospeak but ho was hardly audible andafter giving a few directions ho askedtho physicians Do you understandme When they replied yes he said

Tls well which were the last wordsthe Father of His Country ever ut-

teredWhile hogo about the bedside were

fixed in silent grief Mrs Washingtonwho was sitting at the toot of the bedasked with a firm and collected voiceIs ho gone No one was able to reply

but simply nod their answer Tinwell said she in the same voice all-

is now over I will soon follow him Ihave no more trials to pass through

About 12 oclock the body was oarrled downstairs and laid out in the largedrawingroom The burial took placethe following Wednesday December 18his remains being deposited in the familyvault at Mount Vernon

The sudden tidings of his death toillike a domestic sorrow upon the heartsof the people lamentations and solemnobsequies Oiled the through-out the whole world the event was heardwith the deepest omoUon Nearly fortyyears after his death and burial his romains together with those of his wifewere reintombed in order to their beingplaced in the marble coffins which hadbeen generously offered for that purposeby a patriotic citizen of Philadelphia tothe legal representatives of the departedchieftain This was in 1S8T

On December 14 1711 the first numberof the Boston Gazette was Issued FortWilliam and Mary Portsmouth N Hwas captured in 1774 The British evac-uated Charleston in Ill Alabama wasadmitted into the Union in JHfl Todayis the date of the birth of James Brucethe noted English traveler and explorerfl7a Philander Chase bishop and edu-cator 1775 Noah Porter president ofYale College 1SU and Thomas LYoung the Ohio soldier and politician-It is the dAte of the death of ThomasRymer historical writer 1711 the Earlof Aberdeen English statesman OSand Prince consort of Queen Vic-toria OKI



m m l Oitedie m-

1a Ml 1M n Toteh 736 J5t 77-

3ARCADB DUCKPIN LEAGUEPatkrfew Arcylwm 1M ytum m mKnMri a M M EAsier lit Ml Mlar M g

Murnr m 95 7 Ml Mbwhr MF JB m G7K5uer S S 9f-

Totak m OS 4Mitaltar-

I Trtah EG 5-

n n 1 M a A WUGBB-


Mnhr X8 m gkSrir o MS

Totals 21 S l Totals 9 B-


Totals 417 133 466 Total ffl 8 503


Daga 2 W JDO91 f g

CarreL MS 93 123 MeCrtJT S 30 JSYates US 06 mn m

I Totab 4S la Sff-


ITetanth H T 106 Nnraaa Ml 33Oiawof m W SI U nu 1l ffl aLpnl W JK MB KiMfather ttJune Itt S3 aiKOpaUitk SS SO JH I

Total 40 m 0 Total 500 44 4MUoriA rotted third game


Pa m IK Brown mWarren 291 S W KMHWT ffi m

Itt m Ml m 155Goodnan W W 117 JI3 in mKauDgartau WO KB i Baamaa 18 3 IBS

Total 9S 8tt Mi Totals 795 S3CWdwfW roikd


F Bleber SB W M BeaTers 38 S6Ko Al r UK K GiiMateesn IK 1CBH 95 TO W 1 8SONefl l 110 M groan K S SSW filcher 118 100 108 1M Sf m

Totals 5W 155 4T8 Totals CG l 3PUth won rolloff ia Jut

Westol SixthDayfa 8S 33 Fish 9S 53 101

81 91 9 WoJte 92 81McKvietwr Doyte 93 g S3apNS uid 85 56Jasper LttcfcMd 182 111 ST

Totals 4f7 i 9 Totals fX 79 55-

KeHtosrcr Ill 89 2 T 90 103 8778 1 B 78 F M 96 96

Howard 96 86 ST 107 59 85Rowe 97 82 91 Leaeh 76 S4 95Fricdriohs If 91 Carroll 81 81 S3

Totals 4S1 4M 438 I Totals 45V 463 419


Road Drivers Association ElectL D Sale President

At a meeting of the Drivers andRiders Association hold last evening-in the parlors of the Metropolitan HotelL D Sale was unanimously elected pres-ident of tho association In place of PV De Graw resigned

It was also decided to hold a sleighingcarnival on the Speedway next Thursdayafternoon at 2 p m Gen Nelson AMiles has filed notice that he will bepresent with Is fast trotter and a num-ber of gentlemen owning speed horseshave expressed their Intention of entering Into the several contests

The carnival Is open to all the horsemenof the District of Columbia and will be-held over the old Speedway with ColCosbys consent Peter Loftus promises-to have Miss Arcola 216ft in trimAndrew Gleeson will team Nan Patter-son Michael Morris will hold the reinsover Berka T Dunworth hopes tohold the reins over Gentle John Dr JW Sanabury will drive Prince Georgeand Charles Weaver promises to findsomething speedy in his stables

