vol 25 no 012011

 The assessment and evaluaon of the impacts caused by new highway, rehabilitaon or improvement projects, in terms of the operaonal aspects of mobility and accessibility and the environmental consideraons, have been eecvely promoted to the road development and transportaon community since the late 1950’s. In contrast, the assessment and safet y performance evaluaon of the road geometric design and roadway condion alternaves has had limited progress in the state of the pracce. The idencaon and selecon of roadway d esign elements and safety counterme asures have relied substanally on recommended pracces or the intuive applicaon of the safety treatments based on past experiences from local or naonal projects, without the use of data and scienc methods. Objcv of 1 Edo of Hgway Safy Maa l  The Highway Safety Manual (HSM), published in the year 2010 by the American Associaon of State Highways and Transportaon Ocials (AASHTO), provides highway engineers with a series of analycal tools that incorporate quantave methods and the accepted procedures needed to esmate the level of safety of future design alternaves at dierent stages of highway development projects. These tools will allow highway agencies to establish eecve safety management systems through the use of informed decisions sustained with crash and safety data and with the idencaon of the costs and benets of the possible alternaves. (arcle connues on page 4)  In this Issue E E L L P P UENTE UENTE  Newsleer of the Puerto Ri co Transportaon Technology Transfer Center  University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez Volume 25, Number 01, 2011  Nw ccal rorc or lbrary:   APTA. April 2010. Pub- lic Transportaon Fact Book .  NHTSA. 2010. Speed Enforcement Program Guidelines.  NHTSA. 2010. Speed Enforcement Camera Systems Operaonal Guidelines.  NHTSA. 2010. Motor- cycle Crash Causes and Outcomes: Pilot Study  T Maal provd formao ad daa -drv cc modolog for mao of mpac from road afy projc alrav. The Puerto Rico Transportaon Technology Transfer Center is part of a network of 58 centers through the United States that com- prises the Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) and the Tribal Technical Assistance Program (TTAP), which enable local gov- ernments, counes, and cies, to improve their roads and bridges by supplying them with a variety of training programs, an infor- maon clearinghouse, new and exisng technology updates, personalized technical assistance, and newsleers.  AASHTO Publishes 1st Edion of the Highway Safety Manual  AASHTO Pbl 1 Edo of Hgway Safy Maal P.1 Bcycl Cy: T Exprc of  “Cclo Vía P.2 Ol Dco Form ad Ema- o Sprad for HSM Ur P.5 Cr Nw P.6 UPRM Sd Sad o a 2011 TRB Aal Mg P.6 T Tp o Mova yor Employ a Work P.7 Safy Prcpl for Flaggr o Hg- way Work Zo P.8 Rorc Avalabl o Improv Rral ad Local Road Safy P.9 Fr Smar ad Cofrc P.10 Kow yor Trar P.10 Mag from Edor P.11 

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The assessment and evaluaon of the impacts caused by new highway, rehabilitaon or improvement

projects, in terms of the operaonal aspects of mobility and accessibility and the environmental

consideraons, have been eecvely promoted to the road development and transportaon

community since the late 1950’s. In contrast, the assessment and safety performance evaluaon of the

road geometric design and roadway condion alternaves has had limited progress in the state of the

pracce. The idencaon and selecon of roadway design elements and safety countermeasures

have relied substanally on recommended pracces or the intuive applicaon of the safety

treatments based on past experiences from local or naonal projects, without the use of data and

scienc methods.

Objcv of 1 Edo of Hgway Safy Maal 

The Highway Safety Manual (HSM), published in the year 2010 by the American Associaon of StateHighways and Transportaon Ocials (AASHTO), provides highway engineers with a series of analycal

tools that incorporate quantave methods and the accepted procedures needed to esmate the level

of safety of future design alternaves at dierent stages of highway development projects. These tools

will allow highway agencies to establish eecve safety management systems through the use of 

informed decisions sustained with crash and safety data and with the idencaon of the costs and

benets of the possible alternaves. (arcle connues on page 4) 

In this Issue 

EELL PPUENTEUENTE Newsleer of the Puerto Rico Transportaon Technology Transfer Center University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez 

Volume 25, Number 01, 2011 

Nw ccal rorc

or lbrary: 

●  APTA. April 2010. Pub

lic Transportaon Fac

Book . 

