vroman more and more new -...

ANOTHER MCBDER? We learn from the Kinghamton Standard that a colored man by I name of Thomas Vroman was killed in t town of Nauticoke, in that county, on cftiirday evening, May 30, by a woman nam- t Mart Shannon. From the testimony ta- | * bc fore the Coroner, it appears that the !Vui 'fts performing the duties of honse- IZ T for a man named Dexter Dyer, whose V was absent, and tliat early in the even- above mentioned, no one being in the house ' ~. it DVef, who was sick, the woman, aud a Ih-Übout ten years of age, Vroman came to j floor and demanded admittance, which was 1 -oil Sonie words passed between the par- r Vroman threatening to break the door ?fTt was not opened. At length he said he , j a revolver with him, and a gun at a cer- '. ' | acc which he would procure, and then ffeet an entrance. He theu left for a short time and on returning gave the inmates five ' jutes time to open the door, but before the fine expired, smashed it down and entered the oom which was dark. The woman had arm- T ] herself with a loaded gun, which was in the j ]oUe and as Vroman ignited a match, there- in revealing his person, she fired, the charge taking effect near the heart, and killing him ? tautlv. An inquest was held by Coroner Davenport, and a verdict rendered in accor- dance with the above facts. We arc inform- ed that Mi'- Dyer and the woman were snbse- uuentlv arrested, and underwent an examina- tion before a Justice, but discharged on the e round of justifiable homicide. Vroman had been driuking previous to going to Dyer's house. Sitoex Death. ?Mr. Heisted, a man of sonic fifty-seven years of age, who had beeu employed during the past Spring, as engineer i n the*steam saw mill at this place, died very Suddenly on Thursday morning of last week. On Motidsv previous to his death, he entered flic arch beneath the boilers, for the purpose of repairing a jtortion of the wall and to clean out the ashes, there having been a fire iu the furnace during the day, the excessive heat yet in the walls, made it impossible lor him to re- main within but a few moments at a time?- be wou-ld remain witbin till nearly suffocated, ami then in a high state of perspiration come out and remain in the opeu air till lie became efficiently cool to re-enter. He was caution- ed against such impropriety, but to no effect. The following evening he conqilained of being unwell, and on Tuesday took to his bed, from which he never rose, lie died on Thursday morning, lie was takea to Albany, Bradford county, his fom bouie, for interment.? Sul- Ivrtin Denocro.. OL'ER \TIIXS OF THE AMERICAN HMF.STF.AD FOVI'AXV IN VIRGINIA.? The New \ ork Ere. J ]'<\u25a0>( understands that Eli Thayer, the I'resi- j dent of the American Homestead and Enii-; gration Company, has just returned from a vi- sit of some two weeks in Virginia on business : for the company. He has been received very hospitably ; addressed several public meetings j in reference to the affairs of tbe company, and 1 inspired nil his hearers with such a deep in- terest in its success that they adopted resolu- j tioua of welcome on the Mr. Thayer has selected a site for the first colony, subject to the approval of the directors, and is so murli captivated by the temptations held out to enterprise, industry, aud capital in the old Dominion, that he has commenced selling off bis extensive property in Worcester, prepara- tory to becoming a subject of Gov. Wise. | s Qiite a Mistake. ?The Baltimore RepvUi- mn tells a story of a young man who fell in love with a young lady residing in one of the residences in Upper Tendom. The lover, fear- ing a repulse from the head of the family, con- ducted his courtship in a clandestine manner. The up-hot of the matter was, that an elope- nrnt occurred and the parties were married. After the marriage the bridegroom proposed that they should return home, and procure the father's pardon. Judge, then, of his dismay when, with a trembling voice, she informed him that, although she possessed the name in question, she was not related to him in the slightest degree, and was employed in his dwel- ling in the capacity of a seamstress. Thus all bis visions of a secured fortune were scattered to the winds ; aud the scene of recrimination which ensued was terribly out of character for a newly married couple. In Towanda, on the lOtli instant, by Rev. A. Sutherland, RKV. TIMOTHY L. OLMSTED, of the Rock River ('(inference, in the state of Illinois, to MISS JULIA A. PRATT, of Towanda. In Hingliamton, X. Y., on the 7th instant, by Rev. S. M. stim.xin. Mr. M. A. ROOERS, of Porksville, Sullivan to., to Miss A FIB IE HOTTER, of Dushore, Pa. DISS, la this borough, on the 15th instant, WILLIAMKELLY, afjed *6 years. New York & Erie R. R., Waverly Station. Commencing Monday, June 15, 1857, Trains will leave WA VEULY at about the following hours : OINT. WFVT. (JOINO EAST. ipnkirk* Buff Exp 320 p.m Cincinnati Exp 422 a.m o'.uht Express 335 a.m Night Express 12 23 p.m ! 0 13 r.M Chicago Express.. ,f> 47 a.m Emigrant 443 p.m iSteamboat Exp.... 2 17 p.m . ..7 55 A.M|Stock Express ... .4 22 a.m rreight, Xo.i 12 10 p.m Accommodation .. ..7 37 p.m rrcignt. Xci..'! <j 35 a.m (Freight, N'o.2 1 30 p.m r( ' t. -Vo.'o 2 10 a.m' Freight, No. 4 3 40 p.m Etaira, Canandaigua & Niagara Falls RJL Takes effect May 25,1*57. ELM IRA STATION, ... C.OIMO WEST. I ARRIVE. fP*gara Express. . 430 a.m|N'. Y. A Phil. Exp. .11 50 r.M \u25a0\ clung Way Exp. tls r.Mj.Vew York F.xp... .12 30 p.m r**ignt 7 no .t.MbStock Express 10 45 r.M < onnecting at Klmira with the principal trains (east s--;l we-t) on the ST. Y. A- E. U.R., and at the Suspension <ige with the Great Western, forming an expeditious ?te lor Western travellers. . W. <. LAPHAM, Superintendent. INDEPENDENCE PARTY !!! AT THE WASHBURN HOUSE, ULSTER, On Friday. July 3, 1857. . r^ 1 " **" om 6 P- M. Lunch and spired meats 'th ,3, AM Music, FRED. L'AMEREUX, and l ,T v ° Canham's band, and T<>m Canhani, himself, if Die country, (to use his own words for it.) ki- tV"' 0 " K F - MUSHBURN, Proprietor. t . *7 T " e above house is situated on the east side of the IT, ~f rom Towanda to Waverly, in the village of an'i , ? corn :i "ly known as the " Barley Sheaf," Yall.-v n 1 ' 1 ' J - S ' ? WASHBURN, formerly of the (mlar-i-d ' k,l, ' f hequin. The dining room has been time 'is *\u25a0'' '"'Coinniodate a goon I y number. Agood J'Jiie nt,y ex P et -' teJ ' Come and see. A. INDEPENDENCE HALT..? The *- Company of Yourself and Lidv is in- ja vited at the House of X. OLMSTED, ncr ; ILM' Friday evening, July 3,1857. Music? Wis- Dtr (Elunra) Band. Bill (2. X. OLMSTED. Prnp'r. X°TICE is HEREBY GIVEN, that an l(etrislar'''' cation wi " ma, ' e at the next session of the Unit °' Pennsylvania, for the incorporation of a with ww ca,l " u the " BRADFORD COUNTY BANK," with a canii"? Pqyßeges issue, discount and deposit, th- ru-M fll fwo Hundred Thousand Dollars, with Tho" ,n,i iJn ' ,ea,c l he c, l>'tal stork to Three Hundred Towinita '" 'T- to Is- heated iu the borough of Tow n i J hc count y Btadfird. lowsnda, J'lue 12, fcjj. 1 Xeu A EDITOR'S NOTICE.?/* the maUer of -4A. the estate of David S. Watkins, dee'd. In the Or- phans' Court of Bradford County. Notice is hereby given, that the Auditor appointed to distribute money in the hands or the Administrator of this estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his uc j" tl,e . borough of Troy, on Friday, the lOtfr of July, 18a7, at 1 o clock, P.M. All persons having chums I upon said money must present them, or else tie forever debarred from the same. E. B. PARSONS _Jun. 9, 1857. Auditor. "VTOTICE.?Is hereby given by the under- ,7Vf "? ne " in conformity with the supplement entitled , A '"V, J" supplement to the act to incorporate the Brad- ford Rail Road and Coal C 0.," approved the twenty-eighth day of May, 1840, that Books for subscription to stock in said Company will be opened on the 29th day of June inst., in the City of Philadelphia, at No. 764 Walnut st. and will remain open until the whole of the stsck be sub- scribed. G. F. MASON, ) T A. R. PERKINS, - Corporators. June 9, 1857. W. H. WINDER. ) MO&S XVBW 00098 ! MMiY&metMi ARE just receiving, in their New Store, west side of the Public Square a large and well selected assort- ment of goods suitable for the Summer trade. Consisting of I.awns, Chaliis, Bareges, Poplin, Delaines, Scotch and American Ginghams, Debeges. Black and Colored Silks, French. English and American Prints in great variety : Gents Dress Goods. Hardware, Crockery, Fish, Sugar! Tea, Coflee and other Family Groceries. Also, a very large assortment of Boots dt Shoes, of almost every variety, and having made arrangements with the manufacturers by which we are in constant re- ceipt of new work, we are prepared to offer to the public the largest and best stock, and at lower prices than any other store in Towanda. Call and see. Sole and Upper Leather, French and American Calf Skins, Morocco, Colored and plain Linings, Binding.Shoe Thread and a general assortment of Findings, wholesale and retail at reasonable rates. Grateful for past favors, we invite the patronage of the public and by strict atten- tion to business and particular care in selection of our goods, both as to quality and adaptation to meet the wants of customers, we hope to merit the confidence of the com- munity and respectfully invite those visiting Towanda to call and examine our goods. HUMPHREY & WICKHAM. Towanda, June 8, 1857. K T. F OX TS NOW RECEIVING a large stork of J- FAMILY GROCERIES, which are offered for sale at as low prices as the same quality of Goods can lie bought anywhere this side of the City of New York. CHOKED HAM, SHOULDERS, DRIED 0 BEEF at June 4, 1857 FOX'S. DRIED PEACHES, ORANGES, FIGS, Pranes, Raisons, &c., at June 4, 1857. FOX'S. OA BUSHELS NICE WHITE BEANS, w' ' at June 4,1857. FOX'S. WE ARE NOW OFFERING a very large and well selected stock of BOOTS AND SHOES direct from the Manufacturers, which we offer at extremely low prices for READY PAY, and invite the public to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. June 2d, 1857. HUMPHREY A WICKH AM. PRINTS, GINGHAMS, CHALLIS] A Lawns, Delaines, Muslins, Ac., Ac., in great variety and stvle, just received by June 3d, 1856. HUMPHREY A WICKHAM. NE W GOODS I The subscriber is now in receipt of a large and general assortment of NEW AND SEASONABLE GOODS, Including Dry Goods, Hardware, Groceries, Crockery, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Nails, Fish, Ac. Also, an extensive catalogue of School and Xttiscelia&feons Boohs ! Stationary, Ac., which will be disposed of on the most reasonable terms. He respectfully asks his proportion of the patronage of his friends aud the public. May 26,1*57. JUS. KIXGSBERY- DISSOLUTION.? The firm of ESEN- WIXE ASEFBISCH is dissolved by mutual con- sent. The accounts owing to said firm must lie settled by the FIRST DAY OF JULY next, or costs will lie made. Either of the late firm will attend to their settlement. JOHN ESENWIXK. Towanda, May 27,1857. ANDREW SEEBISCH SHERIFF'S SALE.?By virtue of a writ of Vend. Expo, issued out of the Court of Com- mon pleas, to me directed, I shall expose to public sale at the Court House, in the borough of Towanda, on Fri- day the 3d day of JULY, 1857, at 1 o'clock, P, M., the following described lot piece or parcel of land situate in Kidgbnry twp, Bradford county, bounded as follows, to wit; On the north by lands of diaries /Jarpes, east by lands of H. F. Burt, on the south by lands now in posses- j sion of J. O. Pine, and on the west by the highway lead- -1 ing from Elmira to Troy. Containing about one acre, all j improved, be the satne more or less, with a framed dwel- ! ling house, a framed store house, a framed barn and a few fruit trees thereon. ALSO?One other lot. piece or parcel of land situate in Springfield twp., Bradford ro., bounded north by the highway, on the east, south and west by lands of Elam Bennett. Containing one half acre tie the same more or less, all Improved, one framed house, a framed barn and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at tbe suit of Abiram Pierce vs. Charles T. Murphy and James 11. Webb. ALSII?By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias the follow- ing described building and lot of ground of " The Trus- tees of the Collegiate Institute of the Presbytery of Sus- quehanna," to wit: The four story Collegiate Institute situate in the borough of Towanda, Bradford en., and the lot of ground and curtilage appurtenant thereto, it hav- ing been erected on a piece of land containing ten acres, bounded on the east by Second Street, on the south by Thomas Elliott, on the west by John F. Means, and on the north by Jefferson street and the said John F. Means. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Sidney Ha\ den to the use of X. J. Keeler vs. The Trustees of the Collegiate lastitute of the Presbytery of Susquehanna. h JOHN A. CODDING, Sheriff. Towanda, June 8,1857. Lightning: and Destruction! THE subscriber, grateful for past favors, takes this opportunity to inform the citizens of Bradford and adjoining counties, that he has again started his teams in the LIGHTNING ROD TRADE. Having had several years experience in the business, he feels confident that he can supply those in want of Rods, with a superior article, put up strictly upon scienti- fic principles, and at prices that cannot fail to suit.?lf there any of the many rods put up by him in any way out of repair, by being informed of the same, it will afford hiin much pleasure to put them in proper order. All or- ders by mail or otherwise promptly atttended to. Leßaysville, June 4,1857. F. GREGORT. tor sale. THE well known and well established EAGLE FOUN- DRY. situate on Main Street in the Borough of To- wanda near the terminus of the Barclay Rail Road. Said Foundry is in good repair and has suitable laithes. Ma- chinery, Ac., to do a large business. Any information respecting the business capacity of said Foundry, can lie had by calling on JOHN IRVINE, who is now running it. For Terms apply to the subscriber at his residence in 1 May 29, 1857. _ J- D. GOODENOUGH. THE TROY HOUSE, E. W. BIG ON Y, PROPRIETOR, HAVING been repaired and re-fornishe<L the proprie tor assures the public that no pains will be spared to deserve the patronage of the public. Troy, Bradford Co., April 3, 1857. lAA BBLS. COMMON SALT; 10 bbls. I'M' Rock Salt for packing salt, just received by Dec. 10, 1856. ______ BAILEY A XEVIXS. Book Binding. TnE undersigned has the agency of one of the best Binderies in N. Y. City, and is ready to re- ceive Books Pamphlets, Magazines, Ac., to be bound in any style desired, in the neatest and most substantial manner and at very low rates?shall be forwarding a lot very soon-so send in your volumes. O P. BART LETT. EXTRACTS for flavoring, for sale cheap __ at FOX'S. A Great Bargain for Some One. THE subscriber having purchased, repaired, and fitted np in order for bnsiness, the Grist Mill formerly owned fiy H- M. Peck, now offers it for sale, as he desires to remove West. Said mill is made to run with steam or water, is located in the centre of a thickly populated farming country, and in believed to J>e one of the best locations in the country. It has in it three run of stone, two bolts, halting stone, smutter, and all the necessary fixtures for a custom mill. ! Connected with it are twenty-five acres of land, some ten I acres of which Is timbered, suitable for wood. The rest ! is for pasturing. There is also on the premises a mill ; house, a wagon shop, and two buildings formerly occupied I by merchants. The terms will lie made easy for the purchaser- ?sayone- fourlh down, and for the balance time will be C>try*l "-. WYLLYS BROWNSON. East Smithlkld, Jan. 16, 1857. Ncttf Largest Stock of Dry Goods EST 8 i, iitiiii & 11.. ARE now prepared to exhibit their stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, embracing the latest styles Rich and Fashionable DRESS GOODS, The whole comprising the largest and best assortment they have ever nad the pleasure of offering to the public. Our stock has been selected with great care. And purchased at the very lowest CASH PRICES, And will lie offered, " Cheap as the Cheapest, aud a little Cheaper!" Owego, May 7, 1857. 