vocabulary list for sentences


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Vocabulary List1. approbation n praise; official approval

2. assuage v to make easier or milder, relieve; to quiet, calm; to put an end to, to appease, satisfy, quench

3. coalition n a combination, union, or merger for some specific purpose

4. decadence n decline, decay, or deterioration; a condition or period of decline; excessive self-indulgence

5. elicit v to draw forth, bring out from some source (such as another person)

6. expostulate v to attempt to dissuade someone from some course or decision by earnest reasoning

7. hackneyed adj used so often as to lack freshness or originality

8. hiatus n a gap, opening, break (in the sense of having an element missing)

9. innuendo n a hint, indirect suggestion, or reference (often in a derogatory sense)

10. intercede v to plead on behalf of someone else; to serve as a third party/go-between in a disagreement

11. jaded adj wearied, worn-out, dulled (by being excessively indulged)

12. lurid adj causing shock, horror, or revulsion; sensational; pale or sallow in color; terrible or passionate in intensity or lack of restraint

13. meritorious adj worthy, deserving recognition and praise

14. petulant adj peevish, annoyed by trifles, easily irritated and upset

15. prerogative n a special right or privilege; a special quality showing excellence

16. provincial adj local; narrow in mind or outlook

17. simulate v to make a pretense of, imitate; to show the outer signs of

18. transcend v to rise above or beyond, exceed

19. umbrage n shade cast by trees; foliage giving shade; an overshadowing

20. unctuous adj excessively smooth or smug; trying too hard to give an impression of earnestness, sincerity, or piety; fatty, oily, pliable

21. ameliorate v to improve, make better, correct a flaw or shortcoming

22. aplomb n poise, assurance, great self-confidence; perpendicularity

23. bombastic adj pompous or overblown language; full of high-sounding words intended to conceal a lack of ideas

24. callow adj without experience; immature , not fully developed; lacking sophistication and poise; without feathers

25. drivel n saliva or mucus flowing from the mouth or nose; foolish, aimless talk to thinking; nonsense; ([v.] to let saliva flow from the mouth; to utter nonsense or childish twaddle; to waste or

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fritter away foolishly)

26. epitome n a summary, condensed account; an instance that represents a larger reality

27. exhort v to urge strongly, advise earnestly

28. ex officio a/a by virtue of holding a certain office (adj. & adv.)

29. infringe v to violate, trespass, go beyond recognized bounds

30. ingratiate v to make oneself agreeable to gain favor or acceptance by others (sometimes critical/derogatory)

31. interloper n one who moves in where he or she is not wanted or has no right to be, an intruder

32. intrinsic adj essential, inherent; originating in a bodily organ or part

33. inveigh v to make a violent attack in words, express strong disapproval

34. lassitude n weariness of body or mind, lack of energy

35. millennium n a period of one thousand years; a period of great joy

36. occult adj mysterious, magical, supernatural; secret, hidden from view; not detectable by ordinary means; ([v]. to hide, conceal; eclipse; [n.] matters involving the supernatural)

37. permeate v to spread through, penetrate, soak through

38. precipitate v to fall as moisture; to cause or bring about suddenly; ([adj.] – characterized by excessive haste; [n.] – moisture)

39. stringent adj strict, severe; sharp or bitter to the taste

40. surmise v to conjecture or guess; ([n.] – likely idea that lacks definite proof)

41. abominate v to have an intense dislike or hatred for

42. acculturation n the modification of the social patterns, traits, or structures of one group or society by contact with those of another; the resultant blend

43. adventitious adj resulting from chance rather than from an inherent cause or character; accidental

44. ascribe v to assign or refer to (as a cause or source), attribute

45. circuitous adj roundabout, not direct

46. commiserate v to sympathize with, have pity or sorrow for, share a feeling of distress

47. enjoin v to direct or order; to prescribe a course of action in an authoritative way; to prohibit

48. expedite v to make easy, cause to progress faster

49. expiate v to make amends, make up for; to avert

50. ferment n a state of great excitement, agitation, or turbulence; (v.) to be in or work into such a state; to produce alcohol by chemical action

