walk thru czech forest

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  • 7/30/2019 Walk Thru Czech Forest


    Prochzka eskm lesemW tug t c Ft

  • 7/30/2019 Walk Thru Czech Forest


    OBSAH / tABle Of cOntent

    vOdem / IntrOductIOn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Jaromr Vaek

    InfOrmAce O eSk repuBlIce / InfOrmAtIOn ABOuttHe czecH repuBlIc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Gabriela Pavloov

    Informace o lesnm hospodstv esk republiky / Informationon Forest Management in the Czech Republic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

    Systmov uspodn resortu lesnho hospodstv / Forestryin the Czech Republic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

    zAjmAv lOkAlIty/ IntereStInG lOcAlItIeS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

    Velk Javoina, vrchol Blch Karpat / Velk Javoina Mt., mountainpeak of the White Carpathians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12Robert Hruban

    Chiby / Chiby Mts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14Robert Hruban

    Pustevny a Nrodn prodn rezervace Knhyn / Pustevny and NationalNature Reserve Knhyn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Robert Hruban

    Nrodn prodn rezervace Adrpasko-teplick skly / The Adrpasko-

    teplick sklyRocks National Nature Reserve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18Ji Hani

    Krkonoe Rov hora / The Krkonoe Mts. The Rov hora Mt. . . . . 20Ji Hani

    Moravsk kras a LP Ktiny / The Moravian Karst and the TrainingForest Enterprise Ktiny . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Gabriela Pavloov

    Lednicko-valtick arel a Plava / The Lednice-Valtice Areaand the Plava Hills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24Gabriela Pavloov

    Nrodn park esk vcarsko / The Bohemian SwitzerlandNational Park . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26Ji Smejkal

    Prodn rezervace Diana / The Diana Nature Reserve . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30Jana Jirkov

    Nrodn prodn rezervace SOOS / SOOS National Nature Reserve . . . . 32Josef Prchal, Daniel Baln

    Nrodn park umava / The umava National Park . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

    Petr MachekNrodn prodn rezervace Pradd / The Pradd Mt. NNR . . . . . . . . . . 36Karel Pavlk

    esk kras lokalita Doutn / The Bohemian Karst Doutn Hill locality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38Kvta Zelenkov, Vclav Jansa

    Blank / The Blank Hill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40Kvta Zelenkov, Vclav Jansa

    Tebosko / The Protected Landscape Area of Tebosko . . . . . . . . . . 42

    Hannah Melcerov

    prce S veejnOSt / puBlIc relAtIOnS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44Lada Prylov

    eSk leSnIctv v mezInrOdnm kOntextu / Inter-nAtIOnAl cOntext Of tHe czecH fOreStry . . . . . . . . . . . 46Martin Nikl

  • 7/30/2019 Walk Thru Czech Forest


    Osidlovn zem, na kterm se dnes rozkld esk republika, zapoalo ped tymi tisci lety. V t dob byly lesy nm, co na jedn stran brnilo

    rychlmu rozvoji, na druh stran lesy poskytovaly uitky, bez kterch by se tehdej obyvatel zcela jist neobeli. Lovn zv a dv byly hlavn tm, co

    bylo pro obyvatele uiten a dleit. Na druhou stranu musely bt lesy vykceny a paezy vytrhny, aby bylo mon zaloit pole pro pstovn obil.

    Bylo to v minulosti vdy tak, e kdy lidsk spolenost prosperovala, lesy byly kceny a vyuvny takovou mrou, e byla ohroena jejich existence.

    Naopak, kdy probhaly vlky a rozvoj spolenosti byl utlumen, lesy si mohly oddychnout od soustavnch poadavk na dv a dal uitky.

    Osvcen panovnci v 18. stolet si uvdomovali, e rozvoj spolenosti nebude mon bez pravideln a trval produkce dv. Byly pijaty nov lesn

    zkony a ustanovena sttn sprva les. Od tto doby se datuje vznik principu trvale udritelnho obhospodaovn les, kter umouje budoucm

    generacm erpat ekologicky istou surovinu a dal uitky z prodnho obnovitelnho zdroje.

    Lesy na zem dnen esk republiky proly ve dvactm stolet boulivm obdobm. Pedevm to byly majetkov zmny vyvolan dvma svtovmi

    vlkami. Na zatku dvactho stolet stt lesy tm nevlastnil. Naproti tomu na konci osmdestch let dvactho stolet byly prakticky vechny lesy

    ve vlastnictv sttu. Majetkov zmny nepispvaj k dobrmu obhospodaovn, pesto meme konstatovat, e lesy jsou dnes v pomrn dobrm stavu,

    jejich vmra je na historicky nejvy rovni za poslednch 300 let. Problmy, kter nm zanechali nai pedchdci, se da postupn napravovat.

    Ven teni, publikace, kterou dnes otevrte, upozoruje na nejhez lokality les v esk republice, poskytuje nejdleitj fakta, ale pedevm

    zdrazuje skutenost, e pes vechny poli tick a majetkov zmny, kter se odehrly v na zemi, se lesnkm podailo zachovat lesy nm, souasnkm,

    pro jejich krsu, bohatost prody a uitek.

    Jaromr Vaek

    V Brandse nad Labem dne 7. 12. 2007

    Motto:Szm stromy,kter pinesou uitek jinm pokolenm.

    Marcus Tullius Cicero


  • 7/30/2019 Walk Thru Czech Forest


    Motto:I plant treesthat will be of benet for the coming generations.

    Marcus Tullius Cicero

    Colonization of the territory on which the present Czech Republic is situated began four thousand years ago. At that time, forests were something

    that prevented rapid development on the one hand, but on the other hand they were sources of utilities that people could certainly not do without.

    Game animals and wood were of great use and importance for the settlers. However, the forests had to be cut down and stumps pulled out so that elds

    for growing cereals could be established. Whenever human society prospered in the past, forests were felled and exploited to such an extent that their

    very existence was jeopardized. On the contrary, at the times of raging wars when the development of the society stagnated, forests could take a rest from

    the unceasing demands on timber and other utilities.

    In the 18th century, enlightened rulers realized that the development of the society will not be possible without regular and continual timber production.New forest laws were adopted and state forest administration was constituted. This was the time when the principle of sustainable forest management

    originated, which enables future generations to draw on the ecologically clean raw material and other utilities from the natural renewable resource.

    In the course of the twentieth century, forests in the territory of the present Czech Republic witnessed rather turbulent times, especially changes

    in property rights provoked by the two world wars. At the beginning of the 20th century, the state did not own any forests with just a few exceptions.

    Contrary to that time, practically all forests were in the possessions of the state at the end of the 1980s. Changes in the property ownership do not

    contribute to good management; nevertheless it can be stated that the forests are in a relatively good condition today with their surface area being

    at the historical ly highest level in the last 300 years. Problems inherited from our ancestors become gradually rectied.

    Dear readers, the publication that you have a chance to open today refers to the most beautiful forest localities in the Czech Republic, providingthe most important data and putting a primary emphasis on the fact that despite all political and property ownership changes which occurred in our country,

    Czech foresters have succeeded in preserving the forests for us contemporaries for their beauty, natural wealth and general benet.

    Jaromr Vaek

    In Brands nad Labem, on 7thDecember, 2007


  • 7/30/2019 Walk Thru Czech Forest


    InfOrmAce O eSk repuBlIce

    esk republika je vnitrozemskm sttem stedn Evropy s bohatm kulturnm, historickm

    i prodnm bohatstvm. Svou rozlohou necelch 79 000 km2 pat esk republika ke stedn

    velkm evropskm sttm. Velikostn zhruba odpovd Rakousku nebo Irsku, ale vela by

    se napklad 7x do Francie nebo 122x do rozlohy Spojench stt americkch. Svm potem

    obyvatel - 10,2 milion (130 obyvatel/km2) se ad ke stedn l idnatm sttm Evropy.

    esk republika le v mrnch zempisnch kch severn polokoule. Podneb R tak

    lze oznait jako mrn, ovem zrove velmi rozmanit mstn i v prbhu roku. Podneb

    rznch oblast R se navzjem vrazn li, hlavnm zdrojem tchto rozdl je nadmosk

    vka. Obecn vzato, smrem vzhru klesaj prmrn teploty vzduchu a naopak pibv

    srek. Vodstvo a poho jsou dleitmi prvky, kter vytvej jedinenou rozmanitost

    povrchu esk republiky. Odbornci mluv o zem esk republiky jako o stee Evropy.

    Nap eskou republikou se toti thne tzv. hlavn evropsk rozvod, je oddluje mosevernch a jinch mo.

    Lesn a ostatn zalesnn plochy, kter pokrvaj cca 34 % zem sttu, jsou dalm charakteristickm prvkem lenit krajiny. Dky prozravm snahm lesnch

    hospod zstvaj rozshl lesn plochy uchovny pro potchu a poteby budoucch generac. Neobyejn vysok hustota zajmavch historickch pamtek

    v kombinaci se zachovalou prodou tvo jedinen rmec pro poznvn kulturnch koen a souasn pro poklidnou relaxaci v prod po stalet citliv

    ovlivovan lovkem v krajin stedn Evropy. Tm vechny lesy na zem republiky jsou veejn pstupn.

    Pijete poznat tulnou a milou zemi s neobyejn pestrou prodou a vjimenmi historickmi i kulturnmi tradicemi!

  • 7/30/2019 Walk Thru Czech Forest


    InfOrmAtIOn ABOut tHe czecH repuBlIc

    The Czech Republic is a land-locked country in Central Europe with a rich cultural, historical and natural wealth. With the area of 79,000 sq km it ranks

    among medium-sized European states. It is of a similar size to Austria or Ireland but it would t into the territory of France 7 times or 122 times to the United

    States territory. The population of 10.2 million (130 inhabitants per sq km) makes it one of the medium populated European countries.

    The Czech Republic is situated in temperate geographical latitudes of the northern hemisphere. The climate of the CR can be thus referred to as temperate,

    being however at the same time very diverse locally and throughout the year. Climatic conditions in different regions of the CR vary main reason for this

    being the altitude. In general, with the increasing altitude mean air temperatures are decreasing and precipitation is increasing. Waters and mountain ranges

    are important elements constituting the singular relief diversity of the Czech Republic. Experts refer to the territory of the Czech Republic as to the roof

    of Europe because a so-called main European watershed running across the Czech Republic divides the drainage areas of northern and southern seas.

    Forest and other wooded areas which cover roughly 34 % of the countrys territory represent another typical feature of the Czech dissected landscape. Large

    forest areas remain preserved for the pleasure and need of the coming generations thanks to the far-seeing endeavour of forest managers. The remarkably

    high density of interesting historical sights in combination with the well preserved nature form a singular framework for learning about cultural roots and at

    the same time for peaceful relaxation in the natural environment that has been sensitively inuenced by man in the Central European landscape. Almost all

    forests occurring in the Czech territory are open to public.

    Come to see and learn this cosy and pleasant country with remarkable and colourful natural beauties and exceptionalhistorical and cultural traditions!

