volume 5 issue 230—2013 ukrainian orthodox … · we know the archangel raphael, whose name means...

17го листопада November 17th Volume 5 Issue 230—2013 S U N D A Y B U L L E T I N U KRAINIAN KRAINIAN O RTHODOX RTHODOX METROPOLITAN ETROPOLITAN C ATHEDRAL ATHEDRAL OF OF THE THE HOLY OLY T RINITY RINITY 21ша неділя по П’ятидесятниці 21st Sunday after Pentecost

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Page 1: Volume 5 Issue 230—2013 UKRAINIAN ORTHODOX … · We know the Archangel Raphael, whose name means “God’s healer,” who is the healer of illnesses in mankind, and who is

17­го листопада November 17th

Volume 5 Issue 230—2013





21­ша неділя по П’ятидесятниці

21st Sunday after Pentecost

Page 2: Volume 5 Issue 230—2013 UKRAINIAN ORTHODOX … · We know the Archangel Raphael, whose name means “God’s healer,” who is the healer of illnesses in mankind, and who is


Гості, ласкаво просимо до нашої Катедри ПресвятоїТройці! Будь ласка, приєднуйтеся до нас після богослуженнядля спілкування в авдиторії. Якщо бажаєте стати частиноюнашої громади, просимо поговорити про це з деканом о.Григорієм Мельником.Пояснення: лише православні християни, котрі належно

підготовлені постом (не приймати їжі ані пиття від опівночі),молитвою і сповіддю та були присутні під час читанняАпостола і Євангелії, - можуть приступати до прийняттяЄвхаристії (Св. Причастя).

Пам’ятайте . . .Наша Духовна Родина сходиться кожної неділі!

Початок Божественної Літургії: 10:00 ранку.

Remember . . .Every Sunday the gathering of our Spiritual Family!

Divine Liturgy: 10:00 a.m.

WELCOME TO OUR VISITORS TO HOLY TRINITYCATHEDRAL!!! Please join us for fellowship in the Cathedralauditorium following the service. If you are interested in becominga part of our community please ask to speak to Fr. Gregory.Please note: Only those faithful who are Orthodox Christians andhave properly prepared themselves by fasting (from all food anddrink from midnight), prayer, and recent confession; and whowere present for the reading of the Epistle and Gospel, shouldapproach to receive the Eucharist.

Page 3: Volume 5 Issue 230—2013 UKRAINIAN ORTHODOX … · We know the Archangel Raphael, whose name means “God’s healer,” who is the healer of illnesses in mankind, and who is


"Ангел такий прозорий, що через нього ллється на нас ідосягає до нас світло Божественне... через них мипізнаємо не їх, а живого Бога, Якого вони пізнали."

Святитель Григорій Палама

Роль ангелів в реалізації спасіння людського роду євинятковою. Слово ангел, в перекладі з грецької, означаєвісник. Ця їхня роль була підтверджена архангеломГавриїлом, який приніс Діві Марії радісну звістку про те,що від неї народиться Спаситель Світу.

Небесні духи були створені Господом ще до творіннясвіту матеріального. І коли на небі стався бунт і Денниця(Сатана), разом з частиною ангелів, вирішив повстати наБога, вірні Йому ангели, на чолі з архістратигомМихаїлом (архістратиг - начальник ангельського війська)скинули Сатану у безодню. З тих пір війна між ангеламиЦарства Божого і ангелами темряви не припиняється, іполе цієї війни - рід людський.

В сьогоднішній день Православна Церква вшановуєархістратига Божого Михаїла разом з усім собором (відслова зібрання) святих ангелів.


Page 4: Volume 5 Issue 230—2013 UKRAINIAN ORTHODOX … · We know the Archangel Raphael, whose name means “God’s healer,” who is the healer of illnesses in mankind, and who is


Святкувати собор святих ангелів свята Церква сталазгідно переказу святих отців після того, як відкинуластародавнє нечестиве шанування ангелів, встановленеєретиками і ідолопоклонниками.

Ще в Старому Завіті, коли люди, відступивши від Бога,Творця свого, стали приносити жертви сонцю, місяцю, ізіркам, - вони стали поклонялися і приносити жертвитакож і ангелам. Про це так сказано в книзі Царств:"кадили Ваалу, сонцю і місяцю і сузір'ям, і всьомувоїнству небесному" (4 Цар. 32, 5).

Таке неправильне шанування ангелів було сильнопоширене за часів святих апостолів, оскільки були деякієретики, які учили звершувати поклоніння ангелам такеж, як Самому Богу.

Були і такі єретики, які проповідували, що ангели - творцівсього видимого і, як безтілесні, вищі і більш гіднішанування Самого Христа. Архангела ж Михаїланазивали богом євреїв.

Інші, що займалися чаклунством і зваблюванням людей,під ім'ям ангелів закликали бісів і служили їм, називаючиїх ангелами.

