washington evening times. (washington, dc) 1902-12-27 [p ]. · rain continued cold to night and...

rain continued cold to night and Sunday light to fresh westerly winds THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN TIre NUMBER 3120 WASHINGTON SATURDAY DECEMBER 27 1902 PRICE ONE CENT fb 1 I t n tme I X t n tUrk gton IV Ta- t ¬ < PRINCESS LOUISE PROTECTS LOVER I Archduke Joseph Journeys to Geneva and in the Course of a Stormy Inter- view Attempts to Eject Tutor Giron From Hotel Leopold Who Accompanied Sister Declares They Will Never Return to Saxony Where Court Etiquette Makes Life Unbearable S7 wkm rri Lou in s youngor broth r UM Archduke Joseph arrived kere to persuade her te return to Bert she alt d that hr lover M Andre Qlron the French tutor I proMM at the Interview The archduke abused Giro and i i out to and eject Mm when iho prUieesB threw herself between the to men and protect her lever row lir brother violent Archduke Joseph Funsequently saw his elder brother the Archduke Leopold Ferdinand There van it merry scene between the brothers tho younger upbraiding Loo- jold for dtagrftelng the Imperial family Life Onerous Arrhduke Leopold retorted that JUt f frred by eeurt etiquette wa the mot miserable conceivable As an archduke h aid be felt like a slave and as plain Woifllac he folt like a freeman supremely happy Leopold had written- to a friend IB Salsburg that neither he tor the prlaeeee regretted their conduct The latest version of the beginning of the affair te that when the Intimacy of M Otcoa wae discovered tie Prla givoR the clwlee of a lifetime in the cocveat or in an aaylutn Site eboa flight Further revelation It te said slew that the Saxon court ade her a coatlnuooe martyr to bigotry and that she was often imprisoned anywhere from a jaoath to six weeks in her owa apartments for harmless If unoonvan- ventlonal acts Despair drove her to wrong doing Repudiates His Country PARIS 37v jHapatoh from HtHava t4he fafilft contains an ia- terrlew tko ArchdWKe Leb iOd who accompanied Bis tba cp to princes of Saxony when she fled from her homo Toe AreboXke says be will never set foot la Austria he would live ae be pleased aa- l r a new name Ha said that staee arrival In Switzerland be had re- ceived aa autograph letter from Empe- ror Franeta Joseph asking his slater and blmsolf to return His brother Arch- duke Joseph Ferdinand also came to Geneva with a similar request from his father Prof Giro who eloped with the erown princess la an interview with tho same orrespoedent eaW It the Intention of the prlaeoM and himself to be mar ried as loon as a divorce was granted Afterwards they would live In France possibly Paris of which the princ M te very fond To Work for Living said would work for their living It would not bo a hard matter o provide sufficient money as the tastes ft tbe wore simple He said he could not say when the marriage would take place He oxpressed tho hope that the court would ask tbo Pope to annul the marriage tat the to the erqwn prince of Saxony but these matters were all in a state of treat uaeerUlnty Tho princess he raid was eeMtaatly thinking of her children He expoetei ke Mid they would have to stay a long time In TJoneva as that was the only town they wore safe from arreet There was a deteeCtvo sow living at their hotel who would arrest then as soon as they left that locality WEATHER CONDITIONS- Low temperature continue front Ute slope region eastward and a severe coW wave covers the entire South tin line a freezing temperature extending well Into entral Florida Snow kits enilnu d in the lake rectos xew England and the upper Onto valley Itewhere cast of the Rocky Mountains weather wa gen i lly fair The weather will be generally fair to- night and Sunday la the unit sad Sooth Temperatures will continue low al- though there will be acme moderation Sunday afternoon In the Southern State 1 mperatures will be shoat 10 degrees below the froexlDR point along the Gulf reset tonight and in Florida there will be killing froM through the central por- tion and light treat probably to the Sftfc parallel On the middle Atlantic coast the wins will be ll bt te fresh and Mostly west- erly steamer departing today for European will ltvrMb wool t Kinds MA IhroatwlBK woatkor te the grand Bank TEMPERATURE TUB SUK seU today 4 46 p M tomorrow 718 am TIDE TABLE- T w Miay- aiKh tlsV toIuv- Mrh tide ow ti k wrirro 1255 pm 5pm- 73f pm 1 30 a m Dee was chastise J opold Dell was Giro he hero In the of the Klag et Saxo I ort J a Ia- J neon J17 1 p Dr can Pun rites J a OVA t Royal cuss wan deter agate Hence- forth bin princess princess serk 1 the lirtkt tide i torn rrr set J1 ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ACCEPT THE London Globe Scores of the Government FAVORS STRICT Berlin Holds Americas Refusal to Ar bitrate a Snub to AngloGorman Diplomacy LONDON Z7 Eate d formally Accepted President Itoovevelts to rotor the VeHfcauelan affair to Hague for arbitration tbte afternoon A dispatch t the Central News trot Berlin says that Germany also has agreed to aeeept The Hague tribunal ae arbitrator la the VeHecttetan difficulty Press in Opposition The Olobe commenting oa the latest arbitration proposal says the reference te The Hague tribunal is entirely ua Mtisfactary as that body te without the power to enforce Its pronouncement Tho only way of hastening Its dellbera tioas ia by maintaining a strict blockade until as award made Thero is one point of which boa been too much overlooked Whenever England and the United States resort to arbitration the Washington Government Invariably appears to the outside world as playing a more or loos dictatorial part while Great Britain has the appearance of being ready to accept any terra The result is that more aad more the people of Canada regard the supremacy of the neighboring republic as Inevitable REFUSAL A SNUB TO ANGLOGERMAN DIPLOMACY BBRUX Doc 27 United States Am baeeador Charlemagne Tower has com- municated te Ute foreign office President Hoosovolts refusal to act as arbiter of the Venezuelan affair The refusa is considered a snub to the AngJfiGenaatt NO CHANGE IN LOCAL VENEZUELAN SITUATION Mo chaste in the Venezuelan situation has taken place since the Cabinet meet- ing of yesterday according to officials at the State Department Venezuela has not renewed her request that Minister Bowen represent her in arbitration a matter made necessary by vacant devel- opments nor nave the allies agreed to such representation It te dealod however that Ue United States is engaged apes a preUatnary protocol President Roosevelt having declined 10 act as arbitrator has withdrawn from the ooatrovorsy and will permit the parties at tesu to settle the trouble strtotly wrong themselves FRANCE HEARS THAT CARACAS IS PLEASED PARIS Dec SJ A Caracas dispatch to the Hallo says the agreomeMt te sub- mit the German and Italian alaims to The Hague arWtraUeu tribunal Is well received