●  NHTSA. 2010. Speed 

Enforcement Program


●  NHTSA. 2010. Speed Enforcement Camera

Systems Operaonal 


●  NHTSA. 2010. Motor-

cycle Crash Causes an

Outcomes: Pilot Study

T Maal provd formao ad daa-drv cc modolog for

mao of mpac from road afy projc alrav.

The Puerto Rico Transportaon Technology Transfer Center is part of a network of 58 centers through the United States that com-prises the Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) and the Tribal Technical Assistance Program (TTAP), which enable local gov-ernments, counes, and cies, to improve their roads and bridges by supplying them with a variety of training programs, an infor-

maon clearinghouse, new and exisng technology updates, personalized technical assistance, and newsleers. 

AASHTO Publishes 1st Edion of the Highway Safety Manual 

AASHTO Pbl 1 Edo of Hgway Safy Maal 

Bcycl Cy: T Exprc of  “Cclo Vía” 

Ol Dco Form ad Ema-o Sprad for HSM Ur 

Cr Nw 

UPRM Sd Sad o a 2011TRB Aal Mg 

T Tp o Mova yor Employa Work 

Safy Prcpl for Flaggr o Hg-way Work Zo 

Rorc Avalabl o Improv Rralad Local Road Safy 

Fr Smar ad Cofrc 

Kow yor Trar 

Mag from Edor 

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Bicycles in the City: The Experience of the “Ciclo Vías” 


“Ciclo vía”, “ciclo ruta”, “bici -carril”, “carril -bici” or 

“bici -senda” : Spanish terms given to bikeways, or

the part of the public roadway infrastructure or

other trails or paths reserved for the exclusive or

shared trac movements of bicycles, pedestrians,

skates, and other non-motorized transportaon

modes. The “Ciclo vía” could be placed on any

roadway lane that has been temporary signalized

for this purpose in a proper manner, or on an

exclusive right-of -way for the only purpose of 

serving bicycle trac.

“Cclo Vía” Colomba 

The “Ciclo vía”, as known in Colombia, is an acvity

held on every Sunday and public holiday in the

cies of Bogotá, Cali, and Medellín. The city of 

Bogotá rst gave the name of “Ciclo vía” in 1975 to

the pracce of temporary closing of streets in the

major avenues of the city in order to provide

spaces to the populaon for recreaonal and sport

acvies during the weekends. The objecve of 

the street closing was to also movate people to

travel in bicycle to the city to ride and play. There

are other recreaonal end entertainment events

along the “Ciclo vía”, such

as t workouts and

aerobics contests, extreme

sports, yoga classes, and

musical events. 

The “Ciclo vía” in Bogotá

has a total length of 120  kilometers of routes

and is being held on

Sundays and public holidays from 7AM to 2PM.

Tipically, near 2 million people enjoy the acvies.

During special holidays, such as Christmas, the

“Ciclo vía” is organized for the enre day, ending at


“Cclo Vía” Méxco 

Mexico City has developed three “Ciclo vía” 

circuits in the urban area. One of the circuits has a

total length of 59 kilometers, and is located over

the right of way of the México – Cuernavaca

Railroad, going from the “Ejército Nacional ”

Avenue in the Polanco neighborhood to the “Fierro

del Toro” neighborhood in the State of Morelos.

Another circuit was opened in the Chapultepec

Park going over three secons of the park. The

third circuit goes from the Chapultepec Park to the

“ Zócalo” area in Mexico City through the “Paseo

de la Reforma” Avenue. The “Paseo de la

Reforma” is one of the most important and

congested avenues in the city, providing evidence

of the government commitment with non-

motorized transportaon alternaves and

recreaonal opons to the residents of this 20

million metropolis. 

Other cies in Mexico, like Guadalajara,  have

follow the example of the Federal District

successfully implemenng the “Ciclo vía” concept.

