volume 12 issue 1

An Unnatural Marriage? NGOs and the US Military Amanda Edgell, MPIA ‘11 THE The nongovernmental organization (NGO) community has a phobia. I am talking here about people who will walk unarmed into Afghanistan to hand out medical supplies or Somalia to provide food rations, yet, the very mention of collaboration with the US military sends aid workers shivering in their Chaco sandals. Take for example a not so hypothetical situation. While I was working on a US Department of Defense (DOD) development project in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, a friend came to visit from Germany. Since she was staying for about a month, she decided to pursue some volunteer work with local NGOs. Unfortunately, the NGOs in Kisangani wouldn’t touch her because she was living in the house with me. That’s right respected organizations like the International Red Cross turned away a volunteer because she was living with other development workers who were connected to the US military by two degrees of separation. THE PUBLIC SERVANT | 1 The sad reality is that this fear is rampant within the NGO community, at a time when the humanitarian and development capacity of the US military is growing, and the need for these partnerships between NGOs and DOD has increased with the advent of Provincial Reconstruction Teams in Iraq and Afghanistan and with AFRICOM’s growing footprint. Today, the US military is engaged in a wide range of development and humanitarian activities worldwide, all with our national security in mind. Many of these are being implemented directly by DOD, but others are contracted out to NGOs, development organizations, institutes, and private firms. Is the marriage between the NGO community and the US military so unnatural? In fact, the collaboration between military and development workers should be more natural than we think. The locations where development and humanitarian workers are most needed are often neglected due to the security situation on the ground. But a coupling with the US military helps to alleviate security issues, allowing aid workers to make a greater impact in these desperate areas. The simple fact is: the only thing unnatural about the relationship between the US military and the NGO community is the aid workers’ irrational phobia of fatigues. Until the NGO community overcomes this fear, the ability of the US military to implement development contracts effectively and efficiently is severely compromised. This not only affects the national security of the US, but also affects the lives of the ordinary citizens in the developing world who can most benefit from these programs. n VOLUME 12, NUMBER 1, SEPTEMBER 2010 The Public Servant 2010-2011 Staff List Rafael Gomes, Editor-in-Chief Michael Walter, Assistant Editor Casey Braswell, Layout Editor Kymberly Reynolds, Treasurer Vanessa Toufaily, Calendar Coordinator Dinorah Sanchez, Survey Guru Editors: Anne Hierholzer, Barret Brown, Chloe Stark, Craig Welkener, Heather Gregory, Kristin Simpson, Ken Surgenor, Jessica Yeo Photographers: William Mitchell, Jeff Willey, Ken Surgenor, Paige Ericsson The views expressed in this publication are those of bush school students, not necessarily those of the George Bush School of Government and Public Service. A student publication of the George Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University

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September 2010


Page 1: Volume 12 Issue 1

An Unnatural Marriage? NGOs and the US MilitaryAmanda Edgell, MPIA ‘11


The nongovernmental organization (NGO) community has a phobia. I am talking here about people who will walk unarmed into Afghanistan to hand out medical supplies or Somalia to provide food rations, yet, the very mention of collaboration with the US military sends aid workers shivering in their Chaco sandals.

Take for example a not so hypothetical situation. While I was working on a US Department of Defense (DOD) development project in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, a friend came to visit from Germany. Since she was staying for about a month, she decided to pursue some volunteer work with local NGOs. Unfortunately, the NGOs in Kisangani wouldn’t touch her because she was living in the house with me.

That’s right – respected organizations like the International Red Cross turned away a volunteer because she was living with other development workers who were connected to the US military by two degrees of separation.


The sad reality is that this fear is rampant within the NGO community, at a time when the humanitarian and development capacity of the US military is growing, and the need for these partnerships between NGOs and DOD has increased with the advent of Provincial Reconstruction Teams in Iraq and Afghanistan and with AFRICOM’s growing footprint.

Today, the US military is engaged in a wide range of development and humanitarian activities worldwide, all with our national security in mind. Many of these are being implemented directly by DOD, but others are contracted out to NGOs, development organizations, institutes, and private firms. Is the marriage between the NGO community and the US military so unnatural?

