vote of thanks - ocha

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  • 7/24/2019 Vote of Thanks - OCHA


    Vote of thanks

    I give you thanks O Lord, with my whole heart; before the hearts I sing your praise, I

    bow down toward your holy temple and give thanks to your name for your steadfast

    love and your faithfulness. On behalf of my friends I stand here before you to

    express our gratitude to everyone who are and were instrumental in making us what

    we are.

    irst and for most I thank !od "lmighty for all his gra#iousness. Our hearts swell up

    with gratitude and $oy for san#tifying and dignifying this day with your plentitude of

    blessing. %o be loved is the foundation of our #onse#rated life. &es, it has be#ome

    true in our life today as 'esus (hrist has made us )is own.

    *y heart throbs in thankfulness to his +x#ellen#y *ost. ev. !ovindu 'o$i, for

    availing and gra#ing this day by offi#iating this )oly +u#haristi# #elebration and

    tou#hing the #ore of our hearts, with your thought provoking words and inspiringmessages. %hank you for praying and bringing !ods blessings upon ea#h one of us

    and making this day a memorable day, and also I turn my heart in gratitude to all the

    #on #elebrants for your gra#eful presen#e and for your valuable prayers. *ay !od

    bless all your enduran#e.

    I thank my !od, ea#h time I remember you and I pray with $oy when I pray for you. I

    extend my heartfelt gratitude to ev. -r. -hanthi our -uperior general and her

    team. %oday we are very grateful to you for having given us many opportunities

    to grow in our spiritual life as full pledged members in -"/ amily. *ay !od bless

    you and give you strength to #arry out your responsibilities.

    )earts thrilled with $oy and happiness we thank you dear ev. -r. (eleena provin#ial

    superior and the team for your guidan#e and support in ea#h and every moment of

    our lives.

    !ratefully we remember and owe our love and gratitude to all our formatters in

    different stages of our formation, superiors in different #ommunities who stood #lose

    to us and molded us all through these years and all the sisters who lived with us in

    the #ommunities for the past years.

    0e have always experien#ed the loving a##ompaniment of persons, who were

    always ready to help us in our needs. 1ow I take this opportunity to express our

    gratitude to ev. -r. -pandhana and #ommunity and ev. -r. 'an#y and #ommunity,

    for making this day a happiest and eventful one, a long lasting memory in our lives.

    0e also thank -r. "mala 2 (o for taking us to the heavenly realm through your

    melodious and rhythmi# musi# made us to praise !od twi#e.

    Our measure of greatness is not the number of servants you have, but the number of

    people you serve. 0e a#knowledge the hard work of all the helpers spe#ially to*r.3enu !opal 2 *r. )anumanth ao 2 their team members for taking trouble and

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    hardship, in #ompleting the #onstru#tions of the (hapel and keeping ready for us, on

    this auspi#ious day. 0e implore !ods abundant blessings and gra#es upon you 2

    your families.

    +very beat of our hearts extent a thousand #heer and thanks to our beloved parents

    who have dandled us up on their laps, thought and instru#ted and helped us to grow

    and to live in (hristian faith and love. 4ear parents you are the first #ause of what we

    are today, we thank you.

    0e also take this golden moment to thank the unseen hands who #ontributed their

    servi#e and made this days event su##essful. &es, we thank the guardian angels of

    our life whom !od send espe#ially at the time of diffi#ulties, pain and sorrow. 0e

    had a shoulder to lean. %hank you so mu#h.

    1ow I turn my heart to the gathering present here, the parishners, well wishers and

    friends your pleasant presen#e have added flavor to this day. %hank you for yourprayers and blessings.

    0e re#ommend the departed souls of our dear -r. ashmithas parents. *ay !od

    grant them eternal rest and re#eive them into )is heavenly abode to sing, praise and

    worship )im.

    !ratitude unlo#ks the fullness of life so on#e again we thank the "lmighty and ea#h

    one of you.

    %hanks.. %hanks.. %hanks.


    Outside the Chapel:

    The psalmist invites us to enter into the house of God with gladness and (joy)

    thanksgiving. Now the representatives from each group and the Sisters of the community will

    accompany our dear Sr. eonila and Sr. Sushma and lead them to the altar of God. (!usic

    will "e played) #andles are placed at the altar. Sister Superior is invited to pin the flowers for

    the cele"rities of the day.

