vocabulary initial 11-9 1€¦ · • services need to be more eff ectively organised than they...

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Page 1: VOCABULARY INITIAL 11-9 1€¦ · • Services need to be more eff ectively organised than they are at present. 44. effi ciently verimli, israfsız bir şekilde • She works very


w w w . d i l k o y a y i n c i l i k . c o m



Page 2: VOCABULARY INITIAL 11-9 1€¦ · • Services need to be more eff ectively organised than they are at present. 44. effi ciently verimli, israfsız bir şekilde • She works very

SESSION 1 ..............................................................................................3

SESSION 2 ..............................................................................................8

SESSION 3 ..............................................................................................13

SESSION 4 ..............................................................................................18

SESSION 5 ..............................................................................................23

SESSION 6 ..............................................................................................28

TESTS ......................................................................................................34


Tüm hakkı saklıdır. 5846 ve 2936 sayılı Fikir ve Sanat Eserleri Yasası Hükümleri gereğince yayıncının yazılı izni olmaksızın bu kitabın tamamı veya bir kısmı elektronik ortam dahil kopya edilemez, çoğaltılamaz.

ISBN 978-605-9242-11-0

Baskı Yeri:

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Moya Modern Yayınlar ve Eğt. Hiz. Tic. Ltd.Şti.(Sertifi ka No: 19955)

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DİLKO markası, Dilko Eğitim ve Yayıncılık Tic. Ltd. Şti.’nin tescilli markasıdır. Markanın, Türkiye’deki basılı ve digital yayıncılıkta tek yetkili kullanıcısı, Moya Modern Yayınlar ve Eğitim Hizmetleri İnş. San. Tic. Ltd. Şti.’dir

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Page 3: VOCABULARY INITIAL 11-9 1€¦ · • Services need to be more eff ectively organised than they are at present. 44. effi ciently verimli, israfsız bir şekilde • She works very


1. abandon (bir yeri, kişiyi veya şeyi) terketmek• He claimed that his parents had abandoned

him.(bir aktiviteyi veya işi) bitirmeden bırakmak =give up

• The authorities have abandoned any attempt to rescue the miners.

2. abnormal garip, normalden farklı • My sister has an abnormal fear of dogs.

3. absence (bir yerde) bulunmama, mevcut olmama Xpresence

• Many people wanted to see you in your absence.

4. absolutely tamamen• You were absolutely right when you objected

to the plan.• There is absolutely no diff erence between

these two ideas.

5. abundant büyük miktarda =plentiful• Birds are abundant in this region especially in


6. background arka plan, bir şeyin arkasındaki manzara veya görünüm

• He is a powerful person but he prefers to remain in the background.

7. bake fırında pişirmek veya pişmek• I need to learn how to bake cakes.• The bread is baking.

8. balance denge, denge durumu• The medicines you are taking may aff ect

your balance.• The ecological balance of the forest is at risk.

9. ban yasak, yasaklamak =prohibit• The authorities declared a ban on smoking in

all public places.• He was banned from driving for three years.

10. calculate hesaplamak =compute• Have you calculated the result?

11. cancellation iptal, iptal etme• Many passengers suff ered delays and

cancellations on planes, trains, ferries and buses last week.

• There have been some cancellations, so now you can come on the trip.

12. candid içten, dürüst, samimi• I haven’t been completely candid with him

during the conversation.

13. candidate aday, bir sınava giren kimse• I was the strongest candidate for the job.• If you are overweight, you are a candidate for


14. capable yeterlikli, yapabilen, elinden gelen• She is capable of telling a lie easily.• Her husband was such a fi ne, capable man.

15. capital başkent • Paris is the capital of France.

büyük harf• You must use capital letters while fi lling in

this form.kapital, sermaye

• We need more capital to start this business.

16. career meslek, kariyer • I began my career as a teacher in 1990.











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35. decay çürüme; çürümek, çürütmek =rot • The ground of the garden was full of

decaying leaves.• Eating too much sugar will cause tooth


36. eagerly hevesle, istekli bir şekilde • Robert always spoke eagerly about his life in

the Army.• The children listened to the story eagerly.

37. ease rahat, kolaylık, rahatlık• Young people cannot fi nd work with ease. • She is a rich woman and leads a life of ease.

hafi fl etmek, azaltmak• These pills will ease your headache.

