vol. 1, no. 8 april, 1990 - tbirdvstheflyingsaucers.info fileproduction editor.....,.....ed voynow...

VOL. 1, NO. 8 APRIL, 1990

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Page 1: VOL. 1, NO. 8 APRIL, 1990 - tbirdvstheflyingsaucers.info fileProduction Editor.....,.....Ed Voynow Copy Editor.....Gerry Schwartz

VOL. 1, NO. 8APRIL, 1990

Page 2: VOL. 1, NO. 8 APRIL, 1990 - tbirdvstheflyingsaucers.info fileProduction Editor.....,.....Ed Voynow Copy Editor.....Gerry Schwartz

Production Editor...............................,...............................Ed VoynowCopy Editor...................................................................Gerry SchwartzLogistics..........................................................................Mike Donnelly

Advertising........................................................................Cynthia DwanCommunications.........................................................Leighton Cooper......................................................................................................and MT

» Call or write for our unbelievably low ADVERTISING RATES for camera-ready copy» SUBSCRIPTIONS to the T-Bird: 12 issues for $18.00; includes one copy of any/all back issues as requested» BACK ISSUES of the T-Bird: $2.00 apiece, while supplies last» MT is conducting INITIATIONS into the direct awakening-process of the Mother Current: May 19; see back page

LETTERS TO THE EDITORDEAR THUNDERBIRD CHRONICLE/MTI am enclosing an article (LA Times, article on mysterious death/suicide

cases surrounding Dallas "guru" Terri Hoffman—ed.) that I came across andin reading through it it appears that one or more of these "victims" perhapswas acting as a medium by the giving up of their will/essence to another entity.My question is two-fold — is it possible for an "entity" to take over one'sphysical body (with permission) then turn around and destroy it and thushave nothing to express itself through again? and would the lost body havewillingly given itself up to that "entity" if it would have been knownbeforehand of the imminence of impending annihilation—in other words—would they have done it if they would have known or could an entity get inpretending to be positive and then turn out to be negative? which leads meto second issue. Perhaps in a coming issue you could elaborate on "harvest-ing", especially in regards to polarization and why negative polarizations are"allowed" this continuum—also how/why/who/when etc. etc. Obviously thisis an obscure concept to many on this plane of consciousness and we'dappreciate info on it.

HJ.Topanga, California

(This is the letter the "P. S." of which was quoted last month, asking to discussthe bottom line or "absolute test" of a leader's positiveness for "screeningpurposes"; this was answered in MT's A Modest Proposal.)

Reply to H J. of Topanga:

HOW TO STUFF A WILD BLUE MEANIEFirst of all, yes; negative entities can "get in" pretending to be

positive, and do; and it is not a simple matter to determine thedistinction: cf. this month's review of Carla Rueckert's book AChanneling Handbook. We consider Carla the best of all chan-nelers, and at the same time the most knowledgeable and exactingin that field. Pick up her book and you'll find whole sections devotedstrictly to the requirement for testing, challenging, summoning andbanishing entities—an indispensable aspect of channeling whichmost practitioners know nothing about, manifest no recognition ofthe need for, or perform only perfunctorily! Consult this month'sreview also, as you will find something else discussed that's not sowell known, i.e. that under the best circumstances with the mostpositive of entities, the very act of channeling itself if chronicallypracticed has a debilitating effect on the mind/body system of thehost. This fact alone makes the subject a much more narrow anddedicatedly specialized discipline requiring a Calling of some mag-nitude, than would be assumed in light of the popular "gardenparty" phenomenon it's become.

More than this: negative entities are by nature aggressive, andconsider a passive opening as much an invitation as an activerequest; this is not good news considering the electromagnetic and

atomic tears in the screening fields between the dimensions thatcharacterizes the present state of inexorable, planetary-wide disin-tegration (as our collective psycho-biological "impressions" arebeing organized in the millennial transition to a "higher" or moreintegral state). The presence of these ever-widening breaches ortears cancels the deliberate energy-shield that's traditionallyguarded the planet, and through the vulnerable breach an increas-ing "invasion force" of negative entities pours (cf. not only the Ramaterial which specifically warns of this, but the Secret of the Andespredating the Ra channeling by decades and specifying the RedDragon or Orion forces by name).

Those who aren't or who refuse to be aware of this simply aren'tpaying attention; the uniform concurrence of UFO abduction-datafrom widely disparate sources, indicates clearly that "something'sgoing on"; and despite the conditioning of those who occasionallygloss the character of it, it's almost all bad. This intensifiedpresence means that such invasion and systemic "possession" ofwhich you speak is not the exclusive hazard of channeling; it issensitively subject to innumerable factors which lower the naturalpsycho-biological resistance, and this ranges from physical effectseroding the immunological response and depressing the systems toaggravated drug abuse, adverse psychological conditions in anincreasingly problematic economy etc. While not every suicide orassault is induced by "little invisible entities" by any means, it mustbe understood that there is an increasingly great vulnerability tosuch influence.

The problem is really two-fold: it involves properly informingpeople of this very real threat, a task similar to that of educatingpeople to the existence of microbes in the last century and display-ing the same delicate factors which inevitably collect around any-thing having an intrinsically high potential for "psychic excitation"(so that one must be wary simultaneously of inducing the hair-trig-ger panic reaction, and of fatally understating the case for theself-same sake of that general psychological insecurity); and itinvolves as well the problem of determining the most effectivemeans of counteracting such a threat, in practical terms, once the

Letters to the Editor.....................................................2How to Stuff a Wild Blue Meanie.......................................2Power Breathing .......................................................................7New Age Cheers and Jeers .......................................................7Real Meditation................................................................................................... ..9Book Review: A Channeling Handbook..................................9Video Review: Rear Window...................................................15Classified Ads ..........................................................................17The Adventures of Hal O. Harvest...........................................19


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public is readied by the persuasion of evidential reason to acceptthe reality of the situation for what it is.

Here the methodology suggested by those "experienced in thefield", i.e. both channelers and those with abductee backgroundetc., though converging on a similar "conclusion" are strangelylimited in application. The spiritual conditioning of various sub-jects in both fields who've had success in invoking protection of theLight, challenging in the "name of Christ", etc. seems to suggestthe essentially "spiritual" character of even physically-manifestingNegative Beings or phenomena. Yet this protective methodologyhas its limitations, underscored in the contrastive lack of successexperienced by others with similar religious reflexes but less satis-factory results in repelling an attack or abduction.

What is the differential operating here? Why does so promisinga method of protective invocation have such randomly variable andunreliable results?

As we pointed out in our two-part essay of October-November,Channeling, UFOs etc., there can be successful response in suchcases only when there is a corresponding sufficiency of substanceor "spiritual capital" in reserve already, which distinguishes thesystem of the subject in advance for whatever reason. Thus, eitherthe successfully "challenging" subject has, prior to the "crisis", putin adequate conscious work in aligning with the Light so invoked,or somewhere dormant but accessible in the "reincarnational"background of the subject well below the conscious threshold is arecord of previous work, correlating with accomplishment in a moreintegral stage of development and abiding as an unknown "credit"to be drawn upon when necessary.

There is a passage in the Ra channeling which substantiates thisteaching-clarification: when the channelers inquired about protec-tion, the Ra entity responded by saying that beings incarnate herewho've brought with them a latent record of "higher stage" ac-complishment, though they are not consciously aware of it do havesuch "alignment" with the Light available to them as protectionwhen and if they turn to or invoke it. Others, however, have no suchreserve-pattern of alignment to draw upon, so that inferentiallywhen they turn to employ what is technically the very same mode ofspiritual protection, there is no response from within themselvesable to make such abstraction practically viable.

This fact, however, while rendering such solutions as verbalchallenges and conceptual invocations unsatisfactorily variableand contingent, nonetheless points directly to that "Solvent" con-taining the factor with the most universally-applicable constant.The key to "success" in those random cases cited above, is thepotential for immediate mind/body alignment which, in essence,creates an "electrification" of the spine.

The spine or cerebrospinal channel is the axis of consciousnessand will; ordinarily, as we have previously learned (in the Novemberessay "Why You Don't Create Your Own Reality", the second partof Channeling, UFOs... in the same issue etc.) the low-level patternsthrough which the normative, waking focus functions chronicallydisplace the central value of Identity from self-congruence with theconscious channel, (where it would abide in awareness of its intrin-sic Being as pure self-luminance aligned with the surrounding andinforming Light) and deflects it into neurovegetative channels ofthe frontal plexuses and organs; entranced through lock-step ratiosof those centers, will—or the force of the volitional axis—diffusesinto polarized tensions of dichotomous identification-commit-ments, looped in subconscious codes processing the whole-being ata wasteful rate of metabolic entropy and net systemic loss.

This deflection of the force of Identity and the patterning proces-ses through which perceptual and cognitive "grids" are aligned, ineffect empties the cerebrospinal axis. The polarization and "nest-ling" of the multidimensional, patterning energy in the form of"kundalini" at the spinal base, is the equivalent of describing theemptying of the cerebrospinal channel and coded lockin of its voli-tional value through the subconscious plexuses and autonomicprocesses. The mind/body "electricity" of the central channel orcerebrospinal axis is, in the normative personality-expression of

this physical plane, practically receded and diffused in entrancedprocessing of mirror-deflective, anisometric ratios governing meta-bolic interactions of the "vagus" or frontal axis.

It is this virtual emptiness or displacement of the consciouschannel as "we" abide in lock-step trance of identification throughthe conditioning of subconscious processes, that stands in openinvitation to be "filled" by any (alien) consciousness that wouldfancy to commandeer the subject's mind/body system from thevantage of a higher conscious integration.

Thus, mind/body alignment of the patterning-subconsciousprocesses through ratios harmoniously congruent with the whole-value of the Conscious Axis from which they derive, is equivalentto electrification of the spinal channel, reawakening and filling of theconscious/volitional systems directly. This activization serves to"fill" one's cerebrospinal passage with the full value of one's owninnate Identity, establishing the tacit self-congruence of a primaryawareness. This innate Self-luminance of the central axis is auto-matic proof against any "invasion", any hypnotic or overpoweringpsychic coercion, "takeover", attempted alien occupation of thecentral zone of one's own being etc. When you yourself are "athome", (the central axis quickened or electrically vivified so thatthe volitional systems are harmoniously integrated, coherently

aligned in maximum unitive rapport with their own channel), thereis no subliminal, spiritual "invitation" for abduction or occupationextended, and no possibility of such an alien occupation takingplace. (Just note the disconcerting evidence of CAT scans andUltrasound in the case of many UFO abductees; often there is found-evidence of foreign implants at the site of the frontal lobe—since thefrontal lobe is part of the cerebrospinal system correlated with will,there is strong suggestion of an invasive presence that has simplyplanted its "flag of conquest" or colonization there).

This direct vivification or awakening of one's cerebrospinalsystem distinguishes the authentic or beneficial meditation prac-tice, and it is clearly contrasted with the expected norm of "medita-tion" to which we've become accustomed. The "pacifying" model ofmeditation popularized by Maharishi and co. in response to theWestern need for an adjustive quietude, served the superficialpurpose for which it was called; but, as we learned in Part 2 ofChanneling, UFOs etc., this generic meditation (cloned and copiedin profusion as if it represented the sine qua non of meditativewisdom) merely serves to establish a temporary, systemic quies-cence at the ordinary low level of mind/body integral har- mony, so that the central channel or conscious axis is stilldeflected and drawn "offside", remaining essentially

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empty and non-electrified as its subliminal "whole-value" is bor-rowed by the subconscious patterning processes that slow one'spulse and regulate one's heartbeat

The distinction between types of meditative systems is crucial;they are not all equivalent, and the sole reason that "superior"(extradimensional) Sources don't helpfully distinguish one fromthe other for the benefit of benighted earth-beings is the prohibitiveconsideration of infringing "free will", from the vantage of a dis-proportionate influence—except of course for the Negative beingswho are all-too-willing to offer meditative methods and sugges-tions, which—tellingly—all turn out to be of the strictly "pacifying"and passivity-inducing type.

One element of the difficulty in presenting the general publicwith initiated knowledge of the presence of the Negative Beingsaltogether, is very much involved in both the Points previouslycited, i.e. treading the delicate balance beside the "panic reaction"and furnishing an effective, generally useful means of counteract-ing or neutralizing the threat, efficiently "inoculating" against themalady; for when we proceed in the necessary process of thisgeneral education and awakening, we are obliged at the same timeto point out the obvious fact that an uncommon research into andunderstanding of the subject is also responsible for, and naturallyaccompanies, obtaining of the effective Means.

After all, there are only a few ways of getting workable informa-tion re the "Negative existence" altogether.

