vowel team /ae

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Post on 06-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. Vowel Teams /ea/ By: Amanda Marrs-Stutes
  2. 2. Why are there 2 letters and only 1 sound?
  3. 3. Lets Learn About Vowel Teams! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7H30U8nEudc Students will watch a short video to introduce vowel teams. Click the link above to access the video.
  4. 4. Lets Build a word! /ea/ Ask students to draw 4 small blanks on their paper. Example: VowelTeam
  5. 5. Lets Build A Word! /ea/ 1. Orally state the word seat 2. How many sounds do you hear? 3 /s/ /ee/ /t/ 3. If there are only 3 sounds, why do we have 4 blanks? Because, there is a vowel team.The first vowel does all the talking and the second vowel is a very supportive friend!
  6. 6. Lets Build A Word! /ae/ VowelTeam S E A T