w locals fe goods - fultonhistory.com ny... · official time table -corrected to february •...

OFFICIAL Time Table -Corrected to February • 7th'. 190.8 TUftS LEAVE DSUXSO-H AS FOLLOWS: Kor B, I'/.l, 4 iD'V GOCs'G •WEST. *;vi"i. ;S:^ Si*:-2, 1.0 obiSVr EAST- I • • . >•) ., -,»' ". ForMech-iriie'.'iik ftI", * Daily. s w Ss.*ulav* 0;i BU HOICK » ' I! ::.). a..' u a. :t..tn. 4:31 p. m. out a 7:1 i \y. in. .". # lbp. ra. . o:20 p. in. •J. W. Pn^eji^ A. A, HEARD; pag "5 - e n •-.... /-» £•••••• •i> -w ~ 3 O • *• *- 3E 5 *r; 2. *^ MM* 03 J ' 0; i ; Ctf r~-^n o v. o C . = x> o- V> fe £ T = O 3 "3 ^T! o r ~ _~ * . u- - r- - ^ T, JC TWENTY YEARS OLD GOOD AS GOLD, Gfaylord's Pine Tree Con«k Balsa in, Xt n e v e r Fails 25 and 50c GAYLORD M I D l G l l GO. 115 State St., Schenectady, N.Y. KNOX. r. CS cc U>y^| G « 5} * .jrt «2 **- s j2 i i ^ £ I o tr. c m 3 "3 C- O I *i — O £ c ,-• •-* o < o a. 3 -5 xi —. O >—< !—• "*• ' 2 ! Z *A > fT» • i n <*> n ~ . w (13 3 , b£7" cc 'w § « = •^ CM/ O >: u ;>. en u-: —s Mr. and Mrs Charles Haverly and da.trgliter,, Mrs. Reque of Al banv have been spending a few da-v-s wt:a' Mr. and Mrs.- .Herman ^aa^ : ;V;^v;;";^,:''.;••' ; .•;'•-.'V; V;;; ';,:' : ^. / Troru as /Haines' ,;w bo has. been spending.;'soBfletime,-at;. his; : hpme, has,retarded to;•Albany.;- ••;';..'•: M-r. 'ana.-:Mrs.: HiUon of ;SGuen : ectady. spent Easter with her par. : ents, ;.Mr. and Mrs Jacob I Truax. Their daughter retu^nedlionie with them;:. : ] :y ; : .^ : - y ;•'••• '"v.. ••: .-. v/;'-- : r _ - ;L,uther Secorand wife of Albany A. F. Dierz of Akamoat was--in. ! ' ; spen^Sunda family,,. .Mr,;, -an a- Mrs. : ,;\ Ernery. Clifford Shaver of Cobleskill call- I •;• Miss; Pra^ence Barkley ha,s been ed on B; King of this place; Mon| ; visitin ;g: .'.-'Elias White: is. visiting his moth.. erVwho; is' very il;L.. near ^Rotterdam.; LOCALS town Tuesday. day. O IL ."3 tr! o V a ~~ ~~ t—. vo O s a s . K :« a. - u- O CO CU 7 O <^ OO :_ b£ O m o o •M SCHEDULE On arrival and departure of Mails from the Post Office at QUAKER STREET, N . Y Mails Arrive:.: Froin East, West9:00a m. From East, West and .Schenectady 12.00 ML. From East and Schenectady 5:45p. m. Mail Closes: For East and West 8:00 a. m. For East and Schenectady 10:55 a « in, Fcr sast, West and Schenectady 4:45 p m. D H , C GAIGE P . M . Mrs Benj. Myers spent Saturday and Sunday with her son at Schen- ectady. '.;/- Mr- Stevens who has been 2*« Wf We:P^ ; Caf-'farfe;oW Mrs. Josephine .VanEtta of Bur tonsville is visiting her sister, Mrs. Augustus Devoe. very ill, is reported some; better at this^writingv'' 1 ;;.; :;;•;; /••?;. >; ; : ; : ; .Enough : ;snow fell for the season; of;':the year,- Monday.. .:. Ellsworthi "^ilianason, Willia:nj Gallup,;MrsI Charles Clowe, Lucius Stevens,; Gerald and Glifford Cham- pion! are theones that are suffering From severe . colds,-;;/ ' : : : Miss Edith. Clyckman is now lty- ; .n:g; -with v'her: . ' mother,- Mrs. 'A. Pill$nbfe^;^/X..^.-^;"-|;' . •- :: .'-:; V ;/••';.: Walter Sperbeck has been hous- Miss Vertie Glow who lias been ed, for a portion of last week, with 1 visiting her cousin / AI ta Shoul tes, .a severe cold •.' :';;.•'•.;;•{'has'returned;;':.home.;•".-•, ••;• •.>•'."' : Roy Scranton visited Mr. and Mrs. Maus Pitcher at Altamont Friday and Saturday. eating Miss Montany e . 61 Charleston j , ..;• Mis&ito was at the home of Mrs. Howard j The ^^ Mann ior a few days last week//v ;o P; M. all are Mr. and Mrs. D . H . Crowe lef t town Wednesday morning to visit the sick at Altamont and Albany'. 