Коли ж таке неправильне шанування ангелів булоосуджене, то встановилося правильне шанування їх - якслужителів Божих і хранителів роду людського.

Згідно давньо-християнському церковному письменникуДіонісію Ареопагиту, учню апостола Павла, чинівангельських налічується дев'ять. Ці дев'ять чинівангельських розділяються на три ієрархії - кожної по тричини - вищу, середню і нижчу.

Вищі чини - серафими, херувими і престоли. У середнійієрархії знаходяться: господства, сили і власті. У нижчійієрархії також три чини: начала, архангели і ангели.

Хоча по своєму положенню і по даній від Бога благодатівсі чини мають різні найменування, проте мають вонизагальну назву - ангели.

Служіння ж їх різне і неоднакове, і кожен чин має своє

Page 5: Volume 5 Issue 230—2013 UKRAINIAN ORTHODOX … · We know the Archangel Raphael, whose name means “God’s healer,” who is the healer of illnesses in mankind, and who is


власне призначення, оскільки премудрий Творець не всімоднаковою мірою відкриває таємниці Свого наміру, алевід одних до інших, через вищих освічує нижчих,відкриваючи їм Свою волю, яку повеліває виконувати.

Над всіма вищеназваваними дев'ятьма небеснимичинами ангелів начальником і вождем поставленийБогом святий архістратиг Михаїл, як вірний служительБожий.

Таке об'єднання святих ангелів, на чолі з АрхангеломМихаїлом, одержало ім'я Собору ангельського, оскількивони разом і одноголосно славлять Отця, і Сина, і СвятогоДуха, - Святу Трійцю.

Page 6: Volume 5 Issue 230—2013 UKRAINIAN ORTHODOX … · We know the Archangel Raphael, whose name means “God’s healer,” who is the healer of illnesses in mankind, and who is



Вся наша спадщина у Христі

Якщо ти у полум’ї, Він – джерело охолоджуюче;

Якщо ти поневолений гріхами, Він – твоє визволення;

Якщо ти потребуєш допомоги, Він – твоя сила;

Якщо ти боїшся смерті, Він – Життя;

Якщо ти стремиш до неба, Він – Шлях;

Якщо ти втікаєш від темряви, Він – Світло;

Якщо ти потребуєш їжі, Він – Кормитель.

св. Амвросій Медіолянський

Page 7: Volume 5 Issue 230—2013 UKRAINIAN ORTHODOX … · We know the Archangel Raphael, whose name means “God’s healer,” who is the healer of illnesses in mankind, and who is



Увага:Якщо ви знаєте, що хтось із вірних нашої церковної родинизанедужав і перебуває на лікуванні в лікарні чи вдома, абопотребує необхідної пастирської опіки, ласкаво просимо Вас,повідомити про це отця Григорія, настоятеля.

Можна перед Літургією подати священику список осіб,які просять молитися за їх здоров’я або за видужання хворих.

ТОВАРИСЬКА ЗУСТРІЧ ПРИ КАВІЗапрошуємо усіх учасників по сьогоднішнімБогослуженні, перейти до катедральноїавдиторії на каву і перекуску тапоспілкуватися між собою.

СВЯТО ­ТРОЇЦЬКІ СЕНЬЙОРИВ середу 20­го листопада 2013 в годині 10­ий ранку


Усіх запрошується доучасти

Союз Українців Самостійників ­ ТУС

ММІСЯЧНІІСЯЧНІ ЗБОРИЗБОРИЧетвер 20­го листопада 2013р.

7­ій годині вечорав Митрополичій Катедрі Пресвятої Тройці

У приміщенні Борд рум

Нових членів запрошуємо

Page 8: Volume 5 Issue 230—2013 UKRAINIAN ORTHODOX … · We know the Archangel Raphael, whose name means “God’s healer,” who is the healer of illnesses in mankind, and who is




20­го листопада—середа. Велика Вечірня: 5:30 год. вечора

Сповідь після Вечірні.


СИЛ БЕЗПЛОТНИХ Сповідь: в 9:00 год. ранку. Божественна Літургія: 9:30 год. Ранку

23­го листопада—субота. Велика Вечірня: 5:00 год. вечора

Сповідь після Вечірні.

24­го листопада—неділя.22­га неділя після П’ятидесятниці

Сповідь: в 9:30 год. ранку. Часи: в 9:30 год. ранку. Божественна Літургія: 10:00 год. ранку

СЛУЖБА В СУБОТУ ВЕЧЕРІЦе є перша служба Воскресіння Христового. БожественнаЛітургія наступного дня вранці є другою службою. Неділяпочинається напередодні ввечері, як і в Біблії, “І був вечір, іранок: день перший”. Таким чином, Вечірня в суботу ввечеріне тільки для тих, хто готується прийняти Святе Причасття,але і для всіх віруючих також. Як православні християни мизнаємо, що радість святкування Воскресіння не повинназводитися просто до лише Божественної Літургії. Радше будедуже корисно для нас, якщо братимемо участь в обох цихслужбах, як праведники Старого і Нового Завіту це робили ­увечері і вранці.

