volume 42 issue 4

Francis Howell High School 7001 S. Hwy 94 St. Charles, MO 63304 Vol. 42, Issue 4 April 17, 2013 www.fhhstoday.com @FHHSTODAY Friend us on Facebook In Brief New schedules: Block scheduling during EOC testing will now last for three weeks instead of two. Volleyball undefeated: As of April 5 press time, the varsity boys volleyball team continued its champion reign as they progress through conference undefeated and as the number one seat Cookies and treats: FCCLA and DECA sell Otis Spunkmeyer cookies to rasie money for DECA Nationals in California. Upcoming Events April 25-27 Spring Play 7 p.m. Auditorium April 29 Viking Way Celebration Howell Time May 2 Jazz concert 7 p.m. Auditorium May 3 Senior breakfast/ graduation practice Prom St. Charles Convention Center May 9 Sophomore Ring breakfast Commons Singers’ Choice Concert 7 p.m. auditorium May 15 Senior Awards 7 p.m Auditorium May 22 Senior issue of newspaper arrives during Howell Time page 4 page 7 page 8 spotlight C is for cookie Cookie sales bring in cash From inter-club relations to international relations, DECA and FCCLA have brought back the Otis Spunkmeyer cookies that haven’t been sold in the building since 2003. “DECA and FCCLA teamed up to sell the cookies. FCCLA does the cooking and preparation and the DECA students take care of the marketing and sales,” senior Nick Norton said. “We’re selling the cookies as a fund raiser for the DECA international competition in California. Since it’s a week long it is kind of expensive and the school doesn’t cover all the cost,” senior Trevor O’Connor said. Getting started early in the morning, Norton and senior Grace Poel take turns preparing the cookies. “Nick and I are the managers of FCCLA and we each take turns baking and bagging the cookies in the morning and preparing them for DECA to come down and get them for sales that morning,” Poel said. e nutrition information reveals the cookies contain 51 percent whole grain, 30 percent less calories from fat, and less than 10 percent calories from saturated fat. ey have less total sugar and use no high-fructose corn syrup, or partially hydrogenated oils, and they are prepackaged and ready to bake. With all of these changes to the recipe, the cookies meet school and government standards for a healthy option for consumption. Before DECA stopped cookie sales in 2003, long lines formed and people waited to purchase cookies. en Federal guidelines meant DECA couldn’t sell a product high in fat. Otis Spunkmeyer’s new recipes allowed for sales to restart. “e cookie sales make DECA and FCCLA members come together and work as a team,” Poel said. Cookies sales brought in over a $70 profit by April 2.“If there is any money leſt over aſter nationals, DECA will put it into a general fund and use it here at the school,” O’Connor said. District officials focus on declining lunch purchases School lunch purchases are on the decline, and district officials want to understand why, and they want to figure out what improvements can be made. For some, buying a lunch is simply an inconvenience. “Bringing my lunch is a great way to save time,” sophomore Ashley Nickolaison said. “I am a vegetarian, so I need to bring foods that will give me energy for sports and a busy schedule.” Others do not want to bring lunch, but feel the cafeteria food is not up to par. “I get school lunches, because I do not have time in the morning to pack anything, because I am always running late,” sophomore Kirsten Brugere said. “I usually buy and throw most of my lunch away because it tastes bad,” junior Austin Gragg said. e district food service company, Sodexo has made changes to the menu in order to improve the quality and nutrition of the food. Also, district representatives have talked to clubs such as Student Council and Principal Advisory Council in order to try and obtain reasons for this decline. According to Kitchen Manager Debbie Nelson, the cafe no longer serves any fried foods. ey are doing more fruits and vegetables. e cafeteria service serves more whole grain items and healthier choices, and almost all of the food is made from scratch. Also, the district has implemented the use of a ‘Harvest Basket’ outside cafeteria lines, where students can place fruit they did not want, but had to purchase due to government regulations. “We do not resell the fruit. We gather it in a box and we take it to the food pantry at St. Joachim and Ann Church,” Nelson said. To improve the food, secret shoppers began to review food April 8. Secret shoppers are chosen students who purchase school food and score it. ey provide these scores and make suggestions for improvement to district officials. “ey asked me and a few others to taste test the food so I can give input on how to provide the best menu that others will enjoy,” senior Marleigh Anderson said. At this point last year, the cafeteria had sold 700 more trays of food. is year’s decrease represents a loss of revenue for the district, which is why officials are so concerned. “Some improvements that could be made are to speed up the lunch line, and to make better food,” Gragg said. Larry Guessfeld: coeditor in chief Kayla Calandro: staff writer Photo illustration by Kayla Schweikhard Photo illustration by Kayla Schweikhard

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Issue 4 of Spotlight


Page 1: Volume 42 Issue 4

Francis Howell High School 7001 S. Hwy 94St. Charles, MO 63304

Vol. 42, Issue 4April 17, 2013

www.fhhstoday.com@FHHSTODAYFriend us on Facebook

In BriefNew schedules:Block scheduling during EOC testing will now last for three weeks instead of two.