at the Venesuelan capi tal The Swedish steamship bound from CariltT to La with 417 tons of coal the English railway which runs from La Ouaira U Caracas has been captured by a British cruiser and the coal coaflscated All the cancels seteed by tile blockad- ing are veered off Tile total value of their cargoes is estimated at OetO LITTLE WORK EXPECTED- IN THE COAL FIELDS Slav Miners Continue Their Christmas Festivities WILKJC8BABRK Pa Z7 Tk fence af workers at Ue aatamebe tune the morning to about M per of J total number but aa many of tk breaker sad driver beys- Cfil remain away the output for today win not b more Ulan Vi per cut of Ute normal The workers woo have reported are cbleMy tile Slavs who still contlBue their CkrtetnuM and are expected to keep it up until after New Year After their steady work of UM teat two month they have enough money ts be able te remain kilo for semi time and they will sat break the custom et year a week or ton flays at Okrlsimas Tire cold weather this morning awl the lack of supply for the lest two days Has frosted a demand greater than at the end of the strike sad the dealers are at flack wits end Many families even IB tke heart of wblle from towns outsMe and In those districts not convenient to IOHOM by rail- road it te impossible to got any eaa I and the price of food hall gone to an almost prohibitive iriro Th operaion say look for no relief until after Nttv r i i t POWERS PRESIDENTS PROPOSAL BLOCKADE Dee proposal The I extreme Import- ance In this matter the fIobe soya dll1lolBli1 Bald haIr for Marf eta Dec I eel that the regions are far cost they Ac- tion f Frames fleet ai iror cad Bert U even oval suffering uo ion ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < < AN UPTODATE NEWSPAPER TREASURY DEPARTMENT- I think THE TIMES by concentrating its energies upon one edition a day has made a wise riio e It is now a thoroughly uptodate newspaper- Its service is admirable and its editorial page most readable Assistant Secretary U S Treasury e ftsei ft Wee ee e e eS 5 o i I- I I I I I r Jlii if if CP 1 1f I I1f 8 ee ex e eJt- I t 1 t 6t s srz t sl 1 3 Ytarz 3z s8 t3t b news I f- tt6t 81 6a9i 1 t t31 t t8ta6rhet t 6 8t t E si t > = >= GOAL MUST EXPLAIN Local Men Advance Price to 8 and 8 50 RECEIPTS CONTINUE LIGHT Selling at the Dump Causes Much Hardship to Consumers Meeting Monday The cold weather of the past two days kas vastly increased the demand upon the Associated Charities and the Citi- zens Relief Committee While their available resources have net been entirely exhausted their treas- uries demand immediate replenishing to avoid a suspension of their important work Tbe relief committee will seed about fiMO mere to carry the work through the winter The Associated Charities te short about OM oa Its yearly budget Barry Bulkley of the citizens coal syndicate committee last been pursuing Ills investigation of conditions In the bituminous regions along the line of Chesapeake and Ohio Railway He will return to Washington tomorrow after- noon prepared to report to the commit teo at its meeting Monday night at the Riggs House Practically the entire output of tIle Reading Company has hens c f trailed for and it is almost ImpossU la Mt Ute open Miarjtjif r loss than 1 or 512 a ton BVati some of the dealers in Reading advanced the price to 8 and SM a ton as the say they cannot award to deliver at the figure which their contract with the Reading Company calla for John Joy Edson chairman of the subcommittee OB the local coal situation obtaining a list of these dealers for the purpose of bringing the scatter to the attention of the Reading authorities The roetlpU o coal of all kinds have greatly fallen off In the peat tan days sad with ae reserve to fall bacK oa sat the severe weather that Is prevailing the situation la this qty is likely to be- come acute before the misers resume talc operation alter Ute holidays Because of tIM uncertain cost of most of UM local dealers have dis- continued their effort to obtain coal from the big wholesale dump of Albright Barker OH Hancock Street northeast In place thereof they are selling orders for coal at 7 a ion at the dump The purchaser te compelled to employ h teamster to take his posUloa in line and await his turn for loading from the three to QUeeR ears which are dally distrib- uted at that point It Is no unusual thing for drivers to remain in line alt day long only to nod the setae closed on them before they can load All horses are then unhitched and taken homo while a watchman 1s em- ployed to guard Ute cart or wagon which if restored would have to take its place at the foot of the line when it was brought hack DR CANNONS SANITY SUBJECT OF INQUIRY Was Formerly Employed at St Eliza baths Hospital for the Insane TIle mental condition of Dr Walter D Ceases a nephew of Representative Joseph Cannon of Illinois will be made the subject of judicial inquiry on Tues day next before Justice Barnard alt ting for probate business Dr Caaaen was formerly one of the police surgeons for the District About six years ago k resigned that position awl was employed at St Bllzabetbs Hospital for the Insane The petition asking that hit sanity be Investigated WM made by Hampton M Roach a rela l rs E M Hasbrouek and John A Donogbue have boas appointed by court to make tho examination and will report on Tuesday Dr A B Rich- ardson superintendent of St HUlA Hospital for the Insane has also summoned to testify in the case Tko sanity of Thomas C Hunt who te now coaflaed in the workhouse will also be Inquired into It is said he feat a mania for turning In alarms Iron the Are signal stations He was sonneted of an offense of this kind some time ago sad was seat to the work bases Others who will undergo ox aminatlon ro A ne A Cruit Traccnia- Brvans Pkoefco HQtcoit Jordan D Rob tenon K bolas Conner L Oolfrcp rind C Henry DEALERS IN READING t I have I haul- ing t both been tale eru Bessie o lAd t fir Besets arrir a ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ PRESENTS CREDENTIALS Bajpn Von Hengervar No Longer Minister Tlje Austrian ambassador Baron La tllalaue Hengelmuller von Hcngervnr presented to President Roosevelt his pdenllals of advancement from the minister The ceremony took the Red Room at the White 10 oclock The regular ro ocptlon parlor for foreign envoys the Blue Room is not yet ready for use Thfe now ambassador wore a military uniform his official diplomatic garb not having yet arrived Ho was accom- panied by the secretary of the embassy LudwIg von Callenberg and tho attache Dartfii von Frackenstoin both in fun uniform Following the custom In vogue at foreign capitals the diplomats were brought to the White House in the Pres Idonjfr official carriage escorted by Col- T the Presidents military aide OnKirrival at the Executive Mansion the jgtteentations wore made by Secre- tary and tho customary exchanges of good will wore made though not in such