Page 9: Volume 5 Issue 230—2013 UKRAINIAN ORTHODOX … · We know the Archangel Raphael, whose name means “God’s healer,” who is the healer of illnesses in mankind, and who is



The synaxis of the Holy ArchangelMichael and the other bodilesspowers, commemorated onNovember 21st (the 8th, oldstyle), is the major feast in honorof the holy angels, and wasalready celebrated in the 4thcentury as an established holiday.

According to tradition, Satan,formerly the brightest of all theheavenly spirits created by God,and usually called Lucifer orlightbearer, but who becamefilled with self-love, pride andevil, - fell from his archangelicpower and lured away a multitudeof other spirits. Then the

Archangel Michael, as God’s faithful servant, assembled the entireangelic host that had not been enticed by the ruinous example ofsatanic pride, and said: “Let us attend and stand aright before ourCreator, and let us bear no ill towards Him.” Appealing thus to theentire angelic host, he began to glorify the Most-holy, One-in-Essence, Indivisible Trinity – the One God, triumphantly singing:holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Sabaoth.

Such an assembly of holy angels is called a “synaxis of the angels,”and expresses attentiveness, like-mindedness, concord, unity. Thewords of the angels’ declaration – “Who is like God?” – mean MI-CHA-EL in ancient Hebrew, and have become the name of thegreatest of the angels who had remained on the side of good, - thecelestial warrior and the leader of the angelic host – the ArchangelMichael.

The Archangel Michael is mentioned several times in the HolyScriptures. Besides the Archangel Michael, the names of severalother archangels are known to us from the Scriptures.

We know the Archangel Gabriel, God’s messenger, whoannounced to the Holy Virgin Mary that She would give birth to theSaviour, and who also announced to Zacharias the birth of St. Johnthe Baptist.

Page 10: Volume 5 Issue 230—2013 UKRAINIAN ORTHODOX … · We know the Archangel Raphael, whose name means “God’s healer,” who is the healer of illnesses in mankind, and who is


We know the Archangel Raphael, whose name means “God’shealer,” who is the healer of illnesses in mankind, and who ismentioned in the Book of Tobias.

We also know the Archangel Uriel, whose name means “the fireor light of God,” and who has been referred to in the Book of Ezra.

We know the Archangel Salaphiel, “the one who prays to God”and who urges mankind to prayer, also mentioned in the Book ofEzra.

We know the Archangel Jegudiel, “the one who glorifies God”and who strengthens those that work for the glory of God.

We also know the Archangel Barachiel, “the blessing of God,”who intercedes before God to shower His blessings upon men.

Besides these seven archangels, mentioned in the Book of Tobias,we also know the name of the Archangel Jeremiel, whose namemeans “the exaltation of God,” who is mentioned by the ProphetEzra, even though his position in the Heavenly Hierarchy has notbeen revealed to us. The above-mentioned seven Archangels arethose of whom speaks the holy Archangel Raphael: “I am one of theseven holy angels who lift up the prayers of the saints and whoascend before the glory of the Holy God” (Tobias 12:15).

All these holy angelic ranks live one common life, helping oneanother in the sacred and joyous process of attaining greater andgreater knowledge of God, of becoming more and more like Him.The disciple of the great Apostle Paul, Saint Dionysius theAreopagite, to whom the Lord revealed the entire angelic world,writes about it thus: “The heavenly hierarchy is established in sucha way that the lesser spiritual beings receive enlightenment fromthe higher ones, and represent for each other a ladder of ascensionto supreme perfection.”

The higher hierarchy and the closest to the Holy Trinity iscomposed of the seraphim, cherubim and thrones. Closest toGod are the six-winged fiery seraphim. They are aflame with lovefor God and arouse in others the same fervent feeling. The veryname “seraphim” in Hebrew means “fiery, flaming.” After theseraphim come the many-eyed cherubim, who shine with theknowledge of God’s mysteries and the depth of His wisdom, andwho enlighten others with their knowledge. Through the cherubimcomes the wisdom and the enlightenment of spiritual eyes that isneeded for knowing God. The Lord Himself sits on the thrones andpasses His righteous judgment. By serving God’s justice, thethrones instill the sense of justice in earthly judges, and help earthly

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kings and lords be just in their rulings.

The middle hierarchy is composed of dominions, forces andpowers. Dominions give strength to God-appointed rulers onearth, to rule over their domains wisely and sensibly. Dominionsalso teach men to dominate their will and passions, to subjugateflesh to spirit and to rise above all temptations. Forces are filledwith God’s strength and carry out His will. They work great miraclesand instill the same grace of wonderworking and divination intosaints, giving them the power of healing and foreseeing the future.Forces also help men bear their burdens and give them strength toendure sorrows and misfortunes. Powers have power over the deviland are able to curtail the harm that demons do to people. Powersalso give strength to ascetics in their struggle against the forces ofevil.