Minnesota University Head NamedilinneapoUs 13 Dr George B Viaccnt

dean of the faculty of arts literature and sciencein the University of Chicago has been chosen bythe regcnta to succeed Dr Cjroa Northrop as presi-dent o the University f Minnesota and ho hasaccepted the office Formal announcement of hisselection was made

o lock




JiB-fe7 1 Ii


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Totals fi


roo liti W 13 9


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W-GtlFeetes Xe





StMarks Kendalleore





< >











Continued from Page One

two parts the first of which will be de-

livered by J Horace McFarland presi-dent of the association on the subject

Are worth while MrMcFarland is best known throughout thecountry for the he has accom-plished in Harrisburg Pa his horncity where he has been able to put Intoeffect many of hla plans for clvjo Im-provement at only a small outlay

Mr McFarland If recognized as oneof the most prominent workers of theassociation and upon such a subject wulhold his hearers to careful attention MrMcEarland will be followed by WilliamL Elllcott of Baltimore who will speakupon the text Forests as pleasure

the American Institute of Architects andalso from the State of Maryland JIewill advocate the establishment of a na-tional forest adjacent to the clUe ofBaltimore and Washington such as willenhance the beauty of both cities andprovide a great playground for the in-

habitantsWill Speak on WaHUlnetou

Many important features of thV con-vention are scheduled to follow on thesucceeding day Following the idea setforth by the London Townplanning

Washington will have the firstnational conference on such an Idea overheld In America Mr Thomas NelsonPage will be one of the chief speakers-at this session qt Thursday morning andwill speak upon the subject Washington-the Capital The cityplanning confer-ence will be continued in the afternoon-at which Ron Franklin MaeVeagb Sec-retary of the Treasury will presideFive lectures will be delivered thespeakers being selected from the promi-nent architects throughout the country

At the Friday session Dr WoodsHutchinson of New York City will pro-vide one of the prominent features ofthe convention with a discourse upen thesubject Why is the fly Dr

has long been prominently identifiedwith wide propaganda work to lessenthe deadly effect of the prevalence of

in American cities and upon this oc-

casion will take the opportunity to pre-sent his latest views upon the subject

The session will be continued withicuseione on various phases of the ques-tion by scientists and physicians frommany parts of the country and will beillustrated with motion pictures portraying tho habits of the typhus fly

One of the most pleasing features oftho convention will be the reception tend-ered to the members and guests on Fri-day evening by the lIon and Mrs JohnB Henderson Boundary Castle will bethrown open for the entertainment ofthe visitors and the occasion will be a

conclusion to such a conferenceMany members of the House and Senatewho are interested in the movement un-der way for a comprehensive develop-ment of American cities win be In at-tendance


Christinas Cards Surround Bodyof Suioide

fIerrr lIb Greeting toCpworkera Before He Sends

Bullet Into Brain

Baltimore Doc 13 After addrChristmas greetings to relative andfritndi Ferdinand Saner a watchmakercommitted suicide at the Hotel Caawelllost night by sending a bullet throughhis brain Gayly decorated Christmascards some of them bespattered withblood surrounded the body when it wasfound this morning

of the bearing the inscrip-tion A Merry Christmas ad-

dressed to a sister in Sweden and an-

other of the same address-ed to a brotlibr residing in HanoverOhio There was every Indication thatSour had employed the last few minutesof his life in extending greetings of theholidays to his relatives and friends-

A letter addressed to his employer CC Crooks wished all his fellowworkmen a merry Christmas and thanked MrCrooks for his kindnesses Saver reg-istered at the Caswell early last eveningand t is believed that he ended his lifea few hours later He loft 1169 in atrunk which he directed be used forburial expenses

Honse Guarded by PolicemanA policeman has been assigned to guard

the house of Mrs 21 B Merrill at ft7Fourteenth street northwest who wasfound dead in her bod Mrs Merrill leftno will and the estate It is believed-is valued at SlfiflOOft Former Representa-tive Henry M Baker of New Hampshirea cousin will appear for tho heirs

Wife AsJis Limited DivorceAlleging that Ernest F Springmann has

deserted her and failed to contribute toher Ethel E Sprlngmann yester-day flied suit for a limited divorce andasks the court to restrain Springmannfrom molesting or interfering with her

Pressmens Council Mee srCouncil No 738 National

Union two candidates at theirregular meeting at Eagles Hall Mondaynight Arrangements wore made to attend tHe joint class Initiation to be holdat National Rifles Armory tonight