The information obtained from channeling is not firsthand, andrequires continuous inspection. The recipient of the informationhas necessarily to check it as much as possible against facts, otheraccounts, conventional wisdom and alternative theories. Beyondthat, the source of such information being "masked" and invisibleby the very nature of the method, there is the trickier factorrevolving around the capacity of the Negative itself to broadcast apropaganda belonging to its "angle of inclination" and the frequenttactic of the Negative to apparently give much of the game away inthe process so that its own content will resonate in close correspon-dence to positive teaching as well as to the persuasive, primaryemotional tone in the aftermath surrounding cases of abduction,cattle mutilation etc.—only to insinuate a subversive idea all themore potent to ensnare because of its verisimilitude.

Another "method" of obtaining information re the Negativebeings, which has the virtue of belonging to the realm of firsthandexperience, is that of personal "abduction" itself! This "experien-tial" method has unfortunately the deep drawback of belonging tothe realm of victimization; the subject is "abducted" in the firstplace (not because of but) thanks to the ordinary level of mind-bodyintegration characterizing the mass of humanity—an overall "or-ganization" of the systems and centers which leaves the greaterportion of potential dormant, and places the subject in a purelypassive role with respect to the higher-order magnitude of the"negative" constitution. Thus the benefit of first-hand experienceis here almost wholly offset by vulnerability to suggestion, post-hypnotic order, psychological fear-reaction due to the overwhelm-ing character of the recollection etc.

The only other, nonspeculative method of obtaining informa-tion re the Negative existence (also possessing the irreduciblevirtue of being experiential) is that of initiated empowermentwhere, under special Dispensation, the subject is allowed to view orintuit the Negative realms, without detection, without the inter-ference of obfuscating "broadcasts" containing disinformation andfrom the vantage of a direct alignment—placing the operativesystems of the subject at a level commensurate with the clearcognition natural to those realms, in either "positive" or "negative"sense.

This form of spiritual Intuition is not at all the same as thescattershot vagaries of what's come to be known, pejoratively, as"woman's intuition"; nor is it in any way related to the term

employed by science as glorified designation for aprojected "common sense" against which everything inmodern physics seems to run contrary. "Intuition" as we

intend the term signifies direct functioning, perceiving and cogniz-ing through a value which (once integrated and aligned in con-sonance with it) is understood self-evidently as the deepest andleast impeachable standard of verification possible. It signifiesinitiated access to or continuity with the fundamental value ofBeing, through which everything necessarily polarizes into relativeexpression and against which, therefore, everything may be mostaccurately known, gauged and evaluated (independent of sensory-data or facultative "perspective" but not exclusive of it, since allinstrumentalities as well as the vivified soul of the Subject areinformed by, and function in gyroscopic conformance to, that com-mon term or universal measure).

After all, every mode of knowledge, every form of "knowing" asksinevitably the question of accurate verification, and ultimatelystands or falls on the completeness of its "means". Direct adjust-ment with the Common Denominator of existence establishes op-timum congruence with the most complete means, the whole-valueof Being serving as standard or subliminal aim of all which appearsin and through it.

Since such value is the central referent and commondenominator of all worlds, planes and realms of expression, noth-ing is theoretically opaque or "off limits" to the subject polarizedinto conformance with its Resolving term; all places, points andbeings (structurally consonant with the mind/body whole throughwhich the standard of that value operates) are technically perme-able to awareness according to supervision of the subject-focus byHigher Intelligence.

Intuition is then the most reliable gauge of evaluation, under-stood in this way. It's this primary spiritual sense to which the termoriginally referred; but since the possibility of a direct (un-mediated) knowing based on overt Being rather than piecemealapproximation faded from the province of comprehension al-together, it has seemed to refer to the apparency of sensory ex-perience or to the non-constructable vagaries of "hunch".

We may say that anyone whose "information" re these hiddenrealms is based on the latter methodology is, by virtue of everythinginvolved in and implied by that realization, necessarily custodianof an initiated empowerment able to furnish the essential keys, toconduct direct vivification or electrified awakening of the conscioussystems in a naturally harmonious and balanced manner proofagainst just such "negative" potential (every bit as much as the"pasteurization" process was legitimate proof against the bacilli ofwhich people at the time were scarcely aware, though in mortaldanger from its presence nonetheless).

The difficulty is simply that people, (conditioned to decades ofreal or perceived "charlatanism", "duplicity" and self-serving inthe framework of "incarnate teachers" or—the killing term—"gurus", such as the current newspaper example you've enclosed)are now likely to anticipate the worst before they ever expect thebest, and will be inclined to interpret the general effort at bringingthe presence and reality of the Negative "higher-spiritual" beingsto light as "self-serving", just as soon as the necessary and strictlyaccurate declaration is made that such teaching on the subjectincludes the most efficient and powerful proof against that negativepotential.

Yet indeed what is "offered", as such, is that which has alwaysbeen the traditional proof against "negative potential", i.e. positivespiritual and mind/body development. In keeping with the accelera-tion of the time, we've been graced with an appropriately "stream-lined" and accelerating methodology, which takes full advantage ofthe "opening currents" and is therefore unencumbered by theacquired apparatus of most traditional methodology and practice;but the traditional value embedded in this modern teaching andinitiatory Process remains constant

People must be apprised of the very real and increasing threatof that Negative presence, which is invasive and is not merely "one'sown" subjective potential or projective displacement. At the sametime, since there are those captious souls who will tend to presume,on the basis of any "charge" no matter how benign for a formal

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initiation and demonstrable Awakening, that such teaching on the"negative existence" is either invented or twisted to serve someimagined advantage, let us note that we've presented from the veryoutset the effective means of engaging a practiced stimulation andelectric vivification of the consciousness-systems entirely for free,i.e. the Power Breath series. We are taking this instruction, at ourexpense, to cable access for further free benefit of the public. So,whether one wishes to take advantage of the more direct andaccelerated means of spiritual/mind-body awakening through in-itiation requiring the inductive presence and balancing alignmentof the Teacher (as will take place May 19), or whether you chooseto a vail yourself of the free monthly instruction of Power Breathing,you are furnished the adequate means. There is no excuse to ignorethe teaching, or to dismiss it out of hand. Is that fair enough?

The other problem in the presentation of this work, has to dowith emphasis; the importance of Initiated empowerment is notchiefly or exclusively tied to the existence and potential of the"negative beings". There may at times (as now, for example) seemto be an emphasis in this teaching stressing such negative presence,but this is only because it has been so underemphasized in previousteachings (or not recognized at all!), is such a continued source ofpublic concern and inquiry (as your own letter demonstrates), is somisunderstood and generally misrepresented where acknowledged,and is a subject which always has—and should—come firstchronologically in any real spiritual education since "psychic self-defense" and protection must be the primary concern of anyoneknocking at that Higher Door (or anyone else, for that matter). Thereal value of initiated empowerment is located in its agency ofpositive spiritual growth and the balanced development ofmind/body integral harmony, in its absolute amplification of theGood rather than in its simple screening of the "bad".

As your newspaper clipping suggested, the "negative" cast fellsuspiciously over this person's "teaching" about the time she beganemphasizing the "fighting of evil", rather than simply positivedevelopment. And this is certainly a hallmark of cultish teachings,i.e. that they engage the emotional allegiance of the followers bylocking them into an unreal "battle" between good and evil, so thattheir security is perceived to be in contributing to and sticking with"the group", against "them". However, the necessary education rethe Way and existence of Negativity (especially as such teaching isto be found here, and in the Ra channelings) is not and never willbe the engagement of the subject in a resistance or power struggleagainst "evil". Rather, it proceeds on the simple assumption that"forewarned is forearmed". The best way to negate the influence of"evil" is to make "energetic progress in the good", as the I Chingsagely counsels.

Thus neither Southern Crown, MT or the Thunderbird will everserve as a source to furnish some glamorous "weaponry", somemagical armoring with which to "do battle" with the denizens of theDark. There is no "war" being waged as such between the "Light-con an" warriors of the Sun and the dragons of the deep, for that isa fatefully-falsifying image of the real terms of the "heavenlycontention". MT has no "light-saber" to pass out amongst youother than the electrified Sword of your own, volitional-spinal axisproperly Awakened and conserved through initiatory empower-ment. There is no instruction for "contending" with evil, but onlyfor cultivating the value of one's own higher positive nature.

Thus, if you suppose yourself basically "positive", but createnegative effects through thoughtlessness, through omission orcommission, be attentive right away to correcting for such careless-ness. If you have responsibility for taking care of, looking after orserving others, make sure you dispatch those obligations in kind-ness rather than in condescension or coercion. Indeed make surethat kindness characterizes your behavior even in circumstancesand through situations that don't seem automatically to warrantit. If you are profiting by others' misfortune, forswear any such profitimmediately. If you thrive in a business or through investmentswhich specifically capitalize by putting people out of work, ordisplacing people from their homes, get out of such business now,

and rid yourself of such investments immediately. Quit trying toget more than you give, and always give more than the "money'sworth".

That's how you "fight evil"; and it's the only way you can. MThas no more "glamorous" instruction than that. (We'll bet younever imagined spiritual development could be that difficult!)

P.S., H J.: The question of the Who/What/How/Why etc. in theallowance of "negative polarization" will be answered in an essayappearing either next month, or the month after: Logos/Anti-logos.

DearM.T.I suppose you'll think this quite presumptuous—but do you make house

calls? Manley Palmer Hall has been a beacon of Light to me for manyyears—you may already know him and be Brothers in the Light and if so justexcuse the rest. But as I sat and listened to him last Sunday I got the feelingthat this Dear Person will be crossing to the next plane of consciousnessbefore I may have a chance to see him again. He and I are both Pisces—hisbirthday being 3/18 or so. Since I have had the good fortune to "know" youthrough your New Thunderbird Chronicles—I was hoping that I couldrequest and get your Presence for him on that date as a parting gesture (evenif premature)/Birthday gift et al. I would so like him to have the benefit ofthe Awakening Power of the Mother Current—if he doesn't already possessit (he may). He is now nearing 90 Earth years or so and does not get aroundexcept with great difficulty—so I'm sure he could not come to your gathering.Also there is the issue of time—somehow I feel an urgency—but perhapsthat's only the weight of another year of his Life passing. I can now tell anoticeable difference in the tone/quality of his voice and length of hisdissertations—although the quality is as high as it always was. I love thisMaster-Person so much and he has given me from his great wealth ofKnowledge —unbeknownst even to him. I prefer this be an anonymousgift—although if you agree to accommodate my request —please know I'll beglad to pay the fee and additional expense for the exceptionality of yourtime/visit. You need but notify me of its feasibility and/or accomplishmentand a check will be forthcoming.

Should you choose to do this "favor" —I would be eternally indebted toyou.

FraternallyH. JusticeLA.CAP.S. Manley will be speaking Sun. 3/18/90 (God-Willing). Topic: The

Victory Of Soul Over Circumstance. The logistics of this "mission" I leaveentirely to "Initiated Understanding" and implementation of its flower.

MT's reply:Dear H. Justice,Though your gracious and thoughtful request is dated 3/11/90 we didn't

receive it in the P.O. Box until March 16, two days before the designatedlecture. We were unable to make arrangements to honor the request inperson, but this is of no great significance under the circumstances. The factthat you were able to apprise us in time of Mr. Hall's birthday celebrationwas enough.

Indeed ordinarily we don't make "house calls" in that sense — nor, as I'veindicated, are such personal appearances necessary when blessings are re-quested. However, in the case of Mr. Hall, and in the case of this particularrequest as it was framed, such an appearance would have been consideredappropriate if it had been physically possible to schedule. The reasons forthis are as follows:

Mr. Hall is well known to me and has been for years. Your letter comeswith providential timing considering the content of our last issue (March,No. 7) in which we pointedly brought to the attention of our readers that therequirements and functions of adeptship in these "latter" days cannot bemeasured by the criterion of ancient requirements and the examples set (nomatter how illustrious and nonpareil for their type) through past adeptship;it was pointed out that an excellent source-reference, Alice Bailey's TreatiseOn Cosmic Fire, specifically states that the discarnate auspice of "Christ andthe hierarchy" is directing the current of present adeptship towardphilosophical, scientific and metaphysical elucidation on behalf of the greaterpublic. The requirements of the present critical time (regardless what certainother "sources" may be contemporaneously declaiming) demand a greatergeneral level of discrimination, not less; a challenging mental and psychiceducation in keeping with the accelerated canniness and high mechanicaledge of the global mind in its "secular" track—not a less demanding spiritualprogram.