  • 7/30/2019 Walk Thru Czech Forest


    Celkov vmra lesnch pozemk v esk republice in piblin 2,6 mil. ha a mrn narst. Aktuln hodnota

    rozlohy les, stejn jako ostatn lesnick odborn daje, je kadoron aktualizovna ve Zprv o stavu lesa

    a lesnho hospodstv esk republiky (Zelen zprva), kterou vydv Ministerstvo zemdlstv a kter je

    k dispozici na internetov adrese www.uhul.cz. Tm 60 % plochy les je majetkem sttu, co je pozstatkem

    socialistick orientace republiky do roku 1989, kdy dolo ke zmn spoleenskho zzen. Od tohoto obdob se

    zapoalo s nvratem lesnch pozemk do rukou pvodnch soukromch vlastnk, jejich pda byla zesttnna

    v 50. letech 20. stolet. V souasnosti je v soukromch rukou cca 23 % plochy lesnch pozemk a restitun procesje tm u konce.

    Pevnou vtinu lesnch pozemk ti tvrtiny - pokrvaj jehlinat deviny, zejmna smrk. Listnatm devinm

    pipad pouze tvrtina, ovem jejich podl se neustle zvyuje dky nenavn snaze lesnk o zven druhov

    diverzity les.

    Informace o lesnm hospodstv esk republiky

    Vlastnick struktura les R

    Druhov sloen les R

    state forests

    municipal forests

    forest cooperatives

    private forests

    sttn lesy

    obecn lesy

    lesn drustva

    soukrom lesy















  • 7/30/2019 Walk Thru Czech Forest


    Total acreage of forest properties in the Czech Republic amounts to approximately

    2.6 million hectares and is slightly increasing. Similarly as all other forestry technical

    data, gures on the actual forest area are annually updated in the Report on the Stateof Forests and Forestry in the Czech Republic (Green Report) published by the

    Ministry of Agriculture which is available at www.uhul.cz. Nearly 60 % of the forest area

    is in state possessions, which is a remnant of the socialist orientation of the country

    before 1989, the year when the change of the political system occurred. In the aftermath

    of these changes, the process began of returning the forest properties into hands

    of the original private owners whose land was nationalized in the 1950s. At present,

    about 23 % of total forest lands are in private ownership and the restitution process has

    been almost nished.

    Information on Forest Management in the Czech Republic

    Forest Ownership Structure in the Czech Republic

    Species Composition of the Czech Forests

    Most of the forest lands

    three quarters are covered

    by conifer trees, namely

    by spruce. Broadleaved

    species constitute only onefourth. Nonetheless, their

    share keeps growing also

    due to the tireless effort

    of foresters aimed at the

    enhancement of tree species

    diversity in the forests.

  • 7/30/2019 Walk Thru Czech Forest


    Kategorizace les R

    Po vstupu esk republiky do Evropsk unie v roce 2004 zaalo bt lesn hospodstv vnmno nejen jako prmyslov odvtv,

    ale pedevm jako nedln soust rozvoje venkova. Na lesnm hospodstv a jeho produktech zaloen technologickplatforma vytv jedinen, pro jin hospodsk odvtv nerealizovateln, model trvale udritelnho rozvoje na bzi

    obnovitelnho prodnho zdroje. Tato skutenost se promt zejmna do monosti vlastnk lesa zskat nejrznj dotace

    na sprvn hospodaen v lesch jak z nrodnch, tak z evropskch zdroj.

    Jednou z monost, jak podporovat vy uvn deva a devnch vrobk, je certikace lesnch zdroj, kter spluj kritria

    trvale udritelnho hospodaen. V esk republice psob v souasnosti certikan systmy PEFC (Evropsk certikace les)

    a FSC (Rada pro hospodaen v lesch), kter jsou zalenny do nadnrodnch st tchto organizac.

    obnova lesa ha/rok

    vchovn zsahy ha/rok

    zsoby deva mil. m


    tba deva m3/ha/rok

    celkov bn prst m3/ha/rok

    21 630

    123 400



    daje pevzaty ze Zelen zprvy za rok 2006.

    Nrst celkovch zsob dv na zem republiky plynule pokrauje ji od 30. let 20. stolet, kdy se zapoalo se sledovnm tchto daj. Stejn jako v cel

    Evrop, i v esk republice pekrauje ron prst deva objem teb.

    Nrst poadavk na plnn specickch funkc lesa vystil ji v minulosti do rozdlen les na kategorie les

    hospodskch, les ochrannch a les zvltnho uren, piem v poslednch dvou kategorich pevauje

    zabezpeen mimoproduknch funkc nad strnkou hospodskou.

    Krom tohoto hospodskho rozdlen je tm 28 % rozlohy les soust zvlt chrnnch zem, kter podlhaj

    specilnm ochrannm reimm - nrodnch park, chrnnch zem, prodnch pamtek.

  • 7/30/2019 Walk Thru Czech Forest


    Classication of Forests in the CR

    commercial forests

    special purpose forests

    protection forests

    lesy hospodsk

    lesy zvltnho uren

    lesy ochrann

    After the accession of the Czech Republic to the European Union in 2004, forestry began to be perceived not only as an industrial sector, but primarily as an

    integral part of rural development. Technological platform based on forestry and its products forms a singular model of sustainable development on the basisof a natural renewable resource which is unattainable for other sectors of the economy. This fact reects namely in a possibility existing for the forest owners

    to benet from various subsidies for due management of their forests from both national and European resources.

    One of the possibilities of supporting higher utilization of timber and wood products is the certication of forest resources which comply with the criteria

    of sustainable management. Certication organizations with activities in the Czech Republic are PEFC (Pan European Forest Council) and FSC (Forest

    Stewardship Council) which are part of supranational networks of these organizations.

    Forest regeneration ha per year

    Tending operations ha per year

    Timber reserves million m3

    Logging m3/ha/year

    Total current increment m3/ha/year





    The data were borrowed from the Green Report for the year 2006.

    The increase of total timber reserves in the Czech territory has been continuing without interruption already since the 1930s when the monitoring of these

    data was commenced. Like in the remaining part of Europe, annual increments exceed the volume of harvested timber.

    The growing pressure on the fullment of specic forest functions led to the division of forests into the categories of production forests, protection forests

    and special purpose forests already in the past. Assurance of non-wood-producing roles predominates over the economic aspect in the last two categories.

    Apart from this economic classication, nearly 28% of the forest surface area belongs to particularly protected areas which are subject to special protection

    regimes national parks, protected areas and nature monuments.

  • 7/30/2019 Walk Thru Czech Forest


    Oblast lesnho hospodstv spad do kompetence nkolika ministerstev pedevm Ministerstva zemdlstv, kter m vlastn lesnickou sekci, dle

    Ministerstva ivotnho prosted a Ministerstva pro mstn rozvoj. Z tto skutenosti tak vyplv existence nkolika rznch zkonnch prav, kter se

    lesnho hospodstv bezprostedn dotkaj. Pedevm se jedn o zkon . 289/1995 Sb. - tzv. lesn zkon kter je doplnn vyhlkami. Dalmi

    dleitmi zkony jsou zkon . 114/1992 Sb. o ochran prody a krajiny, zkon . 149/2003 Sb. o obchodu s reproduknm materilem lesnch devin, zkon

    . 449/2001 Sb. o myslivosti, a mnoho dalch.

    Z hlediska hospodaen v lesch m zsadn vznam zkon . 289/1995 Sb. (lesn zkon), kter shrnuje dvousetlet zkuenosti eskch lesnk v oblasti

    trvale udritelnho obhospodaovn lesnch pozemk. Mezi zkladn povinnosti vlastnk lesa pat zejmna povinn znovuzalesnn vytench st

    lesnch porost, piem je kladen zven draz na sprvnou druhovou skladbu s odpovdajcm podlem listnatch devin. Ve tby deva je omezena

    velikost vyten plochy, tzv. holiny. Velk pozornost je vnovna tak ochran lesnch porost jak ped abiotickmi (nap. vt r, snh, zneitn ovzdu),

    tak biotickmi (hmyz kdci, lesn zv) initeli. Veker zkonn opaten jsou orgny sttn sprvy pravideln kontrolovna a jejich poruovn je striktn


    Vzhledem k rozshlm dopadm lesnickho hospodaen na krajinu, innosti v lese podlhaj dlouhodobmu plnovn. V souasnosti existuje v esk

    republice nkolik rovn plnovn. Nejkomplexnjm celosttnm plnovacm nstrojem je Nrodn lesnick program (NLP), kter je vsledkem spoluprce

    nkolika resort a m irok vazby na mezinrodn aktivity, zejmna Evropskou unii. Ni stupe plnovn pedstavuj Oblastn plny rozvoje lesa (OPRL),

    kter jsou zpracovny pro 41 prodnch lesnch oblast na obdob 20 let. Pro rove jednotlivch lesnch majetk slou lesn hospodsk plny (LHP)

    a lesn hospodsk osnovy (LHO) s desetiletou platnost. Odbornou rove hospodaen v lesch zajiuje instituce odbornho lesnho hospode, kter je

    licencovanou osobou, zajiujc pro vlastnka lesa odborn nakldn s lesnm majetkem v souladu se zkonem.

    Zdroj: Zprva o stavu lesa a lesnho hospodstv esk republiky(Zelen zprva) viz www.uhul.cz.

    Systmov uspodn resortu lesnho hospodstv


  • 7/30/2019 Walk Thru Czech Forest


    The sphere of forestry falls under the competence of several state departments especially the Ministry of Agriculture which has its own forestry section

    and the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry for Regional Development. The fact is also responsible for the existence of several legal regulations which

    directly concern the sphere of forestry. It is mainly the Act No. 289/1995 Coll. the so-called Forest Act which is supplemented by decrees. Further acts

    of importance are the Act No. 114/1992 Coll. on nature and landscape protection, Act No. 149/2003 Coll. on the marketing of forest reproductive material,

    Act No. 449/2001 Coll. on game management and many others.

    With respect to forest management, the Act No. 289/1995 Coll . (Forest Act) which sums up two centuries of experience of Czech foresters in the sphere

    of sustainable management on forest lands is of essential signicance. One of the basic obligations of forest owners is particularly the compulsory reforestation

    Forestry in the Czech Republic

    of logged-over plots in forest stands, while an increased emphasis is laid on the correct species composition

    with a corresponding proportion of broadleaved species. The felling volume is limited by size of the

    logged-over area, the so-called clear-felled area. Great deal of attention is also paid to the protection

    of forest stands from abiotic (e.g. wind, snow, air pollution) as well as biotic (insect pests, game) factors.All legal measures are regularly inspected by state administration bodies and their violation is strictly


    With respect to the enormous impact of forest management on the landscape, forest activities are

    subject to long-term planning. There are currently several levels of forest management planning

    in the Czech Republic. The most complex national planning instrument is the National Forestry Programme

    (NLP) which is the result of cooperation between several state departments and which has broad ties to

    international activities, namely to the European Union. Lower level planning is represented by regional

    forest development plans (OPRL) which are elaborated for 41 natural forest regions for the period

    of 20 years. Forest management plans (LHP) and forest management concepts (LHO) valid for the periodof ten years serve the level of individual forest properties. Professional level of forest management is

    ensured by the institution of a forest manager who is a licensed person guaranteeing expert treatment

    of forest property for the forest owner in accordance with the law.

    Source: Report on the State of Forests and Forestry in the Czech Republic (Green Report).For further information see www.uhul.cz.

