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VPL NOTES FOR Hasan Adil For midterm - Farukh Khalid What is .NET? .NET is an integral part of many applications running on Windows and provides common functionality for those applications to run. This download is for people who need .NET to run an application on their computer. For developers, the .NET Framework provides a comprehensive and consistent programming model for building applications that have visually stunning user experiences and seamless and secure communication. The .NET Framework The .NET Framework is a technology that supports building and running the next generation of applications and XML Web services. The .NET Framework is designed to fulfill the following objectives: To provide a consistent object-oriented programming environment whether object code is stored and executed locally, executed locally but Internet- distributed, or executed remotely. To provide a code-execution environment that minimizes software deployment and versioning conflicts. To provide a code-execution environment that promotes safe execution of code, including code created by an unknown or semi-trusted third party. To provide a code-execution environment that eliminates the performance problems of scripted or interpreted environments.

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  • VPL NOTES FOR Hasan Adil For midterm - Farukh Khalid

    What is .NET?

    .NET is an integral part of many applications running on

    Windows and provides common functionality for those

    applications to run. This download is for people who

    need .NET to run an application on their computer. For

    developers, the .NET Framework provides a

    comprehensive and consistent programming model for

    building applications that have visually stunning user

    experiences and seamless and secure communication.

    The .NET Framework

    The .NET Framework is a technology that supports building

    and running the next generation of applications and XML

    Web services. The .NET Framework is designed to fulfill the

    following objectives:

    To provide a consistent object-oriented programming

    environment whether object code is stored and

    executed locally, executed locally but Internet-

    distributed, or executed remotely.

    To provide a code-execution environment that

    minimizes software deployment and versioning


    To provide a code-execution environment that

    promotes safe execution of code, including code

    created by an unknown or semi-trusted third party.

    To provide a code-execution environment that

    eliminates the performance problems of scripted or

    interpreted environments.

  • To make the developer experience consistent across

    widely varying types of applications, such as

    Windows-based applications and Web-based


    To build all communication on industry standards to

    ensure that code based on the .NET Framework can

    integrate with any other code.

    Microsoft .NET Framework is a software framework which

    is installed in Microsoft Windows. Software which are

    developed using .NET require .NET Framework to be

    installed in your system to be able to run.

    Once you install .NET Framework, it creates the required

    software environment so that it can provide the

    appropriate runtime requirements to the software.

    The .NET Framework consists of the common language

    runtime and the .NET Framework class library. The

    common language runtime is the foundation of the .NET

    Framework. You can think of the runtime as an agent that

    manages code at execution time, providing core services

    such as memory management, thread management, and

    remoting, while also enforcing strict type safety and other

    forms of code accuracy that promote security and

    robustness. In fact, the concept of code management is a

    fundamental principle of the runtime. Code that targets

    the runtime is known as managed code, while code that

    does not target the runtime is known as unmanaged code.

  • The class library is a comprehensive, object-oriented

    collection of reusable types that you can use to develop

    applications ranging from traditional command-line or

    graphical user interface (GUI) applications to applications

    based on the latest innovations provided by ASP.NET, such

    as Web Forms and XML Web services.

    Common Language Infrastructure (CLI)

    Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) is a Microsoft

    specification for running high-level language program

    applications in different computer systems without

    changing the application code. CLI is based on the

    Microsoft .NET concept that some high-level language

    programs require modifications due to system hardware

    and processing constraints. CLI compiles applications as

    Intermediate Language (IL), which is automatically

    compiled as native system code. This approach allows

    applications to run without code rewrites in limited


    Common Type System (CTS)

    The Common Type System (CTS) is a standard for defining

    and using data types in the .NET framework. CTS defines

    a collection of data types, which are used and managed by

    the run time to facilitate cross-language integration.

  • Common Language Specification (CLS)

    The Common Language Specification (CLS) is a

    fundamental set of language features supported by the

    Common Language Runtime (CLR) of the .NET Framework.

    CLS is a part of the specifications of the .NET Framework.

    CLS was designed to support language constructs

    commonly used by developers and to produce verifiable

    code, which allows all CLS-compliant languages to ensure

    the type safety of code. CLS includes features common to

    many object-oriented programming languages. It forms a

    subset of the functionality of common type system (CTS)

    and has more rules than defined in CTS.