This should only be logical and uncontestably appropriate, when oneconsiders how growth requires stimulation and expansion beyond the present

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or presumed functional capacity, how growth requires a reciprocal extensionfrom the pole of receival as well as from the pole of bestowal. A flowerstretches out to meet the sun; its burgeoning potential properties don't haveto be coaxed out of the seed (although judging from the attitude of many ofour human seedlings, it's apparently the obligation of the sun to come poundat the jacket and tear away at the ovule). Few "adepts", initiates or claimantsof any kind may be found in all the search of current or recent teachings whohave honored the very real demands facing the "cutting edge" of modernspiritual consciousness; few indeed who may be said to have served thatcentral function (demanded of this millennial cycle of spiritual harvest), thecrucial labor of lifting the whole repository of a fathomless if veiled wisdom—bearing with it all the consequence of a Greater Reality—right into thedaytime eyes of a consciousness unused to such Radiance, and summarilyaligning it in lock-step leadership of the most "advanced" principles, thefarthest frontiers in the saturation-coverage of conjectural inquiry.

Few have done this, frankly, because few were able (you know, manycalled, few answer, the usual predicament of this place).

The fact that you've "interjected" at this point to, in effect, draw the OpenEye to mark the enduring presence-amongst-us of the quiet and consistentwork of Mr. Hall furnishes a timely exemplification, from the offering of ourown readership, of precisely that Philosophic elucidation required ofpresentday adepts.

Mr. Hall has served this function for many years; and, although not nearlyas well known to the general public, he has done the work of "scientifically"clarifying the initiatory truths of myth, the psychological and symbolic mean-ings of cultural and historical patterns in a way which more generally-notedlights of modernday exposition (such as Joseph Campbell or Alan Watts,Mircea Bliade or Norman O. Brown) have not been able, no matter howinsightful or intuitively distinguished. Mr. Hall's work bears the mark ofInitiation. It may be said to draw upon a Knowing which isn't circum-navigated, indirectly approached through conjectural approximations; if it isnot wholly identified with the Light, it nonetheless bathes directly beneath Itso that all those who come to the presence of such adeptship may see theexemplification of what it is to invite illumination, and to actually haveillumination come in response.

Mr. Hall is one of those who have been here expressly to perform afunction, manifestly to fulfill the mandate of modern spiritual adeptship asdelineated (for example) in the Bailey text above cited; and he has beenperforming that function for many years. It is for this reason that there needbe no concern over the form or manner in which your considered gift ofBlessing be delivered to this old and gentle adept. A Blessing such as yourequested from a Spiritual Source serves a function other than that of aidingor influencing salvatory alignment with the Light in the case of an initiatesuch as Mr. Hall. Mr. Hall has already been performing an authorizedblessing-work on behalf of the public for years, and your own love of andmanifest concern for the spiritual well-being and gracious disposition of thisteacher is certainly not the least of the evidences testifying to the efficacy, thelong-term Light of his Labor. Mr. Hall's many years of impeccable teachingand the quiet fulfilling of an initiatory function already bespeak a Guaranteewith respect to his own alignment; his own congruence with and integrationthrough the salvatory value of Divine Light is a fait accompli and personalfact to which no Mahatma, Qutub or Paramahans can properly add ordetract, save to intensify the general "coefficient of growth" along that innertrellis already patently secured as his sole real axis of Orientation; and thatmanner of blessing-acceleration has more the value of a mutual cooperation,





a joyous harmony of energies already exhibiting a uniform "grain" or self-consistent flow.

The Blessing which, at "your request"; we direct specifically on the oc-casion of Mr. Hall's birthday as a celebrational "reminder" to the world ofhis'longtime presence and friendly work amongst us, acts in such case as a"booster", an Energy of amplification with respect to his labor and the valueit extends to the generality of mankind.

This blessing-function is in fact a silent, scarcely known "tradition" ofadeptship. It's not at all unusual, historically and in modern times as well,that an adept will visit the hall or ashram, theater or workplace of an initiate,often unbeknownst to anyone, simply in order to pay respect or homage tothe particular level of work being performed by the corresponding stage ofadeptship of the initiate, thereby enacting through such personal Presence aspontaneous Blessing-function effectually serving to amplify the positivebenefit and value of the work being done there.

In light of this you should know that your well-considered letter comes asa kind of return on just such a blessing-function performed several yearsearlier, your letter is considered by me not so much the seed of a communica-tion but the fruit, since it has been a few years since AAA and I sent twostudents to the Philosophical Research Society to hear Mr. Hall speak. Thesestudent-initiates carry the blessing-function of the Mother Current withthem as a matter of course; reciprocally, we wanted them to be benefited bybeing in the presence of and hearing an adept who exemplified the stages ofdevelopment to which they ought properly to aspire in their own work(feeling that wherever such a unique and rare presence was accessible, thereshould be no neglect of the opportunity to take every advantage of growthfrom that availability—regardless the respective contexts of teaching inwhich the personalities in question might function). Your letter and requestfor Blessing on behalf of your beloved teacher bears the fruit of that "studentvisit" of several years ago; not only does your letter itself testify, withoutspecifically meaning to, as to the authenticity and Value of Mr. Hall as ateaching-presence, exhibiting as it does so rare and considerate a solicitudetoward one who has served you—without necessarily even knowing it—allthese years; it demonstrates the effectiveness and authenticity of Mr. Hall'steaching presence in another way as well, since there is in your request theimplicit, whole-hearted acceptance of our authenticity and power as aSpiritual Source-presence to effectively perform such a Blessing service.Without the least doubt, the slightest hesitancy or reservation you haveasked, in the spirit of unquestioning confidence that should it be requestedout of the fullness of the heart it will surely be Accomplished.

For this alone, consider it done.There are those who question us, who doubt us night and day without

putting in the slightest work to study, value or implement what we put beforethem as the criterion of any evaluation—and they ask of us much more thanyou have.

As per your generous and unhesitating offer : Blessing Work doesn't havea pricetag, not because it isn't "spiritually right" to be so paid (you'veproposed nothing "inappropriate", and don't let anyone tell you you have;your offer of remuneration for "services rendered" was an expression of yourappreciative 'Valuing" which most people wouldn't think to make, under pretext that it would be insulting toward the adeptship to offer that "basemedium" as an exchange but actually out of ordinary, miserly adherence tosuch "base medium" as perfectly sufficient for themselves); blessing work ofauthentic adeptship doesn't have a pricetag because the Benefit doesn't havea "conscious coefficient", i.e. there is no reciprocal work which the recipientneed do, or can do, to match the blessing-energy with a calculus of "personalinterest". May we recommend instead that, should you wish to "pay" us foranything, you avail yourself of the direct initiation being conducted into theAwakening Energy of the Mother Current by MT, May 19, a service whichdoes have a "pricetag" in keeping with the criterion that here is the extensionof a key to Spiritual Practice necessarily requiring the calculus of personalinterest that must be minimally present to constitute the "conscious coeffi-cient" indispensable to a real process of Awakening. If you truly wish tobenefit us for our Presence, as you manifestly do, then do so by benefitingyourself, immeasurably. Such action would never be, on the part of anyone,a mere gesture toward "self -concern" that the subject may rightly feel doesn'trealty characterize or describe him; such interest, such a factor of personalengagement is the irreducible requirement for a Self-knowing, in theawakened degree of Consciousness, that is eternally necessary and absolutelydemanded in order ever to be of benefit to anyone in the ultimate sense. Asis true for every single soul: it must be done now, or it must be done later.We know when "now" is; but how can we be sure what "later" might possiblyrefer to? Q

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by Morra TalionCHECKLIST

For those who've been practicing Power Breathing and its fundamentalunit, the Whole Charger Breath, for some time now in step with our monthlyinstruction, it's time to review some of the little technicalities and formalobservations that need be considered in the performance of Charger Breath-ing, and to correct for any minor idiosyncrasies or moderate modificationsthat may have crept in along the way installing themselves as habit; it'simportant for you yourself to make this review periodically since a slightdeviation from the optimum model of performance is liable to create a widedivergence from the proper form over time, as when you may find that you'veunknowingly sacrificed the maximum depth-of-inhalation of the ChargerBreath in favor of the rapid repetition of the Charger Breath, and as aconsequence are now closer to the bastrika of kundalini yoga than you are tothe special form of Power Breathing!

Therefore, let's go down the checklist:1. When doing your formal Charger Breathing once or twice a

day, make sure you're sitting with back as straight as possible, feetflat on the floor, hands either folded in lap, resting on legs or onarms of chair, face straight ahead and chin parallel the floor.

2. The inhalation of the Charger Breath should be swift andpowerful but maximally deep; take in the last possible drop of air onthe inhalation, and thoroughly expel the air on the exhalation. Thereshould be no breath retention between inhalation and exhalation.

3. You may do random Charger Breathing virtually anywherethat it's convenient except on the freeway or in heavy traffic, orenclosed environments where toxic fumes are similarly present.

4. The last exhalation of a series should always be performedthrough the mouth, and should be a very slow, thorough expulsionof the breath between scarcely pursed lips; the opening of the mouthshould hardly be visible to observation.

5. Remember to vitalize your food and adapt it to your systemat each meal with a performance of the Whole Charger Blessing(see Issue No. 4, November '89).

6. Leave helpful messages taped around the house (torefrigerator, door entrance etc.), in the car, (visor, dashboard) andat work reminding you to: BREATHE. In this way you'll be stimu-lated to resort to the random charging of your system more fre-quently, and the beneficial change in your being wil lproportionately intensify.

7. In doing the Whole Charger Breath meditation (Issue No. 6,January-February '90), don't strain or try to forcibly focus youreyes when resting your ocular attention at the tip of the nose.

Do you have any questions about your practice of the Power Breathingtechniques? Any observations you'd like to share? We'd welcome hearingfrom you, so simply address your remarks or questions to Letters To TheEditor. The New Thunderbird Chronicle, 15237 Sunset Boulevard, Suite 29,Pacific Palisades, CA 90272. We'll try to respond to any significant questionsyou may have, either in the monthly Power Breathing column itself or inLetters to the Editor. Q

The "At Least You Won't Have To Worry About Not Being Able To SeeThe Forest For The Trees" Award: to Scientific American, May '89 issue andits article by Professor of Zoology Paul A. Colinvaux, a cover story whichasked the musical question "Can The Amazon Rain Forest SurviveHumankind?", and which purported to answer by coming up with a new,alternative hypothesis to explain the abundant speciation and diversity of theAmazon River basin.

In contrast to the long-held "stable-climate" hypothesis, Professor Colin-vaux has put forward the reasonable argument that an opposite scenarioactually accounts for the tenacity and richness of life, since the observedphenomenon of species disjunction across an ecological gradient betweenhigh-ground and lowlands manifestly belies the apparent uniformity andaggregate continuity of distribution through the basin. In such case it be-comes necessary, so he argues, to perceive the profile of the ecosystem assculpted by continuous conflict, refining our overview to magnify the myriadlocal disturbances contributing to constant displacement of flora and fauna(through erosion, flooding, occasional fires produced by rainless periods,temperature differentials across geological timespans leaving sedimentary"succession" communities interspersed with mature groups enrooted at thesites of long-abandoned riverbeds etc.). By thus shifting our perception offabled Amazonian tenacity and diversity over to dependence on upheaval,rather than the traditional scenario of unperturbed stasis and swelteringtropical inertia enduring changeless through ages and seasons, we are en-couraged to adopt a perspective more suited to work with the adjectivallysimilar manmade upheavals that characterize the rips and ecological rentspresently worrying the basin to the brink of extinction.

The implicit thesis is that we can adapt to the indigenous economic needsof Third-World communities without abandoning ecological consciousness,since such an alternative model allows for a certain latitude of considered"destruction"; it's ostensibly a replacement hypothesis, coming along at thepropitious moment to demonstrate that we may tolerate an acceptableminimum of what, in the previous context, was construed as unambiguouslydamaging activity. Deforestation and deliberate flooding looks, under lightof this changed filter, to be manmade variations on activity which has alwayscharacterized the ecological health of the basin.

The professor is however forced to append a killing qualification, onewhich is liable to be overlooked as an insignificant "clause" in thethesis, i.e. that the kinds of continuous disturbance and cross-fer-tilizing upheaval characteristic of the basin's natural profile are

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still dependent on a major factor of the earlier hypothesis of stability, the totalabsence of catastrophic phenomena such as iceage glaciation in which wholespecies are extinguished. The level of disturbance characteristic of thisoptimizing process, which merely acts as a regulatory mechanism equalizingthe survival-potential amongst species of varying predatory dominance, isdistinguished as intermediate. Its fateful qualification is its lack of "ab-solutism", its constant of moderation in keeping with the overall stability ofdiversified counterbalance throughout the system.

