voyages of discovery chapter 16.1. foundations of exploration during the renaissance, a spirit of...

Voyages of Voyages of Discovery Discovery Chapter 16.1 QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this pict

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Voyages of Voyages of DiscoveryDiscovery

Chapter 16.1

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Foundations of Exploration

Foundations of Exploration

During the Renaissance, a spirit of discovery and innovation had been awakened in Europe.

Europeans set sail on voyages of discovery to find new lands or new routes to places already known.

This period is sometimes called the Age of Exploration.

During the Renaissance, a spirit of discovery and innovation had been awakened in Europe.

Europeans set sail on voyages of discovery to find new lands or new routes to places already known.

This period is sometimes called the Age of Exploration.

MotivatioMotivations for ns for


The faster you get therethe more money

you make.

They looked for fasterroutes to India and China


Money = Power

GLORYWanted to bring honor

to their names for anew discovery

GODchance to introduce newpopulations to Christianity

CURIOSITYWhat is out there?

Motivations for Exploration

The faster you get therethe more money

you make.

They looked for fasterroutes to India and China


Money = Power

GLORYWanted to bring honor

to their names for anew discovery

GODchance to introduce newpopulations to Christianity

CURIOSITYWhat is out there?

Motivations for Exploration

GOLDGOLDAge of exploration caused by people and countries that wanted to get rich.How?

TradeSpices, Silk, Perfume and Jade

From China and IndiaTrade controlled by Italian merchants that charged high prices to Europeans.

Age of exploration caused by people and countries that wanted to get rich.How?

TradeSpices, Silk, Perfume and Jade

From China and IndiaTrade controlled by Italian merchants that charged high prices to Europeans.

Explorers wanted to find new and faster routes to India and China to control the trade.

Whoever controls the trade…gets RICH!

The faster you get there and back, the more money you make.

Explorers wanted to find new and faster routes to India and China to control the trade.

Whoever controls the trade…gets RICH!

The faster you get there and back, the more money you make.

Advances in TechnologyAdvances in Technology

Compass From the Chinese Let sailors know what direction was North

Astrolabe From the Muslims Allowed navigators to calculate their location based on the position of the sun and stars in relation to the horizon.

Compass From the Chinese Let sailors know what direction was North

Astrolabe From the Muslims Allowed navigators to calculate their location based on the position of the sun and stars in relation to the horizon.

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Advances in TechnologyAdvances in Technology

ShipbuildingDeep-draft ships

Hold more cargoCarry more supplies

Caravel- light fast sailing shipSteered by rudder at the rear

Lateen sails allowed it to sail in any direction

ShipbuildingDeep-draft ships

Hold more cargoCarry more supplies

Caravel- light fast sailing shipSteered by rudder at the rear

Lateen sails allowed it to sail in any direction

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Caravel with lateen sails

Explorers from Portugal and Spain

Explorers from Portugal and Spain

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Explorers from Portugal and Spain

Explorers from Portugal and Spain

The PortugueseFirst country to launch large-scale voyages of exploration.

Prince Henry the NavigatorPatron and supporter of explorationEstablished small court with mapmakers, astronomers,others interested in navigation

Explored African coastFound gold and slave available hereUltimate goal: find a water route around Africa to India

The PortugueseFirst country to launch large-scale voyages of exploration.

Prince Henry the NavigatorPatron and supporter of explorationEstablished small court with mapmakers, astronomers,others interested in navigation

Explored African coastFound gold and slave available hereUltimate goal: find a water route around Africa to India

The PortugueseThe Portuguese

(1488) Bartolomeu Dias became first European to attempt sailing around the tip of Africa. (Cape of Good Hope)

(1488) Bartolomeu Dias became first European to attempt sailing around the tip of Africa. (Cape of Good Hope)

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Vasco da GamaVasco da GamaVasco da GamaVasco da Gama (1497) first to sail from Portugal (around Africa) to India.

Found that Muslim traders were already involved in trade.

Helped Portuguese control this trade route Result: Portugal became one of the richest and most powerful nations in Europe.

(1497) first to sail from Portugal (around Africa) to India.

Found that Muslim traders were already involved in trade.

Helped Portuguese control this trade route Result: Portugal became one of the richest and most powerful nations in Europe.

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The SpanishThe Spanish

Christopher Columbus Believed he could sail west from Spain and reach China

No idea the Americas were there.

Landed in Caribbean but thought he was in China or East Indies

Called inhabitants Indians.

Thought he found a new route to India….WRONG!

Made three more voyages

Christopher Columbus Believed he could sail west from Spain and reach China

No idea the Americas were there.

Landed in Caribbean but thought he was in China or East Indies

Called inhabitants Indians.

Thought he found a new route to India….WRONG!

Made three more voyages

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Columbus’ MapColumbus’ Map

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First VoyageFirst Voyage

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Second VoyageSecond Voyage

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Third VoyageThird Voyage

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Vasco Nunez de BalboaVasco Nunez de Balboa

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Led expedition across the Isthmus of Panama.

Became the first European to see the Pacific Ocean

Led expedition across the Isthmus of Panama.

Became the first European to see the Pacific Ocean

Ferdinand MagellanFerdinand Magellan (1519)Sailed for Spain

Five ships with 250 men.

Magellan killed in Philippines.

Crew finally arrived in Spain in 1522 with only 18 survivors.

First to circumnavigate the globe.

(1519)Sailed for Spain

Five ships with 250 men.

Magellan killed in Philippines.

Crew finally arrived in Spain in 1522 with only 18 survivors.

First to circumnavigate the globe.

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The EnglishThe English

John Cabot- explored coast of Canada

Sir Francis Drake- 2nd man to sail around the world.

Henry Hudson- (1607) sailed for the Dutch in search of the Northwest Passage

John Cabot- explored coast of Canada

Sir Francis Drake- 2nd man to sail around the world.

Henry Hudson- (1607) sailed for the Dutch in search of the Northwest Passage

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The FrenchThe French

(1534)Jacques Cartier sailed along St. Lawrence River and claimed as New France

Searched for NW Passage but never found it.

(1534)Jacques Cartier sailed along St. Lawrence River and claimed as New France

Searched for NW Passage but never found it.

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The DutchThe Dutch

Henry Hudson- searched for Northeast Passage in 1609 (failure) Northern route to China

Looked for Northwest Passage through the Americas Hudson River Hudson Bay

Henry Hudson- searched for Northeast Passage in 1609 (failure) Northern route to China

Looked for Northwest Passage through the Americas Hudson River Hudson Bay

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•Why in the world are they looking for all of these passages?!!!!!!


Henry Hudson’s VoyagesHenry Hudson’s Voyages

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Hudson’s Half MoonHudson’s Half Moon

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