2 .a' April 24th, at invited to-' at tend;.'.:'; : l ]\ /: - . £ , -Mrs. W.'. C. Briggs Sect. •'Bert" Hilton of Schenectady visited his mother, Mrs. H. Hilton and his brother, Alfred Hilton., Sunday. ••• FltS, then Mr. and Mrs, F Seaman accom panied by Miss Rose Busch of On- eonta spent Monday at K. M. Sea man's., '•: (jraB^eiieterj .The .Annual '-meeKng' p' Grove Cemetery vvill be held in the M. E. church hall, ";• Delanson •'•• 1ST, . Y. : -on : Saturday afternoon at 2:3b May 2^. 1908.U ' ; : P. Pc Merrihew,';Sect.; FE GOODS -TV. purchase of ten thoasarid yards- of plain and fancy white goods brings.'this' otrering particularly near to every wpina 1.1. iii Schenectady this week.'••,.The. lot incUides fancy .checks and-stripes tor waist ings,: plaid naiusooks and: nuidrasv dotted ^Swisses,' sheer lawn, checks and figured, mercerized madras fabrics. We offer: - : Extra tine quality plain; white India linen value 12 l-2c, at 10c yard, ; White plaid nainsooks and madras,.regular values 15c and 18c; at 12 1-2'c:yaM'..;';;;,:.'. ;'.V"^^'^ ;-'v.''V' ::: ^^ ... '->'•'• White plaid and striped lawns and madras, line quality, values 5()c yard; at 15c yard. ';,.,'.: ••' White dotted dress;Swisses; regular 20e qua!ity, at 14c yard; White waistings in. sheer lawn, checks and figured mercerized xci-ad>' ias,; all^Se^qualities^rat ''^e ; y 3 axdj^ i ^^ v ^i . .Fancy mercerized plaids a;nd figured madras. all 30c and 35c quali-. t i e s , ; a t 2 5 c yard;. •••;,.;' y'W:W'H--\ '. : '- v; '.'; : •C: ; ; : Boys That is for the boys of all ages. We have planned largely for their Spring and summer comfort and attractive appearance in this gather- ing Of pretty,, yet serviceable Waist Suits and Blouse Waists. Mothers will rejoice in this opportunity to clothe the boys properly. I Boys 1 wash suits'••'•. of p l a i n or .striped Chambray in blue, red, grey, and tan, with duck trim- mings, sizes o to 10 years,, at 50c. ' and'7;5C:.;•'••" Boys';wash;suics of fancy oxford cloth in plaid or stripes, white braid trimmed and embroidered shield. Buster Brown or sailor blouse style at $1.00. : ;.; • Bpys v wash suits of colored ' k Hy-' degrade 1 ' G-alatea cloth, plain or stripe. Buster Brown style, sizes 3 to-.TyearSy at:;$1;-50.."' Boys' wash suits of linen Poplin in white, blue or tan, Buster Brown style with Teddy Bear shield, sizes '3^p-.7;ye-ars, : at.''.$2._-.'5'0. : ;,; : ; Boys" white ;w r ash suits of fine grade duck, sailor blouse or Buster Brown stvle, embroiderd shield, at : $1:..00,.v ;/ ' Dr. Miles' Restorative Nerv- ine has been so successful in curing these brain-wrecking diseases that there is every reason to believe that even the most hopeless cases can be benefited, if not fully restored* W<$ will be pleased to refer any one thus afflicted to many who now enjoy the blessing of health, after years of hopeless suffering- ; "I have a son that had brain fever when two years old, followed by fits of the worsr. type; and he was pronounced Incurable^." I spent hundreds of dollars for him. without relief. . After about fifteen years he became so bad that we «en^ him to Long-cliff hospital for the Insane, at Logansport,. Ind. H e w a s there nearly three years, bi:t he con- tinued to grow worse, so we brought him homfe July 30, 1902, In ah awful condition. He had lost his mind almost entirely. He h a r d l y kne^-v- 01W of.the family; could not even find his bed; was a total wreck. H e h a d from 5 t o 10 tits a day. We were u~gc\d t o t r y Dr. Miles' Nervine, and before ihe first bottle was used, we could see a change for the bettor. We have given it to him ever since, and he has had but two very light spells since last August, 1902, and then he was not well other ways. We pronounce him cur^d.