a formal manner as when a diplo- matic representative Is lust taking up his abode here The first time that the Presidents car- riage was sent for a foreign diplomat was In the race of the British ambassa- dor Sir Mlehaol Herbert who presented his credentials to the President at the temporary White House 22 Jackson Place on October 4 AUS AMBASSAOOR rank ot pines 1at Ingham j TIA to- day Howe t ay ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ TNTfNSE COLD CAUSES SUFFERING AMONG POOR Charitable Organizations Besieged by the Change Is Predicted Agents of NeedyNo The cold wave which envcloped the city ChH mas nigbtroacbed tie great- est intensity at an early hour this morning1 Local in exposed places registered 15 degrees above zero al though the official record was higher than this Before daylight this morn Ing agents of tho charitable organiza- tions were besieged by those who were In need of fuel and were kept busy throughout the day There were a num ber of applications at tho police sta- tions for shelter last night Secretary Woller of the Associated Charities had a number of cases re- ported to him this morning but there was only one In which the family was entirely without coal or food This was the case of a mother with five children whose husband deserted her some months ago leaving her without means of support She has been taking In washing at 50 cents a day she could got It and has barely managed to keep the little ones from starving Although the house had been without fire for over a week and sho did not know where to turn for the next meal she would not ask assistance and it was only by accident that her true con- dition was learned The children had heard of the Christmas tree at the Rifles Armory whore Almas Temple was dispensing good things to all who applied but they bad not suf- ficient clothing and they remained in a cheerless house throughout hristnas day Their wants were supplied General Commanding So Called in Official Gazette PBKIN Dec 27 The receptloa of Lieutenant General Mlles by tho Empress was very flattering hut In the Official Gsiottc today she calls him admiral This was done in- tentionally In order to minimize the odium of receiving the representative of the military branch of a foreign coun tryThe rumors that the notorious anti foreigner General Tungfuhsiang with 10000 troops ts marching against Slan fu have received sufficient credence to induce the British consul at Hankow to order the Ilngllsb missionaries in the province of Shenst to return to Hankow thermometers AOMIRAl MilES AT THE COURT OF PEKIN ft when Nat- ional It Dow- ager ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ BURIED AT CANTERBURY Bishop of Winchester May Succeed in Archdiocese LONDON Des 27 The body of the Most Rev Froderlek Temple Archbishop of Canterbury and Primate of all Eng- land was burled this morning In Can- terbury Cathedral in a oloistor open the sky though within the walls ot the church The widow and two soon of the late archbishop were tbe chief mourners The Earl of Clarendon the lord cham- berlain represented the King Ten bishops were present The Bishop London was unable to be present on account of Illness The Archbishop of York and the Bish- op of Winchester celebrated holy com- munion for the family and mourners In the presence of the body la the morn- ing Concurrently with the burial there was a memorial service at St Pauls Cathedral Henry White the American charge daffaires and the other members of tho embassy were present as were also Lord Lansdowne and tho other members of tho cabinet the lord chancellor aad Sir Maicus Samuel the lord mayor London It la expected that the Right Rev Randall Thomas Davidson the Bishop of Winchester will succeed the late YOlK Rev Frederick Temple as ArokMakop of Canterbury PRIMATE OF ALL ENGLAND oC o t ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Even among people in moderate cir ettmstaneos there has been suffering With coal at 18 and 12 a ten la the market and the Government paying 6 a ton for soft teal te which must bt added the cost of hauling many house- holders even among those who had the fuel in their cellars were reluctant to burn it In sufficient quantity to keep them comfortable Traffic into Washington Is somewhat delayed Tire trouble is principally of the mountains howover as OB this side of the ridge the greatest tall ef does not exceed 6 or 7 inches of all the Western lines were late In reaching the city and there was some difficulty in maintaining the schedule with New York As far south as Tampa Pla the froesing point was reached while at Jacksonville the thermometer registered 24 degrees but 2 degrees above the read lag in this city At many other points IB the South an low a rending as 14 degrees was recorded and In the West the cold was intense The snowfall which kas continued along the lake region for the peat fortyeight hours has creed but drifts are delaying trains for many hours At the Weather Bureau this morning It was said that there was little pros- pect of a material change ia the temper- ature for the next tblrtysix hou s U will remain cold and clear with a flight in temperature Remained Under House for Four Days BUFFALO N Y Doe 27 Four days ago Mrs Martin Arolle s rg the wtfc of a prominent farmer at Rush Bridge Erie county disappeared from her how Searching portion were organized and the woman was sought in tho woods and Melds as It was feared that she bad been lost la a snowstorm LaHt night she WM found under house She bad become Insane awl had crawled through a hole Ia the sWe of tbo house whore the dogs slept It Is believed that the animals kept her treat freealag j open anew rice DOGS KEPT INSANE WOMAN FROri1 FREEZING J I h- on t wes T- rains Ile ¬ ¬ BIG WRECK ON THE GRAND TRUNK ROAD Official Program Made Pub lie Today BLUE ROOM TO BE USED Guests te Enter Mansion Threugh North Portico and Leave by East Terrace Preparations for lien Year Pay rocoptioB at the WkHo House have boos completed and have received tko ap- proval of the PreoWtet ant Mrs Rose volt The Blue Roost will bo need by the Presidential party as In pest years even though this apartment not yet completed Temporary furnishings will be provided and draperies put In for the occasion According to the plans approved tko guests will enter the mansion through tile north peruse or cookers as In past years TIle line will proceed past the President la the Dice ROOM sad on late the Fast Room From there however guests will descend the new flight of stooe stairs to tko base mont floor and leave through the Irst Poor of tko new east terrace This plan will be tried a an experi- ment to test tko kandlfag af the great crowd which always attends the Now Year reception At the evening recap tions later the terrace extension will be used for entrance and salt both The rpaoen for Ute plan adopted for Thursday Is that guests keep on the entrance where the cloakroom