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51. inadvertent adj resulting from or marked by lack of attention; unintentional, accidental

52. nominal adj existing in name only, not real; too small to be considered or taken seriously

53. noncommittal adj not decisive or definite; unwilling to take a clear position or to say yes or no

54. peculate v to steal something that has been given into one’s trust; to take improperly for one’s own use

55. proclivity n a natural or habitual inclination or tendency (especially of human character or behavior)

56. sangfroid n composure or coolness, especially in trying circumstances

57. seditious adj resistant to lawful authority

58. tenuous adj thin, slender, not dense; lacking clarity or sharpness

59. vitriolic adj bitter, sarcastic; highly caustic or biting (like a strong acid)

60. wheedle v to use coaxing or flattery to gain some desired end

61. affable adj courteous and pleasant, sociable, easy to speak to

62. aggrandize v to increase in greatness, power, or wealth; to build up or intensify; to make appear greater

63. amorphous adj shapeless, without definite form

64. aura n that which surrounds (as an atmosphere); a distinctive air or personal quality

65. contraband n illegal traffic, smuggled goods; (adj.) – illegal, prohibited

66. erudite adj scholarly, learned, bookish

67. gossamer adj thin, light, delicate, insubstantial; ([n.] a very thin, light cloth)

68. infer v to find out by reasoning

69. inscrutable adj incapable of being understood; impossible to see through physically

70. insular adj narrow or isolated in outlook or experience

71. irrevocable adj incapable of being changed or called back

72. propensity n a natural inclination or predilection toward

73. querulous adj peevish, complaining, fretful

74. remonstrate v to argue or plead with someone against something, protest against, object to

75. repudiate v to disown, reject, or deny the validity of

76. resilient adj able to return to an original shape or form; able to recover quickly

77. reverberate v to re-echo, resound

78. scurrilous adj coarsely abusive, vulgar or low (especially in language)

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79. sedulous adj persistent, showing industry and determination

80. sleazy adj thin or flimsy in texture; cheap; shoddy or inferior in quality or character; ethically low, mean, or disreputable

81. amnesty n a general pardon for an offense against a government; in general, any act of forgiveness or absolution

82. autonomy n self-government, political control

83. axiomatic adj self-evident, expressing a universally accepted principle or rule

84. blazon v to adorn or embellish; to display conspicuously; to publish or proclaim widely

85. caveat n a warning or caution to prevent misunderstanding or discourage behavior

86. equitable adj fair, just, embodying principles of justice

87. extricate v to free from entanglements or difficulties; to remove with effort

88. filch v to steal, especially in a sneaky way and in petty amounts

89. flout v to mock, treat with contempt

90. fractious adj tending to be troublesome; unruly, quarrelsome, contrary, unpredictable

91. precept n a rule of conduct or action

92. salutary adj beneficial, helpful; healthful, wholesome

93. scathing adj bitterly sever, withering; causing great harm

94. scourge v to whip, punish severely; (n.) a cause or affliction or suffering; a source of severe punishment or criticism

95. sepulchral adj funereal, typical of the tomb; extremely gloomy or dismal

96. soporific adj tending to cause sleep, relating to sleepiness or lethargy; (n.) something that induces sleep

97. straitlaced adj extremely strict in regard to moral standards and conduct; prudish, puritanical

98. transient adj lasting only a short time, fleeting; (n.) - one who stays only a short time

99. unwieldy adj not easily carried, handled, or managed because of size or complexity

100. vapid adj dull, uninteresting, tiresome; lacking in sharpness; flavor, liveliness, or force

101. anomalous adj abnormal, irregular, departing from the usual

102. aspersion n a damaging or derogatory statement; the act of slandering or defaming

103. bizarre adj extremely strange, unusual, atypical

104. brusque adj abrupt, blunt, with no formalities

105. cajole v to coax, persuade through flattery or artifice; to deceive with

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soothing thoughts or false promises

106. castigate v to punish severely; to criticize severely

107. contrive v to plan with ingenuity, invent; to bring about as the result of a scheme or plan