- as he can work and go anywhere. If any one wishes to ask any questions concerning. this, thev a r e a t liberty to do so." •E. H. BUNNELL, Lincoln, Ind. Dr. Miles' Nervine Is sold by your drugglst> who will guarantee that the first bottle will benefit. If It falls, ho will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Irid Hendrick Hudson and Best-on-Record Bran, Middlings,; Meal, Buck- wheat Feed and; Poultry Supplies! CRATER-S CHOICE CLOVER and TIMOTHY Seed CAR LOkD PeiMei M Cedar SMDiles HUNT & WASHBURN Delanson/ N. Y. Mrs. S> W. Potter who is now at the Albany hospital is getting along nicely and her arrival borne is look- ed for the latter part of next week. No services, in the Christian church Sunday on account of; the absence of the pastor, Rev; S. W. Potter, who was with his-sick wife at the Albany Hospital. L. I. Crowe of Denver, Golorado", is expected to arrive at Altamont, to morrow (Friday) to see his mother who is very ..ill, with but slight hopes as to her recovery. Walter Briggs of Albany, : who has been a patient at the Albany hospital for blood poisoning, is now at his home and put of doors on crutches for the first. Wednesday.. Miss Louise Briggs after taking an Easter vacation with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Briggs, returned to Amsterdam Monday to resume her duties as teacher in: one of the High Schools; Mr. Charles Tolles, after spend- ing ten weeks as trained nurse, wi t h s m al I p 0 x p at.i e u t s at "New - burgh was relieved from duty last week, and is now at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs, E E. Tolles. He arrived in town Satur day. : ' > •.';'..'.••;. '.' : ; F. A.. Cooper of Delmar has pur- chased the stock of goods of J; H. Oaidiner & Co. of Delanson and will take possession of store as soon as he can close his business at Del- mar. We i ave known Mr. Cooper for some years and we believe that the people who patronize; him will receive value for what they buy.. Charles Schoonmaker who mov- ed to Schenectady some eighteen months ago from his farm in the town ot Wright, has coucluded that all is not gold even in a city life, so he returned Monday with all his household goods to the farm. Good resolution we call it, and others will do likewise betore 1908 closes, if the spectacles we wear do not de- ceive us. Letter to ';E.-. E- Tolles.;; ' \[/ /^Quaker Street,'•M.':-Y.) •/"•;,• ;.;v '• pear-Sir; There are two/sorts of paint: ; 6ue to sell and make triptey, the other to paint and save money. : - Who gets the rnaney? The mak- er, the seller/the painter ; Where; does it conle-from? The owner,, of course; he pays the paint er for doing the work, and the deal- er for gallons of paint; and he,pays the;paint-manufacturer, gallons a- gain: more gallons, more money all around; for the owner to -pay to the: painter dealer; and paint-manufact- :Ure;r>..,.:-;..' :; J:/' ' v ;••;' ;,•''•-;"• ; What's thejpaint that saves mon- ey? Gallons again; less gallons, less money for paint, less money for wages; a gallon of paint is $5 for wages and paint. Less gal ions, less money -to pay. $5 a gallon, ' Two sorts of paint: less gallons and more: less money and more: $5 a gal Ion difference: two to one in gallons and money. It costs twice -as much to paint the•• average more-gallons paint as to paint Devoe. When the people find-out, it: may not be quite so easy to sell extravagant paini by calling it V"cheap", £:-'-'.