Volleyball undefeated:As of April 5 press time, the varsity boys volleyball team continued its champion reign as they progress through conference undefeated and as the number one seat

Cookies and treats: FCCLA and DECA sell Otis Spunkmeyer cookies to rasie money for DECA Nationals in California.

Upcoming Events

April 25-27Spring Play 7 p.m.Auditorium

April 29Viking Way CelebrationHowell Time

May 2Jazz concert 7 p.m.Auditorium

May 3Senior breakfast/graduation practice

PromSt. Charles Convention Center

May 9Sophomore Ring breakfastCommons

Singers’ Choice Concert7 p.m. auditorium

May 15 Senior Awards 7 p.mAuditorium

May 22Senior issue of newspaper arrives during HowellTime

page 4 page 7 page 8


Cis for cookie

Cookie sales bring in cashFrom inter-club relations to international

relations, DECA and FCCLA have brought back the Otis Spunkmeyer cookies that haven’t been sold in the building since 2003.

“DECA and FCCLA teamed up to sell the cookies. FCCLA does the cooking and preparation and the DECA students take care of the marketing and sales,” senior Nick Norton said.

“We’re selling the cookies as a fund raiser for the DECA international competition in California. Since it’s a week long it is kind of expensive and the school doesn’t cover all the cost,” senior Trevor O’Connor said.

Getting started early in the morning, Norton and senior Grace Poel take turns preparing the cookies.

“Nick and I are the managers of FCCLA and we each take turns baking and bagging the cookies in the morning and preparing them for DECA to come down and get them for sales that morning,” Poel said.

The nutrition information reveals the cookies contain 51 percent whole grain,

30 percent less calories from fat, and less than 10 percent calories from saturated fat. They have less total sugar and use no high-fructose corn syrup, or partially hydrogenated oils, and they are prepackaged and ready to bake.

With all of these changes to the recipe, the cookies meet school and government standards for a healthy option for consumption.

Before DECA stopped cookie sales in 2003, long lines formed and people waited to purchase cookies. Then Federal guidelines meant DECA couldn’t sell a product high in fat. Otis Spunkmeyer’s new recipes allowed for sales to restart.

“The cookie sales make DECA and FCCLA members come together and work as a team,” Poel said.

Cookies sales brought in over a $70 profit by April 2.“If there is any money left over after nationals, DECA will put it into a general fund and use it here at the school,” O’Connor said.

District officials focus on declining lunch purchases

School lunch purchases are on the decline, and district officials want to understand why, and they want to figure out what improvements can be made.

For some, buying a lunch is simply an inconvenience.“Bringing my lunch is a great way to save time,”

sophomore Ashley Nickolaison said. “I am a vegetarian, so I need to bring foods that will give me energy for sports and a busy schedule.”

Others do not want to bring lunch, but feel the cafeteria food is not up to par.

“I get school lunches, because I do not have time in the morning to pack anything, because I am always running late,” sophomore Kirsten Brugere said.

“I usually buy and throw most of my lunch away because it tastes bad,” junior Austin Gragg said.

The district food service company, Sodexo has made changes to the menu in order to improve the quality and nutrition of the food. Also, district representatives have talked to clubs such as Student Council and Principal Advisory Council in order to try and obtain reasons for this decline.

According to Kitchen Manager Debbie Nelson, the cafe no longer serves any fried foods. They are doing more fruits and vegetables. The cafeteria service serves more whole grain items and healthier choices, and almost all of the food is made from scratch.

Also, the district has implemented the use of a ‘Harvest Basket’ outside cafeteria lines, where students can place fruit they did not want, but had to purchase due to government regulations.

“We do not resell the fruit. We gather it in a box

and we take it to the food pantry at St. Joachim and Ann Church,” Nelson said.

To improve the food, secret shoppers began to review food April 8. Secret shoppers are chosen students who purchase school food and score it. They provide these scores and make suggestions for improvement to district officials.

“They asked me and a few others to taste test the food so I can give input on how to provide the best menu that others will enjoy,” senior Marleigh Anderson said.

At this point last year, the cafeteria had sold 700 more trays of food. This year’s decrease represents a loss of revenue for the district, which is why officials are so concerned.

“Some improvements that could be made are to speed up the lunch line, and to make better food,” Gragg said.

Larry Guessfeld: coeditor in chief

Kayla Calandro: staff writer


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Photo illustration by Kayla Schweikhard

Page 2: Volume 42 Issue 4





and [a quick Howell about the good and bad]

Misses Perfect SoundJustin Timberlake came out with his new album, The 20-20 Experience. It got many positive reviews and is still number one on i-Tunes.

Lucky 10DECA is taking 10 people to the international competition in Anaheim, California. The competition occurs April 24-27.

Setting the StandardsNational Honor Society broke a Howell record of having 109 inductees for the 2013-2014 school year.

Winners Take AllThe Spaniards won the annual world language volleyball tournament.

Testing TimeEOC testing will continue through May 3. Mondays and Wednesdays are hours 2-6 and Tuesdays and Thursdays are hours 1,3,5, and 7. Fridays are normal. Ugh.