108. demagogue n a leader who exploits popular prejudices and false claims and promises in order to gain power

109. disabuse v to free from deception or error, set right in ideas or thinking

110. ennui n weariness and dissatisfaction from lack of occupation or interest, boredom

111. fetter n a chain or shackle placed on the feet (often used in plural); anything to confines or restrains; (v.) to chain or shackle; to render helpless or impotent

112. heinous adj very wicked, offensive, hateful

113. immutable adj not subject to change, constant

114. insurgent n one who rebels or rises against authority; (adj.) – rising in revolt, refusing to accept authority; surging or rushing in or on

115. megalomania n a delusion marked by a feeling of power, wealth, talent, etc., far in excess of reality

116. sinecure n a position requiring little or no work; an easy job

117. surreptitious adj stealthy, secret, intended to escape observation; made or accomplished by fraud

118. transgress v to go beyond a limit or boundary; to sin, violate a law

119. transmute v to change from one nature, substance, or form to another

120. vicarious adj performed, suffered, or otherwise experience by one person in place of another

121. austere adj severe or stern in manner; without adornment or luxury, simple, plain; harsh or sour in flavor

122. beneficent adj performing acts of kindness or charity; conferring benefits, doing good

123. cadaverous adj pale, gaunt, resembling a corpse

124. concoct v to prepare by combining ingredients, make up (as a dish); to devise, invent, fabricate

125. crass adj coarse, unfeeling; stupid

126. debase v to lower in character, quality, or value; to degrade, adulterate; to cause to deteriorate

127. desecrate v to commit sacrilege upon, treat irreverently; to contaminate, pollute

128. disconcert v to confuse; to disturb the composure of

129. grandiose adj grand in an impressive or stately way; marked by pompous

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affectation or grandeur, absurdly exaggerated

130. inconsequential adj trifling, unimportant

131. infraction n a breaking of law or obligation

132. mitigate v to make milder or softer, to moderate in force or intensity

133. pillage v to rob of goods by open force (as in war), plunder; (n.) the act of looting; booty

134. prate v to talk a great deal in a foolish or aimless fashion

135. punctilious adj very careful and exact, attentive to fine points of etiquette or propriety

136. redoubtable adj inspiring fear or awe; illustrious, eminent

137. reprove v to find fault with, scold, rebuke

138. restitution n the act of restoring someone or something to the rightful owner or to a former state or position; making good on a loss or damage

139. stalwart adj strong and sturdy; brave; resolute; (n.) a brave, strong person; a strong supporter; one who takes an uncompromising position

140. vulnerable adj open to attack; capable of being wounded or damaged; unprotected

141. acrimonious adj stinging, bitter in temper or tone

142. bovine adj resembling a cow or ox; sluggish, unresponsive

143. consternation n dismay, confusion

144. corpulent adj fat; having a large, bulky body

145. disavow v to deny responsibility for or connection with

146. dispassionate adj impartial; calm, free from emotion

147. dissension n disagreement, sharp difference of opinion

148. dissipate v to cause to disappear; to scatter, dispel; to spend foolishly, squander; to be extravagant in pursuit of pleasure

149. expurgate v to remove objectionable passages or words from a written text; to cleanse, purify

150. gauntlet n an ordeal; a challenge; an armored or protective glove; two lines of men armed with weapons with which to beat a person forced to run between them

151. hypothetical adj based on an assumption or guess; used as a provisional or tentative idea to guide or direct investigation

152. ignoble adj mean, low, base

153. impugn v to call into question; to attack as false

154. intemperate adj immoderate, lacking in self-control; inclement

155. odium n hatred, contempt; disgrace or infamy resulting from hateful conduct

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156. perfidy n faithlessness, treachery

157. relegate v to place in a lower position; to assign, refer, turn over; to banish

158. squeamish adj inclined to nausea; easily shocked or upset; excessively fastidious or refined

159. subservient adj subordinate in capacity or role; submissively obedient; serving to promote some end

160. susceptible adj open to; easily influenced; lacking in resistance