The lower hierarchy and the closest to mankind is composed ofprincipalities, archangels and angels. Principalities rule overthe universe and are the guardians of all earthly kingdoms andpeoples. Thus, every kingdom and every people on earth has its ownguardian angel. Principalities also teach people to honor theirrulers, and rulers to use their power worthily, for the glory of Godand the good of their subjects. Archangels are the messengers ofgreat and glorious events, reveal prophecies and the will of God topeople, and also fortify them in their faith. Angels are the closest ofall to people, instruct them in virtue and righteousness, and guardall the faithful. In the sacrament of baptism, all the newly-baptizedreceive their own guardian angel, who protects them throughouttheir entire life on earth and helps them in crossing over to theother world.

The supreme commander of all the angels is the ArchangelMichael - loyal servant of God, conqueror of demons and protectorof Christians. Archangel Michael possesses an extraordinary andunparalleled spiritual strength. Before the creation of the physicalworld, when the most glorious angel became filled withoverweening pride, rebelled against God and incited one third of theheavenly host to follow him, Archangel Michael gathered theremaining angels and led them into battle against the insurgents,conquered them, threw down Satan and his evil spirits into hell,and then assembled all the faithful angels to sing a triumphanthymn of praise to God.

The constant struggle against evil continues to this day. TheScriptures tells us of the antiquity and violence of this war. We areconfronted daily by sin and temptation amid our surrounding

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environment and throughout all the towns and cities of the earth.Nor is this battle against evil confined to the earth, but ratherencompasses all of creation. The stern look of the iconographicportrayal of the angelic forces speaks of the seriousness of thisconfrontation.

We must distinguish between the supreme archangels or celestialwarriors, such as the Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and theother of the seven archangels, whom the Holy Scriptures oftensimply call angels, and the archangels and angels who form part ofthe lower heavenly hierarchy. The first ones, being among thehighest seraphim, are called angels or archangels in the same senseas in military terms even the highest generals are often simplycalled soldiers.

Although the establishment of thisholiday dates to the 4th century, theworship of the holy angels goes back tothe very beginning of Christianity, i.e. tothe 1st century A.D. The Church hasestablished the celebration of the feast ofthe holy Archangel Michael and all theother nine angelic ranks on November8th for the specific reason that the monthof November is the ninth monthaccording to the Paschalion, since theBiblical year began with March 1st, andthe Biblical year appeared to be the mostprecise, since the world began itsexistence in March. (In the Ukrainian

Church, up until 1343 A.D., the New Year came on March 1st). Thedate of the 8th has been chosen because all the time that has passedfrom the creation of the physical world is called the 7th day inchurch parlance, while the time of the angelic life that the righteouswill lead after the Last Judgment will be called the 8th day. For thisreason the number 8 has been regarded by the divinely-guidedestablishers of the holiday as being the most appropriate date forthe feast of the angelic host.

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PPARISHARISH AANNOUNCEMENTSNNOUNCEMENTSCOFFEE HOURFollowing the Divine Liturgy we inviteeveryone to come and participate in ourCOFFEE HOUR and FELLOWSHIP inthe Cathedral Auditorium.


Understanding the Orthodox Faith

Monday, November 18

7:00 PM

at Holy Trinity Cathedral Auditorium.

The topic for the this 3rd session is

The Divine Liturgy:

Part 2—the Liturgy of the WordPlease join us for this study series and bring a friend. The series willintroduce the Orthodox faith through presentations, readings,video presentations, and discussions. For more information, pleasecontact Father Gregory @ 204-415-3166.


Wednesday, November 20, 2013at 10:00 a.m.


Most Wednesdays will include power walking, exercising, singing,and discussion with our priest. We will also have some bingo,videos, card games, and of course, lunch will be served every time.We invite everyone to attend and enjoy the fellowship!

Page 14: Volume 5 Issue 230—2013 UKRAINIAN ORTHODOX … · We know the Archangel Raphael, whose name means “God’s healer,” who is the healer of illnesses in mankind, and who is


Through service, we give others the things they lack,and we find meaning and fulfillment to our own

lives.The Helping Hands group is hosting a

Luncheon mealat the

Immaculate Conception Parish soup kitchenImmaculate Conception Parish soup kitchenImmaculate Conception Parish soup kitchen181 Austin St N, (off of Euclid)

Sunday, December 8, 2013We will be providing food and services to this very worthycause. We require kitchen, serving and cleanup assistance.

Everyone is encouraged to participate.Please contact:

Deanne Wasylyshen (204-339-1397 or [email protected] ).

Ukrainian Self-Reliance Association—TYC

MMONTHLYONTHLY MMEETINGEETINGMetropolitan Cathedral of the Holy Trinity

Executive Board Room

Thursday, November 21, 2013, 7:00 p.m.