1857. 1857. More and More New Goods ! AT GUTTENBURG ROSENBAUM & Co. Just opening a full assortment of BPRi:N!G AND SUMIMER ©SI? AND READY MADE CLOTHING, Which will be sold Cheap?CHEAPER THAN EVER! Give us a call; You cannot fall to be suited lor quality and price. *d"Patton's Block. Corner of Main and Bridge sts. Towanda, May 6, 1857. DR. J. M'l NTOSH, DENTIS T, lie at TOWANDA on the FIRST OF WiUiamsport, April !,1857. AUDITORS' NOTlCE.? Joseph Menardi, adrn'r of Minor 11. Wilcox, iltc'd., vs. Samvel fan' dyke. 11l the court of Common Pleas of Bradford Co. No. 141 December T., 1850. The undersigned Auditor appointed hv said Court, to distribute the funds raised by Sheriff sale of defendant's real 'estate, will attend to the duties assigned him at his office in the born' of Towanda, on Monday, the 29th day of Jane, A. D. 1857, at one o'clock in the afternoon, when and where all persons having claims are requested to present them, or be forever debarred therefrom. May 16, 1857. G. H. WATKINS, Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.? W. A. Park, to the use of H. C. Dorter, vs. I)avid E. Catijf. In Brad. Common Pleas, No. 132, May term, 1858. The undersigned an Auditor appointed by said Conrtto distribute funds raised by the Sheriff sale of defendants real estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in Towanda boro' on Wednesday the 24th day of June, A. D. 1857, at one o'clock, P.M., when and where all persons interested are requested to present their claims or be forever debarred from anv share of said fund. May 16, 1857. G. H. WATKINB, Auditor. NOTICE.? He*ry J. Mtu&i Executor of Alexander Modill, deceased, vs. L. L. Washburn. In ttie Common Pleas of Bradford County, No. 417, December Term. 1852. The undersigned. Auditor, appointed by said Court to distribute funds raised by Sheriff's sale of the real estate of defendant, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office iu the borough of Towanda, on Monday, the 22d day of June, 1857. at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, at which time aud place all persons interested are required to present their claims or else be forever debarred from said fund. May 16,1857. G. H. WATKINS, Auditor. (CLOTHS, CASSIMEKES, AC.?Black and colored cloths and cftseimers, and an endless quantity of fancy cassiinere*. tweeds, Kentucky jeans, cottonades, linens, Ac., cheaper than ever before, just re- ceived by April 6,1857. J. POWELL. A New Weekly. The Philadelphia Weekly Times, PUBLISHED AT PHILADELPHIA, devoted to Re- publican Principles, News, Literature, Arts and Sci- ence. The proprietors respectfully announce that they have made the necessary arrangements to commence the publication of a weekly paper with the above title. TEKMB : Single copy, per annum $2 00 Two copies, " 3 00 Five copies, " 7 00 Ten copies, " 12 00 Twenty copies, per annum, to one address,... 20 00 Any larger number at the rate of II per anuum, sent to one address. Any jierson sending us a Club of twenty or more will be entitled to an extra copy. Payment in advance is re- quired in all cases. The first number will be issued on SATURDAY, MAY 2d. 1857. While this paper will tie conservative in its tendencies, and independent in its discussions, it will be heartily in sympathy with the great political reforms proposed by the National Republican movement of 1856. The aggres- sion* of slavery as a political power, and the efforts mak- ing to give it a national endorsement as a part of the con- stitutional law of the Union, will l>e firmly resisted, while it will maintain, in all their integrity, the rights of every portion of our common country. The policy of the Free States must be self protection, not aggression, and it will lie the aim to carry this out in a fraternal spirit. The TIMES will contain a large amount of original, edi- torial, and miscellaneous matter, correspondence, Ac., carefully arranged, with express reference to making it a popular and interesting FAMILY NEWSPAPER. The price of the TIMES lieing so low will permit it to bo put in the hands of every family in the community. Send in your subscriptions at an early day, and secure one of the best papers published in the State of Pennsyl- vania. Persons desiring the Morning Times can have the same mailed to them regularly. Terms?ls per annum IN ADVANCE. Address " Philadelphia Morning Times," Ofllca, No 318, Chestnut street, Philadelphia. B A RCL AYCO A L.?TIT EB A RCL AV RAIL ROAD AND COAL COMPANY hnve now on hand, and will keen constantly for sale at TOWANDA, a large supply of their coal, at $3 00 per ton for Blacksmith Coal, and $3 50 per ton for Raked Coal. Apply for coal at Towanda to HORATIO BLACK. Coal will also lie sold at THE MINES at $2 00 per ton far Blacksmith Coal, and $2 50 per ton for Raked Coal. A libera! discount will be made on sale* by tbe boat load Oct. 30, 1856. EDW'D OVERTON, President H. A. BURBANK'S BAKERY One Door North of the. Ward House. TOWANDA, PA. W|| ERE you can find a constant supply of Bread, Rusk, Crackers, Cookies, Jumbles, and all kinds of Fancy i- OYSTERS furnished by the quart or keg, or cook- ed to order. D i)- Particular attention paid to fillingorders for parties Returning our sincere thanks for the liliera! patronage bestowed upon us during the past year, and hoping by close application to business to merit a continuance of the same, we remain as ever, your humble servant, March 16, 1857. H. A. BURBANK. ONE HUNDRED BUSHELS LARGE CLOVER SEED. Also a quantity of Timothy Seed for sale by JOSEPH POWELL. February 4,1857. ATHE N S NURSERY. SA rare opportunity is now afforded to thos wishing to supply themselves with CHOIFE FRUIT TREES, as we intend to offer for sale the present spring a large and general assort- ment of FRUIT k ORNAMENTAL TREES, wing very low rates, for cash, viz : Apples, 5 years old, 6to 10 feet high, per hundred,llß 00 do do 4to 6 do do 16 00 Cherries, Plums, and Grapes, each 38 Dwarf Pears and Pie Plant, each 25 Peaches, 1 year from bud, each 19 An additional charge, sufficient to cover cost, will lie made to those wishing their trees delivered. Catalogues furnished gratis. Trees should lie planted in April. Or- ders should be sent in immediately. March 7,1857.w0 FORD k PERKINS. A CARD-VERY SHORT. OUR FRIENDS are invited to examine the most complete assortment of WINTER GOODS ever offered in Towanda, and if experience in the purchase of Goods is worth anything, those who favor us shall have the advantage of it. . Among the novelties of our assortment, we oiler REA- DY-MADE CLOTHING without a seam; as also other Clothing. Indies' Cloth Talmas and cloth for making the same. A large assortment of Dreso Trimmings and other things too numerous to mention. To the farmers we would say, that we can supply them GROUND PLASTER cheaper than they can get it to go a jf^Js,lßs6. MONTAXYES. rUSII FAID FOR LARD AND EGGS, . BURBANK'S BAKERY. ffliscclaneous. , nrxcw a- SB* ' AND NEW ARRANGEMENT. COLLINS & POWELL are now receivinp a large stock of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTH ING, which they are selling exclusively FOR CASH, a they think a bird in hand is worth two in the hush. Their stock consists of Business. Black Cloth, Fancy Cassimere Tweed, Kentucky .lean. While Duck. Linen, Marseiles, and Brown Linen COATS ot all kinds and qualities.? Black Cassimere, Fancy Cassimere, Brown Linen, Whitr Linen and Kentucky Jean RANTS ; Silk, Satin and Mur- seiles VESTS of all kinds ; Block and Fancy Cravats ; Gents £ Hose, Shirts, Collars, Suspenders, Hat and Caps and everyihing in the line of Men's wear. Their stock ot Cloths and Cassimeres are unsurpassed, and are selling cheap. We are still ready to make up all kinds of GAR- MENTS to order on short notice, and warranted in every particular : all of which we are bouud to sell lower thau was ever offered in this market tor Cash. Cutting done as usual. COLLINS A POWELL. Towanda, April 16,1857. AN APPRAISEMENT AND CLASSl- fication of the different persons engaged in the sale of goods, wares and merchandise in the County of Brail- ford for the year 1857, with the amount of license there- unto unuexed: If 'here Sold. Naiue*. Clan. License Albany D Kellogg ACo 14 700 Asylum....J W Denison 14 7 John Horton 14 7 oo Strong A Terry 14 7 00 Athens boro. Geo A Perkins 14 7 (g, Geo B Perkins 14 7 p 0 A Averill 14 7 Oo PW Meeker 14 7 Oo C Park A Son 12 12 5,, FN Page 10 20 0c C Comstock 14 7 ((y Joseph Parsons 14 7 Athens tp... D Gardner 14 7 A Beidlemun 14 7 qo Burlington bo A F Long A Son 13 10 Oo Merry, Wilhelm A Co 13 10 00 ABAS H Morley 13 10 00 A Pcckham 14 7 uq Miller A Morley 14 7 (g, Canton H Lockwood 14 7 Gosline A Tracy 13 10 00 WS Baker 13 1000 Mix A Hooper 14 7 00 Newman A Manly 13 10 00 J Vandyke jr 14 7 00 Abner Doty 14 7 on N Tuttle U 7 00 1) Wilcox It 7 00 K W Col well 14 7 00 Aaron Spalding 14 7 00 E Vandiue 14 700 Columbia. ..A B Austin 14 7 pO Durell U Moody 14 7 00 Franklin I M Martin 14 7 00 E N Frishie A Co 14 7 00 ' Granville...lDTaylor 14 7 00 WH Phillips 13 10 00 HughMalov 14 700 Derrick Charles l'latt 14 7 00 Cornwall Stevens 14 7 00 Leroy l'arkhurst laimb A Co 14 7 00 Ezra Holcoinh 14 7 00 Monroe bo. .Smith A Cranmcr 13 10 00 Brown 4- Rockwell 13 10 00 H S Phinncy 14 7 00 8 S Hinman 14 7 IM) Smith A Lyon 14 7 00 Newton A White 14 7 00 0rwe11..... .H Gibbs A Son 14 700 Potter A Lyon 14 7 00 T Humphrey 13 10 00 S N Bronsou 14 7 00 Overton... .Wm Waltman 14 700 Daniel Hewrlyjr 14 7 00 j Pike Stevens A Burrows 14 7 00 I I> Bailey 13 10 00 Baldwin A Bobbins 14 7 00 G H Little 13 10 00 Bosworth A Pierce 14 7 00 Ridgbery.. .11 G Cornell 14 7 00 A H Voorhis 14 7 00 1$ F Buck 14 7 00 Rome George Nichols 14 7 00 J W Woodburn 14 7 op Fox A Thatcher 14 7 00 Standing Stone II W Tracy 14 7 00 George Stevens 14 7 00 John Espy 14 7 op Shesheqnin.. Kinney A Gore It 7 00 Sinitlitield.. J W Phelps A Co 14 7 00 Durfey A Fritcber 13 10 00 M Bullock A Co 13 10 00 Springfield.. Hiram Spear It 7 00 Daily A Hart 13 10 00 Troy bo ..... AH Case 13 10 00 O 1' Ballard 13 10 00 U.S. Leonard 12 12 50 Spalding A Newberry 13 10 00 S W Paine 13 10 00 Newberry A Peck 13 10 00 DWC Herrick 13 10 00 Spencer A Paine It 7 00 V M A II F lamg. 12 12 50 S W A D F Poiueroy 12 12 50 F I. Ballard 14 7 00 Towanda bo O D Bartlett 13 10 00 S'C A W Means 13 10 OO ET Fox 14 7 00 Bailey A Nevins 14 7 00 DC Hall 13 10 00 Collins A Powell 14 7 00 Humphrey A Wiekham 12 12 50 W A Chamberlin 14 7 00 Montanyes 11 15 00 Joseph Kingsbury 13 10 00 Joseph Powell 10 20 00 H S Mercur 11 15 00 M ESolomon 14 7 00 Tracy A Moore 14 7 00 Patton A Payne 14 7 00 Guttenberg Rosenbaum A Co.. 11 15 00 IIC Porter 14 7 00 EA Parsons 14 7 00 J A Record 14 7 50 Ulster \ Newell A Co 15 7 00 J A T Mather 14 7 00 Gibson fy Gosline 14 7 00 Warren J P Rogers 14 7 00 J A Ide 14 7 00 Roliert Cooper 14 7 00 G W Talinage 14 7 00 Windham...W 11 Russell 14 700 Wyalusing.. Wells A Bixby 13 10 00 George C At wood 14 700 Cyrus Avery 14 7 0o W Taylor 14 7 00 Wysox V EA J E Piollet 13 10 00 Jesse Allen 14 7 (Ml Wells John Brownell A Co 14 7 00 Wiluiot J L Jones 14 7 00 A List and Classification of the Beer Houses, Eating Houses, Ac., in the County of Bradford for the year 1h57, under the acts of assembly of 10th of April, 1840 and 31st March, 1856. Athens bo Carner A Snell 8 5 C? Jas H Wilson 8 5 00 Geo Averill 8 5 00 Canton Horace Tuttle 8 5 00 AV Trout 8 5 (Ml Litchfield.. .Cornelius Harsh 8 5 00 Monroe Ist.. Anthony Mullen 8 5 00 Sheshequin. Edward Brigham 8 5 00 Smithfield. .Beebe Gerould 8 5 00 Towaudo bo.. H A Burbank 8 5 00 John Laughlin 8 5 00 Miles Carter 8 5 0o R C Smalley 8 5 00 James Thompson 8 5 (HI Troy bo Nelson Fish 8 5 (Ml Wm Morgan 8 5 (Ml A List and Classification of the persons en- gaged in the sale of Nostrums, Patent Medicines, Ac. in the County of Bradford for the year 1857, under the act of Assembly of April 10, IMP. Athens bo Geo A Perkins 4 5 00 Burlington b0... .Merry, Wilhelm ACo 4 5 (Ml Canton WS Baker 4 5 (Ml Granville... .W H Phillips 4 500 Leroy l'arkhurst Lamb A Co 4 5 00 Home J W Wood mi rn 4 5 00 Standing Stone.... II W Traey 4 5 00 Springfield.... Hiram Spear 4 5 (10 Towanda bo.. II C Porter 4 5 00 Patton A Payne 4 5 00 Troy bo.. ..C Drake 4 5 (Ml V M A H F Long 4 5 00 8 W A D F Pomeroy 4 5 (Ml Ulster A Newell A Co 4 5 00 A List and Classification of the different Dis- tilleries in Bradford County, for the year 1857, under the acts of Assembly of April 10, 1849, and March 31, 1856. Springfield... .Wm Brace 10 50 00 Troy tp Orwan A Spalding 10 50 (Ml 8 M A List and Classification of Bankers in Brad- ford County for the year 1857. Towanda bo. Laporte, Mason A Co 1500 45 Oft 19W Notice is hereby given that an appeal will be held at the Commissioner's Office, in the Borough of Towanda on FRIDAY the 29th day of MAY next at 1 o'clock P. M? at which time and pfare any persou aggrieved by the foregoing appraisement and classification can attend if they think proper. A. D.MONTANYE. Towanda, April 30,1857. Mercantile Appraiser. DISSOLUTION. ?The co-partnership here- tofore existing between OSCAR DECKER and H. G. CORNELL, under the firm of DECKER A CORNELL, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The books and papers of the firm may Ire found at the old stand, where one of the partners may always be found, and with whom scttlemeut by those indebted must be made immediately. OSCAR DECKER, Ridgbury, April 21, 1557 11. G. CORNELL. The business will be hereafter continued by H. G. Cor- nell A Co. £cnal. A DMINISTBATORSNOTICE.?Notice XA_ is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es- tate ot CbnmpliuG.lirowu, dec d late ofSmithfield, are re- quested to make payment without delay ; and all i>ersons having claims against said estate, must pre cut them dulj authenticated for settlement, to the subscribers. ALLEN CALIFF, Feb. 12. 1857. AdVuinistrator with will annexed. EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.?Notice is here- by given that letters testamentary upon the estate of Bray ton A .BttMwiu >Wc'L, late of Fianktui been granted to the subseriler. Art persons indebted to said estate are hereby requested to moke immediate payment, and those having any claim* u|khi said estate to present them duly attested lor settlement. FANNY MARIA BALDWIN FRANKLIN ANDREWS, ' HORATIO W. HUGHS, Dee. 22,1856. ? Executors. UXECUTOM'S NOTICE?AM persons in- -IX debted to the estate of ANTHONY ANGLE, dee'd., late of Herrick township, are hereby untitled that pay- ment most be made without delay, and nil person* having claims against said estate are requested to present them duly authenticated for settlement. JOHN NESRITT. March 2,1857. Executor. ADM INISTR ATOM'S NOTICE-Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es- tate of BENJAMIN BABCOCK, late of Windham town- ship, dee'd., are requested to make payment without de- lay ; and all persons having claims against said estate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement WM. D. A ANDREW J. BABCOCK, Ut'hy HL ISofi? Adm ii!ist rator. EXECUTOIUS NOTlCE.?Notice is here- j by given, that all persons indebted to the estate of ' Mrs. RONY BURCH, deceased, late of MONROE town- j ship, are requested to make payment without delay; 1 those having demands against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. Feb. 26, 1856. CHARLES BURCH. Executor. