warm up: 5/18 1. are there more types of vertebrates or invertebrates? 2. what type of symmetry for...

Warm Up: 5/18 1. Are there more types of vertebrates or invertebrates? 2. What type of symmetry for the three below?

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Post on 19-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Warm Up: 5/18 1. Are there more types of vertebrates or invertebrates? 2. What type of symmetry for the three below?

Warm Up: 5/18

1. Are there more types of vertebrates or invertebrates?2. What type of symmetry for

the three below?

Page 2: Warm Up: 5/18 1. Are there more types of vertebrates or invertebrates? 2. What type of symmetry for the three below?
Page 3: Warm Up: 5/18 1. Are there more types of vertebrates or invertebrates? 2. What type of symmetry for the three below?

Weird Animals


Panda Ant!

Page 4: Warm Up: 5/18 1. Are there more types of vertebrates or invertebrates? 2. What type of symmetry for the three below?

Fish What are the three main types of fish?What is a swim bladder? What are three examples of ray-finned fish? Amphibians List three characteristics of an amphibian. What are the three main groups of amphibian? What is a caecilian? ReptilesList three characteristics of reptiles. Which is the most common reptile? What are some characteristics of this reptile? Explain what an amniotic egg is.

Use the GreenBook!

BirdsList three characteristics of a bird.Where did birds originate? List, describe and provide an example of 2 types of birds. MammalsList three characteristics of mammals. Explain what a marsupial is and provide an example. Choose one more mammal type. Describe it and provide an example.

Page 5: Warm Up: 5/18 1. Are there more types of vertebrates or invertebrates? 2. What type of symmetry for the three below?



Asexual reproduction Page 530

Sexual Reproduction Page 531

Invertebrate Phylum

3 facts and a picture

Vertebrate Phylum (yes, there is only one….)

3 facts





Page 6: Warm Up: 5/18 1. Are there more types of vertebrates or invertebrates? 2. What type of symmetry for the three below?

Vertebrate vs. Invertebrate Poster

InvertebrateA. Draw and label B. How does it feed? C. How does it breath?D. What type of

circulatory system, describe.

E. How does it reproduce?

F. How does it sense its environment?

VertebrateA. Draw and label B. How does it feed? C. How does it breath?D. What type of

circulatory system, describe.

E. How does it reproduce?

F. How does it sense its environment?

Cnidaria (Jellyfish, Coral)

Platyhelminthes (Flatworms)

Mollusks (Snails, Bivalves, Squid)

Annelids (Earthworms, Leeches)

Arthropods (Crustaceans)

Arthropods (Insects)

Echinoderms (Starfish, Sea









  Jawless Fish (Lamreys)

Cartilagenous Fish (Sharks)

Bony Fish (Salmon, etc)

Amphibians (Frogs, etc.)











Page 7: Warm Up: 5/18 1. Are there more types of vertebrates or invertebrates? 2. What type of symmetry for the three below?

Food Web

Each person has an animal/plant that represents them…

Figure out what your organism eats and what eats your organism….

We will start with the sun, toss the yarn to another food web component, as say how they are related.

Page 8: Warm Up: 5/18 1. Are there more types of vertebrates or invertebrates? 2. What type of symmetry for the three below?
Page 9: Warm Up: 5/18 1. Are there more types of vertebrates or invertebrates? 2. What type of symmetry for the three below?
Page 10: Warm Up: 5/18 1. Are there more types of vertebrates or invertebrates? 2. What type of symmetry for the three below?

11 groups total…max of 2 people in a group


Map of world showing all areas where your biome is located (4 points)Top 3 locations to visit this biome (3 points) Abiotic Factors

Geography (latitude, elevation, distance inland, topography, hemisphere) (5 Points)

Explain climate characteristics (annual mean temperature, the temperature range, annual total rainfall, timing of rainfall, and temperature etc.) (5 Points) 

Page 11: Warm Up: 5/18 1. Are there more types of vertebrates or invertebrates? 2. What type of symmetry for the three below?

Biotic Factors Examples of animals and plants (the biodiversity) found in your biome with pictures (minimum of 5 plants and 5 animals). (10 Points total)How are one plant and one animal uniquely adapted to this environment? (5 points) Create a food chain that would exist in your biome (7 Points) Human ImpactHuman threats to your biome (3 points) Ways to help with above threats…. (3 points)

Note: You will also be graded on the overall quality of the PowerPoint and the Professionalism of the presentation. (5 Points)

Page 12: Warm Up: 5/18 1. Are there more types of vertebrates or invertebrates? 2. What type of symmetry for the three below?

Biome Project: Top three biomes

Tundra Tropical RainforestGrasslandTemperate Forest (Deciduous Forest)Taiga (Evergreen Coniferous Forest, Boreal) DesertChaparralAlpineSavanna FreshwaterMarine