The Region of Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo  has integrated

the “Ciclo vía”  with the natural features of the

region connecng

the resort area in

Ixtapa through the

coastal area. The

region of 

Tulancingo  has ve

“Ciclo vías”  thatcross the cies of 

Tulancingo, Sanago

Tulantepec and

Cuautepec de


“Cclo Vía” Madrd, Spa 

Madrid has had dicules implemenng the “Ciclo

vía” concept due to the belief of the governments

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that the city of Madrid was not built for bicycle

travel. The Madrid Pro-Bici Associaon,

composed of dierent stakeholders of bicycle

groups in the city, was created with the objecve

of promong the use of bicycles in the city and

inform the government about the “Ciclo vía”  

experience in other cies. Today, Madrid has

implemented many kilometers of bikeways

surrounding the city with the expectaon of 

establishingbike staons



“Cclo Vía” Ud Sa 

The city of Cambridge, Massachuses, opens its

Memorial Drive Avenue for the exclusive

movements of bicycle and pedestrian trac

during Sundays between the months of April and

November since the 1990’s.

The city of New York carried out “Ciclo vía” 

acvies through three Saturdays in the years

2008 and 2009, converng around 7 miles of 

roadways, from 96th Street to the Brooklyn

Bridge, to exclusive bicycle and pedestrian routes

from 7AM to 1 PM.

The city of Miami had its rst “Ciclo vía” , called

Bike Miami , in November 2008. Miami became

the rst city in the United States in March 2009 in

having ve “Ciclo vía”  acvies. This monthly

acvity called Miami Days looks to promote

livable streets and a sustainable city, in addion

to promong people to walk and use the bicycle

as transportaon


The city of San

Francisco carries

out “Ciclo vía” 

events called

Sunday Streets since 2008. This monthly acvity,

held during a Sunday, consists of closing out 3 miles

of the Embarcadero Street to motorized trac. In

addion to the “Ciclo vía” , there are dierent

acvies held

along the street,

like bike riding

lessons, dance

classes, musicevents,


machines and

kiosks with food

samples from street merchants.

T “Cclo Día” Poc, Pro Rco 

The Municipality of Ponce held its “Ciclo día” event

on January 16, 2011, as part of the transportaon

project called “Sistema Integrado de Transportación

del Sur” (SITRAS), that is expected to start

operaons by summer.

The system will connect

dierent neighborhoods

with the urban district of 

the city by using buses

and tourist shules,

providing daily service

for 12 hours free of 


The integraon of the “Ciclo vía” to SITRAS was the

starng point to the “Ciclo Día” event, serving as a

rehearsal. This acvity is planned to be held

monthly, by peon of those persons that have

made the bicycle part of their roune and quality of 


(arcle connues on page 7) 

“A high-quality

city is not the

one with the

biggest streets,

but the one that

allows children

to go every-

 where by bicycle

in a safe man-


Enrique Peñalosa

Former Mayor of


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AASHTO Publishes 1st Edion…  (from page 1)



The HSM is organized in four parts: 

Par A - Includes an introducon to HSM and

provides the scienc basics associated with the

human factors and theorecal concepts that areincorporated in the tools and analycal


Par B - Includes the tools and methods

necessary to support the highway safety

management systems. These chapters contain

informaon about how to perform an

assessment of the road network, how to

perform the diagnoscs of the safety issues and

how to idenfy and perform the economic

evaluaon of the safety countermeasures. In

addion, this part contains tools to establish

priories between the road alternaves and

how to assess the eecveness of the safety


Par C - Includes the predicve methods with

the applicaon of safety performance funcons


Two-lane rural highways, 

Mulple lane rural highways, and 

Urban and suburban arterials.

Par D  - Includes the crash modicaon factors

(CMF) that were available in 2007. The included

CMFs in the HSM were submied to a rigorous

assessment to assure their validity for the

evaluaon of the safety performance. CMFs

were included in the HSM for the following


Road segments, 



Special facilies, and 

Highway networks. 

For more informaon about HSM and how to

 purchase the manual please visit the AASHTO

Internet site at:

The HSM is the direct result from the compleon

of mulple recent scienc research studies.