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.?Notice XA_ is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es- tate of ISRAEL BISHOP, dee'd.. late of Wysox township, I are requested to make payment without ifelav: and all persons having claims against said estate, must present' them duly authenticated, to the subscriber. Miireh 12, 1857. GEO. T.BISHOP, Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.?Notice is hereby given, tlmt all persons indebted to the es- tate ot DANIEL MILLER., deceased, late of Albany twp, are hereby requested to make payment without de-I lay; and all persons having claims against said estate will I please present them duly authenticated for settlement. RUSSELL MILLER. March 29. 1 *.">7. Administrator. I ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.?Notice' . is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate of SELA GOBLE, dee'd, late of Litchfield towu- i ship, are hereby notified to make payment without delay, and all person* having demands against said estate are requested to present them duly authenticated for settle- ment. SAMUEL DAVIDSON, March Administrator. A DM IM.STB ATOM'S NOTlCE?Notice XL is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of Eunice Shoemaker, deceased, late of Windham tp. are hereby requested to make payment without delay; and all persons having claims against said estate will them duly authenticated for settlement. ELIJAH SHOEMAKER. 2d. RICHARD S. SHOEMAKER, March 31, 1857. Administrators. ADMINISTRA FRIX NOTlCE?Notice is hereby given, tiiat all persons indebted to the es- tate of JOHN ONAN, late of Athens twp., dee'd. are requested to make payment without delay; and all per- sons having claims against said estate, must present them duly authenticated for settlement to the subscriber. ALMIKA ON AN. March 28, 1857. Administratrix. IpXKCUTOII'S NOTlCE.?Notice is herc- J by given that all persons indebted to the estate ot JOHN MIRD, deceased, late of Pike township. inn>i make immediate payment, and all persons having de ma lids against said estate, will present them duly aullien tieated for settlement. March 14. ls.-,7. STEHHEN BRINK, Executor. ADM INISTR ATOM'S NOTlCE.?Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es- tate of ALFRED ALLEN, dee'd, late of Warren twp are hereby reque-ted to make payment without d< lay; and all persons having claims against said estate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. C. G. GRIDLEY, Orwell, May 5,1857. Administrator. /^ACTION. ?Whereas, my wife Elizabeth, \J has left my bed and board without any ju-t cause 01 provocation, I hereby forbid all ]>crsons trusting her no my account, as 1 will pay 110 debts of her contracting af- ter this date. WILLIAM PATTERSON. South Creek, April 29, 1857. SII KM I EE'S S ALE ?By" virtue of a writ of vend. ex.issued out of the Court of Common Pleas, to me directed, I shall expose to public sale at the Court House, in the borough of Towanda, on SATURDAY, the 6th day of JUNE, 1857, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the follow- ing lot. piece or parcel of land in Wilmot township, boun- ded north by lands of Erastus and Edward Shepard, east by C. F. Welles, south by Henry Yetter, and west by the Terrytown road. Containing 50 acres, more or less, 15 improved, a small dwelling house and a slab barn thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Patrick Farrelly, to the use of John Mc.Mahon, vs. Matthew Mc- Mahon. JOHN A. CODDING, Sheriff. Sheriff's Offiee, Towanda. May 13, 1657. SHERIFF'S SALE. ?By virtue of a writ of Vend. Expo. Issued out of the court of common picas of Bradford county, to me directed and delivered, will t>e exposed to public sale at the Court House in To- wanda Born, on FRIDAY, the 19th day of JUNE next, at one o'clock in the afternoon, the following descrilied lot, piece or parcel of land situate in leroy twp., bounded on the north and east by lands of (4. S. Morse, south by the highway and west by land of Caroline San ford. Con- taining about one half acre more or less all improved, on° framed dwelling house, a framed barn and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of T. G. Irwin to the use of N. M. Pomeroy vs. Geo. W. Browning. JOHN A. CODDING. Sheriff's Office, Towanda, May 26, 1857. Sheriff. AUDITOR'S" NOTICE? C. F. Wikn . vs. Miles E. Squires. In the Court of Com. Pleas of Bradford County. No. 33. May Term. 1856. Notice is hereby given, that the Auditor appointed by said court, in distribute funds in the hands of the Sheriff, raised by the sale of defendant's ical estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in the boro" j of Towanda, on Friday, the 26th day of June, 1*57, at 2 o'clock, P. M., when all persons concerned must present their claims, or else lie forever debarred from said fund. May 16,1857. P. D. MORROW, Auditor. HARDWARE, IRON, NAILS, &e.? A large additional stock of Common and Saddlery Hardware, Joiner's Tools. Carriage Trimmings. Iron.Steel and Nails, just received by H. h. MERCUR. PURE CIDER VINEGAR?A good arti- cle at FOX'S. MILIsiIISTERY. MRS. TRACY would inform her friends and the pub- lic generally that she has just returned from the city with a beautiful and well --elected assortment of MIL- LINERY GOODS, consisting of Silk, fancy, neapolitan and straw Iwmnets, trimmed and uutriinmed.of great va- riety ; also caps, head-dresses, Ac. Ac., all of which she now offers for sale at her old stand in Monwcton, with the fullest confidence that she can please her customers in regard to quality, style and price. Bonnets cleaned, pressed and trimmed in her usual good style. Monroeton, May 4, 15.77. BUILDING NOTlCE.?Sealed proposals received for building a Meeting House in Leßays- ville, Bradford Co. Plans and specifications can be seen at the Store of G. If. Little, from the 12th to the INth of MAY, until one o'clock, P. M., at which time the jobwill lie iet, to the lowest and liest bidder. The builder will be expected to furnish all of the materials. G. H. LITTLE, C. SEYMOUR, D. BAILEY. l-orsvsville, Mav 6. 1857. Building Committee. 18] SPRING TRADE ! [57. GREAT ATTRACTIONS AT M. E.SOLOMON'S CLOTHING STORE, IN MERCUR'S BLOCK. THE proprietor of this extensive Ready Made Clothing establishment, would respectfully inform his friends and-the public generally, that he i* now opening the most extensive and beautiful assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, ever offered in this market, which will be sold for CASH cheaper than can be fonnd in Nor- thern Pennsylvania. Persons wisliiug good bargains and an elegant suit, or any portion thereof, well made of material? Coat,' Vest, Pantaloons, Cravat, Culla-s, anil in fact eve- rything in the line, will do well to call. He is confident he can satisfy all in price and quality. N. B.?Cash paid for Sheep pelts and wool. A CANDLES, both Sperm ami Tallow by tlie box or pound, at FOX'S. {Miscellaneous. Farms for Balc in Wysox. The undersigned offers for sale TWO VALUABLE PARMS in Wysox Township, Bradford County, rue of them containing 100 acres, all under good improve- ment, with two dwelling-houses.two large burns .orchards, Ac., known as the " Cornelius Gotrlinrugh Farm,'' lute Chester Pierce's. The other, adjoining the a bore, and lying opposite Bowman's Eddy; containing 4f)acres,all improved, with dwelling-house, orchard. Ac., thereon. The above are very desirable properties, bandsomrly situated on the Wysox Flats, on thp east side of the Su-,- quehaiitni river, within about a mile of Towtinria and will 1M? sold on reasonable terms. EDWARD OVERTON. March 25, 1-57. NEW SPRING &. SUMMER GOODS: I OSEPII POWELL, as usual, is early ou '' hand with the largest, cheapest and best selected stock of SPRINfJ GOODS to l>e found in Towanda, com- prising all the new and desirable styles of DRY GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES. HATS AND CAPS, STRAW GOODS. CARPETS. AC. to which the attention of the public Is respectfully uivtt- e,l- Towanda, April sO, 1557. I ADIES DRESS GOODS. ?A large and -J fasbioiHible assortment, never before*equalled in To- wanda, of moire antique, brocade, corded and plain bhtck SILKS ; plain nndsti-ipcd Poplins, DeliegesJ Ira His, spring Delaiues, Organdie-. French printed Jaconetts, Lavrns ul all prices, white arid colored lirilliaiites, Ber.iges. Crapen, French, Scotch ami domestic Ginghams, French, English and American Prints, jast received by April t, 1857. J. POWELL. SHAWLS. ?A great variety of Broclie, Stel- la. plain and printed Cashmere, Thibet, black Silk, and white Crape Shawls, of all prices, just received by April!. Is.'u. _______ J. i'OWEI.L. T ACES,?EMBROIDERIES, &C ?Ladic? *-I French and Scotch embroidered Jaconett and Book Muslin Collars, Sleeves, Hands. Flonucuigs, Edgings and In-citings : Linen and Cambric embroidered Handker- chiefs, real thread Bobbin, Smyrna Linen wrought, and Cotton Edgings. Giinpuire, Brussels, Black Silk, and Bu- gled Laces, justreceived by April il. 15.~>7. _ ' J. POWELL. TJAPER HANGINGS.?A large stock of I. new and desirable styles of wall paper- and border- iligs, transparent window -hades and trimmings, Kutf Holland, Ac., just opened by April il. 1*57. J. POWELL. HOUSE J IJ RN ISIIIX G GOODS.?DOH- tiIo and single fold worsted and linen and worsud damasks. moreens, cotton damasks.bleached and nnhleuch- ed talde linens, Marsailes quilts, toilet covers, and a va- riety of other goods in this line, just received by Aprill n. 15:,7. J. POWELL. VITHITE GOODS.? Every quality and V v price of Jaconetts, Cambrics. Bishops and" Victor- ia lurwns ; plain, dotted and embroidered Swiss Muslins ; cheek and striped Cambrics and Nainsook muslins, bril- liants. plain and figured lines, embroidered and lace cur- tains. also white tuid colored corded skirtings, just receiv- ed by April 0, 1-57. J. POWELL. /J LOVES ANI) HOSIERY?Ladies, Mis- \_A t-es and Children- white, unbleached, colored and mixed cotton and lisle thread Hose, of every price. Men's and Boys bleached, unbleached and mixed cotton half ho-e. Cents and laidies kid, silk, lisle thread und cotton gloves, of everv price and color, just received by April.fi. 1857. J. i'OWEI.L. /UVMP MEETING.?A Camp Meeting \J will be lield by leave of Divine Providence at Frendi- town.on land occupied for the same purpose last Septem- lier, to commence on Tuesday evening. June 2.7, and ter- minate ou Tue-day morning of the following week. Ni HRI-R-sTEiiiMi ESTABLISHMENTS WN.I, RE ALLOWED ON OR SEAR TNR: UKOIMI. All are respectfully invited to attend. In behalf of the Committee of Arrangements. Towanda, May 27, 1856. L. WOOD. I > RADFORD COUNTY TEACHERS' J ASSOCIATION.?The next quarterly meeting of the Bradford County Teacher's Association will be held in the Presbyterian Church in Rome, on Friday, June 12tli. at 10 o clock, A. M. The Rev. Mr. FITIIEKI.AND, of Towauda, will deliver an address before the Association on " Love of Science an incentive to Stud} - ," and an ad- dress will also be delivered by Dr. E. COBVKN, of Lerays- ville. Essays will be read by Misses K. MATHEWS and X. COKSS. A Report will be* presented "On tlie jiecnliar- '.ties of the School Systems and their results in the seve- ral States." Various important topics connected with the subject of education will be taken up and discussed by the association at this meeting. JAS. M'WII.LIAM, Towanda. May 27,1857. liec. Secretary. ROME. GEORGE NICHOLS, IS now receiving a large and general assort- ment of MERCHANDIZE, embracing every desirable ! variety of Silks. Challies, Organdies, Bareges, Lawns and ! other dress goods. Silk. Crape. Broche, Stella. Thibet, I Cashmere and Printed SHAWLS. Silk. I-aceauid Fancy MANTILLAS?Satin, Silk, Straw,Neopolitan and Fancy BONNETS. Silk, I.inert and Cotton I .aces and Edgings. French and American Flowers, Bonnet and Dress Trim- mings. Window Drapery. A complete stock of Hosiery, Gloves. Hats. Caps, Boots, Shoes, Crockery, Glass. Hardware, iron. Nails, Leathers, Shoe Findings, Carriage Trimmings, Paper Hangings, Drugs, Medicines, fee. Borne, May lit, 1-57. THE SHSQUEHANNA COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, TOIVAXDA,BRADFORD CO., PA. INSTRUCTORS : REV. SAMUEL F. COI.T. Principal, Professor of Natn- ral. Mental and Moral Science ; REV. JAMES McWILLIAM, A. M., Professor of Aneient Languages and Belles Lettres ; CHARLES R. COBCRN. A. M? Professor of Mathema- tics and Master of Normal School; MISS E. M. COE, Preceptress : MISS EM ILIE A. BUTLER, Assistants; MISS HEI.EN M. CARTER. Instructor on Piano; Mr. CANFELD DAYTON, Steward. The Spring Term commences on Wednesday, April Ist, IS.">7, and will continue Eli weeks. The Fall Term commences on Wednesday, August 20th and will eontinne 14 weeks. The Winter Term commences November 2.">. and contin- ues 11 weeks, besides 10 days recess at Christmas. EXPENSES PKK TEKM : Payable invariably in advance?Fuel and contingencies all included : Tuition in the Fifth class, (primary) perform $4 00 " Fourth fi 00 " Third 7 00 " Second 8 00 " First 10 00 Pupils using scholarships are char ged $1 per term for fuel and contingents : for instrument on which to Like lessons, 50c, or for practice $2.00 No scholar, whose parents or guardians shall reside within two miles of the Institute shall tie admitted to tui- tion therein upon any permanent scholarship rented or loaned by such pupil, his or her parent or guardian. EXTRAS : French 5 00 Drawing 3 00 Ornamental needlework and embroidery,each 8 Oil Tuition on Piano Forte with use of instrument,... 12 (Hi do do per quarter of 11 weeks 10 .. Room rent for lodgers 1 75 Board in the institute, per week, including fuel and light 2 00 Washing, per dozen, JS Arrangements have been made by which the Steward will board both males and females 'in the Institute, afford- ing them separate rooms for morning and evening study. Pupils hoarding in the Hall, will furnish their own lied, bedding, towels, <Vc. and the table silver at their option. No pupil taken for less than half a term. The ltoarding bills for the term must lie paid in advance ; or one half thereof at their entrance, and the remaining half at the middle of the term. Pupils entering the Institute are pledged to the obser- vance of the Regulations, and none will be admitted on other terms. Especial exercises are arranged without extra charge for those qualifying themselves as teachers for common schools. S. F. COLT, Sec. C. 1.. President. March 20, 1*57. A. WICKit AM. Treasurer. HATS, CAPS AXD STRAW GOODS,? The only stock in Towanda, worth mentioning, for sale bv April fi. 1857. J. POWELL "VTOTICE TO COLLECTORS ? Yon aro ' UN hereby authorized to deduct five per cent.from the State tax of every individual who shall pay his or her State and County tax in full,on or Ud'orethe 20th day of June next, and the same shall be allowed \or in your set- tlement with the Treasurer, provided the -ame is paid by yon into the County Treasury on or before the 23d aud 21th days of June next. B\ or ier of the Commissioners, E. B. COOLUAUGH, Clerk. Commissioner's Office, March 81, 1857. pROCERIES, PAINTS, OILS, AC." i \ T \ stock of groceries, paints, oils, varnishes, Ac., al- ways ou hand, and for -ale cheap for cash bv I April 6,1857. J. POWELL.