New members welcome

Page 15: Volume 5 Issue 230—2013 UKRAINIAN ORTHODOX … · We know the Archangel Raphael, whose name means “God’s healer,” who is the healer of illnesses in mankind, and who is



FOUNDATIONIn conjunction with the


University of Manitoba Campus,29 Dysart Road, Winnipeg, MB R3T 2M7

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2013 AT 12:30 P.M.



Walter Saranchuk, President Joanne Rak, Secretary


Відбудуться під час


В КОЛЕҐІЇ СВ. АНДРЕЯКампус Університету Манітоби

29 Dysart Road, Winnipeg, MB R3T 2M7





Володимир Саранчук, президент Джоанна Рак, секретарка

Page 16: Volume 5 Issue 230—2013 UKRAINIAN ORTHODOX … · We know the Archangel Raphael, whose name means “God’s healer,” who is the healer of illnesses in mankind, and who is




November 20—Wednesday. Great Vespers: 5:30 p.m.

Sacrament of Confession following service

November 21—Thursday.Synaxis of the Archangel Michael and the other

Bodiless Powers Confession: 9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy: 9:30 a.m.

November 23—Saturday Great Vespers: 5:00 p.m.

Sacrament of Confession following service

November 24—Sunday22nd Sunday after Pentecost

Confession: 9:30 a.m. Hours: 9:30 a.m. Divine Liturgy: 10:00 a.m.

Please notify the Fr. Gregory of all sick and hospitalizedparishioners. This is the duty of the family. Do not count on yourfriends and neighbours to pass the word around. Also, let theclergy know when your family members have been dischargedfrom the hospital or moved to a nursing home.

OUT REACH COMMITTEEIn this period before the Christmas season, the Out ReachCommittee is appealing to the membership for donationstowards the flower fund. These flowers will be delivered toour shut-ins and infirmed members of our parish family.Please respond generously to this request, bring a light of joyto our fellow brothers and sisters in the season.

Page 17: Volume 5 Issue 230—2013 UKRAINIAN ORTHODOX … · We know the Archangel Raphael, whose name means “God’s healer,” who is the healer of illnesses in mankind, and who is



O Master Who loves mankind, illuminate our hearts with the pure lightof Your divine knowledge and open the eyes of our mind to

understand the teachings of Your Gospel. Instill in us also the fear of Yourblessed commandments, that we may overcome all carnal desires, entering


Monday: Colossians 2:13-20 Luke 12:13-15, 22-31

Tuesday: Colossians 2:20-3:3 Luke 12:42-48

Wednesday: Colossians 3:17-4:1 Luke 12:48-49

Thursday: Colossians 4:2-9 Luke 13:1-9

Friday: Colossians 4:10-18 Luke 13:31-35

Saturday: II Corinthians 5:1-10 Luke 9:37-43

Sunday: Galatians 6:11-18 Luke 16:19-31

Let us do our best to read these appointed passages at

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The night is far gone, the day is near. Let us then lay asidethe works of darkness and put on the armor of light; let us

live honourably as in the day.ROMANS 13:12-13

A BBA PHILAGRIUS lived in Jerusalem and with muchlabour managed to earn enough to eat. When he was

selling his crafts in the market place, someone accidentallydropped a bag of coins near him. Philagrius found it andthought, “The one who lost this will soon return looking forit.”

It wasn’t long before the distressed man came back.Philagrius took him aside and returned his coin pouch. Therelieved owner offered to give him some of the money as areward, but the hermit refused to accept anything. The ownerbegan to shout, “Come see what this man of God is like!”Philagrius slipped quietly away and left town before anyonecould praise him for what he had done.

Let us live honourably as in the day.

By Way Of The Desert

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CHURCH SERVERS AND THEIR VESTMENTS.In the Orthodox Church there are three“Major Orders” — Bishop, Priest andDeacon — and two “Minor Orders” —Subdeacon and Reader. All of thesehave specific functions in the Churchand all have distinctive vestmentsrelative to these functions. [For afurther study of these Holy Orders,please see the section of this bookentitled The Sacraments.]


The universal garment worn by allclasses of ordained persons is theStikharion (or Dalmatic), a longgarment with sleeves, reaching to theground. Except for a short garmentbarely covering the shoulders when heis set apart by the Bishop (Reader'sPhelonion — symbol iz ing hisdedication to the service of God), theReader's basic ecclesiastical garment isthe Stikharion. This garment (forReaders, Sub-Deacons and Deacons —with wide sleeves; Priests and Bishops— with narrow sleeves) is called “the

robe of salvation and the garment of joy,” symbolizing a pure andpeaceful conscience, a spotless life, and the spiritual joy in the Lordwhich flows in him who wears it.


In addition to the Stikharion, a Sub-Deacon wears, crossedupon the breast and back, a long, wide band of material, called anOrarion (or stole), typifying the wings of angels who serve at the


Compiled and Edited by A Monk of St. Tikhon's Monastery, PA.