  • 7/30/2019 Walk Thru Czech Forest



    Nadmosk vka

    Zastoupen devin

    Prmrn teplota

    Prmrn srky

    GPS souadnice

    79,29 ha

    835 970 m n. m.

    BK 63 %, JS 21 %, KL 16 %

    5,2 C

    985 mm

    1740'30"N, 4851'27"E

    Velk Javoina (970 m n. m.) se nachz na esko-slovenskm pomez v centrln sti Blch

    Karpat. Je nejen mstem dalekho rozhledu, ale tak nrodnostnho vznamu. Kadoron

    se zde v ervenci podaj slavnosti bratrstva ech a Slovk.

    Pro sv mimodn prodn hodnoty byly lesy na svazch Velk Javoiny vyhleny nrodn

    prodn rezervac. Vtinu zem pokrvaj kvtnat buiny, na prudch sklonech suov

    lesy s javorem klenem a jasanem ztepilm. Porosty se vyznauj vrazn diferencovanou

    porostn strukturou. Dky drsnmu klimatu maj stromy ve vrcholovch partich bizarn,

    asto pokroucen tvary. Pralesn rezervaci vyhlsili pvodn majitel - Lichtentejnov

    v roce 1909.

    Bl Karpaty pat mezi nejist a nejvce zachoval zem. Dlouholet sept obyvatel

    s prodou vytvoilo pvabnou krajinnou scenerii. Vsledkem hojnch odlesnn

    v minulosti je soubor jedinench kvtnatch luk s roztrouenmi devinami, pedstavujc

    dnes typick krajinn rz Blch Karpat. Ve stedn a severn sti jej malebn dotv

    pomrn dk osdlen kopaniskho typu, vznikl velmi pozdn valaskou kolonizac

    v 17. a 18. stolet . Bl Karpaty pat mezi lokal ity s nejvy druhovou diverzitou

    a s nejvt kvantitou vstavaovitch rostlin (orchidej) ve stedn Evrop.

    Velk Javoina, vrcholBlch Karpat

    zAjmAv lOkAlIty

  • 7/30/2019 Walk Thru Czech Forest


    Velk Javoina Mt., mountainpeak of the White Carpathiansns

    The Velk Javoina Mt. (970 m a. s. l.) is located in the Czech-Slovak borderland in the central

    part of the White Carpathians. It is not only a far-reaching panoramic viewpoint, but also

    a place of national signicance. Every year in July, celebrations of the brotherhood of Czechs

    and Slovaks take place there.

    Forests covering the slopes of the Velk Javoina Mt. were declared national nature reserve

    for their extraordinary natural values. Most of the area is covered by herb-rich beechwoods.

    Steeper slopes are dominated by talus forests with the sycamore maple and European ash.

    The stands are characterized by the profusely differentiated stand structure. Thanks to harsh

    climatic conditions, tree tops are of bizarre, often malformed shapes. The virgin forest reserve

    was declared by the original owners the Lichtenstein family in 1909.

    The White Carpathians are one of the cleanest and best preserved areas. The long-lasting close

    attachment of inhabitants to the local environment has created charming landscape scenery.

    Frequent deforestations in the past resulted in a singular complex of herb-rich meadows with

    scattered trees, representing today a typical landscape character of the White Carpathians which

    picturesquely combines in the central and northern part with relatively scarce settlements

    of former mountain cottagers, originating during the late Wallachian colonisation in the 17thand 18th centuries. The White Carpathians rank with the localities of greatest species diversity

    in Europe, representing at the same time one of places with the highest occurrence of orchid

    family plants (orchids) in Central Europe.

    79.29 ha

    835 970 m a. s. l.

    beech 63 %, European ash 21 %, sycamore maple 16 %

    5.2 C

    985 mm

    1740'30"N , 4851'27"E

    Surface area


    Tree species composition

    Mean temperature

    Mean precipitation

    GPS coordinatesvelkjAvOInA,





    IntereStInG lOcAlItIeS

  • 7/30/2019 Walk Thru Czech Forest



    Chiby jsou rozlohou sice nevelk, ale velmi pitaliv a nkdy i zhadn poho opeden

    bohatou minulost. Tvo nejzpadnj vbek Karpat na naem zem a oddluj severn

    poloen roviny Han od jinch rovin Slovcka. Nejvym bodem je Brdo (587 m n. m.).

    Mrn podneb, rozshl lesy, hojnost zve a rodn pdy spolu s dostatkem vody

    pedurily starodvn osdlen krajiny. Loveck skupiny osdlily stedn Pomorav ji

    ped 30 000 40 000 lety, kdy zdej oblast patila k nejhustji zalidnnm zemm ve stedn

    Evrop. V prbhu as poho ovldalo prastarou jantarovou stezku vedouc podl eky

    Moravy od Jaderskho moe k Baltu. Po pchodu Slovan zde postupn vzniklo velk

    hospodsk, crkevn, vojensk a sprvn stedisko zvan Veligrad, centrum Velkomoravsk

    e. Ve stedovku ovldali Chiby pni krlovskho hradu Buchlova a hradu Cimburka.

    Chiby podnes zstaly oblast s nejmn zmnnou druhovou skladbou. V oblasti pevauj

    bukov doubravy a dubov buiny. Pouze v nich polohch jsou zastoupeny habrovdoubravy a vjimen teplomiln doubravy s dubem pitm. V nejvych partich dominuj

    buiny. Typick pro Chiby jsou skalnat vchozy yovch pskovc, jako jsou skaliska

    Kozel nebo Budaina. Nalezneme zde velmi hodnotn krajinsk zem, romantick lesn

    zkout, skaliska, studnky nebo hlubok dol. Ve Chibech se nachz 12 maloplonch

    zvlt chrnnch zem a 2 prodn parky. Pro svou mimodnou zachovalost byly Chiby

    navreny v tm cel ploe do soustavy Natura 2000.


    Nadmosk vka

    Zastoupen devin

    Prmrn teplota

    Prmrn srky

    GPS souadnice

    19 226,45 ha

    208 585 m n. m.

    DB 24 %, BK 22 %, SM 18 %,

    HB 11 %

    7,9 C

    628 mm

    1718'0"N, 498'22"E

  • 7/30/2019 Walk Thru Czech Forest


    Chiby Mts.

    The Chiby Mts. are not very large but very attractive and sometimes even mysterious mountain

    range with the colourful history. Representing the westernmost promontory of the Carpathians

    in our territory they separate the Han lowlands in the north from the Slovcko lowlands

    in the south. The highest point is Brdo Mt. (587 m a. s. l.).

    Temperate climate, extensive forest complexes, abundance of game and fertile soils together

    with the sufcient amount of water predestined the ancient landscape settlement. Groups

    of hunters settled down in the central reaches of the Morava River already 30,000 40,000 years ago

    at the times when the region was one of the most densely populated areas in Central Europe.

    In the course of time, the mountain range had a strategic position for controlling the ancient Amber

    Path leading along the Morava River from the Adriatic to the Baltic sea. After the arrival of Slavs,

    a large economic, religious, military and administrative centre called Veligrad was gradually coming

    to existence here, to later become also the centre of the Great Moravian Empire. In the Middle Ages,

    the Chiby Mts. were controlled by the lords of the royal castles of Buchlov and Cimburk.

    The Chiby Mts. have remained until today a region with the least altered species composition.

    The territory is dominated by beech-oak and oak-beech woods. Hornbeam-oak woods and

    exceptionally thermophilic oakwoods with the pubescent oak are represented only in lower

    altitudes. The highest elevations are dominated by beech woods. Typical of the Chiby Mts. are rocky

    outcrops of ysch sandstones such as the Kozel or the Budaina rocks. There are very valuable

    landscape areas to be found here, romantic and quiet forest creeks, rocks, fountains or deep

    valleys. In the Chiby Mts., there are 12 small-scale particularly protected areas and 2 natural parks.

    For the extremely good state a nearly whole area of the Chiby Mts. has been proposed to become

    part of the Natura 2000 network.


    Surface area


    Tree species composition

    Mean temperature

    Mean precipitation

    GPS coordinates

    19,226.45 ha

    208 585 m a. s. l.

    oak 24 %, beech 22 %, spruce 18 %, hornbeam 11 %

    7.9 C

    628 mm

    1718'0"N, 498'22"E

  • 7/30/2019 Walk Thru Czech Forest


    Pustevny a NPR Knhyn

    V horskm sedle, mezi vrcholy Radhotm a Tanenic, le v nadmosk vce 1 018 m n. m.

    horsk stedisko Pustevny. V polovin 18. stolet byla pobl prvn devn radhosk kaple

    zzena poustevna pro poustevnka. Po jejm oputn se mstu zaalo kat Pustevny. Na konci

    19. stolet se oblasti ujmaj lenov Pohorsk jednoty Radho. V roce 1891 tam spolekpostavil prvn tulnu zvanou Psteva a v nsledujcch deseti letech soubor tulen, z nich

    nejznmj dv, Libun a Mamnku, projektoval ve stylu lidov secese slovinsk architekt

    Duan Jurkovi. Tm o sto let pozdji se soubor staveb stal Nrodn kulturn pamtkou.

    Hebenovou cestou smrem k zpadu, kolem sochy pohanskho boha Radegasta

    od frenttskho rodka Albna Polka, lze pohodln doshnout vrcholu Radhot

    (1 129 m n. m.), kde stoj kaple z roku 1898 a souso Cyrila a Metodje z roku 1905

    od stejnho autora.

    NPR Knhyn - ertv mln zaujm vrchol a pilehl prudk svahy Knhyn (1 257 m n. m.)

    a nehlubokm sedlem oddlen masiv ertova mlna (1 206 m n. m.) s hojnm vskytemskalnch vchoz a pseudokrasovch jev. Asi 750 m jihovchodn od vrcholu Knhyn, ji

    mimo zem rezervace, se nalz prodn pamtka Knhysk jeskyn s dlkou prleznch

    prostor 280 m a s nejhlub pseudokrasovou propast v R zvanou Knhysk propast, kter

    je hlubok 57,5 m. Hlavn devinou je ve vrcholov sti smrk ztepil s dochovanou pvodn

    populac horskho ekotypu a v nich polohch pistupuje buk lesn s jedl blokorou.

    Ze vzcnch devin se v nejvych polohch vyskytuje rybz alpsk (Ribes alpinum) a rybz

    skaln(Ribes petraeum).

    195,02 ha

    940 1 257 m n. m.

    SM 65 %, BK 28 %, KL 4 %,

    J 3 %, B +

    4,0 C

    1 309 mm

    1815'52"N, 4929'20"E


    Nadmosk vka

    Zastoupen devin

    Prmrn teplota

    Prmrn srky

    GPS souadnice

  • 7/30/2019 Walk Thru Czech Forest


    Pustevny and National Nature ReserveKnhyn

    The Pustevny mountain resort is situated in a mountain saddle between the peaks of Radho and Tanenice at an altitude

    of 1,018 m a. s. l. In the mid 18 th century, a hermitage was established near the rst wooden Radho chapel. When it

    became deserted, the place started to be called Pustevny (poustevnk is Czech for hermit). Towards the end of the 19 thcentury the area came to be managed by the members of the tourist club Pohorsk jednota Radho (Radho Mountain

    Fellowship). In 1891, the club built the rst shelter hut called Psteva and a complex of shelter huts was constructed

    there in the following decade, out of which the most famous ones Libun and Mamnka were designed by the

    Slovenian architect Duan Jurkovi in the folk art nouveau style. Nearly a hundred years later, the complex of buildings

    became a national cultural monument.