Thus this "hopeful" new scenario bears no relation whatever to the actualpolitical, economic and social situation that accounts for the catastrophiccharacter of the "human" element as it is added into the total ecologicalpicture. The professor is forced to concede as much, observing that theprocess of clear-cutting conforms much more to a catastrophic magnitudehaving no parallel in the natural history of the basin. His "recommendation",however, sums to an abstract adjuration toward cultivating a wiser use ofresources generating the required cash flow within conservational bounds ofthe (newly allowable) elasticity-of-disturbance theoretically compatible withspecies enrichment.

Indeed, Professor Colinvaux's anemic suggestion that the governments injurisdiction over the forest "identify management strategies" for species-preservation compatible with Third-World economic needs, stands in starkcontrast to the character of an essay appearing a few months later, in theSeptember issue of Spin magazine. Now, one would expect the more "realis-tic" assessment of such a situation to come out of a scientific journal ratherthan from what is essentially a rock magazine; yet the piece published in thatissue by martyred union organizer Francisco "Chico" Mendez Filho (assas-sinated shortly after granting the interview from which the article was taken),clearly claims the lion's share of realism.

In light of this article there is suddenly no question of serving "indigenousThird World needs", nor are the actual conditions of the social and economicreality of the forest ever interpretable in those terms; there's only return tothe tenacious truth of the landbarons, of government corruption in serviceto the real-estate speculators resulting in massive deforestation, fires andflooding for the sake of converting all the incomparable diversity of the basinto the lucrative if fatal homogeneity of pasturable acreage and connectivehighway, in the process dislocating thousands of Indians and rubber-tappers(forced to live along the encroaching indentation of the giant heel of"progress" and so vulnerable to the displacement of every profit-calculatedpush or man-induced disaster); there's only the poignant effort at unioniza-tion, the bid to bring the forest under manageable state ownership asextractivist reserves with benign use of resources such as the neglected oilsof the Pacua and Tucuma trees, and the right of usufruct (non-harmful use)extended the Indians and workers; there's only the continued frustration ofevery such reasonable effort by CIA-backed dictatorships, loans from theinternational banks and purchases of the multinational conglomeratespotent to smother agrarian reform and therefore in implicit service of ahandful of speculators against the mass of the Third World populace al-together; there's only the numbing repetition of atrocities, the all-too-familiar refrain of international relief-commodities earmarked for starvingrefugees of the catastrophic mismanagement of the forest hijacked fromtheir rightful destination and turning up as political favors distributed bygovernmental incumbents during elections....

It's the ostensible raison of science altogether, to obtain as accurate adescription of reality as possible so as to be able ideally to anticipate it, andtherefore ultimately to regulate and control it toward a more tailored produc-tivity. Why is it then, that in confrontation with just such ultimate challengesto science as the disposition of the entire Amazonian rainforest, and there-fore implicitly the disposition of the planet, the workers of science somanifestly—indeed almost pathologically—come up short? Theirs is sup-posed to be the wisest and most accurate assessment of reality, havingnothing if not practical consequence. Why is it then we find, as in ProfessorColinvaux's article, a descriptive characterization of natural processes whicheven if superior in its ultimate accuracy as advertised nonetheless only detailsthose things which the forest has long demonstrated an eminent capabilityof handling without man's helpful narration; but which when it extends itsinevitable advice, its formula for positive adaptation, becomes so suddenlydissociated from reality, so suddenly estranged from the "way things work"(ostensibly science's forte)? Why is it that we may consult a "rock magazine"containing a stately and humane summation of experience in the Amazon bya martyred labor leader and be so suddenly and self-evidently grounded again,back in touch with the obvious facts of the way things work?

That "man" and human psychology don't constitute legitimate factors ofstudy with respect to ecological considerations, is clearlypreposterous. That science is highly specialized, and that thereforean ecologic'al recommendation inadvertently infringing the

domains of psychology or political science is best taken with a grain of saltand referential nod toward those disciplines, is inadequate rationalization tolet so glaring a discrepancy off the hook.

It does not require the "specialist"—so often inflicted with myopia-toperceive clearly the prevailing conditions, to know the governing psychicatmosphere in terms of leverage, influence and dominating interests. Thereis something more central to the proposition of "science" at stake here inthis phenomenon. There is the unstated but still operative root of theWestern scientific project, that unreasonable radicle of dichotomizationcalculated to separate "nature" from "consciousness" altogether. Even thepolitical, social and psychological sciences are permeated by this underlyingprinciple.

That Man manifests as the "self-awareness of the ecology itself is an ideasimple on the surface which yet gives a disconcerting tug to the scientificheartstrings. At bottom the clear dualism of scientific consciousness recog-nizes the frustration of objectivist reason contained in so apparently in-nocuous and self-evident an observation. As an "observation" placingconsciousness back in the picture in the form of an irreducible factor itcontains all the subversive perplexity of the self-referring statement, sinceconsciousness will not "go" into the ecological equation as a standard part -and science, used to decades of dealing with the Heisenbcrg paradox knowsit will not. Science hesitates at this Gateway, this entrance into the necessaryunderstanding of reality as a conscious function, with the same paralysis thatkept it demurely beside the door of "chaos theory" for so long withoutdeigning to really step inside.

Herein lies inevitable approach to the "paradigm" of a system whichremodels itself under impact of its own observations; and that is as harrowingto the objectivist soul as the emerging proposition that we exist a reality forwhich every coordinate is "sensitively subject to initial conditions", i.e. inwhich every element mutually influences, interacts with and modifies theconditions of every other at the same time. This is the reason science hasalways preferred to abstract the term of "friction" out of its linear equationsof motion; for friction is precisely the variable of interaction comprising theplaceholder to every magnitude, i.e. momentum, mass, inertia, trajectory etc.

That nature considers "man" and human consciousness a fit subject forecology is quixotically illustrated in the very same issue of Scientific Americanin which Professor Colinvaux's article appeared; according to a piece on"Professor Emeritus of Rockefeller University" Donald R. Griffin, theAfrican "honeyguide" deliberately seeks out humans in order to attract themby cries and flight-patterns to its targeted hive, where, in symbiotic fashionit expects to be left enough of the honeycomb to feed after the human hashelpfully exposed it.

Nature, then, does not hesitate to enlist the factor of human consciousnessat its more reasonable and proportional scale.

Yet "science" shows its reluctance at every corner, despite cumulativetestimony on the cutting-edge of its disciplines, to engage the recalcitrantvariable, the eye in the obvious maelstrom of indeterminacy everywherepointing to the presence-to-itself of Consciousness through all the forms of"nature", the endless realms of perception patterned as modes, symbols,qualities, values and expressions of a psychic field. Where the ecological"difficulty" clearly lies with and at the magnitude of Consciousness, recom-mendations and blueprints for positive change necessarily have to com-prehend that value in its full measure, in its most radical part as the fulcrumand operative index of Transformation. Science, in other words, is challengedto mutate from the self-enforced ceiling of its old dichotomous premise, andenter once again the abandoned laboratory of nature that lies within, at thethreshold of a spiritual alchemy. Only this, only a change of such magnitudecan even countenance a repair of the doomsday spectacle implicitly depictedin an article of such pallid summary.

Otherwise the "scientific community" simply serves to leave convenientdoors open for the most egregious, indeed disingenuous of proclamationsfrom sources of self-serving caliber that otherwise would have no suchsupport, i.e. the ludicrous chiding delivered in the July 24, 1989 issue ofNewsweek ostensibly devoted to "assessing" the ecology, running to the effectthat we need cultivate the tolerance of putting ourselves in the "pioneering"shoes of the Third World peoples of Amazonia, comparing "their" presentneed to decimate the forest and convert it into grazing land for McDonaldbeefburgers to our own frontier requirements! This same article concludedthat there was no longer any danger from the domestic disposal of toxicwastes.

Amazing to relate, as this issue "goes to press" the April Scientific Americanappears on the stands with, of all things, an article on "Deforestation in theTropics " by Robert Repetto, director of the program in economic policies at theWorld Resources Institute in Washington, D. C. Can it be that S.A. felt the gapin its earlier article as well, and decided to fill it with commentary from the

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appropriate specialization (which is, as we've just noted, the preferred"categorial" method) ? Let's see if this more recent assessment from a graduateof the London School of Economics conies any closer to addressing theconscious facts, or whether it maintains the standard of abstract guidancevoiced into the vacuum. (Another item of coincidence in the conjunction ofthis article with our Cheers and Jeers subject, may be found in the "FurtherReading" inset at the end of Repetto 's piece; considering the wording of ourAward, it's interesting to find cited: "The Forest for the Trees? GovernmentPolicies and the Misuse of Forest Resources ", by Robert Repetto, the author ofthe Scientific American article!)

* * *The "Does Another Word Ever Have To Be Spoken On The Matter?"

Award to: Dan Quayle, who recently came out publicly in favor of malathionspraying.



Meditation is indispensable to spiritual development; lessknown but equally important, it's invaluable in its proper formto physical well-being and vitality. If you imagine yourself asan inconceivably complex energy-module with circuits andcenters that are scarcely known or understood at all, andwhich as a consequence is only operating at a fraction of afraction of its potential in any given area of the multiple frontsfor which it's programmed, you'll have an idea how much life,experience, energy and power is available to you that you'renot yet using.

Meditation and its keys can be divided into two types, ofall the specific variations that exist: those that furnish a tech-nical instruction whereby to calm the mind and body and allowthe being to achieve the condition of an undisturbed pool,drawn forward and (ideally) conserved from the formalmeditative practice; and those that directly move to awakenthat Ground-level pool, drawing its currents like an ascendingcataract up to previously unknown heights of activization.Ideally meditation would achieve a parity between thatawakened magnitude of multidimensional, systemic activityand the unperturbed calm of one's innate Oceanic presence.

In practice, meditation experience is split between thesetwo, as if stretched on a rack of mutually exclusive alternatives.

If you're Awakened, you can't be balanced and unper-turbed, and the special initiatory Electricity of that awakeningseems to flow out and trickle away to ground level periodically.If you're practicing the relaxative techniques of meditation,you seem subject to torpor, drowsiness and chronic non-awakening in hovering about the ideal value of "placidity".

You will find, if you're a practiced meditator, that thesedescriptions tend to hold, airtight.

Yet you'll find also, whether you're practiced in medita-tion or wholly inexperienced, that the Initiatory Awakening ofthe Mother Current uniquely furnishes both—i.e. an alert,mind-body intensification and balanced calm as immediateexperience and ongoing value.

Michael (MT) said Southern Crown are offering full in-itiation into the directly-Awakening Power of the MotherCurrent. See back page.

by Monty Tyson

A Channeling Handbookby Carla L. Rueckert

When you turn to the medical profession in need of treatment re stomachulcers, you will turn to a gastroenterologist and, preferably, the best amongstthat specialization; when you turn to matters of atomic composition you'llturn to the specialization of the physicist, and ideally you'll consult a "Heisen-berg" or "Fermi"; when you turn in consideration of the subject of physicalanthropology you'll be well advised to study a "Leakey", in the field of socialanthropology a "Margaret Mead" etc. Similarly, when you turn to the subjectof channeling you'd be equally well advised to consult the very best in thatfield.

In keeping with T-Bird policy we refer you to the best in a given categoryof "New Age" concern; as we've stated before, the framework of that policyis to function as a kind of consumer advocate or even metaphysical om-budsman to pair the specific requirement with the highest exemplification ofthe genre. This recommendation is not the equivalent of "your reviewerMonty's" endorsement of the given field itself; indeed as we've had ampleopportunity to see in past features (UFOs, Channeling and the Positive/Nega-tive Realms etc.), there's a distinct editorial reserve where it comes to thecategory of "channeling" — for instance—altogether. Indeed a few (very few,actually) have expressed their consternation that we take such a dim view ofthe subject as a whole, considering it's such a "major" topic on the typicalN.A. agenda; for those, this present review will be helpful in rounding theirunderstanding of the perspective from which we approach the subject. Yetsince we know full well that interest and regard for certain topics (channeling,crystals, brain-machines etc.) will surely persist in the general public of"seekers" we do not turn our backs on those honest expressions of the truediversity of "means" by which the Soul affects to approach its conciliationwith Itself; rather we offer a certain "filtering" function whereby those mostsincere in their approach—and therefore most attentive to our sincerity-may take advantage of our higher-dimensional "product testing" and moveby direct recommendation to the best available source(s) of the given genre.

Without hesitation, then, we present to our readership a brief review of AChanneling Handbook written by the greatest channeler of all time, Carla L.Rueckert.

How can old Monty make such a claim? How dare he state something sobaldly?

It's not that difficult to pare the field, even where there seems to be anoverwhelming profusion of channeled material not only from the "fad" ofrecent history but from records ancient and all-but-sacrosanci from suchlong-term wear. The Old Testament prophets, for example, virtually chan-nelers-all, while certainly qualifying for consideration by the sheer power oftheir characteristically fiery communications nonetheless lack—let's faceit—the virtue of profuse, insightful information rationally stated and

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metaphysically plausible which many of the betterchanneled communications of modern originclearly exhibit (making these latter-day missivesstand, by any reasonable evaluation, head-and-shoulders—so to speak—above any of the ex-tradimensional invectives delivered to the special-ized contexts of some "Sodom and Gomorrah").