38. echo yankı, eko; yankılanmak• He heard nothing but the echoes of his own

voice.• Our voices echoed in the big empty room.

39. ecosystem çevre-düzen, bir bölgedeki tüm bitkiler, hayvanlar ve insanlar ile bunların birbirleri ve çevreyle ilişkileri

• Coral reefs are an example of a marine ecosystem.

40. edit (özellikle bir başkasının yazısını) baskıya hazırlamak

• The majority of contracts give the publisher the right to edit a book after it’s done.

(bir gazete veya dergiyi) yönetmek• I used to edit the college paper in the old


41. edition (kitap, dergi vb. için) baskı, sayı• The second edition was published only in

America.• A paperback edition is now available at


42. eff ect etki, tesir• Parents worry about the eff ect of music on

their adolescent’s behaviour.• Even minor head injuries can cause

long-lasting psychological eff ects.

43. eff ectively etkili olarak, etkin bir şekilde• Services need to be more eff ectively

organised than they are at present.

44. effi ciently verimli, israfsız bir şekilde• She works very effi ciently and is accurate in

her judgement.

45. eff ort çaba, gayret• Despite the eff orts of the United Nations, the

problem of drug traffi c continues to grow.

46. failure başarısızlık Xsuccess• His six-year transition programme has by no

means been a complete failure.

47. faint bayılmak =pass out • She suddenly fell forward on to the table and

fainted.güçsüz, cansız, çok az

• There was still the faintest hope deep within him that she would return.

48. fair dürüst, namuslu• They said that they could not get a fair trial in

Los Angeles.(cilt ve saç için) açık renkli

• It’s important to protect my fair skin from the sun.

fuar, panayır• Shall we go to the book fair?

49. fairness dürüstlük, adalet • I have concerns about the fairness of the

election campaign.

50. faith güven, itimat =confi dence • He can’t have stolen the money; I have

complete faith in him.• She had placed a great deal of faith in her












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A. Match the words with their defi nitions.

1. decade ____ a. a decision that an event will not happen

2. ecosystem ____ b. the fact of treating everyone in the same way

3. fairness ____ c. a period of ten years

4. cancellation ____ d. a famous person

5. celebrity ____ e. a biological community of organisms and their physical environment

B. Complete each sentence with one of the words from the box.

calculate effi ciently abundant cautious candidate

deaf career deadly background abandon

1. The teacher spent many hours to ______________ the exam results as he forgot his computer at home.

2. Teaching ______________ children is a diffi cult job as their needs are quite different from ordinary ones.

3. Whether or not you work ______________ will be determined by looking at the number of customers you have contacted.

4. A typhoon that struck China over the weekend has forced one million people to ______________ their homes.

5. Starting your ______________ as an assistant director is a good idea unless your monthly payment is too low.

6. Some precautions must be taken to preserve our clean water resources as they are not as ______________ as before.

7. The ______________ virus had already killed over fi fteen million people before the government could do something about it.

8. A(n) ______________ for the job of teacher assistant should meet a certain criteria in terms of academic requirements.

9. Before presenting the main topic, you had better give the students some ______________ information.

10. It is necessary to act in a ______________ way if you are driving in a city that is not familiar to you.

C. Write the correct prepositions in the following sentences.

1. A study suggests that good health has a positive effect ______________ the productivity of the employees.

2. Hail damage ______________ roofi ng is a serious problem faced by most of the homeowners around the country.

3. A skunk’s smell is found to be capable ______________ repelling many animals, including some large predators.

4. Bats are able to hunt ______________ ease during the night because they have acute eyesight in the dark.

5. Millions of people died in Africa as a result of water related diseases ______________ the absence of clean drinking water.

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1. accent vurgu, sözcük vurgusu; şive, aksan

• He seems to have developed a slight American accent.

2. accommodation yatacak veya kalacak yer

• Accommodation is expensive in London.

3. accomplish başarmak, üstesinden gelmek =achieve

• If we all work together, we can accomplish our goal.

4. account yazılı veya sözlü rapor

• The woman gave the police a clear acount of what had happened.

göz önüne alma, düşünme• You should take into account what she did.

banka hesabı• My account is virtually empty.

5. accustom (to) bir şeye alıştırmak

• You have to accustom yourself to the cold weather in this region.

6. achievement başarma, başarı =accomplishment

• Reaching this agreement so quickly was a great achievement.

7. bankruptcy ifl as

• There were many banktrupcies in the country during the crisis.