Backed UpAs spring sports go into full action, more students have parking passes. This resulted in a long line of morning traffic.

Adding UpBecause of the snow days earlier in the year, school will be in session until May 28.

Rushed Beauty Prom is on a Friday which leaves little time for juniors to prepare.

Francis Howell High Schoolhttp://www.fhhstoday.comVol. 42, Issue 4April 17, 2013 2

I bring my lunch because school lunches make me sick.

I am a vegetarian and there aren’t many choices for me.

–senior Alex Helbig

the How do you feel

about the school lunches?

Face in theCrowd

–sophomore Emmy Robertson

It’s overpriced and I save a lot of money buy bringing my lunch.

–junior Haley Crosby

They look disgusting and do not look appealing at all.

–sophomore Brendan Pinz

Purpose“Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press...”

––The First Amendment The Francis Howell Spotlight

is the official student newspaper at Francis Howell High School. The Spotlight began as a Francis Howell publication in 1971. The Spotlight believes it is essential to preserve the freedom of the press in order to preserve a free society and its purpose is to inform, interpret, and entertain through accurate and factual reports.

Therefore, this school newspaper will serve the best interest of the students of Francis Howell and keep itself free from any other obligation; the staff of the school newspaper will accept guidance from its adviser, but will make its own editorial decision; only the editorial board may veto any material intended for publication, judged to be in violation of the FHHS Publications media editorial policy; and this school newspaper will vigorously resist all attempts at censorship, particularly prepublication censorship; the school newspaper will serve as an educational laboratory experience for those on staff.; the school newspaper will run as a designated public forum; the goal of the school newspaper is to cover the total school population as effectively and the staff will strive to be impartial and responsible in its coverage of issues. The full media policy is available at fhhstoday.com.

AdvertisingAll ads must be approved. Ad rate schedules and policies are available by calling 636-851-4820 or going to www.fhhstoday.com


Letter PoliciesAll letters to the editor should be sent to Mrs. Dunaway in room D118 or emailed to spotlight [email protected]. Letters will be printed on the editorial page. All letters must be signed, be under 400 words, and contain appropriate material. Material will not be printed if content is obscene, or if it invades others’ privacy, or if it encourages physical disruption of school activities and/or if it implies libel. The editorial board has the right to have letters edited for length, grammar, punctuation, clarity, etc. The school newspaper will only publish one letter per author per issue and all letters become the property of the school newspaper upon receipt and will not be returned.

FHHS PublicationsStaff Members

We are one converged staff, with a publication class hour, who publish the Spotlight newspaper, FHHSToday.com, the Viking Report broadcast, and the 320-page Howelltonian yearbook.

Larry Guessfeld, social media and co-editor in chief; Gaby Keim, co-editor in chief; Shelby Steingraeber, web editor; Katie Roberts, photo editor. Staff writers: Olivia Beilman, Emily Aiken, Lauren Bethmann, Kayla Calandro, Megan Golliver, Monica Khatri, Alex Martin, Sonya Naemi, Kayla Schweikard. Michele Dunaway, MJE, adviser.

In My Opinion

Lauren Bethmann: staff artist


Tastier food might stop lunch sales declineWhat a waste–

Internet safety remains concern

It all started in 2010. Three years later, Howell is still affected, and on a grand scale.

First Lady Michelle Obama’s 2010 legislation, known as the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act (HHFK) went into effect, implementing new policies for public school cafeterias. Additional USDA law changes quickly followed, aiming for healthier school lunches.

But, the product isn’t the only thing that has changed; the customer turnout has as well. Currently, Sodexo (the school’s food service) sells approximately 700 lunches fewer than last year. Numerous contradictions lie within the cafeteria walls, and are driving students away.

For one, the current lunch plates have become ideal examples of shape shifting, bending the

rules in order to meet standards. French fries, typically labeled as an “unhealthy” food by society, are labeled as a vegetable side in a Sodexo lunch line. Why? Because they consist of potatoes. Baked, oily portions of potatoes, but potatoes nonetheless. An 8oz Dole juice, sold in the cafeteria, is equivalent to 120-130 calories, trailing just slightly a 170 calorie 12 oz. can of Mountain Dew. In order to receive the cheapest lunch price option ($2.05) students are required to have a minimum of two sides and a milk, otherwise they are charged “ala cart.” In other words, in order to pay less, customers must eat more. It’s a give and take cycle.

Simply step outside the cafeteria line, and one can find numerous “diet” vending options, from diet sodas to iced teas, laden with the artificial sweetener Aspartame. This controversial ingredient has been

subject to numerous studies that show it could potentially be linked to cancer. The Parent Club sells full calorie, “Miss Vickies” chips and treats such as Laffy Taffy.

