warm up!!! thursday 1/31/08 describe a magma chamber!

WARM UP!!! WARM UP!!! Thursday 1/31/08 Describe a magma chamber!

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Page 1: WARM UP!!! Thursday 1/31/08 Describe a magma chamber!


Thursday 1/31/08

Describe a



Page 2: WARM UP!!! Thursday 1/31/08 Describe a magma chamber!

Types of Volcanic Eruptions

Page 3: WARM UP!!! Thursday 1/31/08 Describe a magma chamber!

Why do volcanoes erupt?

• Magma rises to the surface because it is LESS DENSE than the surrounding rock.

• Gases and magma build up inside the volcano and eventually erupts.

Page 4: WARM UP!!! Thursday 1/31/08 Describe a magma chamber!

Parts of a Volcano…This diagram is located on pg. 185 in your textbook.

It would be a good idea to use the book to find out the information about each part!

Page 5: WARM UP!!! Thursday 1/31/08 Describe a magma chamber!

Characteristics of Magma• Temperature:

– Hotter = Less Viscous (thinner)– Cooler = More Viscous (thicker)

• Silica Content:– Low Silica = Less Viscous (thinner)– High Silica = More Viscous (thicker)

The thicker the magma, the more explosive the eruption!

Page 6: WARM UP!!! Thursday 1/31/08 Describe a magma chamber!

Types of Eruptions



Page 7: WARM UP!!! Thursday 1/31/08 Describe a magma chamber!

Quiet Eruptions

• Runny lava oozes from volcano vents

• Ex. Iceland and Hawaii

• Produce two types of lava:– Pahoehoe: FAST and HOT– Aa: SLOW and COOL

Page 8: WARM UP!!! Thursday 1/31/08 Describe a magma chamber!

Violent Eruptions

• Thick and sticky magma plugs vents like a cork. Pressure builds up and eventually explodes.

• Pieces of lava/rock create a pyroclastic flow of ash, cinders, and bombs.

1. Ash = small pieces2. Cinders = medium pieces3. Bombs = large pieces

Page 9: WARM UP!!! Thursday 1/31/08 Describe a magma chamber!

Mount St. Helens BEFORE the eruption…(1980)

Page 10: WARM UP!!! Thursday 1/31/08 Describe a magma chamber!

Mount St. Helens DURING the VIOLENT eruption…

Pyroclastic Flow

Page 11: WARM UP!!! Thursday 1/31/08 Describe a magma chamber!

Mount St. Helens AFTER the eruption…

Page 12: WARM UP!!! Thursday 1/31/08 Describe a magma chamber!

Stages of Volcanoes

• Active: Can erupt at any moment

• Dormant: May awaken and become active. There is magma still underneath it.

• Extinct: Unlikely to erupt again. No longer has magma underneath it.