We can, therefore, with nary a remorse, strikeoff a whole region of metaphysical signal-trans-ference as belonging to a past tense of relativelyimmature development, critically limited in depthand quality of the intercepted "content" (Jehovah-generated or not); by comparison especially, wemay consider the general "present tense" ofmodern-day channeling to be an era of "maturity"and "ripeness" (fortunately you can't see Montyblanch in penning these words). Out of the avail-able pool of modern "channeled" materials then,perhaps beginning arbitrarily with the disputed"Mahatma" letters of Blavatsky that kicked off the"modern era" back in the 1800's, we may quicklywinnow the weedy field since virtually all suchcommunications clearly parcel out into identifiableexpression of a given "density" in the hierarchy ofdimensional integrities.

(Fora fullerdefinition of the "densities" consultthe October-November two-part essay referred toabove, Channeling, UFOs etc.; the term "density"was appropriated from Rueckert's Ra Materialitself, although the available works on the subjectfrom that source don't seem to explain the con-cept —per se — to any satisfactory extent. The con-cept of the "densities", however, was taught as the"multidimensional order of worlds and integrallevels", in close conformance to the sense of the Ramaterial, by the teachers of Southern Crown —AAA and MT —long before the Ra material wasever published, so that the term was subsequentlydrafted into the service of Southern Crown's long-standing description whereas the characterizationitself [as encountered for instance in the two-partessay cited above] originates strictly from the in-itiated understanding that anticipated the Ramaterial by years and which can't be found — in anycase — in the spare statements published from thatSource).

It is then a relatively simple matter to sort suchcommunications, from counsel of the initiatedperspective, into groups belonging entirely to 4thdensity or 5th whether Negative or Positive incharacter (this present focal framework of con-sciousness in which we dwell in apparent conjunc-

tion with the "earth-sphere", remember, is 3rddensity in composition currently making thebumpy transition to the 4th). There is some chan-neled communication moreover which is just thegushing expression of 3rd density time/space or"discarnate" consciousness enthusiastically trans-mitting the relative features of "liberation" ob-tained by dying alone, and so "gained" by simplyshowing up inevitably on the far-side of thespacetime horizon without any further insightdrawn through transformative work. This is typi-cally the dream world disclosure of the Mind-mir-ror effect experienced (in the "decompression an-techamber" of the Astral realm) by souls onlydimly aware that their "reality" is composed ofmemory-impressions projected on the protectivelyenveloping wall of their own auric eggs, and whichtherefore often takes expression as the half-lightdeclaration "you create your own reality".

Since most such communications fall strictlyinto these categories (that become progressivelyeasier to discern and correctly classify the furtheralong the initiatic path one moves, through stagesnumerically corresponding—by resonant har-monics—with the successive densities), the rarestand most valuable communication is naturallygoing to be located in the transmission which candemonstrably "beam" from the narrow-bandchannel of <5th density (here the parallel initiaticstages traversed through the constant ground-focus of 3rd density, becomes deceptive; whereasthere is the rare, personified realization of a 7thstage adeptship available in and through this 3rddensity existence, such a realization on the part ofany personality necessarily correlates with the mid-to-higher degrees of 6th density; and such a real-ized Soul corresponds, by virtue of that initiationand by the "graduation process" of physical death,to the bth density...inconceivably remote to theaverage of 3rd stage consciousness composing themass of this 3rd density. There is no 7th densitybeing who properly takes embodiment in 3rd den-sity; the "highest" an incarnate being can be is 6thdensity, corresponding—according to degree ofinitiation—either to phases of the 6th or 7th stagewhen located in our common 3rd density milieu.This is due to the fact that 7th density belongs to anorder of consciousness that is no longer "in-dividuated" or "personified" in the sense that wemay understand such process).

Since the rarest and correspondingly most valu-able communication from a discarnate source is

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going to proceed from 6th density, we may assumethat once we've located such a source we have, ipsofacto, located the most likely candidate for"greatest all-time channeling". There is in fact onlyone major 6th density source-communication in allthe available channeled literature, ancient ormodern. Suddenly the most-likely candidacy be-comes eminently easy to discern. For the Ramaterial is indeed the single such available source.Inspection and critical comparison of that sourcewith all the others, singly or collectively,demonstrates beyond doubt that the Ra materialexhibits the most thorough-going, consistent,wide-embracing and deeply accomplishedmetaphysic available from any channeled origin(which places it "up there", automatically, with thegreatest philosophical expression of any kind).

From internal evidence and direct deposition ofthe parties involved in channeling such a narrow-band communication, there was a factor of difficul-ty correspondingly great and proportionallycalibrated to the Magnitude of the Source. CarlaL. Rueckert was herself the actual channel, and itis her book on channeling which we have before usin review.

It is exactly the degree of difficulty experiencedby the participants of the Ra channeling, which setsthat work apart and demonstrates that the art ofchanneling in its highest form is inseparable fromtrue spiritual practice. It is precisely that degree ofdifficulty requiring a redoubled dedication andcontinually renewed service-orientation thatobliged the participants to pass constantly beyondthemselves. It is for this reason that we may confi-dently turn to the voice of Carla Rueckert in herChanneling Handbook as the practiced expressionof one who became, through such initiatic ordeal,not only a "seasoned professional" but the ex-emplification of that higher development potential-ly available through one of the "spiritual" or"metaphysical" means that currently presents it-self on the Human Potentials front. In confronta-tion with the challenge of giving "birth" to anExpression of such (normally) unmanageabledimension, the participants were faced with theimplicit choice of dropping it altogether ordeveloping into a higher order of their own Pos-sibility. For it became quickly apparent that a newand uncustomary mode of intensity, an uncommondegree of personal integration, vigilance, groupunity and individual initiative was required even tocontemplate dealing with so delicate a brand ofcommunication rife with hazard and opportunityfor consequential error.

As a case in point re this style of initiaticdevelopment we may refer to Carla's self-charac-terization as a practicing Christian; we may notethat, while admittedly subscribing to all that thisimplies (the personal saviorship of Jesus Christetc.) she is canny to acknowledge such identity asa key in the creation of a "magical personality".Taking her cue from studies in occult literature,Carla identifies the magical personality as a type of"ideal of integration" suitable for the assumptionof a more intense, coherent and generally alertversion of one's ordinarily "lesser" identity-expres -sion. Her "Christian persona" furnishes her anemotional reference, and provides a point of orien-tation about which she can integrate the values thatmust be brought to bear in their most consistentand coherent form so as to possess a suitable(cognitive) vehicle whereby to test, challenge andidentify all which is liable to arise in the course ofdrawing upon an ambitious magnitude potent to

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attract the attention of the widest range of "other-world" denizens and powers.

For Carla the "Christian reality" is certainly nogimmick, a means to an end; her sincere love ofChrist and devotion even to the most mundaneelements of church work serve her well as buildingmaterial of the "magical persona" precisely be-cause of the sincerity with which she embracesthem. This is an important point for in her bookCarla is clearly showing (without necessarily tryingto show) how such "orthodox" orientation shouldbe respected and honored for what it is and themanner in which it serves her, independent of itspersuasiveness as a belief-pattern with referenceto the "observer". As long as there is a psychic andemotional connection, some innate harmony be-tween the subject and this "ideal of integration",metaphysical wisdom suggests that any traditionmay be drawn on, any form of orthodoxy orheterodoxy may serve the operation of orderingand intensifying the overall, coordinate harmonyof the personality, of drawing the "granulated linesof intent" into closer parallel or more cohesiveunity of pattern. By "selecting" a frame of refer-ence furnishing the highest available measure withwhich the subject yet has rapport, it becomes pos-sible to draw upon a traditional reserve objectivelysubtending the changeable "subjective climate" soas to possess a steady standard for assessing thevalues of love, service and wisdom minimally re-quired from any Source by which the personalityintends to be directed and further educated.

Because of such practiced unity-of-intent, andthe progressive demand made by this mostrarefied of the channelings to consolidate and ex-tend the potency of her intent into more com-prehensive expressions of the whole being, Carlais uniquely enabled to state the actual terms ofcommitment necessary for the would-be-chan-neler.

Here are no half-way measures, no glib "how-to" counsels. In fact Carla tellingly points up thedeliberate lack of practical instruction in her hand-book, flatly stating that some things, inclusive ofplans for the atom bomb and practical instructionon how to channel, should by all means remainunpublished and out of reach of the general public!

This uncompromising declaration accompaniesher insistence that one should never practice chan-neling alone, and that one should always learndirectly under an accomplished channelerpreferably in a group context. Here then is thehighest possible contrast to the long windy Mac-Laines of run-of-the-mill channelers glibly coun-seling indiscriminate surrender to any signal (withbut a nebulous nod to some generic "protection"of the Divine Light), glad beyond deliriums of theego's dearest dream to have gotten response fromsome bibulous spirit able to demonstrate its supe-rior knowledge by tracking down one's larder ofScotch and so automatically warranting one'shighest devotion! Here indeed is an antidote to thereckless outpourings of unaccomplished media-mavens popularizing something about which theyknow little to nothing (and creating in effect aspectacle parallel that of a mindless mob jumpingthe bandwagon bearing stardom to whomever issufficiently vociferous in selling the public on thebenefits of owning one's private nuclear reactor).

Carla always states the case in terms of what'sreally on the line; and she amongst them all shouldknow; for commensurate with the magnitude ofthe channeled source was the degree of difficultyand danger in channeling that source, and thewhole Ra group bears the scars of that challenge.

Since the quality of that Information was so muchmore incisive and valuable in understanding thetrue terms of existence, the requirements of beingand the stakes with which every Soul is necessarilydealing whether with awareness or not, there wasa proportional energy of countervailing characterthe nature of which determined that its interestshould be in blocking the flow of that information.It was in this way, and due to the uncommonintensity of the Source with which they were deal-ing, that the Ra channelers came most directly intocontact and conflict with the Negative dimensionof spiritual development (which formulates thestandard of its own integration in terms of per-sonal power and other-domination so decisivelyfar to the side of the demonic that it can only be inits "best interests" to keep the majority of seekingsouls dwelling on a "lower"—and thus potentiallyexploitable—level, in the dark).

This Negative factor, it must be understood, isalways present in every form of channeling as wellas most other things which represent a bid forhigher knowledge and development; and this iswhat constitutes the continuous element of a hid-den danger in the context of channeling, whatmakes the glib exhortation toward the channelingbandwagon so fatuous and ill-informed. It's justthat the presence of such Negativity is rarely soexplicit, due to the relatively "low level" and in-direct alignment with Spiritual Source-naturecharacterizing most extra-dimensional "con-tacts"—or to the deliberate "masking" of suchrelevant information by design of one type oranother.

But in the special instance of the Ra channelingall the cards are laid out on the table. The higher-dimensional, Negative "Orion" entities make anovert bid to break the group, and even to carry

Carla off in her "soul" state! It's out of this mag-nitude and intensity of experience that Carlaqualifies for the wisdom which can state the "chan-neling" case in its most incisive expression, and inits real terms. Compared to Carla's observationson the subject, everything else (including the—inmany ways excellent—Jane Roberts' philosophicalruminations) has to be considered as at best secon-dary, and at worst absolutely detrimental.

Just consider Carla's criterion for successfully"challenging" a spirit which has answered one'smeditative invitation, and so has made a bid to"borrow" the vehicle of the channeler; she statesquite flatly that in order for one's prayers andattunements to possess the authority of coherence,consistency and conviction the channeler must firstof all be very conscious of that for which he/shewould die! This little stipulation, which she placeson the seeker's path at the very beginning, drawsthe line in the real dimension of its terms. It shouldfunction immediately to separate the wheat fromthe chaff, the dabbler from the aspirant; althoughin a real generosity of spirit she makes accom-modation for the dilettante as well under protec-tive proviso of the "group only" clause (so that,once the curiosity is satisfied at its own level thesoul is free to turn toward fascinations of lessmoment without invisible adhesions of im-balanced energy-forms, or subtle refuse canyingover with quiet influence into other arenas). AsCarla puts it, if you know what you'd die for youknow what you'd live for; thus the subject of chan-neling is lifted immediately out of the category of"play", deprived of the glamor of existing—like atoy—for people's casual amusement, in the sameway we attempt to take the sheen of glamor off ahandgun so children won't mistake it fora thing oflesser consequence.