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Throne of God, just as do the Sub-Deacons, Deacons, Priests andBishops. Sometimes the words, Holy, Holy, Holy are embroideredupon the Orarion.


Whereas the Sub-Deacon always wears his Orarion crossed,the Deacon, for the most part, wears his on his left shoulder, onlycrossing them at the time of the Communion of the clergy and thefaithful. The Orarion is the Deacon's principal vestment, withoutwhich he cannot serve at any service whatever. In ancient timesDeacons used to wipe the lips of communicants after they hadpartaken of the Holy Gifts.

In addition to the Orarion, the Deacon also wears the Cuffs(as do the Priests and Bishops) for convenience during services andalso to remind him that he must not put his trust in his ownstrength alone, but in the right hand of the Almighty God.


In addition to the Stikharion (called a Cassock (orPidriznik), in this case) with narrow sleeves, the Epitrachelion(what is worn around the neck — an Orarion worn around the neckso that both ends hang down the front, being buttoned or sewntogether for convenience), and the Cuffs (which for the Priest alsosymbolizes the bonds with which Christ's hands were bound), thePriest also wears a Belt (Zone) around his Cassock andEpitrachelion, for convenience in serving at the Altar. It symbolizesthat the Celebrant must place his hope, not in his own strength, butin the help of God.

If so awarded, the Priest may also wear the Nabedrennikand the Palitsa (thighshields), which are worn at the hip and areeither rectangular (Nabedrennik — or Epigonation) or lozenge-shaped (Palitsa). The Nabedrennik is worn on the right hip, but ifthe Palitsa is awarded, it is worn on the right hip, and theNabedrennik on the left. These symbolize the “sword of the Spirit,”which is the Word of God.

Over the Cassock and Epitrachelion, the Priest wears a longgarment, sleeveless, with a hole for the head, called a Phelonion(Chasuble). [In the Ukrainian tradition, the Phelonion is shorter inthe front than in the back, with the back part extending up behindthe neck.] This signifies that the Priests are invested with truth, andare ministers of the truth.

As tokens of honor, a Priest also may be awarded a pointed

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hat (the Skufia) or a tall flat-brimmed hat (the Kamilavka), such asMonks wear, except that they are of purple color. [If the Priest be aMonk, he wears the Kamilavka with the veil — the Klobuk.] Inaddition, at ordination to the Priesthood, the Priest is given aPectoral Cross, symbolizing that he must confess the Cross of Christbefore all men as a Preacher of the faith. As further distinctions ofhonor, a Priest may also be awarded a Gold Cross or a Jeweled one.A Priest may also be awarded the right to wear a Mitre (a headpiecedecorated with precious stones and Icons, similar to that worn bythe Bishop).


The Bishop wears all the vestments of the Priest, except thePhelonion and the Nabedrennik. Originally the Phelonion was partof the Bishop's vestments, but in Byzantine Imperial times, this wasreplaced by a garment, similar to the Deacon's Stikharion, called aSaccos (sackcloth garment), symbolizing that the Bishop must riseto holiness of life, wearing this “garment of humility.” As Christ'srobe was without seam, so too, the Bishop (as an Icon of Christ)wears the Saccos, either sewn or buttoned at the sides.

Draped over the Saccos, the Bishop wears a wide Orarion,called the Omophorion (shoulder-covering), which, in ancienttimes, was made of sheepskin. This hangs down in front and back,and symbolizes the wandering sheep which Christ took upon Hisshoulders as the Good Shepherd, which the Bishop also must be. Atother moments of the Divine services, the Bishop may wear ashorter Omophorion (with both ends hanging down the front),usually called the Small Omophorion.

Upon his head, the Bishop wears a richly embroideredheadgear, called a Mitre (headband), dating from Byzantine timesand now symbolizing, as does a crown, the power bestowed upon aminister of the Church. [The Mitre is sometimes awarded toArchimandrites, Abbots, and certain Archpriests.]

Upon his breast, in addition to the Pectoral Cross, theBishop also wears a small, circular Icon of the Savior or of theMother of God, called the Panagia (All-Holy), reminding him thathe must always bear in his heart Our Lord and His Holy Mother,and thus his own heart must be pure, and his spirit upright.

As a symbol of his pastoral service, the Bishop bears a Staff(Crozier), as a reminder of the Shepherd's Crook and that he is ashepherd of Christ's flock. The Episcopal Staff has a double crook atthe top, and above that a Cross. [Sometimes this double crook is in

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the shape of serpent's heads, symbolizing the brazen serpent liftedup by Moses in the Wilderness, which symbolizes Christ lifted up onthe Cross, and whose Icon the Bishop is.] The Staff is also given tosome Archimandrites and Abbots as a token of their spiritualauthority over the monastery which they rule.