In fact, the collaboration between military and development workers should be more natural than we think. The locations where development and humanitarian workers are most needed are often neglected due to the security situation on the ground. But a coupling with the US military helps to alleviate security issues, allowing aid workers to make a greater impact in these desperate areas.

The simple fact is: the only thing unnatural about the relationship between the US military and the NGO community is the aid workers’ irrational phobia of fatigues. Until the NGO community overcomes this fear, the ability of the US military to implement development contracts effectively and efficiently is severely compromised.

This not only affects the national security of the US, but also affects the lives of the ordinary citizens in the developing world who can most benefit from these programs. n

V O L U M E 1 2 , N U M B E R 1 , S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 0

The Public Servant 2010-2011 Staff List

Rafael Gomes, Editor-in-ChiefMichael Walter, Assistant EditorCasey Braswell, Layout EditorKymberly Reynolds, Treasurer

Vanessa Toufaily, Calendar CoordinatorDinorah Sanchez, Survey Guru

Editors: Anne Hierholzer, Barret Brown, Chloe Stark,

Craig Welkener, Heather Gregory, Kristin Simpson, Ken Surgenor, Jessica Yeo

Photographers: William Mitchell, Jeff Willey, Ken Surgenor, Paige Ericsson

The views expressed in this publication are those of bush school students, not necessarily those of the George Bush

School of Government and Public Service.

A student publication of the George Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University


The official student publication of the Bush School of Government and Public Service

Page 2: Volume 12 Issue 1


In this recent age of increased economic competition among countries, having the educational advantage is paramount to maintaining a competitive position. Countless times in the past, the subject of how to streamline the education system and increase efficiency has risen only to be pushed to the back of the Congressional docket, due to political strain and a lack of will power. Theory after theory has been offered on how to remedy the problem of a continually declining education system, each more complicated than the last, but none have had a high enough probability of success to warrant much attention. The most obvious solution, like most things, is simple. To fix our lagging education system, we should apply free-market principals to its operation.

In the private sector, if a firm produces a product that is substandard, no one will purchase it. The firm will then face a simple decision: make a better product or go out of business. The same cannot be said of the nation’s education system. If a school underperforms, there is no viable alternative. Parents and children are stuck in a substandard school with no hope of finding success outside of moving to a different district, which can be very expensive. Surely our nation’s children deserve better than this.

The way to overhaul the education system is to allow parents to send their children and their tax dollars to the schools that they deem worthy of educating them. On top of this, all state assigned education funding not received from property taxes will be doled out based upon how many students attend each school. This forces schools to compete for tax dollars instead of being entitled to them. If they want to succeed, schools will seek to hire the best administrators and teachers and to build the best facilities. As schools are continually forced to compete for funds, the quality of the education will begin to rise.

After this program is instituted, the Department of Education can be abolished. With the schools raising standards among themselves, there will be no need for a national regulatory agency, and it will become a drain on the nation’s resources and funds. What little education policy needed will be decided by the states, which will lead to a competition for the best educating methods among the states. Competition is the answer to raising performance not centralized, far-reaching policy decisions.

At one point in history, America was the education center of the world where all the brightest minds flocked to learn all they could. There is still a large demand for an American education, but the problem


Book Review: Flannery O’Connor’s Cautionary Tale for Public ServantsLogan Faron, MPSA ‘11 Every summer I happen to partake in a time honored ritual, the reading of a fictional book. I assume that most Bush School students have similar habits, with non-fiction books comprising the bulk of our reading. This year, I thought back to a literary narrative class I took as

Reevaluating Education PolicyJosh Grimes, MPSA ‘12

is that Americans no longer seek to learn. There are many reasons for why this has occurred, but a substandard education system has to share a part of the burden. Free-market principals are the perfect way to solve our educational conundrums. These problems can be fixed; the time to act is now. If not, we will willingly watch as our nation is surpassed by others to become the premier education center of the world. We owe our children better than that. n

an undergraduate and decided to pick up Flannery O’Connor’s “Everything That Rises Must Converge”, a compilation of short stories. After finishing the book, I thought there was plenty of insight to gain from the stories when viewed through the lens of a public servant. However, there was one story that stood out to me in particular.