So, who’s to blame for the not-so-satisfactory lunches? Unfortunately, the answer is not simple. Certainly it’s not the polite cafeteria employees fault; after all, they simply make what they can, with the ingredients they’ve got, and they always have a smile on their faces. So don’t think they don’t know about the issue or that kids mistakenly blame them. However, does the blame go to the food company, the government, the high school? Does the blame go to the parents sending their teens with lunch money, or to the teens spending the lunch money? Does the blame go to a society that believes diet soda is healthy?

While the instigator remains

debatable, one thing remains clear: healthy food costs more. While a McDonald’s hamburger is less than $2, lean, organic ground beef from Whole Foods can cost double the price, or more. In an effort to comply with federal standards, cafeterias like Howell’s are making changes. Unfortunately, the quality has been lost in an effort to meet the nutritional guidelines. The new menu options aren’t desired or considered edible. Taking steps to survey students is the right approach, but Sodexo also needs to explore healthier options in a practical matter, and work to create flavorful lunches that comply with USDA laws. It may cost a bit more, but as the lunch sales numbers can attest, students are willing to pursue other options until changes are made.

In a world of instant gratification and having the Internet, privacy as we know it has been erased. With social media sites tracking our every move, privacy is a fallacy.

Websites like Peoplesmart.com charge as little as $1.95 to look up someone’s email address for a month, it leaves me to wonder just how safe anything you do on the web is.

Another website that requires minimal payment is 123people.com; all you have to provide is a first and last name and you can

get pictures, email addresses, and any other public information about the person that is posted on the internet. This is including, but not limited to, social media websites, pictures, and email addresses.

This leaves one to wonder personally, how safe am I? If in one click of the mouse and a few keystrokes, one can accesses pictures and my personal information, then I have no privacy.

According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), just over two million people have their identity stolen. The FTC has credited

this to the loss of privacy to the Internet. With social media becoming prominent, where does all the information we post on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram go? Does it ever go away? Does it go anywhere we don’t know about?

During a Dateline special, aired March 25, private investigators pulled random people off the street and sat them down in what they thought was a psychic, but who was instead an ordinary person wearing an earpiece and being fed information from the other room. All the information

being used was found by searching the person’s name, mailing address, or e-mail address.

All a hacker needs is your birth date, a name of a family member or a family pet, and

nine times out of 10 they can crack your account password.

The easiest way to keep yourself safe is to change your password every three months, and remember to not share your password

with anyone. And finally, when it comes to social media, don’t post anything you wouldn’t want your future college or employer to see if they check your accounts.

Larry Guessfeld: co-editor in chief

Page 3: Volume 42 Issue 4

Strong Beginning–

Senior class picks Grand MarshallDuring homeroom, April 3, senior class president Katie Rhodes announced that, because of his connection with the senior class, the seniors had voted business teacher Larry Anders as Grand Marshall.

Snowday extends school year Because of the record breaking snow storm, Sunday, March 24, in which St. Charles received 14 inches of snow, the district cancelled classes Monday, March 25. School now ends one day past Memorial Day, as finals May 28.

Choir sends solo, small ensembles to stateThe following choir members will perform, April 27. •Brianna McCarter•Allison Hale•Brooke Flint•Miranda Gater•Cameron White•Kate Koenig•Katie Angeli•Alexandra Janssen•Sarah Mason•Tori Peters•Jenna Hutfless•Natalie Brunk•Allison Schult•Emelia Robertson•Marianna Castrogiovanni•Kayla Hutfless•Austin Snider •Justin Miller•Jordan Baner

•Kristen Uradzionek•Tiffany Johnson•Sarah Miller•Rachel Jefferson•Aurielle Macchi

Band qualifies for state solo, small ensembleThe following band members will perform at state April 27:•Sarah Mason•Kevin Rudolph•Blake Felt •Gary Rudolph•Derek Peplaw•Julie Brandel•Brenna Cunningham•Andrew Reader •Kayla Schweikhard•Ashley Cox•Derek Koo•Hannah Maliszewski•Lynell Cunningham

DECA qualifies for Nationals The following students qualified for DECA nationals, which occur (date):•Morgan Olenski •Trevor O’Connor•Shelby Steingraeber•Jack Whiteman•Valeska Halamicek•Savannah Bice •Lauren Christensen•Lucas Wall•Katelyn Entzeroth

NEWS 3Francis Howell High Schoolhttp://www.fhhstoday.comVol. 42, Issue 4April 17, 2013@FHHSTODAYFriend us on Facebook

“I’m excited to share this award with this FHHS community since it affirms my longstanding connection to the students, staff, parents, and community members who strive for excellence every day and encourages me to look forward to find further opportunities for greater success,” Principal Dave Wedlock said. “I feel honored to be recognized by my peers and the St. Louis Association of Secondary School Principals.”

Thursday, April 4, Wedlock received the 2013 New Principal of the Year Award from the St. Louis Area Secondary School Principal Association (SASSP). SASSP is a professional organization whose mission

is improving secondary education, the professional development of middle and high school level principal and assistant principals and programs for the youth of St. Louis. SASSP uses positive leadership and the enhancement of student performance.

The small ceremony occurred for Wedlock, April 4. District administrators, staff, and few students celebrated with Wedlock, awarding him the title.