8. base taban, temel, merkez, üs

• Gunfi re was heard at an army base close to the airport.

(on) dayandırmak, bir esas üzerine kurmak

• You should always base your arguments on facts.

9. basic ana, temel, başlıca

• The students will improve their basic skills of reading and writing.

10. chairman başkan, bir toplantıyı yöneten kişi

• I was the chairman of the committee which produced this report.

11. chaotic karmakarışık, düzensiz

• The city was in a chaotic state after the fl ood.

12. characteristic(of) özellik =feature, trait

• Genes determine the characteristics of every living thing.

• Windmills are a characteristic feature of the Netherlands.

13. charge ücret talep etmek

• The hospitals charge the patients even for an aspirin.

suçlama, suçlamak• You may still face criminal charges.• He charged the minister with lying about the


14. charity yardımseverlik, iyilik; hayır kurumu, yardım derneği

• He made substantial donations to charity.

15. chase kovalamak =pursue, kovalama, takip =pursuit

• I chased the thief down the street.• Police said the man was arrested after a car


16. chat sohbet, gevezelik; sohbet etmek • We sat in the corner and chatted about the

good old days.











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D. Underline the correct word in each sentence.

1. Once you’ve mastered the elderly / basic principles of driving a car, then you’ll be able to get a licence.

2. It would be wise to chat / check whether there are still available tickets for the concert at least one day before the performance day.

3. Getting proud of any success is easy, but admitting our defeat / charity is one of the most important virtues in life.

4. Although he has been singing for ten years, he gained most of his fame / chase with his last album released in 2011.

5. The number of people who are able to buy their own properties without getting a loan from a bank is embarrassing / declining.

6. It’s my own chill / fault to give him much responsibility than he can take on.

7. The teacher suggested electing / defi ning two class coordinators to be responsible for the organization of the classes throughout the semester.

8. Contrary to my expectations, my little son enthusiastically accounted / embraced all children in the kindergarten on the very fi rst day of the school.

9. Even in the 21st century, there are still countries in which freedom of chest / choice is out of question.

10. Recently I have been working on how to get away with the chaotic / chief situation in the offi ce with the lowest cost.

E. Complete the sentences with the help of the letters given.

1. In Norway, employers can d______________ tax from their employees’ wages before they receive them.

2. Social sciences cannot give d______________ answers to the moral problems, as they deal with human beings.

3. Since that f______________ day, she has cut off her relationship with almost everybody around her by isolating herself.

4. Once we a______________ much at work, our department will deserve a motivating reward in return for our efforts.

5. Nowadays, it has become f______________ to spend a part of summer holiday abroad.

6. In the military, it is absolutely illegal to f______________ a document and pass it as a classifi ed fi le.

7. In this game, the players are supposed to guess the correct word by only reading its d______________.

8. A great number of small companies had to face b______________ during the last economic crisis in Europe.

9. Organic f______________ includes a variety of methods and practices to improve soil fertility and the health of the ecosystems.

10. His ability to deal with the problematic people at work is his c______________ that differentiates him from the others in our school.

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1. gender cinsiyet =sex

• It is true that the two genders may have diff erent abilities and skills.

2. gene gen

• Genes control the physical characteristics, growth, and development of a living thing.

3. generalize genelleme yapmak

• You are always generalizing and you never deal with anything in detail.

4. generously cömert bir şekilde

• He was a good man who gave generously to the poor.

5. genius deha, olağanüstü yetenek; dahi

• Einstein was a genius.• She has a genius for dealing with people.

6. handout bildiri kağıdı; dağıtmak =distribute

• You are supposed to hand out the papers to everyone in the class.

7. harbour liman

• We stayed at a room with a balcony overlooking the harbour.

barındırmak, korumak, saklamak• Harbouring criminals is an off ence by law. • He harbours a secret wish to be a writer.

8. hardship güçlük, sıkıntı

• Many people were suff ering economic hardship during the war.

9. imaginary hayali, hayal ürünü

• I had an imaginary friend when I was a child.

10. imaginative yaratıcı, hayal gücü kuvvetli =inventive

• He was an imaginative writer.

11. imitate taklit etmek

• You should not imitate his way of talking.

12. immediate derhal, hemen

• These decisions may have an immediate eff ect.

13. immigrant göçmen

• The police do not show any tolerance to illegal immigrants.