-\':l ££•:.• - Yours truly: 51 •;:^yi : : |'^F:;W;DE^OE & CO P. S. .;-F i :;^v ;; .Alexander-/ sells our paiiit. ; ; . : ;:.TOWH:0MiTlAY CON- [x •';/' ; ^:;v^^:;; : ::C .Boys' white wash suits, of "Hy'de- grade" Galatea or Linen Poplin, embroidered shield Russian blouse style, at $1,50 and $2.00. Boys' Puritan blouse waists with or without, collar in white or color- ed, sizes (> to 15 years, at 50c. Boys'Puritan blouse waists with soft collar, in black sateen or blue chambray', sizes 6 to 15 years, at soc; . Boys' Puritan blouse waists in white, madras, plain or plaited bosom/sizes 6 to 15 years, at JBc. Bo¥s v negligee shirts of colored madras and percale, light or dark \ patterns, curls attached or detach- ed. atSOc each ' . . ' j ' . ' - . - - • • • Boys 1 blouse waists of white or colored madras. without collar or with collar attached at 50c.each. I IMC '•Ja.iH Ox-c31o3r» BLeoeive t 'xr'<>xja.%> f t ^A.*toj3.-tJL<.->aca Soto.033.ectad3r ! s Greatest Store Q0 m m w r a muutMa -52 The. goods are here^—that's sure; The stylesv are attractive—that.S true: The prices" are: low—that's evident; The guarantee is solid—that's safety; T h e savins:;,'is..•/generous—that's profit; The wise Buyer— that's .you, .'•.•'^//'-;'Won't forget these Everything hi gold,.silver, Precious stones, cut..'glass; etc., / From the merest dainty trifle to the Most expensive and pretentious. ' '1C v j. ;DER 233 State St, Tfse SO Year Old 'Jewelry House . : •'" :«»n Take Notice—That the reward offered for the property stolen of the undersign ed on the 8 th day of October 1906 is off and will not be paid by me. ..: Dated, Delansou, N. Y., Apn i>th/i;9pS: : ' ; : ;/''' v .:; ;/ ••/. '."•• : , ;; / 29-2 , / / : / Zeiah Jenkins Garving^ ITour Future Fortune The person who is saving his money and^makin^ regular de- posits in the Schenectady Savings Bank is carving out his future fortune with the accuracy of a great sculptbr. /Now..is just the time to open an account and start saving in earnest//;" /:'''•./.•'-.'•, / •; • -;' $ 1 -2' Pe r C Hiit., I; vie rest P;; id, / Co: n i > o Mi i-' 1 .V. Seuii-Auniially. on Acco.unrs of ^1 a;.(l *" 1 j :en up;,. ecia Cor. State and Clinton Sts., avings a Schetiectady/ N . Y . « S^k GREATEST BARGAIN EVER //^../',/^/' : " v OFEERE Solid gold frames and frameless glass- es from $i> 00 v Eyes examined Free and glasses furnished only if needed. Glasses as low as $1.00. If you suffer with headaches a cure is guaranteed without fail. If you have failed else- where do not be discouraged, the Eye Specialist connected with this establishment has many years oi ex- perience and the best of reiferencesv Lady in attendance, 509 Broadway, AlbanyyN.Y.' have f.orvy-Cvvo 1 vvagoiis iii atbCA, consisting of Road Wagons, Carriages, Concords; Surreys. Market wag- ons;. Farm wagojns and Farm Trucks, some with rub- ,„~—,--*—- ..... bcr tires, some With steel tires. /In this assortment we beiie\je you can find the'ItlGHT ONE These wagons are bought for cash Look them over and convince/your- self that the prices are as low as can be named, considering the high standard of the wagons. Syracuse Plows and Harrows '•';.'; 6rass Seed* n Espefance, N. Y. Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