“Thanks to all for the kind words and support. I look forward to celebrating many more Viking successes with you all,” Wedlock tweeted. “It was a wonderful surprise.”

Principal Dave Wedlock receives surprise award

In Brief

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Olivia Beilman and Kayla Schweikhard: staff writers

Making use of the snow day, sophomore Allison Schult and senior Maddie Schult build a snowman, March 25. St. Charles received 14 inches of snow. The district extended spring break by one day. Photo by Beth Schult.

Surrounded by district administrators, staff, and students, Principal Dave Wedlock accepts the St. Louis Area Secondary School Principal Association’s award for New Principal of the Year. Photo by Larry Guessfeld.

Assistant Principal Gary Stevenson, administrative assistant Anita Adamick, and a representative from the St. Louis Area Secondary School Principal Association (SASSP) congratulate Principal Dave Wedlock after a small ceremony, April 4, in which Wedlock received the SASSP New Principal of the Year Award. Photo by Larry Guessfeld.

Page 4: Volume 42 Issue 4

4 FEATURESFrancis Howell High Schoolhttp://www.fhhstoday.comVol. 42, Issue 4April 17, 2013@FHHSTODAYFriend us on Facebook

Before summer arrives, students must conquer one final hurdle: final exams. The four-day final exam schedule has been changed to a three-day format.

“By getting feedback from our staff, they agreed that going to a three day test format would be more productive for the students and staff,” Principal Dave Wedlock said.

The final exam for period seven has been put on the first day of final exams, May 23.

“I think testing three days is good because we get over it quicker. Changing period six and seven will be confusing, but I think it will work out,” junior Mark Majewski said.

The schedule drops some classes out May 23; hour three and six are dropped.

“I think they should have just gone in order,” sophomore Sean Seifert said.

“Putting hour seven on the first day makes it harder, because I am used to going in order,” senior Lucas Wall said.

“The schedule is not consistent at all and I feel the kids will go to the wrong class at the wrong time

all the time. It is bad because you have to cram and focus more on the schedule than the studying,” sophomore Blake Henson said.

Dec. 19, after third hour final ended, the attendance office needed four workers to process the 260 students who left.The school administration took notice.

“This fall, compared to previous years, we had a large number of students that were signing out and leaving school. So, that communicated to us that students didn’t feel like they needed that extra time. So we went to our faculty and said, ‘this is the information. This is the data that we’re getting that students are leaving,’” Wedlock said.

“I don’t like period seven on the first day, I feel like it is a ploy to make us stay the whole day. I left early last semester because I didn’t

want to wait for my last hour classes,” senior Leona Zitting said.

On Friday, May 24, the second day of exams, there is a 55 minute homeroom and locker clean-out in between the exams. School starts at regular time.

“I like the homeroom on day two, between the period three and period four exams, because it gives me more time to study in between,” Majewski said.

Because of snow, the school year extends to the day after Memorial Day. This puts a three-day weekend in between the exams. Tuesday, May 28, school starts at 8:15 a.m.

“I like the three day weekend in between day two and three because it gives you more time to study,” Wall said.

“I feel like people will come back on day three and be in summer mode, so they will mess up on their finals,” Henson said.

Make up exams begin May 29, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. and 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. May 30.

Sonya Naemi: staff writer

Four choices. A 25 percent chance of getting the correct answer. 100 points. Tests.

“I feel like we are tested way too much sometimes,” junior Mary Koch said. “I mean, we have to learn the information, but giving four 50 point tests over it is a little ridiculous.”

Depending on the class, tests can be worth up to 80 percent of the course grade.

“I think that the grades should be more even,” junior Lauren Carlson said. “Maybe we have like a 60/40 ratio. 60 percent test and 40 percent homework. That way if you’re actually trying in class and putting the effort in homework, then you have a better chance of getting the grade you feel like you deserve.”

Along with evening out the grading scales of classes, students would like to see the test material take on meaning.

“I think teachers go a little overboard with tests sometimes. The whole point of taking a test is to see if you know the material and actually understand it. Failing a test teaches you nothing. How are you supposed to learn?” junior Tatum Henderson said.

According to the Missouri NEA Legislative Action Alert sent out to teachers, if the Missouri House gets its way, a teacher’s evaluation will be based on one-third of his state-required test scores. This means even more tests and testing.

“I think some classes need to be tested more than others like science and math. But in the classes you can just perform in and still do well, all the tests really aren’t necessary,” Henson said.

Students have an idea of a new type of grading scale.

“I don’t like taking a bunch of 100 point

tests. Maybe we take four quizzes and then a 30 point test just so we have a less chance of it tanking our grade,” senior Donte Harrell said.

Scores reflect that one test, on that one day.

“I try so hard in class. I’ll even study three days in advance, and the test is still super hard even though I put in 100 percent effort in to do well,” junior Taylor Bell said.

Teachers must cover all the material in order to get all of the information in before the final exam.

“I’ll get to the test, and the things that we covered in class are nowhere near what is on the test. How am I supposed to study when it doesn’t even matter what I study because that material won’t be on the exam?” Carlson said.