14. immoral ahlaka aykırı

• Some people think that abortion is immoral.

15. immortal ölümsüz Xmortal

• In ancient Egypt, the pharaohs were considered gods and therefore immortal.

16. immunity bağışıklık

• Pet animals cannot develop immunity to certain bacteria.

muafi yet• The terrorist asked for immunity before he


17. impersonal kişisel olmayan, kişisel duyguları yansıtmayan

• He broke up with me with an impersonal e-mail and no explanations at all.

18. jewellery mücevher =jewels

• This necklace is my mother’s most valuable piece of jewelry.











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35. tear gözyaşı • Her eyes fi lled with tears.

yırtmak, koparmak• He took a small notebook from his pocket

and tore out a page.

36. tease kızdırmak, takılmak

• They teased her about being fat.

37. teenage (sadece isimlerden önce) 13-19 yaş arası

• Almost one in four teenage girls now smoke.

38. temple tapınak, mabet

• We visited a small Hindu temple. şakak

• The man was shot on the temple.

39. temporary geçici Xpermanent

• My job here is only temporary.• She suff ers from a temporary loss of memory.

40. tenant kiracı • The landlady complained about the previous

tenants of the fl at.

41. tend eğiliminde olmak, meyilli olmak

• Women tend to live longer than men.

42. tenderly şe atli ve sevgi dolu bir şekilde

• Mr White tenderly embraced his wife.

43. unconscious baygın, kendinde değil Xconscious

• By the time the ambulance arrived, he was unconscious.

44. variable değişken

• The weather in this region is quite variable.

45. varied çeşitli, çeşitlilik gösteren

• The work of an English teacher is interesting and varied.

46. variety değişiklik, çeşitlilik = diversity

• The island off ers such a wide variety of scenery and wildlife.

• People change their mind for a variety of reasons.

47. various çeşitli • I have decided to quit my job for various


48. warrior savaşçı • A samurai was a Japanese warrior who was a

member of the feudal military aristocracy.

49. waste boşa harcama; atık; boşa harcamak

• I think that is a total waste of money. • A lot of household waste can be recycled.• You should not waste the chance you have

been given.

50. wear giymek, takmak

• He was wearing a brown jacket.• I always wear contact lenses.

yıpratmak, aşındırmak; eskimek• Her shoes were worn down at the heels.











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D. Underline the correct word in each sentence.

1. Shopping has become much easier now with the help of various / receptive online shopping opportunities.

2. I will decide whether I can go on playing in the basketball team once my course schedule / school is announced.

3. I was trying to sleep in my bed last night when I heard a loud second / scream coming from the next block.

4. There have been a number of protests around the country since the government announced a 25% rise in the tears / taxes.

5. Our university is planning to organize a conference on Ottoman History and invite tenants / scholars from European universities.

6. The shoes you have liked are sold in varied / raw colour choices; you can buy red, green or yellow ones.

7. It is important to teach our employees that what we are looking for in their work is quality, not secrecy / quantity.

8. As conditions improved, the level of play was raised but neither side was able to score / tend in the fi rst half.

9. Spartacus was a true warrior / sculptor who wasn’t afraid of the authority and who could raise his voice against slavery.

10. Mothers should hug their babies tenderly / readily as their skin is very fragile in the fi rst days of their lives.

E. Complete the sentences with the help of the letters given.

1. Right now, my personal needs are of s______________ importance as I have to work for my family’s well-being.

2. I waited for half an hour in front of the door, as Judy couldn’t decide on what to w______________ for the party.

3. The fact that some people are not good at some things does not give you the right to t______________ them for their incapacities.

4. Julia is not a consistent student; her performance is v______________ according to the amount of positive feedback she gets and her mood.

5. The man lying on the ground was u______________ and it was obvious that the burglar had attacked him.

6. Our manager was very advanced s______________ and he was able to speak excellent English despite not being a native speaker.

7 You had better make a reservation for the restaurant, as it’s not possible to fi nd an empty s______________ in the last minute.

8. Once he reached puberty, John evolved into a r______________ from an obedient and calm child.

9. Being a r______________ person, I knew from the beginning that my offer for higher wages would most probably be declined.

10. Mary had had a lot of boyfriends in her t______________ years but John was the only one she really wanted to marry.

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11. Yesterday, I had to throw most of the fruit I had bought from the market as it was ----.

