voicedevelopmentprogramme3 restoration

EDA 2 Rae-Ann Sinden. Assignment title: Restoration Voice Baseline assessment: e.g. breath control, phonation, articulation What are the characteristics of your voice? -The characteristic of my voice are the following;….(based on feedback given during rehearsals and notice when running lines) Articulation - needs improving in areas due to the text being old, some words are imported from France, other then them words my articulation is good. Intonation - when speaking some words are heard, when they come out with the sound..(this is complexes from my last voice assignment in audio performance )- This to do with the tone and vocal also known as “colour of voice” Posture - Due to the time period and the posture change, i found myself holding tension in the shoulder and jaw in some scene. Rhythm patten - This is good as during this show (The double Dealer) with my character she says a lot of paraphrase therefore the rhyme allows words to roll tongue easy,making it more comfortable to say the lines. 1

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EDA 2 EDA 2 Rae-Ann Sinden. Assignment title:Restoration

Voice Baseline assessment: e.g. breath control, phonation, articulation

What are the characteristics of your voice?

-The characteristic of my voice are the following;.(based on feedback given during rehearsals and notice when running lines) Articulation - needs improving in areas due to the text being old, some words are imported from France, other then them words my articulation is good. Intonation - when speaking some words are heard, when they come out with the sound..(this is complexes from my last voice assignment in audio performance )- This to do with the tone and vocal also known as colour of voice Posture - Due to the time period and the posture change, i found myself holding tension in the shoulder and jaw in some scene. Rhythm patten - This is good as during this show (The double Dealer) with my character she says a lot of paraphrase therefore the rhyme allows words to roll tongue easy,making it more comfortable to say the lines.

In what ways do these vocal qualities benefit or hinder you as a performer for radio production? This will include the information about the advantages and disadvantages of those characteristics.-Articulation- When performing restoration play, it is always key to have good articulation due to the language is already hard to understand,therefore due to my articulation good with the text part from some words such as fuax pass, i tend to have clear pronunciation and clarity of diction while delivering the text to the audience. This is help as it will allow the audience understand partly what the play is about.-Intonation- Will hinder me as performer as having a hard intonation colour of voice will course un-wanted tension during interment scene, such as ones with Careless and Mellofont, therefore I need to found the middle point so i can use soft and hard intonation. This shouldn't be so hard as i managed to have soft intonation during my last assignment it shouldn't be to hard with work on it. - Posture is key during this time period as it would show states of the characters and allocates from where my vocals are coming from and being held, therefore with my posture will mean my chest will be heighten and chin slight out as they are the resonators I'm using. However when doing this i found there is tension in my shoulders that can also hinder me as an performer as it can reflect on my vocals, not allowing me to project enough. Rhythm patten - Is an advantage when it come to performing restoration the language needs to have past for the comedy and the language needs to roll of the tongue therefore with a rhythm it allows this to happen.

What vocal exercises might be suitable for building on your strengths for radio production? (i.e. Does the text specify you perform with an accent/ received pronunciation? What exercise will help you achieve this vocally? ) Accent(inflection) are required for my performance therefore i will many be working with the plates of the mouth as different accent require different movement. some example exercise i used and why: hard palate - say sounds with using the tongue to tap the alveolar ridge words such as dog, cat, pat sounds such as dddd, tttt, lll. nnn soft palate - simulate a snoring as it relaxes the soft palate and yawn as it wakes up the soft palate.these small excise will help to achieve the vocally as a performer, as they will help me to get me use to the different movement required to get the correct accent. - This is key as it is a posh accent required for the roll in the play and due to my character being a Lady she would have been educated compeer to most people in London round the time period, there needs too be a different shown today and then accent as it unique. If to compeer it someone today it would be the queen, to help give you an idea.

What other vocal exercises will improve your technique? Why? posture/diaphragm - yoga exercises such as reveres pray and bad/good cat allow to open the diaphragm to help with projection, once the diaphragm has been warmed up and open this can cress the air capacity; allowing me to hold a note longer. seems strange however doing squats will also help with leg muscle that will affect my walk, and movements. Also practising in corset and character shows will help me feel more in the character therefore will help remove any tension and it will be come more nature for me, when performing. Also to remove tension just simple roll of the shoulder will help with this. Intonation- vocal waterfall through the different resonator to help with the dynamic of the voice. This also done with words such as mario or sentence hi, how you? more with n the high voice (head voice) to allow me reach soft. Also hight light lines in script that lines are meant to have colour of voice being soft to show tension between to people.

