warming up & speaking

Warming up & Speaking

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Post on 31-Dec-2015




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Warming up & Speaking. Definition. What is a destination?. a place to which someone is going, esp. at the end of a long journey. 旅游目的地. What is your favourite destinations?. Guessing games. The Potala in Tibet. Terracotta (China). Pyramids. Victoria Falls (Zimbabwe). New York - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Warming up  &  Speaking

Warming up &


Warming up &


Page 2: Warming up  &  Speaking

a place to which someone is

going, esp. at the end of a long


What is a destination?


What is your favourite destin


What is your favourite destin


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Guessing games

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The Potala in Tibet

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Terracotta (China)

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Victoria Falls (Zimbabwe)

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New York

The statue of


New York

The statue of


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Paris Paris

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Imagine that you are offered a free

air ticket that lets you travel around

the world and make five stops along the

way. Where would you go and why?

Draw your flight line on the map and

mark the cities you want to visit.

Oral task

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AustraliaNew Zealand











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PlacePlace Reasons or enjoymentReasons or enjoyment

Greece Greece



one of the oldest civilizationsone of the oldest civilizationsused to have the best art and literatureused to have the best art and literaturethe Olympic Games / grand temples…the Olympic Games / grand temples…

the site of another ancient civilizationthe site of another ancient civilizationmuseums with valuable cultural relicsmuseums with valuable cultural relicsthe Hanging Gardens, the seven wondersthe Hanging Gardens, the seven wonders

cultural relics by Maya Civilizationcultural relics by Maya Civilizationthe Sun Templethe Sun Temple

A history trip: history, culture and placesA history trip: history, culture and places

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PlacePlace Reasons or enjoymentReasons or enjoyment

Brazil Brazil

the the

South South PacificPacific


visit rainforestsvisit rainforests(strange and beautiful plants and animals)(strange and beautiful plants and animals)

an island paradisean island paradisesee the sea, enjoy the sun, see the sea, enjoy the sun, have fun on the beach, swim in the seahave fun on the beach, swim in the sea

be cool and cold with ice and snowbe cool and cold with ice and snow

A nature trip: mystery and beauty of natureA nature trip: mystery and beauty of nature

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When we’re travelling, we may meet

something dissatisfying. In this case us

ually we make complaints(抱怨 ,投诉 ) and hope that somebody will apol

ogise to us and make explanations.

Oral practiceOral practice

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Useful expressions 表示抱怨I hate to have to say this, but…Could you do something about it? That’s too bad. I’m totally unsatisfied with the service here. Something has to be done to solve the problem. I can’t stand it any more. That’s just too much. Something must be done about the service here. Why don’t you do something about it?

Useful expressions 表示抱怨I hate to have to say this, but…Could you do something about it? That’s too bad. I’m totally unsatisfied with the service here. Something has to be done to solve the problem. I can’t stand it any more. That’s just too much. Something must be done about the service here. Why don’t you do something about it?

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表示关切和道歉 I am so sorry. I’ll look into it at once. I hope it’s nothing serious. Please tell me what’s the matter. I apologize for troubling you so much. I’ll do everything I can to help you. I’m sorry but I didn’t mean to… It’s really a pity.

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Work in pairs. Use the role cards

below to act out the situations.


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Sample dialogues

B: Good morning! How can I help yo


A: I’m sorry to say that I’m very unh

appy about your service. I flew fro

m Chengdu to Hangzhou and it wa

s the worst flight of my life.

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B: I’m sorry to hear that. Please tell m

e what happened and I’ll see what I

can do about it.

A: Well, first of all, your airline lost on

e of my bags. I asked for help, but t

he people at the airport were very

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rude. I hate to have to say this, but I

think that they are unfriendly and i

mpolite. They just said that they cou

ldn’t do anything about it and that it

was my responsibility to look for the


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B: Hmm, I agree that they didn’t do thei

r job. I will mention this to my boss s

o that he can talk to them. Did you fi

nd the bag?

A: Yes, I did, but it took more than thre

e hours. What’s worse, My plane was

two hours late.As a result I was late f

or an important meeting!

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B: Well, sometimes flights are changed.

It can be because of the weather or

some other problems. We can’t be a

lways sure that the plane will take o

ff on time.

A: Why didn’t you tell me the truth?

When I book the ticket, I explained

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that I had to get there on time and

you said it was no problem.

B: I’m sorry, we cannot control things

like the weather.

A: And the food on the plane was