    Virtual Execution System (VES)

    Virtual Execution System, or VES, is a component of the

    Common Language Runtime (CLR) portion of the .NET

    Framework. Its function is to provide a platform for

    executing the managed code of an application.

    Common Intermediate Language

    CIL is a low level language based on the Common

    language Infrastructure specification document. CIL was

    earlier referred as MSIL (Microsoft Intermediate

    Language) but later changed to CIL to standardize

    the name of the language which is based on the

    Common Language Infrastructure specification.

  • CIL is CPU and platform-independent instructions that

    can be executed in any environment supporting the

    Common Language Infrastructure, such as the .NET run

    time or the cross-platform Mono run time. These

    instructions are later processed by run time compiler and

    is then converted into native language. CIL is an object-

    oriented assembly language, and is entirelystack-based.

    What is Common Language Runtime?

    Common Language Runtime is the backbone of the .NET

    framework. CLR takes care of a number of low-level

    executions such as application hosting, thread handling,

    memory management, security checks and application

    performance. Its primary role is to locate, load, and

    manage the .NET types (class, array, object etc.). The

    term service refers to as a collection of services that are

    required to execute a code. The beauty of CLR is that all

    .NET-supported languages can be executed under this

    single defined runtime layer. The spinal cord of CLR is

    represented by a library refers to asmscoree.dll (common

    object runtime execution engine). When an assembly is

    referenced for use, mscoree.dll is automatically loaded.

    The CLR first locates the referenced assembly, and then it

    loads it into memory, compiles the associated IL code into

    platform specific instructions, performs security related

    checks, and finally executes the code.

  • In Depth, the .NET compilation process completes in two

    stages; first, the C# code you write is compiled into an

    Intermediate Code (MSIL). All .NET languages are

    compiled into virtual identical IL code. The compiled file

    with IL code is referred to as Assembly.

    The second level of compilation happens just before the

    application is executed. At this point, the IL code is

    compiled into low-level native machine code. The Process

    of Converting IL Code to native code will be done with

    the help of JIT compiler (Just-In-Time Compiler). This

    stage is known-as Just-In-Time (JIT) Compilation. Finally

    .NET CLR produces the executable or library files and

    executes the code.

    The CLR (Common Language Runtime) is Microsoft's

    implementation of the VES (Virtual Execution System).

    The VES along with the CTS (Common Type System), the

    CLS (common language specification) and the metadata

    specification are all part of the CLI (Common Language

    Infrastructure) specification.

    The VES is a standardized virtual machine specification

    that must be implemented in order to load and execute

    CIL (Common Intermediate Language) modules (dll and

    exe). A VES implementation also provide runtime services

    such as garbage collection and security.

  • Common Language Runtime

    As part of Microsoft's .NET Framework, the Common

    Language Runtime (CLR) is programming that manages

    the execution of programs written in any of several

    supported languages, allowing them to share common

    object-oriented classes written in any of the languages.

    The Common Language Runtime is somewhat comparable

    to the Java Virtual Machine that Sun Microsystems

    furnishes for running programs compiled from the Java

    language. Microsoft refers to its Common Language

    Runtime as a "managed execution environment." A

    program compiled for the CLR does not need a language-

    specific execution environment and can easily be moved

    to and run on any system with Windows 2000 or Windows

    XP .


    In computing, a library is a collection of similar objects that

    are stored for occasional use - most frequently, programs

  • in source code or object code form, data files, scripts,

    templates, fonts, and physical storage units such as tape

    cartridges. Here are some common types of libraries.

    1) A program library is a collection of (usually)

    precompiled, reusable programming routines that a

    programmer can "call" when writing code so that the

    programmer doesn't have to write it. A dynamic link library

    (DLL) is one type of program library. Another type of

    program library is a class library, whose stored routines

    are class definitions in object-oriented programming

    (OOP). Graphical user interface (GUI) components such as

    scroll bars, buttons, and windowing routines are generally

    stored in a class library.