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Page 1: w LOCALS FE GOODS - fultonhistory.com NY... · OFFICIAL Time Table -Corrected to February • 7th'. 190.8 TUftS LEAVE DSUXSO-H AS FOLLOWS: Kor B, • I'/.l, 4 iD'V GOCs'G •WEST


-Corrected to February • 7th'. 190.8


Kor B, • I ' / . l , 4


GOCs'G •WEST. *;vi"i. ; S : ^ Si*:-2, 1.0

obiSVr EAST-• I • • . • >•) . , - , » ' ".

ForMech-iriie'.'iik ftI", * Daily. swSs.*ulav* 0;i


• » • ' I! ::.). a..' u a.

:t..tn. 4:31 p. m. out a 7:1 i \y. in.

.". # lbp. ra.

. o:20 p. in.

•J. W . Pn^eji^


pag "5 -

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Gfaylord's P i n e Tree Con«k B a l s a in,

Xt n e v e r F a i l s

2 5 and 5 0 c GAYLORD MIDlGl l GO.

115 State St., Schenectady, N . Y .


r. CS


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3 , b£7" cc 'w § « • = •^ CM/ O >:

u ; > . en u-: — s

Mr. and Mrs Charles Haverly and da.trgliter,, Mrs. Reque of Al banv have been spending a few da-v-s wt:a' Mr. and Mrs.- .Herman ^aa^ : ;V ;^v ; ; " ; ^ , : ' ' . ; • • ' ; .•;'•-.'V; V;;; ';,: ' :^.

/ Troru as /Haines' ,;w bo has. been spending.;'soBfletime,-at;. his; :hpme, has,retarded to;•Albany.;- ••;';..'•:

• M-r. 'ana.-:Mrs.: HiUon of ;SGuen:

ectady. spent Easter with her par.: ents, ;.Mr. and Mrs Jacob I Truax. Their daughter retu^nedlionie with them;:. :]

:y;:.^:- y ;•'••• '"v.. ••: .-. v/;'-- :r _ - ;L,uther Secorand wife of Albany

A. F . Dierz of Akamoat was--in.!';spen^Sunda family,,. .Mr,;, -an a- Mrs.: ,;\ Ernery.

Clifford Shaver of Cobleskill call- I •;• Miss; Pra^ence Barkley ha,s been ed on B; King of this place; M o n | ;

v i s i t i n ; g : .'.-'Elias White: is. visiting his moth..

erVwho; is' very il;L.. near ^Rotterdam.;

LOCALS town Tuesday.

day .


."3 tr! o V a ~~ ~~

t—. vo O s a s. K • • : « a . -

u - O CO CU 7 O <^ OO :_

— b£ O

m o

o •M

SCHEDULE O n a r r i v a l a n d d e p a r t u r e of M a i l s from t h e P o s t Office a t Q U A K E R S T R E E T , N . Y

M a i l s A r r i v e : . : F r o i n E a s t , W e s t 9 : 0 0 a m . F r o m E a s t , W e s t a n d . S c h e n e c t a d y 12.00 ML. F r o m E a s t a n d S c h e n e c t a d y 5 : 4 5 p . m .

M a i l C l o s e s : F o r E a s t a n d W e s t 8 :00 a. m . F o r E a s t a n d S c h e n e c t a d y 10:55 a« i n , F c r s a s t , W e s t a n d S c h e n e c t a d y 4:45 p m . D H , C G A I G E P . M .

Mrs Benj. Myers spent Saturday and Sunday with her son at Schen­ectady. '.;/-

Mr- Stevens who has been

2*« Wf


Mrs. Josephine .VanEtta of Bur tonsville is visiting her sister, Mrs. Augustus Devoe.

very ill, is reported some; better at this^writingv''1;;.; :;;•;; /••?;.>;;:; :; .Enough : ;snow fell for the season;

of;':the year,- Monday.. .:. Ellsworthi "^i l ianason, Willia:nj

Gallup,;MrsI Charles Clowe, Lucius Stevens,; Gerald and Glifford Cham-pion! are theones that are suffering From severe. colds,-;;/ ':

:: Miss Edith. Clyckman is now lty-;.n:g; -with v'her: .'• mother,- Mrs. ' A . Pill$nbfe^;^/X..^.-^;"-|;' . •-::.'-:;V;/••';.:

Walter Sperbeck has been hous- Miss Vertie Glow who lias been ed, for a portion of last week, with 1 visiting her cousin / AI ta Shoul tes, .a severe cold •.' :';;.•'•.;;•{'has'returned;;':.home.;•".-•, ••;• •.>•'."':

Roy Scranton visited Mr. and Mrs. Maus Pitcher at Altamont Friday and Saturday.

eating Miss Montany e . 61 Charleston j , ..;• Mis&ito was at the home of Mrs. Howard j T h e^^ Mann ior a few days last w e e k / / v

;o P ; M. all are Mr. and Mrs. D . H . Crowe left

town Wednesday morning to visit the sick at Altamont and Albany'.

2 .a' April 24th, at invited to-' at tend;.'.:'; :

l]\ /: -. £ , -Mrs. • W.'. C. Briggs Sect.