Besides test and quizzes, midterms are in the picture for math and AP classes and are used as a benchmark to show improvement from the halfway mark of the

Finals schedule changes for second semester

Alex Martin: staff writer

Local, state, national testing causes studying overloadEOCs. AP. Finals. Formatives. Summatives. Multiple Choice. Performance Events. Whatever the name, all are synonymous with the word test. With five weeks of testing ahead, and a new final schedule, it’s fill in the bubble time

semester. Midterms are not required by the state; they are teacher optional.

“We had a midterm before spring break in math and we weren’t even given a heads up about it,” Carlson said. “We didn’t even review for it.”

On top of midterms, Howell is in three weeks of End Of Course (EOC) testing in biology, English, and government. The Missouri Department of Education requires state End of Course (EOC) exams. Certain state EOC exams require the curriculum to move at an accelerated pace.

EOC testing in Algebra 1, Biology, Government, American History, English I, and English II. The Algebra I and English II tests cost $1.80 each. The state provides the rest free.

“EOCs aren’t really fair. We basically have to take two finals, which is a lot of stress on kids,” Koch said.

EOCs began April 15, and Advanced Placement tests which are optional, occur May 6-10. Those occur at final exam performance event time. Timing of tests is also a source of frustration.

“I hate it when

teachers give us tests on a Monday or after a break. It’s highly unlikely that I am going to remember what we went over three days ago let alone two weeks ago,” sophomore Gracie Behr said.

With core courses giving a minimum of two formatives and a final each semester, the amount of testing adds up.

“If I’m trying in school as hard as I am, then I want to see my test scores reflect that. But that doesn’t mean in order to help us learn, we take what feels like 10 tests a quarter,” Carlson said.

“I think testing three days is good because we get over it quicker. Changing period six and seven will be confusing, but I think it will work out.”–junior Mark Majewski

Members of PE teacher Bryan Koch’s health class take a test, April 3. “Testing not only challenges knowledge but a person’s character,” freshman Jacob Johnson said. Photo by Katie Roberts.

Answer KeyStandardized test Taken: Eoc, Plan, & FInalsEOCs are An Online format

Extra-Curricular eligibilty is in effect during testing days

Page 5: Volume 42 Issue 4

5FEATURESFrancis Howell High Schoolhttp://www.fhhstoday.comVol. 42, Issue 4April 17, 2013@FHHSTODAYFriend us on Facebook

Set The World On Fire

Palms sweating. Heart beating. Stomach flipping. Asking someone to prom generates uncontrollable nerves for those who must do it.

“I was nervous because I was putting myself out there,” junior Jordan Baner said.

Not only does the question itself cause anxiety, but the way in which it is done can also cause stress. Many boys recruit friends to help come up with the idea, or for help to execute the plan.

“I got some help from some of my girlfriend’s friends that helped me come up with the idea. It was our three month on the same day. We were on the beach, so I had to get her to go away. Then I took her to the pier to look down at “prom?” that was written in the sand,” Baner said.

“Me and a couple buddies went down to the soccer field and wrote out “prom?” with soccer balls. She was surprised and before she knew what was really happening, she thought she was in trouble because the coach yelled at her. He told her to come and look. After, she was happy and shocked that I came up with it by

myself,” junior Jordan Kaiser said.Special details had to go smoothly in order for the

invitation to work out. “I showed up early to the courts and spelt out “prom”

with tennis balls on the fence right where I was going to pull up. After I set them up, I had to go pick her up. When we arrived at the courts, I made sure she was looking at me until I made it to the fence and she said yes. I was worried someone would knock it down, so I broke the speed limit going to get her,” senior Zach Diel said.

In order to get the anticipated response, boys incorporated the girls interest and hobbies.

“She and I go on tennis dates all the time since we both play tennis, so I thought since tennis is important to both of us, why not incorporate it in asking her to prom?” Diel said.

Once the pre-planning is complete, the boys get to see the results of their hard work.

“She took a picture right away and then answered my question,” Baner said.

Nerves rise as prom invitations arrive Megan Golliver: staff writer

The Dress

The Hair The Flowers

Without a Hitch

Gold Metal lic Ravishing Red Bright White C olor PopSequinned

BlingPeacock FeathersBaby’s Breath Ombre

Side SweptSide PonytailMessy UpdoBraided UpdoEmbel lishments

The Tux

Trends Revealed for Prom 2013

Slim Fit GreyTanBowtiesC olor Pop

Megan Golliver: staff writer & Gaby Keim: coeditor in chiefAttendees ready for a May 3 filled with glitter, flames

Page 6: Volume 42 Issue 4

Francis Howell High Schoolhttp://www.fhhstoday.comVol. 42, Issue 4April 17, 2013@FHHSTODAYFriend us on Facebook6 ARTS

Shelby Steingraeber: staff writerTakeover: Take Out Dominates Chinese Food Scene

Score: 3 out of 5Price: $4.25-11.25 for lunch and dinner3748 Monticello PlazaSt.Charles, MO 63304(636)329-9889

Restaurant Reviews

The restaurant was located in a less than presentable building, so needless to say, I was a bit hesitant upon my entrance to retrieve my pick up order. A dingy, brown siding plaza hidden off of Hwy. 70 isn’t the first location I’m generally drawn to.

