vol. 18 (1998), no. 10


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Minnesota Herpetological Society Newsletter


Page 1: Vol. 18 (1998), No. 10




NEWSLE'11ER Vol. 18 No. 10 OCTOBER 1998

Page 2: Vol. 18 (1998), No. 10


October 1998

The purpose of the Minnesota Herpetological Society is to: • further the education of the membership and the general public in care and captive propagation of

reptiles and amphibians; • educate the members and the general public in the ecological role of reptiles and amphibians; • promote the study and conservation of reptiles and amphibians.

MHS Board of Directors President Vice president Recording Secretary Membership Secretary Treasurer Newsletter Editor Member at Large Member at Large Member at Large Member at Large Member at Large

George Richard Barbara Buzicky BruceHaig Amy Peterson Marilyn Blasus NancyHaig Fred Bosman Laurie Grassel Gordon Merck Janell Osborn, D.V.M. Sarah Richard

(612) 639-6368 (651) 291-1132 (612) 434-8684 (612) 922-4066 (612) 925-4237 (612) 434-8684 (612) 476-0306 (612) 428-4625 (612) 566-2001 (612) 455-6540 (612) 639-6326

Herp Assistance Specific questions concerning atnphibians and reptiles are best answered by contacting the follOWing individuals. Please be rea'>onable about the time of day and how frequently you call.

Amphibians Greg Kvanbeck John Meltzer

Chameleons Vern & Laurie Grassel

Lizards Nancy Haig

(612) 388-0305 (612) 263-7880

(612) 428-4625

(612) 434-8684

Large Boas and Pythons Tina Cisewski (612) 856-2865

Terrestrial Turtles Fred Bosman John Levell

Special Committees:

(612) 476-0306 (507) 467-3076

Amphibians and Reptiles in Minnesota Greg Kvanbeck (612) 388-0305 john Moriarty (651) 482-8109

Crocod ilians Jeff Lang (701) 772-0227

Big Lizards, Monitors Bill Moss (612) 488-1383

Other snakes Jeff LeClere John Meltzer

Aquatic Turtles Gary Ash John Levell

(612) 488-6388 (612) 263-7880

(612) 753-0218 (507) 467-3076

Adoption Chair Sarah Richard

Education Chair UP NORTH (Bemidji) (612) 639-6326

Snakebite Emergency Hennepin Co. Regional Poison Center (612) 347 - 3141 Minnesota Poison Control System Local: (612) 221-2113 Out of State: (800) 222 -1222

Sean Hewitt (612) 935-5845 Jeff Korbel (218) 586-2588

MHS Voice Mail (612) 624 - 7065 E-mail: [email protected] Internet http:j /www.onrampinc.net/mhs/

The Minnesota Herpetological Society Newsletter is published monthly by the Minnesota HerpetolOgical Society to provide its members with information concerning the society's activities and a media for exchanging information, opinions and resources. Printed on recycled paper.

© COpyright Minnesota Herpetological Society 1998. Contents may be reproduced for non-profit use provided that all material is reproduced without change and proper credit is given authors and the tv1HS Newsletter citing.; voitune, number, and date.

Page 3: Vol. 18 (1998), No. 10

Upcoming Meeting Highlights The Vice-Presidellt's Report By Barb Buzicky

November Program: Conserving Crocodilians: Use Them or Lose Them?

Speaker: Dr. Jeffery W. Lang

Conserving crocodilians? Are they in danger? Why do they need help with conservation efforts? Well, the speaker for our November meeting will be able to help answer these questions, and [' m sure many others. Jeff Lang will give us an over view of the past and present strategies to help conserve various species that have had some problems to overcome. He will focus his talk on the alligator, caiman, and crocodile species. Further, he will give us an overview of species and projects that he worked on in the Southern U.S., Venezuela, Australia, Papua New Guinea, and India.

He will relay this information by incorporating slides and some video clips that he has taken on these trips. He will certainly present us with an excellent talk. Jeff is also a member of the MHS, and I want to welcome him to our general meeting. I hope that all members plan to share this evening with us for an exciting talk on crocodilians.

Thanks! See you all there at the next meeting!!! BAB

P.S. I am planning for next year's speakers, so if anyone has a suggestion for a speaker send me an e-mail or stop and see me at the meeting. I am starting with the

month of March 1999, as I am booked until then. Thanks!