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Page 12: VOL. 1, NO. 8 APRIL, 1990 - tbirdvstheflyingsaucers.info fileProduction Editor.....,.....Ed Voynow Copy Editor.....Gerry Schwartz

This places the subject of channeling instantlyand irrevocably in the field of mind-body develop-ment, spiritual transformation and all other chal-lenges to whole-being engagement requiring aswift sobriety of intent, a lifting of the sights towardprogressively steady consideration of the centralterms of existence (terms cleaving gyroscopicallyto the persistent shadow-outline of death). Herdeclaration indeed echoes a similar authentic in-junction, that of the teacher "Don Juan" inCastaneda's saga, i.e. "you must make death youradvisor". This "rule" seems to have generated puz-zlement in certain of the readership of that saga;but it is amazing how this can be the case of so cleara mandate—unless at the point of such unequivo-cal injunction we may discern the customary hesita-tion of the "recreational seeker", the sudden reluc-tance to further "comprehend" anything turningthus Real (as opposed to merely "glamorous", withnothing of consequence at stake) so that the com-mon expression of the "seeker" at this point be-comes a hunchbacked shrug of "I don't quite un-derstand" as the clear significance is forciblypushed—like the head of a jack-in-the-box—below the threshold of "conversational conscious-ness", into the subconscious along with all otherunwanted intimations of mortality thus fulfillingone of Freud's definitions of that deep zone as therefuse bin, the buried strata of Mind's Medusa-locks that can't be viewed directly for the horror itthreatens to reveal.

When it comes right down to it, the criterionwhich Carla drops as a casual little minimum at thevery outset immediately eliminates—in truth—thevast majority of channelers or anyone who wouldat any time essay the an of channeling; for we knowperfectly well that the local "channeler" we consulton matters of our love life, the market or thedirection of our business investments is furthestfrom ever considering such a criterion as the sinequa non of his own little business; and indeed justthe opposite, for it is not only obvious that he isready to die for nothing, but in fact he has turnedto channeling in the first place for reasons only-too-similar to the usual concerns of those whoconsult him. He's not interested at all in knowingwhat he might possibly be willing to die for, sincehe's much too concerned with obtaining informa-tion and advice on how to extend life, how to per-petuate and maximize his own field of pleasure,how to gain more and lose less. He's interested inhis own proliferation, his potential magnificationto the degree of infinity, not his obvious cancella-tion in the face of infinity; and so our typical chan-neler, and those who may consult him, receive thetype, quality, degree and value of information towhich they aspire, from a "source" commensuratewith the integrity and dedicated awareness of therequest (i.e. the intent behind the request).

To this measure we may acknowledge the ab-solute propriety and clear cogency of Carla's con-cept that the art of channeling intrinsically involvesso high a degree of risk as to render it irreducibtya subject for serious soul-development only, in sub-stantiation of this viewpoint Carla give us a defini-tion of channeling which takes it out of the "spe-cialized" category, and seeks to install it as a centralquality of our existence altogether. By definition(she'd have us recognize), "channeling" is some-thing which in its broadest sense we are alwaysdoing; for a little reflection reveals we don'toriginate the pattern through which our most in-

timately "personal" thoughts discharge,we don't generate our own will-force somuch as draw upon an already ordered

process of volition to which we attach the value ofpersonal identity, etc. According to Carla, then,because we are by nature and not just by avocation"channelers" par excellence, channeling in its morenarrow definition (or focused form) merely con-stitutes an extension, as it were, a natural amplifica-tion of our Faculty in such a way that as an initiatoryprocess it necessarily serves us indefinitely, com-prising amongst all other esoteric arts and tech-nologies a Way of choice that describes a kind ofunbroken linear "ascent" or sequential unfolding.To the best of Carla's knowledge in terms of a veryreal and therefore personally transformative prac-tice, this characterizes the subject of channeling asa valid philosophical proposition.

Here however, is where initiated understandingis aroused to reply to the initiate's state, as ex-emplified very finely at its own accomplished levelby Carla herself. The idea that all process is "channeling", is a serviceable idea up to a point, allowing us to grasp our existence from a less personal-ly-exclusive perspective; on the surface, the ideathat we "channel" the states, patterns, forms andprocesses as which we give expression to our per-sonalized "I" sense, is infectiously persuasive andfurnished a sort of picture whereby we may gain afuller view on the whole business of individualized"self". Yet if we interrogate this picturephilosophically, it begins to break up at a certaindegree of "scrutinizing" resolution. When we askwho "channels" all this pattern and process, wesuddenly wind up with a play of mirrors, a reflec-tion verging on the unwanted displacement of anInfinite Regress. To say that "we" channel every-thing we do, are or know, necessarily confers anexempt status on the "we"; for if the "selfhood" inrelation to which all this channeling is occurring isitself channeled, an immediate corridor of mirrorsplacing "us" at an infinite remove from ourselvesis established.

On the other hand, if the "I" of this sticky senseof selfhood is constituted as the convergent refer-ence-point or centralizing locus of all pattern andprocess, then it arises immediately and spon-taneously as an endowment of the Whole, alongwith—and as the efficient coordinate Median of—everything else. It is no longer in the peculiarMoebius-knot of "channeling" itself. It is no longeran expression of identity at a chronic and unbridge-able remove from itself; it is by this understandingthe immediate, expressive Identity of the Whole,functionally apprehended as a particular patternof coordinate processes. It is a sure identity,without in any way being misconstrued as a self-creating identity (i.e. as the "channeling" thesiswould help us correct for). Thus, as an immediatelyconstituted locus of patterning coordinates, thesense of "self is legitimately spontaneous andirreducible, exactly as it seems; and if it is notplaced in the peculiarly self-contradictory positionof having somehow to "channel" itself, neitherdoes it retain the fantastical "responsibility" ofcreating or generating itself.

This then suddenly cuts "channeling" far backfrom its purported status as a universal function.We can no longer allow the definition of channel-ing as a general category. The universe isn't basi-cally "channeling". Since the locus of a sentient"selfhood" is everywhere the median term andcommon denominator of all Process, we mustrecognize that at every point the creative whole isconstituting a coordinate reference. The "self ofconsciousness isn't a "box" in a graduated nest ofboxes; there may be patterned "nests" of interact-

ing, coordinate energy-systems; yet the inter-change amongst all such systems comprises amutual flux and reciprocally-modifying influencecross-in<fewng the "I-sense" as the very locus of theinteractive flow-patterns. The "I" isn't a nestled"concavity" amidst such action through whicheverything passes, as through a stationary funnel.It is the convergent locus through which all coor-dinate processes engage their mutual interchange.It is such a locus by virtue of that process, notindependent of it or "other than" \t.As a centraliz-ing focus and self-reference it has no existenceapart from the coordinate patterning as which it iscross-indexed.

There is a primary sense in which the "I" isrelated to its pattern; the I doesn't "channel" itspattern but rather, all interpenetration or recipro-cal influence amidst nested energy-conduits thatcan be considered a kind of "canalizing" activitytakes place as a constitutive process of the "I".Because the I is related in this primary way as theimmediate and irreducible locus of the coordinateframework through which it comes to expression,it can clearly distinguish the interpolation ofanother patterning locus in relation to which it (i.e.it as locus of a constituted whole-pattern) doesfunction as a channeling instrument. Thus primaryprocesses may be configured as "mutually canaliz-ing" activity, but the "I" isn't a channel construct, a"pipe" through which such activity flows. The I-pattern may only act secondarily as such a con-stituted "pipe" for the receival of an influx ofinfluence or information from a whole-patternlocus mediating processes at a variant composi-tional angle from itself.

At any given point the axes of polarized patternsmay functionally flow around, through or betweenone another, so that one framework of referencemay seem to be "conducting" the other. The im-pressions of such patterns may work on, throughand in one another; the influence of one state oforganization may certainly serve to entrainanother. Yet since all are equally constituted, atthe "juncture" of infinity, as coordinate referencefor a given framework of function, no self-systemacts by infinite regress as a channel of itself.

Our primary function is not that of channel. TheI doesn't "channel" its cognitive patterns, itsautonomic functions etc. Although such patternsand functions may interact as canalizing systems,conducting and transmitting in mutual inter-change, the "I" is the common denominator of thatentire process and not one stage of "removal" in it.Thus "channeling" is still a specialized sport.

The phenomenon of "channeling" becomes afar more localized expression. It clearly becomes afunction of special conditions not universal condi-tions.

We may note for example the obvious fact that,despite Carla's assertion that channeling is auniversal, wholly common and natural process, ithas seldom taken the overt form by which weidentify it modcrnly. We can justifiably state that,despite scattered examples in our ancient or scrip-tural past of what by interpretation may be termed"channeling", the actual phenomenon of channel-ing as recognized today is a recent development.This would tend to suggest that its specific andprogressively evident form as an "otherworldlycommunication" is a function of very local condi-tions. It is in fact quite dependent on the particularconfiguration of energy-patterns comprising thepassage of our "globe", the earth sphere, througha millennial process of transition. As earth in-evitably bows to the imperatives of cosmic timing,

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its field rotates in modified relation to the multi-dimensional coordinates through which it'sfocused. This cosmic shift occurs with respect tothe psychic "net" of energy-patterns modelling theparticular phase-state of the collective, consciouscondition of the planet, thus generating—in ourcase—a certain friction between the aggregate 3rddensity "Mind-form'' as carried over into the on-coming context of a 4th density existence to whichit's unsuited.

Understood in this way, the phenomenon ofchanneling which erupts in very great contrast toordinary processes of cognition at this particular,cosmic juncture, may be identified as a quite spe-cialized and even makeshift extemporizationfashioned pell mell to help facilitate the transition,bridge the very rough gaps that split the earth-fabric as information-lacunae, bewildering dis-crepancies between hazily-forming "future"models and familiar precedent with which theyabruptly break.

The grinding tension between the wheels ofcosmic timing and the "local" resistance of a col-lective psychic atmosphere, between the require-ments of the biosphere and its encoding "noo-sphere" produce cracks and fistulas, rents andleaks which physically take the form of a randomly"liberated" radiation (as the absorptive or en-folded, receptive sphere begins inexorably—ifchaotically—to unfold and emit). As this disin-tegration—which is basically a breakdown be-tween planes, or encoded barriers of mutualscreening and selective filtration—occurs, a ran-domized opportunity appears; and first of all,owing to the chronically missed opportunities ofunderstanding from indigenous cues and sources,it is determined that such providential cracks andambiguous splits between "receding" and "oncom-ing" realities of energy-organization or influenceshould be taken advantage of, used by Sourcessuperintending from higher and more integraldimensions of the universal process. It is deter-mined that strategic "lines" of communication be-tween, amongst or through planes should bedeliberately established as the old barriers dis-solve, the long-serviceable grid of energy-net-works and psychic screens (traditionally sealingthe focus of physical consciousness from undueinfluence) inexorably breaks away out of over-whelming, internal pressures to transcend suchrestricted millennial enclosure—pressures takingthe form of yearnings and therefore psychic re-quests for a higher knowledge, an enlargedframework of operations in both the positive andnegative sense.

So first of all there is established a tremulous,delicate line, a fiber-thin channel of specificlinkage establishing conditions of a special con-figuration between the systemic patterns of em-bodied consciousness, and the patterns of energy-intelligence comprising foci of conscious intentbeyond the delimiting framework of physical ex-pression. The initial linkages or "cable wirings"that become established through this opportunis-tic break in the barriers manifest as those of abasically positive nature, owing to the subtlety ofoperations required to organize the key values ofparticipating light-units in such a way as to producea reasonably symbiotic condition and not—at leastimmediately—a state of crushing pressure to the"receiving" polarity, the physically-focused chan-neler. Thus positive forces necessarily forge theway—and this is why, by-and-large, we are at firstrecipient of quite positive knowledge and at leastreasonably helpful philosophy encouraging us to

adopt its recommended changes in deference tothe claim of Superior Viewpoint. Part of suchknowledge indeed is necessarily identifiable as theeffort to educate as to the very existence of such asuperior viewpoint.

Since however the initial, planetary "call" forsuch knowledge is not unambiguous (and indeedarises in some substantial measure from a negativebias toward power implanted or exacerbated bycontemporaneous Negative activities of a more"corporeally"-oriented character, in keeping withthe respective angle of approach) there shortlyfollows in response to the encouraged negativeappeal a corresponding effort at "channeling"from extra-dimensional denizens seeking to wirethe psychic atmosphere with negative propaganda.In keeping with the pseudo-creative or mimickingmode of the Negative constitution, the activity ofthis "second-wave" of specialized "help" from theOther Side does not proceed so much by fashion-ing its own channels, by pioneering its own net-works, as by appropriating the lines andtransdimensional wires already well established byinitial effort of the positive. The specially con-structed (note: specially constructed) inner vehiclesfor bridging, coupling and variably-locking thechannel-modules or respective units participatingin the phenomenon are precipitously comman-deered, appropriated during "lulls" of active use orsimply seduced over to Negative-employment withscarcely a sign to signal the transition wherever thephysically-focused channeler slides off thestraight-and-narrow mark, imperceptibly shifts inpsychic orientation as a function of the low-levelunsure waffling that characterizes the—basicallyuncommitted—still ambivalent ego-consciousnessof the physical sphere.