    By taking the ridge road in the western direction and passing along the statue of the pagan god Radegast by Albn

    Polek, the native of Frentt pod Radhotm, one can easily reach the peak of the Radho Mt. (1,129 m a. s. l.) with

    the chapel originating from 1898 and a sculptural group of Cyril and Method from 1905 made by the same sculptor.

    The Knhyn ertv mln National Nature Reserve occupies the summit and the adjacent sharply inclined slopes

    of the Knhyn Mt. (1,257 m a. s. l.) and the massif of the ertv Mln Mt. (1,206 m a. s. l.) separated by a shallow saddle

    characteristic by a frequent occurrence of rock outcrops and pseudokarst phenomena. Some 750 m to the southeast

    of the Knhyn Mt. top, already out of the limits of the reserve, there is the Knhysk jeskyn Cave National Nature

    Reserve with the ascendable length of 280 m and with the deepest pseudokarst abyss existing in the Czech Republic,

    called the Knhysk propast Abyss which is 57.5 m deep. The main tree species in the summit part of the mountain

    is Norway spruce with the preserved original population of montane ecotype; European beech and silver r are

    represented in lower elevations. Noble tree species are represented by alpine currant (Ribes alpinum) and wulf(Ribes

    petraeum) in the highest elevations.

    Surface area


    Tree species composition

    Mean temperature

    Mean precipitation

    GPS coordinates




    195.02 ha

    940 1,257 m a. s. l.

    spruce 65 %, beech 28 %, sycamore maple 4 %, European mountain ash 3 %, birch +

    4.0 C

    1,309 mm

    1815'52"N, 4929'20"E

  • 7/30/2019 Walk Thru Czech Forest


    Nrodn prodn rezervaceAdrpasko-teplick sklyJsou soust Broumovsk vrchoviny, kter je tvoena rozshlou sneninou s lenitm

    povrchem, vsunutou do phraninho prostoru mezi vyzdvienmi hbety Krkono

    a Orlickch hor. Toto zem je tvoeno pevn druhohornmi kdovmi moskmisedimenty z kemennch kvdrovch pskovc.

    Adrpasko-teplick skly (509 786 m n. m.) jsou tvoeny rozbrzdnou tabulovou ploinou

    s inverznmi roklemi a pskovcovmi skalnmi msty. Skaln ve a pile dosahuj

    peven pes 100 m, zdej skaln msta se vyznauj nejvraznj teplotn inverz v R.

    Vlhk a chladn mikroklima kaon a soutsek umouje vskyt bezobratlch ivoich

    i glacilnch relikt. Z pirozench lesnch spoleenstev se zachovaly reliktn bory

    a fragmenty podmench smrin v inverznch polohch.

    Nejvym bodem kdovho tvaru s kvdrovmi pskovci je p (786 m n. m.). Skaln msto

    objevili dajn slezt kupci v r. 1734, ve vtm rozsahu odkryl masivy skalnch mst a

    rozshl lesn por (1824).

    zem Adrpasko-teplickch skal o rozloze 1 803 ha je zalenno do les zvltnho uren

    jako nrodn prodn rezervace. Z toho st o vme 460 ha je vyhlena genovou zkladnou

    pro BO (SM) jako nhorn fenotyp adrpask borovice a inverznho smrku v polohch

    500 700 m n. m. zem NPR je v rmci MZCH zalenno do 1. zny CHKO Broumovsko

    a zrove je to evropsky vznamn lokalita a pta oblast Natura 2000. Vznamnm prvkem

    jsou zde reliktn bory ve vrcholovch partich skal.

    1 803,43 ha

    509 786 m n. m.

    SM 70 %, BO 20 %, B 8 %,

    BK, JD, KL, J 2 %

    5,1 C

    800 mm

    167'40"N, 5035'47"E

    Vmra NPR

    Nadmosk vka

    Zastoupen devin

    Prmrn teplota

    Prmrn srky

    GPS souadnice

  • 7/30/2019 Walk Thru Czech Forest


    The Adrpasko-teplick skly RocksNational Nature Reserve (NNR)

    They belong to the Broumovsk vrchovina Upland which is formed by an extensive depression with broken relief

    inserted into the borderland space between the elevated ridges of the Krkonoe Mts. and the Orlick hory Mts.

    This region is prevailingly formed by secondary Cretaceous marine sediments from siliceous block sandstones.

    The Adrpasko-teplick skly Rocks (509 786 m) are formed by a gullied tabular plateau with inversion ravines

    and castellated rocks of sandstones. Superelevation of rock towers and pillars is over 100 m. The local rock cities

    are characterized by the most pronounced temperature inversion in the CR. Humid and cold microclimate

    of the canyons and mountain passes enables the occurrence of invertebrate animals and glacial relics. Preserved

    natural forest communities are relic pinewoods and fragments of water-logged spruce woods occurring in the

    inversion locations.

    The highest point of the Cretaceous formation with block sandstones is the p Mt. (786 m a. s. l.). The rock

    city was allegedly discovered by Silesian merchants in 1734. The massifs of castellated rocks were later more

    exposed only after a great re (1824).

    The territory of the Adrpasko-teplick skly Rocks with the total area of 1,803 ha is included among the

    special purpose forests as a national nature reserve. A 460 ha-large section of this territory is a decreed gene

    pool for pine (spruce) as an upland phenotype of the Adrpach pine and inversion spruce at the altitudes

    of 500 700 m a. s. l. The NNR territory is included into Zone 1 of the Broumovsko Protected Landscape Area as

    a Small-Scale Particularly Protected Area (MZCH). At the same time, it is the locality of European signicance

    and the avian habitat of Natura 2000. Important elements in the region are relic pinewoods in the summit parts

    of rocks.





    NNR surface area


    Tree species composition

    Mean temperature / Mean precipitation

    GPS coordinates

    1,803.43 ha

    509 786 m a. s. l.

    spruce 70 %, pine 20 %, birch 8 %, beech, r, sycamore maple,

    European mountain ash 2 %

    5.1 C / 800 mm

    167'40"N, 5035'47"E

  • 7/30/2019 Walk Thru Czech Forest



    Krkonoe Rov hora

    Dominantn vrcholy Snka (1 601 m n. m.), Studnin hora (1 554 m n. m.) a Rov hora

    (1 390 m n. m.) tvo nejvy hebenov polohy ve vchodnch Krkonoch. Rov hora

    je hlavn ktou Rohorsk rozsochy, je vzdlena 2 km jin od Snky a je zde umstna

    pestupn stanice lanov drahy Pec pod Snkou Rov hora Snka. Hebenov strohorskho hbetu je tvoena mrn zvlnnou ploinou s nejzachovalejm komplexem

    pvodn klee v Krkonoch. Hebenov ploina spad srznm zpado-severozpadnm

    svahem na dno karu Obho dolu do bystiny py. Vchodn bo zaujmaj iroce rozloen

    stedn svait polohy, chrnn od zpadu Rohorskou rozsochou, masivem Snky

    a Obm hebenem od severu. Zvry vchodnch svah spadaj skalnatmi srzy do Jelenho

    potoka, kter odvd vodu do Mal py. Tato oblast, nazvan Koule, je rozlenna

    Koulovm a Kovm potokem s prudkmi spdy. Vzhledem ke chrnnm polohm v zvt

    a v minulosti pln nepstupnosti tsn pod horn hranic lesa se zde obnovovaly

    lesy pirozen z autochtonnch porost. V souasnosti jsou to velmi kvalitn porosty

    a nejcennj genov zkladna krkonoskho smrku o rozloze cca 450 ha s vkemcca 200 let v polohch 1 060 1 300 m n. m. V souasn dob se vcemn pirozen

    proeuj a obnovuj.

    Lesy jsou zaazeny do les ochrannch. V poslednm obdob jsou lokln pokozeny

    vtrnou kalamitou s doprovodnm vskytem krovc. Cel oblast je zaazena do genovch

    zkladen pro vysokohorsk smrk (GZ Koulov potok) a pro kle (GZ Vchodn st).

    1. zna, lesy ochrann

    21a, 21b, 21c

    970 1 390 m n. m.

    SM 80 %, kle 20 %

    0,4 C - 4 C

    800 mm

    1544'31"N, 5043'16"E

    Nrodn park Krkonoe

    Nadmosk vka

    Zastoupen devin

    Prmrn teplota

    Prmrn srky

    GPS souadnice

  • 7/30/2019 Walk Thru Czech Forest


    The Krkonoe Mts. The Rov hora Mt.

    Dominant peaks of the Snka Mt. (1,601 m a. s. l.), the Studnin hora Mt. (1,554 m a. s. l.) and the Rov

    hora Mt. (1,390 m a. s. l.) constitute the highest ridge elevations in the eastern Krkonoe Mts. The Rov

    hora Mt. is the main upper spot height of the Rohorsk rozsocha Spur district which is situated 2 km

    to the south of the Snka Mt. and where a transfer station of the cableway Pec pod Snkou Rov

    hora Snka is located. The crest section of the Rov hora Mt. ridge is formed by a slightly undulating

    plateau with the best preserved complex of autochthonous dwarf pine in the Krkonoe Mts. The crest

    plateau descends in a steep west north-western slope to the bottom of the Ob dl Vale cirque into

    the pa Torrent. Eastern hillsides take up widely stretched medium inclined sloping locations protected by

    the Rohorsk rozsocha Spur from the west and the Snka Mt. massif and the Ob Crest from the north.

    End parts of the eastern slopes fall sharply as rocky cliffs into the Jelen potok Brook which drains water

    into the Mal pa River. This area called Koule is divided by the Koulov and Kov potok Brooks with

    steep declining slopes. Due to the sheltered lee locations and to the fact that the whole area closely belowthe upper forest boundary was totally inaccessible in the past, the forests used to regenerate naturally

    from autochthonous stands. Today, they have become the high quality stands and the most valuable gene

    pool of the Krkonoe Mts. spruce covering the surface area of 450 ha aged approximately 200 years in

    altitudes ranging between 1,060 1,300 m a. s. l. At the present time, the forest stands exhibit a more or less

    decreasing density and regenerate naturally.