• 'Bert" Hilton of Schenectady visited his mother, Mrs. H . Hilton and his brother, Alfred Hilton., S u n d a y . •••

F l t S , then

Mr. and Mrs, F Seaman accom panied by Miss Rose Busch of On-eonta spent Monday at K. M. Sea man's. , '•:

(jraB^eiieterj . T h e .Annual '-meeKng' p ' Grove

Cemetery vvill be held in the M. E. church hall, ";• Delanson•'•• 1ST, . Y. :-on:

Saturday afternoon a t 2:3b May 2^. 1908.U ' ;: P. Pc Merrihew,';Sect.;

F E G O O D S -TV. purchase of ten thoasarid yards- of p la in and fancy white goods

brings.'this' otrering part icularly near to every wpina 1.1. iii Schenectady th is week. '••,. T h e . lot incUides fancy . c h e c k s and-s t r ipes tor waist ings,: plaid naiusooks a n d : nuidrasv dot ted ^Swisses,' sheer lawn, checks and figured, mercerized madras fabrics. We offer: - :

• Ext ra tine qual i ty plain; white Ind ia linen value 12 l-2c, a t 10c yard, ; Whi te plaid nainsooks and madras , . regular values 15c and 18c; at

12 1-2'c:yaM'..;';;;,:.'. ;'.V"^^'^ ;-'v.''V':::^^ ... '->'•'• Whi te plaid and str iped lawns and madras , line qual i ty , values 5()c

yard; a t 15c yard. ';,.,'.: ••' White do t ted dress;Swisses; regular 20e qua!i ty, at 1 4 c yard ; Whi t e waist ings in. sheer lawn, checks and figured mercerized xci-ad>'

ias,; all^Se^qualities^rat ' ' ^e ; y 3 axdj^ i ^^ v ^i . . F a n c y mercerized plaids a;nd figured madras . all 30c and 35c quali-.

t ies , ;a t 2 5 c yard;. •••;,.;'' y'W:W'H--\ '.:'-v;'.';:

•C:;;: Boys T h a t is for t h e boys of all ages. We have p lanned la rge ly for the i r

Spr ing and summer comfort and at tract ive appearance in this ga ther ­ing Of pretty,, yet serviceable Wais t Suits and Blouse Wais ts . Mothers will rejoice in t h i s oppor tuni ty to clothe the boys properly.

I Boys1 wash suits'••'•. of plain or .striped Chambray in blue, red, grey, and tan , with duck tr im­mings, sizes o to 10 years,, a t 5 0 c .

' and'7;5C:.;• '••" Boys';wash;suics of fancy oxford

cloth in plaid or str ipes, white braid t r immed and embroidered shield. Bus te r Brown or sailor blouse style a t $ 1 . 0 0 . :;.; • Bpysv wash sui t s of colored 'kHy-' degrade 1 ' G-alatea cloth, pla in or s tr ipe. Bus t e r Brown style, sizes 3 to-.TyearSy at:;$1;-50.."'

Boys ' wash su i t s of linen Popl in in whi te , blue or tan, Buster Brown s ty le wi th Teddy Bear shield, sizes

'3^p-.7;ye-ars,:at.''.$2._-.'5'0.: ;,;:; Boys" whi te ;wrash suits of fine

grade duck, sailor blouse or Bus te r Brown stvle, embroiderd shield, at:$1:..00,.v;/ '

Dr. Miles' Restorative Nerv­ine has been so successful in curing these brain-wrecking diseases that there is every reason to believe that even the most hopeless cases can be benefited, if not fully restored*

W<$ will be pleased to refer any one thus afflicted to many who now enjoy the blessing of health, after years of hopeless suffering- ;

" I h a v e a son t h a t had b r a i n fever w h e n two y e a r s old, followed by fits of t h e worsr. type; a n d h e w a s pronounced Incurable^." I s p e n t h u n d r e d s of dol lars for h im. w i t h o u t relief. . After abou t fifteen y e a r s he b e c a m e so b a d t h a t w e «en^ h i m to Long-cliff hosp i t a l for t h e Insane , a t Loganspo r t , . Ind . H e w a s t h e r e nea r ly t h r e e y e a r s , bi:t he con­t i nued to g r o w worse , so we b r o u g h t h im homfe J u l y 30, 1902, In a h awful condit ion. H e h a d los t h i s m ind a lmos t ent i re ly . H e ha rd ly kne -̂v- 01W o f . t h e family; could n o t even find his bed; w a s a to ta l wreck . H e h a d from 5 to 10 t i ts a day . W e w e r e u~gc\d to t r y Dr. Miles ' Nerv ine , a n d before i h e first bot t le w a s used , w e could see a change for t h e bet tor . W e h a v e given it t o h im ever s ince, a n d h e h a s had b u t t w o very l i gh t spells s ince l a s t Augus t , 1902, and then he w a s no t well o the r ways . W e pronounce h i m cur^d.- a s h e can work a n d go a n y w h e r e . If any one wi shes t o a s k a n y ques t ions concerning. th i s , t h e v a r e a t l ibe r ty to do so . "

• E . H . B U N N E L L , Lincoln, Ind. Dr. Miles' Nerv ine Is sold by your

drugglst> w h o will g u a r a n t e e t h a t t h e first bot t le will benefit. If It fal ls , ho will refund y o u r money .