Urges Lewis AppointmentBooker T Washington while in Uw city yMtenky

raIled upon Attorney Gwcral and wjtdthe appointment of William B Lewis a negro attorney of Boston as Assistant Attorney GeneralPresident Tafts intention to appoint Lowia Waslearned eonioiSciaUy at the White lions severalweeks ago

It Is Possible to Reduce

Flesh Without

or ExerciseIt is not only postiWe but being dose erery

where Exerciao unless carefully Miporintonded bya physician and expert athletic directat Mayeasily do a of harm to the great ontbard nidfleshy body The untutored fat man and womandetermined to get thin are only too likely to QTOT

strain their fatcacumbcred mnwka by Uwfr awfc

ward illadriied gjinnastiM and cause acresand mnsblo troubles that may deretop tato wtnethIng far woreo than a little too much flesh Sameway with dlctins Starvation b certainly effectiroif kept up long mad faithfully enough but italmost certain tcr ipjaro the nutriUro process aadaa weaken the patient coiHtitntJoofUb wklle It isabominable torture of counc especially to a goodnatured Mshllring fleshy man or woman

Fortunately wither dieting nor carvriains ie re-quired or desirably if one nsea the right remedy ionreducing fat and strange to y UM remedy la asimple wholesome home mixture the Ingredientsof which arm obtainable at any drug store for afew cents This mixture is as follows ee Marmola Vt or fluid Extract Cascara Aromatic Sfe-

OSR Water and tho proper amount totare Is one teaspoonful alter rank nod at ledtinxj This mixture takes fat off rapidly butnaturally so that no wrudclcB are farmed and noharm is done to stomach as la so frequentlythe tlC with Iatcnt or secret adTcrtisedremedies

State Parks

parks Mr EJUcott is the delegate from







Pr tnonsobligated














nature wax




































Capital and Surplus 1900000 Deposits Over 6000000




at current rates to those de-

sirous of sending abroadI money for Christmas Gifts

H For full information conferwith our Banking Dept

The WashingtonLoan and Trust Co


Cor 9th and F Sts N W






TE are prepared to furnish




Thirteen Prizewinning YoungstersAre Visitors in City

Work in Competition DemonstratesFasHlbIIItIe of South In

3rnixe Industry

By far the happiest boys In Washingtontoday are thirteen youngsters not oneof them more than sixteen years oldfrom sunny South who are visitingthe Capital a the special guests of Sec-retary Wilson of the Department of Ag-riculture

These buys are members of the cornctaba under the Farmers CooperativeDemonstration Work f the Departmentof Agriculture and renresent the prize-winners amOng 4MCQ uptodate Southernfarmer boys who are demonstrating tothe country today what the South cando in growing corn

They are in charge of Prof 0 B Martte assistant to the chief of the Bureauof Farmers Cooperation and Demon-stration who is responsible as theirguardian for the sightseeing trips aboutthe city

President Taft spared enough of hisrateable time yesterday to chat for atar moments with the boys at the White

and sent them away withMarts glad because of praise they welldeserved

they plan to call upon SecrotarT Wilson and spend the remainder oftbcir time looking over the city ProfMartin took a U the boys to Chases lastnight and they insisted on walking downbrilliantly lighted Pennsylvania avenueto the St James Hotel where they arestopping

The boys expressed themselves as im-mensely pleased with their visit but weremost enthusiastic in discussing the re-sults of their experiments That a

of Southern farmers in cornas a national product is surely to be aresult they firmly believe

About a yzv ago all the members ofthe corn doba to work one acreof eons in accordance with the instruc-tions of tho department Merchantsbankers and other public spirited citi-sens throughout the country offered 10

000 in prises and government agents andpublic schoolteachers cooperated in theorganisation and instruction of clubs innearly COO counties in the Southern States

According to the regulations makingawards of prises the following points wereconsidered Yield cost per bushel bestten ears and written history of thecrop Not all of the boys who won prizesmade the largest yields in their StatesThe economical side was considered thefarming profits and a record had tobe kept at the county corn show or fair

In one Mississippi county a boy raised-as high as 1ft bushels to an acreand like results in the other SouthernStates showed the Dixie farmer what hecan do with his land if it is worked

the proper conditionsThe following are the names and ad-

dresses of the winners of the trip to theCapital and also the yields of their re-spective acres and the cost bushel