    Opening Praer

    ord God the master of the universe$ we have awakened with whisper of joy$ peace and

    happiness. %e look up to you to praise and thank you for this "eautiful dawn. The sky shines

    with vi"rant shade of colours$ the newly opened petals and the pearls of dew on every "lade

    of grass praise you. %e your loving children have gathered in your house to raise our hearts

    and minds in gratitude and praise for the precious gift of our "eloved Sr. eonila through

    whom your tender love$ "eauty$ care concern and e&cellent guidance we e&perienced. %e also

    thank the ord for the precious gift of our dear Sr. Sushma$ who generously accepted the

    ord's cal and came to guide us in is ways. et us now e&perience the presence of the

    divine within$ as we sing a "hajan (*eeveswara vandhanam).


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    Gratitude is e&pressing profound thanks fullness for all that God has given. Gratitude is not a

    human achievement$ it's a divine treasure granted to us "y the inner pilot within us$ the

    a"solute supreme. %e are particularly grateful to God the omnipotent for the miracle of is

    love very specially for the persons of Srs. eonila and Sushma

    +ersons are gifts that are given to us$ packed with suspense$ surprise and sentiments.,ur hearts "eat with genuine love and deep gratitude for the person of sr. eonila. The river

    as it enters the ocean is lost in it. -or once it enters the ocean it can never "e recognied. -or

    its colour and taste are now the colour and taste of the ocean. The person lost in god's love

    "ecomes$ one with god$ completely to "e his forever$ never more to "e separated from im.

    /es dear Sister you have journeyed along with the lord in the process of "ecoming in him. %e

    thank you for all the pains you have taken to "eget new life "y forming and shaping the hearts

    of us. et us raise our folded and grateful hearts for you to continue to shine like stars and

    e&perience is unconditional love in all your undertakings as we sing the chorus (deiva

    sneham varnichidan)

    Special persons are specially chosen "y God that's why we say ord we thank you for

    the very gift of Sr. Sushma #! this 0!1 family. 1ear Sister you are the selected one

    whom God has "rought in a special way with all your uni2ueness and gifts. e has created

    you with differences so that you will enjoy and share the "eauty of your difference with

    everyone. et us raise our hearts and minds as we welcome our Sr. Sushma to this 0!1

    family and pray that she may "e "lessed with the choicest "lessing and "e inspired "y the

    oly Spirit. (+ause)

    1ear Sr. eonila you$ rarest of the race$ a priceless treasure possessed of 2ualities in

    mind$ speech$ movement$ appearance and action. +ersons are gifts which the father sends to

    us wrapped. Some are wrapped very "eautifully. They are very attractive when we first seethem. Some come in very ordinary wrapping paper. ,thers have "een mishandled in the post.

    ,nce in a while there is a special delivery. Some persons are gifts which come very loosely

    wrapped3.. 4ut the wrapping is not the gift. 0t is so easy to make this mistake3.. Sometimes

    the gift is very easy to open up. Sometimes we need others to help3 /ou are a person5

    therefore$ you are a gift$ too3 6very meeting of others is an e&change of gifts3. Gifts

    received and gifts given3.. /ou dear Sister$ you are indescri"a"le gift of God to us. %e

    appreciate the gift that is 7/,89 not the wrappings. %ith these sentiments of gratitude to

    God let us now sing the hymn ; .

    C!##entar !n Gi$ts and Talents

    ife is given to us like an unfinished product and it will "e over sooner than we think.

    Therefore$ we must do everything we can$ to make it as "eautiful as possi"le. /es dear Sr.

    eonila$ you are that unspeaka"le and indescri"a"le gift of God to us. /ou had "een

    accompanying us right from the "eginning like a mother. /ou showed special interest$ love$

    care and concern towards each of us$ walked with us in times of our joys$ an&ieties$ worries

    and struggles. /our gentle ways and hearty smile have soothened our hearts. %e thank God

    for you$ for all you 2ualities of mind and heart with which God has "lessed you with.

    iving for others is the "est way to live for yourself.

    stands for the caring$ "earing$ sharing$ encouraging and self sacrificing love of Sr.

    eonila. 0t is the love that ena"les her to shine even in hardships and say always$ ?yes' to the

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    will of God. Thank you ord for this precious 2uality of Sr. eonila. (#horus 0 thank my


    6 stands for encouragement. 1ear Sister you are a person who have encouraged us

    in our journey of life. /our words of encouragement gave us the strength gave us the strength

    to stand against all the odds of life. ord we thank you for this 2uality of our Sister. (#horus 0 thank my God)

