vocab. powerpoint by: egypt harris 4 th pd. freshman english

Vocab. PowerPoint By: Egypt Harris 4 th pd. Freshman English

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Page 1: Vocab. PowerPoint By: Egypt Harris 4 th pd. Freshman English

Vocab. PowerPoint

By: Egypt Harris 4th pd. Freshman English

Page 2: Vocab. PowerPoint By: Egypt Harris 4 th pd. Freshman English


(n. pl.) ridiculous and unpredictable behavior or actions.Synonyms: pranks, shenanigansThe antics of the child in the store was hilarious.

Page 3: Vocab. PowerPoint By: Egypt Harris 4 th pd. Freshman English


(adj., part.) declared openly and without shame, acknowledgement

Synonyms: admitted, sworn Antonyms: unaknowledgement,

undisclosed Your avowed speech surprised me.

Page 4: Vocab. PowerPoint By: Egypt Harris 4 th pd. Freshman English


(v.) to exchange playful remarks, tease

My cousin and I banter all the time.

Page 5: Vocab. PowerPoint By: Egypt Harris 4 th pd. Freshman English


(adj., part.) giving freely, generous; plentiful, given abundantly

The woman cried for all the bountiful gifts we gave her.

Page 6: Vocab. PowerPoint By: Egypt Harris 4 th pd. Freshman English


(adj., part.) overcrowded, filled of occupied to excess.

My chest felt congested due to my cold.

Page 7: Vocab. PowerPoint By: Egypt Harris 4 th pd. Freshman English


(n.) harm or loss; injury, damage; a disadvantage; a cause of harm, injury, loss, or damage

Caleb was a detriment to his football team when he broke his arm.

Page 8: Vocab. PowerPoint By: Egypt Harris 4 th pd. Freshman English


(adj.) sturdy, not easily worn out or destroyed; lasting for a long time

Bricks are more durable for a house

Page 9: Vocab. PowerPoint By: Egypt Harris 4 th pd. Freshman English


(adj.) energetic, willing and able to start something new; showing boldness and imagination.

The little puppy is very enterprising.

Page 10: Vocab. PowerPoint By: Egypt Harris 4 th pd. Freshman English


(adj.) economical, avoiding waste and luxury; scanty, poor, meager

Synonyms: thrifty, skimpy Antonyms: wasteful, improvident, lavish,

extravagant My mom’s very frugal about our household


Page 11: Vocab. PowerPoint By: Egypt Harris 4 th pd. Freshman English


(adj., adv.) with extreme care or caution Synonyms: cautiously, warily,

circumspectly Antonyms: firmly, confidently, aggressively I gingerly put the baby in the crib.

Page 12: Vocab. PowerPoint By: Egypt Harris 4 th pd. Freshman English


(v.) to provide more than is needed or wanted, to feed or fill to the point of overstuffing.

I glutted the fish tank with food synonyms: flood, inundate, surplus, plethora Antonyms: shortage, scarcity, dearth, paucity.

Page 13: Vocab. PowerPoint By: Egypt Harris 4 th pd. Freshman English


(adj., adv.) in disguised state, under an assumed name or identity.

Antonyms: undisguised I went incognito after the big accident.

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(v.) to make valueless, take away all force or effect.

The bank invalidated my check. Synonyms: cancel, annul, disapprove,

discredit Antonyms: support, confirm, back up,


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(adj.) described in well-known stories; existing in old stories rather than in real life

Have you ever heard of the legendary bid foot?

Synonyms: mythical, fabulous, famous, celebrated.

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(v.) to cripple, disable, injure, mar, disfigure, mutilate.

She maimed me during the soccer game.

Page 17: Vocab. PowerPoint By: Egypt Harris 4 th pd. Freshman English


(v.) to make as small as possible, make the least of; to make smaller than before.

My mom minimized my allowance.

Page 18: Vocab. PowerPoint By: Egypt Harris 4 th pd. Freshman English


(adj.) slanting or sloping, not straightforward or direct.

My oblique turn caused a huge wreck.

Page 19: Vocab. PowerPoint By: Egypt Harris 4 th pd. Freshman English


(v.) to change direction of course suddenly, turn aside, shift, swerve.

I veered when I saw a dead thing in the middle of the rode.

Page 20: Vocab. PowerPoint By: Egypt Harris 4 th pd. Freshman English


(v.) to regard with reverence, to look look up to with great respect.

I venerate those who know what they want to do in life.

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(adj.) reckless, heartless, unjustified; loose in morals

(n.) a spoiled, pampered person, one with low morals

The wanton princess was getting on my nerves.