A) picked B) decayedC) slimmed D) attached E) processed

12. Mary decided to divorce her husband since he was extremely ---- and didn’t allow her to go out without him.

A) independent B) initialC) practical D) grateful E) jealous

13. I ---- a notice from the Telecom company saying that the Internet connection was blocked due to my debts and that I had to pay it within seven days.

A) spread B) informedC) confi rmed D) ensured E) received

14. The ---- in Singapore was a magnifi cent place where many people visit either to pray or to see its beauty.

A) temple B) complementC) existence D) trade E) transition

15. I am fed up with being ---- by my brother in front of others; I know he isn’t serious while saying that I am short but he sometimes gets on my nerves.

A) commented B) inheritedC) complicated D) teased E) imposed

16. My cat is so fragile that he can never eat ---- meat because it makes him sick and vomit.

A) refreshed B) infectiousC) favourite D) raw E) sharp

17. The designs of a fl ying object by Leonardo da Vinci centuries ago must have ---- the way to the modern helicopter we know today.

A) related B) competedC) employed D) paved E) emphasized

18. Some of the photographs that display Israeli soldiers dancing in the street were considered ---- and those involved were taken to military court.

A) immoral B) masteryC) judicial D) forceful E) poetic

19. As a teacher, I’d rather give the ---- of the new words myself than let my students look up into the dictionary because they may learn it wrong.

A) gift B) defi nitionC) appliance D) brand E) principal

20. Children are quite ---- for what they hear, so adults must be careful about the way they talk or make jokes to each other.

A) global B) receptiveC) permanent D) plain E) grateful

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1. Many people fear that the future generation may risk having some ---- due to some foods grown with hormones and artifi cial additives.

A) deliveries B) abnormalitiesC) measures D) remedies E) conclusions

2. I love the spring when the ---- of fl owers surround us and I wake up with the sun shining in the blue sky.

A) occasion B) dyeC) treasure D) cover E) scent

3. The man was ---- with stealing some goods from his neighbour’s house but released on bail last week.

A) clued B) refusedC) charged D) operated E) towed

4. I have recently bought a dress ---- in India and everyone thinks that it looks very authentic and refl ects the traditional style of the country.

A) encountered B) concealedC) manufactured D) simplifi ed E) instructed

5. Not knowing a foreign language is a rea ---- in our modern world as it delays a person to fi nd a proper job.

A) sorrow B) varietyC) process D) handicap E) conversation

6. The poor child hadn’t eaten anything for almost three days so it wasn’t surprising that he ----.

A) employed B) faintedC) enabled D) endured E) stored

7. Adam had no other ---- except giving his resignation when he was humiliated by the manager in front of others.

A) treaty B) blendC) indication D) instance E) choice

8. The manager decided to ---- a few items in the agenda, for discussing them at the meeting would be a waste of time.

A) eliminate B) improveC) perform D) compare E) breed

9. Seeing that her students do their homework ----, the teacher has decided to reward them with a bar of chocolate for each to express that she is happy to be with them.

A) permanently B) sociablyC) eagerly D) disorderly E) publicly

10. In Germany there is a special route on the ---- for the ones who ride bicycle and no pedestrian is allowed to pass it.

A) advancement B) soilC) globe D) extent E) pavement

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11. Having made a thorough ---- on the crime, the detective concluded that the murder was committed by the victim’s closest friend.

A) search B) attackC) combat D) option E) fuss

12. A judge is supposed to bear the quality of ---- so that no one can suffer from being blamed for something he hasn’t done at all.

A) potentiality B) device C) distribution D) fairness E) comfort

13. My mother used to have a superstition that leaving the blades of a pair of ---- apart would make two people have an argument at home.

A) budgets B) scissorsC) gloves D) footnotes E) strokes

14. I usually remind my son to have his ---- card with him when he goes out at night in case a policeman may want to see it.

A) institution B) activatorC) investment D) outcome E) identity

15. The ---- of our annual meeting with friends last week honestly made me very happy as I didn’t feel like going there and talking to anyone.

A) cancellation B) relaxationC) interview D) income E) leisure

16. Earning money must be a(n) ---- thing to achieve in life if it is compared to being a good man. A) steady B) sketchyC) secondary D) anxious E) submissive

17. Many nations started to send aid ---- after complaints that the world’s response to the devastating fl oods was inadequate.