Date: November 6, 1998 Location: Borlaug Hall, Room 335, U of M. st. Paul Campus 7:00pm

About the Parking

Members attending the October meeting noticed a major change concerning parking at Borlaug Hall. The university now has a gated paid public parking area in front of the building. TIle open sites are all contract parking.

According to U of M parking Asst. Director Scott Anderson, the university is tentatively manning the paid parking only until 10:00p.m. after that the gates would be open. Since you pay to get out; the parking should be free if you leave after 10:00p.m. Parking in the conh'act area could lead to a parking ticket from Ramsey County ($10 -$20) and if you have outstanding parking tickets your car could be towed. Enforcement of the contract parking is at the university's discretion. If you have further questions concerning the parking situation contact the U of M parking, 62&-7275.

Holiday Banquet

We are still looking for help with the Holiday Banquet, especially for a place to hold it! If you have any suggestions (we need a place that can hold 60 -90 people) Contact Gordon Merck (56&-2001). We also need people to help with the set-up and clean-up. Fill out your reservations and mail it in early so we can get things organized. Thanks!


The MHS field trip to the MN Zoo to see the exhibit 'FROGSI" has been canceled due to a conflict in the Zoo's scheduling. There's still time to see the display on your own.

Bell Museum Aids

The Bell Museum of Natural History Herpetology Collections maintain a separate teaching collection of amphibians and reptiles. TIlis collection tries to represent all the families of amphibians and reptiles and as many different species as possible. The best sources of specinlens for this collection are decease captive aninlals. There are many species of herps that are currently available in the pet trade that are not represented in the teaching collection.

In an attempt to expand the collection we would like any specinlens (except corn snakes, iguanas, or snakes greater than 8 ft long) you may have in your freezer. Specinlens can be brought to the November Meeting or contact John Moriarty at (612) 47&-4663 days or (651) 482-8109 evenings. Thanks,

John J. Moriarty

Volunteers Needed

Once again, Papa John's Pizza is willing to donate funds to any organization that volunteers to do pizza duty at the Mariucci Arena. Our dates are: Jan. 16 and Feb 13, from 5:45- 9 ish p.m. Contact Marilyn Blasus (612) 925-4237 if you are interested in helping out.

Page 4: Vol. 18 (1998), No. 10

MHS Newslelfer Volume 18 Number 10


Presidential Pabulum By George Richard - MHS President

As I may have mentionedf

sometimes writing this column is like pulling teeth so, looking for ideas I asked Sarah what I should write about, she told me jokingly, "real estate, we need the exposure". That started me thinking about the old definition of why real estate is valuable. "They aren't making any more."

I'm sitting at my desk typing this column without using my hands. I just got a voice recognition program for my computer, which allows me to dictate my column at a faster speed than I Iype (though at 20wpm, most people mumble faster than I Iype). I know what your thinking. what does this have to do with Herpetology? Well W. an analogy. pm. able to sit here comfortably and with a minimum of effort get my thoughts on paper without touching the keyboard, computer, or understanding how any of it works. Technology has replaced what used to be the standard written communication, i.e. typing, with an advancement that allows anyone with enough money or time to conunurucate effectively, precisely (and I should mention inanely) without any special knowledge.

Likewise, technology (rapid transport) has spread wide the nets of animal collectors, allowing anyone with enough money to possess (and enjoy for a time) the rarest and most exotic species without the bare minimum of knowledge necessary to properly care for the animal. This is a serious problem that strains our society, our planet and our IJhobby"', it is the root of the "disposable" pet problem. Many species that once were expensive and exotic are now cheap, commonplace and in some cases, "captive bred". This creates an Olmer, who is able to afford relatively inexpensive animals with husbandry far more expensive than they imagined. When their "beloved pef' becomes too large, aggressive or inconvenient they have an unsaleable burden on their

hands. This becomes a problem not just for them but for others.

One of the most common reactions to this prqblem is to attempt to prohibit or limit Hwild by nature" animals. We have seen examples of this, both good and bad, all with" good intentions" but without dealing with specific cases, general knowledge tends to be unmanageable an ineffective.

This problem must be studied from more than one angle. TIle hobbyist wants new and more exciting animals, the environmentalist wants animals to be protected and preserved, the pet store wants to earn a living and animal control wants people to stop calling about wild iguanas. We (the MHS) are in a unique position, we have members representing all of these points of view, (to one degree or another) and one more. I call them Herpetologists.

