warm-up the people of davis, texas are upset with their government leaders. they believe they have...

Download Warm-Up The people of Davis, Texas are upset with their government leaders. They believe they have passed laws that don’t help their people. If you are

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  • Slide 1

Slide 2 Warm-Up The people of Davis, Texas are upset with their government leaders. They believe they have passed laws that dont help their people. If you are a citizen of Davis, Texas what are some ways you can solve this problem? Slide 3 Learning Target I can identify how the principles of republicanism and popular sovereignty are represented in the constitution. Slide 4 Why It Matters If you want something changed in our government, you need to know who has the power to do so. Slide 5 Slide 6 Popular Sovereignty Popular sovereignty (people power) People create the govt. when they elect their leaders The govt has as only the power the people want it to have video Slide 7 People are in charge The people create and decide what power the government gets. How do people give power to the govt? 1. El ect govt leaders 2. Sign petitions 3. Vote on laws Slide 8 The principle of government where the people vote for their leaders Leaders are elected and do NOT inherited their position or take it by force Slide 9 Republicanism The people elect others to represent them in government decisions The principle of republicanism is expressed in a number of ways: The people elect our president The people vote for their mayor Senators and house of representatives are elected Slide 10 2 Questions and a Summary Create 2 questions from todays notes Create a summary about todays notes