A) longingly B) aggressivelyC) rapidly D) variably E) inferiorly

18. Scientists claim that they ---- a strange double earthquake which triggered the Tonga tsunami killing 192 people in September 2009.

A) observed B) copedC) consisted D) ruled E) exported

19. Although it is man who complains that the world has been going through hard times due to global warming and other climatic changes, it is still man who has devastated the balance of the world’s ----.

A) ecosystem B) draftC) description D) cruise E) attachment

20. Though Ahmet Ümit wrote Istanbul Hatırası only a few months ago, it has had many ---- so far as it is not only a detective story but also a history novel.

A) entertainments B) opportunitiesC) occasions D) editions E) summits

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1. Teachers at our school are not allowed to ---- the fi nal exam papers at home, so they have to stay at school until they are fi nished with them no matter how long it may take.

A) check B) sketch C) diminish D) conserve E) permit

2. Though he came from a small town to our school, Mark’s ---- in lessons in a short time amazed every one of us and we couldn’t help admiring him.

A) quotation B) discomfortC) exploration D) achievement E) course

3. Dogs tend to leave their ---- wherever they walk so that they can declare their territory for the other ones around.

A) mark B) consciousnessC) burial D) layer E) priority

4. Having washed them all afternoon, I put each ---- of my son’s socks neatly in the drawer despite knowing that none of them would be side by side after two days.

A) drop B) furC) pair D) issue E) room

5. Kevin has been asked to make the opening speech in the ceremony since everyone knows that he can talk in public ---- even if the topic is nothing so important.

A) enormously B) resistiblyC) predictably D) mysteriously E) effectively

6. Having ---- the thief for more than fi fteen minutes, the policeman managed to catch him in a deserted house where he rushed in to hide.

A) notifi ed B) resultedC) graded D) chased E) insured

7. Mummifi cation carried out in Ancient Egypt is something that all scientists are amazed at since no mummy has been completely ---- although thousands of years have been over.

A) decayed B) concealedC) drawn D) recycled E) consulted

8. Female administrators are largely thought to lack the ability of satisfactory ----; therefore, most employees say that they’d rather have a male manager at work.

A) length B) situationC) management D) investigation E) dispute

9. Having the adequate ---- in his factory,Mr Hansen thought he would be able to increase the products that year a lot more.

A) machinery B) conclusionC) failure D) combination E) reluctance

10. The student’s statement that she couldn’t carry out the tasks properly due to the problems in her family soon turned out to be ---- as her parents were very decent people trying to look after her with great care.

A) exposure B) counselC) probability D) amazement E) falsehood

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11. Although I can never imagine myself being a vegetarian, I can’t help feeling awful when I think of the cute faces of tiny ---- bleating happily on grasslands.

A) features B) monstersC) lambs D) metaphors E) concepts

12. If someone goes to bed later than eleven o’clock at night, his ---- die faster than usual, which may lead to early aging.

A) divisions B) cellsC) pressures D) concerns E) expressions

13. Although there had been many rumours about it, ---- was the main reason for the Jenkins’ divorce since the wife couldn’t stand being followed by a private detective hired by the husband.

A) anonymity B) likenessC) concept D) jealousy E) endurance

14. The ---- house in Kandilli almost immediately records how much the magnitude of an earthquake is whether it is in Istanbul or somewhere else.

A) observatory B) spectacleC) customary D) portrayal E) interaction

15. Samantha is in charge of ---- the articles to be published in the newspaper, so she tries to do her best to prevent even a spelling mistake in them.

A) revealing B) demandingC) counselling D) editing E) surviving

16. Leonardo da Vinci must have been a(n) ---- in that he created many works and invented a number of things that were beyond dream in his time.

A) condition B) foundationC) loyalty D) sincerity E) genius

17. Seeing that most people are cunning and try to cheat others, I love her ---- manners although some of my colleagues think that she is gullible.

A) naive B) conclusiveC) infl uential D) measurable E) primary

18. Although smoking is almost the worst ---- one could have, unfortunately, there are many young people who are addicted to it.

A) gratitude B) admittanceC) congestion D) habit E) confusion

19. I am completely against the manner that the manager ---- a subject although it concerns only a few people at work; if I were him, I would talk to those in person rather than blame us all.

A) broadens B) generalizesC) inspires D) interprets E) concentrates

20. There was a sour smell in the fridge; then, I realized that it was the ---- that I bought two weeks ago and forgot them there.