They don’t deliver, which I found to rather odd, as the typical takeout restaurant thrives on this operation. But, as I took a bite into a piping hot crab rangoon on the car ride home I quickly realized why delivery wasn’t necessary for Green China. The food was impeccable; so good, I now call myself among the customers willing to make the drive. Although the appetizer was fried, it was light and crispy. This was likely because Green China makes their own Crab Rangoon, rather than purchasing the generic frozen brand most take out restaurants favor.

I soon learned that Green China is an MSG free establishment, which contributes greatly to the clean taste. As I chowed down on the House Special Fried Rice, I was amazed to find hearty helpings of shrimp and pork within the mixture, more than I had expected. While it was take out, very little greasy residue could be found. I’ll definitely be back at Green China.

Located off Hwy. 94, China King is a hidden gem. I only recently ordered from here, however, I wish this wasn’t the case. If only I had discovered this take out option years ago, rather than shuffling through mediocre Chinese restaurants that lack the appeal of China King.

The restaurant offers all the typical take out options, and nothing particularly out of the box. So, I ordered the General Tso’s Chicken lunch special for delivery. This time, I went the delivery route, and it didn’t take long. Even so, the hot and sour soup that accompanied the special was still luke warm. I took a sip, and no more. The main entree, on the other hand, was delicious. The General Tso’s Chicken had the just the right amount of spice. It had a kick, but wasn’t overwhelming. Excess sauce melted into the fried rice base, making for a delicious finish.

The crab rangoon alongside were nothing special, and rather bland. The main dish, however, I could eat again and again. In fact, I finished it in it’s entirety. Overall, I’d certainly return for a fast, satisfying lunch at China King.

A lunchtime favorite in the area, First Wok offers weekday lunch specials for less than $5. So of course, as a broke high school student, I was more than eager to visit on my spring break.

As I ordered the Kung Pao Chicken and a side of steamed Pot Stickers, I couldn’t help but notice the sizeable crowd of customers waiting to pick up orders, and the delivery employees scrambling to and from their cars. Take-out bags filled the brim were constantly on the counter tops. Yet, a slightly smoky aroma coated the air, and not in a good way. The aroma that filled the restaurant smelt of heavy, dirty grease. My appetite almost disappeared as I walked into the door with the scent. Lucky for First Wok, the mass of customers kept me around.

After sampling the Kung Pao Chicken dish, I concluded that the price of the entree was likely the primary factor in the equation. It was good, but it wasn’t great. Vegetables dominated the dish, which contained very little protein. The Pot Stickers were watery, and flavorless. Nonetheless, First Wok fed my craving for cheap, greasy spoon Chinese food. It may not be my first choice, but it’s still desirable.

Score: 5 out of 5Price: $3.95-12.95for lunch and dinner1317 Lake St.Louis Blvd.Lake St.Louis, MO 63367(636) 625-8889

Score: 4 out of 5Price: $2.75-9.95for lunch and dinner1025 Wolfrum Rd.Weldon Spring, MO 63304(636)329-0662

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Page 7: Volume 42 Issue 4

SPORTS 7Francis Howell High Schoolhttp://www.fhhstoday.comVol. 42, Issue 3Feb. 13, 2013@FHHSTODAYFriend us on Facebook

Megan Golliver: staff writer

Baseball Boys

The varsity boys baseball team has a record of 8-2 April 5. The team has an away game April 17 at Timberland. They have three home games and seven away games remaining before districts.

Soccer Girls

With no losses as of April 5, the girls varsity soccer team held a record of 2-0. They will compete again at home, April 18, against rival Howell Central at 6:30 p.m.

Tennis Boys

Volleyball Boys

The varsity boys volleyball team dominated conference play as they went 10-1 before April 5. The only loss was to CBC.The boy’s next home game is April 18 at 6 p.m. versus Howell North.

As of April 5, the varsity boys baseball team has a record of 8-2. The team has an away game April 17 at Timberland. They have three home games and seven away games remaining before districts.

Paralympic gold medalist Oscar Pistorius charged with for the murder of his girlfriend. KC Chiefs Jovan Belcher killed the mother of his baby, then committed suicide in the football facilities in front of his coach. Seven-time Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong openly admitted to steroid use on a world- wide television interview. Ten time PGA player of the year Tiger Woods repeatedly cheated on his wife. Home run record holder Mark McGwire admitted to performance enhancing drugs, after a career filled with accomplishments.

These scandals have consumed the news in the past five years alone. Criminal acts committed

by successful professional athletes slam the headlines, while fans watch their favorites ruin their reputations.

The National Coalition Against Violent Athletes reports once every two days, a pro athlete commits a criminal act. That excludes incidents that go unreported in the news.

