volunteering and community based physical activity programmes

Active Parks A Birmingham Co- production

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Post on 11-Apr-2017



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Page 1: Volunteering and Community Based Physical Activity Programmes

Active Parks

A Birmingham Co-production

Page 2: Volunteering and Community Based Physical Activity Programmes

Cotteridge Park 1997

Page 3: Volunteering and Community Based Physical Activity Programmes

Friends Groups

Page 4: Volunteering and Community Based Physical Activity Programmes

Birmingham Open Spaces ForumHow not to re-invent the wheel

• 130+ groups• Share knowledge and experiences• Collective voice for the volunteers looking

after the city’s open spaces• 50 hours of labour donated per site per month• £24k average funding raised per site• Lobbying for the protection of our open


Page 5: Volunteering and Community Based Physical Activity Programmes

Aesthetic Value

Page 6: Volunteering and Community Based Physical Activity Programmes

Nothing new under the sun

An Act for establishing Parks in or near to the Borough of Birmingham - July 1854

“Whereas it would be greatly for the Benefit of the Inhabitants of the Borough of Birmingham that

there should be provided for their Use Parks and Gardens for the

Purposes of healthful & pleasurable Resort”

Page 7: Volunteering and Community Based Physical Activity Programmes

Volunteering and using a park is physical activity

Page 8: Volunteering and Community Based Physical Activity Programmes

• Free, fun, local activities• Suitable for the perpetual beginner• No lycra required• Activities chosen by Friends groups – suitable for

their community• Volunteers integral to session delivery• “Trusted voice”

Active Parks Leisure Centres without Walls

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Forest School

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GreenFit Baby

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Couch to 5k

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Tai Chi

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Volunteers – cheap not free