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Digital Design


DesignNON si occupa (soltanto) della forma degli oggetti

Gli artefatti cognitivi e interattivi sviluppano comportamenti e relazioni

Design & Tools

Design di SistemaL’interazione (HCI, tra oggetti, e nelle reti sociali) è la chiave dell’adozione.(e quindi del successo).

I comportamenti sono strategia & business, non solo forma

Design dei Comportamenti

I comportamenti sono strategia & business, non solo forma

Digital Design RecapRicordatevi di introdurre il DESIGN dei COMPORTAMENTI nel vostro lavoro, perché quelli che vi ho mostrato non sono canali, bensì tecnologie che ci cambiano.Perché noi non siamo (solo) ciò che pensiamo di essere, ma anche il risultato degli oggetti che usiamo.Per questo non dovreste preoccuparvi delle nuove tecnologie, bensì delle nuove abitudini.


Makers & consumi ovvero: “il DESIGN e la consumerizzazione dell’universo”

Gmail, Skype, Twitter, Flickr: @leeander

Leandro Agrò: DESIGNER | 45yDigital Product Director @DGI

3 short stories about me

(Thanks to Hugh Dubberly for the video, who helped create it for ex-CEO John Sculley's EDUCOM 1987 keynote in six weeks on a $60,000 budget.)

1987 -> 1995An old -and almost real- science fiction story made by Apple

Two years later . . . (1997)


AI, Virtual AssistantInternet of Things


iPhone Eye-TrackingMultimodal UI

UXDesign Strategy

A long trip into the near future

3 steps journey in the tech consumerization

1. Consumerization…

2. IoTH

3. How stories might evolveNew story makers (involuntary stories build by machines) New tools to create and experience stories (gopro, oculus, holographic, etc) The world as ultimate algorithms theatre (Terraforming)

Technology acceleration Touchpoint multiplication

Introducing IoTThe IoTH CasbahDesign Laws for Makers

What’s happening on the Internet?

This is an evolutionary moment

for the Internet




There is a new dog story in town!This is an evolutionary moment for the Internet

1. Consumerization …Technology acceleration Touchpoint multiplication

Every Tool, service, business that jump in the digital technology, start to follow Moore’s Law! Acceleration change everything.


r Dia


dis http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9wFXHYJgdo



r Dia



Kodak is best known for photographic film products. During most of the 20th century Kodak held a dominant position in photographic film, and in 1976, had an 89% market share of photographic film sales in the US.Kodak invented digital cameras, but because the company culture -for Kodak- was really easy to see an emerging approach and say: "Digital is just a toy”. Trues, but digital means that evolve according Moore Law!


Kodak missed a 380B/y pictures

Kodak missed a 380B/y pictures

President Obama poses for a funeral selfie ( Nelson Mandela’s) and gets chummy with Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt but Michelle does not look impressed

Food PornAnimals (cats)


They invented the digital camera…

Every Tool, service, business that jump in the digital technology, start to follow Moore’s Law! Acceleration change everything.


r Dia


dis http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9wFXHYJgdo


Touchpoints multiplication





Grocery (ingredients)


Fan Group

Social SphereRetail Store

Online store


Product stories



Social Sphere

Fan Group


Sales Tools

B2C Help

NON digital vs DIGITAL Good

B2B support

Digital, push product extentionUsers/makers will starts soon to co-create touch points

Digital, push product extentionUsers/makers will starts soon to co-create touch points

Digital good extendible with physical (printable) objects

Physical good extendible with digital stories

Digital, push product extention

Digital good extendible with physical (printable) objects

Physical good extendible with digital stories

Users/makers will starts soon to co-create touch points

Technology Acceleration



IoTH Introducing IoTThe IoTH CasbahDesign Laws for Makers

Even if the Internet appears ubiquitous, still the number of connected objects or devices is vastly inferior to those which are not connected. The coming revolution will raise from the necessity of substituting everyday objects with connected ones, making these more intelligent and aware.