Atlanta Falcon’s quarterback Michael Vick had a dog fighting ring that overtook the headlines in 2007. After a 23 month sentence, of which Vick only served 19 months, Vick returned to the NFL in 2009. Animal rights activist believe this

sentence was too short, and he got off easy because of his social status.

Not only does this special treatment fall on Vick, but for pro athletes in general.

“They do get off easier, and I feel that is extremely unfair. The only reason they receive lesser charges is because they’re in the public eye,” junior Rick Matthews said.

“I believe athletes get off too

asy. They are just like everyone else, so they should be held to the same standards,” junior Grant Bowles said.

For those caught using steroids, there is ongoing debate regarding eligibility for the Hall of Fame.

“The steroid era needs to recognized just as any other era. There is no telling who used and who didn’t, so just let all of them in,” senior Dylan Salsman said.

“They should not be let in because they could take another potential Hall of Fame player’s spot, one that didn’t cheat or use performance enhancing drugs,” Bowles said.

The Hall of Fame voters held the same viewpoints, as Barry

Bonds received a 36.2 percent vote and Roger Clemens received 37.6 percent for admission to the Hall of Fame. In order to be inducted, players must receive 75 percent.

Regardless of the crime, people believe athletes can be a bad influence on aspiring kids.

“Because they are large images in the public eye, kids want to do what these athletes do. For example, how many people spend hundreds of dollars on shoes just because Michael Jordan’s name is on them?” Matthews said.

“Kids look up to and act like their heros. So some athletes are showing bad traits, which is allowing kids to think it’s okay,” senior Case Bottoms said.

April 2, senior Luke Armstrong goes up for a kill against Ft. Zumwalt South. The boys ended up with the win. Photo by Katie Roberts.

In the game against Timberland, April 2, sophomore Maddie Karstens kicks the ball inbounds. Photo by Katie Roberts.

Playing a match against Howell Central, sophomore Rieley Fitzgerald goes for a forehand. Photo by Katie Roberts.

Junior Brendan Trimble gets ready to hit against Windsor, March 15, at the Troy Classic Tournament. Photo by Katie Roberts.

Track & FieldGOLF Boys

The boys track and field team finished 16th out of 18 teams at the Washington University meet. Their next meet is April 17 at the Krikwood Invitational starting at 9:00 a.m.

The varsity boys golf team started by placing second at the Lake Forest Invitational, April 1. The boys lost their first match against Timberland, April 2, but are going to compete again April 17 at the Laker Invitational in Camdenton.

Track & FieldAs of April 4, the varsity girls track

and field team are undefeated. They took first at the Washington University Invitatoinal and will compete again, April 17 at the Kirkwood Invitational starting at 9:00 a.m.

Girls Boys For more information on daily games, cancellations and practice updates, dial 636-851-4700 and press 1.

Professional athletes damage image with illegal behavior“Kids look up to and act like their heros. So some athletes are showing bad traits, which is allowing kids to think it’s okay.” –senior Case Bottoms

Hey, you, yes, we mean you. Have you bought your yearbook? You’re about to miss out if you haven’t. If you love sports, the Howelltonian has you covered. If you want to look back 30 years from now, you need a yearbook. As we sell out every year and are down to just a few left, you need to call 1-800-853-1337 and order yours before it’s too late. Do it. Now.

All teams start seasons with wins

Page 8: Volume 42 Issue 4

8Francis Howell High Schoolhttp://www.fhhstoday.comVol. 42, Issue 4April 17, 2013@FHHSTODAYFriend us on Facebook

Night time janitorial crew works to diminish the dirt

Clean SweepMops. Messes. Clean up. The janitors received new

eco-friendly equipment to make clean up fast and efficient.

The janitors requested new equipment for the past three years, but until now, money was not available. The old building had limited space to store machines, like a larger buffer to clean floors and the EC-H20. The EC-H20 operates by producing electronically converted water for cleaning.

The water passes through a module where it is oxygenated and charged with an electric current, forming a pH cleaner.

New, energy efficient, and time saving machines require fewer people and less time to do the job.

Wipe Down FACS: Luke Ross, one of 9 night custodians, wipes down windows in all of the classrooms on the lower floor April 4. Night custodians also empty all the trash.

Water Only: Custodian Diane Tankersley uses the new EC-H20 machine that uses water instead of harsh chemicals to buff the floor.

Bustin’ Down Bathrooms: Custodian Zenebenech Ayenew, also known as Zeni, cleans the girls‘ bathroom after school with a new odorless, environmentally safe spray. Night custodians leave the building at 11 p.m.

Sweeping the Classrooms: Janitor Monique Legrand goes by every classroom and sweeps from corner to corner making sure every bit of the floor is cleaned. Legrand is known for her friendly hugs.

Clean Slate: Custodian Tekdem Ayenew goes through every room she is assigned and straightens up inside.

Monica Khatri: staff writer

After Hours: Janitor Tony Herron cleans with an environmentally friendly floor sweeper. The custodial staff received new equipment in hopes of being more green.

Photos by Larry Guessfeld

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