Flannery O’Connor lived in civil rights-era Georgia and found her inspiration for writing close to home. Her stories often focus on rural life and expose fears, selfishness and contempt for others in her folksy characters. However, O’Connor is not an author that cedes the moral

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Culture-on-Demand Jason Wagner, MPSA ‘11

Faron: Book Review, continued from page 2

In a world of sound bites and 30 second previews, YouTube videos of the moment and instant updates about anyone from everywhere, a nagging question comes to mind: have we lost our ability to appreciate anything beyond the instantaneous and abbreviated? In lives filled with stress and crammed with activities, we consume entertainment as a micro-vacation: a viral video while waiting for the bus, a blackjack quickie on the elevator, a status update between bites. Some of these services have the potential to enrich our lives – sharing the joy a family member experiences from new life or receiving consolation and comfort during a time of tragedy. However, this process also has potential to cheapen some aspects of our lives. Take music. It is no surprise that the music industry is just that: a business designed to make money. But the push for profits in an internet era degrades music and morphs it into something it should not be: easily

digestible, instantly disposable and a cheap substitute for real substance. If you click through the iTunes store, a trend immediately becomes visible: albums are no longer the primary product. Instead, singles are now the preferred means to consume music. The availability and popularity of music in this format provides an increasingly intense incentive for musicians to produce hit after hit, without a mature or developed album to serve as a frame of reference. Why is an album so important? I argue that while seemingly antiquated, the album is the medium through which music is best conveyed and understood. A song is but a small piece of an artistic whole. The vignettes in John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath are beautiful, but only a part of something that when properly framed, conveys lasting meaning. The dramatic cliffs in an Ansel Adams photograph are awe-inspiring, but when viewed in context with soaring skylines, winding rivers, and dense forests, become something more. An album is no different. Albums are not simply a vessel for a single, but the lens through which an artist

high ground to the reader. Her characters are flawed but still familiar; you can never go too far without recognizing thoughts, words or deeds that are transgressions of your own. Her characters can be downright amusing at points, but she is not letting you in on the joke in the way that so many mockumentaies do nowadays. Many of O’Connor’s characters are racists and segregationists, and plenty of derogatory words come out of their mouths. However, there is a subversive tone directed at the old South in her stories, although lacking a discussion of current events. O’Connor knows that the world her characters inhabit is changing, and some of her characters are capable of changing with it. She identifies not loving our neighbors as ourselves as the problem, a simple thing to identify, but hard to fix. She views the coming struggle as one for her home’s soul rather than its politics.

No story epitomizes the lesson that we will often have to deal with wildly different intrinsic motivations and beliefs better than “The Lame Shall Enter First”. This story is especially relevant for public servants since the main character is a local government employee and a volunteer. Sheppard is a city Recreation Director and volunteer at the local boy’s reformatory; he is recently widowed and has a ten year old son named Norton. While volunteering at the reformatory, Sheppard meets a highly intelligent and woefully neglected fourteen-year-old orphan boy named Rufus Johnson. Sheppard discovers the club-footed Rufus rummaging for food and is sad to see the boy roaming the town and falling into trouble. Sheppard is also concerned about his own son, worried that Norton is becoming a selfish child lacking empathy. While Sheppard tries to grieve the loss of his wife by channeling his sadness into doing good things for the community, he finds that Norton has become somewhat lethargic. Sheppard decides to provide Rufus with a home for the time being, hoping it will set the neglected and intelligent young boy on the right track and inspire his son to be more caring. As the story unfolds we find Sheppard unprepared for the task despite his charitable nature and patience because Rufus holds powerful contrarian views that fuel both his spite and self-worth.