These studies were directed to the idencaon

of the roadway crash frequency and severity

factors for dierent highway funconal classes.

In addion, the HSM uses analycal tools for the

evaluaon, analysis, and assessment of thesafety impacts from road design alternaves.

The development of the HSM was carried out by

a group of experts from the Transportaon

Research Board, the Naonal Cooperave

Highway Research Program, and researchers

from renowned universies that helped establish

the scienc focus of the Manual. 

Instead of being prescripve, the HSM provides

tool that can predict the crash reducon

potenal of safety decisions taken during the

road planning, programming, design, operaonor maintenance stages. These tools are

presented in the Manual by discussing their

strengths and limitaons.

The HSM is directed toward highway engineering

ocials, from state, county and local agencies,

and regional and metropolitan planning

organizaons in the United States.


The expected benets from the implementaon

of the HSM should include reducons in road

crashes and costs due to the enhancement of the

decision making process and the eecveness of 

the selecon process of safety countermeasures

made by highway engineers. 

System Planning

Identify needs and

program projects

Project Planning &Preliminary Engineering

Identify alternatives and

choose the preferred solution

Design & Construction

Develop design plans and

build project

Operations &


Modify existing conditions to

maintain and improve safe and

efficient operation

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NCHRP Project 17-38 has made available to HSM users three sample spreadsheets to help in the training

eorts of Part C of the Manual. The sheets include examples of the procedures and calculaons of the

crash predicons for two-lane and mulple lane rural highways, and urban and suburban arterials. 

Online Discussion Forum

and Esmaon Spread-

sheets for HSM Users 

The online discussion forum allows

HSM users to interact and consult

possible applicaons and use of the

manual. In addion, the forumshares discussions about users’

experiences with


The spreadsheets can be modied by trained professionals in the use of HSM to meet the parcular needs

of the highway agency. For quesons or comments about the calculaon sheets please contact Karen Dix-

on from Oregon State University at (541) 737-6337 or by e-mail at [email protected]

The informaon in the fo-

rum is freely available to the

general public. The only re-

quirement to parcipate is

the compleon of the online

registraon process. 

 AADTMAX = 17,800 (veh/day)

Right Shld: 4 4

Right Shld: Gravel Gravel

 Auto speed enforcement (present/not present) Not Present Not Present

Calibration Factor, Cr 1 1.10

Roadside hazard rating (1-7 scale) 3 4

Segment lighting (present/not present) Not Present Present

Passing lanes [present (1 lane) /present (2 lane) / not present)] Not Present Not Present

Two-way left-turn lane (present/not present) Not Present Not Present

Driveway density (driveways/mile) 5 6

Centerline rumble strips (present/not present) Not Present Not Present

Superelevation variance (ft/ft) < 0.01 0

Grade (%) 0 2

Radius of curvature (ft) 0 0

Spiral transition curve (present/not present) Not Present Present


Length of horizontal curve (mi) 0 0.0

Left Shld:Shoulder type

Lane width (ft) 12 10

6 Left Shld:Shoulder width (ft)

Length of segment, L (mi) -- 1.5

-- 10,000 AADT (veh/day)

 Analysis Year 2010

Input Data Base Conditions Site Conditions

 Agency or Company OSU Roadway Section MP 0.0 to MP 1.5

Date Performed 03/31/10 Jurisdiction Anywhere, USA

Worksheet 1A -- General Information and Input Data for Rural Two-Lane Two-Way Roadway Segments

General Information Location Information

 Analyst KKD Roadway SH 321

Property Damage Only (PDO) 0.679 3.8 1.5 2.5

Total 1.000 5.6 1.5 3.8

Fatal and Injury (FI) 0.321 1.8 1.5 1.2

Crash severity level Crash Severity Distribution


Predicted average crash

frequency (crashes/year)

Roadway segment

length (mi)

Crash rate


(4) from Worksheet 1C (8) from Worksheet 1C (3)/(4)

Worksheet 1E -- Summary Results for Rural Two-Lane Two-Way Roadway Segments

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

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Center News 

25 Years Dedicated to the Training of State and Municipal Transportaon Ocials 


The Puerto Rico Transportaon TechnologyTransfer Center celebrates 25 years of connuousoperaon on April 1st. The Center wasestablished in 1986 at the Department of CivilEngineering and Surveying of the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez as part of the RuralTechnical Assistance Program of the FederalHighway Administraon.