The Herpetologist is not a pure pristine science Iype, they try and understand all of the view points above, because they care about the whole. The difference between each of the rather simple viewpoints I characterized above and the Herpetologist is one thing. knowledge. Not that they have more of it than the others do, or it's superior infonnation,. it's their willingness to share it in a constructive context Each of those individuals is enlightened enough to realize they can learn something and are willing to share the knowledge and experience they have. TI,af s why they joined the MHS, in search of knowledge, common ground and experiences.

Because of the quick, easy access to previously remote areas and the growing appetite of the pet buying public, more different species are being collected now than ever before. This, in addition to the fashion, fur (and hide) trades and pseudo-medicinal trades, put a great stress on natural wild populations. The exotic pet trade is the fastest growing portion of the pet industry and it continues to grow. The Herpetologists willingness to share their knowledge on all these different factors and how they interrelate, may be the deciding factor in the health of this "hobby".


Some of the Herps we care for are facing serious loss of habitat and extinction while others are a glut on the petmarket They didn't get that way by themselves. "They aren't making any more", or at least in some species, less than they used to. It's unfortunate but that's why the Komodo Dragons are smuggled and Iguana's abandoned. There's too few of one and not enough of the other, supply and demand. Should that be the bottom line?

What if they stop making Iguana's too? GWR

October's "Critter of the Month"

Del Jones Mountain Patchnose Snake Salvadora grahamiae

Laurie Grassel Bearded Dragon (with defonnily) Pogono vitticeps

Jake Jacobsen Eastern Box Turtles (rescued nlYtles) Terropene ssp

Donna Calander Bunnese Mountain Tortoise Geochelone emys

Joy Norquist Coastal Box Turlle T errapene ssp

Jim GerholdtjDan Keyler Mojave Rattlesnake Crotalus scutulatus

Blacktailed Rattlesnake Crotalus molossus

Help A Hapless Herp

Adopted at the October Meeting 2 California Kingsnakes 1 White throat Monitor 1 Common Boa 1 small Dimen I Iguana 1 Ball Python

Still needing homes are: 3 Ig Burmese Pythons 1 4 1h' Nile Monitor 1 Common Boa 12 Iguanas If you are interested in any of these

animals please contact the MHS Voicemail at (612) 624--7065 and press 2 for the Adoption Line.

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MHS Newsletter Volume 18 Number 10

GENERAL MEETING REVIEW Adventures In New Mexico Speakers: Dan Keyler, Jim Gerholdt and Del Jones

By Bruce Haig Recording Secretary

Los Tres Amigos, AKA Dan Keyler, Jim Gerholdt and Barney Oldfield, set off on a great New Mexican adventure on April 26 of this year. The trip was planned by Dan and was a surprise birthday present to Jim from Pam, his wife. Barney is a long time member of MHS now living in Farmington, New Mexico.

Jim and Dan met Barney at the Albuquerque airport at 10:00 PM and left for the Peloncillo Mountains in the southwest corner of the state the next morning. They went to Skeleton Valley, an area so beautiful that Dan described the experience of waking with the sun rising on the rim of the rock formations as almost a mystical experience. This was the place that Geronimo surrendered to the Federal Governnment when he realized how many settlers there were and that they just kept oncoming.

Flipping rocks at first only prod uced scorpion specimens that Jim took several photos of. Eventually Dan spooked a striped whip snake (Masticolis ssp) that ran into a Manzanilla bush. Los Tres Amigos closed in and Jim dove on it when it ran out. It measured about 30 inches and was glad to be released after a few photos.

They searched all day for Mohave Rattlesnakes (Crotalus Scutellatus) without any success. On the way back to camp, they found a 36 - 38 inch specimen in the road. They captured it and it is now beung used to produce antivenum. Jim brought the second one they found to the meeting. It is a beautifully marked JUVenile.

They also looked for the Black Tailed Rattlesnake (Crotalus Molossus) but without any success

despite the fact that they are supposed to be fairly common in the area. Late April is still too early for them to emerge from hibernation despite daytime temperatures in the 80s.

As they explored the valley and surrounding area they collected every skeleton they encountered. By the time they left for their next camp, they had draped skeletons of coati mundi, fox and many other formally living creatures on the bushes all around their camping place. Who knows what the next people to came along thought of the strange visitors that preceeded them? Certainly never suspected Minnesota Nice people.