Vocal exercises


vocal waterfall with word e.gmarioooooo


How long can you hold the beat for, with breath - while going through the different range within the vocal folds. so if put in a short term you are to bring the full sound out.Mainly with in the high pitch (head voice) allow soften in my vocal colour.


When speaking your voice is naturally have a tone, so it is key that you are able to change between the pitch and tone, so allowing more dynamic to the character.

evidence - You can see that this has been worked on as there is dynamic in the two different scene first being with sir Paul , mellofont and cythian - where lady Plyant is angry. Then in the following scene she is being passionate therefore means softer colour in the vocals.Inflection -accent

hard palate and alveolar ridge.

da,da,da. ta,ta,ta. na,na,na. la,la,la.


Try and say the sounds without using the tongue to tap the alveolar or the hard palate- really allow the movement with in the mouth and face.


clarity of the voice is key when performing, and hard palate and alveolar ridge is an essential part of clear articulation. That help when delivery of text. Allowing the audience to understand the each word said.This is important as the language is already hard to understand alone, therefore with the accent it will bring comedy and help characteristic.



Roll tongue around teeth 60 seconds anticlockwise the clockwise.


Will work with muscle in the tongue to strengthen the muscle allowing you to articulate correctly. Projection

Diaphragm and resonators and posture

pa,pa,pa, ma,ma,ma ,ka,ka,ka


Painting the sounds, while having your hand 5 inches in front of the mouth- pushing the breath to hit your pam.


It is important to work on projection it uses the diaphragm and resonators to control the volume- therefore it allows power in the vocals when delivery a text. This was virtual during restoration, as the corset will restrict diaphragm movement.

There is other excise that can be use to work diaphragm such a yoga see this referent above.



This excise will also help to remove any tension, straighten you're back and pall shoulders back keep them there for 30 seconds and relax and then repeat.


Help to improve posture and remove tension around the shoulder and the neck if done daily.

What are the benefits of these exercises? Even though there is only small amount of exercises that i have used to help me during this unit, i found they help not only with my vocal but also help with founding the character stand and vocal, so the voice can come when qued. As it hit the muscle that i needed to improve my vocals. They also just don't work on one part of my vocally they worked all my modulation. I found those have been key when founding my character as i have caged the excise to my performance by doing them before going on stage that allowed me to be ready to perform.That will help the audience to stay entertained while watching the performance. As i carried on the same excises as last time i have seen improvement from all areas of my self vocally and most impartially in my diaphragm it hold great support, therefore i can work more on my modulation, so i can work on more areas.

In what ways were these exercises suitable for the improvement of your vocal technique? This could include information about the advantages and disadvantages of these exercises. Overall i found that those excise really showed improvement to my voice as some off those I've carried on from other units such as, t.v and film and audio performance that i achieve good grades in for me vocally.As an performer its a huge advantage when you found excise that you can use all the time and helps overall (modulation). I also found that during this unit my throat has been a lot ore healthier due to i have more support in my diaphragm I'm not taking in a huge amount of breath, therefore vocal folds are not getting sore because of this.

What other exercises (i.e. physical, gentle stretches, vocal health) might be suitable for this task? Why?i.e. Shoulder and neck rolls to relieve tension. Actors should be concerned about speaking with a tight neck. It can distort articulation, impairs quality and limits the range. Often the consequences of such action can be a sore throat. As lent has now finished my vocal are not as healthy as before however i have still cut down fuzzy and cut down cafine as those all course strew on the vocal fold that can lead to sore throat; also two day before the exam i cut down to room temperature water and honey and lemon, to allow my through to be cleared of any dairy in the throat coursing it stress. Due to i have started eating chocolate again, i have picked up drink room temputure water with lemon, that help remove felm from the vocal folds, also of the week of the performance i will be drink honey and lemon warm, also stem my vocals to keep them healthy. Also every morning i would removed any tension held within my nobody by doing a simple yawn and some neck and shoulder rolls to remove any tension in my body as i carry a lot on my shoulder therefore this could effect my performance.