Miles Medical Co., Elkhar t , Irid

Hendrick Hudson and

Best-on-Record Bran, Middlings,; Meal, Buck­

wheat Feed and; Poultry Supplies!



PeiMei M Cedar SMDiles

HUNT & WASHBURN Delanson/ N. Y.

M r s . S> W . Po t t e r w h o is now at

the Albany hospi ta l is ge t t i ng a long

nicely a n d h e r arr ival borne is look­

ed for the la t te r pa r t of n e x t w e e k .

N o services, in the Chr is t ian

church S u n d a y on account of; the

absence of the pas tor , R e v ; S . W .

Pot te r , who was w i t h his-sick wife

at the A lbany Hosp i t a l .

L . I . Crowe of Denver , Golorado",

is expec ted to a r r ive a t A l t a m o n t ,

to m o r r o w ( F r i d a y ) to see his

mo the r who is very ..ill, w i t h bu t

s l igh t hopes as to her recovery .

W a l t e r B r iggs of Albany, : w h o

has been a pa t ien t a t t he A lbany

hospi tal for blood poisoning, i s now

at his home and p u t of doors on

c ru t ches for the first. W e d n e s d a y . .

Miss Lou ise Br iggs after t a k i n g

an E a s t e r vacat ion w i t h her par­

en t s , Mr . and Mrs . Wilson Br iggs ,

r e t u r n e d to A m s t e r d a m Monday to

resume he r du t ies as teacher in: one

of the H i g h Schools ;

Mr. Cha r l e s Tol les , after spend­

ing ten w e e k s a s t ra ined n u r s e ,

wi t h s m al I p0 x p at.i e u t s at "New -

b u r g h was rel ieved from d u t y last

week , and is now a t t h e home of

his pa ren t s , Mr. and Mrs , E E .

Tol les . H e ar r ived in town S a t u r

day. : ' > •.';'..'.••;. ' . ' :;

F. A.. Cooper of Delmar has pur­chased the stock of goods of J; H. Oaidiner & Co. of Delanson and will take possession of store as soon as he can close his business at Del-mar. We i ave known Mr. Cooper for some years and we believe that the people who patronize; him will receive value for what they buy..

Charles Schoonmaker who mov­ed to Schenectady some eighteen months ago from his farm in the town ot Wright, has coucluded that all is not gold even in a city life, so he returned Monday with all his household goods to the farm. Good resolution we call it, and others will do likewise betore 1908 closes, if the spectacles we wear do not de­ceive us.

Letter t o ';E.-. E- • Tolles.;; ' \[/ /^Quaker Street,'•M.':-Y.) •/"•;,• ;.;v

'• p e a r - S i r ; T h e r e a re two/sor t s of p a i n t : ; 6 u e t o sell and m a k e t r ip tey , t he o ther to pa in t and save money . :- W h o ge ts t he rnaney? T h e mak­er, t h e s e l l e r / t h e pa in te r ;

Where ; does it conle-from? T h e owner,, of course ; he p a y s t he pa in t er for do ing the work, and the deal­er for ga l lons of pa in t ; and h e , p a y s the ;pa in t -manufac tu re r , ga l lons a-ga in : more gal lons, more money all a r o u n d ; for t h e o w n e r t o -pay to the: pa in ter dealer; a n d pa in t -manufac t -:Ure;r>..,.:-;..':;J:/' ' v ;••;' ;,•''•-;"• ;

W h a t ' s t he jpa in t t h a t saves mon­ey? Gal lons aga in ; less gal lons , less money for paint , less money for wages ; a gallon of p a i n t is $5 for wages and pa in t . Less gal ions, less money -to pay. $5 a gal lon, '

T w o sor ts of pa in t : less ga l lons and more : less money and more : $5 a gal Ion difference: t w o to one in gal lons a n d money.