are located The official program a made ptfbHe this afternoon is as follows TIle President will receive at 11 a m The members of the Cabinet Ute Diplomatic Corps U a a The Chief Justice and tko As JCTote of Oenct Tth ilt r 3te the of k- UlfofaV State Court of Waists Ute Judges ef the Court ot Appeals tko Judaea of tko Supremo Court of tko Dis- trict of Columbia exCabinet members and sxmlnietcrs of Ute tatted States 11 M a m Senators Representatives aad Delegate in Congress Genual stonorc and judicial ofteers of tile Din trlct of Columbia 1148 a ra Officers of the army off- icers of tile navy ofileers tbe Xarine Corp Commanding general and goa- eral staff of th ot the District of SoktaiMa- 12H p a Assistant Secretaries of departments the Solicitor General As- sistant Attorneys Geaoral Assistant Postmasters General the Treasurer of the United States the Comptroller of the Currency the Commioaloaor of Patents the Commissioner of Pensions the Interstate Commerce the Librarian et Congress the Public Printer the Commissioner of Labor the Civil Service CommiMlea the Com- missioner ef Fish and Fisheries the Ute Smith- sonian Institution the heads of bureaus ia the several departments Ute presi- dent of tko Columbia Institution for the Deal and Dumb 1236 p m Tko Society of tko Cin- cinnati the Associated Veterans of war ef 1846 47 the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of tics United States tke Grand Army ef the Republic tko Union Veteran Legion Veterans Union Spanish War Veteran the bers of tile Oldest Inhabitants Asooeta floe of Ute District of Columbia 19 p m Reception of dtlson Carriages will approach tko House by the northwestern gate and leave by tke northeastern Pedestrian will approach the House by the northwestern aad leave by the eastern eppaatto the Treasury In accordance with ouotost the ground south of the WMte Noose aad the southern entrance will be closed on New Year Day GONCIERGERIE READY TO RECEIVE THE HUMBERTS- Prison Preparations Recall Incidents of French Revolution PARIS flee 27 The unusual prepara- tion at the Coaetergeri for the Iw- prioonmeut of Ute Humberts the Craw- ford swindlers recall Ute preparations for tk treat state prisoners Louts XVL- Marat Robespierre Marshal Key aad Louis Napoleon who were Incarcerated there Barricades kayo beeR erected around vest approach In the prison parlor j the prisoners treat authorised callers Only Ivo have boon prepared ref the prisoners It kt expoetel that Eva oa gfatr oC tHe Humberts I1I he released oa her keno Tin Gauleta la UM vhorlty for the Uatomett ttMtt ki- tejHto to take t veil j NEW YEAR RECEPTION AT THE WHITE HOUSE the k n wraps and do not have to by- I I II c the of I regents and secretary of the men hits eats the walls gerters have placed to raids a pert the thou se leave Clllwts flag fit s ju s militia Commis Union Whit 11 tor reserve t4 pr 5 Ire flare been e Pk vat lire r boa ate ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Twentyfour Killed and Many Injured in Headon Collision plumber of Fa talities May Be Increased by More Definite Reports Fire Adds to Terror of Pas sengers Penned in Wreck Rescues by a Brigade of Uninjured Travelers The Engineer Among Victims Smoking Car Telescoped by Baggage Cars Few Es cape Death Injury in Demolished cident Ascribed to Station Agents Negligence LONDON Ont Dee ST An appalling railroad accident occurred at 1010 o clock last night at Wanstoad a sta- tion oa the Saraia branch of the Grand Trunk Railway It was a headon eel between the Pacific express No an eastbc uu freight Twenty tour persons are said to have been killed and over a score injured Tko express was proceeding west at its vestal high rate of speed Tbe freight wa wader slow headway and was to takes tIle switch at Waastead to allow the passenger train to paee Ap- parently neither engineer saw the dan ger ahead ia time to avoid the accident for too two engizos cease together near the west switch with a rightful crash overturning Into tko ditch The Smoker Telescoped The baggsgc dad cars tele- scoped isle tile smoker with awful re- sult The wreck was complete and it Is thought that hardly a single passen- ger In tbe smoker escaped Injury The esker ears of tko passenger train re A M9 JtoJEHM4 s 4 4j9e3word- WK t tmt nag B st nf jivcc soon oa the sense The of remov- ing tko dead was then proceeded with Baglnoor Otilies Strata Tunnel and the nreroan on egte Mi of the express are among the killed The remainder are passengers Tile dead so far a Identified arc- H P Lawrence ef Watford Mr Lat night operator of Wat ford Edward Doboau died since being takes to the kooattai A B Burwcll Sarnla- Wlkwn Martin Chicago Yrs Trotter Petrolia Nicholas Jeffrey London J H Brock BroeefteM Ont Dr Warden Grand Rapids Mica Clem Ridley Port Huron W Lawrence Sarah Fireman Rings London Kelly or F F Oil Springs or HonaalL Alex Stewart Petrolla Edward Boyce Prescott died in hos- pital Knglneer Dibbles The express coofltetotl of two baggage a smoker two Srstelaee coaches anti two PvHasano The smoker which was iae coach behind had the side knocked out of It and the roof staved in tsapriconlas the pas- sengers It was te this ear that most of tko awful hares aad loss of lira occurred The wreck shortly after the collision caught Ore Tko heroic effort of a brigade of passengers erganrzad and 11 by an old wan wager oa tko train rescued from death those penned in the wreck Fire Put Out With Snow This brigade put out the by throw lag anew on tko with their hands aad Tko reoeuers than turned to getting out the wounded wkooo SMffeclags were increased by blliWHng BMwotorni with Ute tkormom- etor near acre M y r OMtaberUoM ef Pert Huron Mick wa tatnclwned wades tile wreck two hat wa set sorlouely in jured Tko wreck was due It is said to negli- gence OB Ute part ef the station agent at Waastoad who H charged with fall lag te switch tko freight to allow the osprose to pana There 1 HO certainty on tIde polar Tke express proceeding west at its usual speed The freight was under stow headway and was to have takes the twitch at Waastead to allow the passen- ger to Apparently neither engineer saw tile danger ahead In time to avoid the accident for tke two engines came togetker soar the west switch with a frightful croak overturning Into the ditch Pew Escape Injury Tko wreck was complete a t it ta- tkowgkt that tartly a single paseacger in DM aatokor oooapoi lafvry was scat to tWo qty and doctors were sees on the Tile of the dead and la iroa wa begun prompt Five or six koals were dkwoverod la a short time Fully a at the seri- ously veto removed mot ot them passengers in the smoker Tko dead and injured arrimg Ik ageHeroic or CoachAc Sand wIt veils Pea ears tel T who was himself a pas ire ther- e a Wr reoi Inc ly Mere are WlroJ un 511 r l isle lace express Freeman dewy fetes hate xorts hence tag pus ease wont Injured ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ +

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Page 1: Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1902-12-27 [p ]. · rain continued cold to night and Sunday light to fresh westerly winds THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN TIre NUMBER 3120

rain continued cold tonight and Sunday light tofresh westerly winds




fb 1 It n tme I X



tUrk gton IV Ta-t




Archduke Joseph Journeysto Geneva and in theCourse of a Stormy Inter-

view Attempts to EjectTutor Giron From Hotel

Leopold Who AccompaniedSister Declares They WillNever Return to SaxonyWhere Court EtiquetteMakes Life Unbearable

S7 wkm rriLou in s youngor broth r UM ArchdukeJoseph arrived kere to persuade her tereturn to Bert she alt d that hrlover M Andre Qlron the French tutorI proMM at the Interview

The archduke abused Giro andi i out to and eject Mm wheniho prUieesB threw herself between theto men and protect her lever rowlir brother violent Archduke JosephFunsequently saw his elder brother theArchduke Leopold Ferdinand Therevan it merry scene between thebrothers tho younger upbraiding Loo-

jold for dtagrftelng the Imperial familyLife Onerous

Arrhduke Leopold retorted that JUtf frred by eeurt etiquette wa the motmiserable conceivable As an archdukeh aid be felt like a slave and as plain

Woifllac he folt like a freemansupremely happy Leopold had written-to a friend IB Salsburg that neither hetor the prlaeeee regretted their conduct

The latest version of the beginningof the affair te that when the Intimacyof M Otcoa wae discovered tie Prla

givoR the clwlee of a lifetimein the cocveat or in an aaylutn Siteeboa flight Further revelation It tesaid slew that the Saxon court adeher a coatlnuooe martyr to bigotry andthat she was often imprisoned anywherefrom a jaoath to six weeks in her owaapartments for harmless If unoonvan-ventlonal acts Despair drove her towrong doing

Repudiates His CountryPARIS 37v jHapatoh from

HtHava t4he fafilft contains an ia-

terrlew tko ArchdWKe Leb iOdwho accompanied Bis tba cp toprinces of Saxony when she fled fromher homo Toe AreboXke says be willnever set foot la Austria

he would live ae be pleased aa-l r a new name Ha said that staee

arrival In Switzerland be had re-ceived aa autograph letter from Empe-ror Franeta Joseph asking his slater andblmsolf to return His brother Arch-duke Joseph Ferdinand also came toGeneva with a similar request from hisfather

Prof Giro who eloped with the erownprincess la an interview with tho sameorrespoedent eaW It the Intentionof the prlaeoM and himself to be married as loon as a divorce was grantedAfterwards they would live In Francepossibly Paris of which the princ M tevery fond

To Work for Livingsaid would work for their

living It would not bo a hard mattero provide sufficient money as the tastes

ft tbe wore simple He saidhe could not say when the marriagewould take place He oxpressed thohope that the court would ask tboPope to annul the marriage tat the

to the erqwn prince of Saxonybut these matters were all in a stateof treat uaeerUlnty Tho princess heraid was eeMtaatly thinking of herchildren

He expoetei ke Mid they would haveto stay a long time In TJoneva as thatwas the only town they woresafe from arreet There was a deteeCtvo

sow living at their hotel who wouldarrest then as soon as they left thatlocality


Low temperature continue front Uteslope region eastward and a severe coWwave covers the entire South tin line afreezing temperature extending well Intoentral FloridaSnow kits enilnu d in the lake rectos

xew England and the upper Onto valleyItewhere cast of the Rocky Mountains

weather wa gen i lly fairThe weather will be generally fair to-

night and Sunday la the unit sad SoothTemperatures will continue low al-

though there will be acme moderationSunday afternoon In the Southern State1 mperatures will be shoat 10 degreesbelow the froexlDR point along the Gulf

reset tonight and in Florida there willbe killing froM through the central por-tion and light treat probably to the Sftfcparallel

On the middle Atlantic coast the winswill be ll bt te fresh and Mostly west-erly

steamer departing today for Europeanwill ltvrMb wool t

Kinds MA IhroatwlBK woatkor te thegrand Bank


TUB SUKseU today 4 46 p M

tomorrow 718 amTIDE TABLE-

T w Miay-

aiKh tlsV toIuv-Mrh tideow ti k wrirro

1255 pm5pm-

73f pm1 30 a m



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London Globe Scoresof the Government


Berlin Holds Americas Refusal to Arbitrate a Snub to AngloGorman


LONDON Z7 Eate d formallyAccepted President Itooveveltsto rotor the VeHfcauelan affair toHague for arbitration tbte afternoon

A dispatch t the Central News trotBerlin says that Germany also hasagreed to aeeept The Hague tribunal aearbitrator la the VeHecttetan difficulty

Press in OppositionThe Olobe commenting oa the latest

arbitration proposal says the referencete The Hague tribunal is entirely uaMtisfactary as that body te withoutthe power to enforce Its pronouncementTho only way of hastening Its dellberatioas ia by maintaining a strict blockadeuntil as award made

Thero is one point of

which boa been too much overlookedWhenever England and the United Statesresort to arbitration the WashingtonGovernment Invariably appears to theoutside world as playing a more or loosdictatorial part while Great Britain hasthe appearance of being ready to acceptany terra