A) secissors B) pearsC) nutrients D) species E) grains

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1. Old people are ---- when taking an action while the young are usually impulsive and even reckless at the time of their acts.

A) emphatic B) inclusiveC) cautious D) complimentary E) descriptive

2. The government decided to send police forces to the scene where some ---- nearly caused a chaos in the town.

A) determination B) engagementC) impression D) shot E) rebels

3. When I looked at my ---- on my diploma, strangely enough, I could hardly recognize myself as I was so young and looked as if I were someone else.

A) adulthood B) imageC) demonstration D) goal E) incidence

4. The blue collared people that make up the ---- force of a country are very important as almost all the production there is carried out by them.

A) indifferent B) movableC) eventual D) labour E) memorial

5. The result of the election in the country was ---- a disaster since a racist party had been elected unlike what people had hoped.

A) absolutely B) ambitiouslyC) contentedly D) heavenly E) monotonously

6. The ---- of the students in the fi rst lesson on Monday was much better than the teacher had expected, possibly either because the topic was easier or it was the fi rst day of the week.

A) dialect B) contributionC) diary D) performance E) replacement

7. Compared to a city dweller, a(n) ---- usually knows how to be satisfi ed with what he has because he realizes that there won’t be more than available at the time.

A) neighbourhood B) minorityC) sibling D) minister E) peasant

8. The ---- situation of the leader due to his illness is thought to bring about some problems in the country, for choosing a new leader was the last thing the public wanted.

A) initiative B) essentialC) priceless D) fateful E) orderly

9. If someone eats meat in ---- amounts, he may suffer from muscle loss in time; therefore, a person should have a supplementary diet including not only protein but calcium as well.

A) diverse B) fertileC) fl uent D) comprehensive E) abundant

10. Although citizens are against it, income ---- is something that provides a great deal of revenue for the country.

A) cooperation B) companyC) difference D) determination E) tax

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11. The sky was ---- cloudy yesterday but it was still too hot to go out during daytime.

A) comfortably B) neutrallyC) partially D) timidly E) traditionally

12. Before the fi rst term started, all the teachers were called to school in order to make the yearly ---- of the coming academic year.

A) schedule B) honourC) ambition D) delivery E) motion

13. The government took all the measures to suppress the ---- atmosphere in the city, one of which was to declare a curfew.

A) attentive B) chaoticC) lesser D) confi dent E) responsive

14. Although everyone thinks that Michael is a very clever man, they don’t like the ---- manner he uses while he is talking.

A) sarcastic B) previousC) miraculous D) regrettable E) repetitive

15. Having heard a frightening ----, I suddenly woke up at the middle of the night, but soon I realized that my neighbours were watching a horror fi lm on DVD.

A) legend B) matterC) distribution D) scream E) rescue

16. Unfortunately, my son keeps forgetting to take the ---- which were prescribed by the doctor for his acne problem so I don’t think they will do any good.

A) tablets B) priorityC) option D) context E) exclusion

17. I heard in the news that the heat wave in the region is ---- and soon, it will turn into normal grades of the season.

A) determining B) balancingC) presenting D) exciting E) assisting

18. Please, do not cook the meat so long; you know I like it ---- but not raw.

A) rare B) strictC) probable D) gradual E) formal

19. ---- are known to carry a lot of microbes in their body and nails, so it is important a person avoid being in close contact even after its death. A) Pirates B) MetaphorsC) Rats D) Organisms E) Surgeons

20. As long as a person has his pet ---- regularly, he can take it anywhere abroad.

A) supported B) vaccinatedC) resented D) revealed E) required

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1. In order to ---- the economic growth, the government has to act decisively without showing any tolerance to tax evasion.

A) deliver B) interruptC) recognize D) maintain E) heal

2. By human nature, anyone feeling superior usually tries to ---- the other and wants him to comply with his wishes without questioning.

A) manipulate B) requireC) establish D) invest E) inhabit

3. During the company meeting, the ---- got so angry with a few members that he had a stroke and was taken to hospital.

A) monitor B) journalC) chairman D) judgement E) customs

4. As I would be ---- for two weeks on holiday, I asked my neighbour to water the fl owers in my house and give some food to my cat every two days.

A) aimless B) decisiveC) refi ned D) awful E) absent

5. I tried to do my best to tell her that I was just ----; however she said she felt humiliated at my joke and fell out with me.