Due to the intrinsically coarser character of thenegative communication, seeing that it is constitu-tionally polarized toward inflation of the lowervital centers and corporeal systems in themselves,the progressive "use" of the borrowed lines andtransdimensional avenues initially fashioned byPositive intent inevitably corrodes the delicatebalances and adjustments of the general Con-struct; far from honoring the symbiotic characterof the channel-networks initially arranged throughmutual, psychic cooperation of Positive sourcesand benignly-motivated personality foci of the

physical dimension, the Negative "crusaders" actin parasitic fashion, taking up habitation at theexpense of the host.

Indeed, the channeling process itself, being anopportunistic makeshift in lieu of more organic ornatural ways of bridging the earth-sphere transi-tion, is under the best of circumstances faulty;under the most positive of influences it possessesan inbuilt limit to which it can be of benefit to thespiritual growth and mind-body development ofthe channeler. At its best it was not designed by anIdeal providence to function as indefinitely-reli-able mode, or unambiguous means for the chan-neler to grow and expand along the ad hoc lines ofcommunication actually assembled out of the im-peratives of the moment. Indeed at its most unam-biguously positive (where the Source is motivatedin Positive Purity of the higher spiritual planes andthe channeler is consistently devoted, cautious,attentive and a sedulous ego-guardian) the art ofchanneling operates as a kind of expedient pact. Itreally proceeds as an "inner", prearranged agree-ment between the Higher-dimensional Sourcesdesiring to Channel, and the deeper—less con-sciously-accessible—Soul-requirements of thechanneler (the "consent" of the latter emanatingfrom zones of the more integral psyche cor-responding to the "dream-mind" etc., practicallyout of reach or recall of the ordinary focus ofconsciousness which acts in "shock" when resultsof the silent spiritual agreement erupt intodaylightapprehension).

The channel-occasion is then an inner agree-ment of "symbiotic" relationship in which it'sknown "beforehand" to the deep-psyche that suchrelationship is, to a degree, a sacrifice on the partof the channeler owing to the limits of the mode.Since even the most positive of Sources must usethe channeler as a specially-adapted and re-tunedinstrument to perform a function for which it wasnot specifically designed, there is an implicit recog-nition at the Soul-level that the channeler mustsuffer a net loss in the long run, must indeed rundown in the aggregate over the curve of the processfor at its best, the makeshift channeling system ishighly entropic.

Thus the channeler may benefit, may progressmentally and spiritually in terms of soul develop-ment, from the overall incarnative experience of

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the channeling pact; but at the deep Soul levelthere is always the implicit recognition and "con-tractual" acknowledgment that the channeler isnecessarily trading, and giving away the ultimatehealth and/or longevity of the vital system as longas the activity persists, for there is unrecoverableenergy-loss in the transaction even at its mosteconomic, its most scrupulously parsimonious.

This inbuilt limitation re the mind-body growth(in persisting, incarnative development) of theChanneler, is further aggravated by the inevitabledeterioration of the overall channeling avenues, theaggregate inter-dimensional lines, from their idealof efficiency by the predictable follow-up habita-tion of the Negative squatters infesting the avail-able "lanes" as much as possible and wearing themto progressive coarseness, broadening and batter-ing their originally-refined materials. Thus overtime the channeling lanes themselves, irrespectiveof their specific use in any given case by "positive"or "negative" entities, become "infected"; on thewhole their constitution succumbs to contagion,and becomes progressively dangerous to thehealth and/or well-being of the channeler's con-tinued use. In such a circumstance, all the "chal-lenging" and "rites of protection" are not enough;the whole field is infected, and the positive cannotcomprise (under such conditions of overall nega-tive disintegration and decay of the biosphere) anadequately purifying monitor to sustain the "netsafety", so to speak, of the channeler's high-wireact. The "Gresham's Law" of economics, whereby"bad" money inevitably chases "good" money outof circulation, holds true in transference to thespiritual sphere, at least under conditions of thismost difficult of earth-transitions.

Thus channeling cannot be considered a naturalphenomenon and a part of our "permanent", on-going condition as incarnate beings. In fact, iterupts as a very specialized contemporaryphenomenon of quite transient lifespan, and wealready behold it in its decaying stages. It comprisesindeed a transitory communication, one which hasalready seen its best days. Several channel sourcesthemselves (i.e. Starseed Transmission, Agartha)have noted that by 1989 the better part of theimportant and required channeling would be ac-complished. We can infer that the cataract of"stuff that inevitably continues to pour forth isslush and afterbirth-refuse, leftover junk lendingitself admirably to the progressively negative cast.Indeed the "greatest channeler of all time", CarlaR. herself, has lost contact irreparably with hergreatest contact, the 6th density Ra so-cial/memory/complex.

Because of the specialized and largely makeshiftor ad hoc character of the "channeling"


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phenomenon, then, and because it tends undersuch extemporaneous circumstances to succumbto the spiritualized Gresham's Law, we cannotconcur with Carla's ultimate conclusion thatspiritual growth and development may proceed insmooth linear continuity with the channeling"beam", once connection with that beam is estab-lished. No, that beam has its definite limitations,and the channeler's development under its light isprovisional to the extent that it necessarily con-forms to, and sacrifices on behalf of, the spiritualIntent of the higher source.

As Carla rightly points up, such "sacrifice" onthe part of the channeler is a loving service whichplaces the personality in good stead with his/herown soul-development. But the character of chan-neling itself, (i.e. that it's a communication ofknowledge from a developed Source independentof one's own, still-partially-closed centers or bio-psychic plexuses of personal systemic knowledge)ought to tip us off on the type of inbuilt limit towhich the channeler, as channeler, is subject. Forthe kind of progressed, mind-body integraldevelopment and higher-dimensional organiza-tion of the centers and systems that would com-prise assurance of continued incarnative develop-ment (important in terms of spiritual economysince the earth-sphere with its coefficient-of-resis-tance maximally expedites and acceleratesdevelopment, of all the planes and spheres) isprecisely what's short-circuited by the necessaryentropy of the channelingphenomenon! The chan-neler is always, in a sense, used by the channelingSource no matter how positive in Itself, so that bythe end of an extendedly-dedicated channelingcareer the "vehicle" of the channeler, his/hermind-body circuitry, is critically drained, depletedof the necessary reserves of bio-psychic capitalnecessary for any further investment in a cumula-tive integration and Whole-beingAwakening in andthrough the completion-polarity of the physicaldimension itself.

It must here be noted that the "first" and mostwell-known of the modern channelers, JanrvRoberts, died eventually of a failed thyroid —thethyroid of course is the "gland" corresponding tothe subtle plexus (vissudha-chakra) which ismodified and strategically adapted to channelingpurposes through its shadow-ingress at the back ofthe head, where the personality is to be used as avocal "instrument". Such death represented thesymbolic limit of her sacrificial "pact" with higher-dimensional intelligence (this is not in itself some-thing "negative"—only those who view death as initself "negative", could view this fact as the con-clusive case for the "demonism" of the whole chan-neling process.) In a sense, because her spiritualdevelopment had been wholly "devoured" and wastotally "accounted for" by channeling, Roberts had"nowhere to go". Her death under those cir-cumstances was ineluctable. From that initial"standing ground", there is nothing left after theInfluence has been spent on the Intent of its object;there is no continuity and unbroken spiritualprogression possible as a simple extension of chan-neling, onward and upward as a perpetual informa-tion-conduit into the light.

There is instead a sudden interruption, anabrupt break. The quick fissure for which channel-ing originally presented itself as a stop-gapmeasure, is suddenly back in completely personalterms and stands as a sudden Abyss before thechanneler. And, from the conventional standing-ground that the channeler has assumed, it's anunbridgeable Chasm.

Carla herself reports continuously a progressiveill health. Her Ra contact (for which she certainlyreceives the award as "greatest all-time chan-neler") was broken some years ago, and though shecontinues to channel "4th and Sth density" entitiesshe has been, unbeknownst to her but for all prac-tical purposes, abandoned thereby. Her self-ad-mission that the Ra entities were her personal"favorite", gives clear indication that she realizesit's all "downhill" from here, and that inferentiallythe material she channels now is repetitious andalmost prerecorded, a monotonous and anti-climactic extension of an endeavor past its primeas far as the greatness of the "Ra" material isconcerned.

Why then isn't she told this by the channelingEntities themselves? For the simple reason thatthey aren't her spiritual keepers. They havespecific "spiritual functions" and "duties" of com-munication to perform, and as long as a particularchanneler offers him/herself to that service just solong will they avail themselves of the instrument!They do not comprise the Absolute Balance of herown spiritual center; no higher-dimensional entity,no matter how "complete" in itself, can function assuch (for then it would be substituting Itself forone's own ultimate spiritual realization); any suchEntity no matter how "complete" in itself and nomatter how balanced the content of its instruction,can only comprise a deflective influence off centeras far as the continued implementation of its func-tion with respect to the channeler is concerned.

There is then no sublime continuity of progres-sive spiritual integration and unfolding throughthe internal connective shaft of the "channeling"beam; there is at best only ultimate abandonment.And indeed (/such blunt abandonment does takeplace, it is that taking-leave itself which comprisesthe ultimate purposeful contribution of the Chan-neled Entity to the further spiritual progress of thechanneler.

At the optimum of Divine Grace andBeneficence, the channeler is left, abandoned andalone, in the dark, at the brink of an Abyss.

However, it is exactly that chronic practice ofcocoon-like enwrapping and "cozy" Cancerianprotection in the Light, which had distinguishedthe career of the channeler up to this point. Thedurk is utterly unfamiliar to the channeler, indeedhe/she is not likely to even recognize its imminentpresence but rather in reaction to any such intima-tion would tend to cling to the envelope of thathabituated light all the more insistently. Indeed,not recognizing that he/she was standing at thatvery, perilous brink of the abrupt-discontinuousTransition required for mergence into the Form ofa direct Higher-knowing (and emergence out of thecocoon of channeled Light), the tendency of the

Altered States FloatCenter



We now have mostMEGABRAIN



Page 15: VOL. 1, NO. 8 APRIL, 1990 - tbirdvstheflyingsaucers.info fileProduction Editor.....,.....Ed Voynow Copy Editor.....Gerry Schwartz

channeler without benefit of the adjustive counselof a higher-initiated Perspective would be to as-sume the coming-to-a-close of spiritual develop-ment for the lifetime! The tendency would be toassume that the work had already been done,everything that was or could be accomplished hadbeen accomplished.

The tendency would be to begin speaking ofhim/herself in the past tense, as if quietly closingthe books, the termination of the Key Channelingbeing taken as one-to-one equivalent of the ter-mination of any further development.

Just when the most critical Moment of spiritualdevelopment in all the lifetimes is called for, thechanneler is most likely to convince him/herselfthat no further transformation is required but thateverything may proceed in natural, unbrokenlinear continuity "upward". Since in fact any"linear" advance or unfolding in sacrificial submis-sion to a "higher Intent" is cut off, critically ter-minated, the channeler will at this point tend tomistake an inturning upon the ego-self in progres-sively exclusive attachment to a personal insularityin "the light" for forward progress; there will bethe tendency to exactly mistake retrogression forAdvance.

But MT is not Carla Rueckert's biographer. Hedoes not feel that "greatest all-time channeler" issufficient for her epitaph, engraved in prematurestone. That is exactly why MT is considered suchan incorrigible Troublemaker. That is exactly whyhe never takes No for an answer, even in one'ssweetest sleep and dearest dreams of Light. Bless-ings to you, Carla darlin'; don't let the Blue Moonof Kentucky keep you long.

* * *Carla's Channeling Handbook gets the big5 stars

because it is a model of the genre; it fulfills ourrequirement of a work having "gong fu" (Le. it"catches fire"—in Carlo's case, it comes to a slowcontrolled boil); and at the same time the intel-ligence, stall and thoroughness with which it is con-ceived and done fulfills the second indispensablerequirement for the conferral of 4 1/2-5 stars: theoverall quality of the book lifts it out of exclusivesignificance to the given "genre" onfy, and places iton a level of much more universal consideration.Herein is not onfy unparalleled advice, counsel andinstruction for the channeler in terms of ethics,protection, organization (even incorporation andtaxes), but hard-won wisdom for anyone who wouldmake a real improvement in the overall business oflife. This is loving soul-counsel that has been paidfor in the only negotiable currency honored at thatlevel: soul trial travail and experience.