    2) A storage library is a collection of physical storage

    media such as tapes or disks and a way to access them. A

    tape library, for example, contains tape cartridges and a

    mechanism that moves them into and out of the drive(s)

    where their content is read or updated.

    3) A data library is the area of a data center (a centralized

    area housing computer systems and equipment) where

  • storage media are archived. Online service providers also

    sometimes refer to a directory on a server containing files

    for downloading as a data library

    Machine code: This is the most well-defined one. It is

    code that uses the byte-code instructions which your

    processor (the physical piece of metal that does the actual

    work) understands and executes directly. All other code

    must be translated or transformed into machine code

    before your machine can execute it.

    Native code: This term is sometimes used in places where

    machine code (see above) is meant. However, it is also

    sometimes used to mean unmanaged code (see below).

    Unmanaged code and managed code: Unmanaged

    code refers to code written in a programming language

    such as C or C++, which is compiled directly into machine

    code. It contrasts with managed code, which is written in

    C#, VB.NET, Java, or similar, and executed in a virtual

    environment (such as .NET or the JavaVM) which kind of

    simulates a processor in software. The main difference is

    that managed code manages the resources (mostly the

    memory allocation) for you by employing garbage

    collection and by keeping references to objects opaque.

    Unmanaged code is the kind of code that requires you to

    manually allocate and de-allocate memory, sometimes

    causing memory leaks (when you forget to de-allocate)

    and sometimes segmentation faults (when you de-allocate

    too soon). Unmanaged also usually implies there are no

  • run-time checks for common errors such as null-pointer

    dereferencing or array bounds overflow.

    Strictly speaking, most dynamically-typed languages

    such as Perl, Python, PHP and Ruby are alsomanaged

    code. However, they are not commonly described as such,

    which shows that managed code is actually somewhat of a

    marketing term for the really big, serious, commercial

    programming environments (.NET and Java).

    Assembly code: This term generally refers to the kind of

    source code people write when they really want to write

    byte-code. An assembler is a program that turns this

    source code into real byte-code. It is not acompiler

    because the transformation is 1-to-1. However, the term

    is ambiguous as to what kind of byte-code is used: it could

    be managed or unmanaged. If it is unmanaged, the

    resulting byte-code is machine code. If it is managed, it

    results in the byte-code used behind-the-scenes by a

    virtual environment such as .NET. Managed code (e.g. C#,

    Java) is compiled into this special byte-code language,

    which in the case of .NET is called Common Intermediate

    Language (CIL) and in Java is called Java byte-code. There

    is usually little need for the common programmer to access

    this code or to write in this language directly, but when

    people do, they often refer to it as assembly code because

    they use an assembler to turn it into byte-code.

  • Namespaces in C#

    Namespaces allow you to create a system to organize your

    code. A good way to organize your namespaces is via a

    hierarchical system.


    This article bring in you to C# Namespaces. In this article,

    my objectives are as follows:

    To give you the picture of what Namespace is?

    Learn how to implement the "using" directive?

    Learn to use "alias" directives.

    Understand what are namespace members?

    Need for Namespaces

    Namespaces allow you to create a system to organize your

    code. A good way to organize your namespaces is via a

    hierarchical system. You put the more general names at

    the top of the hierarchy and get more specific as you go

    down. This hierarchical system can be represented by

    nested namespaces. By placing code in different sub-

    namespaces, you can keep your code organized.

  • The example:

    namespace arun.CSharp.Namespaces


    public class Hello


    public string GetMessage()


    return "Hello, world";




    Namespaces are hierarchical, and the name

    arun.CSharp.Namespaces is actually shorthand for

    defining a namespace named arun that contains a

    namespace named CSharp that itself contains a

    namespace named Namespaces, as in:

    namespace arun

  • {

    namespace CSharp


    namespace Namespaces





    What is an Assembly

    An assembly is a file that is automatically generated by

    the compiler upon successful compilation of every .NET

    application. It can be either a Dynamic Link Library or an

    executable file. It is generated only once for an

    application and upon each subsequent compilation the

    assembly gets updated. However, a basic knowledge

    about this topic will help you to understand the

    architecture behind a .NET application.