“The Lame Shall Enter First” ends in such a shocking manner because its protagonist and antagonist have extremely different value systems. I admired Sheppard’s enthusiasm to do well. However, when viewing the new family as an organization, I couldn’t help but think of ways the crisis could have been averted. SA’s will recognize that Bolman and Deal could have really helped Sheppard’s new patchwork family. IA’s reading the story may view the different characters as symbols for the different value systems of foreign nations; each character believes they are rational, but what they value is quite different. This story reminds us that we must always thoroughly explain our values, whatever they may be, and remember that although we wish to work toward greatness, we must not lose our connections to those whom we love and who inspire us. n

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Wagner: Culture on Demand, continuedfrom page 3

Como sabemos, o Brasil terá o orgulho de patrocinar dois dos mais famosos e populares acontecimentos internacionais: a Copa do Mundo em 2014 e as Olimpíadas de Verão em 2016. Ambos acontecimentos serão motivos de orgulho a qualquer brasileiro, e também oferecerão imensas oportunidades de desenvolvimento ao país. Os partidários nesta area de desenvolvimento acreditam que tais acontecimentos geram oportunidades de empregos como também apresentam oportunidades de melhoramentos na infra-estrutura do país. Estes fatores são essenciais para que o crescimento econômico do Brasil permaneça vital. Existe uma outra corrente que acredita que estes acontecimentos oferecem desenvolvimentos a curto prazo e não a longo prazo. Muitos são de opinião de que as Olimpíadas de Inverno, sediadas no Canadá, provocaram aumentos excessivos no setor imobiliário, impostos prediais, razões pelas quais muitos dos cidadãos não tinham como arcar com as responsabilidades financeiras.

O Brasil, entretanto, é bem diferente do que o Canadá. A infra-estrutura e o mercado de trabalho do Canadá são bem mais desenvolvidos do que o Brasil. Em outras palavras, a Copa do Mundo e as Olimpíadas de Verão trarão mel-hores retornos nos investimentos para o Brasil em comparação ao Canadá. Por exemplo, a infra-estrutura de transporte do Brasil é precária e neces-sita desesperadamente de renovação e expansão. A Federação da Copa do Mundo e das Olimpíadas requerem que todas as principais cidades do Brasil tenham acesso dignos de confiança, de uma cidade a outra, como também que os meios de transportes e acessos dentro de cada cidade em si sejam de toda confiança e disponibilidade. O Brasil terá a responsabilidade de cumprir a todos estes requisitos, como também a responsabilidade de que tudo esteja em ordem, em relação ao sistema de esgotos, transbordamentos, vazamentos, etc. Todos estes investimentos nos meios de transportes, infra-estrutura promoverao melhores oportunidades aos produtores e consumi-dores com acesso ao mercado de trabalho. E como conseqüência de todos estes investimentos, não resta dúvida que a Copa do Mundo e as Olimpíadas de Verão trarão a economia brasileira vantagens extraordinárias. Como em qualquer investimento de grande porte, as expectativas sempre são positivas, e, portanto, cautela e precisão são de grande importância.

A Copa do Mundo 2014 e as Olimpíadas 2016: Um desenvolvimento garantido ou apenas uma solução temporária?Matt Harber, MPIA ‘11

should be understood. An album should be carefully crafted as a purposeful and deliberate expression of a musician’s experience; each song unique, but building on a shared theme that resonates throughout. Writing an album in this manner is a more mature means of self-expression and requires musicians to increase the thought and effort invested in their craft to forge a better product and create better art in the process. As the push for profits and instant gratification propels us into an era of an ever-increasing infatuation with media overload, this author laments the loss of something great: the appreciation of music (and art in general) beyond the easily accessible and instantaneous. In Fahrenheit 451, author Ray Bradbury paints a tale of a dystopian world – lost in amusement, mindlessly adrift and intoxicated by its obsession with immediacy and overstimulation. Bradbury’s masterpiece is not meant as a prediction of things to come, but as a reminder to occasionally abstain from the simple and partake in subjects with depth. If we do not, we may find ourselves burning a metaphorical book in favor of the latest chart-topping single. The next time you find yourself on iTunes, reconsider purchasing a two minute romp in mediocrity. Instead, spend the extra time and money to indulge in an album that takes you on an artistic journey through the mind of its creator. You won’t regret it. n


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Harber: A Copa do Mundo 2014 e as Olimpíadas 2016, continued from page 4vantagens extraordinárias.