The result is that more aad more thepeople of Canada regard the supremacyof the neighboring republic as Inevitable



baeeador Charlemagne Tower has com-municated te Ute foreign office PresidentHoosovolts refusal to act as arbiter ofthe Venezuelan affair The refusa isconsidered a snub to the AngJfiGenaatt


VENEZUELAN SITUATIONMo chaste in the Venezuelan situation

has taken place since the Cabinet meet-ing of yesterday according to officials atthe State Department Venezuela hasnot renewed her request that MinisterBowen represent her in arbitration amatter made necessary by vacant devel-opments nor nave the allies agreed tosuch representation

It te dealod however that Ue UnitedStates is engaged apes a preUatnaryprotocol

President Roosevelt having declined 10act as arbitrator has withdrawn fromthe ooatrovorsy and will permit theparties at tesu to settle the troublestrtotly wrong themselves


PARIS Dec SJ A Caracas dispatch tothe Hallo says the agreomeMt te sub-mit the German and Italianalaims to The Hague arWtraUeu tribunalIs well received at the Venesuelan capital

The Swedish steamshipbound from CariltT to La with417 tons of coal the English railwaywhich runs from La Ouaira U Caracashas been captured by a British cruiserand the coal coaflscated

All the cancels seteed by tile blockad-ing are veered off Tiletotal value of their cargoes is estimatedat OetO



Slav Miners Continue Their ChristmasFestivities

WILKJC8BABRK Pa Z7 Tkfence af workers at Ue aatamebetune the morning to about Mper of J total number but aamany of tk breaker sad driver beys-

Cfil remain away the output for todaywin not b more Ulan Vi per cut ofUte normal The workers woo havereported are cbleMy tile Slavs who stillcontlBue their CkrtetnuMand are expected to keep it up untilafter New Year

After their steady work of UM teattwo month they have enough moneyts be able te remain kilo for semi timeand they will sat break the custom etyear a week or ton flaysat Okrlsimas

Tire cold weather this morning awl thelack of supply for the lest two days Hasfrosted a demand greater than atthe end of the strike sad the dealersare at flack wits end

Many families even IB tke heart of

wblle from towns outsMe and In thosedistricts not convenient to IOHOM by rail-road it te impossible to got any eaa I

and the price of food hall gone to analmost prohibitive iriro Th operaionsay look for no relief until afterNttv r









extreme Import-ance In this matter the fIobe soya




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I think THE TIMES by concentrating its energies upon one edition aday has made a wise riio e It is now a thoroughly uptodate newspaper-Its service is admirable and its editorial page most readable

Assistant Secretary U S Treasurye ftsei ft

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Local Men Advance Price to8 and 8 50


Selling at the Dump Causes Much

Hardship to Consumers

Meeting Monday

The cold weather of the past two dayskas vastly increased the demand uponthe Associated Charities and the Citi-zens Relief Committee

While their available resources havenet been entirely exhausted their treas-uries demand immediate replenishing toavoid a suspension of their importantwork Tbe relief committee will seedabout fiMO mere to carry the workthrough the winter The AssociatedCharities te short about OM oa Itsyearly budget

Barry Bulkley of the citizens coalsyndicate committee last been pursuingIlls investigation of conditions In thebituminous regions along the line ofChesapeake and Ohio Railway He willreturn to Washington tomorrow after-noon prepared to report to the committeo at its meeting Monday night at theRiggs House

Practically the entire output of tIleReading Company has hens c f trailedfor and it is almost ImpossU

la Mt Ute open Miarjtjif rloss than 1 or 512 a ton BVati someof the dealers in Reading advancedthe price to 8 and SM a ton as thesay they cannot award to deliver at thefigure which their contract with theReading Company calla for John JoyEdson chairman of the subcommittee OB

the local coal situation obtaining alist of these dealers for the purpose ofbringing the scatter to the attention ofthe Reading authorities

The roetlpU o coal of all kinds havegreatly fallen off In the peat tan dayssad with ae reserve to fall bacK oa satthe severe weather that Is prevailingthe situation la this qty is likely to be-

come acute before the misers resume talcoperation alter Ute holidaysBecause of tIM uncertain cost of

most of UM local dealers have dis-

continued their effort to obtain coalfrom the big wholesale dump of Albright

Barker OH Hancock Street northeastIn place thereof they are selling ordersfor coal at 7 a ion at the dump Thepurchaser te compelled to employ h

teamster to take his posUloa in line andawait his turn for loading from the threeto QUeeR ears which are dally distrib-uted at that point

It Is no unusual thing for drivers toremain in line alt day long only to nodthe setae closed on them before they canload All horses are then unhitched andtaken homo while a watchman 1s em-

ployed to guard Ute cart or wagon whichif restored would have to take its placeat the foot of the line when it wasbrought hack



Was Formerly Employed at St Elizabaths Hospital for the Insane

TIle mental condition of Dr WalterD Ceases a nephew of RepresentativeJoseph Cannon of Illinois will be madethe subject of judicial inquiry on Tuesday next before Justice Barnard altting for probate business

Dr Caaaen was formerly one of thepolice surgeons for the District Aboutsix years ago k resigned that positionawl was employed at St BllzabetbsHospital for the Insane The petitionasking that hit sanity be InvestigatedWM made by Hampton M Roach a rela

l rs E M Hasbrouek and John A

Donogbue have boas appointed bycourt to make tho examination and willreport on Tuesday Dr A B Rich-ardson superintendent of St HUlA

Hospital for the Insane has alsosummoned to testify in the case

Tko sanity of Thomas C Hunt whote now coaflaed in the workhouse willalso be Inquired into It is said hefeat a mania for turning In alarmsIron the Are signal stations He wassonneted of an offense of this kind sometime ago sad was seat to the workbases Others who will undergo oxaminatlon ro A ne A Cruit Traccnia-Brvans Pkoefco HQtcoit Jordan D Robtenon K bolas Conner

L Oolfrcp rind C Henry




























Bajpn Von Hengervar NoLonger Minister

Tlje Austrian ambassador Baron Latllalaue Hengelmuller von Hcngervnr

presented to President Roosevelthis pdenllals of advancement from the

minister The ceremony tookthe Red Room at the White10 oclock The regular ro

ocptlon parlor for foreign envoys theBlue Room is not yet ready for use

Thfe now ambassador wore a militaryuniform his official diplomatic garb nothaving yet arrived Ho was accom-panied by the secretary of the embassyLudwIg von Callenberg and tho attacheDartfii von Frackenstoin both in fununiform Following the custom In vogueat foreign capitals the diplomats werebrought to the White House in the PresIdonjfr official carriage escorted by Col-