Their next base of operations was one mountain ridge to the East on Grey Ranch, the site of Animas Peak. Here they found the Western Rattlesnake (Crotalus Viridis) on the road, both living and not. This is a species only found at high altitudes that far south. They released a Western Diamondback (Crotalus Atrox) that Barney had captured for study on a previOUS trip. The Ridge Nosed Rattlesnake (Crotalus Willardi) is also supposed to be in the area but was not seen on this trip. There is a theory that the unique ridge they possess is used for collecting dew for drinking.

Their searches for the 5<moran Mountain Kingsnake (Lampropeltis Pyromelana) were equally unproductive. Barney claims that they can reach five feet in the wild and everyone was especially anxious to see one that large. They did see tons of spiny lizards (sceloporus) but were not able to determine which subspecies they belonged to.

After a week in the southwest corner of the state, los tres amigos headed north again and dropped


Dan off at the Albuquerque airport for his return to Minneapolis. Jim and Barney went on to the American International Rattlesnake Museum in Albuquerque.

Jim, a rattlesnake keeper from way back, was in heaven with a huge variety of his favorite snakes to see and photograph. He took some beautiful photos of an albino western diamondback there. They also had a rare Mexican Lanceheaded Rattlesnake that is highly iridescent with a very unusual pattern. Any interested person must visit this museum if they are passing through Albuquerque.

After stopping off at Barney's place in Farmington, Jim and Barney went to Cross Canyon to look for collared lizards (crotaphytus). They found a female and a male that latched onto Jim for five minutes before he put his hand in a snake bag and it finally let go. They also found a couple of great basin gopher snakes (Pitouphis ssp.), more sceloporus, and some side blotched lizards (Uta ssp.). The males side blotched lizards were very colorful with yellow sides and blue chins.

When Jim finally got back to Minnesota, he got a call from the DNR asking if he wanted a black tailed rattlesnake. It seems that someone had brought it back from New Mexico and had gotten bit. It was confiscated under the Lacey Act as it was collected without a permit and Jim accepted it eagerly. He brought it to the meeting and it is a very beautiful animal.

The talk was peppered with references to Jim's canteen that seemed to have a will of it's own. Del Jones explained all with a well illustrated tale of it's adventures, but that's another story.

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MRS Newsletter Volume 18 Number 9


It's time to revisit Renaissance one last time. This month's article is a small taste of some of the bizarre events that happen to the victims (volunteers) at Como Cottage. The following are TRUE questions, statements and stories from individuals that were intoxicated, inebriated, drunk or sloshed. But, sadly, most were sober. I divided them once again into loose categories. CAUTION! This article may cause abdominal pain convulsions, seizures, and possible death.

General Biology was required in my high school. Obviously not for the woman who asked someone, "Do they all have mouths?" (I had to scratch my head and think this. I had heard of cutaneous respiration but cutaneous digestion?)

Here are a few others in need of a biology course:

"Do they have stingers on the end of their tails?"

"How big is it when it comes out of its cocoon?" asked to Burmese Python owner.

flWherets the "+11 on this Burmese's head?"

ItYou've had the venom removed so you can hold it, right?"

"Is it white because it is scared?" (It was an albino com snake.)

A gentleman REALLY confused about what animal I'm holding, asked. "Where do you milk it from?" I was holding a pueblan milk snake which last I looked was nota cow.

"I have a boa at home that is 70 pounds and 7 feet long." (Can we say obese or over exaggerated? I knew you could.)

By Sean P. Hewitt

Caimen's, Painted and Snapping Turtles are residents in Smiley's pond.

And here's one that's a boo-hiss for the "Learning Channel." (Supposedly) It stated that anacondas could get up to 1200 pounds.

Julie Beauvais was sitting with her ball python and Ingrid was sitting next to her with her common boa. A woman asked what the types of snakes were.

Then, before leaving, she told her child: "This is a python ... " (as she points to the python) "and this is a boa ... " (pointing to the boa) "They look the same to the untrained eye."

A lot of people get too anthropomorphic about reptiles. This one took it to the extreme: "My snake went into mental depression after we had a baby. He wouldn't eat, sleep or drink. Our vet told us to get a more "friendly" baby reptile. So we got a 5-foot iguana instead. The boa's name


was "Dick", but we found out that it was a girl so we called her u*'***Iess."

A lady came up to Anna Roedler and stated: "The only way to domesticate a snake is to sleep with it." Justin's retort, (who was sitting to her) "That's kind of sick lady!"

And you think snakes are confusing. Lizards are more confusing to the general public. Here's some examples:

While holding a chuckwalla one victim was asked: "Is that a snake?"