Como em qualquer investimento de grande porte, as expectati-vas sempre são positivas, e, portanto, cautela e precisão são de grande importância. Refiro-me de um modo geral a maneira como o brasileiro realiza serviços e negócios. Aliás, a cultura brasileira em si, muitas vezes, negligencia a importância de um trabalho bem feito versus o custo econômico do mesmo. Ou seja, na tentativa de concluir um trabalho muitas vezes deixam de fazer um trabalho mais eficaz porque optam pelo o mate-rial de qualidade inferior e menor custo financeiro. Qual seria a desvantagem ou o perigo em assim o fazer? Seja este o caso, então os investimentos de melhoramentos para o país proveni-ente dos acontecimentos da Copa do Mundo e das Olimpíadas de Verão serão apenas benefícios temporários. Em longo prazo, o impacto do desenvolvimento econômico se tornaria irrel-evante ao país.

Qual seria uma maneira de persuadir o Brasil a investir e realizar trabalhos/projetos mantendo a expectativa positiva de um desenvolvimento eficaz a longo prazo? Para que isto seja viável e necessário, os comitês responsáveis pela a Copa do Mundo e as Olimpíadas de Verão devem pressionar o Brasil a cumprir com todos os requisitos exigidos pelas respectivas associações. É preciso que um acompanhamento seja feito de perto, a fim de que o pais esteja cumprindo com todos os regu-lamentos mandatórios assim exigidos. O Brasil está consciente de que qualquer mal feito, lapso poderá causar a eliminação de participar nestes dois acontecimentos. Assim, espera-se que, estando o Brasil comprometido a fazer negócios de acordo com as exigências, o país terá o orgulho de vivenciar um desenvolvi-mento econômico extraordinário e um futuro brilhante. n

GOT SKILLS?Kate Rezabek, MPIA ‘12 First-years: Do you quake in your cowboy boots when reminded of the coming summer intern-ships? Second-years: Do you break out in a cold sweat when realizing you’ll be in “The Real World” soon?

Everyone understands the intimidation and anxiety behind finding internships and jobs. Your friendly SGA Professionalism Initiative is here to help, though! We have several work-shops slated throughout the year to address students’ major concerns. Topics this semes-ter will include networking and interviewing (held last week), proper presentation in the workforce, and mix-n-mingle skills. This spring, look for workshops covering salary negotiation, dinner etiquette, and parliamentary procedure. The Bush School’s own Sally Dee Wade and Matt Upton will help us, as will the gracious Office of Career Services staff.

We promise these won’t be typical workshops. Students always hear what we SHOULD be doing when searching the internship and employment fields, but we rarely hear HOW to effectively do so. These workshops will cover what you need to know in order to put your best foot forward—how to balance a plate of food and a wine glass while shaking hands, how to hand out your business card without looking like a creeper, and how to negotiate a salary large enough to pay down those student loans.

As Frank Tyger, former editorial cartoonist said, “Professionalism is knowing what to do, how to do it, and doing it.” So come join your SGA Pro-fessionalism Committee and prove that you’ve got the necessary skills to be a productive pro-fessional. Watch the hallways and your e-mail boxes for more info. n

SGA MeetingTuesday, October 5th12:30 p.m. Room: 1063

Page 6: Volume 12 Issue 1



Jimi Hendrix’s Valleys of Neptune Dr. Domonic Bearfield

Generally, I’m not inter-ested in the posthumous work of great artists. I have no desire to read Ralph Ellison’s unfinished second novel, I won’t watch the cut and paste Bruce Lee movies made after the actors death, and I have zero interest in the Tupac/Macavelli albums that continue to emerge.

Far too often, these beyond the grave projects tend to feel like poorly executed William Burroughs “cut up” pieces, where fragments of the artists original intentions are rearranged in such a way it is no lon-ger recognizable. So with that in mind, I was at first incredibly reluctant to listen to “Valleys of Neptune”, a collection of material recorded by Jimi Hendrix in 1969, one year before the guitarist’s death.