During this rst 25 years, the Center has providedtraining and technical assistance to more than25,000 state and local transportaon ocials fromPuerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands. The Centerhas signicantly evolved to sasfy the constantlychanging transportaon needs at the local andinternaonal level, making the most out of ourstrategic locaon inside an academic seng in theCaribbean, having direct access to the brighteststudents and faculty from dierent disciplines andUPR campuses and our bilingual skills.

In addion, the Center has carried out mulpleresearch projects and professional developmentacvies directed toward the next generaon of transportaon professionals and the planning andcoordinaon of local, naonal, and internaonaltransportaon summits. 

Spcal Projc ad Collaborao drg 2006-

2011 Prod 

We want to deeply thank all the professionals thathave serve as instructors in our training acviesand thank to all of our parcipants. During 2011the Center will have a series of technical acviesin dedicaon to our rst 25 years or training andtechnical assistance. Visit our site on the Internet(www.uprm.edu/prt2) and our Facebook group formore details.

student had the opportunity to interact with Víctor

Méndez, FHWA Administrator, during the

Eisenhower Program Recepon Acvity.

From the le: Juan Balbuena (FHWA and UPRM

 Alumni), Elinic Almonte, Máximo Polanco, Carlos

Calero, Alberto Figueroa, Yesenia Cruz, Víctor Méndez

(FHWA), Pedro Pérez, Mireya Quiñones, Benjamín

Colucci and Richard Valencia.

A group of seven students from the UPR-

Mayaguez parcipated in the 90th Annual

Meeng of the Transportaon Research Board,

held in Washington, D.C. on April 23-27, 2011.

The student parcipaon at TRB is supported by

the Dwight David Eisenhower Transportaon

Fellowship from FHWA. The PR LTAP Center

Directors, Dr. Benjamín Colucci and Dr. Alberto

Figueroa (Eisenhower Campus Manager) were

also present at the Conference. 

Yesenia Cruz presented her poster “Dynamic 

Transportaon and Humanitarian Logiscs’ 

Conceptual Model: A Decision Tool to Priorize

Crical Supplies Distribuon during Emergency 

Relief Operaons”  and Mireya Quiñones

presented her poster “Determinaon of 

Saturaon Flow Rates at Urban Signalized 

Intersecons Based on Local Condions”  showing

the results of their research projects at TRB. The

UPRM Students Stand out at the 2011 Transportaon Research Board Annual Meeng 

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1.  Exhibit an impeccable work ethic and be

a leader by example. 

2.  Promote a broad vision of the relevance

of the work that your

colleagues are doing and

make them feel that what

they are doing is important

to others. 


Establish goals and make peopleresponsible for the performance and


4.  Oer a genuine evaluaon, and on me,

about the job performance. Ask the

same for you.

5.  Disseminate achievements and assume

the responsibilies for the team failures. 

6.  Provide the tools that your employees need

to be eecve.

7.  Assign responsibilies and tasks in

accordance to the individual

skills of each person.

8.  Communicate openly with

your employees about situaons

so everybody know the details

necessary for them to perform their dues. 

9.  Allow personal me to your employees to

take care of relevant situaons that require

them to be carried out during work hours.

10.  Have empathy, modesty, and sense of 

humor with everyone. 

Edited from The Corner Oce by Steve Tobak,


Ten Tips to Movate your Employees at Work 

"This event is part of a plan that will have this

type of acvity occurring several mes during

the year. Let’s see how this event goes and 

maybe we can carry out two events this year 

and subsequently have a monthly event ",

indicated Lic. Jessica Sinigaglia, from the Legal

Services Oce from the Municipality of Ponce

and Event Organizer. 