  • An Assembly contains Intermediate Language (IL) code,

    which is similar to Java byte code. In the .NET language,

    it consists of metadata. Metadata enumerates the

    features of every "type" inside the assembly or the

    binary. In addition to metadata, assemblies also have a

    special file called Manifest. It contains information about

    the current version of the assembly and other related


    In .NET, there are two kinds of assemblies, such as

    Single file and Multi file. A single file assembly contains

    all the required information (IL, Metadata, and Manifest)

    in a single package. The majority of assemblies in .NET

    are made up of single file assemblies. Multi file

    assemblies are composed of numerous .NET binaries or

    modules and are generated for larger applications. One of

    the assemblies will contain a manifest and others will

    have IL and Metadata instructions.

    Global assembly cache

  • GAC, global assembly cache is an area of memory

    reserved to store the assemblies of all .NET applications

    that are running on a certain machine.

    It shares assemblies among multiple .NET applications.

    The assemblies must have a strong name and must be

    publicly shared to be installed in the GAC.

    Passing Value-Type Parameters

    A value-type variable contains its data directly as opposed

    to a reference-type variable, which contains a reference to

    its data. Passing a value-type variable to a method by

    value means passing a copy of the variable to the method.

    Any changes to the parameter that take place inside the

    method have no effect on the original data stored in the

    argument variable. If you want the called method to

    change the value of the parameter, you must pass it by

    reference, using the ref or out keyword. For simplicity, the

    following examples use ref.


  • An indexer allows an object to be indexed like an array.

    When you define an indexer for a class, this class behaves

    like a virtual array. You can then access the instance of

    this class using the array access operator ([ ]).

    Simplify the interface

    Boxing/ UnBoxing

    C# allows us to convert a Value Type to a Reference Type,

    and back again to Value Types . The operation of

    Converting a Value Type to a Reference Type is called

    Boxing and the reverse operation is called Unboxing.


    1: int Val = 1;

    2: Object Obj = Val; //Boxing

    The first line we created a Value Type Val and assigned a

    value to Val. The second line , we created an instance of

    Object Obj and assign the value of Val to Obj. From the

    above operation (Object Obj = i ) we saw converting a

    value of a Value Type into a value of a corresponding

    Reference Type . These types of operation is called Boxing.

  • UnBoxing

    1: int Val = 1;

    2: Object Obj = Val; //Boxing

    3: int i = (int)Obj; //Unboxing

    The first two line shows how to Box a Value Type . The

    next line (int i = (int) Obj) shows extracts the Value Type

    from the Object . That is converting a value of a Reference

    Type into a value of a Value Type. This operation is called


    Boxing and UnBoxing are computationally expensive

    processes. When a value type is boxed, an entirely new

    object must be allocated and constructed , also the cast

    required for UnBoxing is also expensive computationally.

    What Is DLL

    A DLL file is a resource within the Windows operating

    system that contains code and data related to the

    functionality of one or more applications. These files,

    which may have the file extension .dll or other file

    extensions, have been a major building block for the

    Windows operating system and Windows programs since

    the early MS-DOS versions of Microsofts computer

  • technology. Successive versions of Windows have

    illustrated certain problems with the use of DLL files for

    many different programs.

    Anonymous method

    Anonymous method is an inline un-named method in the


    >> It is created using the delegate keyword end doesnt

    require name end return type and

    Hence we can consider an anonymous method has only

    body without name end return type.


    delegate ( [argnfo] )

    { //statement(s) }

    What is Lambda Expression?

    A Lambda Expression is an anonymous function that we

    can use to create a delegate or expression tree types.

    Create a local functions that passes as an argument


    (Input parameter) => (expression)

  • ADO.NET Connected & Disconnected Architecture

    ADO.NET is a middleware technology used to connect

    front end and back end of .NET applications.

    ASP.NET is used to create front end of applications using

    a code behind language like C#.NET.

    Most of the applications require database as back end to

    store application information.

    To connect front end and back end ADO.NET is used.

    It contains two types of architectures.

    1. Connected architecture.

    2. Disconnected architecture.

    Two namespaces required to work with ADO.NET. They




    SqlConnection class is used to create connection object

    containing server, database and authentication details in

    connection string.

    SqlCommand class is used to create command object

    which stores sql query which can be executed.