    The forests are classied in the category of protection forests. Recently, they have been damaged locally by

    a windthrow disaster accompanied by the occurrence of bark beetles. The whole area is included in the gene

    pool reserves for alpine spruce (gene pool Koulov potok Brook) and for dwarf pine (gene pool Vchodn st


    The Krkonoe Mts. National Park


    Tree species composition

    Mean temperature / Mean precipitation

    GPS coordinates

    Zone 1, protection forests 21a, 21b, 21c

    970 1,390 m a. s. l.

    spruce 80 %, dwarf pine 20 %

    0.4 C 4 C / 800 mm

    1544'31"N, 5043'16"E






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    Moravsk kras a LP Ktiny

    Jedinen kombinace vukov-demonstranho lesnickho arelu s chrnnm krasovm

    zemm evropskho vznamu

    Chrnn krajinn oblast Moravsk kras je nejvznamnj krasov oblast esk republiky

    s uniktn ivou a neivou prodou, bohatmi archeologickmi i paleontologickmi dokladyi etnmi kulturnmi pamtkami. Nejcennj sti zem jsou chrnny v jedencti prodnch

    rezervacch, tyech nrodnch prodnch rezervacch a dvou nrodnch prodnch


    koln lesn podnik Masarykv les Ktiny (LP) je organizan soust Mendelovy zemdlsk

    a lesnick univerzity v Brn (MZLU v Brn). Ta v rmci svch studijnch program lesnictv,

    krajinstv a devastv vyuv LP jako uniktn elov zazen s mnoha lesnickmi,

    environmentlnmi a devaskmi demonstranmi objekty, v neposledn ad jako exkurzn

    a vukov objekt zcela mimodnho vznamu. LP Ktiny le na zem Moravskho krasu.


    Nadmosk vka

    Zastoupen devin

    Prmrn teplota

    Prmrn srky

    GPS souadnice

    92 km2

    220 610 m n. m.

    SM 50 %, BK 20 %, DB 12 %,

    HB 8 %, ostatn 10 %

    7,5 C

    537 mm

    4919'43.22"N, 1643'23.52"E

    CHKO Moravsk kras

    10 492 ha

    210 572 m n.m.

    SM, BO, MD 46 %,

    BK, DB 54 %

    7,5 C

    610 mm

    4917'49.4"N, 1644'38.72"E

    koln lesn podnik Ktiny

    Zdejmi hlavnmi devinami jsou smrk,

    borovice, modn, z listnatch devin pak buk

    a dub. Do lesnch porost se postupn vrac

    i jedle, kter projevuje znmky regenerace.

    Mimodn rstov vlastnosti m modn, jeho

    mstn populace je oznaovna jako modn


  • 7/30/2019 Walk Thru Czech Forest


    The Moravian Karst and the TrainingForest Enterprise KtinySingular combination of teaching and demonstration forest premises in the protected karst area of European


    The Protected Landscape Area of Moravian Karst is one of the most important karst regions in the Czech Republic with

    the singular living and non-living environments, rich archaeological and paleaontological artefacts and numerous

    cultural monuments. The most precious parts of the region are protected in eleven nature reserves, four national

    nature reserves and two national nature monuments.

    The Masaryk Forest Training Forest Enterprise (TFE) in Ktiny is an organizational part of Mendel University

    of Agriculture and Forestry Brno. The university uses the TFE as a singular special-purpose facility with a lot

    of forest structures, environmental and timber production demonstration objects for teaching and practical training

    of students in the lines of forestry, landscaping and wood technology and, last but not least, as an excursion and

    instruction facility of extraordinary signicance. The Ktiny TFE is situated in the Moravian Karst area.

    The main local tree species are spruce, pine and larch. Broadleaved species are represented by beech and oak. Also

    r starts reappearing in the forest stands, which shows signs of regeneration. Larch, the population of which is

    referred to as the Adamov larch, has outstanding growth characteristics.

    Surface areaAltitude


    Tree species composition

    Mean temperature

    Mean precipitation

    GPS coordinates

    92 sq km

    220 610 m a. s. l.

    South Moravian Region

    spruce 50 %, beech 20 %, oak 12 %,

    hornbeam 8 %, other 10 %

    7.5 C

    537 mm

    491943.22N, 164323.52E

    The Moravian Karst Protected Landscape Area


    Training Forest Enterprise Ktiny


    10,492 ha210 572 m a. s. l.

    South Moravian Region

    spruce, pine, larch 46 %,

    beech, oak 54 %

    7.5 C

    610 mm

    4917'49.4"N, 1644'38.72"E





  • 7/30/2019 Walk Thru Czech Forest


    Lednicko-valtick arela Plavanejrozshlej komponovan krajinn zem v Evrop patc mezi pamtky UNESCO

    Lednicko-valtick arel jako nejrozshlej komponovan krajina v Evrop byl prvem zapsn na Seznamsvtovho kulturnho ddictv UNESCO v roce 1996. Cel oblast je jednm z nejpozoruhodnjch

    prodnch a souasn i umlecko historicky vznamnch zem stedn Evropy. Je povaovna

    za nejrozshlej celek komponovan krajiny v Evrop a asi i na svt. Mezi dvma centry - Valticemi

    a Lednic - se rozkld upraven krajina s mnostvm rybnk a park, v nich jsou rozmstny romantick

    stavby zmk, kolond a lesnch chrm. Jeho soust je i nejvt dochovan zbytek lunho lesa

    v Evrop. V niv Dyje zstaly zachovny porosty tvrdho luhu s dubem letnm a jasanem zkolistm

    a nevelk plochy zaplavovanch luk.

    Plava jako soust Lednicko-valtickho arelu se nachz v severozpadnm vbku Panonsk niny. Pestr

    mozaika skalnch suchch trvnk, lemovch spoleenstev, suchomilnch kovin a teplomilnch doubrav,kter vznikla z sti pod vlivem pastvy, se oznauje jako krasov lesostep. Na ploinch pevldaj rozvolnn

    spraov doubravy s druhov bohatm bylinnm podrostem, na severn orientovanch svazch a v dolch je

    nahrazuj panonsk dubohabiny.

    Spojenm Lednicko-valtickho arelu, CHKO Plava a lunch les na soutoku ek Dyje a Moravy vznikla

    v roce 2004 Biosfrick rezervace Doln Morava o rozloze 320 km2.

    RozlohaNadmosk vka

    Zastoupen devin

    Prmrn teplota

    Prmrn srky

    GPS souadnice

    183 km2170 550 m n. m.

    DB 40 %, JS 13 %, BO 10 %,

    AK 11 %, ostatn 26 %

    9 C

    495 mm

    4846'51.61"N, 1647'18.86"E

    Lednickovaltick arel

    83 km2163 550 m n. m.

    DBZ 55 %, JS 14 %,

    LP 6 %, ostatn 25 %

    9,6 C

    571 mm

    4846' 4853'N,

    1637' 1645'E

    CHKO Plava

  • 7/30/2019 Walk Thru Czech Forest


    The Lednice-Valtice Area and the PlavaHills

    The largest man-made landscape complex in Europe has been listed by UNESCO as nature monument

    The largest man-made landscape complex of the Lednice-Valtice Area was rightfully put on the World Heritage List

    of UNESCO in 1996. The whole area is one of the most remarkable natural and cultural historical areas in Central Europe.

    It is considered to be the most extensive cultural landscape complex in Europe and probably also worldwide. Between

    two centres Valtice and Lednice there is a designed landscape with a multitude of ponds and parks with the romantic

    structures of castles, colonnades and forest temples. The landscape also includes the largest preserved remainder

    of the oodplain forest in Europe. Hardwood oodplain stands of pedunculate oak and narrow-leaved ash and small plots

    of inundated meadows have been preserved in the Dyje River alluvial plain.

    The Plava Hills as a part of the Lednice-Valtice Area are located in the north-western promontory of the Pannonian plain.

    The manifold mosaic of arid rock grasslands, fringe communities, xerophilous shrubs and termophilic oak woods which

    originated partly under the impact of grazing is referred to as a karst forest steppe. Plateaus are dominated by open loess

    oak woods with the rich herbaceous undergrowth while north-facing slopes and valleys are covered by Pannonian oak-

    hornbeam woods.

    In 2004, the Biosphere Reserve of Doln Morava (Lower Morava) sized 320 sq km was established around the conuence

    of the Dyje and Morava rivers by connecting the Lednice-Valtice Area with the Plava Protected Landscape Area and with

    the oodplain forests.





    83 sq km163 550 m a. s. l.

    South Moravian Region

    sessile oak 55 %, European ash 14 %, linden 6 %,

    other 25 %

    9.6 C

    571 mm

    4846' 4853'N, 1637' 1645'E

    The Plava Protected Landscape Area


    The Lednice-Valtice Area


    183 sq km170 550 m a. s. l.

    South Moravian Region

    oak 40 %, European ash 13 %,

    pine 10 %, robinia 11 %, other 26 %

    9 C

    495 mm

    484651.61N, 164718.86E

    Surface areaAltitude


    Tree species composition

    Mean temperature

    Mean precipitation

    GPS coordinates

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    Nrodn park esk vcarsko

    byl vyhlen k 1. 1. 2000 v nejcennj sti Chrnn krajinn oblasti Labsk pskovce

    na celkov rozloze 79 km2, z eho vce ne 97 % tvo lesy. Navazuje pes sttn hranici

    na Nrodn park Sask vcarsko (Nationalpark Schsische Schweiz). Hlavnm poslnm

    nrodnho parku je ochrana jedinench geomorfologickch hodnot, plan rostoucchrostlin a voln ijcch ivoich a zachovn typickho vzhledu krajiny.

    Na zem Nrodn park esk vcarsko (NP) je u Labe ve Hensku nejni msto

    R 115 m n. m. (nejvy bod NP je Rk - 610 m n. m.). zem NP je rozbrzdno

    hlubokmi kaonovitmi dolmi Kinice a doln Kamenice a jejich ptok. V siln

    rozpukanch kvdrovch pskovcch stednho turonu se vytvoily nejrozmanitj tvary:

    komny, stre, rokle, soutsky, kaony, skaln kotle, msta, brny atd. Nejvznamnj

    skalnm tvarem je Pravick brna (NPP), 30 m irok a 20 m vysok. Pskovcov povrch

    nepesahuje 500 m n. m. Nkter elevace jsou podmnny proniky vulkanickch tles.

    Nejvznamnj je ediov vrch Rk (NPR). Kvdrov pskovce obsahuj kolem 98 %SiO2a maj naprost nedostatek vech ivin, edie jsou naopak ivinami bohat zsobeny.

    Pro zem NP jsou charakteristick teplotn inverze, nejvraznj jsou v hlubokch

    roklch. Chladn klima tchto lokalit umonilo pirozen vskyt smrku ve velmi nzkch

    nadmoskch vkch. Jeho trval ptomnost v oblasti je doloena pylovmi analzami

    nejmn 9 000 let zptky. Provzej jej i nkter horsk a podhorsk druhy, kter zde maj

    nejni vskyt v R: rohozec trojlalon (Bazzania trilobata), plavu jedlov (Huperzia

    selago), plavu puiv (Lycopodium annotinum), ebrovice rznolist (Blechnum spicant),

    sedmikvtek evropsk (Trientalis europaea), ttina chloupkat (Calamagrostis villosa),

    pek objmav (Streptopus amplexifolius), violka dvoukvt (Viola biora). Z dalch

    rostlinnch druh je zajmav vskyt rojovnku bahennho (Ledum palustre), kter zde

    roste netypicky na pskovcovch skalch na surovm humusu.

    Z historickch pramen i z palynologick studie (Kune, Pokorn, Abrahm 2005) vyplv,

    e na zem NP v obdob vrcholnho stedovku do konce 17. stolet pevldala jedle

    a buk, podle mstnch stanovitnch podmnek byl pimen dub, habr, bza a borovice.

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    The Bohemian Switzerland NationalParkwas declared on 1st January, 2000, in the most valuable part of the Protected Landscape Area

    of Labsk pskovce (Elbe Sandstones), covering a total area of 79 sq km out of which 97 % are forests.