"That's a horny frog!" While looking at a bearded dragon.

"Did you know that Veiled Chameleons can shoot blood out of their eyes."

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MHS Newsletter Volume 18 Number 10


Owners of savanna monitors' get shelled with comments like: "Are those holes on the side of its head gills?" One adult said: "It feels like a snake but not as slimy!' And teenage girl exclaimed: "That looks like it would be fun to make out with!" (1 don't want to know what she's into), Don't forget this: "My monitor has a tongue that splits in two so it can lick both sides of its lips at once,"

Everybody loves turtles and evenJbody has their own stories about turtles, here's a couple:

"1 saw a snapping turtle that was so long it stretched from the inside to outside stripes on the highway."

"How often do turtles shed their shells?" and when informed that turtles do not in fact shed their shells, he asked. "Why do 1 always see discarded shells laying around,lI

Liz Bosman was walking her Leopard tortoise around and someone came up and asked "Do they lose arms and legs?" (They thought it was a "leper" tortoise. :)

One would think that alligators are fairly straightforward. Well, not always. A guy asked our volunteers. "Where'd you get such a big iguana?" We also learned (from experts): "That alligators can extend their back legs 2-3 feet in order to chase a human. Then they get up on their hind legs and run 30 - 35 MPH." Another man came up to the pond and said "Nice alligator." He then glanced at the two smaller crocodilians and said, "Newts!" and walked away.

"Is that turtle nursing?" (The snapping turtle was buried under the alligator.)

A man (looking as if he knew quite a bit about the latter part of the question) approached and asked. "50 do they (alligators) breed like pigs do?" Then says, "1 wonder if they're better than dogs?" (I'm afraid, very afraid.)

Renaissance Festival is a very unique hands-on. We even permit people to bring out their non-scaly "pets" or better "companionsu, We've seen tarantulas, millipedes, scorpions, parrots, ferrets (yes, those fuzzy mammals), hermit crabs and even a cockroach.

By Sean P. Hewitt

Festival. 1 especially like to thank Franke and Dennis, our committee chairpersons. This was tl,e best year ever. We look forward to adding to the collection of comments next year.

If anybody out-of-state wishes to add their unusual questions and comments. Please write to the Bell Museum c/o Education Coordinator or bye-mail [email protected]. Please give as much detail as you can.

Jim Hoffman, Bruce Haig and Kris Strobeen "on fence."

Ferret owners even get unusual questions like: "Does it just eat small frogs and things then?" (Because she was with the herps.) Comments like: "If you throw a ferret on its back, it'll fall asleep, right?" Are quite common as well.

Well, tllat's it until next year. 1 would like to thank everyone who volunteered out at the Renaissance


If you are interested in collecting funny remarks of your very own, check out the Calendar of events for a look at future "Hands-On events". If anyone is interested, give your Education Coordinator a call or if you are attending the next meeting find any other Board member or myself. We will be glad to help.


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MHS Newsletter Volume 18 Number 10


October Board of Directors Meeting By Bruce Haig, Recording Secretary

Treasurer's Report of September 1998 Prepared by Marilyn Brooks Blasus

The MHS Board of Directors met October 3, at the St. Paul Campus Student Union. A quorum was present.

The MHS donated $50.00 to Tortoise Aid International. This is a new organization founded by Annie Lancaster who spoke to the MHS earlier this year. She is trying to save turtles and tortoises that have been confiscated from people selling them illegally and needs all the help she can get.

It was decided to print 750 copies of Jeff LeClaire's Occasional Paper, "A Checklist of the Herpetofauna of Iowa". They should be ready at the next general meeting.

Gordon Merck has completed repairs to the Library cart. He added a wider hinge in the back and four inch wheels so it will roll in and out of the elevator more easily from now on.

We have to decide on Volunteer awards for 1998 (to be distributed in 1999) in time to order them Suggestions include mugs (again), pins, steins, golf towels, snake bags and key chains. If you have any ideas or opinions, please let your board members know.

The parking situation at the general meeting was discussed. Gordon offered to look into it and information will be printed in the newsletter as it becomes available

Presented and accepted: Recording Secretary Report and Treasurers Report.