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Page 1: Vroman More and More New - chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024558/1857-06-18/ed-1/seq-3.… · ANOTHER MCBDER? We learn from the Kinghamton Standard

ANOTHER MCBDER? We learn from theKinghamton Standard that a colored man by

I name of Thomas Vroman was killed in

t l° town of Nauticoke, in that county, oncftiirday evening, May 30, by a woman nam-

t Mart Shannon. From the testimony ta-|


bc fore the Coroner, it appears that the!Vui 'fts performing the duties of honse-

IZT for a man named Dexter Dyer, whoseV was absent, and tliat early in the even-

above mentioned, no one being in the house

' ~. it DVef, who was sick, the woman, aud a

Ih-Übout ten years of age, Vroman came to

j floor and demanded admittance, which was1

-oil Sonie words passed between the par-r Vroman threatening to break the door

?fTt was not opened. At length he said he, j a revolver with him, and a gun at a cer-'. ' | acc which he would procure, and then

ffeet an entrance. He theu left for a shorttime and on returning gave the inmates five

' jutes time to open the door, but before thefine expired, smashed it down and entered the

oom which was dark. The woman had arm-T

] herself with a loaded gun, which was in thej]oUe and as Vroman ignited a match, there-in revealing his person, she fired, the charge

taking effect near the heart, and killing him? tautlv. An inquest was held by CoronerDavenport, and a verdict rendered in accor-dance with the above facts. We arc inform-ed that Mi'- Dyer and the woman were snbse-

uuentlv arrested, and underwent an examina-

tion before a Justice, but discharged on the

eround of justifiable homicide. Vroman hadbeen driuking previous to going to Dyer'shouse.