It is obvious then, (since we've had occasion inour review to take philosophical exception with cer-tain points) that our highest ratings aren't simplyreserved for those with whom we wholeheartedlyconcur on every item; they are granted solely on thebasis of what is, at bottom, a spiritual intensity, anintellectual and artistic integrity that "shows all thework", and doesn't borrow any "tens" from anyoneelse's column to come to its particular Solution.

A Channeling Handbook........*****

Mother Terasu will be back next monthwith "WhatIs 'Christ Consciousness'?"if she isn't preempted by anything more

Cardinal; watch for her,and keep your bluebooks ready!


When you break out that video of Rear Windowagain, being by this time familiar-enough with plot-line and character-identity, take a look at thisdeceptively simple work of the Master in terms ofEveryman, which in many respects the JamesStewart character - in virtually any of the colonel'sfilms - actually is. If this is Everyman, then thewhole situation can be considered as a quiet com-mentary on the Age in which Everyman lives.

When we look at it over again we clearly see thatthe Stewart character, laid up with a broken leg sothat it seems he can only sit day and night lookingout on the court and facing apartments of hiscomplex, is hardly a hero or even simply a niceordinary fellow. Playing the standard of a nice,ordinary fellow, he's actually reprehensible in a lotof ways - ways that, in his form of Everyman, weshould be able to identify.

Like Everyman, he is an observer, a viewer; theapartments through the windows of which hewatches, may as well be a television set, the variousscenes that he witnesses merely a changing back-and-forth of channels. He is so fascinated in theclinical, hypnotic way of a television viewerwith thestories transpiring through those window-chan-nels, that they comprise for him altogether a sub-stitute existence. While he's living the vicarious lifeof the voyeur perched with binoculars at the edgeof his window, his own life is transpiring right inhis apartment as if it were occurring to someoneelse.

Hitchcock drolly give us a perfect analogy ofEveryman; if indeed Mr. Everyman could have avirtual princess like "Grace Kelly" at his beck-and-call, one who otherwise and in any other contextwould describe his certain ideal, he would doubt-less disdain her, treating her as if she were just anactress playing a role that was completely inap-propriate and out of place. One gets the distinctsense that his "objections" to her persistentproposition of marriage are really quitechameleon, able to change color to suit the back-ground; if she were a rugged outdoors-type capableof keeping up with him in photography-work, he'das easily turn the picture around and complain ofher lack of femininity!

His real business is estrangement, alienation; heis busy preserving his meaningless autonomy: thesole apartment dweller looking, looking out hiswindow - so busy looking out. His relation with theKelly character is pure illustration of Everyman'seffort to keep a distance, to place a safe neutralspace between himself and his actual life. While hehas her there in his apartment (she quite eagerapparently to make love), he prefers to watch theballerina perform her exercises before the openwindow across the court. Thus distancing himselffrom the all-too-pressing features of his own life,he manufactures a substitute fascination - soon tobecome an obsession - with the lives of others(which incidentally, in an objective comparisonwould for the most part measure up as far lessinteresting than his own).

Indeed the deep humor of the movie lies in theactual reprehensible quality of this Everyman char-acter; when his girlfriend finally does seem todevelop a concerned interest in the possible mur-der that's taken place across the way, we get thedistinct impression that this change of attitude isaffected basically so as to have something to share

in common with her indifferent inamorato! Oursuspicion is indeed confirmed, when we are verydistinctly shown that the only time she elicits hisattention or approbation is when she risks her lifeby crossing the court and "putting herself in theframe", as it were, of his long-distance viewing inan attempt to find the incriminating wedding-ringin the murderer's apartment. When she appears inthe window opposite like another character on theviewing screen, then he is proud of her, then she's"quite a gal". But it is obvious he's unconcernedfor her as a real being whose life is now perilouslyin jeopardy; indeed that irreducible fact of thesituation hardly occurs to him. Both he and theinsurance nurse who watches the cross-c^urtproceedings with him, are all-too-easily distractedfrom phoning in the critical warning of thesuspect's return that would alert her in time toleave the apartment. Like a t.v. viewer slippingwithout thinking over to another program, heseems to have but the dimmest apprehension thatthe girl he's watching is real, and that the situationto which she's submitted in an effort to installherself at the fixed center of his attention is alife-or-death matter.

Thus when, (as inevitably happens with respectto the fastidious intentions of the alienatedpsyche) the Stewart character by the dull "t.v."half-light of his own, scarcely real actions managesto provoke the two way reality of that viewingscreen in the clumsy disclosure of his vulnerable,witnessing presence, the sudden intrusion of themurderer into his insular little world bursts uponhim as the vivid terror of his own actuality. Asoccurs in life, the ignorant carelessness of thatEveryman who plays his being through the unrealprojection and preservative distance of the ego-witness, inevitably produces circumstances that in-vite the real proportions and formidable dimen-sions of existence to come crashing in on him.

By the time we watch him in the famous climax,hanging by his fingers out the window being pulledimplacably groundward by the weight of his cast(quite some symbolism, Alf!) we can't avoid thefeeling he deserves it, or at least requires it - afterall, as Norman O. Brown demonstrated long ago,and as Ken (Owe & Ought) Wilber has mimickedever since in the hopes that no one will rememberBrown, the flight from life inevitably draws uponitself its own death.

Rating system for reviews:*****

Has Gong Fu; has technical andintellectual/emotional power.

****Has Gong Fu; has a measure of both technical

and intellectual/emotional power.***

May or may not have Gong Fu; has a measureof technical and intellectual/emotional power.

**Has no Gong Fu; may have technical or intel-

lectual/emotional magnitude.*

Has no Gong Fu; has little, though possiblysome, technical or intellectual/emotional mag-


May have any of the above, including (some-times but not often) Gong Fu, but still deser-ves to have the Marx of Zeppo swiftly etchedacross the designer label of the smug-fitting

back pocket.

Page 16: VOL. 1, NO. 8 APRIL, 1990 - tbirdvstheflyingsaucers.info fileProduction Editor.....,.....Ed Voynow Copy Editor.....Gerry Schwartz

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NEW from Southern Crown -Primary Meditation Empowerment: Easy step-by-step instruction for beginners or those with difficulties in meditation; has youmeditating immediately, the very first minute. Conducive background of chimes and bells relaxes you, provides easy listening and learninganywhere.

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MT'at the Expo: The only tape put out by Southern Crown thus far that has practical demonstration of the Power BreathingTechnique. Practice right along with MTs SRO audience of November, '89! Also, find out just what MT had to say about thephenomenon of Channeling that provoked such subsequent controversey!UFOs:An Initiated Account: Now available on 1 hour tape, MT discusses UFOs, their origins, occupants and humanity's relationto such increasingly persistent "visitors".UFOs: An Initiated Account II: MT explains phenomenon of livestock mutilation, government/Alien interaction, Negative andPositive UFOs; how you may discriminate, protect yourself, etc.The KORG Radio Broadcast: MTs radio discussion of UFOs. Discloses the method by which he is able to know about AlienPresences, their nature and intentions.

All tapes $10.95 —Include complete title of each tape ordered —Send check or M.O. to:The New Thunderbird Chronicle • 15237 Sunset Bl. ste. 29 • Pacific Palisades, CA 90272

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Ad rates: $5.00 for first 25 words or fewer, 50 cents for each additional word.The New Thunderbird Chronicle reserves the right to reject any advertisement.

The closing date for ads is the 15th of every month for the following month's issue.Enclose check or money order and mail coupon to:

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ENVIRONMENTDolphin Transmissions From The DolphinFiles. Send $10 to Healing Waters'", 500 Du-Fossat St., New Orleans, LA 70115. Includescolor photograph of Healing Waters MedicineWheel.

FITNESSMetaphysical Fitness Workout—Get fit fromMind to Toe! Stretching, low impact aerobics,new age music, spiritual upliftment. MWF6:30-8 PM. Call N.R.G. Center 213-326-9449 to pre-register.

SELF-IMPROVEMENTFeeling Little and Lost? TRY SELF-ESTEEMBY THE POUND. Send first name ONLY andquestions to: Dr. K. Edward Spencer, P.O. Box36A81, Los Angeles, CA 90036.

Watch for MT-TV: PowerBreathing on public access inyour area. Practice ChargerBreathing right along with MTand the T-Bird staff! Let usknow what cable system youreceive in your area, and we'll"bicycle" our tapes right to you.

Page 18: VOL. 1, NO. 8 APRIL, 1990 - tbirdvstheflyingsaucers.info fileProduction Editor.....,.....Ed Voynow Copy Editor.....Gerry Schwartz



In the 1960's there was the head shop , filled with all theappurtenances and accouterments essential for those mysticalexcursions into the world of altered states.-While the goals maybe similar, today's way of getting there is strictly high-tech.

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When you start a David Jr. session, the first thing you notice is the"WOW response. That's what most people say the first time onthe device. In seconds, you become immersed in a cascading flowof dancing lights, colors and geometric patterns. Within a fewminutes, your breathing becomes slow and deep, muscles un-wind, and the outside world seems to fade away. With everysecond, more and more brain centers fall into rhythm with thelight and sound pulses generated by David Jr.. This is electronicmeditation at its best. David Jr. owners report numerous benefitsassociated with frequent use including: memory improvement •improved learning • lucid dreaming • heightened sensoryawareness • deep relaxation • exploration of altered slates ofconsciousness • stress reduction • alterations in space/timeperception • self-hypnosis aid, plus great fun and entertainment.

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These highly specific frequencies tend to stimulate and balancea wide range of brain neurotransmitters including Beta-Endor-phin, Norepinephrine and others. Neurotransmitters are thebrain's chemical messengers and they play a major role in suchdiverse functions as memory and learning, emotional states andmoods, creativity, sleep, chemical addiction, pain perception,euphoria, and general well-being. A number of conditions includ-ing environmental stressors, substance abuse, pollution,toxinsaging and diet may impair the normal functioning of neurotrans-mitter networks.

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Page 19: VOL. 1, NO. 8 APRIL, 1990 - tbirdvstheflyingsaucers.info fileProduction Editor.....,.....Ed Voynow Copy Editor.....Gerry Schwartz

This is Amazing! All I have to do While HAL 0. HARVEST, NEW AGE OMBUDSMAN is think of whatever I want, and itis tracking a clue to Col. Angstrom's whereabouts, just seems to take form in this his time-feleported friend—!he 60s surfer Bubba weird space..."Crash" Cooper—has Astraled-Out with one of ——Hal's inventions...

Page 20: VOL. 1, NO. 8 APRIL, 1990 - tbirdvstheflyingsaucers.info fileProduction Editor.....,.....Ed Voynow Copy Editor.....Gerry Schwartz


You've had a decade to experience everything that a spiritual teaching and Awakening presence mayor may not be, so that when such a teaching and such a presence makes itself available in its Whole formyou may recognize it, and avail yourself of everything it offers.

Michael (MT) is conducting full initiations into the Awakening power of the MOTHER CURRENTon May 19, at 1:00 PM; the location will be The Scientific Yoga Center, 1551 llth St. in Santa Monica.

There couldn't be a more timely moment in recent history than this, the very beginning of the decadeof the '90s with everything that's "going on", to have such a shielding, developing and floweringEnergy-presence directly imparted to you, in an unmistakable and immediate experience for which you'regiven the easy, effective, potent and balanced Keys to conserve, cultivate and grow through that inductedLife-current (without having its healthful, uplifting and brightening power gradually "trickle away").

3 HOUR INITIATION, LECTURE, QUESTION AND ANSWER. MT will answer questions fromthe participants—so if you ever wanted to know about methods of spiritual development, the meaningand purpose of planetary transition, the phenomena of UFOs and channeling from the viewpoint ofInitiated Wisdom, now is the rare and unique opportunity to ask!

Send now for your discount ticket to reserve space for yourself and whomever you would like to giftwith this unique opportunity (space is very limited, so send for your reserved ticket(s) as soon as possibleto allow for the mail to get back to you on time).

Send $40 check or M.O. for each ticket to: The New Thunderbird Chronicle, 15237 Sunset Bl. ste.29, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272, in order to receive your discount ticket in plenty of time for May 19. Thecharge will be $50 at the door. Be sure to enclose name(s) and return mailing address(es). For furtherinformation call 213-471-0756.

TM 1989, Issue 8—® Copyright MT, The New Thunderbird Chronicle, 1990The entire content of THE NEW THUNDERBIRD CHRONICLE is copyright by MT, The New Thunderbird Chronicle. The trademark, THE NEW THUNDERBIRD

CHRONICLE, is registered. Reproduction of contents in whole or in part is prohibited except with the written authority of this publication. Photo reproduction and xerox-ing are prohibited, but ofcourse that's never gonna stop the experts, so there !