I must say, I am glad I got over my hesitation. One of the first things I noticed is that this is an audio-phile’s album. I don’t say that out of snobbery, but as an acknowledgement of the great care taken by those responsible for putting the album together. Previous reissues of Classic Hendrix albums have been marred by a persistent, distracting tape hiss. You will find none of that here. In fact, listeners will find that “Valleys” compares favorably with the recently released Beatles albums that have become the gold standard of re-masters. Also, I was immediately struck by the fact that this is not a “rock album” in the traditional sense, but a blues album --- more Band of Gypsies than the Jimi Hendrix Experience. Songs like “Bleeding Heart,” which anticipates the Austin music scene of the 1980s, or “Hear My Train A Comin,” with its uprock-ing, building rhythm, more than drive this point home. However, the album is not devoid of “rock songs” as evidenced by alternative takes of familiar tracks like “Fire” and “Stone Free.” In fact, the album is at its best when these two traditions are married, as found on the outstanding cover “Sunshine of Your Love.” Reimagined as an instrumental, this fun, feedback infused take on the popular Cream classic

is far and away the album’s high point. That said, there are the occasional stumbles. “Mr. Bad Luck” is just flat out boring, and “Ships Passing through the Night” sounds more dated than nostalgic, with psychedelically tinged lyrics that border on the nonsensical. Still, this album is a must listen. Like many an artist cut down in their prime, there is a craving for more material and given the way that markets work, there always seems to be an ample supply of vultures, lovers and former producers willing to cobble together the principal final scribbles in shiny, new packaging. Instead, what we have here is a carefully conceived gift from the Hendrix family, which allows us once again to bask in the rays of the new ris-ing sun. n

In writing this article, I initially wanted to find one album that has changed my life. After some iPod soul searching (up to 9,543 songs), I didn’t find one, but instead, found several albums that could be the soundtrack of my life. After sift-ing through various albums, one

in particular still holds a very significant place in my life, heart and memory: Frontiers by Journey.

Journey, as led by Steve Perry, have published songs that you often hear at karaoke, piano bars and classic rock stations. Songs like “Don’t Stop Believing”, “Lights”, “Open Arms”, have created a cult following over the years. But, the album Frontiers has a special place within my family. Frontiers was released in 1983 but would still be played in my house for many years after its initial release thanks to the emotional connection that my Ma and I have with it.

The emotional connection that my Ma has with several of the songs was due to the large part of our living situation. At the time, she was young woman (23 years old woman)

Life Lessons in Music Silvester Mata, MPSA ‘11

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raising a four year son while her husband was out at sea (my dad is a Lt. Commander in the Navy). Situations fol-lowing the release of the album helped my Ma relate to many of the songs on an emotional level. Emotions that my Ma would experience and situations she would find herself in would resonate in many of the songs. Being in a long distance relationship (Separate Ways), possible infidelity (Chain Reaction), promises kept (Faithfully and/or Send her my love), promises not kept (After the Fall), would be embodied by songs on a cassette tape for many years.

In all honestly, my Ma would never tell me how she felt during those years. Instead, she would play a song that through the combination of various music instruments and lyrics, would express how she felt in four minutes and twenty seven seconds (the length of Faithfully, her favorite song). Because of that, I love music as much as I do.

Music through the years has allowed me to communi-cate with my Ma and various members of my family (my Grandmother, my uncles, my sister) in ways that we are not able to do so through words. For my family and myself, music has been used a tool in communication (anger, love, want), therapy (pain, grief), and healing. To some people, music is just melodies and words. To me and my Ma it has always been a tool for us to connect with each other. It is something I am grateful for every-time I hear music. n

Service Before Self David Arceneaux, MPIA ‘12

A recent poll sent to the students of the Bush School showed that about 43 percent of respondents were interested, at least to some degree, in a financial col-umn. In contrast, about 54 percent of respondents were indifferent or not at all interested. This is understand-able, as finance tends to be a very dry and distant topic for most of us. I will nevertheless endeavor to make the

topic relevant and interesting to the readers by focusing on one thing that should catch anyone’s attention: mak-ing money.

Most students at the Bush School are interested in careers of public service, careers that are not famous for six-figure salaries. This is no secret to the students of the Bush School and it is something that most of us have come to terms with. After all, public service is meant to be rewarding in an emotional sense, not a financial one. There is hope, however, with a simple understanding of a few key concepts. Even those of us with meager salaries can generate extra cash flow for years to come. All of the negative press in recent years regarding the wealthy and big business has led many people to think of it as a crime to be rich, but there is nothing wrong with striving to add a zero or two to our bank state-ments. I want to stress that there is no reason that any of us should look at self-interest as something to feel guilty about.