Sitoex Death. ?Mr. Heisted, a manof sonic fifty-seven years of age, who had beeuemployed during the past Spring, as engineerin the*steam saw mill at this place, died verySuddenly on Thursday morning of last week.On Motidsv previous to his death, he entered

flic arch beneath the boilers, for the purposeof repairing a jtortion of the wall and to cleanout the ashes, there having been a fire iu thefurnace during the day, the excessive heat yetin the walls, made it impossible lor him to re-main within but a few moments at a time?-be wou-ld remain witbin till nearly suffocated,ami then in a high state of perspiration comeout and remain in the opeu air till lie becameefficiently cool to re-enter. He was caution-ed against such impropriety, but to no effect.The following evening he conqilained of beingunwell, and on Tuesday took to his bed, fromwhich he never rose, lie died on Thursdaymorning, lie was takea to Albany, Bradford

county, his fom bouie, for interment.? Sul-Ivrtin Denocro..

OL'ER \TIIXS OF THE AMERICAN HMF.STF.ADFOVI'AXV IN VIRGINIA.? The New \ ork Ere. J]'<\u25a0>( understands that Eli Thayer, the I'resi- jdent of the American Homestead and Enii-;gration Company, has just returned from a vi-sit of some two weeks in Virginia on business :for the company. He has been received veryhospitably ; addressed several public meetings jin reference to the affairs of tbe company, and 1inspired nil his hearers with such a deep in-terest in its success that they adopted resolu- jtioua of welcome on the Mr. Thayerhas selected a site for the first colony, subjectto the approval of the directors, and is somurli captivated by the temptations held outto enterprise, industry, aud capital in the oldDominion, that he has commenced selling offbis extensive property in Worcester, prepara-tory to becoming a subject of Gov. Wise. |


Qiite a Mistake. ?The Baltimore RepvUi-mn tells a story of a young man who fell inlove with a young lady residing in one of theresidences in Upper Tendom. The lover, fear-ing a repulse from the head of the family, con-ducted his courtship in a clandestine manner.The up-hot of the matter was, that an elope-nrnt occurred and the parties were married.After the marriage the bridegroom proposedthat they should return home, and procure thefather's pardon. Judge, then, of his dismaywhen, with a trembling voice, she informedhim that, although she possessed the name inquestion, she was not related to him in theslightest degree, and was employed in his dwel-ling in the capacity of a seamstress. Thus allbis visions of a secured fortune were scatteredto the winds ; aud the scene of recriminationwhich ensued was terribly out of characterfor a newly married couple.

In Towanda, on the lOtli instant, by Rev. A. Sutherland,RKV. TIMOTHY L. OLMSTED, of the Rock River('(inference, in the state of Illinois, to MISS JULIA A.PRATT, of Towanda.

In Hingliamton, X. Y., on the 7th instant, by Rev. S. M.stim.xin. Mr. M. A. ROOERS, of Porksville, Sullivanto., to Miss AFIB IE HOTTER, of Dushore, Pa.

DISS,la this borough, on the 15th instant, WILLIAMKELLY,

afjed *6 years.

New York & Erie R. R., Waverly Station.Commencing Monday, June 15, 1857, Trains will leave

WA VEULY at about the following hours :


ipnkirk* Buff Exp 320 p.m Cincinnati Exp 422 a.mo'.uht Express 335 a.m Night Express 12 23 p.m

! 0 13 r.M Chicago Express.. ,f> 47 a.mEmigrant 443 p.m iSteamboat Exp.... 2 17 p.m

. ..7 55 A.M|Stock Express ... .4 22 a.mrreight, Xo.i 12 10 p.m Accommodation .. ..7 37 p.mrrcignt. Xci..'! <j 35 a.m (Freight, N'o.2 1 30 p.m

r(' t. -Vo.'o 2 10 a.m' Freight, No. 4 3 40 p.m

Etaira, Canandaigua & Niagara Falls RJLTakes effect May 25,1*57.


C.OIMO WEST. I ARRIVE.fP*gara Express. . 430 a.m|N'. Y. A Phil. Exp. .11 50 r.M

\u25a0\ clung Way Exp. tls r.Mj.Vew York F.xp... .12 30 p.mr**ignt 7 no .t.MbStock Express 10 45 r.M

< onnecting at Klmira with the principal trains (easts--;l we-t) on the ST. Y. A- E. U.R., and at the Suspension

<ige with the Great Western, forming an expeditious?te lor Western travellers..

W. <. LAPHAM,Superintendent.



On Friday. July 3, 1857.. r^ 1" **"om 6 P- M. Lunch and spired meats

'th ,3, AM Music, FRED. L'AMEREUX, andl

,Tv °Canham's band, and T<>m Canhani, himself, if

Die country, (to use his own words for it.)

ki- tV"'0" K F - MUSHBURN, Proprietor.t. *7 T "e above house is situated on the east side of theIT, ~f

rom Towanda to Waverly, in the village ofan'i , ? corn :i "lyknown as the " Barley Sheaf,"Yall.-v n 1 '1 ' J- S ' ? WASHBURN, formerly of the(mlar-i-d ' k,l,' fhequin. The dining room has beentime 'is *\u25a0'' '"'Coinniodate a goon Iy number. Agood

J'Jiie nt,y ex P et -'teJ ' Come and see.

A. INDEPENDENCE HALT..? The*- Company of Yourself and Lidv is in-

ja vited at the House of X. OLMSTED,

ncr ; ILM' Friday evening, July 3,1857. Music? Wis-Dtr (Elunra) Band. Bill (2.

X. OLMSTED. Prnp'r.

X°TICE is HEREBY GIVEN, that anl(etrislar'''' cation wi " ma, ' e at the next session of theUnit l® °' Pennsylvania, for the incorporation of awith ww

ca,l"u the "

BRADFORD COUNTY BANK,"with a canii"? Pqyßeges issue, discount and deposit,th- ru-M fll fwo Hundred Thousand Dollars, withTho" ,n,i iJn ' ,ea,c lhe c, l>'tal stork to Three HundredTowinita '" 'T- to Is- heated iu the borough of

Tow n i J hc count y Btadfird.lowsnda, J'lue 12, fcjj.

1 Xeu

A EDITOR'S NOTICE.?/* the maUer of-4A. the estate of David S. Watkins, dee'd. In the Or-phans' Court of Bradford County.Notice is hereby given, that the Auditor appointed todistribute money in the hands or the Administrator of thisestate, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his

"®uc j" tl,e.

borough of Troy, on Friday, the lOtfr ofJuly, 18a7, at 1 o clock, P.M. All persons having chums Iupon said money must present them, or else tie foreverdebarred from the same. E. B. PARSONS_Jun. 9, 1857. Auditor.

"VTOTICE.?Is hereby given by the under-,7Vf "?ne " in conformity with the supplement entitled,

A '"V, J" supplement to the act to incorporate the Brad-ford Rail Road and Coal C0.," approved the twenty-eighthday of May, 1840, that Books for subscription to stockin said Company will be opened on the 29th day of Juneinst., in the City of Philadelphia, at No. 764 Walnut st.and will remain open until the whole of the stsck be sub-scribed.

G. F. MASON, )T A. R. PERKINS, - Corporators.June 9, 1857. W. H. WINDER. )

MO&S XVBW 00098 !

MMiY&metMiARE just receiving, in their New Store, west side of

the Public Square a large and well selected assort-ment of goods suitable for the Summer trade. Consistingof I.awns, Chaliis, Bareges, Poplin, Delaines, Scotch andAmerican Ginghams, Debeges. Black and Colored Silks,French. English and American Prints in great variety :Gents Dress Goods. Hardware, Crockery, Fish, Sugar!Tea, Coflee and other Family Groceries. Also, a verylarge assortment of

Boots dt Shoes,of almost every variety, and having made arrangementswith the manufacturers by which we are in constant re-ceipt of new work, we are prepared to offer to the publicthe largest and best stock, and at lower prices than anyother store in Towanda. Call and see.

Sole and Upper Leather, French and American CalfSkins, Morocco, Colored and plain Linings, Binding.ShoeThread and a general assortment of Findings, wholesaleand retail at reasonable rates. Grateful for past favors,we invite the patronage of the public and by strict atten-tion to business and particular care in selection of ourgoods, both as to quality and adaptation to meet the wantsof customers, we hope to merit the confidence of the com-munity and respectfully invite those visiting Towandato call and examine our goods.

HUMPHREY & WICKHAM.Towanda, June 8, 1857.

K T. F OXTS NOW RECEIVING a large stork ofJ- FAMILY GROCERIES, which are offered for sale atas low prices as the same quality of Goods can lie boughtanywhere this side of the City of New York.


June 4, 1857 FOX'S.

DRIED PEACHES, ORANGES, FIGS,Pranes, Raisons, &c., at

June 4, 1857. FOX'S.


at June 4,1857. FOX'S.

WE ARE NOW OFFERING a verylarge and well selected stock of BOOTS AND

SHOES direct from the Manufacturers, which we offer atextremely low prices for READY PAY, and invite thepublic to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere.

June 2d, 1857. HUMPHREY A WICKH AM.

PRINTS, GINGHAMS, CHALLIS]A Lawns, Delaines, Muslins, Ac., Ac., in great varietyand stvle, just received by

June 3d, 1856. HUMPHREY A WICKHAM.

NEW GOODS IThe subscriber is now in receipt of a large and general

assortment of NEW AND SEASONABLE GOODS,Including Dry Goods, Hardware, Groceries, Crockery,Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Nails, Fish, Ac. Also,an extensive catalogue of

School and Xttiscelia&feons Boohs !

Stationary, Ac., which will be disposed of on the mostreasonable terms. He respectfully asks his proportion ofthe patronage of his friends aud the public.

May 26,1*57. JUS. KIXGSBERY-

DISSOLUTION.? The firm of ESEN-WIXE ASEFBISCH is dissolved by mutual con-

sent. The accounts owing to said firm must lie settled bythe FIRST DAY OF JULY next, or costs will lie made.Either of the late firm will attend to their settlement.


SHERIFF'S SALE.?By virtue of a writof Vend. Expo, issued out of the Court of Com-

mon pleas, to me directed, I shall expose to public saleat the Court House, in the borough of Towanda, on Fri-day the 3d day of JULY, 1857, at 1 o'clock, P, M., thefollowing described lot piece or parcel of land situate inKidgbnry twp, Bradford county, bounded as follows, towit; On the north by lands of diaries /Jarpes, east bylands of H. F. Burt, on the south by lands now in posses-

j sion of J. O. Pine, and on the west by the highway lead--1 ing from Elmira to Troy. Containing about one acre, all

j improved, be the satne more or less, with a framed dwel-! ling house, a framed store house, a framed barn and a fewfruit trees thereon.