    It neighbours on the Saxon Switzerland National Park (Nationalpark Schsische Schweiz) which

    is right across the national border between the Czech Republic and Germany. The main role

    of the national park consists in the protection of geomorphological values, wild growing plants,

    animals livingin the open nature and in the preservation of the typical landscape appearance.

    In the territory of the Bohemian Switzerland National Park (BSNP), near the Labe River in Hensko,

    there is the lowest point of the Czech Republic 115 m a. s. l. (the highest point of the BSNP being the

    Rk Hill 610 m a. s. l.). There are deep canyon valleys of the Kinice River and the lower reaches

    of the Kamenice River and their afuents. The majority of the varied shapes chimneys, ravines,

    gullies, passes, canyons, rock circuses, rock towns and arches, etc. were formed in strongly ssuredmiddle Turonian thick-bedded sandstones. The most signicant rock formation is the Pravick

    brna Rock arch (National Nature Monument) which is 30 m wide and 20 m high. The sandstone

    surface does not occur in locations over 500 m a. s. l. Some elevations are conditioned by intrusions

    of volcanic bodies. The basalt Rk Hill (NNR) is the most important one. Thick-bedded sandstones

    contain roughly 98 % of SiO2

    and completely lack any nutrients; in contrast, the basalts are rich

    in nutrients.

    The BSNP is characterized by temperature inversions which are most distinct in deep ravines.

    The cold climate of these localities enabled the natural occurrence of spruce in very low elevations.

    Its permanent presence in the area is documented by pollen analyses for at least the last 9,000 years.It is also accompanied by some montane and submontane species which have the lowest occurrence

    in the CR in this locality: three-lobed bazzania (Bazzania trilobata), r clubmoss (Huperzia selago), stiff

    clubmoss (Lycopodium annotinum), deer fern (Blechnum spicant), chickweed-wintergreen (Trientalis

    europaea), reedgrass (Calamagrostis villosa), clasping twistedstalk(Streptopus amplexifolius), two-

    ower violet (Viola biora). As to other plant species, interesting is the occurrence of wild rosemary

    (Ledum palustre) which atypically grows on the raw humus of sandstone rocks.



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    Ve stinnch dolch rostl pvodn smrk. Souasn druhov skladba je siln pozmnn

    zejmna ve prospch smrku a borovice. Na bvalm majetku hrabte Kinskho byla

    od 19. stolet ve znan me vysazovna vejmutovka, kter zde nala pzniv podmnky,

    bohat se zmlazuje, ale z ochranskho pohledu je jako geogracky nepvodn devina

    na zem NP pedmtem zvenho sil o jej eradikaci. K roku 2001 bylo jej plon

    zastoupen v NP 2,7 %. Zajmav je zmna nzoru na tuto devinu v prbhu poslednho

    stolet. Vejmutovka se v echch poala pstovat po r. 1773. Ve 30. letech 20. stolet

    byla hodnocena nap. v krlovhradeckch lesch (lesmistr Rakuan) jako prav poehnn,a vrchn lesn radov Ing. Lzovsk a Anger i Dr. Ing. Guth ji prohlaovali za neocenitelnou

    co do vlastnost melioranch.

    Za zmnku stoj, e hrab Kinsk r. 1907 vysadil v oblasti Tokn kamzky (z Alp), ti se

    asem pesunuli do irho okol Studenho vrchu v Luickch horch. K vzcnostem

    pvodn fauny pat p ern, sokol sthovav, rys ostrovid, vydra n a mnoho dalch.

    V poslednm obdob byla zahjena reintrodukce lososa obecnho.


    Nadmosk vka

    Zastoupen devin

    Prmrn teplota

    Prmrn srky

    GPS souadnice

    79 km2

    115 610 m n. m.

    SM 61,8 %, BO 20,3 %, BK 6,3 %,

    MD 4,0 %, B 3,2 %, VJ 2,7 %,

    DB 0,4 %, KL 0,4 %,JS 0,2,

    ostatn listnat 0,2 %

    7 8 C

    750 mm

    5053,1'N, 1416,8'E

  • 7/30/2019 Walk Thru Czech Forest


    It follows out from the historical sources and from the palynological survey (Kune, Pokorn,

    Abrahm 2005) that predominant tree species in the BSNP territory in the period of High Middle

    Ages and in the following period up until the end of the 17th century were r and beech with

    the admixture of oak, hornbeam, birch and pine, depending on local site conditions. The original

    spruce grew in the shaded valleys. The current species composition is markedly altered chiey

    in favour of spruce and pine. White pine for which favourable conditions exist here used to

    be frequently planted on the former property of Count Kinsk starting with the 19th century.

    It regenerates abundantly but from a perspective of a naturalist there is an increased effort aimedat its eradication with respect to its allochthonous origin outside the BSNP area. As of 2001, its area

    representation in the BSNP was 2.7%. What is interesting with regard to this tree species is the shift

    in opinion in the course of the last century. White pine started to be grown in Bohemia after 1773.

    In the 1930s, it was assessed for example in the Hradec Krlov forests (verderer Rakuan) as a true

    blessing and both the senior forest inspectors Ing. Lzovsk and Anger, and Dr. Ing. Guth saw it as

    invaluable with regard to its soil-improving characteristics.

    It should be also noted that Count Kinsk introduced the chamois (from the Alps) in the territory

    of Tok in 1907, which spread to the wider surroundings of the Studen vrch Hill in the Luick hory

    Mts. over time. The rarities of the original fauna are black stork, duck-hawk, Eurasian lynx, otter and

    many other avian and animal species. A reintroduction was recently initiated of landlocked salmon.

    79 sq km

    115 610 m a. s. l.

    spruce 61.8 %, pine 20.3 %, beech 6.3 %,

    European larch 4.0 %, birch 3.2 %, white pine 2.7 %,

    oak 0.4 %, sycamore maple 0.4 %, European ash 0.2 %,

    other broadleaved species 0.2 %

    7 8 C

    750 mm

    5053,1'N, 1416,8'E

    Surface area


    Tree species composition

    Mean temperature

    Mean precipitation

    GPS coordinates



  • 7/30/2019 Walk Thru Czech Forest



    Prodn rezervace Diana

    Prodn rezervace Diana le asi kilometr zpadn od osady Diana v okrese Tachov. Byla

    vyhlena roku 1933 na panstv rodu Kolowrat.

    Pedmtem ochrany jsou kvtnat buiny vysokho st (pes 260 let) pralesovitho typu

    s bohatmi rostlinnmi spoleenstvy. Jde o zbytek pvodnho bukovho pralesa vrcholovploiny na Tskolupskm vrchu (530 m n. m.) a na jeho severnm a vchodnm svahu

    nad dolm Kateinskho potoka. Seznam cvnatch rostlin t pes 150 druh, z mn

    obvyklch druh zde najdeme nap. provnk ptros(Matteuccia struthiopteris), vemenk

    dvoulist(Platanthera bifolia), lkovec jedovat(Daphne mezerum).

    Porost je ji velmi dlouho obhospodaovn odlin od okolnch hospodskch les, ped

    vznikem rezervace zde byla obora. Dlouhodob perstn m za nsledek nedostaten

    zastoupen mladch vkovch td hlavnch devin a tm vrazn naruen struktury


    RozlohaNadmosk vka

    Zastoupen devin

    Prmrn teplota

    Prmrn srky

    GPS souadnice

    20,41 ha500 532 m

    BK 72 %, SM 23 %, LP 2 %,

    OL 1 %, KL 1 %, DB 1 %

    7,5 C

    723 mm

    4937'56.78"N, 1234'44.64"E

  • 7/30/2019 Walk Thru Czech Forest


    The Diana Nature Reserve

    The Diana Nature reserve is situated roughly one kilometre to the west of the village Diana

    in the Tachov district. It was ofcially decreed in 1933 on the estate of the Kolowrat family.

    The subject of protection are ancient herb-rich beechwoods (aged over 260 years) of virgin

    forest type with the abundance of plant communities. They represent a remaining partof the original beech virgin forest occurring on the hilltop plateau of the Tskolupsk vrch

    Hill (530 m a. s. l.) and on its northern and eastern slopes above the Kateinsk potok Brook

    valley. The list of vascular plants includes more than 150 species; less common species are

    for example ostrich fern (Matteuccia struthiopteris), lesser buttery-orchid (Platanthera

    bifolia), mezereon (Daphne mezereum).

    The stand has been long managed differently from the surrounding production forests. Prior

    to the foundation of the reserve, there used to be a game preserve there. Long-term overgrowth

    has resulted in a lower representation of younger age classes of the main tree species and thusin a considerable disturbance of the stand structure.




    20.41 ha

    500 532 m a. s. l.

    European beech 72 %, spruce 23 %, linden 2 %,

    black alder 1 %, sycamore maple 1 %, oak 1 %

    7.5 C

    723 mm

    4937'56.78"N, 1234'44.64"E

    Surface area


    Tree species composition

    Mean temperature

    Mean precipitation

    GPS coordinates

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    Nrodn prodn rezervaceSOOS

    Nrodn prodn rezervace (NPR) SOOS je v evropskm mtku vjimen vskytem

    etnch minerlnch pramen (cca 200) doprovzench i vrony suchho kyslinku

    uhliitho (CO2), vytvejcho typick nlevkovit prohlubn tzv. mofety. Mlk pnevvyplnn vodou s vvry mineralizovanch vod umonila vvoj slanomilnch rostlinnch

    druh i mikroorganism, vyskytujcch se jinak pouze v moch. Schrnky as rozsivek zde

    vytvoily a 7 m silnou vrstvu kemeliny (diatomitu) ve form vypuklho ttu. Vysok

    salinita prosted brn rstu vegetace a na povrchu pdy tak vznikaj vkvty sol rznho

    zbarven, vtinou bl Glauberovy soli. Kolem pramen vznikala loiska mineralizova-

    nch slatin a raelin pechodnho i vrchovitnho typu, kter se zde tily a do poloviny

    20. stolet.

    Na ploe NPR se nachzej drobn vodn plochy, rozshl porosty rkosu, ostic i stin

    a raelini s vskytem chrnnch druh rostlin i ivoich. Typologicky jsou devinn

    porosty zaazeny do skupiny raelinnch bor jako borov bezina.


    Nadmosk vkaZastoupen devin

    Prmrn srky

    Prmrn teplota

    GPS souadnice

    221 ha

    435 mTento daj nelze za NPR

    jednoznan zjist it

    589 mm

    7,1 C

    5008'47"N, 1224'09"E

  • 7/30/2019 Walk Thru Czech Forest


    SOOS National Nature Reserve

    The Soos NNR is an exception in the European context due to the frequent occurrence of mineral springs

    (ca. 200) and dry carbon dioxide outbursts (CO2), forming the typical funnel-shaped holes the so-cal led

    mofettes. A shallow basin lled with water with the seepage of mineralized water enabled the development

    of halophyte plant species and microorganisms which otherwise exist only in the marine environment. Diatom

    exoskeletons have created an up to 7 m thick layer of diatomaceous earth (diatomite) in the form of a protuberant

    shield. High salinity of the environment prevents the growth of vegetation and salt eforescences of various

    colours, mainly the white Glaubers salt, can thus develop on the soil surface. Deposits of mineralized fens and

    peats of the transitional or raised bog types which used to be extracted here until the mid 20th century originated

    around the springs.