T the Presidents militaryaide

OnKirrival at the Executive Mansionthe jgtteentations wore made by Secre-tary and tho customary exchangesof good will wore made though not insuch a formal manner as when a diplo-matic representative Is lust taking uphis abode here

The first time that the Presidents car-riage was sent for a foreign diplomatwas In the race of the British ambassa-dor Sir Mlehaol Herbert who presentedhis credentials to the President at thetemporary White House 22 JacksonPlace on October 4


rank otpines

















Charitable Organizations Besieged by theChange Is Predicted



The cold wave which envcloped thecity ChH mas nigbtroacbed tie great-est intensity at an early hour thismorning1

Local in exposed placesregistered 15 degrees above zero although the official record was higherthan this Before daylight this mornIng agents of tho charitable organiza-tions were besieged by those who wereIn need of fuel and were kept busythroughout the day There were a number of applications at tho police sta-tions for shelter last night

Secretary Woller of the AssociatedCharities had a number of cases re-ported to him this morning but therewas only one In which the family wasentirely without coal or food This wasthe case of a mother with five childrenwhose husband deserted her somemonths ago leaving her without meansof support She has been taking Inwashing at 50 cents a day shecould got It and has barely managed tokeep the little ones from starving

Although the house had been withoutfire for over a week and sho did notknow where to turn for the next mealshe would not ask assistance and itwas only by accident that her true con-

dition was learned The children hadheard of the Christmas tree at the

Rifles Armory whore AlmasTemple was dispensing good things toall who applied but they bad not suf-ficient clothing and they remained ina cheerless house throughout hristnasday Their wants were supplied

General Commanding So

Called in Official Gazette

PBKIN Dec 27 The receptloa ofLieutenant General Mlles by tho

Empress was very flattering hutIn the Official Gsiottc today she callshim admiral This was done in-

tentionally In order to minimize theodium of receiving the representativeof the military branch of a foreign coun

tryTherumors that the notorious anti

foreigner General Tungfuhsiang with10000 troops ts marching against Slanfu have received sufficient credence toinduce the British consul at Hankow toorder the Ilngllsb missionaries in theprovince of Shenst to return to Hankow




















Bishop of Winchester MaySucceed in Archdiocese

LONDON Des 27 The body of theMost Rev Froderlek Temple Archbishopof Canterbury and Primate of all Eng-land was burled this morning In Can-terbury Cathedral in a oloistor open

the sky though within the walls otthe church

The widow and two soon of the latearchbishop were tbe chief mournersThe Earl of Clarendon the lord cham-berlain represented the King Tenbishops were present The BishopLondon was unable to be present onaccount of Illness

The Archbishop of York and the Bish-op of Winchester celebrated holy com-munion for the family and mourners Inthe presence of the body la the morn-ing Concurrently with the burial therewas a memorial service at St PaulsCathedral

Henry White the American chargedaffaires and the other members of thoembassy were present as were alsoLord Lansdowne and tho other membersof tho cabinet the lord chancellor aadSir Maicus Samuel the lord mayorLondon

It la expected that the Right RevRandall Thomas Davidson the Bishop ofWinchester will succeed the late YOlKRev Frederick Temple as ArokMakop ofCanterbury










Even among people in moderate cirettmstaneos there has been sufferingWith coal at 18 and 12 a ten la the

market and the Government paying6 a ton for soft teal te which must bt

added the cost of hauling many house-holders even among those who had thefuel in their cellars were reluctant toburn it In sufficient quantity to keepthem comfortable

Traffic into Washington Is somewhatdelayed Tire trouble is principallyof the mountains howover as OB thisside of the ridge the greatest tall ef

does not exceed 6 or 7 inchesof all the Western lines were late

In reaching the city and there was somedifficulty in maintaining the schedulewith New York

As far south as Tampa Pla thefroesing point was reached while atJacksonville the thermometer registered24 degrees but 2 degrees above the readlag in this city At many other points IBthe South an low a rending as 14 degreeswas recorded and In the West the coldwas intense The snowfall which kascontinued along the lake region for thepeat fortyeight hours has creed butdrifts are delaying trains for manyhours

At the Weather Bureau this morningIt was said that there was little pros-pect of a material change ia the temper-ature for the next tblrtysix hou s Uwill remain cold and clear with a flight

in temperature

Remained Under House forFour Days

BUFFALO N Y Doe 27 Four daysago Mrs Martin Arolle s rg the wtfcof a prominent farmer at Rush BridgeErie county disappeared from her howSearching portion were organized andthe woman was sought in tho woods andMelds as It was feared that she bad beenlost la a snowstorm

LaHt night she WM found underhouse She bad become Insane awl

had crawled through a hole Ia the sWeof tbo house whore the dogs slept ItIs believed that the animals kept hertreat freealag j
















Official Program Made Publie Today


Guests te Enter Mansion ThreughNorth Portico and Leave by

East Terrace

Preparations for lien Year PayrocoptioB at the WkHo House have booscompleted and have received tko ap-

proval of the PreoWtet ant Mrs Rosevolt The Blue Roost will bo need bythe Presidential party as In pest yearseven though this apartment not yetcompleted Temporary furnishings willbe provided and draperies put In forthe occasion

According to the plans approved tkoguests will enter the mansion throughtile north peruse or cookers asIn past years TIle line will proceedpast the President la the Dice ROOM

sad on late the Fast Room From therehowever guests will descend thenew flight of stooe stairs to tko basemont floor and leave through the IrstPoor of tko new east terrace

This plan will be tried a an experi-ment to test tko kandlfag af the greatcrowd which always attends the NowYear reception At the evening recaptions later the terrace extension will beused for entrance and salt both Therpaoen for Ute plan adopted forThursday Is that guests keep on

the entrance where the cloakroom arelocated

The official program a made ptfbHethis afternoon is as follows

TIle President will receive at11 a m The members of the Cabinet

Ute Diplomatic CorpsU a a The Chief Justice and tko

As JCTote of OenctTth ilt r 3te the of k-

UlfofaV State Court of Waists UteJudges ef the Court ot Appeals tkoJudaea of tko Supremo Court of tko Dis-trict of Columbia exCabinet membersand sxmlnietcrs of Ute tatted States