ALSO?One other lot. piece or parcel of land situatein Springfield twp., Bradford ro., bounded north by thehighway, on the east, south and west by lands of ElamBennett. Containing one half acre tie the same more orless, all Improved, one framed house, a framed barn anda few fruit trees thereon.

Seized and taken in execution at tbe suit of AbiramPierce vs. Charles T. Murphy and James 11. Webb.

ALSII?By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias the follow-ing described building and lot of ground of " The Trus-tees of the Collegiate Institute of the Presbytery of Sus-quehanna," to wit: The four story Collegiate Institutesituate in the borough of Towanda, Bradford en., and thelot of ground and curtilage appurtenant thereto, it hav-ing been erected on a piece of land containing ten acres,

bounded on the east by Second Street, on the south byThomas Elliott, on the west by John F. Means, and on thenorth by Jefferson street and the said John F. Means.

Seized and taken in execution at the suit of SidneyHa\ den to the use of X. J. Keeler vs. The Trustees of theCollegiate lastitute of the Presbytery of Susquehanna.h

JOHN A. CODDING, Sheriff.Towanda, June 8,1857.

Lightning: and Destruction!

THE subscriber, grateful for past favors, takes thisopportunity to inform the citizens of Bradford and

adjoining counties, that he has again started his teams inthe LIGHTNING ROD TRADE.

Having had several years experience in the business,he feels confident that he can supply those in want ofRods, with a superior article, put up strictly upon scienti-fic principles, and at prices that cannot fail to suit.?lfthere any of the many rods put up by him in any way outof repair, by being informed of the same, it will affordhiin much pleasure to put them in proper order. All or-

ders by mail or otherwise promptly atttended to.Leßaysville, June 4,1857. F. GREGORT.

tor sale.

THE well known and well established EAGLE FOUN-DRY. situate on Main Street in the Borough of To-

wanda near the terminus of the Barclay Rail Road. SaidFoundry is in good repair and has suitable laithes. Ma-chinery, Ac., to do a large business. Any informationrespecting the business capacity of said Foundry, can liehad by calling on JOHN IRVINE, who is now runningit.

For Terms apply to the subscriber at his residence in

1May 29, 1857.




HAVING been repaired and re-fornishe<L the proprietor assures the public that no pains will be spared to

deserve the patronage of the public.Troy, Bradford Co., April3, 1857.

lAA BBLS. COMMON SALT; 10 bbls.I'M' Rock Salt for packing salt, just received by

Dec. 10, 1856.______


Book Binding.

TnE undersigned has the agency of one ofthe best Binderies in N. Y.City, and is ready to re-

ceive Books Pamphlets, Magazines, Ac., to be bound in

any style desired, in the neatest and most substantialmanner and at very low rates?shall be forwarding a lotvery soon-so send in your volumes. O P. BARTLETT.

EXTRACTS for flavoring, for sale cheap__

at FOX'S.

A Great Bargain for Some One.

THE subscriber having purchased, repaired,and fitted np in order for bnsiness, the Grist Mill

formerly owned fiy H- M. Peck, now offers it for sale, ashe desires to remove West.

Said mill is made to run with steam or water, is locatedin the centre of a thickly populated farming country, andin believed to J>e one of the best locations in the country.

It has in it three run of stone, two bolts, halting stone,

smutter, and all the necessary fixtures for a custom mill.! Connected with it are twenty-five acres of land, some ten

I acres of which Is timbered, suitable for wood. The rest! is for pasturing. There is also on the premises a mill

; house, a wagon shop, and two buildings formerly occupied

I by merchants.The terms will lie made easy for the purchaser- ?sayone-

fourlh down, and for the balance time will be C>try*l"-.

WYLLYS BROWNSON.East Smithlkld, Jan. 16, 1857.


Largest Stock of Dry GoodsEST 8

i, iitiiii& 11..ARE now prepared to exhibit their stock of SPRING

AND SUMMER GOODS, embracing the latest styles

Rich and FashionableDRESS GOODS,

The whole comprising the largest and best assortmentthey have ever nad the pleasure of offering to the public.Our stock has been selected with great care.

And purchased at the very lowestCASH PRICES,

And will lie offered," Cheap as the Cheapest, aud a little Cheaper!"

Owego, May 7, 1857.

1857. 1857.More and More New Goods !


GUTTENBURG ROSENBAUM & Co.Just opening a full assortment of



READY MADE CLOTHING,Which will be sold Cheap?CHEAPER THAN EVER!Give us a call; You cannot fall to be suited lor qualityand price.

*d"Patton's Block. Corner of Main and Bridge sts.Towanda, May 6, 1857.


WiUiamsport, April !,1857.

AUDITORS' NOTlCE.? Joseph Menardi,adrn'r of Minor 11. Wilcox, iltc'd., vs. Samvel fan'

dyke. 11l the court of Common Pleas of Bradford Co. No.141 December T., 1850.

The undersigned Auditor appointed hv said Court, todistribute the funds raised by Sheriff sale of defendant'sreal 'estate, will attend to the duties assigned him at hisoffice in the born' of Towanda, on Monday, the 29th dayof Jane, A. D. 1857, at one o'clock in the afternoon,when and where all persons having claims are requestedto present them, or be forever debarred therefrom.

May 16, 1857. G. H. WATKINS, Auditor.

AUDITOR'S NOTICE.? W. A. Park, tothe use of H. C. Dorter, vs. I)avid E. Catijf. In

Brad. Common Pleas, No. 132, May term, 1858.The undersigned an Auditor appointed by said Conrtto

distribute funds raised by the Sheriff sale of defendantsreal estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment athis office in Towanda boro' on Wednesday the 24th day ofJune, A. D. 1857, at one o'clock, P.M., when and whereall persons interested are requested to present their claimsor be forever debarred from anv share of said fund.

May 16, 1857. G. H. WATKINB, Auditor.

NOTICE.? He*ry J. Mtu&iExecutor of Alexander Modill,deceased, vs. L. L.

Washburn. In ttie Common Pleas of Bradford County,No. 417, December Term. 1852.

The undersigned. Auditor, appointed by said Court todistribute funds raised by Sheriff's sale of the real estateof defendant, will attend to the duties of his appointmentat his office iu the borough of Towanda, on Monday, the22d day of June, 1857. at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, atwhich time aud place all persons interested are requiredto present their claims or else be forever debarred from saidfund.

May 16,1857. G. H. WATKINS, Auditor.

(CLOTHS, CASSIMEKES, AC.?Blackand colored cloths and cftseimers, and an endless

quantity of fancy cassiinere*. tweeds, Kentucky jeans,cottonades, linens, Ac., cheaper than ever before, just re-

ceived byApril 6,1857. J. POWELL.

A New Weekly.

The Philadelphia Weekly Times,PUBLISHED AT PHILADELPHIA, devoted to Re-

publican Principles, News, Literature, Arts and Sci-ence. The proprietors respectfully announce that theyhave made the necessary arrangements to commence thepublication of a weekly paper with the above title.


Single copy, per annum $2 00Two copies, " 3 00Five copies, " 7 00Ten copies, " 12 00Twenty copies, per annum, to one address,... 20 00

Any larger number at the rate of IIper anuum,sent to one address.

Any jierson sending us a Club of twenty or more willbe entitled to an extra copy. Payment in advance is re-quired in all cases.

The first number will be issued on SATURDAY, MAY2d. 1857.

While this paper will tie conservative in its tendencies,and independent in its discussions, it will be heartily insympathy with the great political reforms proposed bythe National Republican movement of 1856. The aggres-sion* of slavery as a political power, and the efforts mak-ing to give it a national endorsement as a part of the con-stitutional law of the Union, will l>e firmlyresisted, whileit will maintain, in all their integrity, the rights of everyportion of our common country. The policy of the FreeStates must be self protection, not aggression, and it willlie the aim to carry this out in a fraternal spirit.

The TIMES will contain a large amount of original, edi-torial, and miscellaneous matter, correspondence, Ac.,carefully arranged, with express reference to making ita popular and interesting FAMILY NEWSPAPER.

The price of the TIMES lieing so low will permit it to boput in the hands of every family in the community.

Send in your subscriptions at an early day, and secureone of the best papers published in the State of Pennsyl-vania. Persons desiring the Morning Times can have thesame mailed to them regularly. Terms?ls per annumIN ADVANCE.

Address "Philadelphia Morning Times," Ofllca, No318, Chestnut street, Philadelphia.


hand, and willkeen constantly for sale at TOWANDA,a large supply of their coal, at

$3 00 per ton for Blacksmith Coal, and$3 50 per ton for Raked Coal.

Applyfor coal at Towanda to HORATIO BLACK. Coalwill also lie sold at THE MINES at

$2 00 per ton far Blacksmith Coal, and$2 50 per ton for Raked Coal.

A libera! discount will be made on sale* by tbe boat loadOct. 30, 1856. EDW'D OVERTON, President

H. A. BURBANK'S BAKERYOne Door North of the. Ward House.


W|| ERE you can find a constant supply of Bread, Rusk,Crackers, Cookies, Jumbles, and all kinds of Fancy

i-OYSTERS furnished by the quart or keg, or cook-ed to order.

D i)- Particular attention paid to fillingorders forpartiesReturning our sincere thanks for the liliera! patronage

bestowed upon us during the past year, and hoping byclose application to business to merit a continuance of thesame, we remain as ever, your humble servant,

March 16, 1857. H. A. BURBANK.


for sale by JOSEPH POWELL.February 4,1857.


SArare opportunity is now afforded to thos

wishing to supply themselves with CHOIFEFRUIT TREES, as we intend to offer for salethe present spring a large and general assort-ment of FRUIT k ORNAMENTAL TREES,

wing very low rates, for cash, viz:

Apples, 5 years old, 6to 10 feet high, per hundred,llß 00do do 4to 6 do do 16 00

Cherries, Plums, and Grapes, each 38Dwarf Pears and Pie Plant, each 25Peaches, 1 year from bud, each 19

An additional charge, sufficient to cover cost, will liemade to those wishing their trees delivered. Cataloguesfurnished gratis. Trees should lie planted in April. Or-ders should be sent in immediately.

March 7,1857.w0 FORD k PERKINS.


OUR FRIENDS are invited to examine themost complete assortment of WINTER GOODS ever

offered in Towanda, and if experience in the purchase ofGoods is worth anything, those who favor us shall havethe advantage of it.


Among the novelties of our assortment, we oiler REA-

DY-MADE CLOTHING without a seam; as also otherClothing. Indies' Cloth Talmas and cloth for making

the same. A large assortment of Dreso Trimmings andother things too numerous to mention.

To the farmers we would say, that we can supply themGROUND PLASTER cheaper than they can get it to goa jf^Js,lßs6. MONTAXYES.



, nrxcw a- SB*' AND


COLLINS & POWELL are now receivinpa large stock of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTH

ING, which they are selling exclusively FOR CASH, athey think a bird in hand is worth two in the hush. Theirstock consists of Business. Black Cloth, Fancy CassimereTweed, Kentucky .lean. While Duck. Linen, Marseiles,and Brown Linen COATS ot all kinds and qualities.?Black Cassimere, Fancy Cassimere, Brown Linen, WhitrLinen and Kentucky Jean RANTS ; Silk, Satin and Mur-seiles VESTS of all kinds ; Block and Fancy Cravats ;Gents £ Hose, Shirts, Collars, Suspenders, Hat and Capsand everyihing in the line of Men's wear. Their stock otCloths and Cassimeres are unsurpassed, and are sellingcheap. We are still ready to make up all kinds of GAR-MENTS to order on short notice, and warranted in everyparticular : all of which we are bouud to sell lower thauwas ever offered in this market tor Cash. Cutting doneas usual. COLLINS A POWELL.

Towanda, April 16,1857.