A) confusing B) kiddingC) pretending D) considering E) allowing

6. I am planning to fl y to Germany fi fteen days later but whether I have been given visa or not is not ---- yet.

A) pessimistic B) defi niteC) continual D) predominant E) modest

7. ---- has been harder work than ever for the last few years because crops are not sold as much as they are worth.

A) Farming B) AssistanceC) Entertainment D) Organization E) Antiquity

8. Due to the economic crisis, that many people have had ---- and committed suicide has unfortunately become an ordinary thing to hear on the evening news.

A) bankruptcy B) reputationC) disloyalty D) advocate E) discount

9. Girls ---- their fathers in their childhood and always dream of getting married to someone like them.

A) determine B) shineC) outstand D) idolize E) enhance

10. Although I have been a teacher for many years, whenever I am ---- by an inspector on behalf of the Ministry of Education in the classroom, I feel tense and excited.

A) relied B) distinguishedC) observed D) reminded E) envied

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11. On all the British ---- is a picture of the Queen, which represents her dominance over this democratic country.

A) mysteries B) goalsC) additives D) stamps E) sorts

12. When somebody asked what his ---- was, Peter hesitated a moment and said he was unemployed for more than six months.

A) restoration B) occupationC) currency D) judgement E) intelligence

13. Betty’s operation went smoothly; however, the stitches caused ---- afterwards and she had to go under another operation in the same week.

A) situation B) preventionC) disbelief D) basis E) complication

14. It was my father who was going to provide ---- on my trip to Italy, but the man in the embassy wasn’t satisfi ed with this and rejected to give visa.

A) fi nance B) mercyC) existence D) discount E) competition

15. Smoking doesn’t only harm the ---- but impairs the veins and obstruct blood circulation in time.

A) lung B) infectionC) fear D) civilization E) pupil

16. ---- someone without saying anything is considered to be a rude behaviour in every society.

A) Differing B) SubjectingC) Existing D) Broadening E) Staring

17. The ---- in the pipes due to the dirt accumulated over time caused a big problem in the area in that water was off for more than a week.

A) mine B) brigadeC) congestion D) route E) recycling

18. There was a(n) ---- on the door in the middle of the night but neither my sister nor I dared to answer it as we weren’t expecting anybody at that time.

A) outcome B) aggressionC) disorder D) record E) knock

19. I am not against drinking, but what I disapprove is that when people drink too much and lose their self control, they start talking ---- and lose all their respectability.

A) applicably B) nonsenseC) inclusively D) natively E) massively

20. The teacher tried to ---- the children but she was too inexperienced to handle a class of fi fty students.

A) quieten B) interruptC) surround D) display E) achieve

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1. If he hadn’t ---- my warnings before, he wouldn’t have been sacked and be looking for a job now.

A) instructed B) attemptedC) consisted D) equalized E) ignored

2. I can see that my mother’s legs are really ---- since she hardly goes to sleep and moans almost all night.

A) timid B) painfulC) descriptive D) remote E) conscious

3. The ---- I saw had such colourful feathers that it just looked like a rainbow.

A) unity B) billC) sight D) parrot E) lizard

4. When working as a team, choosing the right ---- is very important since having constant disputes may spoil the entire task otherwise could be achieved.

A) necessity B) interactionC) formation D) partner E) consequence

5. When the new dress code regulation was voted in the company, only a few of us ---- our hands for objection; as a result, it was accepted by the majority.

A) experienced B) raisedC) threatened D) engaged E) related

6. Now that there is certain ---- implemented by the EU criteria for farmers to plant seeds, many of them have been in trouble gaining anything properly.

A) ration B) proofC) stamp D) survey E) petition

7. At the hotel I went for a wedding reception last night was a terrace where the ---- was gorgeous with the Bosphorus Bridge standing ahead.

A) circumstance B) sceneryC) recognition D) amazement E) concentration

8. With a patio in the front and tiny and the bay windows painted in red, the Paleons’ new house looks ---- compared to the old one.

A) global B) competitiveC) lengthy D) inferior E) scenic

9. I felt extremely sad when I accidently stepped on my cat’s ----; it must have hurt a lot.

A) tail B) bondC) feature D) nature E) wildness

10. Cemil İpekçi used to be a modest ---- before he became a famous designer known almost all over the world.

A) competition B) portrayalC) tailor D) expectancy E) sketch

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