Nam ud ddaft Bushels CostA Harden BasIn Ate 126 lie

Ira Smtto Ark IB fc-Jawph Stwe CeaUr Ga HKH 2-

Stentenii Hony Mdroao La 13644 USeWilliam WilUans Decatvr Miss IScW Ernest Starnes Hidrory N 0 38aFloyd Gayer TKhesntogD OUa S3 112 Sc

Jerry H Maore Vteona a C 2S 4Sc

Norman Smith Covtogtoo Teas X5K 37c

Win lodger Smith Karaes City Tex 81 19 13cMaurto Often StrtbeteBd Va IS ffle

In addition a second prize was givenfrom South Carolina and one from theSixth Alabama district These were wonby Archie Odom Bennettsville S C1774 S cents John Williams TuscaloosaAla SS 49 cents

Secretary Wilson will award diplomas-of merit to the boys and other recognitionwill be made by the department in variousways and by the different States








Its 47JiG














Every who goes into businessqf any kind goes Into it to MAKE

Somo men succeed othersfail while othors plod along In amediocre way making a living onlybut THEY ALWAYS TRY TO


This law of applies In elllines and tho same reason governs all

Analyzo tho GREAT SUCCESSES-in various lines in this country todayand you will find that back of eachsuccess arc EARNEST CAPABLEBUSINESS MEN and STEADY AD

Their business growseve y year They make every effortto go forward They are never satis-fied

In every community there are oneor two merchants that sot the pacethey are usually the inspiration forthe whole community Other mer-chants say It SoandSo has succeedud why should not I

A man who is struggling towardsuccess with the RIGHT IDEAS isnever envious of the man higher upOn the contrary he wilt STUDY thethings that hava made the man higherup successful and will try to IM












HOTEL WESTMONTOcean end Rhode Island ammo Splendid tableand KTTice Special rata for winter JB5D115 per week without bath 15 to JS per week withbath Sea water and other lath Booklet W HMOORE Manager


HOTEL RICHMONDAmerican European 100 rooms CO bulbs Hitea-

reajcnable Phone 2568 Clifford M Lewis





p m dilly 610 pAr Old Point LT Old Point Comfort

6 30 a ra TSO pNorfolk Ar Washington

Ttrowith stoporen st Old Point Comfort and Norfolk

NEW YORK AND BOSTON BY SEABtr Ticket Office Bond Bide NTar IttU

COLONIALUnion Station 745 A M

Arrive Colonial Beach 1145 A M

KENSINGTONCars from 15th and N Y are retry Quarter hoar

Counsel at Chery Chase Lake wIthKensington




Piano and harmony Mr Cart IlnlrrVoice Mrs W H ShirCliffViolin Mr William ECdk Mr L E Maoolj

Mandolin banjo and guitarMr and ilia A E lift

Ensemble rehearsals to pbiils treeFaculty unexcelled

Phone Main 5099 K St HW



I The Preference is

I Given to COKE55 You mate no rabUfce in choosing jj

coke It ii best as well aa the cheapestS fuel for cooking We amply coke at g-J these prices JJtt S Bushels Large Coke delrmtd C5-0g 40 Bushels Largo Coke deUrered 4XTD

6 BusttU Large Cote deUvered JOs Bushels Crushed Coke deBrered OOOg 40 Bushels Crushed Coke dtUrered KM

60 Bushels Crushed Coke daveredJ5JO J




hat does business with our companygets a square deal and the best pricein Washington A loan of

10000 for one month COlts S407600 for one mohth costs UOB-

OOO for one month costs lSi2500 for one month costs 060

IS years in the public eye TheMercantile 1206 st nw groundfloor


y n

St James European

D 147




to AnOJ






um I n I mu u u mmmimmUU




sna mTIcketI 01 Bale F4nU South



S e I




PROVE on some of the things he hasdone to attain success

A gentleman who went into thebusiness some months ago

around a luncheon table with otherbusiness men and they asked himhow ho liked the retail oud of busi-ness

He replied that he liked it verymuch and thought there was aGREAT FUTURE ahead of him IFHE FOLLOWED THE EXAMPLE-OF THE SUCCESSFUL MER-CHANTS In this city

They asked him the names of menwhom he regarded as being successful merchants and he told them buthe did not mention any of the menwho sat around the table althoughthey are in a measure successful

Ono of the merchants this youngman had In mind is over seventy yearsof age but he Is still on the job

is constantly trying to Improveevery department in his big shopnever reaching high-er UP and I might add ALWAYSADVERTISING THERE IS NEVERANY LETUP IN THAT

Jt will pay every merchant In everycommunity to follow the lead of thesuccessful men The greatest helphowever In climbing the hill of suc-cess is that help which Is given byCLEAN RELIABLE ADVERTISING