Whether you want to save money to buy a car, send a child to college or just have enough to retire comfort-ably, a little effort can go a long way. There are many op-tions out there for savings, many of which are intimidat-ing on the surface. IRAs, CDs, bonds, mutual funds and stocks are all common ways to make money, but many have never thought about investing, feel like they lack the knowledge to invest or even feel that they simply don’t have the funds to invest.

None of these reasons should dissuade you from look-ing into investment; information is readily available in so many formats and the benefits to be had are tremen-dous. Even a very prudent investor can make 5 percent per year, keeping well ahead of the inflation rate. Those with a higher tolerance for risk can make much more than that. The best part about it all is that investment means that your money is making money, meaning you don’t have to work to make it!

Over the next few months, we will delve into different investment strategies. Until that point, I suggest that everyone takes some time to think about investing. A helpful (and short) book is “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” by Robert T. Kiyosaki and Sharon L. Lechter. MSN Money and Yahoo! Finance also offer great editorials online. Jim Cramer’s “Mad Money” TV program is also great, despite his constant yelling. Take some time to think about it all, and next month we will jump straight into the thick of it with stock investing ideas. It may seem overwhelming at first, but it will be worth your time. n

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Second Year team started the second half with the ball and drove down the field to score another touchdown. Ben Maddox, Second Year Quarterback, was literally unstoppable for the entire game, as the second years scored a touchdown on every possession.

The First Year team attempted to bolster their defense and initiate a comeback, but it was to no avail as the second years continued to dominate on both sides of the ball. Ashton Cooper, First Year wide receiver, proved a valuable asset to the First Year team, scoring two of their three touchdowns. Cooper’s single-handed drives failed to gain ground on Maddox and his well organized and fine tuned offense. Caitlin Buck, Tricia Beifuss, and Lauren Tolman all caught touchdown passes from Maddox who distributed the ball more widely than Wal-Mart distributes tires. The First Year defense could not bolster any stopping force against the Second Year offense who continued to drive deep into First Year territory as the clock ran out. The post-game show involved Second Year delight and First Year dismay, but all differences were left on the field as the congratulatory remarks were made. Even with the compe-tition and tension between the teams, the game resulted in a new-found respect for one another and increased the camaraderie between the two classes. n

The mood was tense Friday afternoon as the First Years and Second Years prepared to do battle on the flag foot-ball field. As the referees arrived and the coin was tossed, the atmosphere around the Lot 43 field became electric. The First Year team started the game with the ball, and opened the game with a first down pass play to Ashton Cooper. Yet despite this positive start, two plays later the first year quarterback threw an interception which foreshadowed the result of the game. The second years scored three consecutive touch-downs ending the first halt at 27-0. The Photo: Paige Ericson, Public Servant Staff

1st Years v. 2nd Years Football GameDavid Sutton MPIA ‘11

Foreign Language & Culture Society Language Discussion Group Schedule

Language Leader Days Time RoomArabic Intermediate Lamia M/W 6PM 1070Arabic Advanced Lamia M/W 7PM 1070Chinese Beginner Yiyun M/Th 5PM 1022/1070Chinese Intermediate Joan T/Th 4:30PM 1106Farsi Amir T/Th 5PM LobbyFrench Intermediate Sherif T/Th 5:30PM 41st ClubFrench Advanced Clemence M/W 5:15PM 1106German Maytee M/W 5PM 1070Indonesian Israc W/F 5PM/10AM 41st ClubItalian Fabio T/Th 1PM TBDJapanese Kotaro M/W 11:30AM 1022Korean Yusun W/F 1PM 41st ClubRussian Beginner Aselle T/Th 7PM 1022Russian Intermediate Aselle T/Th 6PM 1022Russian Advanced Aselle T/Th 5PM 1022Spanish Beginner Ramon M/Th 12:30PM 1106Spanish Intermediate Mauricio T/Th 5:30PM 1106Spanish Advanced Ramon M/W 3:20PM/4:30PM 1106

For more information contact Barrett Brown [email protected]