Beginning checkbook balance:

Income: Membership: Raffle Sales Rodent Sales Donations Fines Misc. (postage)

435.00 37.50 25.00

543.00 227.00

2.00 0.00

Total income:

Expense: Newsletter 250.00 Misc. prt./post. 0.00 Program 50.00 Library 28.00 Supplies 0.00 RefresJunents 0.00 Sales costs 363.00 Donation 50.00 Other ( DNR display) 43.26

Total Expense: Net income/(loss)

Ending checkbook balance: Funds allocated to unpaid expenses Funds available

MRS Coming Events



881.36 398.14

12,508.55 329.76


Nov. 6, 1998 MHS General Meeting, Speaker: Jeff Lang Topic: Conserving Crocodilians. 335 Borlaug Hall, U of M, St. Paul Campus, 7:00p.m

Nov. 7,1998 MHS Board of Directors Meeting. Student Union, U of M, st. Paul Campus, 7:00p.m

Dec. 4,1998, MHS General Meeting, Speaker: Wayne Hill. Dec. 5, 1998 Holiday Banquet??? see insert for more information

Hands-On As of yet there are no Hands-On(s) scheduled for November or December.

Contact Sean Hewitt (612) 935-5845 for further information of Hands- On(s) events.


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MHS Newsletter Volume 18 Number 10


For Sale: Oassified ads are free to the membership. Deadline is the night of the general meeting to be included in the next newsletter. Contact Nancy Haig 434-8684 to leave ad or mail to: MHS Editor, Bell Museum of Natural J-listory, 10 Church St., SE, Ivlinneapolis, MN f 55455

1.0.0= male, 0.1.0 = female, 0.0.1 = lmsexed, cb = captive bred, obo = or best offer, + = times run.

1.3 Brazilian Rainbow Boas, cb 4/13/98, $175., 1.1 subadult Queensland Carpet Pythons, one striped, one yellow, $225., 1.0 juvenile White-lipped Python, $300., Chelsea or Tyler DeArmond, 776-5216. Leave message. +

Baby Corn Snakes, CB Aug. 98, red, black and buff varities. $10., Rubbermaid Stock Tank- 100 gal. $30., Galvanized Stock Tank- 100 gal. $30. Ann Porwoll489-7853++

1.1 Albino Prairie Kingsnakes, Normal Pattern, proven adult breeding pair. Gorgeous light tan and cream colored. They have been bred in '97 & '98. $65. Ea. /120 pr., 1.0 Striped Prairie Kingsnake. Adult, dark black stripes on greenish gray background. $45., 0.1 Black Pinesnake. '96 John Meltzer beauty, dark shiny black, $60., 0.1 Pacific Gopher Snake, Adult, striped with very pretty highlights, great feeder, $60., Ban Python 2 Y1 appears to be male, nice docile, feeds on hoppers. $60. Randy Blasus (612) 9254237++

Hatchling Com Snakes. Amerethrystic $10., Normal $10., Snow $20., Ghost $25., also Adults, Normal $40., Snow $60., Breeding pair of Everglades Rat Snakes $100. Call Mark 481-0127++

1.0.0 Everglades Ratsnake cb Adult, bright orange, almost patternless $35., 0.1.0 Ball Python cb 98 voracious feeder $30. Call Mike Burpee 894-8722 +

3 month old Veiled Chameleons, $35.00; 3 & 4 month old Sandfire Bearded Dragons. $60. To $80. each. All animals are Beautiful and Guaranteed Healthy Call Vern, 428-4625+

Baby Snake Sale. All CB. in August 98. Com Snakes, $20.-$30.; California Kingsnakes (Banded -

. Desert Phase) $40.; Mexican (Sonoran) Black Kingsnakes, $40.­$50. Call after 6 P.M. and ask for Scott. (612) 757- 9766 +++

Common Boa Babies. Born 4-21-98, feeding well, shed, father has aberrant striped pattern. $75 each. Contact Michael @ (612) 754-8241 or [email protected] +++

4.2.0 CB 98 Ball Python, eating froz/thawed $40.00, Nice 5/98 0.0.5 Leopard Geckos $20.00, 0.0.2 Boa's 3/98 $35.00, 1.0.0 Savannah Monitor $75.00, Call Sarah, (612) 202-3567 +++

Frozen Rabbits - all sizes. Prices very reasonable- pinkies to adults. Jim Daluge (612) 295-2818

Need to reduce our rabbit population. Live or - $4.99/ each Southside Farm Store, 1534 E. 38th

