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Post on 13-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. THE
  2. 2. Mount Pinatubo is an active stratovolcano in the cabusilan Mountains on the island of Luzom, near the tripoint of the Philippine provinces of Zambales, Tarla c, and Pampanga MT. PINATUBO The volcano's Plinian/ ultra Plinian eruption on 15 June 1991 produced the second largest terrestrial eruption of the 20th century after the 1912 eruption of Novarupta in the Alaska Peninsula Complicating the eruption was the arrival of Typhoon Yunya (Diding), bringing a lethal mix of ash and rain to areas surrounding the volcano.
  3. 3. Plinian eruptions are marked by columns of gas and volcanic ash extending high into the stratosphere, the second layer of Earth's atmosphere. The key characteristics are ejection of large amount of pumice and very powerful continuous gas blast eruptions. WHAT IS PLINIAN VOLCANO?
  5. 5. Mount Vesuvius Mount Vesuvius, on the west coast of Italy, is the only active volcano on mainland Europe. It is best known because of the eruption in A.D. 79 that destroyed the city of Pompeii. Mount Vesuvius is considered to be one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world due to the large population of the city of Naples and the surrounding towns on the slopes nearby. Vesuvius has erupted many times since and is the only volcano on the European mainland to have erupted within the last hundred years. Today, it is regarded as one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world because of the population of 3,000,000 people living nearby and its tendency towards explosive (Plinian) eruptions. It is the most densely populated volcanic region in the world.
  7. 7. MOUNT KRAKOTOA The renowned volcano Krakatau (frequently misstated as Krakatoa) lies in the Sunda Strait between Java and Sumatra. Collapse of the ancestral Krakatau edifice, perhaps in 416 AD, formed a 7-km-wide caldera. Remnants of this ancestral volcano are preserved in Verlaten and Lang Islands; subsequently Rakata, Danan and Perbuwatan volcanoes were formed, coalescing to create the pre-1883 Krakatau Island. Caldera collapse during the catastrophic 1883 eruption destroyed Danan and Perbuwatan volcanoes, and left only a remnant of Rakata volcano. This eruption, the 2nd largest in Indonesia during historical time, caused more than 36,000 fatalities, most as a result of devastating tsunamis that swept the adjacent coastlines of Sumatra and Java. Pyroclastic surges traveled 40 km across the Sunda Strait and reached the Sumatra coast. After a quiescence of less than a half century, the post-collapse cone of Anak Krakatau (Child of Krakatau) was constructed within the 1883 caldera at a point between the former cones of Danan and Perbuwatan. Anak Krakatau has been the site of frequent eruptions since 1927.
  9. 9. Preparations for Volcanic Eruption Be prepared either to shelter or to evacuate. Develop an evacuation plan and a sheltering plan for yourself, your family, and others in your household. Review the plans and make sure that everyone understands them. If you havent already done so, put together an emergency supply kit. Have the necessary communication devices ready. Use your radio or television at home to listen for volcano updates or evacuation notices. If you are told to evacuate Follow authorities instructions if they tell you to leave the area. Though it may seem safe to stay at home and wait out an eruption, doing so could be very dangerous. Volcanoes spew hot, dangerous gases, ash, lava, and rock that are powerfully destructive.
  10. 10. Tune in the radio or television for volcano updates.Photo of gasoline nozzle in car tank. Listen for disaster sirens and warning signals. Review your emergency plan and gather your emergency supplies. Be sure to pack at least a 1-week supply of prescription medications. Prepare an emergency kit for your vehicle with food, flares, booster cables, maps, tools, a first aid kit, a fire extinguisher, sleeping bags, a flashlight, batteries, etc. Fill your vehicles gas tank. If no vehicle is available, make arrangements with friends or family for transportation, or follow authorities instructions on where to obtain transportation. Place vehicles under cover, if at all possible. Put livestock in an enclosed area. Plan ahead to take pets with you, but be aware that many emergency shelters cannot accept animals. Fill your clean water containers. Fill sinks and bathtubs with water as an extra supply for washing. Adjust the thermostat on refrigerators and freezers to the coolest possible temperature. If the power goes out, food will stay cooler longer.
  11. 11. As you evacuate Take only essential items with you, including at least a 1-week supply of prescription medications. If you have time, turn off the gas, electricity, and water. Disconnect appliances to reduce the likelihood of electrical shock when power is restored. Make sure your automobiles emergency kit is ready. Follow designated evacuation routesothers may be blockedand expect heavy traffic and delays. Top of Page If you are told to take shelter where you are Keep listening to your radio or television until you are told all is safe or you are told to evacuate. Local authorities may evacuate specific areas at greatest risk in your community.Photo of first aid kit. Close and lock all windows and outside doors. Turn off all heating and air conditioning systems and fans.
  12. 12. Close the fireplace damper. Organize your emergency supplies and make sure household members know where the supplies are. Make sure the radio is working. Go to an interior room without windows that is above ground level. Bring your pets with you, and be sure to bring additional food and water supplies for them. It is ideal to have a hard-wired (non-portable) telephone in the room you select. Call your emergency contacta friend or family member who does not live near the volcanoand have the phone available if you need to report a life-threatening condition. Remember that telephone equipment may be overwhelmed or damaged during an emergency.
  13. 13. SOURCES: www.Wikipedia.com www.livescience.com www.wikihow.com www.youtube.com www.emergency.cdc.org