vocabulary unit #10

VOCABULARY UNIT #10 Sadlier-Oxford, Level E

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Sadlier -Oxford, Level E. Vocabulary Unit #10. I knew my parents would not buy me a car, so I decided to acquiesce (accept quietly). I’ll save my energy for an argument that I feel I can win. To Acquiesce (Verb). To Ac CEPT quie sce (Verb). - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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VOCABULARY UNIT #10Sadlier-Oxford, Level E

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TO ACQUIESCE (VERB)I knew my parents would not buy me a car, so I decided to acquiesce (accept quietly). I’ll save my energy for an argument that I feel I can win.


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THE ALLURE (NOUN)The allure (attractiveness) of the perfume was that it smelled just like the beach.


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After I was hit with the volleyball, my glasses were slightly askew (crooked).A SCREW’S THREADS ARE


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BLITHE OUTLOOK (ADJ.)She has such a blithe (lighthearted) outlook on life that she lights up a room with her presence.


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CONTENTIOUS RELATIONSHIP (ADJ.)They had such a contentious (combative) relationship that they could argue about anything.


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To review your understanding of these words, Complete page 133 #1, 3, 4, 6 and 17

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TO COVET (VERB)Rather than wasting your time coveting (desiring) what other people have, learn to appreciate the good things in your own life.

I used to covet my neighbor’s Corvette, but then I remembered that I have a pretty sweet ride of my own.

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CRESTFALLEN CHILD (ADJ.)The little boy was crestfallen (dejected) when she found out that Disney World was closed.

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Many people think of Albert Einstein’s appearance as disheveled (untidy), but it was really just his hair that was a mess.

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THE EXPONENT OF HEALTH For several decades, Jack Lalanne was the nation’s greatest exponent (promoter) of healthy lifestyle choices If I can exercise

everyday at the age of 85, you can too. Get healthy!

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GARRULOUS GROUP (ADJ)It was such a garrulous (talkative) group that it was hard to follow what anyone was rambling on about.

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Most Garrulous Group Award

For always having something to say, whether anyone asked you or not!

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To review your understanding of these words, Complete page 133-134 #5, 10, 16, 19 and 20

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That little fellow can’t get past me because I am insuperable (unbeatable)!

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LAMENTABLE EVENT (ADJ)The conclusion of the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet is certainly lamentable (regrettable). If they had each been a little less brash, they could have lived happily ever after.

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THE MISNOMER (NOUN)Some people think that hamburger and hotdog are misnomers because there is no ham in that burger and no dog in that hot dog (we hope).

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The man waited until the scenery was perfect and then he professed (confessed) his love for her.

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NEEDED RESPITE (NOUN)After a long day of chasing campers around the forest, the bear took a much deserved respite (rest).

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To review your understanding of these words, Complete page 133-134 #7, 8, 11, 13 and 14

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THE RETRIBUTION (NOUN)Many different cultures and religions believe there was a great flood that was retribution (payback) for all of man’s wrongdoings.

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SINUOUS RIVER (ADJ)The sinuous (winding) river had more twists and turns in it than a rollercoaster.

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The sonorous sounds of the saxophone had the entire audience on their feet and dancing.

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VANGUARD OF FASHION (NOUN)Wearing her Kermit skin shawl put at the vanguard (frontline) of fashion. Everyone will be wearing them soon!

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The foolish wastrel spent $1000 on an outfit he could have gotten at the Gap for $100; then, he spent the whole day watching television when he should have been doing his homework.

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To review your understanding of these words, Complete page 133-134 #2, 9, 12, 15 and 18