AN APPRAISEMENT AND CLASSl-fication of the different persons engaged in the sale

of goods, wares and merchandise in the County of Brail-ford for the year 1857, with the amount of license there-unto unuexed:If'here Sold. Naiue*. Clan. LicenseAlbany D Kellogg ACo 14 700Asylum....J W Denison 14 7

John Horton 14 7 ooStrong A Terry 14 7 00

Athens boro. Geo A Perkins 14 7 (g,Geo B Perkins 14 7 p 0A Averill 14 7 OoPW Meeker 14 7 OoC Park A Son 12 12 5,,FN Page 10 20 0cC Comstock 14 7 ((yJoseph Parsons 14 7

Athens tp... D Gardner 14 7A Beidlemun 14 7 qo

Burlington bo A F Long A Son 13 10 OoMerry, Wilhelm A Co 13 10 00ABAS H Morley 13 10 00A Pcckham 14 7 uqMiller A Morley 14 7 (g,

Canton H Lockwood 14 7Gosline A Tracy 13 10 00WS Baker 13 1000Mix A Hooper 14 7 00Newman A Manly 13 10 00J Vandyke jr 14 7 00Abner Doty 14 7 onN Tuttle U 7 001) Wilcox It 7 00K W Col well 14 7 00Aaron Spalding 14 7 00E Vandiue 14 700

Columbia. ..A B Austin 14 7 pODurell U Moody 14 7 00Franklin I M Martin 14 7 00

E N Frishie A Co 14 7 00 'Granville...lDTaylor 14 7 00

WH Phillips 13 10 00HughMalov 14 700

Derrick Charles l'latt 14 7 00Cornwall Stevens 14 7 00

Leroy l'arkhurst laimb A Co 14 7 00Ezra Holcoinh 14 7 00

Monroe bo. .Smith A Cranmcr 13 10 00Brown 4- Rockwell 13 10 00H S Phinncy 14 7 008 S Hinman 14 7 IM)Smith A Lyon 14 7 00Newton A White 14 7 00

0rwe11..... .H Gibbs A Son 14 700Potter A Lyon 14 7 00T Humphrey 13 10 00S N Bronsou 14 7 00

Overton... .Wm Waltman 14 700Daniel Hewrlyjr 14 7 00 j

Pike Stevens A Burrows 14 7 00 II> Bailey 13 10 00Baldwin A Bobbins 14 7 00G H Little 13 10 00Bosworth A Pierce 14 7 00

Ridgbery.. .11 G Cornell 14 7 00A H Voorhis 14 7 001$ F Buck 14 7 00

Rome George Nichols 14 7 00J W Woodburn 14 7 opFox A Thatcher 14 7 00

Standing Stone II W Tracy 14 7 00George Stevens 14 7 00John Espy 14 7 op

Shesheqnin.. Kinney A Gore It 7 00

Sinitlitield..J W Phelps A Co 14 7 00Durfey A Fritcber 13 10 00M Bullock A Co 13 10 00

Springfield.. Hiram Spear It 7 00Daily A Hart 13 10 00

Troy bo ..... A H Case 13 10 00O 1' Ballard 13 10 00U.S. Leonard 12 12 50Spalding A Newberry 13 10 00S W Paine 13 10 00Newberry A Peck 13 10 00DWC Herrick 13 10 00Spencer A Paine It 7 00V M A IIF lamg. 12 12 50S W A D F Poiueroy 12 12 50F I. Ballard 14 7 00

Towanda bo O D Bartlett 13 10 00S'C A W Means 13 10 OOET Fox 14 7 00Bailey A Nevins 14 7 00DC Hall 13 10 00Collins A Powell 14 7 00Humphrey A Wiekham 12 12 50W A Chamberlin 14 7 00Montanyes 11 15 00Joseph Kingsbury 13 10 00Joseph Powell 10 20 00H S Mercur 11 15 00M ESolomon 14 7 00Tracy A Moore 14 7 00Patton A Payne 14 7 00Guttenberg Rosenbaum A Co.. 11 15 00IIC Porter 14 7 00E A Parsons 14 7 00J A Record 14 7 50

Ulster \ Newell A Co 15 7 00J A T Mather 14 7 00Gibson fy Gosline 14 7 00

Warren J P Rogers 14 7 00J A Ide 14 7 00Roliert Cooper 14 7 00G W Talinage 14 7 00

Windham...W 11 Russell 14 700Wyalusing.. Wells A Bixby 13 10 00

George C Atwood 14 700Cyrus Avery 14 7 0oW Taylor 14 7 00

Wysox V E A J E Piollet 13 10 00Jesse Allen 14 7 (Ml

Wells John Brownell A Co 14 7 00Wiluiot J L Jones 14 7 00

A List and Classification of the Beer Houses,Eating Houses, Ac., in the County of Bradford for theyear 1h57, under the acts of assembly of 10th of April,1840 and 31st March, 1856.

Athens bo Carner A Snell 8 5 C?Jas H Wilson 8 5 00Geo Averill 8 5 00

Canton Horace Tuttle 8 5 00A V Trout 8 5 (Ml

Litchfield.. .Cornelius Harsh 8 5 00Monroe Ist.. Anthony Mullen 8 5 00Sheshequin. Edward Brigham 8 5 00

Smithfield. .Beebe Gerould 8 5 00Towaudo bo.. H A Burbank 8 5 00

John Laughlin 8 5 00Miles Carter 8 5 0oR C Smalley 8 5 00James Thompson 8 5 (HI

Troy bo Nelson Fish 8 5 (Ml

Wm Morgan 8 5 (Ml

A List and Classification of the persons en-gaged in the sale of Nostrums, Patent Medicines, Ac.in the County of Bradford for the year 1857, under theact of Assembly of April 10, IMP.

Athens bo Geo A Perkins 4 5 00Burlington b0... .Merry, Wilhelm ACo 4 5 (Ml

Canton WS Baker 4 5 (Ml

Granville... .W H Phillips 4 500Leroy l'arkhurst Lamb A Co 4 5 00Home J W Wood mirn 4 5 00Standing Stone.... II W Traey 4 5 00

Springfield.... Hiram Spear 4 5 (10

Towanda bo.. IIC Porter 4 5 00Patton A Payne 4 5 00

Troy bo.. ..C Drake 4 5 (Ml

V M A H F Long 4 5 008 W A D F Pomeroy 4 5 (Ml

Ulster A Newell A Co 4 5 00

A List and Classification of the different Dis-tilleries in Bradford County, for the year 1857, underthe acts of Assembly of April 10, 1849, and March 31,

1856.Springfield... .Wm Brace 10 50 00Troy tp Orwan A Spalding 10 50 (Ml

8 M

A List and Classification of Bankers in Brad-ford County for the year 1857.

Towanda bo. Laporte, Mason A Co 1500 45 Oft

19W Notice is hereby given that an appeal will be heldat the Commissioner's Office, in the Borough of Towandaon FRIDAY the 29th day of MAY next at 1 o'clock P.M? at which time and pfare any persou aggrieved by theforegoing appraisement and classification can attend ifthey think proper. A. D.MONTANYE.

Towanda, April 30,1857. Mercantile Appraiser.

DISSOLUTION. ?The co-partnership here-tofore existing between OSCAR DECKER and H.

G. CORNELL, under the firm of DECKER A CORNELL,is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The books andpapers of the firm may Ire found at the old stand, whereone of the partners may always be found, and with whomscttlemeut by those indebted must be made immediately.

OSCAR DECKER,Ridgbury, April 21, 1557 11. G. CORNELL.The business will be hereafter continued by H. G. Cor-

nell A Co.


A DMINISTBATORSNOTICE.?NoticeXA_ is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es-tate ot CbnmpliuG.lirowu, dec d late ofSmithfield, are re-quested to make payment without delay ; and all i>ersonshaving claims against said estate, must pre cut them duljauthenticated for settlement, to the subscribers.

ALLEN CALIFF,Feb. 12. 1857. AdVuinistrator with will annexed.

EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.?Notice is here-by given that letters testamentary upon the estate

ofBray ton A .BttMwiu >Wc'L, late of Fianktui beengranted to the subseriler. Art persons indebted to saidestate are hereby requested to moke immediate payment,and those having any claim* u|khi said estate to presentthem duly attested lor settlement.


Dee. 22,1856. ? Executors.

UXECUTOM'S NOTICE?AM persons in--IX debted to the estate of ANTHONY ANGLE, dee'd.,late of Herrick township, are hereby untitled that pay-ment most be made without delay, and nil person* havingclaims against said estate are requested to present themduly authenticated for settlement.

JOHN NESRITT.March 2,1857. Executor.

ADMINISTR ATOM'S NOTICE-Noticeis hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es-

tate of BENJAMIN BABCOCK, late of Windham town-ship, dee'd., are requested to make payment without de-lay ; and all persons having claims against said estate willplease present them duly authenticated for settlement

WM. D. A ANDREW J. BABCOCK,Ut'hy HL ISofi? Adm ii!istrator.

EXECUTOIUS NOTlCE.?Notice is here- jby given, that all persons indebted to the estate of 'Mrs. RONY BURCH, deceased, late of MONROE town- jship, are requested to make payment without delay; 1those having demands against said estate will present themduly authenticated for settlement.

Feb. 26, 1856. CHARLES BURCH. Executor.

A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.?NoticeXA_ is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es-tate of ISRAEL BISHOP, dee'd.. late of Wysox township, Iare requested to make payment without ifelav: and allpersons having claims against said estate, must present'them duly authenticated, to the subscriber.

Miireh 12, 1857. GEO. T.BISHOP, Administrator.

ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.?Noticeis hereby given, tlmt all persons indebted to the es-

tate ot DANIEL MILLER., deceased, late of Albanytwp, are hereby requested to make payment without de-Ilay; and all persons having claims against said estate will Iplease present them duly authenticated for settlement.

RUSSELL MILLER.March 29. 1 *.">7. Administrator. I

ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.?Notice'. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the

estate of SELA GOBLE, dee'd, late of Litchfield towu- iship, are hereby notified to make payment without delay,and all person* having demands against said estate arerequested to present them duly authenticated for settle-ment. SAMUEL DAVIDSON,

March Administrator.

A DM IM.STB ATOM'S NOTlCE?NoticeXL is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate of Eunice Shoemaker, deceased, late of Windham tp.are hereby requested to make payment without delay;and all persons having claims against said estate will

them duly authenticated for settlement.ELIJAH SHOEMAKER. 2d.RICHARD S. SHOEMAKER,

March 31, 1857. Administrators.

ADMINISTRA FRIX NOTlCE?Noticeis hereby given, tiiat all persons indebted to the es-

tate of JOHN ONAN, late of Athens twp., dee'd. arerequested to make payment without delay; and all per-sons having claims against said estate, must present themduly authenticated for settlement to the subscriber.

ALMIKA ON AN.March 28, 1857. Administratrix.

IpXKCUTOII'S NOTlCE.?Notice is herc-J by given that all persons indebted to the estate ot

JOHN MIRD, deceased, late of Pike township. inn>imake immediate payment, and all persons having dema lids against said estate, will present them duly aullientieated for settlement.

March 14. ls.-,7. STEHHEN BRINK, Executor.

ADMINISTR ATOM'S NOTlCE.?Noticeis hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es-

tate of ALFRED ALLEN, dee'd, late of Warren twpare hereby reque-ted to make payment without d<lay; and all persons having claims against said estate willplease present them duly authenticated for settlement.

C. G. GRIDLEY,Orwell, May 5,1857. Administrator.

/^ACTION.?Whereas, my wife Elizabeth,\J has left my bed and board without any ju-t cause 01

provocation, I hereby forbid all ]>crsons trusting her nomy account, as 1 will pay 110 debts of her contracting af-ter this date. WILLIAM PATTERSON.

South Creek, April 29, 1857.

SIIKM IEE'S S ALE ?By" virtue of a writof vend. ex.issued out of the Court of Common Pleas,

to me directed, I shall expose to public sale at the CourtHouse, in the borough of Towanda, on SATURDAY, the6th day of JUNE, 1857, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the follow-ing lot. piece or parcel of land in Wilmot township, boun-ded north by lands of Erastus and Edward Shepard, eastby C. F. Welles, south by Henry Yetter, and west by theTerrytown road. Containing 50 acres, more or less, 15improved, a small dwellinghouse and a slab barn thereon.

Seized and taken in execution at the suit of PatrickFarrelly, to the use of John Mc.Mahon, vs. Matthew Mc-Mahon.

JOHN A. CODDING, Sheriff.Sheriff's Offiee, Towanda. May 13, 1657.