The “Ciclo Día” had near 1,500 parcipants

riding their bikes along the major avenues of 

the southern city. The City Major, Hon. María

Meléndez, praised the family and

sportsmanlike atmosphere of the event. The

Major indicated that the parcipants from

children to elderly people, that ride their bicycles

along the city streets. The “Ciclo Dia” route

started from the historic “Parque de Bombas” and

went through the Marina Street, the Ponce

Massacre Museum, the Dora Colón Clavel Urban

Park, Concordia Street, the Ponce Art Museum,

Las Américas Avenue, Comercio Street, the José

Labrador Boulevard, the Bridge of the Lions,

Tercentenary Park, and the Crisna Street, and

returning to the Plaza Las Delicias. 

Thanks to Eng. Iván López, from the Municipality 

of Ponce, for sharing the event pictures. 

Bicycles in the City… (from page 3)

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Always stay trained and updated on the right agger pracces. The Naoal Work Zo

Awar Wk is going to be held on April 4-8, 2011. To observe this week, the PR LTAP

Center will host the OSHA 10-hour cercaon training on Highway Work Zone Safety, with

the support of the  American Road & Transportaon Builders Associaon. The training

sessions are going to be held on April 4 -5 at CIAPR—MAYAGUEZ, April 7-8 at CIAPR-

GUAYAMA, and April 11-12 at CANOVANAS. Please call us for registraon details. 

Safety Principles for Flaggers on Highway Work Zones


The Right Training 

Flaggers play a fundamental role in keeping the safety of road users and the personnel working on or near roadways.

Near to 20 aggers die annually aer being hit by a motor vehicle going through a work zone or by machinery located

within the work zone; while much more aggers are severely injured. The Manual on Uniform Trac Control Devices

contain rules and guidance that all aggers must know in order to carry out his/her dues in a safe and eecve manner.

All aggers must know the following 6 safety principles on work zones and for temporary trac control dues.

The Right Signals 





The Right Advanced Warning Sign Spacing 


The selecon of signs, their message and

spacing vary depending on factors such as the

work type and duraon, highway class, trac

volume, road geometry, speeds and other

condions. Verify MUTCD for guidance. 

The Right Trafic Control Plan 

The MUTCD and the Standard

Drawings include typical applicaons

of trac control plans for dierent

types of highway work zones. 

Stand on the shoulder in a visible place.   Always face trac. Use hand signals in combinaon with

the agger paddle or the red ag.   Be always alert and focused on trac

control dues.  Be polite with road users.

The Right Practices  Always be located at the agger staon.   Have a radio or other communicaon

device with your work group andsupervisors. 

Plan an emergency escape route. 

Never be distracted with cell phones,music radio, MP3 or IPODs. 

Always use high visibility safety

garment that comply with

standard ANSI/ISEA-107 Class 2

or 3. 

The Right Garment and Gear Always use agger paddle or automated

agger assistance devices. Always have

available a radio, and overhead lamps for

nighme work. 


Informaon edited from the MUTCD and 

the Flagging poster prepared by the ART-

BA Work Zone Safety Clearinghouse 

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Highway fatalies had an average reducon of 10% in the United States, as in Puerto Rico, between the

years 2008 and 2009. Nevertheless, a total of 33,808 persons lost their lives as a consequence of a

highway related crash in the United States. At the same me, a total of 365 highway related fatalies

were recorded in Puerto Rico for an average of one live lost per day.

All safety iniaves directed toward reducing road related fatalies are require to focus on the exisng

condions on rural roads and roads of lower funconal classicaons to accomplish substanal results.

Fatalies on rural roads accounted for 57% of the total number of fatalies in 2009; meanwhile, 38% of 

the fatalies occurred on collector and local type roads in Puerto Rico.

The Safety Oce of the Federal Highway Administraon has taken a leading role to promote naonally

the need to analyze and evaluate rural and local road safety. To accomplish this objecve the Safety

Oce has made available online a series of tools and resources to assist engineers and transportaon

ocials in charge of local and rural highway systems.