  • ADO.NET Connected architecture

    In ADO.NET Connected architecture connection to the

    database has to be in opened state to access the


    In Connected architecture connection string is used to

    connect to the database.

    Connection should be opened and closed.

    Commands are executed using methods like

    Method Commands Return type

    ExecuteNonQuery Insert,Update,Delete,... int

    ExecuteReader Select SqlDataReader

    ExecuteScalar Aggregate commands Object

    ExecuteNonQuery method is used to execute

    commands and return number of rows effected.

    ExecuteReader method is used to execute command

    that retreives data and stores it in SqlDataReader which

    is capable of reading data row by row. SqlDataReader is

    read only and it reads in sequential order only.

    Read( ) method of SqlDataReader is used to read data

    row by row and it returns bool value.

    ExecuteScalar method is used to execute sql command

    that returns one value as its return type is object.

    m.saadSticky NoteMarked set by m.saad


    m.saadSticky Notemost imprtant

  • If ExecuteScalar is used to execute select query that

    retreives table data. It can return only first row first

    column cell value.

    ADO.NET Disconnected architecture

    In ADO.NET disconnected architecture data is retrieved

    from database and stored in dataset.

    Data in dataset can be accessed even when the

    connection to the database is closed.

    SqlDataAdapter is used to open the connection ,execute

    the command, store data in dataset and close the


    DataSet is capable of storing more than one table.

    DataSet is used to store data on client side.


    The above line of code is used to execute the command

    by opening the connection to store data in dataset and

    closing the connection.

  • Optimistic locking

    As the name suggests optimistic it assumes that

    multiple transaction will work without affecting each

    other. In other words no locks are enforced while doing

    optimistic locking. The transaction just verifies that no

    other transaction has modified the data. In case of

    modification the transaction is rolled back.

    How does optimistic lock work?

    You can implement optimistic locking by numerous ways

    but the fundamental to implement optimistic locking

    remains same. Its a 5 step process as shown below:-

    Record the current timestamp.

    Start changing the values.

    Before updating check whether anyone else has

    changed the values by checking the old time stamp and

    new time stamp.

    If its not equal rollbacks or else commit.

  • What are the different solutions by which we can

    implement optimistic locking?

    There are 3 primary ways by which we can implement

    optimistic locking in .NET:-

    Datasets: - Dataset by default implement optimistic

    locking. They do a check of old values and new values

    before updating.

    Timestamp Data type: - Create a timestamp data type

    in your table and while updating check if old timestamp is

    equal to new timestamp.

  • Check old and new value: - Fetch the values, do the

    changes and while doing the final updates check if the old

    value and current values in database are equal. If they

    are not equal then rollback or else commits the values.

    Pessimistic locking

    We can do pessimistic locking by specifying IsolationLevel in SQL Server stored procedures, ADO.NET level or by using transaction scope object.

    What kind of locks can be acquired by using pessimistic locking?

    There are 4 kinds of locks you can acquire Shared, Exclusive, Update and intent. The first two are actual locks while the other two are hybrid locks and marker.

    When to use? Reads




    Shared lock

    When you want only to read

    and you do not want any other

    transactions to do update.

    Yes No


    When you want to modify data

    and you do not want anyone to

    read the transaction, neither

    you want anyone to update.

    No No

    Update lock

    This is a hybrid lock. This lock

    is used when you want to do

    update operation which passes

    through multiple phases before

    the actual update happens. It

    first starts with shared lock in

    the read phase and then on the

    actual update it acquires an

    exclusive lock.

  • Read phase Yes No

    Manipulating phase Yes No

    Update phas No No

    Intent Lock (



    Intent lock is for lock hierarchy.

    This lock is used when you

    want to lock resources down in

    the hierarchy. For example a

    shared intent lock on a table

    means shared locks are placed

    on pages and rows with the


    NA NA

    Schema locks When you are changing table

    structure. No No

    Bulk update


    Used when you are doing bulk



    level No


    level No

    VPL NOTES FOR Hasan Adil For midterm - Farukh KhalidWhat is .NET?Common Language Infrastructure (CLI)Common Intermediate LanguageWhat kind of locks can be acquired by using pessimistic locking?