11 M a m Senators Representativesaad Delegate in Congress Genualstonorc and judicial ofteers of tile Dintrlct of Columbia

1148 a ra Officers of the army off-icers of tile navy ofileers tbe XarineCorp Commanding general and goa-eral staff of th ot the Districtof SoktaiMa-

12H p a Assistant Secretaries ofdepartments the Solicitor General As-

sistant Attorneys Geaoral AssistantPostmasters General the Treasurer ofthe United States the Comptroller ofthe Currency the Commioaloaor ofPatents the Commissioner of Pensionsthe Interstate Commercethe Librarian et Congress the PublicPrinter the Commissioner of Laborthe Civil Service CommiMlea the Com-missioner ef Fish and Fisheries the

Ute Smith-sonian Institution the heads of bureausia the several departments Ute presi-dent of tko Columbia Institution for theDeal and Dumb

1236 p m Tko Society of tko Cin-cinnati the Associated Veterans ofwar ef 1846 47 the Military Order ofthe Loyal Legion of tics United Statestke Grand Army ef the Republic tkoUnion Veteran Legion VeteransUnion Spanish War Veteran thebers of tile Oldest Inhabitants Asooetafloe of Ute District of Columbia

19 p m Reception of dtlsonCarriages will approach tko

House by the northwestern gate andleave by tke northeastern

Pedestrian will approach theHouse by the northwestern aadleave by the eastern eppaatto theTreasury

In accordance with ouotost theground south of the WMte Noose aadthe southern entrance will be closed onNew Year Day



Prison Preparations Recall Incidents ofFrench Revolution

PARIS flee 27 The unusual prepara-tion at the Coaetergeri for the Iw-prioonmeut of Ute Humberts the Craw-ford swindlers recall Ute preparationsfor tk treat state prisoners Louts XVL-Marat Robespierre Marshal Key aadLouis Napoleon who were Incarceratedthere

Barricades kayo beeR erected around

vest approach In the prison parlor j

the prisoners treat authorised callersOnly Ivo have boon prepared refthe prisoners

It kt expoetel that Eva oa gfatr oCtHe Humberts I1I he released oa her

keno Tin Gauleta la UMvhorlty for the Uatomett ttMtt ki-tejHto to take t veil j






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Twentyfour Killed andMany Injured in HeadonCollision plumber of Fatalities May Be Increasedby More Definite Reports

Fire Adds to Terror of Passengers Penned in Wreck

Rescues bya Brigade of UninjuredTravelers The EngineerAmong Victims

Smoking Car Telescoped byBaggage Cars Few Escape Death Injury inDemolishedcident Ascribed to StationAgents Negligence

LONDON Ont Dee ST An appallingrailroad accident occurred at 1010o clock last night at Wanstoad a sta-tion oa the Saraia branch of the GrandTrunk Railway It was a headon eel

between the Pacific express Noan eastbc uu freight Twenty

tour persons are said to have beenkilled and over a score injured

Tko express was proceeding west atits vestal high rate of speed Tbe freightwa wader slow headway and was to

takes tIle switch at Waastead toallow the passenger train to paee Ap-parently neither engineer saw the danger ahead ia time to avoid the accidentfor too two engizos cease together nearthe west switch with a rightful crashoverturning Into tko ditch

The Smoker TelescopedThe baggsgc dad cars tele-

scoped isle tile smoker with awful re-sult The wreck was complete and itIs thought that hardly a single passen-ger In tbe smoker escaped Injury Theesker ears of tko passenger train re

A M9 JtoJEHM4 s 4 4j9e3word-WK t tmt nag B st nf jivccsoon oa the sense The of remov-ing tko dead was then proceeded with

Baglnoor Otilies Strata Tunnel andthe nreroan on egte Mi of the expressare among the killed The remainderare passengers

Tile dead so far a Identified arc-

H P Lawrence ef WatfordMr Lat night operator of Wat

fordEdward Doboau died since being takes

to the kooattaiA B Burwcll Sarnla-Wlkwn Martin ChicagoYrs Trotter PetroliaNicholas Jeffrey LondonJ H Brock BroeefteM OntDr Warden Grand Rapids MicaClem Ridley Port HuronW Lawrence SarahFireman Rings LondonKelly or F F Oil Springs

or HonaalLAlex Stewart PetrollaEdward Boyce Prescott died in hos-

pitalKnglneer Dibbles

The express coofltetotl of two baggagea smoker two Srstelaee coaches

anti two PvHasano The smoker whichwas iae coach behind hadthe side knocked out of It and theroof staved in tsapriconlas the pas-sengers It was te this ear that mostof tko awful hares aad loss of liraoccurred

The wreck shortly after the collisioncaught Ore Tko heroic effort of abrigade of passengers erganrzad and 11by an old wanwager oa tko train rescued from deaththose penned in the wreck

Fire Put Out With SnowThis brigade put out the by throw

lag anew on tko with their handsaad Tko reoeuers than turned

to getting out the woundedwkooo SMffeclags were increased byblliWHng BMwotorni with Ute tkormom-etor near acre

M y r OMtaberUoM ef Pert HuronMick wa tatnclwned wades tile wrecktwo hat wa set sorlouely injured

Tko wreck was due It is said to negli-gence OB Ute part ef the station agentat Waastoad who H charged with falllag te switch tko freight to allow theosprose to pana There 1 HO certaintyon tIde polar

Tke express proceeding west at itsusual speed The freight was under stowheadway and was to have takes thetwitch at Waastead to allow the passen-ger to Apparently neither engineersaw tile danger ahead In time to avoidthe accident for tke two engines cametogetker soar the west switch with afrightful croak overturning Into theditch

Pew Escape InjuryTko wreck was complete a t it ta-

tkowgkt that tartly a single paseacger inDM aatokor oooapoi lafvry wasscat to tWo qty and doctors were seeson the Tile ofthe dead and la iroa wa begun prompt

Five or six koals were dkwoverod laa short time Fully a at the seri-ously veto removed mot otthem passengers in the smoker

Tko dead and injured arrimg Ik








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