Muscle groups used e.g. pharynx, larynx, articulators, intercostals

Vocal Technique Exercise ProgrammeA step by step guide to the vocal exercises you carried out. You should describe the vocal exercises you used You should explain why these exercises were/were not suitable You should explain any vocal health considerations you had to take You should explain any problems that occurred during this process You should discuss any changes you would make to your vocal training if you were to do it again why would you do it the same/differently? Identify alternative vocal exercises that would be suitable

EvaluationWhat were your strengths and weaknesses throughout the vocal exercise and training programme?What are your targets for developing your vocal technique in the future?

weakness -

so during this unit I came across a few weakness that wasn't the best as it affected all areas, one being that my intonation was not the best as i stubbled to get the scene to feel intermit at first, therefore i improved this by working on my inflection more; i went through my script set myself objectives and targets in that i wanted to get at the end of each scene. Also highlighted words and lines that i could add infection and colour to my voice. This is another technique that has helped me before so why not use it again, the unit it help me on was audio performance.

My second weakness was os articulation on certain weds such as fuxa pass, as it is from France therefor it is pronounced different too how it is written. I found this happened quite a lot during while learning lines with words such as inditing. To overcome this i went through my script and researched all the words that i was struggling to say and hear how they should be said. Then i would repeat it 5 times in a row so it would stick, if not i would write words next to it that would jog my memory, have dyslexia i found this worked a lot to just reading the script again. Therefore my articulation could imposer leaving e to have the correct diction during the play.

My finally weakness was tension in my shoulders that course me create tension in my jaw, that dose not help when projecting on stage, as you can reach full movement with in the mouth, in restoration it is key that you can remove all tension allowing all access of the mouth, that would allow you to over sargerate, in scene to bring comedy. To overcome this i would do the excise above with a message of the jaw to realise any tension doing this at the start and end of the day has era help, my articulation and projection.

However i wouldn't say that i only had weakness i think i had some vocal strengths;..

one strengths thatI had how virtualised my vocal had become due to the excise i had been doing in my spear time therefore because of those I was able to show virtuality with in modulation, this allow me to define my character that is very key when i come to performing on stage as it help show the audience that is happening through the performance.

I round when rehearsing i over came one of my weakness that must, that it then became one of my strengths, that is my articulation and diction after researching words that i was struggling with, found that with the accents and practising i was hitting all my dd, ts ext.. ; i knew this as i could feel my tongue hitting the hard palate and alveolar ridge. Also using my soft plate a lot more with the back of my tongue.

Due to this may or may not being my last performance, doesnt me i can't apple those skills to the next step that i go on to do, as i can apply those skill to when giving an powerpoint, or speaking in front of a group of people that i will do quite often next year at university.

However last assignment i set myself the target off

The first target is to put pause into my speeches, as this will allow me to communicate meaning to the audience. This will be key for restoration due to the different in language; i also found during radio that some words were lost due to pace be fast and not allowing pause.

However this could be also down to pace therefore i will be setting a target to keep to safe pace, pace is to do with the speed and rhythm of the delivery of the text. found now and then i would rush through the excise to hurry and get them down so i will be setting a target to make sure all excise each day are a least 15 minutes long.

I believe i have reached those targets as i have found the correct pace when relaying the lines they are not fast with pace, as i have had peers feed back to sow down therefore when each scene i done and some mentioned it i put star on top of page so i would know to keep it slow. Also as said above i worked on my rhyme, that help with the language.

Name: Rae-Ann Sinden

What you will be assessed on

Radio Production Process:

1. Mood and meaning of speech

2. Clarity of vocal delivery

3. Application of emotion / accent / intonation

4. Analysis of the text: phonetics, alliteration, phrasing

5. Consideration of audience

Use the following terms as appropriate in your work - ensure you understand what they mean!

Glossary of terms:


PAGE 11PostureBody awarenessBreath controlBreath capacityFacial relaxationBody relaxationTonePacePitchPauseInflectionModulationIntonationArticulationResonationDynamicsAccentAlliterationEDA 2 Assonance PAGE 11