In addition, at certain times the Bishop wears a monasticgarment, the Mantiya, which covers his whole body except his head.Its flowing lines symbolize the wings of angels, for which reason it isoften called “the angelic vestment.” It has no sleeves (nor do anymonastic Mantiyas), symbolizing for all Monks (of whom theBishop is one) that the fleshly members are dead to the world.Unlike the typical monastic Mantiya, however, which is black, thatof the Bishop is some other color, usually red (blue in the case ofUkrainian Metropolitans) and upon it are sewn the Tables of theLaw (square patches at the neck and feet), typifying the Old andNew Covenants from which the ministers of God receive theirdoctrines. In addition, strips of cloth (called fountains) are sewnhorizontally around the Mantiya, representing the streams ofteachings which flow from the Bishop's mouth.

During Divine services, the Bishop stands on a small roundor oval rug, upon which is represented an eagle hovering over a city.The view of the city symbolizes his rule over a city and the eagle (forwhich reason this rug is called an Orlets (eaglet)) reminds theBishop that by his teaching and life he must rise above his flock andbe to them an example of one aspiring to the things of heaven.

At various times during the Divine services, the Bishop blesses thefaithful with two candlesticks — one with two candles (dikiri) andthe other with three (trikiri). The one symbolizes the two natures ofChrist, while the other symbolizes the three Persons of the HolyTrinity.

Continued in the next issue

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MAKING ROOM FOR GODFr. Andrew J. Barakos

There is a story of a high school senior who upon graduatinghis father takes him to a car dealership to select a gift. Theyfound a car and the father said that he would take care of therest. Graduation came and the young man's father said,'Congratulations for finishing with honors, I want you to havethis.' And he handed him a Bible. His sonwas furious! 'How dare you go back onyour word and not give me the car!' Theboy said, as he threw the Bible down andleft. The boy went away to college andnever had anything to do with his fatherfor the rest of his life.

Many years later, news came to the young man that his fatherhad died. He went back to his father's house in order to takecare of the estate. In the library he ran across the bible thathis father had given him. He went over and picked it up andopened it. There to his amazement was a check for the exactamount of the car along with a note. It read, "Dear Son, asimportant as a car might be to you, I didn't want you to forgetthe most important thing in life. The day you care enough toopen this Bible then you will know."

God does the same thing with us. Every time we think that weknow what is most important, He takes it away and remindsus of higher things. September first marks the beginning ofthe Church year in the Orthodox Church. The message ringsload and clear what is most important as the Church bringsbefore us the Feast of the Cross of September 27th. The Crossis our companion and foundation as Christians. It instructs usthat if are to followers of Christ we must 'deny ourselves, takeup our Cross and follow Him'. Taking up one's Cross meansthat of our free choice we live lives which exhibit a denial ofthis world as an end in itself - we live for God's Kingdom!

Maybe we need to rethink what is most important onSaturday evenings. Instead of dinner and a movie, why notattend Great Vespers at 5:00 P.M.? One might discover that

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forty-five minutes spent in Church is far more satisfying thanspending a lot of money for a movie that one forgets momentslater. By the way, I wonder what it means when we spend tendollars to see a bad movie and only one dollar when the trayis passed at Church?

Maybe we need to rethink how we spend our week. One mightdiscover that one hour spent at the studies in Orthodox Classis far more satisfying then the one hour television programthat evening. Interacting with fellow Christians, asking longkept questions and sharing from our life experiences issomething which rarely takes place today.

Maybe we need to rethink how we spend our mornings. Onemight discover that a half hour spent in prayer and readingthe Bible is far more satisfying than a morning walk or a strollat the Mall. By communing with God through prayer and thereading of Holy Scriptures, we discover our true nature asbeing spiritual and that if it is not watered it will wilt anvanish away.

Whatever we may think God has taken away from us itpresents an opportunity for us to discover a hidden treasure.God knows what we truly need and provides for us if only weare able to rethink a few things.

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KEEPING CHRIST IN MIND BETWEEN SUNDAYSWritten by the Very Rev. Vladimir Berzonsky

“When you come out of church do not begin to be distracted towardvain and useless matters, lest the devil come and find you occupiedwith them. It is as when a crow finds a grain of wheat on the plainbefore it has been covered up with earth and picks it up and flies off.So the devil removes the memory of the words of the catechesisfrom your hearts” (St. Simeon the New Theologian, The Dis-courses, Ch. XXX, 1)

There are many ways to state the same problem: How does one re-tain the peace, joy, inspiration and faith accrued within the mind

and soul? What can be done to holdonto those glorious gifts of gracefrom the time I drive from thechurch's parking lot until the nexttime I enter? Like the song of EltonJohn for Lady Diana's funeral,"Candle in the Wind," many of ushardly make it home without surren-dering our spiritual selves to somepassing motorist or the checkoutclerk in the supermarket. We blowup when cut off on the road or whentreated discourteously.