    In the NNR, there are small-scale water surfaces, extensive stands of reed, sedge and rush and bogs with

    the occurrence of protected plant and animal species. Tree species stands are typologically categorized into

    the group of bog pinewoods as pine birchwoods.

    Surface area 221 haAltitude 435 m a. s. l.

    Tree species composition These data cannot be unequivocally determined in the NNR

    Mean precipitation 589 mm

    Mean temperature 7.1 C

    GPS coordinates 5008'47"N, 1224'09"E

    Website links http://www.stezka.cz/lokality/cheb/ns-soos.htm





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    Nrodn park umava

    Nrodn park vznikl v roce 1991 za elem ochrany pestr mozaiky ekosystm stedo-

    evropsk horsk krajiny, uniktnch rozshlch raelini, smrkovch i bukovch prales,

    horskch luk, nespoutanch ek a ledovcovch jezer.

    Tvo nejvt souvisl komplex les ve stedn Evrop, asto bv oznaovn jako zelenstecha Evropy. Lesy pokrvaj pes 80 % celkov plochy zem. Domov zde maj destky

    ohroench druh rostlin a ivoich. Vznamnmi ivoichy jsou rys, los i tetev. Nkter

    druhy hmyzu se nevyskytuj nikde jinde na svt ne prv v umavskch raelinitch.

    Poslnm je uchovn a zlepen jeho prodnho prosted, zejmna ochrana i obnova

    samoregulanch funkc prodnch systm, psn ochrana voln ijcch ivoich

    a plan rostoucch rostlin, zachovn typickho vzhledu krajiny, naplovn vdeckch

    a vchovnch cl, jako i vyuit zem NP k turistice a rekreaci nezhorujc prosted.


    Nadmosk vka

    Zastoupen devin

    Prmrn teplota

    Prmrn srky

    GPS souadnice

    69 030 ha

    mezi 600 m n. m. (dol Otavy

    u Rejtejna) a 1 378 m n. m.(Plech)

    jehlinat dev iny 91,6 %,

    listnat deviny 8,4 %, SM 84 %,

    BK 5 %, BO 4 %, KL +%, JD 2 %

    od 3,5 do 6,5 C

    od 800 mm do 1 600 mm

    4858'10.4"N, 1341'26.3"E

  • 7/30/2019 Walk Thru Czech Forest


    The umava National Park

    The National Park originated in 1991 for the purpose of preserving a rich mosaic of ecosystems

    of the Central European montane landscape, rare vast peatlands, spruce and beech primary

    forests, montane meadows, unbound rivers and glacial lakes. It forms one of the largest

    continuous forest complexes in Central Europe. It is frequently called a Europes green roof.

    The forests cover more than 80 % of the total surface area. Tens of endangered plant and animal

    species are at home here. Lynx, elk or grouse are especially worthy of attention. Some insect

    species do not exist anywhere else but in the umava bogs.

    The mission of the park is to preserve and improve its natural environment, protection and

    regeneration of self-regulatory functions of local natural systems, particularly the strict protection

    of free-living animals and wild plants, conservation of the typical face of the landscape, fullment

    of scientic and instructional objectives as well as utilization of the NP territory for tourism and

    environment-friendly relaxation.



    69,030 ha

    ranging between 600 m a. s. l. (Otava River valleyby Rejtejn) and 1,378 m a. s. l. (the Plech Mt.)

    conifer tree species 91.6 %

    broadleaved species 8.4 %, spruce 84 %, European

    beech 5 %, pine 4 %, Sycamore maple + %, r 2 %

    from 3.5 to 6.5 C

    from 800 mm to 1,600 mm

    4858'10.4"N, 1341'26.3"E

    Surface area


    Tree species composition

    Mean temperature

    Mean precipitation

    GPS coordinates

  • 7/30/2019 Walk Thru Czech Forest


    Nrodn prodn rezervace Pradd

    Nrodn prodn rezervace Pradd se rozkld v nejvych partich Hrubho Jesenku -

    v centrln sti Praddsk hornatiny. Vznikla spojenm 6 samostatnch rezervac - Vrchol

    Pradda, Petrovy kameny, Velk kotlina, Mal kotlina, Bl Opava a Divok dl. K nim byly

    pilenny okoln uniktn pralesovit smriny.

    Centrln st nabz uniktn alpnsk spoleenstva, lesn porosty pralesovitho charakteru

    i vznamn geomorfologick jevy, ledovcov kary Velk a Mal kotlina, kamenn proudy

    a kamenn moe, polygonln pdy, raelinit apod. Nachz se zde mnoho rostlinnch

    a ivoinch druh, kter jsou chrnny mezinrodnmi mluvami (nap. Bernsk konvence

    o ochran fauny a ry, Bernsk konvence o biodiverzit). Alpnsk biotopy se nachz

    v zem nad hranic lesa (alpnsk tundra) Vrchol Pradda.

    Velk kotlina pat k oristicky nejbohatm lokalitm nejen v R, ale i ve stedn Evrop.

    Jej tvar byl modelovn ledovcem (m tvar ledovcovho karu).

    Bl Opava se nachz na jihovchodnm svahu Praddu v hluboce zaznutm dol

    pramenn sti Bl Opavy. Pedmtem ochrany jsou pirozen smrkov porosty (genetick

    horsk ekotyp smrku) s charakterem pralesa.

    VDivokm dole se nachz autochtonn lesn porosty s pevahou smrku s pms klenu a buku.


    Nadmosk vka

    Zastoupen devin

    Prmrn teplota

    Prmrn srky

    GPS souadnice

    2 035 ha

    820 1 491 m n. m.

    SM 90 %, BK 6 %, KL 2 %, J 2%

    0,9 C

    1 440 mm

    5005'01"N, 1713'57"E

  • 7/30/2019 Walk Thru Czech Forest


    The Pradd Mt. NNR

    The National Nature Reserve of Pradd Mt. is located in the highest elevations of the Hrub

    Jesenk Mts. in the central part of the Praddsk hornatina Upland. It came to existence by

    the connection of 6 separate reserves Pradd Peak, Petrovy kameny Stones, Velk kotlina

    Cirque, Mal kotlina Cirque, Bl Opava R. and Divok dl. The surrounding remarkable virgin

    forest spruce stands were incorporated into the park as well.

    In the central part there are unique alpine communities, virgin forest type stands and exceptional

    geomorphological phenomena, glacial amphitheatres of Velk and Mal kotlina Hollows,

    rock ows and block elds, polygonal soils, peatbogs, etc. There are also numerous plant

    and animal species which are protected by international conventions (e.g. Bern Convention

    on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats, Bern Convention on Bio-

    diversity). Alpine biotopes are situated in the territory above the forest boundary (alpine tundra)

    the Pradd Peak.

    The Velk kotlina Cirque is one of the oristically richest localities not only in the CzechRepublic but also in Central Europe. Its shape was moulded by the glacier (it has the shape

    of a glacial cirque).

    The Bl Opava River is located on the south-eastern slope of the Pradd Mt. in a deeply

    incised valley of the Bl Opava R. headwaters. Subject of protection are natural spruce stands

    (genetic ecotype of mountain spruce) of virgin forest character.

    In the Divok dl Vale there are autochthonous forest stands with the prevalence of spruce

    with the admixed sycamore maple and beech.




    Surface area


    Tree species composition

    Mean temperature

    Mean precipitation

    GPS coordinates

    2,035 ha

    820 1,491 m a. s. l.

    spruce 90 %, beech 6 %, sycamore maple 2 %, rowan 2 %

    0.9 C

    1,440 mm

    1713'57"N, 5005'01"E

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    esk kras lokalita Doutn

    zem eskho krasu bylo od pravku souvisle obvan lovkem. Pes civilizan tlak zstaly

    zachovny lesn porosty na vpencovm podlo, kter jsou vznamnou ukzkou krasov

    vegetace. Tyto lokality jsou pedmtem ochrany v NPR Karltejn.

    Vznanou lokalitou oblasti s vskytem vzcn teplomiln vegetace je Doutn (433 m n. m.),pod jeho vrcholem na jihozpadnm svahu je dosti rozlehl drnov step a mezernat lesostep

    s hojnm vskytem dubu pitho (pku). Duby pky v lesostepi tvo hlouky, kter se

    na pechodu k drnov stepi mn jen v jednotliv stromy. Vtina dub je vmladkovho

    pvodu s krtkmi kivolakmi kmeny. Na stanovitch s pznivjmi pdnmi podmnkami

    lesostep pechz do habrovch doubrav. Na severn stran Doutne se nachzej zbytky

    vpencovch buin.


    Nadmosk vkaZastoupen devin

    Prmrn teplota

    Prmrn srky

    GPS souadnice

    67 ha

    400 433 m n. m.DBZ 36 %, LP 19 %,

    HB 16 %, BK 16 %,

    dub pit 2 %, ostatn 11 %

    8,3 C

    564 mm

    4957'20"N, 149'13"E

  • 7/30/2019 Walk Thru Czech Forest


    The Bohemian Karst DoutnHill LocalityThe territory of the Bohemian Karst has been continuously inhabited by humans ever since

    the primeval times. Despite the civilization pressures, forest stands growing on the calcareous

    subsoil, which are a noteworthy example of karst vegetation, have remained preserved. Theselocations are protected within the framework of the Karltejn NNR.

    A remarkable locality in the area is the Doutn Hill (433 m a. s. l.) with the occurrence

    of rare termophilic vegetation, below the top of which on the south-eastern slope there is

    a relatively vast turf steppe and gappy forest steppe with a frequent occurrence of pubescent

    oak. Pubescent oak trees typically form clumps in the forest steppe, which pass into just

    individual trees with its transition into the turf steppe. Most oak trees are of sprout origin with

    short and warped stems. The forest steppe turns into hornbeam oakwoods on sites with more

    favourable soil conditions. There are residuals of calcareous beechwoods on the northern side

    of the Doutn Hill.





    Surface area


    Tree species composition

    Mean temperature

    Mean precipitation

    GPS coordinates

    67 ha

    400 433 m a. s. l.

    sessile oak 36 %, linden 19 %, hornbeam 16 %,beech 16 %, downy oak 2 %, Norway spruce,

    European larch, Norway maple, eld maple,

    European ash, other woody 11 %

    8.3 C

    564 mm

    4957'20"N, 149'13"E

  • 7/30/2019 Walk Thru Czech Forest




    Pvodn devinn skladba, tvoen pevn acidolnmi doubravami, jedlovmi

    doubravami a acidolnmi buinami byla v prbhu intenzivnho hospodaen zmnna

    na smrkov monokultury. Relikty pvodn druhov skladby jsou patrn v okol vrchol

    Velkho a Malho Blanku. V souasn dob je clem zmnit druhovou skladbu vnenm

    pvodnch druh devin.

    Pkladem velmi zdail snahy lesnk o zavdn pvodnch devin do souasnch porost

    a tm zvyovn statick a ekologick stability lesnch porost je lokalita v sedle mezi Velkm

    a Malm Blankem podl silnice Louovice pod Blankem Naeradec. Od roku 1956 na tto

    lokalit lesnci uplatuj podrostn hospodstv maloplon clonn formy s vytvoenm

    bukovch eber s jedl a vyuitm smrkovho zmlazen.