5t., Minneapolis MN, 55407, 721-2761

Critter Cage- six section pressboard and plexiglass, hinged doors,72"h x 46"w x 28"d. FoUl" sections with lights. BO. Call after 9:00a.m or leave message, Lynn Peters 825-6767 +


Wanted: All the shed snake skins in the world. Needed for giveaways at educational programs contact Bob Duerr 541-0362

Freezer collection items for Bell Musernn. See item on page Hor more information. Contact John Moriarity (612) 476-4663

MHS Rodent Sales Mice Pinkies

Fuzzies Hoppers Adults

Rats Sm. Pups Lg Pups Juvn Rats. Adults

$7.00 dozen $7.00 dozen $8.00 dozen $10.00 dozen

$12.00 dz. $18.00 dz. $24.00 dz. $15.00 six $30.00 dz.

For pick up at monthly meetings only. Orders must be placed at least one week in advance of date of meeting at which the frozen rodents are to be delivered. Place orders with Tina (Rat Girl) Cisewski at (612) 856-2865.

All proceeds go toward the operating costs of the society. The MHS is a completely volunteer run, non-profit organization.

MHS T-Shirts

The New MHS T-Shirts are now on sale at the General Meeting. They are a light cocoa with the MHS Logo on the front. Pick one up for only $12.00 each.

Page 10: Vol. 18 (1998), No. 10

MHS Newsletter Volume 18 Number 10


P.O. Box 86 • Webster, MN 55088

i Educational programs and displays for schools or special occasions.


English Spot Dutch

Jim's Rabbit Shack

.. ~ (~ik1 Polish

Where Spots Are Tops

JIM DALUGE 8700 Jaber Ave. N.E. Monticello, MN 55362

(612) 295-2818


Dr. Janel! Osborn, DVM "Herpetoculturai Housecal/s"

(612) 599-5476

Veterinary Medicine for Reptiles and Amphibians

16800 Highway 55 Plymouth, MN 55446

Phone 559-4004

4225 County Road 42 Savage, MN 55378

Phone 894-8740

trv(( -;;

Page 11: Vol. 18 (1998), No. 10

Advertising Policies MHS Ad Policy: The MHS assumes NO RESPONSIBILITY regarding the health or legality of any animal, or the quality or legality of any product or service advertised in the MHS Newsletter. Any ad may be rejected at the discretion of the Newsletter Editor. Due to space limitations, unpaid and complimentary advertisements are subject to occasional omi'ision.

Classified Ads: All active members are allowed a classified ad, run free of charge as space permits. Ads may be run (3) consecutive months, after which time they may be resubmitted. Corresponding members are allowed a complimentary business card advertisement monthly as space permits.

Display Ad Rates: Ad Size per Month % page $10.00 '12 page $20.00

full page $40.00 Business card advertisements may be purchased at $5.00 per ad, per month.

Submissions: All advertisements should be submitted to the MHS Editor, Bell Museum of Natoral History, 10 Church St. SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455. Deadline is the night of the General Meeting for inclusion in the next newsletter. Make checks payable to: Minnesota Herpetological Society

MHS Meeting Location


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Meetings are the 1" Friday of the month.

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Rm. 335 Borlaug Hall, U of M St. Paul Campus Start time: 7:00 p.m. MHS Voicernail: (612) 624 - 7065 Internet: http://www.onrarnpinc.net/mhs/

Minnesota Herpetological Society Membership Application

New Renewal Membership # Type Check #

Name ____________________________________________________________________________ __

Addre$ __________________________________________________________________________ ___

City _____________________ State Zip ______ _

Phone __________________________ email List in MHS Directory? __ Yes __ No

Herp related interests ______________________________________________________________ _

Active Memberships: ___ Sustaining ($60/yr) ____ Contributing ($30Iyr) ___ ,Basic ($15/yr)

Corresponding Memberships: ____ Gold Commercial ($100/yr 2 full pg. ads) ___ Silver Commercial ($75Iyr 2 1/2 pg.

ads) ____ Bronze Commercial ($50Iyr 2 1/4pg ads) ____ Basic Commercial ($25/yr 2 Bus cards)

Required check info Drivers Lic # State DOB ________ _ Please enclose the proper payment with your application. MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: MINNESOTA HERPETOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Membership is for 12 months from the date of approval, a receipt will be sent only upon request. MAIL TO: Minnesota Herpetological Society, Bell Museum of Natural History, 10 Church SI. SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455. Please allow 6 - 8 weeks for proce$ing.

Page 12: Vol. 18 (1998), No. 10



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