SHERIFF'S SALE. ?By virtue of a writof Vend. Expo. Issued out of the court of common

picas of Bradford county, to me directed and delivered,will t>e exposed to public sale at the Court House in To-wanda Born, on FRIDAY, the 19th day of JUNE next,at one o'clock in the afternoon, the following descriliedlot, piece or parcel of land situate in leroy twp., boundedon the north and east by lands of (4. S. Morse, south bythe highway and west by land of Caroline San ford. Con-taining about one half acre more or less all improved, on°framed dwelling house, a framed barn and a few fruittrees thereon.

Seized and taken in execution at the suit of T. G. Irwinto the use of N. M. Pomeroy vs. Geo. W. Browning.

JOHN A. CODDING.Sheriff's Office, Towanda, May 26, 1857. Sheriff.

AUDITOR'S"NOTICE? C. F. Wikn. vs. Miles E. Squires. In the Court of Com. Pleas

of Bradford County. No. 33. May Term. 1856.Notice is hereby given, that the Auditor appointed by

said court, in distribute funds in the hands of the Sheriff,raised by the sale of defendant's ical estate, will attendto the duties of his appointment at his office in the boro"

j of Towanda, on Friday, the 26th day of June, 1*57, at 2o'clock, P. M., when all persons concerned must presenttheir claims, or else lie forever debarred from said fund.

May 16,1857. P. D. MORROW, Auditor.

HARDWARE, IRON, NAILS, &e.?A large additional stock of Common and Saddlery

Hardware, Joiner's Tools. Carriage Trimmings. Iron.Steeland Nails, just received by H. h. MERCUR.

PURE CIDER VINEGAR?A good arti-cle at FOX'S.

MILIsiIISTERY.MRS. TRACY would inform her friends and the pub-

lic generally that she has just returned from thecity with a beautiful and well --elected assortment of MIL-LINERY GOODS, consisting of Silk, fancy, neapolitanand straw Iwmnets, trimmed and uutriinmed.of great va-riety ; also caps, head-dresses, Ac. Ac., all of which shenow offers for sale at her old stand in Monwcton, withthe fullest confidence that she can please her customersin regard to quality, style and price. Bonnets cleaned,pressed and trimmed in her usual good style.

Monroeton, May 4, 15.77.

BUILDING NOTlCE.?Sealed proposalsreceived for building a Meeting House in Leßays-

ville, Bradford Co. Plans and specifications can be seenat the Store of G. If.Little, from the 12th to the INth ofMAY,until one o'clock, P. M., at which time the jobwilllie iet, to the lowest and liest bidder. The builder will beexpected to furnish all of the materials.


l-orsvsville, Mav 6. 1857. Building Committee.




THE proprietor of this extensive Ready Made Clothingestablishment, would respectfully inform his friends

and-the public generally, that he i* now opening the most

extensive and beautiful assortment of SPRING ANDSUMMER CLOTHING, ever offered in this market, whichwill be sold for CASH cheaper than can be fonnd in Nor-thern Pennsylvania.

Persons wisliiuggood bargains and an elegant suit, orany portion thereof, well made of material?Coat,' Vest, Pantaloons, Cravat, Culla-s, anil in fact eve-rything in the line, will do well to call. He is confidenthe can satisfy all in price and quality.

N. B.?Cash paid for Sheep pelts and wool.A

CANDLES, both Sperm ami Tallow by tliebox or pound, at FOX'S.


Farms for Balc in Wysox.

The undersigned offers for sale TWO VALUABLEPARMS in Wysox Township, Bradford County, rue

of them containing 100 acres, all under good improve-ment, with two dwelling-houses.two large burns .orchards,Ac., known as the " Cornelius Gotrlinrugh Farm,'' luteChester Pierce's.

The other, adjoining the a bore, and lying oppositeBowman's Eddy; containing 4f)acres,all improved, withdwelling-house, orchard. Ac., thereon.

The above are very desirable properties, bandsomrlysituated on the Wysox Flats, on thp east side of the Su-,-quehaiitni river, within about a mile of Towtinria and will1M?sold on reasonable terms. EDWARD OVERTON.

March 25, 1-57.


SUMMER GOODS:IOSEPII POWELL, as usual, is early ou'' hand with the largest, cheapest and best selectedstock of SPRINfJ GOODS to l>e found in Towanda, com-prising all the new and desirable styles ofDRY GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES. HATS AND CAPS,

STRAW GOODS. CARPETS. AC.to which the attention of the public Is respectfully uivtt-e,l- Towanda, AprilsO, 1557.

I ADIES DRESS GOODS. ?A large and-J fasbioiHible assortment, never before*equalled in To-

wanda, of moire antique, brocade, corded and plain bhtckSILKS ; plain nndsti-ipcd Poplins, DeliegesJ Ira His,springDelaiues, Organdie-. French printed Jaconetts, Lavrns ulall prices, white arid colored lirilliaiites, Ber.iges. Crapen,French, Scotch ami domestic Ginghams, French, Englishand American Prints, jast received by

Aprilt, 1857. J. POWELL.

SHAWLS. ?A great variety of Broclie, Stel-la. plain and printed Cashmere, Thibet, black Silk,

and white Crape Shawls, of all prices, just received byApril!. Is.'u.


J. i'OWEI.L.

T ACES,?EMBROIDERIES, &C ?Ladic?*-I French and Scotch embroidered Jaconett and Book

Muslin Collars, Sleeves, Hands. Flonucuigs, Edgings andIn-citings : Linen and Cambric embroidered Handker-chiefs, real thread Bobbin, Smyrna Linen wrought, andCotton Edgings. Giinpuire, Brussels, Black Silk, and Bu-gled Laces, justreceived by

Aprilil. 15.~>7._


TJAPER HANGINGS.?A large stock ofI. new and desirable styles of wall paper- and border-iligs, transparent window -hades and trimmings, KutfHolland, Ac., just opened by

April il. 1*57. J. POWELL.

HOUSE J IJ RN ISIIIXG GOODS.?DOH-tiIo and single fold worsted and linen and worsud

damasks. moreens, cotton damasks.bleached and nnhleuch-ed talde linens, Marsailes quilts, toilet covers, and a va-riety ofother goods in this line, just received by

Aprill n. 15:,7. J. POWELL.VITHITE GOODS.? Every quality and

V v price of Jaconetts, Cambrics. Bishops and" Victor-ia lurwns ; plain, dotted and embroidered Swiss Muslins ;

cheek and striped Cambrics and Nainsook muslins, bril-liants. plain and figured lines, embroidered and lace cur-tains. also white tuid colored corded skirtings, just receiv-ed by

April 0, 1-57. J. POWELL.

/J LOVES ANI) HOSIERY?Ladies, Mis-\_A t-es and Children- white, unbleached, colored andmixed cotton and lisle thread Hose, of every price. Men'sand Boys bleached, unbleached and mixed cotton halfho-e. Cents and laidies kid, silk, lisle thread und cottongloves, of everv price and color, just received by

April.fi.1857. J. i'OWEI.L.

/UVMP MEETING.?A Camp Meeting\J will be lield by leave of Divine Providence at Frendi-town.on land occupied for the same purpose last Septem-lier, to commence on Tuesday evening. June 2.7, and ter-minate ou Tue-day morning of the following week. NiHRI-R-sTEiiiMi ESTABLISHMENTS WN.I, RE ALLOWED ON OR

SEAR TNR: UKOIMI. All are respectfully invited to attend.In behalf of the Committee of Arrangements.

Towanda, May 27, 1856. L. WOOD.

I> RADFORD COUNTY TEACHERS'J ASSOCIATION.?The next quarterly meeting of

the Bradford County Teacher's Association will be heldin the Presbyterian Church in Rome, on Friday, June12tli. at 10 o clock, A. M. The Rev. Mr.FITIIEKI.AND,of

Towauda, will deliver an address before the Associationon " Love of Science an incentive to Stud} - ," and an ad-dress will also be delivered by Dr. E. COBVKN, of Lerays-ville. Essays will be read by Misses K. MATHEWS andX. COKSS. A Report will be* presented "On tlie jiecnliar-'.ties of the School Systems and their results in the seve-ral States." Various important topics connected withthe subject of education will be taken up and discussedby the association at this meeting.

JAS. M'WII.LIAM,Towanda. May 27,1857. liec. Secretary.

ROME.GEORGE NICHOLS,IS now receiving a large and general assort-

ment of MERCHANDIZE, embracing every desirable! variety of Silks. Challies, Organdies, Bareges, Lawns and! other dress goods. Silk. Crape. Broche, Stella. Thibet,

I Cashmere and Printed SHAWLS. Silk. I-aceauid FancyMANTILLAS?Satin, Silk, Straw,Neopolitan and FancyBONNETS. Silk, I.inert and Cotton I.aces and Edgings.French and American Flowers, Bonnet and Dress Trim-mings. Window Drapery.

A complete stock of Hosiery, Gloves. Hats. Caps, Boots,Shoes, Crockery, Glass. Hardware, iron. Nails, Leathers,Shoe Findings, Carriage Trimmings, Paper Hangings,Drugs, Medicines, fee.

Borne, May lit, 1-57.



REV. SAMUEL F. COI.T. Principal, Professor of Natn-ral. Mental and Moral Science ;

REV. JAMES McWILLIAM,A. M., Professor of AneientLanguages and Belles Lettres ;

CHARLES R. COBCRN. A. M? Professor of Mathema-tics and Master of Normal School;

MISS E. M. COE, Preceptress :

MISS EM ILIE A. BUTLER, Assistants;MISS HEI.EN M. CARTER. Instructor on Piano;Mr. CANFELD DAYTON, Steward.

The Spring Term commences on Wednesday, April Ist,IS.">7, and will continue Eli weeks.

The Fall Term commences on Wednesday, August 20thand will eontinne 14 weeks.

The Winter Term commences November 2.">. and contin-ues 11 weeks, besides 10 days recess at Christmas.


Payable invariably in advance?Fuel and contingenciesall included :

Tuition in the Fifth class, (primary) perform $4 00" Fourth fi 00" Third 7 00" Second 8 00" First 10 00

Pupils using scholarships are char ged $1 per term forfuel and contingents : for instrument on which to Likelessons, 50c, or for practice $2.00

No scholar, whose parents or guardians shall residewithin two miles of the Institute shall tie admitted to tui-tion therein upon any permanent scholarship rented orloaned by such pupil, his or her parent or guardian.


French 5 00Drawing 3 00

Ornamental needlework and embroidery,each 8 OilTuition on Piano Forte with use of instrument,... 12 (Hi

do do per quarter of 11 weeks 10 ..

Room rent for lodgers 1 75Board in the institute, per week, including fuel and

light 2 00Washing, per dozen, JS

Arrangements have been made by which the Stewardwill board both males and females 'in the Institute, afford-ing them separate rooms for morning and evening study.

Pupils hoarding in the Hall, will furnish their own lied,bedding, towels, <Vc. and the table silver at their option.

No pupil taken for less than half a term. The ltoardingbills for the term must lie paid in advance ; or one halfthereof at their entrance, and the remaining half at themiddle of the term.

Pupils entering the Institute are pledged to the obser-vance of the Regulations, and none will be admitted onother terms.

Especial exercises are arranged without extra chargefor those qualifying themselves as teachers for commonschools.

S. F. COLT, Sec. C. 1.. President.March 20, 1*57. A. WICKitAM. Treasurer.

HATS, CAPS AXDSTRAW GOODS,?The only stock in Towanda, worth mentioning, for

sale bvApril fi. 1857. J. POWELL

"VTOTICE TO COLLECTORS ? Yon aro' UN hereby authorized to deduct five per cent.from theState tax of every individual who shall pay his or herState and County tax in full,on or Ud'orethe 20th day ofJune next, and the same shall be allowed \or in your set-tlement with the Treasurer, provided the -ame is paid byyon into the County Treasury on or before the 23d aud21th days of June next.

B\ or ier of the Commissioners,E. B. COOLUAUGH, Clerk.

Commissioner's Office, March 81, 1857.

pROCERIES, PAINTS, OILS, AC."i \ T \ stock of groceries, paints, oils, varnishes, Ac., al-

ways ou hand, and for -ale cheap for cash bv

I April 6,1857. J. POWELL.