This is the

Internet of Things



2003 2010 2015 2020

IN 2008 THE NUMBER OF CONNECTED OBJECTS HAS EXCEEDED THAT OF HUMANSIn Q1/12 there were more iPhone sold on planet Earth than babies born.

100 'things' are coming online every second.50 Billion connected objects await us on the threshold of 2020, and many of these will necessarily be "autonomous"

Why is important? The number of Theatres or TV is relevant…

Put an OBJECT in the pocket, car, home or office desk of every person, user, customer, partner, affiliate, etc. through which to enter into a dialogue, with bidirectional logic and in a social network.

This is the opportunity.


The IoT Casbah


* What: indoor and outdoor wifi camera Year: 2013Price: $199


What: wifi camera to monitor home Year: Spring 2014Price: $239 +z wave pack $359, house kit $649

Note: Piper security and automation device won the international CES award 2014


* Bluetooth Smart

Meat Thermometer Year: Jan 2014Price: $not yet


What: smart egg tray by Quircky

Year: 2013Price: $59.99





Market: B to CSelling channels: company website, Amazon

Note: https://www.quirky.com/shop/619-egg-minder-the-smart-egg-tray


* *

What: Smart flexible power strip by Quircky Year: Nov 2013Price: $80


What: multipurpose sensor: to monitor temperature, humidity, light, sound, motion, by Quircky Year: 2013 Price: $49.99


What: smart personal

dashboard + clock by Quircky

Year: 2013 Price: $99.99


What: smart piggy bank by Quircky

Year: 2013Price: $49.99


The strange case of Mr. Quircky and GE


Smart objects are natural born story tellers

Design Laws for “Makers”Even asocial objects, dream of Clouds

Every object must know STORIESthe History of its past (how it is made, where it was produced, how it is used) and its future (as it is disassembled, valued in its parts, recycled, disposed of).

Every object must be SENTIENT

Every object should know something about the world around it through sensors, or at least know when and where it is used.

Every object must be able to communicate and share its status across social networks used by humans, "participating" in their social relationships.

Every object must be SOCIAL

How stories might evolveNew story makers (involuntary stories build by machines) New tools to create and experience stories (gopro, oculus, holographic, etc) The world as ultimate algorithms theatre (Terraforming)

Makers builds their own e-Stuff

Any computer, any building, any car leads us to a brand new world crowded by billions of “Autonomous story tellers”

Hyper-connected / hyper-natural


"Designer Mike Enayah has created the concept GrabCAD that mimics the experience of a movie theatre on an iPhone. The set includes a hands-free placeholder attached to quality headphones to immerse the viewer in the on-screen action. The iPhone is embedded into holder so that the screen is scaled to be the same size as a movie theatre screen. The iPhone Theatre could essentially allow viewers to enjoy films on the go without having to lug around bulky equipment.

Stories @Gym Stories for resting calm

Tilting bike uses Google Maps to simulate riding in different parts of the world

When computers helps you to relax

Theatres are often unusual spaces

Apps might evolve to Stories

Apps might evolve to Stories

Apps might evolve to Stories

Potentially every object might become an “unusual Theatre”

Beyond the screen interaction

New tools to create and experience stories

The best story of last years:- It is real life - It looks like a first person shooter - Take less than 10 minutes- Was consumed by a billion person, using any possible device (TV as second screen)

and - It was not produced by a Mayor (or supported by Nasa)

Oculus: welcome (back) to Virtual Reality

The Machine to be anotherTRADING BODIES, SEXES WITH OCULUS RIFT http://animalnewyork.com/2014/trading-bodies-sexes-oculus-rift/

The world as ultimate algorithms (Terraforming)

The world as ultimate algorithms


• Experiences are stories. Objects’ behaviours are stories too.

• Digital stories might be powerful enough to effect everything, including the physical world.

• Digital stories might be played in very unusual theatres, including objects or apps.

• Time/size matter. Physical vs Digital lifecycle is an unexplored opportunity.

Gmail, Skype, Twitter, Flickr: @leeander

Thank you!Leandro AgròDigital Product Director @DGI

Makers will continuously hack the rules.