    , stands for optimism. 1ear Sister we always see a ray of hope "u""ling in your

    face to "e optimistic. 6ven when pro"lems arrive we see the "u""ling of joy and deep sense

    of contentment on your face. %e thank God for the countless "lessings that he had showed

    upon us through your positive outlook towards life. (#horus 0 thank my God)

    N stands for Nurturing. @s the tender plants need care and nurturing$ dear Sr.

    eonila$ you have touched our life and we have grown. /our loving approach and simplicity

    towards us ena"led us to grow unto the fullness of #hrist. /ou have nurtured us with

    understanding and responsi"ility. Today we thank the ord for the precious gift of you to us.

    (#horus 0 thank my God)

    0 stands for 0ntegration. 1ear sister we are happy to say that$ you are an integrated

    person. There is rhythm in your gentle movements. /ou are capa"le to make decisions with

    integrity. %e appreciate this gift of yours and thank God for you. (#horus 0 thank my God)

    stands for oyalty. oyalty is seen in all your undertakings. /ou are loyal to god$

    yourself and to the tasks entrusted to your care. %e acknowledge this priceless gift in you and

    we thank God for you. (#horus 0 thank my God)

    @ stands for @vaila"ility. God in is goodness "lessed you dear sister with the gift

    of availa"ility. /ou were always and at every moment availa"le to us$ sharing your gifts$

    talents and time for us without counting the cost. %e have tasted your spirit of availa"ility.-or this gift of yours we thank God for you. (#horus 0 thank my God)

    Now we invite Sr. eonila to offer this sym"ol representing her gift to God and we

    ask the good God to fill her with is goodness and love.

    !ay the will of God lead you and guide you

    !ay the love of God enfold you and sustain you

    !ay the peace of God calm your fears

    !ay the comfort of God dry your tears

    @nd may the %ord of God feed you at all times

    Thus you may see the miracles of God in your day to day life.

    Now let us thank the lord with our entire "eing through the rhythmic movements. (1ance)

    Silence: !usic

    C!##entar !n B!at

    %e are sailing for the sun and the ray is "eing continued. %e are reaching for the star and the

    goal is never far. 1ear Sr. eonila$ %e appreciate your e&cellent leadership of guiding us

    formators till now$ and leading us closer to the ord$ "y sailing smoothly and gently in the sea of

    our life in 0!1. /our guidance was always a support and inspiration to all of us. @s a sym"ol of

    fulfilling your duties till now $ and handing it over to Sr. Sushma we now re2uest you to come

    forward and hand over this oar to Sr. us sing 6 yathrayil vahi kattuvan kaniyu3

    C!n"luding Praer

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    ,nce again ord we thank you for the marvelous things that we have received through the very

    life of Sr. eonila .,nce again we thank you ord$ -or giving our sister fruitful years in 0!1

    family.Sr. eonila and Sr. Sushma as you are entrusted and chosen to fulfill new responsi"ilities

    this is our prayer and wish for you sisters.

    et your life "e filled with the amaing grace of God. et your life "e a song for your ord. etall the e&periences of yours have sunshine and shadows of goodness. !ay the good ord grant

    you$ all the great things from is "ounty$ and strengthen you to continue to sail to reach the

    destination for is greater glory. %e make this prayer through #hrist ,ur ord .@men.

    %ass Intr!du"ti!n

    7et anyone who "elieves in me drink3,ut of the "elievers heart shall flow rivers of living

    water9 *n >:=A

    Good morning dear sisters and a warm welcome to this 6ucharistic cele"ration. Today is an

    auspicious day as we thank God for the precious gift of Sr. eonila and all the goodness we

    received from im in and through her. To whom shall we compare Sr. eonila's service for

    us and to this community of 0!1B #an we listen to -rancy what she is going to say a"out


    Sr. eonila is a stream3 @ running streamC

    She is dynamic3and constant in her move3

    She never gets stagnated3

    She flows "eyond the "locks on her way3

    er goal is to give life to many3.

    @nyone who approaches her with hope%ould "e refreshed$ and energied3

    @nd would receive life in a"undance3

    This fulfills the purpose of her call3.

    er living is the "irthplace of civiliation3

    ence she is a loving mother

    %ho nourishes her children with hope and life3

    ike a river she has only one goal in her life3

    To merge into the sea3i.e. to attain fullness in God3

    Through her very "eing3.yes

    Sr. eonila is a stream3@ Dunning Stream

    /es dear sisters$ Sr. eonila "ecomes a Dunning Stream "y giving herself completely for the

    welfare of us$ student formators.