One must work at self control. In aculture that encourages us to "let itall hang out," whatever that implies,

or to "be in touch with your inner self," the implication is that weshould feel free to express our emotions and disregard the effect ithas on others. We are a self-indulgent people and rarely excuse our-selves for bad behavior. This is in opposition to the person we mustbecome if we dare call ourselves Christian. Read slowly the Sermonon the Mount chapters 5-7 in the St. Matthew gospel to find what itis our Lord expects from us.

We are capable of continuing the uplifting emotions that chargedour spiritual batteries while in church. You may say that you areeasily distracted and that may well be; however, it shows that youhave to take control of your thought patterns. St. Maximus the Con-fessor wrote that we are like riders on horses. We are the rider. Wehave a mind, a memory, and a plan for where we wish to go. Thehorse is like the irrational passions that want to control us, set theroute or have no route, and act in an arbitrary fashion. Who is in

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A third element in connecting the spiritual high one feels when inchurch from one church service to another is to pray continually.Much has been written about this controversial and even frustrat-ing demand from St. Paul [I Thessalonians 5:17]. Some even try toexplain the order away, such as saying that work is prayer. But St.Paul meant it literally. It is possible and worthwhile to develop aconstant consciousness of the Holy Trinity. When the Bible andchurch fathers ask that we have a fear of God, they mean that by theawareness of God's omnipresence we are cautious, even fearful, ofacting or speaking in ways that offend His presence.

We all know that prayer takes several forms. We soon memorizecertain psalms and those prayers we say mornings and evenings.And it's always proper to begin with them. We may go on to lift uppersonal prayers for our immediate needs: For the ill, the needy,those in some circumstance that calls for our concern, and we moveon to contemplation, enjoying the feeling that overwhelms us afterwe pray or even without verbal prayers, when we imbibe the graceof the Holy Spirit like warm water flowing through our souls.

What happens when we lose those exquisite feelings of being in theLord's presence? It happens when we say mean, vulgar, silly wordsto others or even to ourselves. Or when we stew in some real orimagined feeling of anger, dejection, rejection or grief. That is whenit takes both courage and grace to be humble enough to realize thatwe are alienated from the loving Lord, to beg forgiveness, and toreconnect with the energy of the Holy Spirit "present everywhereand filling all things" and to fill us again with Himself.


It is necessary for every Christian to spend time in the holychurch of God, and never to miss the celebration of the DivineLiturgy – for here, the holy angels have custody – they regis-ter the people going in each time and offer their angelic inter-cessions on their behalf. Each person who is found present atthe Divine Liturgy, the grace of the Holy Spirit transforms,remolds, and truly remodels into a more divine image, con-forming to Himself.

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Monday, November 18—Orthodoxy 101—7 pmThe Divine Liturgy" - Part 2 - The Liturgy of the Word andLiturgy of the Faithful

Friday, November 29- Perogies - "All you can Eat"11:30 Am - 2:00 PM—Please place your orders early


Visit our Cathedral website at htuomc.org. The site will provide news,information and event updates.







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Ukrainian Orthodox Metropolitan Cathedral of theHoly Trinity

1175 Main Street Winnipeg, ManitobaCathedral Office: 582-8946 Auditorium:582-7345 Fax: 582-4659

Web page: htuomc.org

His Eminence Metropolitan YURIJArchbishop of Winnipeg and the Central Eparchy,

Metropolitan of All Canada

Rt. Rev. Mitred Archpriest Fr. Gregory Mielnik,Dean

Office: 582-8946 Residence: 415-3166E-mail: [email protected]

ATTACHED CLERGY:Rt. Rev. Protopresbyter Victor Lakusta –Chancellor UOCCRev. Fr. Deacon Robert HladiukRt. Rev. Protopresbyter Wolodymyr Sluzar –Priest Emeritus

Holy Trinity Office Hours are:Monday: 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM /Secretary/Fr. Gregory: by appointment


CATHEDRAL PARISH COUNCILDr. Gregory Palaschuk—President

Res: 338-5301 Bus: 582-8946

BROTHERHOODTaras Monastyrski

Res: 661-1125 Bus: 582-8946


Res: 586-3672 Bus: 582-8946

CHURCH /SUNDAY/ SCHOOLDobr. Brenda Mielnik

Res: 415-3166 Bus: 582-8946


Res.: 667-5720 Bus: 582-8946


Res: 269-5322 Bus: 582-8946


Res: 661-1125 Bus: 582-8946


Margaret PestrakRes:334-5267 Bus: 582-1018


Michelle Kowalchuk Res: 663-2994

U. S. R.L. —TYC WINNIPEG BRANCHMaurice Bugera—President

Res: 694-9639 Bus: 582-8946


Res:253-0013 Bus: 582-1018


Evhen UzwyshynRes:668-2824 Bus: 582-89 46

Holy Orthodoxy is the direct continuation of the Church of Jesus Christ and HisApostles, the Church of the Bible, the Church of the Creeds, the Church of the

Fathers and the Church of the seven Ecumenical Councils.