Noteworthy Pracces: Addressing Safety on Locally -Owned and Maintained Roads - A Domesc 

Scan— Includes informaon about best pracces implemented by state transportaon agencies for

the planning, programming, and implementaon of safety projects for local roads.hp://safety.wa.dot.gov/local_rural/training/wasa10027/ 

Implemenng the High Risk Rural Roads Program - This resource shows successful examples from

states that have implemented programs and policies from this federal program directed to improve

the safety of high risk rural roads. hp://safety.wa.dot.gov/local_rural/training/wasa10012/ 

Local Roads Safety Resource CD  - This CD includes informaon about recent research projects

related to rural roads. hp://safety.wa.dot.gov/local_rural/training/resourcecd/ 

Local and Rural Safety Peer -to-Peer Program  - FHWA establish this peer-to-peer

program as another type of technical assistance for rural and local highway ocials to

resolve safety issues. The program provides access to voluntary professionals, expertsin the safety of rural and local roads, to oer assistance to their peers.


Road Safety Tools for Local Agencies - hp://trb.org/publicaons/nchrp/nchrp_syn_321.pdf  

Rural Highway Safety Clearinghouse - hp://www.ruralsafety.umn.edu/clearinghouse/ 

FHWA has developed a series of guidebooks to assist roadway maintenance crews with strategies and

tools for the inspecon and x dierent highway components with the objecve of providing an

acceptable level of safety. The Center Library has copies available of these guidebooks, and they are also

available online from the FHWA Internet site.

Maintenance of Drainage Features for Safety  -  hp://safety.wa.dot.gov/local_rural/training/


Maintenance of Signs and Sign Supports  -  hp://safety.wa.dot.gov/local_rural/training/


W -Beam Guardrail Repair  - hp://safety.wa.dot.gov/local_rural/training/wasa08002/ 

Vegetaon Control for Safety  - hp://safety.wa.dot.gov/local_rural/training/wasa07018/ 

Resources Available to Improve Rural and Local Road Safety  

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Future Seminars and Conferences

Dr. Sangchul Hwang completed his Bachelor

degree in Civil Engineering and his Master

degree in Environmental Engineering from the

Kyungpook Naonal University at South


He worked at Kansas University and

completed his Ph.D. in Environmental

Engineering from Akron University in Ohio in theyear 2002. His doctoral dissertaon was related

to the sorpon, deseron and biodegradaon of 

aromac poly-cyclical hydrocarbons. Dr. Hwang

had post-doctoral research works with the

Research and Development Center of the United States

Army in Vicksburg, MS, and later with the Johns

Hopkins  University working with the rehabilitaon of soils

and underground waters contaminated by explosives.  He

was awarded with the Naonal Research Council 

Postdoctoral Research Associateship from the Environment

Protecon Agency for his work related to chemical oxidaon.

Dr. Hwang is Associate Professor from the UPRM

Department of Civil Engineering and Surveying since January

2005. His recent research project includes the earth bio-

viable restoraon, the remediaon of contaminated soils

and underground water, potable water and sewer

treatments, the earth bio-decomposion, and the

applicaon / design implicaons of nano materials for the


Dr. Hwang teaches Water Bio-remediaon and

Treatments, Design of Sewer Systems,

Introducon to Environmental Engineering and

Solid Waste Management courses at UPRM. 

As part of the family of trainers of our Center, Dr.

Hwang oers seminars in topics related to the

consideraon of environmental impacts associated with

transportaon pracces and projects, regulaons and pracces for

the reducon of solid waste, engineering fundamentals in

municipal projects of transportaon and water resources, and

NEPA-related aspects in transportaon decision-making. He is a

member of the AWWA and ACS Professional Organizaons and

the World Economic Forum. 

Even though the extended me dedicated to his research projects

and teaching at UPRM, Dr. Hwang  always saves me to enjoy 

watching his kids play on the beauful beaches of Puerto Rico. He

 possess a Second Dan Black Belt in Korean Maral Arts and Tae-

Kwon-Do and he frequently oers classes to the public by request.

The main hobby of Dr. Hwang is thinking how to make the world a

beer place, as indicated by the meaning of his rst name. 