    She is dynamic and always on the move to empower us through wonderful courses and

    various activities. 4eing a prayerful and courageous person she lead us following the will of

    God. %e see her as the powerful instrument of God. %e found her to "e very simple$

    approacha"le$ and motherly and the person of strong determination. She is the person of hope

    for us. She is the source of inspiration. 6very movement of Sr. eonila amidst us radiated

    vitality and vigor to "e the role models in the future as she herself is the role model for us

    following all the characteristics of a good formator. er words$ deeds$ thirst to fulfill the willof God$ vi"rant spirit and dynamic actions resem"le her like a stream.

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    The inner force of God's love helps her to flow on and on into the lives of many. That's why

    she accepted willingly to "e the General councilor as she found the will of God in and

    through this new mission entrusted to her "y her congregation. 0n this remarka"le day$ we are

    privileged and fortunate to thank God for all the wonders e has made in our lives through

    Sr. eonila. 0t is also our duty to thank God for the gift of Sr. eonila$ to us and on the wholeto this 0!1 community. 0n this 6ucharistic cele"ration$ in a special way let us offer Sr.

    eonila to our ord and pray to im to "less our sister with is wisdom and knowledge so

    that she may "e revived more and more to continue her God given mission. et us also with

    grateful heart pray for Sr. Sushma #!#$ who has willingly accepted to lead us in the

    forthcoming days in the light of #hrist so that she may strengthened "y the oly Spirit.

    0nspired "y the e&ample of Sr. eonila and assured "y the love and grace of God$ let us also

    "ecome like a stream to serve the humanity as we are called to give life$ life in a"undance.

    Eeeping these intensions in mind let us with grateful heart cele"rate this meal of love.


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    1ear 6ucharistic ord$ we thank you for coming into our hearts and nourishing our

    souls with heavenly food$ contains every sweetness and every delight. et each fi"er of our

    "eing$ may sink into your love. 6nkindle in our hearts$ the flame of your divine love.

    oving lord$ at this grace filled moment$ once again$ we thank you$ for the very

    person of our dear sr. eonila and her precious life. Thank you ord for endowing her withyour a"undant goodness and "lessings. Gratitude is the music of our hearts. ,n this "eautiful

    occasion with much gratitude$ and deep sentiments of appreciation and love we e&press our

    heartfelt thanks to you dear Sr. eonila for all that you have done for us and for all what you

    are to us. !ay your life$ "e a continuous "lessing for all those who come in contact with you.

    !ay you "e a channel of grace for all. @nd let all your new endeavors "e fruitful. This is our

    wish and prayer for you dear Sr. eonila.Now may 0 invite Sr. Theo to give a "ou2uet to our

    dear Sr. eonila as the token of our love$ gratitude and appreciation foe her sincere service to

    0!1 family$ and each one of us. @lso let us cordially welcome Sr. Sushma$ into our midst "y

    giving her a "ou2uet. !ay 0 re2uest Sr. Theo to give her the "ou2uet as a sign of welcome to

    our 0!1 family.

    If you wish su##ess in life make perseveran#e your bosom friend, experien#e

    your wise #ounselor, #aution your elder brother, and hope your guardian angel

    5 'oseph "ddison

    %here is a saying, !od has two dwelling one in heaven and the

    other in a thankful heart. 'ust a thank you is a mighty powerful

    prayer says it all, !od gave us gift of 67899 se#onds in a day.

    )ave we used at least one of it to say thank you. -ays 0illiam


    irst of all we thank the "lmighty for )is plan in brining whole

    (ongregation the leading authority of every unit together to share,

    to evaluate and look into progress of our (ongregation as a family.

    -o let us thank !od.

    %here is an eminent personality amidst us who deserve our

    gratitude in abundan#e. -he is a person throbbing with $oy in

    servi#e, vibrating love for the needy, and with a #hallenging vision

    for the future. -he none other than our dear -r. -hanthi, the

    -uperior !eneral who gives warmth to many hearts with her gentle

    and thoughtful deeds. -he #onsoles and guides every one who

    approa#hes her. %hank you sister for your #are and love for ea#h

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    one of us and in a spe#ial way for arranging this !0( meet to

    bring us together. %hank you dear