I t costs twice -as much to pa in t the•• ave rage more-ga l lons paint as to pa in t Devoe. W h e n t h e people find-out, it: may not be qu i t e so easy to sell e x t r a v a g a n t pa in i by calling it V"cheap", £:-'-'.-\':l ££•:.• - Y o u r s t ru ly : 51 • ; :^yi :

: | ' ^F: ;W;DE^OE & CO P . S . . ;-F i : ;^v ; ; .Alexander-/ sells our paii i t . ;; .

•: ; : .TOWH:0MiTlAY CON- [x • ' ; / ' ; ^: ;v^^ : ; ; : : :C

. B o y s ' white wash suits, of "Hy'de-g r a d e " Galatea or Linen Popl in , embroidered shield Russian blouse style, a t $ 1 , 5 0 and $ 2 . 0 0 .

Boys ' Pu r i t an blouse waists with or without, collar in white or color­ed, sizes (> to 15 years, a t 5 0 c .

B o y s ' P u r i t a n blouse waists wi th soft collar, in black sateen or blue chambray', sizes 6 to 15 years, a t soc; .

Boys' P u r i t a n blouse waists in white, madras , plain or plaited bosom/sizes 6 to 15 years, a t JBc.

Bo¥s v negligee sh i r t s of colored madras and percale, l ight or da rk \ pa t t e rns , curls a t tached or detach­ed. a t S O c each

' . . ' j ' . ' - . - - • • •

Boys1 blouse waists of whi te or colored madras . wi thou t collar or with collar a t tached a t 50c . each .

I IMC '•Ja.iHOx-c31o3r» B L e o e i v e t'xr'<>xja.%>ft ^A.*toj3.-tJL<.->aca

Soto.033.ectad3r!s Greatest Store Q0m m w r a muutMa -52

T h e . goods are here^—that's sure;

T h e stylesv are at tract ive—that .S t rue:

T h e prices" are: l ow—tha t ' s evident;

T h e guarantee is sol id—that 's safety;

T h e savins:;,'is..•/generous—that's profit;

T h e wise Buyer— tha t ' s .you, .'•.•'^//'-;'Won't forget these

Everything hi gold,.silver,

Precious stones, cut..'glass; e tc . , /

From the merest dainty trifle to the

Mos t expensive and pretent ious .

' ' 1 C v • j .

; D E R 2 3 3 State St, Tfse SO Year Old 'Jewelry House .: •'"

: « » n

Take Notice—That the reward offered for the property stolen of the undersign ed on the 8 th day of October 1906 is off and will not be paid by me. ..: Dated, Delansou, N. Y., Apn

i > t h / i ; 9 p S : : ';

: ; / ' ' ' v . : ; ; / ••/. '."••:,

;; / 29-2 , / / : / Zeiah Jenkins

Garving^ ITour F u t u r e Fortune

The person who is saving his money and^makin^ regular de­posi ts in the Schenectady Savings Bank is carving out his future fortune with the accuracy of a grea t sculptbr.

/Now..is jus t the t ime to open an account and start saving in e a r n e s t / / ; " /:'''•./.•'-.'•,

/ •; • -;' $ 1 -2' Pe r C Hiit., I; vie rest P;; id, / Co: n i > o Mi i-'1 • .V. • Seuii-Auniially. on Acco.unrs of ^1 a;.(l


1 j

:en up;,.

ecia C o r . S t a t e a n d C l i n t o n S t s . ,

avings a S c h e t i e c t a d y / N . Y.



G R E A T E S T B A R G A I N EVER / /^ . . / ' , / ^ / ' : " v OFEERE

Solid gold frames and frameless glass­es from $i> 00 v Eyes examined Free and glasses furnished only if needed. Glasses as low as $1.00. If you suffer with headaches a cure is guaranteed wi thout fail. If you have failed else­where do no t be discouraged, t h e Eye Specialist connected with th i s establ ishment has many years oi ex­perience and t h e best of reiferencesv Lady in at tendance, 509 Broadway, AlbanyyN.Y. '

have f.orvy-Cvvo 1 vvagoiis iii atbCA, consis t ing of Road W a g o n s , Car r iages , Concords ; Su r r eys . Market wag­

ons;. Fa rm wagojns and Fa rm T r u c k s , some with rub-, „ ~ — , - - * — - . . . . . bcr t ires, some With steel t ires.

/ I n th is assor tment we beiie\je you can find t h e ' I t l G H T ONE

These wagons are bought for cash Look them over and convince/your-self that the prices are as low as can be named, considering the high standard of the wagons.

Syracuse Plows and Harrows '•';.'; 6rass Seed*

n Espefance, N. Y.

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