Kow yor Trar:

Dr. Sagcl Hwag 



Smar ad Workop 

Introducon to the Naonal Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and Transportaon Decision-Making 

Instructor: Dr. Sangchul Hwang 

Date: April 1, 2011, Time: 8:00 AM to 4:30PM 

Place: Civil Engineering Auditorium, University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez  

Infrastructure Procurement Systems: Public Private Partnerships (PPP) Instructor: Dr. Omar I. Molina Bas 

Date: April 14, 2011, TIme: 8:00 AM to 4:30PM 

Place: Sub–sede CIAPR Gurabo 

Date: April 15, 2011, Time: 8:00 AM to 4:30PM 

Place: Sala Ernesto Álvarez Lazzarini, Autoridad Metropolitana de Autobuses

For more informaon about our seminars and how to register please contact: Ms. Grisel Villarrubia at (787) 834-6385 or at [email protected] or visit our website at www.uprm.edu/prt2.

Cofrc ad Smm 

2011 Instute of Transportaon Engineers Technical Conference and Exhibit: April 3-6, 2011, Walt

Disney World Swan Hotel, Lake Buena Vista, Florida. (www.ite.org/conference/default.asp)  10th Low Volume Roads Internaonal Conference: July 24-27, 2011, Hilton–Walt Disney World, Lake Buena

Vista, Florida. (www.trb.org/lowvolumeroadsconference/lvr10.aspx) 

2011 LTAP/TTAP Naonal Conference: August 1-4, 2011, Boston Park Plaza Hotel, Boston, Massachuses.


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I op a yo joy Fr Edo for 2011 of EL PUENTE. I wlr w av cldd rg arcl

ad formao rlad o w AASHTO Hgway Safy Maal, mplmao of “Cclo Vía” rba

raporao work, mpora afy p for aggr, ad wly-avalabl rorc for rral ad local gway

ocal o dal w afy . I addo, wlr cld rc w from or PR LTAP Cr ad

w av cldd prol of Dr. Sagcl Hwag, o of or mo yog ad poplar rar.

T yar 2011 prom o b vry rg for or Cr a w clbra r 25 yar of rvc a UPRM

Dparm of Cvl Egrg ad Srvyg, cojco w UPRM Cal Clbrao. W v yo

all o com w ad clbra Cr’ 25 Avrary o Marc 31, 2011 a CIAPR -Mayagz. Or

kyo pakr wll b Dr. Flp Lyada, Formr Co-Drcor of Cr.

Alberto M. Figueroa Medina, P.D., P.E. 

Message from the Editor


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DATE: ____________________________ 

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MUNICIPALITY/AGENCY ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 


CITY_____________________________________________________ STATE ___________________ ZIP CODE______________________________ 

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Help us keep updated our Mailing List by completing this form and sending it via FAX at (787) 265-5695. 


Provide us with details of the situation, project, transportation issue, etc. that you seek information or technical a

sistance or request us a technical document, video or training/workshop manual from our transportation library. 






The Center’s sta welcomes all your comments and suggestions. To contact the Center, please send all correspon

ence to the following e-mail address or contact us at: 

Phone: (787) 834-6385, Fax: (787) 265-5695,

E-mail: [email protected] 

 Website: http://www.uprm.edu/prt2/ 

Technical Informaon, Publicaon, Video or Training Request Form

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EL PUENTE is published by the Puerto Rico Transportaon Technology Transfer Center

located at the Department of Civil Engineering and Surveying of the University of Puerto

Rico at Mayaguez. 


University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez 

Department of Civil Engineering and Surveying  

Call Box 9000, Mayagüez, PR 00681 

787.834.6385 PHONE 

787.265.5695 FAX 



The opinions, ndings, or recommendaons expressed in this newsleer are those of the Center sta and do not necessarily reect 

the views of the Federal Highway Administraon, the Puerto Rico Department of Transportaon and Public Works, the Puerto Rico

Highway and Transportaon Authority, or the U.S. Virgin Islands Department of Public Works. 


Benjamín Colucci Ríos 


Alberto M. Figueroa Medina 

Deputy Direc

Gisela González 

Program Administra

Grisel Villarubia Irmalí Franco 

 Administrave Coordinat

Alberto Almodóvar Mercado 

Freddie Salado 

Students Inte


VOL. 25, NO. 01, 2011