    Nadmosk vkaDruhov skladba

    Prmrn teplota

    Prmrn srky

    GPS souadnice

    150 ha

    480 500 m n. m.SM 60 %, BK 13 %, BO 12 %,

    MD 7 %, JD 3 %,

    ostatn 5 %

    6,8 C

    657 mm

    4937'40"N, 1452'27"E

  • 7/30/2019 Walk Thru Czech Forest


    The Blank Hill

    The original tree species composition consisting mainly of acidophilous oakwoods, r oakwoods

    and acidophilous beechwoods was transformed into spruce monocultures in the period

    of intensive management. Relics of the former species composition are apparent also around

    the tops of the Velk and Mal Blank Hills. The current aim is to change the species composition

    by itroducing the autochthonous tree species.

    A good example of a very successful effort of foresters to introduce the autochthonous tree

    species into existing stands and to thus increase the static and ecological stability of the forest

    stands is a locality situated in a saddle between the Velk Blank and the Mal Blank Hills

    along the road connecting Louovice pod Blankem with the village of Naeradec. Since 1956,

    foresters have been applying the shelterwood system of small-area shelterwood felling with

    the creation of beech ribs together with r and with the use of spruce plants from natural




    Surface areaAltitude

    Tree species composition

    Mean temperature

    Mean precipitation

    GPS coordinates

    150 ha480 500 m a. s. l.

    spruce 60 %, beech 13 %, Scots pine 12 %,

    European larch 7 %, r 3 %, other 5 %

    6.8 C

    657 mm

    4937'40"N, 1452'27"E

  • 7/30/2019 Walk Thru Czech Forest



    Chrnn krajinn oblast a biosfrick rezervace Tebosko pat do Jihoeskch pnv Tebosk

    pnev PLO 15b.

    Tato oblast je charakteristick svmi rybnky a krsnmi jehlinatmi a listnatmi lesy. Nejvznamnj

    devinou je lokln varieta borovice lesn tzv. Tebosk borovice (Pinus sylvestris var. bohemica)se thlm, rovnm a jen na vrcholu vtvenm kmenem s vydatnou produkc nesmolnatho deva.

    Tato borovice je velmi hospodsky cenn. Dal vznamnou devinou je borovice blatka (Pinus

    rotundata). Ta, spolu s borovic lesn a jejich vtrouenm kencem, tvo destky hektar souvislch

    raelinnch les, kde najdeme i nejvt populaci rojovnku bahennho (Ledum palustre). Z ohroen

    ry ech roste na zem CHKO tm 400 druh, z nich 104 pat mezi chrnn.

    Jednm z nejvznamnjch krajinnch fenomn Teboska jsou hrze rybnk s porosty devin.

    Hrzov porosty jsou tvoeny pestrou smsic devin (nap. lpou, ol, bzou, osikou atd.), bezesporu

    nejvznamnj devinou je vak dub letn, jeho poetnost lze odhadnout na minimln nkolik

    destek tisc vzrostlch jedinc.Podlo Tebosk pnve je budovno horninami moldanubika.

    Klimatick oblast: mrn tepl a vlhk s mrnou zimou pahorkatinovho typu

    RozlohaNadmosk vka

    Zastoupen devin

    Prmrn teplotaPrmrn srky

    GPS souadnice

    700 km2

    410 m n. m. (Vesel nad Lunic) 550 m n. m.(Homolka)Jehlinat: 91 % BO 56,4 %, SM 33,8 %,ostatn 0,8 %.Listnat: 9 % DBL a DBZ 3,0 %, bza blokor

    a pit 1,3 %, ole lepk 1,1 %, BK 0 %.Pomrn dce jsou rozeny geograckynepvodn deviny (modn, douglaska,vejmutovka, dub erven, akt aj.), jejichzastoupen celkem nepesahuje 0,5 %.7,6 C570 mm4848' 4911'N, 1439' 1500'E


  • 7/30/2019 Walk Thru Czech Forest


    The Protected Landscape Areaof TeboskoThe Tebosko Protected Landscape Area and Biosphere Reserve belong to the South Bohemianbasins Tebosk pnev Basin FAVZ 15b. This region is characterized by its shponds and

    beautiful coniferous and broadleaved forests. The most important tree species is the local varietyof Scots pine, the so-called Tebo pine (Pinus sylvestrisvar. bohemica) with a thin, straightstem branching only in the top part and with a profuse production of non-resinuous wood. Thispine is highly valued commercially. Another tree species of importance is Swiss mountain pine

    (Pinus rotundata). Swiss mountain pine together with Scots pine and their interspersed hybridconstitute tenths of hectares of uninterrupted bog forests in which we can nd also the biggest

    population of marsh tea (Ledum palustre). There are nearly 400 Czech endangered plant speciesgrowing in the territory of the PLA out of which 104 are protected.

    One of the most remarkable landscape phenomena of the Tebosko PLA are the pond damscovered with the stands of timber species. The riparian stands are formed by a rich mixture

    of species (e.g. linden, alder, birch, aspen, etc.). Doubtlessly the most signicant tree specieshowever is the pedunculate oak the abundance of which can be estimated at several tensof thousands of adult individuals.

    The subsoil of the Tebosk pnev basin is made up of Moldanubicum rocks.

    Climatic region: temperately warm to humid with mild winters of upland type.



    Surface area


    Tree species composition

    Mean temperature

    Mean precipitation

    GPS coordinates

    700 sq km

    410 m a. s. l. (Vesel nad Lunic) 550 m a. s. l. (the Homolka Hill)

    Conifer: 91 % Scots pine 56.4 %, Norway spruce 33.8 %,

    Broadleaves: 9 % pedunculate and sessile oaks 3.0 %, s ilver andwhite birches 1.3 %, black alder 1.1 %, European beech 1.0 %.

    Geographically allochthonous tree species have a relatively sparse

    distribution (larch, Douglas r, white pine, red oak, robinia, etc.)

    and their share does not exceed 0.5 %.

    7.6 C

    570 mm

    4848' 4911'N, 1439' 1500'E

  • 7/30/2019 Walk Thru Czech Forest


    prce S veejnOSt

    et lesnci se sna m dl vce zamovat na prci s veejnost a to jak v zajitn rekreanch

    funkc lesa, tak v dostatenm a kvalitnm informovn.

    Tradin se jednou za 2 roky kon rozshl lesnick vstava Silva Reginav Brn a kad rok men

    vstavy (Natura viva, Euroforest). Uniktn je Muzeum lesnictv, myslivosti a rybstv (zmek

    Ohrada), kter je soust Nrodnho zemdlskho muzea.

    Jednou z variant prce s veejnost, kterou se zabv m dl vce lesnickch subjekt, je lesn

    pedagogika. Krom klasickch aktivit pmo v lese jsou to i doprovodn programy v rmci napklad

    ve zmnnch vstav.

    Dokladem dleitosti poteby prce s veejnost je i nov zaveden pravideln rubrika Les

    a veejnost v odbornm lesnickm asopise Lesnick prce. V tto rubrice jsou postupn

    pedstavovny aktivity rznch organizac na poli prce s veejnost.

    Rekrean funkce lesa je podporovna napklad v R velmi oblbenmi cyklistickmi a turistickmi

    trasami a naunmi stezkami. Tak v nkolika v poslednch letech bylo vybudovno nkolik

    informanch stedisek. Napklad Informan a vzdlvac stedisko LR na Kivoklt nabz

    krom aktivit lesn pedagogiky i nvtvu nov vytvoen interaktivn expozice Lesy kolem ns.

    Nevedn a zajmav expozice doke zaujmout nvtvnky vech vkovch kategori. Je vytvoena

    tak, abyste se ctili opravdu jako v lese. Podlaha se stopami zve pokryt hrabankou, exponty savc

    a ptk, doprovz vs zvukov kulisa bublajcho potku a ptaho zpvu.

    R m sv zstupce i v nadnrodnm tmu expert na public relations v lesnickm sektoru Forest

    Communicators Network (FCN). Tento tm byl ustanoven UNECE Timber Committee a FAO

    European Forestry Commission.

  • 7/30/2019 Walk Thru Czech Forest


    puBlIc relAtIOnS

    Czech foresters tend to ever more focus on public relations in the sphere of safeguarding

    recreational roles of the forest as well as by providing sufcient and quality information.

    Once every two years, a traditional forestry exhibition Silva Regina is held in Brno andsmaller exhibitions (Natura viva, Euroforest) take place annually. The Museum of Forestry,

    Hunting and Fishery (hunting lodge Ohrada) which is a branch of the National Museum

    of Agriculture in Prague is notable as well.

    One of the public relations alternatives which a growing number of forestry entities becomes

    engaged with, is forest pedagogy. Apart from classical activities taking place directly

    in the forest, there are also accompanying programmes available within the framework

    of the aforementioned expositions.

    A newly established section Forest and the public in a professional journal Lesnick

    prce (Forestry Work) is another evidence of the public relations importance. This section

    introduces activities of diverse organizations active in this sphere.

    The forest recreational function in the Czech Republic is sustained for example in the form

    of the favourite cycling tracks, tourist routes and nature trails. In the recent years, also

    several information centreswere established. For example, the Information and Education

    Centre of the Forests of the Czech Republic (LR) in Kivoklt offers a host of forest pedagogy

    activities as well as a visit to a recently opened interactive exposition Forests around us.

    The exceptional and interesting exposition can draw attention of the visitors of all ages.

    It was created in such a manner to make you feel as if you were really inside a forest. There are

    exhibits of mammals and animal tracks on the oor which is covered by plant litter; visitors

    are accompanied by the background music of a gurgling stream and birdcalls.

    The Czech Republic is also represented in the international team of public relations experts

    in the Forest Communicators Network(FCN) forestry sector. This team was constituted

    by the UNECE Timber Committee and by the FAO European Forestry Commission.

  • 7/30/2019 Walk Thru Czech Forest


    esk lesnictv navazuje na bohatou tradici lesnick praxe i vzkumu na zem stedn Evropy. V prbhu historie dochzelo ke vzjemnmu ovlivovn

    klasickho lesnho hospodstv v eskch zemch a na zemch tehdejho Rakouska a Nmecka, a to zejmna v udritelnch principech vchovy a tby

    lesnch porost.

    V souasnosti je esk lesn hospodstv pevn zakotveno v nrodnm legislativnm rmci a opr se o globln i evropsk dohody, mezinrodn zvazkya zvazn ustanoven. esk republika je zapojena napklad v nsledujcch mezinrodnch procesech a dohodch: Lesnick strategie EU, lesnick politika

    EU, Ministersk konference o ochran les v Evrop (MCPFE), Akn pln pro vymahatelnost lesnho prva, sttn sprvu a obchod (FLEGT), mluva

    o biologick rozmanitosti (CBD), Rmcov mluva o zmn klimatu (FCCC), Forum Spojench nrod o lesch (UNFF) a podprn fondy jako evropsk

    zemdlsk fond pro rozvoj venkova (EAFRD), Evropsk zemdlsk podprn a garann fond (EAGGF), apod.

    Strategie lesnho